Part II

by Eric Julien
21 April 2006
SaveLivesInMay Website
Eric’s research on nuclear weapons disrupting the space
time continuum is very important to acknowledge, and I
believe he was correct to connect this to the US plans
for a preemptive nuclear war in Iran. His argument that ETs fragmented the comet back in 1995 is something that
got my attention due to the underlying logic that any
political scientist would recognize - realpolitik at a
galactic level. So the possibility of a comet fragment
being aimed at Earth eleven years ago to teach the US a
lesson before it could launch a preemptive nuclear war
at this time is plausible from the perspective of
galactic realpolitik involving ETs with the ability to
manipulate Space Time. That was one of the reasons why I
initially supported Eric’s research.
Now Eric has gone out on a limb and said that there will
be a comet strike on May 25 and specified it hitting in
the Atlantic Ocean between the Tropic of Cancer and the
Equator, generating 200 meter tidal waves, etc. That’s
not something I support. I basically think he has
overreached himself in terms of correctly reading all
his data and has excluded other possibilities of how ETs
might respond. If the US does go ahead with a preemptive
nuclear strike against Iran, I would certainly argue
that there is very likely to be repercussions that
involve one or more ET groups. The ET response however
may happen in many ways and not necessarily a comet
So in conclusion while I don’t support Eric’s prediction
of a May 25 Comet impact, I do understand that his
support for this has reached a world wide audience and
that is waking many people up to how ETs might respond
to an aggressive US nuclear policy. That greater global
awareness may in the end put off indefinitely or stop
such plans for a preemptive nuclear strike which would
be good for all of us. I notice for example that a group
of distinguished physicists have released a petition
demanding the Bush stop plans for a preemptive nuclear
The nuclear ET connection is still the most important
part of Eric’s research in my view, and I hope that it
gets more attention than his comet prediction which does
unnecessarily alarm people in my view.
Michael Salla
Website |
This article follows upon the article
entitled "MAY
25, 2006 - the Day of Destiny". It brings new elements of
confirmation of the imminent cometary danger which threatens
humanity and describes the conditions of its advent around MAY 25,
The fear of ridicule is infinitely greater than fear of the death of
others. As much, I believed that my first article was going to cause
panic. It was even reproached to me. Not at all! Many are very
afraid, indeed, but only to pass for insane. I thus decided to
insist on points of detail to convince, to open the spirits with
this great probability of collision in order to save lives while it
is time!
The reception of the news was "massive" but dispersed in a broad
spectrum of opinions, energy of the aggressive and irrational
rejection to the most apathetic fate. But, throwing me in a great
state of sadness, I sometimes noted a total disinterest for the
human life, that which each one can still save by taking suitable
academies measurements. Was the tsunami from December 2004 in
Sumatra - hardly more than one year ago - forgotten? A small
reminder in images.
Will we await
this kind of scene to act and alert the population of the imminence
of a possible catastrophe?
It is necessary for us to keep firmly our feet on the Ground to
prepare us with the test. It is not a question of the end of the
world but of a decisive stage in our awakening with solidarity, and
why not with fraternity. The goal of my step being the safeguarding
of the life in a spirit of mutual aid, I come to share my
information and reflections, as any citizen of the world would do
it, free and responsible.
Beyond these personal considerations, let
us observe the facts attentively. Here first of all is what the
event will resemble about which we speak here.
Perhaps you think that your government
will take the necessary measures to evacuate the areas at the risks?
There exists very few countries having dared to evacuate a city or a
whole area, even after the warning of famous scientists. China, for
example, carried out an evacuation of 100,000 people in several
weeks because of a proven forecast of seismic events. It would take
several months to quietly organize the displacement of several
million people. We have only a few days, soon a few hours. No
government will never announce in advance the width of a catastrophe
if it is not able to face it. NONE!
Look at what occurred with the Hurricane Katrina and Louisiana...
The only realistic way to face a catastrophe of this magnitude - two
hundred meter high waves - is solidarity between the human beings by
spreading the information from one to the other, by giving simple
instructions like going up the highest possible elevation, leaving
further from the coasts... without forgetting familiar close
relations, his/her friends, neighbors and animals.
Harbingers will warn you imminent danger: animals fleeing, deafening
noises, abnormal winds, abnormally low tide and even certainly the
appearance of UFOs! But do not wait the last moment, you would risk
the mortal trap of the congestion. Benefit from a long weekend far
from the beach. By chance, MAY 25, 2006, is... Ascension Day!
A comet of
All started from a night contact during which I had an answer: MAY
25, 2006! I do not have the space here to develop the arguments
which are in favor of the existence of other realities of the
universe which man can reach, nor to convince each one that certain
psychic faculties are accessible with all with the proviso of
preparing themselves.
That would require to approach epistemological
and perceptive considerations in advanced physics, in particular at
the place of the theories of relativity of Einstein and quantum
physics, that very little understand in-depth.
Here a simple
explanatory diagram, by reducing, of the very new theory of
Relativity on which I worked, helped of my extratemporal friends.
The recognition of my work by physicists and mathematicians
authorizes this height of sight.

