by Michael E. Salla, PhD
January 1, 2005
There has been a worldwide suppression of a secret extraterrestrial
presence on Earth for at least 50 years from the general public and
most elected public officials. The official public disclosure of the
extraterrestrial presence has long been speculated to be imminent.
The repeated delays have led to much uncertainty over when the
secret extraterrestrial presence will eventually be disclosed. Some
whistleblowers persuasively argue that once international terrorism
fails to be a credible justification for the vast military
expenditures by the U.S. military, then military-intelligence
agencies will turn to the extraterrestrial presence to justify such
However, rather than ‘when’ being the critical issue to be
decided, it appears that the more difficult issue is ‘how’ the
extraterrestrial presence will be disclosed or ‘politically spun’.
The different scenarios of a first contact that have emerged into
the public arena by various UFO researchers/whistleblowers point to
a competition between and within government agencies for how ‘First
Contact’ will be ‘spun’ for world-wide consumption. It appears that
there are strong factional rivalries within clandestine
organizations that respectively have their own favored contact
scenario. It is these rivalries that best explain the long delay in
public disclosure of the extraterrestrial presence.
Preparing for ‘First Contact’ is a means of understanding the full
extent of the extraterrestrial presence, the accompanying secrecy
that has accompanied this, and being ready for a ‘First Contact’
event that firmly transforms human life on Earth. There are,
however, a number of contact scenarios that put a particular ‘spin’
on the extraterrestrial presence that would allow clandestine
national security agencies to continue to control extraterrestrial
affairs in a secret and undemocratic manner. Significant changes in
public opinion of extraterrestrials can be attributed not just to
alleged extraterrestrial behavior and spontaneous changes in public
attitudes, but to a secret competition between different factions of
the ‘shadow government’ promoting perceptions that support a
particular First Contact scenario that best permits their continued
influence and power.
Beginning in the months of October/November
2003, an alternative scenario began circulating on the World Wide
Web that has led to the emergence of a new actor in how public
opinion is being shaped for a ‘First Contact’ event. This new actor
is outside of the mass media system that is largely controlled by a
small number of elites associated with management groups of
extraterrestrial affairs, and appears to be solely a result of a
spontaneous global response to ‘when’ and ‘how’
First Contact should
occur. In what follows, I examine three First Contact scenarios that
have varying degrees of support and can be considered most likely to
occur. Finally, I examine how public opinion is being shaped in ways
that promote particular First Contact scenarios, and the respective
roles of extraterrestrials, national security agencies,
UFO/exopolitics researchers, and the general public.
There has been a worldwide suppression of a secret extraterrestrial
presence on Earth for at least 50 years from the general public and
most elected public officials. The official public disclosure of the
extraterrestrial presence has long been speculated to be imminent.
In an alleged 1954 meeting between President Eisenhower and an
extraterrestrial delegation, for example, it was reported that
disclosure of the extraterrestrial presence was imminent. [2]
The repeated delays have led to much uncertainty over when the
secret extraterrestrial presence will eventually be disclosed. Some
whistleblowers persuasively argue that once international terrorism
fails to be a credible justification for the vast military
expenditures by the U.S. military, then military-intelligence
agencies will turn to the extraterrestrial presence to justify such
expenditure. [3]
However, rather than ‘when’ being the critical issue to be decided,
it appears that the more difficult issue is ‘how’ the
extraterrestrial presence will be disclosed or ‘politically spun’.
There appears to be a secret effort to shape public opinion of an
extraterrestrial presence in a way that prepares the public to
accept a particular ‘first contact’ scenario.
It appears that what has yet to be decided is when public disclosure
of the extraterrestrial presence occurs and how it will be ‘spun’ to
facilitate continued control by small clandestine groups of public
officials not governed by usual democratic rules over accountability
and transparency. The different scenarios of a first contact that
have emerged into the public arena by various UFO researchers/whistleblowers point to a competition between and within
government agencies for how ‘First Contact’ will be ‘spun’ for
world-wide consumption. It appears that there are strong factional
rivalries within clandestine organizations that respectively have
their own favored contact scenario. It is these rivalries that best
explain the long delay in public disclosure of the extraterrestrial
Preparing for ‘First Contact’ is a means of understanding the full
extent of the extraterrestrial presence, the accompanying secrecy
that has accompanied this, and being ready for a ‘First Contact’
event that firmly transforms human life on Earth. There are,
however, a number of contact scenarios that put a particular ‘spin’
on the extraterrestrial presence that would allow clandestine
national security agencies to continue to control extraterrestrial
affairs in a secret and undemocratic manner. Significant changes in
public opinion of extraterrestrials can be attributed not just to
alleged extraterrestrial behavior and spontaneous changes in public
attitudes, but to a secret competition between different factions of
the ‘shadow government’ promoting perceptions that support a
particular First Contact scenario that best permits their continued
influence and power.
