by Alfred Lambremont Webre, J.D., M.Ed.
Originally published June
2000, updated June 30, 2007
Exopolitics Journal 2:2 (July 2007)
ExopoliticsJournal Website
About the Author
Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd, is a graduate of Yale
University and Yale Law School with a Juris Doctor in
International Law. He is a former Senior Policy Analyst
at the Center for the Study of Social Policy at Stanford
Research Institute, where he directed a proposed 1977
Carter White House Extraterrestrial Communication Study.
He is an author, futurist,
lawyer, environmentalist and a space activist who
promotes an Exopolitics Initiative, and a ban on weapons
and warfare in space. Alfred Webre is presently
International Director of the Institute for Cooperation
in Space, and host of Exopolitics Radio, a public
affairs radio talk show in Phoenix, Arizona.
His principal websites

– In the late 1980s, I was asked
to meet with a Gallup family heir who wished to explore a
collaborative venture for a public opinion poll of
"transformational" attitudes worldwide. Before our meeting, I half
expected a dull, cautious businessman-bureaucrat. Instead, in
sauntered in a brilliant imagination, a bright intellect, with the
twinkle of cosmic change.
This Gallup seemed more like a utopian
resident of Sir
Francis Bacon’s
New Atlantis (some interpret Bacon’s
unfinished work as an allegory about Earth’s coming integration with
a larger Universe society), rather than the stereotypical captain of
corporate America. That meeting was my first expansive Gallup
A decade or so later, I once again encountered an expansive Gallup.
This time my encounter was not with a scion, but with a Gallup
public opinion poll. The subject matter of the poll related to my
research on Exopolitics, the study of politics, government, and law
in the Universe. I found the Gallup organization had compiled a
public opinion poll that illuminated key terrestrial dynamics of the
study of governmental structures and political processes in the
Yes, you read that sentence correctly. It did say "key terrestrial
dynamics of the study of governmental structures and political
processes in the Universe." Our terrestrial law of Space now ends at
the upper atmosphere, or at best at the Moon. Everything beyond
those near-earth orbits is, legally speaking, the Void. No living
entity or system of government or law is presumed to exist there.
Human law assumes that no supra-human
politics or regulation exists in outer or dimensional Space.
Exopolitics, as a discipline for understanding Universe society
through its politics and government, may turn our dominant view of
the Universe upside down and inside out. As exopolitics posits, the
truest conception of our human circumstance may be that we are on an
isolated planet in the midst of a populated, evolving, highly
organized inter-planetary, inter-galactic, multi-dimensional
Universe society.
From an exopolitical perspective, Earth only appears to be isolated
because we are in intentional quarantine, imposed by the technology
and justice of structured, rational Universe society. We may be
isolated from the rest of Universe society as the result of a
formal, Universe governmental and political process.
Are we as a planet on the verge of being re-integrated into Universe
That’s very likely. The signs are all around us. In fact,
as the Gallup organization polls suggests, contemporary human
attitudes about our populated Universe may themselves constitute one
of the main signs of our pending reintegration into Universe
As with other historical transformations of human society, politics
may be a key mechanism for navigating Earth’s integration into
Universe society. Politics is a process by which the interests of
individuals, groups, and institutions will mediate, compromise, and
create a collective future.
Politics, however, does not end at
Earth’s edge. Politics is a process that is universal. Earth’s
integration into Universe society is occurring as part of a
definable political process within Universe government.
That process is part of the discipline
we can term exopolitics.
Exopolitical Majority
Does the exopolitical version of our Universe reality sound vaguely
familiar to you?
Does it raise a tingle along the back of your neck?
Does it have the ring of truth?
Or do you react to it as flaky and
Well, you can compare your own attitudes about exopolitical reality in the results of a very significant public
opinion poll by, yes, the Gallup organization. This poll has
profound exopolitical implications. This Gallup poll is almost like
a "tracking poll" for extraterrestrial politics.
of our personal opinions about the reality of an extraterrestrial
presence on Earth now falls along a spectrum of public opinion that
has already been scientifically measured by the Gallup
organization. A 1996 Gallup poll showed that 72 percent of the
U.S. adult population believes there is some form of
extraterrestrial life.