A bibliographical review of the proven
cases of extrasensory perceptions would resemble a long litany.
Remember, the police force, in some of its investigations, is not
encumbered scorn or wrongful intellectual frilosity when it calls
upon faculties of psychics to solve cases that seem to have no
solution. These men of law and order, which maintain this strange
partnership are interested only in the results, not to the specious
If the police force thus solves criminal enterprises at the point to
prevent other crimes, the proper authorities could as much
anticipate an announced global drama. It is what I request from the
decision makers interested in public safety and natural disasters in
their country. It is imperative to evacuate the populations
concerned sufficiently early, or at least to prepare them from a
logistic point of view.
I had predicted for example, in September 2003, the terrible
earthquake of 26 December 2003 that led to more than 40,000 deaths
in Bam... in Iran. I had indicated that a major catastrophe was
going to occur at the end of December 2003, at the beginning of
January 2004. The counterparts lasted three weeks! Another
earthquake took place later after a few days in Morocco. I had
evoked, in the same prediction, a connection with the Mediterranean.
This night meditation of April 7, 2006 thus led me to receive on
behalf of creatures which I earlier describe as extratemporals a
date - that of MAY 25, 2006 - dependent on an extremely lucid vision
of giant catastrophe of few three years earlier. I duly wrote about
this vision, like others to come, in a book published recently.
Then, having spoken about this communication in a French forum, I
learned that a fragmented comet,
73P/Schwassmann-Wachmann 3 (SW-3),
was to precisely pass very close to the Earth in May 2006, and that
25 this month precisely corresponded to the crossing, by the
fragmented comet, of the ecliptic plane on which the Earth revolves.
This surprising "coincidence", which the probability borders on a
chance on a few million to one, must be examined in detail. Let us
recall that the fragmentation of the SW-3 comet took place in 1995
under strange conditions and that only three fragments were first
Since this date the comet has carried out two elliptic revolutions
around the sun. Here is a comment by Philippe Morel of the
Astronomical Society:
"on June 6, 2006 it will enter again the very
restricted circle of the comets whose distance nearest to the Earth
will be less than 15 million kilometers. Accustomed passages to more
close to the Earth the comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 3 (SW-3) had
approached us with the Astronomical distance of 0.0617 Unit (UA) in
1930. "

There are 175 comets referred at short
period,[1] of which most famous is
Halley’s Comet. The above table
shows the closest passages of SW-3. The comet was discovered by
Arnold Schwassmann and Arno Arthur Wachmann in May 1930, one sees
indeed that its nearest passage was in 1930. But in May 2006, the
passage is closer, for the fragment S which will interest us, is
estimated at 0.0487 UA (7.3 million kilometers). It is true that the
majority of the fragments should pass on average to 0.065 UA, but it
is enough for ONLY ONE FRAGMENT to start a major event. What to say
to a restricted circle of comets of less than 8 million kilometers?
Only two passages to 0.03 UA for Halley (837 after JC), and 0.04 UA
for C/1132 T1 (1132) did better than the fragment S of SW-3! But
they were not fragmented, and thus not likely to deviate, by
gravitation, towards the Earth.
In May 2006, SW-3 will be not only among the rare comets that
closely approach the Earth, but also among comets having known the
greatest magnitude ever reached. It is the first time that a
fragmented comet crosses our path at such a short distance. It is
thus the first time in known history where such an event will take
place. The predictions of the astronomers are not thus founded on
any historical scientific precedent in the very precise case which
occupies us.
More and more, one evokes the probability of a rain of meteorites at
the end of May, at the beginning of June 2006. Curious... In 1930,
with the passage of SW-3, however much further than next mid-May,
and without the fragmentation which we know today, the Earth had 70
fragments per hour. They were small enough to burn up in the upper
There is a comet known to have fragmented and being transformed into
swarm of meteorites: 3d/Biela.[2] It was in 1852 that it was
observed for the last time. It separated in two visible fragments
for three months in 1846. The moment most favorable for its
observation was the year 1865 at a distance from 0.481 UA is TEN
TIMES FURTHER that the fragment S from SW-3!
In connection with 3d/Biela, one knows today that:
"in 1872, year corresponding to a
new return, a new swarm of meteorites, Andomédides, made its
appearance (3.000 meteorites per hour 27 November). Calculations
showed its affiliation with the Biela comet. The swarm
appeared again in 1885 (15.000 meteors/hour), in 1892 (6.000
meteors/hour), then in 1899 (150 meteors/hour).
"150, 3000, 6000 and even 15000 meteorites per hour! A starry
sky in full day! What to say about the meteors of SW-3 ten times
closer? Let us indicate that this SW-3 comet, of the family of
Jupiter comets, was the object of a great interest to the
international scientific community, in particular in December
1994 since it was among the rare objectives of the inspection
program of the ESA probe of the Rosetta mission. A series of
monthly photographs were produced until June 1995.
It was precisely on June 25 1995 that the
crop circle called
"Missing Earth" appeared at Longwood Warren in the County of
Hampshire in England. This crop circle, a gigantic view of the
interior solar system, to the belt of asteroids, was designed
without the Earth. Let us note, for the skeptics, that amateur
hoaxers had tried to reproduce an identical crop circle without

Knowing that the planets, as well as
comet on these drawings, turn in the reverse direction to needles of
a watch, this agroglyphe seems to refer to the position of the solar
system on MAY 14, 2006 at the time of the closest passage of the
SW-3 comet.