Beginning in the months of October/November
2003, an alternative scenario began circulating on the World Wide
Web that has led to the emergence of a new actor in how public
opinion is being shaped for a ‘First Contact’ event. This new actor
is outside of the mass media system that is largely controlled by a
small number of elites associated with management groups of
extraterrestrial affairs, and appears to be solely a result of a
spontaneous global response to ‘when’ and ‘how’ First Contact should
The new actor comprises a number of rapidly emerging ‘contact
groups’ that believe global humanity has been recently contacted by
extraterrestrial races that want to know if ordinary citizens want
extraterrestrials to simply ‘show up’ and end public secrecy over
the extraterrestrial presence. The rapid emergence of these ‘contact
groups’ their impact on global public opinion on extraterrestrials,
and repression of key spokespersons of these contact groups,
suggests a secret struggle exists between multiple players over
‘when’ and ‘how’ First Contact will occur. In what follows, I
examine three First Contact scenarios that have varying degrees of
support and can be considered most likely to occur. Finally, I
examine how public opinion is being shaped in ways that promote
particular First Contact scenarios, and the respective roles of
extraterrestrials, national security agencies, UFO/exopolitics
researchers, and the general public.
Political Spin and the
Extraterrestrial Presence
William Safire defines ‘political spin’ as "a deliberate shading of
news perception; attempted control of political reaction." [4]
The terms ‘political spin’ and ‘spin doctors’ first came to be used
in U.S. Presidential campaigns. [5]
The following editorial by the New York Times referred to how
‘political spin’ was professionally handled shortly by President
Reagan’s senior advisors shortly before the 1984 elections:
A dozen men in good suits and women in silk dresses will circulate
smoothly among the reporters, spouting confident opinions. They
won’t be just press agents trying to impart a favorable spin to a
routine release. They’ll be Spin Doctors, senior advisors to the
candidates, and they’ll be playing for very high stakes. How well
they do their work could be as important as how well the candidates
do theirs. [6]
Rather than something that pertains solely to the conventional
political process, ‘political spin’ has been used in
managing the
extraterrestrial phenomenon from the 1940’s due to the covert work
of military intelligence agencies whose task it has been to cover up
the extraterrestrial presence to the general public. Official
documents leaked to the general public show that a secrecy policy
was initiated as early as 1947 under the Truman administration. [7]
The following passage from an ‘alleged official document’ leaked to
UFO researchers, describes in stark detail the official secrecy
policy as it had evolved by April 1954:
Any encounter with entities known to be of extraterrestrial origin
is to be considered to be a matter of national security and
therefore classified TOP SECRET. Under no circumstances is the
general public or the public press to learn of the existence of
these entities. The official government policy is that such
creatures do not exist, and that no agency of the federal government
is now engaged in any study of extraterrestrials or their artifacts.
Any deviation from this stated policy is absolutely forbidden. [8]
The officially sanctioned secrecy policy was supported by military
intelligence agencies whose task it has been to deflect public
attention away from the extraterrestrial presence. Arguably the
single most important achievement in deflecting public attention
away was in developing the term ‘UFO’, which was supposedly coined
by Captain Edward Ruppelt in 1951 to replace the less scientifically
precise term ‘flying saucer’. Ruppelt claimed that “UFO is the
official term that I created to replace the words ’flying saucers’."
Yet as
Dr Steven Greer discovered in his consultations with a range
of military-government insiders, the term UFO was not widely used at
all by insiders:
“They’re actually ETV,
extraterrestrial vehicle,
related. No one uses the word UFO, by the way. UFO was coined after
they knew they weren’t unidentified.” [10]
The term UFO therefore provided a
useful cover for the
extraterrestrial vehicles that were known rather than unidentified.
