by Stephen Bassett
December 2, 2006
ParadigmClock Website
ex·o·pol·i·tics (pending)
Function: noun plural but singular or plural in
Etymology: From Greek exo, outside, from ex,
out of, and from Greek politika, from neuter
plural of politikos political.
1: the art or science of government as concerned with
guiding or influencing governmental policy toward
extraterrestrial phenomena and extraterrestrial beings.
2: exopolitical actions, practices, or policies.
3: the exopolitical opinions or sympathies of a person.
4: the total complex of relations between the human race
and non-human, intelligent beings.
Stephen Bassett is
a political activist, founder of the Paradigm Research
Group, Executive Director of the Extraterrestrial
Phenomena Political Action Committee (X-PPAC), author of
the Paradigm Clock website, and a political columnist
and commentator. You can reach him at:
Bethesda, MD USA
- In Alexandria, Virginia there is a
place called Gravelly Point Park. It's not much of a park, but quite
the place. It is known throughout the region because it sits a mere
1000 feet from the north end of runway 1/19 at Reagan National
Airport. Bicyclists pull off the Mount Vernon Trail and tourists
pull off the George Washington Parkway to watch the planes land and
take off - a longstanding pastime uninterrupted (remarkably) by
the events of September 11, 2001.
Landing planes fly over this grassy patch so low you can see the
tread on the tires. Wind direction permitting, planes taking off
will rattle the fillings in your teeth. During the day the park is
never empty. It's addictive.
This author has been there many times and remembers one perfectly
clear day during the summer of 1992. As the planes passed overhead
this thought came to mind: while the destination of the plane was
known, the Washington, DC metro area, the point of origin was not
known. Neither was it known how many people were on board, if any -
it could be remote controlled - nor their names, reasons for coming,
home towns, hopes and dreams. And depending upon the viewing angle,
it might not be possible to even know the airline.
With so much missing information one might be tempted to say, "What
we have here is an unidentified flying object, a UFO." But
that would be ridiculous, wouldn't it? What we had there was an
airplane almost certainly containing human beings coming to the
Washington, DC area for one reason or another.
Perhaps you see where this is going for the very next thought that
came to mind was this: during the five decades since 1942 millions
of people around the world had been seeing unusual objects moving in
the earth's atmosphere. Tens of thousands of reports had been filed.
The objects had been photographed, filmed, recorded on radar and
sighted by trained observers - sometimes all four at once.
They had
been seen in the air and stationary on the ground.
They had been
seen traveling and maneuvering at seemingly impossible fashion for
the historical period.
They had been seen by pilots off the wings
and cockpits of planes - fully formed metallic looking discs.
had been seen by Army, Air Force, Naval and Coast Guard personnel;
air traffic controllers, astronauts, police officers, amateur
astronomers, doctors, lawyers, political leaders and scientists.
Documents referring to these craft had been discovered in government
files, delivered anonymously to researchers and formally released by
government authorities without prompting - not just in the United
States, but in most first-world nations. Systematic investigations
had been conducted by civilian and government organizations over the
entire fifty years.
Nearly 10,000 books, papers, articles and
documentary films had been published specifically addressing this
phenomenon. Reports have poured into researchers (their numbers
would eventually swell to the tens of thousands) of direct contact
with beings, clearly not human, who could well be the occupants of
some of these craft.
When one of these "objects" would pass overhead or close track a
plane in flight the destination could properly be assumed to be the
planet Earth, but the point of origin was not known. It was also not
known whether the object contained humans, non-humans or no beings
at all (remote controlled). If containing beings, their names,
reasons for coming, hopes, dreams, etc. were also not known.
With so
much missing information it would be appropriate to call the
"object" an unidentified flying object - a UFO - wouldn't it?
No, it wouldn't. It would be appropriate to call it an alien or
extraterrestrial space craft, most likely piloted by non-human
beings, origin Earth, reasons for presence unknown. This was on this
author's mind in the summer of '92.
Paradigm Research Group was founded four years later, but it
was not until 2000 the implication of those thoughts in 1992 became
manifest. The implication was that the era of the "UFO" was over and
a new era had begun - the era of exopolitics.
The partitioning of history when dealing with large scale,
implicative trends is usually done in retrospect. There is no shame
in this, but there is often an arbitrary aspect to assigning the
time frames. That is done by consensus of historians, but being
early has its advantage. Here is the early line: the UFO era
ended and the exopolitical era began in late 1991 with
the dissolution of the Soviet Union into Russia and 14 other
post-soviet states.
The short answer as to "why this demarcation?" is this:
1) by 1991 the evidence which
had been gathered and analyzed establishing some sightings as
extraterrestrial craft was overwhelming. The researchers had
done their job in the face of great resistance by the state. The
verdict was in. (The government's refusal to accept this result
was irrelevant to this conclusion but entirely relevant to the
truth embargo and propaganda campaign waged by the government to
negate and subvert this conclusion.)