But what the creators of this crop
circle seem want to say is that this date precedes in fact the
actual date since Mars, whose orbit is the first visited by the
comet, is upstream of its position at the time of the impact which
the "Missing Earth” crop circle suggests.
After the appearance of the crop circle at the end of June 1995,
SW-3 was seen for the last time in its normal state by a Japanese
amateur astronomer on August 20, 1995.
[5] It is at the beginning of
September, two months only after the appearance of the crop circle
"Missing Earth” that SW-3 has taken an abrupt and violent turn,
precisely at the time it passes the ecliptic plane of the Earth. A
press release of January 1996[7] announced that the observatory of
Paris Meudon, using the radio telescope of Nancay, made a series of
measurements on the emission by comet of molecules of hydroxyl from
the 8 to September 12, 1995. The values were completely abnormal at
the time when SW-3 crossed our ecliptic plane.
In a round of almost 2.5 billion kilometers, it is in the vicinity
of the terrestrial orbit - in an interval representing less than 1%
of its trajectory - that SW-3 was broken, before illuminating the
sky and pointing out themselves...
Chance? This luminous start will reach a magnitude thousand times
higher than the normal in October 1995, after having passed by its
perihelion and to have sailed in parallel during several million
kilometers to the terrestrial orbit. For a comet to break apart at
the time of its closest passage to the Earth an explicit symbol?
Wouldn’t this be an exopolitical message of a great clarity?

Curiously, an Internet site tells us
"the comet was one of the targets of the
mission Contour
(Comet Nucleus Tour), scheduled for July 2002. The probe was to
leave in the direction of 3 comets (overflight of 2P/Encke in
November 2003, 73P/Schwassmann-Wachmann 3 in June 2006, and of
Arrest in August 2008) to analyze them and compare them.
Unfortunately, a technical failure caused the destruction of the
probe a little after its take-off ".
A technical failure?
Today nobody has a final explanation on this for why the
fragmentation of SW-3 occurred. The comet consists of ice, and the
sun vaporizes part of its surface at its approach at the perihelion
- nearest approach to the center of its revolution, i.e. sun - and
equips it with a tail with light. But for centuries SW-3 revolved
around the sun according to the same trajectory without
disintegrating! The heart of a comet remains basically rigid and
extremely cold. The only acceptable explanation, for the scientific
community, is thus the collision of SW-3 with a small asteroid. But
this explanation poses many problems. And it is an euphemism.
The mysterious comet is, at the moment of its passage, hundreds of
million kilometers from the belt of asteroids. What are the chances
of a collision between two small isolated objects, in the
interplanetary vacuum, without real any gravitational influence?
Almost zero! Imagine two billiard balls launched by chance on a
large table like the United States. They are more likely to collide
than SW-3 with an improbable vagrant. The idea will be posed that
there exists nearly 800 qualified objects of Potentially Hazardous
Asteroids. But the chances of such a collision in a given segment -
that which is shown in red in the diagram above - are very close to
But let us suppose that such a collision took place by chance, how
to explain such a magnitude for so "a small" object? One needed a
colossal energy to deploy a value thousand times higher than the
normal. Of course, fragmentation, in itself is extremely rare,
temporarily supported a greater luminous magnitude with the approach
of the sun, but certainly not in the evoked values. The press
release of the European Space Agency
[8] in January 1996 is clear:
"Only some rare comets made the
experiment of an increase in so large and unexpected luminosity.
At the time of this event, SW-3 just came to pass its perihelion
after having crossed the terrestrial orbit in its trajectory of
distance. The distance separating it from the Earth was close to
200 million kilometers ".
If this fragmentation were only due to
the sun we would have, among 175 existing comets, a majority of them
in a normal state of fragmentation. They would thus not live
centuries, and even millennia. However, fragmented comets are very
rare. The fragmentation of SW-3 "was thus facilitated" in an
artificial way, just like it was probably the case of 3d/Biela
having known exactly the same conditions of destruction near the
terrestrial orbit.
3d/Biela was probably destroyed because it represented a danger in
the future. It was potentially to have its nearest passage in
December 1905 (0.0616 UA). This possible collision would have come
much too early in our history, in particular in the history of the
atomic weapon, at the moment when we had not made a decisive choice
yet. It was probably about a work of celestial cleaning made by our
extraterrestrial "gardeners" present, then, since glosses at our
sides, contrary to extraterrestrials of the new UFO era begun in
Was the activity of the sun exceptional in the phase of the
perihelion to produce or support this bursting of SW-3? No, on the
contrary! It was during the most stable time and without major solar
flare activity, at the end of the eleven years cycle started in 1986
and finishing in 1996. It is in the medium of the cycles that the
solar flares are most intense, as shows it below the graph in
various wavelengths. Contrary to the generally accepted ideas, the
enigma is thus far from being commonplace. It is an unquestionable