This piece of word sophistry proved to be invaluable in the
succeeding decades for senior officials who might have to
occasionally go on the public record. So rather than outright lying,
senior government and military officials who knew about the
extraterrestrial presence were strictly telling the truth when they
could say, for example, ‘that they had seen no evidence supporting
the existence of UFOs.’
Such denials of the existence of UFO’s or evidence supporting them
was simply military intelligence ‘spin’ based on secret military
knowledge of extraterrestrial piloted craft that were ‘identified’,
rather than ‘unidentified’. According to John Maynard, a former
Defense Intelligence Agency analyst who helped in covering up the
extraterrestrial presence this was done through what he described as
‘disinformation’ which has a similar dynamic to political spin:
Disinformation or misinformation: The art of provided information in
a form that has a certain amount of truth in the statement to make
it a plausible answer to a question or a possible solution to the
topic at hand. Yet, if employed correctly will lead the person to
believe the opposite of what is correct, in other words, come to the
wrong conclusions… [For example] A simple program, say changing the
shape of an object, such as flying saucers. State the real fact of
what was stated, but add that you ’thought it was saucer-shaped’,
and suggest that the person who was looking at it from a different
angle, saw something like this: "You said it was cigar-shaped, I
thought it was more of a saucer shape myself, probably the angle
made the difference." If you keep repeating this eventually they
will believe it was saucer- shaped. The truth: the person saw a
cigar-shaped object. You changed their minds, and that is what will
be reported. [11]
So along with disinformation, ‘political spin’ made it possible for
senior officials to cover up for decades what they knew, and to
allow the general public to remain in the dark about visiting
extraterrestrial races. So rather than a new development, ‘political
spin’, along with other military intelligence strategies such as
disinformation, has been used since the very beginning of the UFO
phenomenon to shape public perceptions about the reality of visiting
extraterrestrial races and their vehicles. So I now precede to
examine two ‘officially sanctioned’ scenarios that are likely to be
‘spun’ to prepare the general public for ‘first contact’ with
extraterrestrial races in a way that will assist the long term
agenda of national intelligence agencies.
Contact Scenario 1:
‘War of the Worlds’ – The Hostile
In 1938, Orson Wells produced a radio adaptation of H.G. Wells, ‘War
of the Worlds’. [12]
In the famous broadcast, listeners believed they were hearing
genuine news reports of an attack by Martians on Earth, and the
destruction of the United States. While Wells’ production shocked
listeners, it gave a classic example of how mass communication could
very easily shape public opinion of extraterrestrial races. Moving
to the present era, Dr Steven Greer, director of the ‘Disclosure
Project’, has interviewed over 400 whistleblowers that are former or
current employees in the U.S. military-intelligence community,
corporations working on military projects, or the aviation industry.
In his interviews he has learned of a secret plan that involved
producing another fictitious ‘War of the Worlds’ as a ‘First
Contact’ event where the global population would officially learn of
the hitherto secret extraterrestrial presence in terms of a
contrived extraterrestrial invasion:
To justify eventually spending trillions of dollars on space
weapons, the world would be deceived about a threat from outer
space, thus uniting the world in fear, in militarism and in war.
Since 1992 I have seen this script unveiled to me by at least a
dozen well-placed insiders. Of course, initially I laughed, thinking
this just too absurd and far-fetched. Dr. Rosin gave
her testimony
to the Disclosure Project before 9/11. And yet others told me
explicitly that things that looked like UFOs but that are built and
under the control of deeply secretive ’black’ projects, were being
used to simulate - hoax - ET-appearing events, including some
abductions and cattle mutilations, to sow the early seeds of
cultural fear regarding life in outer space. And that at some point
after global terrorism, events would unfold that would utilize the
now-revealed Alien Reproduction Vehicles (ARVs, or
reversed-engineered UFOs made by humans by studying actual ET craft
- see the book ’Disclosure’ by the same author) to hoax an attack on
Earth. Like the movie Independence Day, an attempt to unite the
world through militarism would unfold using ET as the new cosmic
scapegoat (think Jews during the Third Reich). [14]
The fake extraterrestrial invasion would presumably happen at a time
and place that suits the interests of clandestine organizations that
have secretly managed extraterrestrial affairs since the Second
World War era. [15]
A significant development that supports such a possibility is the
production of modern version of ‘War of the Worlds’. Directed by
Steven Spielberg, staring Tom Cruise and produced with a budget of
$200 million, the remake was fast –tracked for release in June 2005.