2) the end of the Cold War
removed the single most powerful restraint keeping military,
agency and civilian contractor insiders from revealing personal,
direct and indirect knowledge of events and evidence
corroborating the extraterrestrial hypothesis behind the
sightings. The gradual emergence of these insiders into the
public domain gave the disclosure process substance.
Understanding this transition is
critical for anyone wishing to impact impending events. Given that
"exopolitics" is not yet listed in any standard dictionary or
encyclopedia (it is listed in
Wiktionary, Webster's Open
Dictionary and
Wikipedia), it is not surprising
there is much misunderstanding over scope and usage. The primary
misconception is that "exopolitics" only deals with "galactic
diplomacy," how humans should politically engage theoretical or
asserted alien beings. Whatever the assertion of facts, this is but
one aspect of exopolitics. It is the icing for a cake which is still
in the oven.
Exopolitics covers all social and political implications of
the engagement of extraterrestrial-related phenomena by humans since
the phenomena were first recognized. This will likely be split into
two parts: the modern era beginning in the 1940's and the pre-modern
era going back to earliest recorded times. [The pre-modern era will
perhaps be subsumed under the broader umbrella of exohistory
- the study of non-terrestrial influences on human history.]
Thus, exopolitics includes the full history of the government truth
embargo (cover-up) and the national security structures created to
manage the research, the actions or lack thereof of the public and
institutions such as the press, Congress and academia, and most
importantly, the disclosure process itself.
It is a large field of study. It will fill scores of books and
documentaries and spawn PhD theses for centuries. In time it will be
subsumed into the larger field of political science. A student will
major in political science with an emphasis on exopolitics.
By comparison the phenomenological, scientific aspects of the
phenomena will be dispersed into departments such as exobiology,
cosmology, physics, astrophysics (already established) and yet to be
established fields such as exoarcheology, exomedicine
and exoscience (the study of the practice of science by
But the academic evolution of exopolitics is the lesser aspect of
our present concerns.
Formal disclosure will be a cosmic birthing of a new world view, and
the human race has now been in labor for 60 years without an
epidermal. |
The screaming can be heard from pole to pole and out to
the Kuiper Belt. A significant subject for exopolitical study is to
describe the state of the world at the moment of this birthing. What
is the condition of the planet and what is the disposition of the
species - the variety and depth to the spirituality, science,
politics, philosophy, psychology and mental capacity of Homo Sapiens
Sapiens - as formal self-disclosure unfolds?
The short answer is "not good." Many Durantian attempts will be made
to explain all this in multi-volume sets. Let's confine ourselves to
two perspectives with immediate implications.
By virtue of its military and economic power, its prevailing in the
Cold War and its success in building the vast superstructure of
secret operations this author has often referred to as the Secret
Empire, the United States still appears to have the final say as
to when and if formal disclosure takes place, and, if the decision
to proceed is made, play the lead role in what will surely be the
"greatest show on earth."
But what is the state of the nation as the actor prepares to take
the stage? So much has happened to the people and institutions of
the United States since the 1945 signing of surrender by Japan, one
hesitates to pick one trend and drag it out for close scrutiny, but
one trend begs for such treatment, cries out for explanation and
Immediately after World War II the United States was a major
economic, political and moral force for good in the world. The
American people had demonstrated an almost superhuman capacity to
manufacture, deliver and maintain a war machine never witnessed in
human history. The nation's post war treatment of the defeated
enemies was so extraordinarily generous in its intent, so effective
in its application, it eclipsed the horror of the nuclear bombings.
The American people were viewed as capable, caring, fearless,
generous, patriotic, family oriented, church going, honest and
optimistic. They were in love with their country, and trust in
government institutions was rock solid.
And then it all began to go wrong.
Beginning in late 1947 for
reasons well known and less well known the United States embarked on
the creation of what would become the Secret Empire - the
intelligence wing of a vast national security state complex
established for two reasons:
1) wining an ideological
cold war against international communism
2) understanding,
exploiting and secreting the material facts in evidence
confirming an extraterrestrial presence engaging the human
race and the planet Earth
As the Secret Empire grew in size and
scope it began to make alterations to the social contract, bending
it to the breaking point. |
The most serious alteration was to embrace
the concept of government in loco parentis - the government as
replacement parent for citizens now viewed as children of the state.
This view became a cancerous growth centered in the gut of the
Secret Empire which finally metastasized outward into every corner
of governance - a glioblastoma multiforme with tentacles reaching
into the FBI, ATF, DoJ, DOD, Office of the Executive, Congress, NIH,
FDA - only the judiciary remained largely untouched.