This cometary fragment, for me and in
accordance with my communications with it, was caused by an advanced
intelligence having a perfect knowledge of the celestial mechanics
and travel in time. This intelligence literally fragmented the
comet, by heating its heart artificially, and after having been
informed of a very probable future, namely the accession with
current political leaders, and advisers.
Extraterrestrials have the capacity to go and come in time when they
reach the temporal high densities. I explain the principle of
fractal time in my first book. This faculty is also shared by the
authentic psychics, like each one among us at the time of the
premonitory dreams. The current political leaders are preparing for
a massive use of nuclear weapons against which these intelligences
are opposed for their own safety reasons.
In the temporal high densities, occupied by the extraterrestrial
ones, atomic weapons produce devastating effects up to hundreds of
light-years. The energy which is propagated in our material world,
at the time of a thermonuclear explosion, comes from a space time to
which the macroscopic universe in which we live does not have
normally access.
And since we have just spoken about the sun, we should know about an
emerging scientific battle that rages to determine the true nature
of the solar activity which one hitherto thought was thermonuclear.
For reasons that are incomprehensible, the temperature of the solar
corona is much higher - 2 million degrees - than the temperature of
surface - 6000 Kelvin's degrees. However, the theory should be that
the heart of the star which is extremely hot by gravitational
compression, generating a nuclear fusion. But we do not have any
formal and direct proof of it. We have even strong indices of the
opposite. Why speak about the nature of the sun whereas we are
worried by a huge tsunami on Earth predicted to occur next May 25?
If there are no thermonuclear explosions in the sun then our own
atomic tests, spread out over fifty years, had and will have a
considerable incidence on the other space times of the universe, in
other realities of the worlds. Then imagine the systematic use of
nuclear weapons in the war that certain governments are now
The extratemporals are our neighbors, not of space,
but of the space
time. It is perhaps complex to understand but it is a reality that
the best physicists of this small and fragile blue planet will not
be so easily rejected. They know on the end of their fingers the
theoretical limits of the current scientific models. Now, we are not
any more in the theoretical world but in the real world.
It is absolutely no question here of cultural, nor of political
choice in favour. It is a question of a planetary civilization,
ours, in contradiction with the principles of non-interference with
respect to other worlds. It is not them which interfere while coming
to see us, but we who interfere by materializing them, by means of
the nuclear tests in particular, in our physical world!
I hear here and there that
the "Galactic Confederation" would never
authorize an aggression of extraterrestrials against the Earth,
nor... a direct intervention of our extraterrestrial allies in the
name of a non-intervention engraved in the marble of the evolution.
What a anthropocentric vision! But is there not a major paradox? We
are, I am afraid, the invaders of advanced stellar civilizations,
but also of purely spiritual worlds. While exploding the atomic
weapons, we cause a temporal hurricane which the eye could swallow
the world of the souls. If we launch nuclear bombs, they will launch
Indeed, the Sky is inhabited infinitely more than the Earth. We will
understand it ourselves once we are there! Perhaps we would make the
same thing. It is not a war between extraterrestrials and human, but
between ExtraTemporels and Materialized Consciences, even
materialists. Perhaps our own beloved deceased are, where they are,
favorable to this brutal answer. 90% of the population of this
planet believe in the existence of a life after death. But even 1%
do not know what it resembles. I believe it useful that we engrave
this in our memory.
How will the
fragmented comet SW-3 behave?
Here a table of figures which I carried out on the basis of
simulation of trajectories and positions accessible on Internet site
from Near Earth Objects Program. One finds there primarily
information of distances and dates. The lines in
red indicate the
four "groups" of fragments.

On the date of May 14, 2006, we should
see the configuration indicated below. The figures which follow are
a reconstitution which I realized by systematic pointing to
synthesize the relative positions of the fragments.