The movie would, like the “Independence Day” movie, popularize in
the U.S. and global population the idea of an extraterrestrial
invasion, and the need for a coordinated global defense. Such a need
was something that former U.S.
President Ronald Reagan fervently
believed was necessary based on his secret knowledge of the
extraterrestrial presence:
In our obsession with antagonisms of the moment, we often forget how
much unites all the members of humanity. Perhaps we need some
outside, universal threat to make us recognize this common bond. I
occasionally think, how quickly our differences worldwide would
vanish if we were facing an alien threat from outside this world.
And yet, I ask is not an alien force ALREADY among us?" "There are
only a handful of people who know the truth about this. [16]
The association of Spielberg with the new ‘War of the Worlds’ is
quite significant since there have been rumors that his earlier
movie, “Close Encounters of the Third Kind” was secretly an effort
to prime the general public for disclosure of the extraterrestrial
presence. [17]
A contrived ‘War of the Worlds’ would allow military-intelligence
organizations in the U.S. and elsewhere to continue their vast
network of secret projects that are funded by ‘black’
budgets that
in the case of the US, go as high as $1.7 trillion dollars annually.
The ‘fake invasion’ would allow the passage of strict national
security laws that would benefit those factions within the national
and global extraterrestrial management groups that desire to
maintain full control of all aspects of the extraterrestrial
presence without being scrutinized by open and transparent
democratic processes. The strongest supporters of a fake
extraterrestrial invasion have been described by former ‘government
insiders’ Daniel Salter and Michael Wolf, as a mysterious military
‘Cabal’ within the ‘shadow government’ running extraterrestrial
affairs, that has in the past approved policies targeting and
shooting down visiting extraterrestrial space craft. According to
Salter, a “renegade force called the Cabal is responsible for
attacking and retrieving extraterrestrial entities and craft. They
may be the group that is aggressively disturbing the potential of
contact between the ETs and humankind.” [19]
According to Greer and another UFO researcher,
Dr Richard Boylan,
many of the recent reports of extraterrestrial abuses are related to
military abductions (MILABs). They cite the work of
Dr Helmut Lammer
who has provided extensive analysis of the role of
military-intelligence agencies in the abduction experience. [20]
Lammer’s work suggests that these MILABs have a genuine
extraterrestrial component in them implying either cooperation or
connection with extraterrestrial abductions. For example, if an
extraterrestrial abduction occurs, then this is somehow monitored
and the same ‘victim’ is then abducted and examined by
military-intelligence forces using invasive medical and
psychological techniques. Reflecting on the relationship between
extraterrestrial abductions and MILABs, Lammer writes:
“If one
speculates that a core of the alien abduction phenomenon is indeed
real, the same people who are behind these [secret military]
projects would have an interest in alien biology/genetics and
control procedures.” [21]
Prominent UFO ‘abduction’ researchers such as
Dr David Jacobs, Budd
Hopkins and the late Dr Karla Turner have provided detailed case
studies of the abusive aspects of UFO ‘abductions’. [22]
These researchers found disturbing evidence of abusive treatment of
individuals taken into UFO craft, of women being involuntarily
subjected to a genetic program aimed at producing
human-extraterrestrial hybrids, and of adult hybrids performing
humiliating sexual activities on female abductees. Jacobs elaborates
on the possible goal of the extraterrestrial abduction program as
With the use of superior technology, both physical and biological,
they are engaging in the systematic and clandestine physiological
exploitation, and perhaps alteration, of human beings for the
purposes of passing on their genetic capabilities to progeny who
will integrate into the human society and, without doubt, control
it…. In the end it is possible that it will be of some benefit to us
but if we survive as a species, the price for this charity will be
relinquishment of the freedom to dictate our own destiny and, most
likely, our personal freedom as well. [23]
Elaborating on recent reports of abusive human extraterrestrial
encounters, the well-known UFO writer, Whitley Strieber suggested
that a ‘dark chapter’ has started as far as the extraterrestrial
presence is concerned for those experiencing the abduction
phenomenon. [24]
More disturbingly, he cites reports of human mutilations as worrying