The Secret Empire had become larger than the Roman Empire with layer
upon layer of management in place before an elected official was
even in sight. It now consists of tens of billions of above black
(itemized) funding, tens of billions of black (not itemized)
funding, additional billions in below black (undisclosed) funding,
unknown amounts of rouge funding, millions of classified documents,
millions of classified personnel, thousands of classified programs,
hundreds of unacknowledged special access programs, huge above
ground facilities and equally vast underground facilities.
Within this cloistered megastructure developed a cult of secrecy and
unaccountability which placed those who run it above the law and
outside societal norms. The secrets of nuclear war, world control
mechanisms, extraterrestrial technology, alien beings and such were
so profound only the initiated members of the secret world could
even bear up under the knowledge. The average citizen would surely
go mad, or so it was thought by those holding the secrets.
The public has long sensed this process underway and manifests this
awareness by embracing phrases in the popular culture such as "you
can't handle the truth," "need to know basis," "don't ask, don't
tell," "if I told you that, I'd have to kill you," and many more.
They embrace fictional accounts of the process in books and movies
but are unable to marshal anything approaching an effective societal
protest to the process itself.
More significantly, the public's new status as children to be seen
and not heard by a parental state has resulted in unprecedented
drops in trust in all aspects of governance. Trust in the executive,
the Congress, the judiciary and the press is near historical lows.
Only 25% of citizens bother to vote. What does "government by
consent of the people' mean if the people are children and not of
age to give consent?
[It should be pointed out the social net (welfare programs)
promulgated by democrats and moderate republicans does dovetail into
this parental modality. But it arises from a separate ideological
source and does not present the same danger to the nation.]
The existence of a Secret Empire contained within a developing
national security state operating in loco parentis is now the
greatest threat to the preservation of the Constitutional Republic,
and the most important exopolitical issue now being considered is
whether or not the disclosure event (formal acknowledgment by world
governments of the extraterrestrial presence engaging the human
race), however achieved, has the power to change the status quo and
permit reform of the Secret Empire and reconstitution of the social
The era of the UFO which ended in 1991 was about "lights in the
sky." The era of exopolitics which followed is about "lies on the
ground." It is about the intersection between the phenomenology and
the politics of secrecy and control. When Bob Woodward published his
latest book, State of Denial, he confined the title's metaphor to
the Iraq war and concomitant events. If only he knew (or does he
know?) how much further this proffered status extends.
They shipped in people with every kind of background: clerks,
professors, classical musicians, tradesmen and lawyers along with
their spouses and children. No rank or station in life was exempt.
They packed them into the designated sector four, five six families
to an apartment or house. Outside commerce and services were
eliminated or rationed.
Guard towers were built, and where necessary
gated walls were constructed to complete sector integrity. The
residents inside would improvise, overcome, adapt or perish. It
mattered little to the overseers one way or the other. In time
sector life decayed as sanitation, health, resources, all the
customary necessities, eroded.
On occasion members of the controlled press would visit and inquire
about the sector's status. The commandant would escort them to
viewing ports atop the gated walls. Together they would look down
upon the unkempt residents as they slouched along in ragged clothes
with listless demeanor.
"Do you see what a mess these people are?"
the commandant reflected for the benefit of the press.
"That is why
we must keep them in this ghetto."
For many of the thousands of researchers and activists and
millions of interested public who engaged the phenomenology of
UFOs prior to 1991 the transition out of the UFO era has been
uncomfortable and unwelcome. |
Excerpted from 'Truth Embargo:
the Secret Empire and the Intellectual Ghettoization of UFOlogy'
by Stephen Bassett
There is considerable resistance to
the concept of exopolitics. One source of this resistance lies
with a significant component of the delineation between the two
While it is not possible to cover in this short article the full
range of issues defining this suggested bifurcation of history,
one point of comparison stands out: in the UFO era the ETH
(extraterrestrial hypothesis as explanation for the unexplained
5% of extraordinary sightings) was a theory under consideration.
In the era of exopolitics post 1991 the ETH is not a theory, it
is a given. It was proven by the work of hundreds of researchers
over a period of 44 years - an extraordinary accomplishment
under great hardship and against state policy.
Those who are unable to make the transition and accept the ETH
as fact, whatever the reason, are not comfortable confronting an
emerging group of academics, activists and researchers who do.
This circumstance is not unprecedented. All previous social and
scientific paradigm shifts have produced similar tensions.
It is also true that previous major shifts in world view have
often been opposed and interfered with by state and religious
institutions. The cosmic birthing process now underway is not
the exception.
As remarkable was the citizen-science-activism which confirmed
the ETH and revealed the extraterrestrial presence, equally
remarkable was the effort by the United States government to
impede, misdirect and undermine the citizen driven process of
From 1947 forward every resource available to the developing
military-intelligence complex was brought to bear on American
society to create an embargo on the most profound truth in human
history. The task must have seemed incomprehensible in the
beginning - prevent every major institution within one of the
most literate and open societies in history during a period of
exponential expansion of electronic communication and
multi-tiered media growth, from engaging an issue driven by
phenomena not under human control.