What do we see which is remarkable?
Three essential elements appear clearly for our comprehension of the
stake. What is initially striking is the existence of three
different cometary trajectories. Then, we see four "groups" of
objects: With, Y, B-X and S. At last, the distances between "groups
of fragments" are very long. For example, 25 million kilometers
separate fragment A from fragment S. It should be indicated that at
the date of April 18 a twenty-second fragment appeared, fragment Z.
It is not mentioned here but belongs to the group of B - X. In the
same way, on April 19, thirteen other fragments, noted AA to AM,
made their appearance while resulting from this same B-X group.
I call the fragments A, Y and S "groups of fragments" for two
reasons. Initially because we are unaware of the existence of
unobservable fragments too small around these principal fragments.
Then because while approaching the Earth, these fragments A, Y and S
doubtless will split themselves up.
Indeed, the heat of the sun will act on the comet as an ice floe
which melts slowly in water glass. It will split up early or late.
Nevertheless, the year 2006 is one particularly calm period for
solar activity since we are in the medium of the eleven years cycle.
The strong solar flares will be non-existent. Vaporization will
remain relatively slow. On another side, smaller, unobservable
fragments for the moment, will also be able to last until the
perihelion of comet being well after the Earth. Except if, of
course, one of them runs up against our planet.
It is precisely the scenario of my vision. Donald Yeomans,
Head of Near Earth Objects Program with NASA, affirmed
in an interview March 24, 2006: [9]
“This is a rare opportunity to watch a comet in its death
throes—from very close range. There’s no danger of a collision.
Goodness, no. The closest fragment will be about six million miles
away--or twenty-five times farther than the Moon."
However, at the time even where this interview was given, the
fragment S was observed on March 24, 2006 with the Mount Lemmon
Survey. It is estimated to pass at 7.3 million kilometers as the
table shows above, and not 10 million kilometers as announced
everywhere. It is probable that at the time of writing this article,
other fragments are estimated at a weaker distance still. If it is
not already done, it will be soon the case.
The problem is that we discover the fragments of smaller size only
at the last minute under the terms of a principle easy to
understand. The luminous magnitude of an object increases as it
approaches us. Thus, the smallest objects, hitherto invisible, are
observed only a few days, even a few hours before they cross us our
path. Often, moreover, they enter our atmosphere. But they are too
small and disintegrate in high altitude. It is the principle that
applies to meteor showers.
In the case which interests us we deal with a comet. It is a fast
object, thus having a great energy. We see in the table of NASA
below that relative speeds of approach are about 15 kilometers a
second for SW-3 (73P/Schwassmann-Wachmann 3). If the fragment is
sufficiently large, its inertia will be large important and the
terrestrial attraction will have only one weak influence, in
particular if it is far as it is the case of the group B-X. On the
other hand, if it is rather small, Earth will attract it towards it.
It is the case of the vision that I had. By observing the table of
the closest objects attentively - visible table on the site of
NASA[10] - we see the already last objects - in the first table the
objects move away from us - and to come - in the second table the
objects approach us. The asteroids 2006 HG and 2006 GB1 of the
second table for example, of an approximate size of 50 meters, are
announced only little time before crossing. The more one moves
further into the future (second table), the more the objects are
large, with some rare exceptions. But these two objects HG and
have only one speed from approximately 5 km/s. No danger.
In the same way, it is not astonishing to see in the recent past
(first table) much smaller objects (2006 GU2, EY, FH, GC). But that
does not mean however that we saw all the objects having crossed
very close the Earth! This is why the astronomers often announce
dangerous crossings afterwards!

The size of the fragments of the
73P/SW-3 comet is not reported to us. But no fragment of less than
fifty meters will be seen before May 15, even on May 20.
What to say
of an object 20 meters in diameter, of a weight of 15 tons launched
to 54,000 kilometers/hour (15 km/s)?
What to say if this object is
accelerated by terrestrial gravity under the terms of an almost
parallel trajectory of a million kilometers?
Could it reach 40 km/s,
as I indicated in my first article, and to have the power of a few
hundred of atomic bombs to shake the mid-Atlantic rift?

We immediately see in the figure above
that it is not at all about a "string of pearls" as announced here
and there. With the origin, in 1995, the astronomers saw four
fragments then three (A, B, C), the fourth having been vaporized
and/or made invisible by its size. Taking into account the distance
separating the groups between them we let us deduce an "abnormal"
activity from it. Indeed, the three fragments of origin (A, B, C)
are in front of, on the trajectory of fragment A.
Something thus
slowed down the fragment S, either in a small explosion having moved
away in opposite direction Y and S, or by a voluntary braking. In
both cases, there is no reason so that there are not other fragments
around, and especially behind S.
We see that the fragment S is an extremely serious candidate for a
collision with the Earth. If it is not the fragment S, it can be a
fragment, still unobservable, being in the back of this one. Let us
observe the alignment of the "string of pearls". The plan of the
ecliptic is represented below by a straight line green.

In the two following diagrams we
visualize the trajectory that the fragment S, or another resulting
from S, can borrow. Seen from top (first appears below) the
trajectory of collision is registered perfectly between the

In the same way, taking into account the
variations of distance in height in a sight "of profile", it is not
improbable that a fragment moves towards the Earth on a trajectory
"parallel" with the others (see below).
The angular difference
between the blue and orange slopes is only of 5°, identical to the
difference between the trajectories "known" after the ecliptic plane
(represented here by a green straight line).
In other words, there
is, there too, no heresy to consider the deviation of a fragment
towards the Earth, the more so as the solar wind, matter made up of
billions of particles, appreciably drives the smallest fragments
towards our planet, as a balloon in a morning breeze.