testimony of this disturbing new phase. A detailed study of one
human mutilation was evidence that the perpetrators had no concern
about the life of the victim and of leaving the evidence behind. [25]
In addition to the human mutilation phenomenon, are reports of
underground bases where extraterrestrials perform a variety of
experiments on abducted humans who are held indefinitely and appear
to be little more than laboratory specimens. Most disturbing is
evidence that national security agencies are aware of such
and even complicit in their occurrence. [26]
The increasing evidence of hostile extraterrestrial behavior have
contributed to shifts in public opinion of extraterrestrials from
the friendly ‘space brothers’ of early UFO experiences such as
George Adamski, to the more dangerous ‘hostile visitors’ that need
to be closely monitored and even opposed by national security
agencies. [27]
This increase in reports of abusive extraterrestrial behavior may
have different explanations. The first is that there has been an
increase in extraterrestrials performing abductions and/or humans
remembering and reporting these negative encounters as Jacobs and
Strieber contend. The second is that there has been an upsurge in
military-intelligence abductions which have thrown a distortive
layer into the more benign human-extraterrestrial encounter as
and Boylan contend. It is likely that both explanations are valid
which accounts for the wide range of perspectives found in those
studying the abduction phenomenon. [28]
Consequently, the evidence in terms of increased reports of abuses
related to the abduction phenomenon points to the conclusion that
there has been a distinct shift in the way the extraterrestrials
presence is being managed and being ‘leaked’ to the general public.
It is very likely that the military-intelligence community is
playing a prominent role in leaking information that
extraterrestrials visiting Earth are hostile and regularly violate
human abductees. This ‘spinning’ of the extraterrestrial data would
make possible a First Contact scenario where an extraterrestrial
invasion is faked either entirely by military-intelligence units,
staged with cooperative factions of extraterrestrials, or represent
a limited military confrontation with extraterrestrial races
performing unauthorized abductions.
As Steven Greer suggests, the contrived war on terrorism and
invasion of Iraq are stepping-stones to the ultimate ‘war of the
worlds’. [29]
The ‘Cabal’ is very influential within the Bush administration as
evidenced by the preemptive war in Iraq, and views its long term
interests as best served with continuation of a strict national
security system. [30]
A contrived extraterrestrial invasion would allow the Bush
administration to release sufficient information about the historic
extraterrestrial presence to support past U.S. military intelligence
polices regarding the cover-up of the extraterrestrial presence.
This would ensure that former officials involved in secretly
managing extraterrestrial affairs would not be made accountable for
past actions and protected from legal prosecution. While there
appears to be firm support from within the U.S.
military-intelligence community for a ‘contrived invasion’, there
has also reportedly been significant opposition that has led to
factional splits in the ‘shadow government’ responsible for managing
ET affairs. [31]
Furthermore, there appears to be only weak support from global
institutions for a contrived ‘war of the worlds’ that are more
influenced by moderate extraterrestrial control management groups
associated with international institutions such as the
Group and the
Trilateral Commission. According one researcher:
The "progressives" within
Bilderberg and within the National
Security apparatus of the U.S. have as their objective that the
world’s conflicts be ended, and that thus, there be no temptation to weaponize
ET technology, before ET high-tech such as zero-point
energy devices are allowed to go into public circulation. [32]
This is reflected in major global opposition to the
administration’s policies in Iraq which is a cover for a more
aggressive extraterrestrial management role by the Cabal
within the U.S. national security system. [33]
It appears that there is a genuine factional struggle between a
hard-line control group apparently wanting to have or to create the
impression of a need for a war with extraterrestrial races, and
another faction seeking cooperation and a more genuine form of
disclosure. Consequently, a contrived “War of the Worlds’ is a
possible extraterrestrial contact scenario that would be spun for
general public consumption, and has varying degrees of support in
the secret management groups that run extraterrestrial affairs.