While extraterrestrial craft were being seen and photographed
around the world and extraterrestrial beings were interacting
with humans on every continent, the United States government was
able to prevent American academics, clerics, editors,
publishers, state and federal political leaders and foundation
board members from studying, teaching, covering, politically
engaging or funding the issue in an appropriate manner leading
to public understanding. It was and is a brilliant
accomplishment now approaching its sixtieth year.
The tools used
to control the extraterrestrial disclosure
process were forged in the fires within the Secret Empire which
burned most fiercely during the prosecution of the Cold War
(1947-1991). These same tools were also used in a wide range of
abuses of power, the impact of which on American policy and the
future of the nation can not yet be projected. But the outlines
of this impact are beginning to emerge, and the picture is not
The basic mechanisms of suppression are now well known:
misinformation, disinformation, subversion, intimidation, lies,
denial and misdirection. But these mechanisms were part of a
broader process of social manipulation which this author has
termed the "intellectual ghettoization of ufology."
The "ghettoization" of people and ideas by ruling authority has
a long history which was always unpleasant but always effective.
There is something fundamental within the human psyche which
makes people susceptible to this maneuver.
It is so simple. You direct intense ridicule at a selected
target (a person, a race, an idea, a religion) and begin a
process of isolation and separation. Then you associate more
people and/or ideas to the selected target creating a defined
and growing discredited grouping.
The isolation process requires a containment barrier. With
people you build a physical wall to encompass the group.
Whenever you need to add to the group you toss another person
over the wall.
With ideas you build walls in the mind. Such a wall is the
"ridicule curtain" built around the study of UFOs by the United
States government in the early 1950's. Once it was built every
person who touched the issue from that time forward was "tossed"
over the wall into the ghetto of ufology.
No one was spared.
Touch the subject of UFOs and
you are in the ghetto. The
money dries up, the job offers diminish, programs are cancelled,
medals are pinned elsewhere, college tenure is challenged,
spouses leave home, phone calls are not returned.
As the years passed without resolution the misery mounted. Many
good people spent their lives in pursuit of truths they would
not live to see acknowledged and shared. Many others "burned
out" and withdrew. Those who stayed on became increasingly
frustrated and frayed around the edges. Within the confines of
the ghetto they turned on each other. Everyone was suspect.
Anyone could be an operative.
Occasionally someone might attempt to break out and run for
mainstream daylight. If the stain of the ghetto was strong
enough, they might be ignored. Who will believe them? If not,
well, collateral damage is an integral part of modern rule. The
murders were few by historical standards.
With vision obscured by a wall of lies many lost sight of the
most important point - one which should be etched onto a plaque
and mounted over every door. The failure to resolve the
political impasse preventing the formal disclosure to the world
of the extraterrestrial presence is the fault of one entity -
the government of the United States - period. It's not the
researchers or activists one doesn't like. It's not the
character flaws so clearly seen in others but not in oneself.
It's the government, stupid. The one many didn't bother to vote
for because they were too disgusted or simply didn't care any
more. It is the government that acts on your behalf every day
whether you voted or not and can make your life a living hell
anytime it wants - if you let it.
The UFO era is over. It ended in 1991. The United States
government by intention or default is trying to extend the
intellectual ghettoization of the extraterrestrial issue well
into the second decade of the exopolitics era. This same
government also wishes to extend its tenure in loco parentis to
a nation of "children."
It is essential, it is critical the American people stand up and
assert their role as parent to a misbehaving government which
has lost its way. Those within ufology and exopolitics must
recognize the "ridicule curtain" is a wall in the mind only. It
can be torn down with an act of will.
Tear down the wall, leave the ghetto, stand up to the state and
demand the truth.
To sustain and expand a construct of such complexity over time
required a widely dispersed "carrier" - a kernel which could accrete
the layers of ridicule, propaganda and mendacity - and which, like
the spores of the dandelion, would attach itself to all who came in
close proximity and spread.
That kernel, that carrier was and
remains the acronym "UFO." It is the truth embargo's flag, the
"hook" upon which "the mainstream" can hang all who dare to
challenge the status quo.
Ultimately "UFO" has to go. Not simply because the "UFO Era" is
over, but because it no longer serves the truth process.
this acronym is entrenched in the culture. It is in the titles of
magazines, books, papers and a legion of websites.
It will take
time, and, of course, that is exactly what is desired by the keepers
of the ghetto. Nevertheless, the transition to a new lexicon within
the era of exopolitics must be advanced as quickly as possible by
those able and ready to do so.