Can I point out that I was unaware of
the existence of the comet when I received the date of MAY 25, 2006
for the realization of my vision of a catastrophe in the Atlantic?
It is important to take some precautions on the assumption that some
would affirm that it was obvious that such an event was to occur. It
is thanks to extraterrestrials that I learned much on the man
Actually, in spite of appearances, the OBJECTIVE chances of a
catastrophe are statistically very few. This is why, when that
arrives, the reasons of this one, the intervention of
extraterrestrial for reason of nuclear weapons, will remain engraved
in the memory of the people because such an intervention is
To be complete on the question, we must present an alternative to
the scenario which I presented. You will find below the relative
trajectories (sight of top and profile) of three groups of objects
for the dates of 1st, 5, 15, and 25 MAY 2006. These three groups are
the group of the B-X fragments, S and the asteroid 2006 GY2 about
which I spoke earlier. At the three dates indicated taken
independently, there is no risk, as indicated clearly in the
On left the sights of top are, on the right the sights of
profile. The asteroid 2006 GY2 is itself a potential danger with its
closest point to the Earth of 0.0171 UA (MAY 16, 2006), a diameter
from 500 to 1000 meters and a speed of relative approach compared to
the Earth of 20 km/s.
But the true danger is perhaps indirect.
Indeed, this asteroid 2006 GY2 will pass in the middle of the group
of SW-3B-X fragments which forms in fact a swarm much larger than on
the figures (see the figures of the preceding pages).
This danger
comes at the same time from its convergent trajectory at the worst
moment (closest point of the asteroid), of its one kilometer broad
size and its relative speed of 5 km/s (20 km/s (asteroid) less 15
km/s (comet)) representing 18000 kilometers per hour, eighteen times
the speed of sound.
This speed of approach constitutes a very great
danger to the Earth because the struck fragments would be not only
deviated towards the Earth, but, would have moreover acquired an
increased speed of collision, increasing terribly the power of a
striking object.

SW-3B represents here a group of 40
The proof by the crop
The majority of people take crop circles as weak material proof. I
will show why the crop circles presented are decisive confirmations
of the vision of catastrophe which I had for MAY 25, 2006. Once
again, it is not at all about the end of the world but of a major
First of all, I suggest that those which doubt the importance of the
crop circles read "the Science of Extraterrestrials"[11] where their
creation is explained simply. The figures below gives the general
principle of it by showing the effect of the field of greater
temporal density of a luminous vessel on corn ears. Without entering
here in detail, this field humidifies ears, ionizes them, contracts
them and attracts them in a powerful magnetic field to make them
fall on the ground and thus form figures in cereals.
Do the extraterrestrials really know the
future? They are really the creators of crop circles. An article
written by Andy Thomas describes the creation of a circle of culture
in 1994 indicated by the simple name "galaxy".[12]

A thorough study of the galactic
configuration of this crop circle by Jack Sullivan, an amateur
astronomer, gives without any possible doubt a date in the future:
April 6/7, 2000!
What did it occur in the night from the 6 to April 7, 2000? One of
the biggest solar flares of the century, threatening satellite
communications, says Andy Thomas.[13] How a crop circle can predict
with such a precision a celestial event of this nature if it is not
by obtaining this information from the future?
Absolute Relativity
makes it possible to consider this exploit without difficulty by
redefining the time nature and the reigns of the evolution.

Does this crop circle "galaxy" point out
the sun activity? Andy Thomas evokes the work of Maurice Cotterell
establishing the bond between the emergence and the fall of
civilizations, solar radiations and the cycles of the sun. But he is
not the only one.
Jean-Pierre Garnier Malet,[14] doctor in physics,
also showed the relevance of this bond, in particular for
2012, by
making profitable the message crop circle below. It drew some the
revolutionary conclusions for science, in perfect adequacy with the
fruit of my scientific papers according to my communications with
the extraterrestrials.
On the basis of the crop circle below...

It deduced the doubling theory inducing
the existence of an accelerated time...
It thus comes to give a considerable
weight to the idea of fractal time at the base even of the
technology of extraterrestrial as I presented it in “The Science of
It gives key elements to understand how
extraterrestrials exceed easily the speed of the light. The diagram
below shows the overlapping temporal bubbles like Russian dolls
around a vessel, showing us his absolutely incredible behavior and
yet of a logical simplicity.