Fully 45 percent of the adult population
believes the Earth is visited by extraterrestrial life.
polls show a majority of citizens continue to believe governments
are hiding information on UFOs and extraterrestrial life. A 2002
Roper Poll in the US indicated 68% believe “government does not tell
everything it knows about UFOs and extraterrestrial life.” A 2006
National Geographic Survey showed that 72% of the American
population would be “excited and hopeful” if life was found on other
By extension, we may assume that public opinion about
extraterrestrial visitation may be roughly the same in the other
regions of the planet. The proportion of world youth that likewise
believe extraterrestrials have visited Earth may be even higher than
the adult population. These polls, I am sure, will be measured in
the not too distant future, if they have not been measured already.
The 1996 Gallup poll showed that 45 percent of its adult population
believe that Extraterrestrial civilization has visited or visits
Earth. This increased to 48% in the 2002 Roper Poll. That is over
100 million adult humans in the United States.
Let’s explore the political dimensions of these findings.
hundred million adults is approximately the number of U.S. adults
who vote in a U.S. Presidential election!
The U.S. Federal Election
Commission reports that 96,277,634 persons voted in the 1996
Presidential general election and just over 110,000,000 voted in the
2000 election.
In 2004, the number of voters was 126 million.
We can assume that as a whole
these 100 million adults aren’t delusional, mind-controlled,
or brainwashed.
Our poll population can intuitively filter out those
extraterrestrial "visitations" which are staged secret psychological
warfare operations by human military-intelligence agencies.
The 2002
Roper Poll shows that 68 percent of U.S. adults believe the U.S.
government is covering up an extraterrestrial presence.

By the very premises of public opinion polls, these 100 million
extraterrestrial-sensitive humans are responding to something they
believe is true. Down deep in their intuition they hold that
extraterrestrials have visited Earth. Philosopher Immanuel Kant
would call this perfectly valid intuitive knowledge. In short, human
intuition is reality-oriented enough to filter out false propaganda
from Universe reality.
What are the implications of the finding that more adult U.S.
citizens believe extraterrestrials visit Earth than vote in a U.S.
Presidential election? Public opinion polls are prime tools in
terrestrial politics. Suppose a public opinion poll were to show
that 100 million U.S. adults were favor of a particular type of
health care or social security plan. You can safely bet that
governments and politicians (especially at election time!) would be
jumping to meet these poll-driven political demands.
By contrast, a valid public opinion poll showing that 100 million
U.S. adults believe there is an extraterrestrial presence is not
driving any political outcomes. No mainstream politicians have
defined extraterrestrial presence as a live political or public
policy issue. No sizable number of citizens of any terrestrial
nation are moved to call upon their local politicians or the
political process to connect with the extraterrestrial presence, or
study it, or even acknowledge it officially. Why is this anomaly
occurring in politics and government?
You could say that a major reason for the disconnection between
terrestrial politics and the extraterrestrial issue is cultural and
contextual. Our modern human culture has not yet placed these issues
– the extraterrestrial presence, terrestrial politics, and Universe
society – in the same context.
Our "mainstream" collective human
mind literally cannot now see how governments and politics might be
connected to an extraterrestrial initiative.
Paradigm Research Group (PRG) Update
From: Exopolitics
Date: 07/18/07 16:37:23
Subject: [exopolitics] PRG Update - July 17, 2007

of Paradigm Research Group |
X-PPAC and
Bassett in the Washington Post
PRG's political action committee, X-PPAC, and executive
director Stephen Bassett were featured in a front page
article written by William Booth in the Sunday, July 8,
2007 Washington Post. This article is significant for a
number of reasons:
1) nothing makes it
onto the front page of a major daily such as the
Washington Post without being cleared by the front
page editorial committee.
2) William Booth remarkably balanced the fun &
games, serious core issues and some fringe thinking
which made up the 60th Roswell Anniversary Festival.
Notably, he showed he has been paying attention to
exopolitical developments.