Contact Scenario 2:
Close Encounters of the Third Kind -
The ‘Friendly Though Enigmatic’ Extraterrestrial
This contact scenario would use a variation of scripts popularized
by Steven Spielberg’s Close Encounters of the Third Kind, and the
more recent television mini-series he produced Taken. [34]
Here the extraterrestrials would be depicted in a more friendly
though enigmatic light as a technologically advanced race that has
entered into some loose agreements with the U.S. and possibly other
national governments. In these agreements, the extraterrestrials
exchanged their advanced technology for the U.S. government
acquiescing to the extraterrestrials using human genetic material
for the biological enhancement of their race. The agreements would
portray the relationship and motivations of both the
extraterrestrials and clandestine government authorities as benign,
but that these agreements suffered hiccups due to the willful
activities of a renegade group of military-intelligence officials -
the ‘Cabal’.
The secrecy surrounding extraterrestrial-government agreements,
extraterrestrial abuses of civilians, shooting down of
extraterrestrial ships would presumably be attributed to the willful
activities and disinformation stemming from the ‘Cabal’, and/or the
possible assistance of ‘rogue’ extraterrestrial groups. [35]
Military-intelligence officials associated with the ‘Cabal’ would be
identified and made accountable for their activities, and/or ‘rogue
extraterrestrials’ would be forced to leave. The script for this
scenario would then involve the world celebrating the open
appearance of ‘friendly’ extraterrestrials willing to assist
humanity acquire advanced technology, purging of the ‘Cabal’ from
the military intelligence community, and/or departure of ‘rogue’
extraterrestrials. Remaining extraterrestrials would subsequently be
depicted in a more positive light as friendly though enigmatic
entities that can assist in the development of human civilization.
Supporters of Spielberg’s Close Encounters ‘contact scenario’ within
the military intelligence community have long leaked information of
the benign intentions of extraterrestrial visitors. This ‘leaked’
information comes from ‘whistleblowers’ or those embedded with
national security organizations that may be part of a covert
campaign to shape public opinion for a forthcoming public
disclosure. Researchers such as Steven Greer and Richard Boylan
support the view that extraterrestrials are friendly and that all
stories of abusive extraterrestrial behavior is due to
disinformation stemming from the ‘Cabal’.
Greer in particular cites
an impressive array of military whistleblowers he has interviewed
who testify to the benign nature of the extraterrestrials. For
example, Clifford Stone who served for twenty years in covert
retrievals of extraterrestrial craft, stated the following in an
interview with Greer:
We have contact with aliens not originating from some foreign
country but from some other solar system. And I have been a party to
that. I’ve worked it. I’ve been there. And I know some of the things
we do is really, really, really, really terrible. They are not
hostile toward us. We are the enemy in this instance – be we are the
enemy, I like to think, for good reasons.” [36]
Another whistleblower Greer interviewed,
Daniel Salter, also attests
to the benign nature of extraterrestrials:
“[Werner] von Braun knew
that from 1947 through 1951, we had shot down, captured and arrested
extraterrestrials with their vehicles so we could study them. Yet
the ETs have never committed an aggressive act towards humans;
humans have always shot first.” [37]
Boylan relies on interviews with
Dr Michael Wolf to assert the
benign intentions of extraterrestrials. [38]
Despite these clear references to benign extraterrestrials, there
are references by some of these same whistleblowers to ‘rogue
extraterrestrials’ in other interviews not cited by Greer or
For instance in another interview, Clifford Stone distinguishes
between ‘good’ and ‘bad’ extraterrestrials, and clearly refers to
one group, the Grays, as committing egregious abductions and that
the U.S. government is unsure how to disclose this to the general
“The good guys [ETs] are, well, I like to refer to them as being
nomadic. What you’re talking about, about the non-intervention with
other intelligent life forms is a universal law. The nomadics go
along with that. The greys violated the universal law…. I think
there is the effort for the good guys to make contact with the
people within our government, but I think now what is happening is
that the U.S. government learned in 1983 or thereabout that they are
NOT dealing with the good guys, but really don’t know what to do
about it. [39]
Michael Wolf also elaborated on the motivations of extraterrestrial
races in an interview where he stated:
Most are benevolent. Occasionally some get through the alien
barrier, but they don’t generally come back. They don’t come back
here once they are spotted and identified. Once they have hidden