We see that the interpretation of the
crop circles is an exercise for the expert. There are other examples
where individuals, at the centre even of the scientific community,
made profitable the messages of crop circles to lead to incredible
conceptual innovations. I do not have the place for a treatise on
the authentic circles of culture (of extraterrestrial origin) and
their direct and major contribution to science.
Both crop circles related to MAY 25, 2006 lead me to briefly present
the theory of the anomaly. This theory is that which governs the
effective mode of communication of extraterrestrials in the corn
fields. It calls upon our higher degree of intelligence through a
language of symbolism and coded meaning.
This is why the crop circles are not translatable by everyone but by
intellectually advanced human beings in the qualitative sense. There
is only one group of individuals on Earth able to interpret the crop
circles correctly. One could even say that for each message exists
only one receiver whose field of research corresponds precisely to
the message. Thus, not only are true crop circles are distinguished
from the hoaxes by their many and abnormal physical characteristics,
but also because of their rigorously directed significance.
are three levels of evolution for intelligence.
The causal intelligence is that of the average person who
establishes relations of cause for purpose between the phenomena. It
is the role of current science through, in particular, the
The intelligence of the meaning is that of the
intuition where bonds
of significance are established between situations and clues
apparently without relation. The evolved intelligence, that of
extraterrestrial, is symbolic and subtle because it speaks by images
and association of ideas.
The creative intelligence is the highest stage. It supplants any
causal relation, subtle or not, by psychically creating any
situation. It is the divine level of perfect visualization, that of
the pure art.
The communication of extraterrestrials with the men through
circles implies an objective and a particular language from them.
The extraterrestrials are advanced intelligences expressing
themselves in an elaborate language. They know our technical and
scientific level. They thus do not find it beneficial to simply show
us what we can check for ourselves, as the exact date of any
planetary configuration. It is not a question of monkeys awaiting a
reward after having carried out an imitation of our knowledge. That
does not literally make any sense. They do not need to show the
superiority of their intelligence. Their technology is, in this
respect, a sufficiently invidious message for the man.
On the other hand, they may find it beneficial to voluntarily add a
“mistake” so that we can ask the right questions. It is even the
principle of the relevant communication: to draw the attention, and
to transmit a message of reflection. Like known as Small Prince of
Saint-Exupéry, "the rose has importance only when we look after it".
In the case of the "Missing Earth", not only is the Earth missing
but it is for a precise reason. Not because it would be in several
different places according to the years having identical
configurations - everyone knows that the interior planets are fast
and often find similar positions - but because we are supposed to
ask: "where did the Earth pass? ". And overall: "why did it
disappear? "

Thus, the date of May 14, 2006 is
perfect because, in the image of the Earth which meets comet for the
configuration suggested, the "mistake" of the position of
suggests that the event the extraterrestrials want to tell us is
AFTER MAY 14, 2006. For this reason Mars, in this crop circle, is
slightly beyond the real position of MAY 14, 2006 (NASA simulation),
date of the comet approach at the closest point from Earth, of which
each one could think that it is favorable with a collision.
Why choose Mars rather than another planet? Because it is Mars which
SW-3 initially "will see". Mars thus indicates from where the danger
will come corresponding to the "Missing Earth".
In the same way, the crop circle of 1995 pointing to September 6,
2003 shows an "anomaly": the intruder close to Venus. The question
that the allied extraterrestrials ask us is:
"you recognized
September 6, 2003 (observe what will occur on this date), but did
you understand the reason of this particular point on the trajectory
of the Earth in connection with September 6, 2006?”
The answer is
that the question of the World Referendum, that I received on
September 6, 2003, is related to the collision of comet. It tries to
prevent it. It is thus necessary to read again the message of
benevolent extraterrestrials, "Do you Wish Us to Show Up?"
are some extracts:
Peace and reunification of your peoples would be a first step toward
the harmony with civilizations other than yours….
This message would be of no interest if these manipulators’ tutorate
did not reach its peak and if their misleading and murderous plans
did not materialize in a few years from now. Their deadlines are
close and mankind will undergo unprecedented torments for the next
ten cycles. ...
We can offer you a more holistic vision of the universe and of life,
constructive interactions, the experience of fair and fraternal
relationships, liberating technical knowledge, eradication of
suffering, controlled exercise of individual powers, the access to
new forms of energy and, finally, a better comprehension of
consciousness. ...
The danger would move away from your residences because you would
indirectly force the undesirable ones, those which we call the third
part, to show themselves and disappear. You would bear the same name
and would have the same roots: Humanity! ...
Translate and spread this message widely.
This action will affect
your future in an irreversible and historical way at the scale of milleniums, otherwise, it will postpone a new opportunity to choose
to several years later, at least one generation, if it can survive.
Not choosing, stands for undergoing other people’s choice. Not
informing others stands for running the risk of obtaining a result
that is contrary to one’s expectations. Remaining indifferent means
giving up one’s free will.
The crop circle of September 6, 2003, called "Asteroid ", thus has
an intruder in the representation of the interior solar system.

One can easily imagine that it is about
a potentially dangerous object, in fact SW-3, since it is on the
trajectory of the Earth.