3) in PRG's view the article was a milestone for the
Post because it represented the first time the
- used the term
"truth embargo" in the ET context
- used the term "disclosure" in the ET context
- placed Bassett or X-PPAC on the front page
- put Richard Dolan into a front page article
- put Dr. Roger Leir into a front page article
- referred to the abduction issue on the front
Also of note, Booth
referred to sequestered ET technology, the black budget,
special access programs, implants, failure of the
mainstream media, the O'Hare Airport sighting, the
French CNES sighting reports release, Richard Dolan's
book UFOs and the National Security State, and much
Most important to PRG Booth brought up the "ET Ticket"
from an article recently published in UFO Magazine, Fate
Magazine, the American Chronicle and at the PRG website.
This article is part of a larger effort by PRG to bring
the ET issue into the ongoing (and endless) 2008
presidential campaign. See "Fox and Friends" below
Post Article at
Ticket" article at >>>
Fox News Picks up on
the "ET Ticket"
Two days prior to the Washington Post article, Bassett
was interviewed on Fox News' "Fox and Friends" morning
show. The "ET Ticket" was featured as per arrangement
with the producer. Consequently, a graphic was up during
the interview highlighting the point. PRG could not be
more pleased.
Fox & Friends Interview
11th Hour
Vacation Convention in the Yucatan
Stephen Bassett will be in attendance and a back-up
speaker at an unusual conference in Mayan Riviera,
Mexico, November 10-17. The event is seeking attendees
who are working as researchers, activists lectures and
leaders in various fields of alternative thinking to
come and interact in rotating, small groups with the
speakers. Bassett is slated to speak at the 2008
convention in Greece.
Conference Site
>>> |
But cultural context is not the whole cause. Public interest
research shows that a determined covert terrestrial network may be
attempting to "engineer" human attitudes toward the extraterrestrial
initiative, and in turn, toward Universe society. Two principal
tools of this attitude engineering are official secrecy about actual
extraterrestrial contact, and a raging information war against the
extraterrestrial presence.
These quasi-official, secret "black operations" networks appear to
be hosted largely in the anglophile countries of United States,
United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, and Canada (see
The UKUSA Agreement). Coincidentally,
these anti-extraterrestrial networks are in the countries that
manage "Echelon," a secret Internet surveillance operation.
The 1999 unofficial three-year
COMETA study formally suggested the
hypothesis of an extraterrestrial presence as viable based on the
evidence. The senior French scientists, along with former space and
Air Force officials, who completed the COMETA study may be taking
sides in the information war.
This information war is more recently
exemplified in the decision by France’s premiere Space Agency to
release all UFO information in 2007. Whether consciously or not,
functionally French scientists and military officials act as
informal diplomatic allies of Universe society. The French
government itself has sued the
Echelon countries for industrial
espionage in violation of the European Union. Thus there may be the
makings of a diplomatic divide in the global anti-Extraterrestrial
information war!
The anti-Extraterrestrial information war has been in place since
the early 1950s. This war has no terrestrial political sanction, has
not been approved by any constitutional body, and violates the norms
of international law. The illegal information war is, on analysis, a
principal exopolitical block to Earth’s fuller integration with
Universe society.
The Disclosure
Not surprisingly, a public disclosure movement is emerging in North
America and worldwide. Its focus is to force credible disclosure of
official contact, and to stop the information war against the
extraterrestrial presence. Disclosure movements have longstanding
political and constitutional roots in the U.S. and
Public interest groups have often used the political and
constitutional process to make public and stop secret
unconstitutional wars and programs.
Such was the case in the Watergate
cover-up, the Iran-Contra drug-weapons scheme, and the war in
Central America (which killed more than a million persons, with
questionable constitutional authorization).
Public disclosure of extraterrestrial contact and of the information
war is a nexus point where terrestrial politics and exopolitics
meet. To mix many metaphors, disclosure is "where the rubber meets
the road." Public disclosure is how exopolitics acquires "traction"
in human awareness and terrestrial politics.
Disclosure is the
procedural antecedent to full, sustained, institutional contact with
an extraterrestrial (and multidimensional) Universe society.
Televised public legislative hearings on extraterrestrial scientific
and public policy issues are a key strategic option for triggering
official disclosure. The political and mass-educational impacts of
an open, uncensored legislative hearing before a bipartisan,
gender-balanced panel of U.S. Congresspersons could be profound.