We can notice that the intruder leads us
to another anomaly in this crop circle, that of the asteroid belt on
the orbit of Mars whereas it is actually well beyond. It should not
be there! The asteroids are numerous and represent a danger of
collision for planets, just like the intruder in the near future.
Moreover, the asteroids are laid out in a rather anarchical way in
the drawing ("asteroid"), contrary to a rigorously circular
alignment in the first circle of culture ("missing Earth"). This
message of “Asteroid” could even describe the multiplicity of the
object located on the trajectory of the Earth, i.e. its
Just let us note that the intruder is slightly inside the
terrestrial orbit, like SW-3 at the time to cross the ecliptic
plane. Why would this be this comet rather than another object?
For the simple reason that this crop circle indicates a date,
September 6, 2003, date of reception of an EXTRATERRESTRIAL
MESSAGE OF PEACE: "Do you Wish Us to Show Up?" It is about a world
referendum diffused primarily on Internet in more than one hundred
countries, historically the most known in the world. The relation
between this message and the intruder is not in any doubt today. The
individual that received the message is also that which accepted the
date of collision of comet - in PERFECT ALIGNMENT with scientific
data - on May 25, 2006!
Why is the object beside Venus rather than on its elliptic
trajectory around the sun?
On September 6, SW-3 was still very far from the interior solar
system. What is remarkable, on the other hand, is to note that the
intruder is contrary to the terrestrial orbital position. The
message of peace corresponding to this crop circle seems to differ
from a message of war and destruction, like announcing the danger of
a confrontation coming from extraterrestrials, different from the
creators of this crop circle. The danger is indeed extraterrestrial
since it is out of our planet, hence its representation in an
astronomical form.
Venus, symbol of the love in our subconscious, is perhaps not
foreign with the fraternal solutions suggested by the world
referendum to solve the threat of war. This is why, through the
world message, Venus protects us from the influence of the intruder.
This last is strongly related to Mars, subconscious symbol of force,
war and destruction. An alternative is thus proposed to humanity.
Mars is actually represented five times in this crop circle of "the
asteroid", focusing our attention, by an incredible mathematical
precision cleverly proved by Jack Sullivan [16], over the year that
this message indicates: 2003. Mars occupies in this figure exactly
the positions of a eight years cycle on its own orbit, But, eight
years, it is also the number of years separating the year of the
crop circle creation (1995) from the year indicated in this one
The remarkable aspect of the symbol of Mars, threatening the
of a rain of objects (SW-3 fragmented), is that, remember, this
planet was, and this for centuries in astronomy, at the closest
point from Earth only a few days BEFORE September 6, 2003, like the
intruder will be announced at the closest point from Earth BEFORE
May 25, 2006, as the crop circle "Earth missing" indicates it. Most
incredible is that the five positions of Mars also correspond to
the lower Venus conjunctions (closest point from Earth), symbolizing
the specific influence of the love in the conscience of the men by a
message of peace ("do you wish us to show up?”).
But what did the men do with this message translated in more than
fifteen languages these three last years? Many were mobilized.
This is why in several places of the world, AFTER the diffusion of
this message "Do You Wish us to Show Up?", for the first time in UFOlogy history, tens, even hundreds of lights were seen in the
skies, as the photographs show below, without natural or technical
explanation coming to contradict this demonstration of goodwill of
benevolent extraterrestrials.
But this mobilization is for the moment
unfortunately too weak to reach the critical point necessary for a
massive appearance of material vessels as proposed by these
extraterrestrial allies.
Both crop circles of 1995, "Missing Earth" and "Asteroid", are
closely dependent. The chronological order of appearance of these
crop circles is exactly that of the dates symbolized in those: June
20 for the “Asteroid", June 25 for the "Missing Earth". Initially a
message of peace from our allies, then a message of war from our
adversaries. When one compares the layout of both crop circles, one
sees a clear stylistic difference, suggesting authors of different
faction. The loop is complete.
"Missing Earth"
These two crop circles were made the same year, in 1995, just after
launching in 1994 of the Star Wars program by the Clinton
administration in its reduced version. But the Bush administration
made its spearhead of it since he has held the top position of power
This is why the danger of collision exists right now, at the moment
when we are on the verge of engaging in a nuclear conflict!
We do not have now much any more of time to change the course of the
history. You should know that I do not gain anything by warning you
of this danger. It is even precisely the opposite. But failing to
show you what I saw, and the suffering that I felt, I tried to
present as many determining and verifiable elements to you as
Why not, as of today, take precautions and alert all those which you
can? Those which, as brilliant as they are, say to you that nothing
will occur on MAY 25, 2006 will not be there to hold your hand at
the proper time to save you. They will say just: "My God! What a
But you will not be able to say anything.... except if you think by
yourselves right now.

[4] Here is an extract of a private letter speaking about this
”that beautiful and charismatic that the geometrical
design was used in 2001 to create a man-made (hoaxed) replica of
it in the East Field near Alton Barnes in Wiltshire, England.
This copy was made for a movie-project but was planed to be
conducted like a real hoax... under "real" circumstances (even if
the farmer was paid) but the hoax went wrong and the hoaxers
were caught in the act already soon after midnight by several
researchers... also the hoaxing took them until the early morning
into the sunlight and I guess it was something like 8:00 or 9:00
in the morning when they finished. The ground floor looked in
some places very rough but also not too bad... but it was a very
obvious hoax.”
[5] Extract of the press release from ESA:
“On August 20, it
was observed by a Japanese amateur astronomer at magnitude 13,
quite normal for this comet at the given heliocentric distance.
This corresponds to about 700 times fainter than what can be
seen with the unaided eye”.
[11] La Science des Extraterrestres, Eric Julien, JMG Editions,
Juillet 2005.
[13] “On the night of 6/7th April 2000, one of the largest solar
storms of the century erupted on the Sun, flooding the Earth’s
ionosphere with particles and creating the widest sighting of
the aurora borealis across the UK and other parts of Europe for
many years, usually being restricted to more northern regions
(…) The solar storm, caused by an enormous flare thrown out by
the Sun as it approached its eleven-year peak of sunspot
activity, had been measured by some observatories as a G4 event
on a scale of 1 to 5 – very big, threatening satellite
communications and other electronic systems”.