Televised legislative and educational panels in different regions of
the Earth could follow. France, Brazil and Japan are fruitful of
venues for public disclosure hearings that readily come to mind.
Hearings in these countries may be even more open than hearings in
the U.S., the prime venue of the information war. The U.S., with
only five percent of the world’s population, may be serving as
unwitting host for the brunt of the anti-extraterrestrial
information war.
Official legislative hearings can create a credible forum for
high-impact disclosure testimony and evidence. The prime function of
televised public disclosure is global public education about an
extraterrestrial presence. There are many concurrent disclosure
activities that could provide valuable testimony and evidence for
official hearings.
These include high-level French
participants in the three-year COMETA study, as well as witnesses in
Washington, D.C.-based CSETI’s
Disclosure Project (where I submitted
testimony on a proposed 1977 Carter White House extraterrestrial
communication study).
The "Alien" vs. Extraterrestrial Distinction
The information war is designed to sow confused, negative human
attitudes about extraterrestrial reality. Many "alien abductions"
may in reality be classic psychological warfare operations, and a
phenomenon of the information war.
Abduction experiences may be a
mixture of:
growth-oriented dimensional experiences of an
archetypal nature, as described by deceased Harvard Professor John
psychological operations by various sides in the
information war
MILAB or terrestrial military-intelligence
operations, mimicking "alien abductions" as part of the information
war (thus, many abductions may be "psy-war" phenomena of the
anti-extraterrestrial information war)
There is solid forensic and witness evidence of a specific
Extraterrestrial civilization’s human genetic-farming and
educational outreach (aka “Abduction”) programs, as well as of
time travel teleportation technology (originally meant to
solve humanity’s urgent environmental problems) apparently being
transferred by the same ETs to the U.S. Government, which has
misused it for military-political purposes.
From an exopolitical perspective, I use the term "extraterrestrial"
to refer to organized Universe society as it exists in interstellar
and multidimensional space. Extraterrestrial societies are the
participants in the exopolitical process. Exopolitics is a
fundamental organizing, mediating, social, and governmental process
in our interplanetary and interdimensional space. Exopolitics is how
a highly populated and regulated Universe governs itself.
Exopolitics is designed to elicit and illustrate basic principles
and dynamics of politics, government, and law in the Universe.
Towards a
Decade of Contact: A Vision
How can the human population get beyond the anti-extraterrestrial
conceptual traps our institutions and terrestrial leaders keep
constructing for us? One way is to build a new, participatory
exopolitical process whose purpose is to foment and structure
humankind’s preparedness to enter interplanetary society.
This participatory process is the Decade of Contact. As a society,
we can dedicate a ten-year period of human education and community
action around
Earth into Universe society. The Decade of Contact is both a process
and a public attitude. Extraterrestrial contact is our doorway into
re-integration with Universe society.
Extraterrestrial contact is an
interactive process, both with our fellow humans and with Universe
society itself. Just how many decades it will take to re-establish
working contact with the organized Universe seems to be partially in
our own hands.
The Decade of Contact is simple and straightforward. Any individual,
group, age group, institution, nation, or government can
participate. Participants in the Decade of Contact commit to
transform their lives, their institutional focus, and resources to
re-establishing integration with organized interplanetary society.
Rejoining Universe society is an
exopolitical process, and will happen only as political momentum
gathers at the personal, local, regional, and global levels. The
process of Universe integration may take time in lift-off, like a
space vehicle starting its long journey with slow lift-off from
Mobilizing the human species to integrate with Universe society will
take place in many concurrent ways. A key task is the gathering of
information, research, and scientific and educational resources
about Universe society. Our dominant terrestrial model of reality is
functionally a legacy from the Middle Ages. Our collective new
knowledge base must be assembled from an exopolitical context.
There are also important cultural components to the Decade of
Contact, as human awareness builds to a critical mass. These include
political movements, public events, concerts, music, art, and media
to celebrate Universe society. Our reunion with Universe society is
a ground of our basic human rights. The contact process transforms
our civilization from within, from a terrestrial culture to a
Universal one.
Transformation of human society will occur when we reach a
Universe-sensitive critical mass.
With approximately 45 percent of Earth’s
population now extraterrestrial-conscious, can critical mass be far