agendas, once they are identified, they are barred from coming
here…. But those are out of a myriad of races, and they are few and
far between. [40]
The idea that most extraterrestrials are benign, but that a few are
rogue who form a troublesome minority in the galactic community has
been supported by the remote viewer, Dr Courtney Brown who has
conducted numerous
remote viewing sessions of visiting
extraterrestrials. [41]
He argues, for example, that the “reptilians are involved with
weapons manufacture... I suggest that these prototypes are designed
to shoot down ships aligned with the Galactic Federation,
particularly Grey ships.” [42]
The most intriguing whistleblower information concerning different
extraterrestrial factions come from a microbiologist,
Dr Dan Burisch,
who allegedly worked closely with a ‘Gray’ extraterrestrial known as
J-Rod. [43]
According to Burisch he actually took biological samples from the
extraterrestrial that was from Zeta Reticulum:
“I was briefed that
J-Rod was an alien, specifically from the (Zeta)
Reticuli 1 and 2
(binary) system, specifically from Reticulum 4 (fourth planet from
one of the suns).” [44]
Using the knowledge and material gained from his interaction with
J-Rod, Burisch allegedly worked on a highly classified project
called ‘Lotus’ which focused on acquiring knowledge of a mysterious
‘Ganesh Particle’ that could lead to cell regeneration and the
creation of life. [45]
The case involving Burisch has led to the release of information of
his classified work with J-Rod, his work on Project Lotus, and his
communications with select shadow government committees.
A very significant fact about Burisch is that a number of
independent researchers have been able to conduct face to face
interviews concerning his classified activities, and were even
allowed to distribute this information to the general public. These
include well known researchers such as Linda Moulton Howe and
Hamilton, and members of a popular internet forum, Sterling D. Allan
and Harry Dschaak. [46]
Even the author of this paper was even able to have a limited email
communication with Dr Burisch that discussed aspects of the
classified projects Burisch was engaged in. [47]
These researchers have all detected something of great significance
occurring in the Burisch case, and their unprecedented access to
Burisch who was actively engaged in a classified project suggested
that the disclosures made by Burisch had insider support. Prominent
individuals within one of the key shadow government committees,
apparently the ‘Committee of the Majority’, were facilitating
access, and enabling the distribution of the Burisch material. [48]
According to Burisch’s supporters, this is because Burisch is
insisting on the information he possessed being distributed to the
public, otherwise he wouldn’t cooperate in Project Lotus which was
essential since he apparently was the only microbiologist with the
requisite knowledge to understand the Ganesh particle. [49]
Another significant aspect of the Burisch saga is that there is
apparently a policy schism within the secret committee system that
runs extraterrestrial affairs. While Burisch has had access to the
general public and been able to release classified information,
there has also allegedly been efforts to intimidate and silence him
by those insider factions opposed to the disclosure process he was
participating in. Apparently, Burisch was physically attacked, had
his memories removed, was taken to remote locations and held
incommunicado for extensive periods. [50]
Some of the major exopolitical themes coming through the Burisch
saga are that there are two factions of J-Rod extraterrestrials. One
faction apparently helped Burisch in his research and is benign, and
wants the knowledge concerning the ‘Ganesh particle’ disseminated in
a way that helps humanity, and also assists the Grays/J-Rods
themselves in repairing their own damaged DNA. The other faction of
J-Rods/Grays is somehow causing problems that leads to ‘reactionary’
or ultra-nationalistic national security officials (i.e., ‘the
Cabal ’) implementing xenophopic policies towards extraterrestrials.
Evidently, the Cabal wants to gain control of the
Ganesh Particle so
it can be used for the usual range of self-serving reasons of power,
greed and exploitation.
Burisch’s information and public interviews is evidence of a
factional struggle between different control groups within the
extraterrestrial management system over how to present the first
contact scenario. [51]
‘Progressive controllers’ are allegedly in an intense struggle
against ‘reactionary’ controllers (‘the cabal’) in setting up policy
on extraterrestrials and how to respond to
Dan Burisch. There is
also a split between friendly J-Rods/Grays and rogue J-Rods/Grays in
terms of extraterrestrial motivations and activities towards
humanity. Individuals following the Burisch saga believe that the
very fate of humanity is being decided through this clandestine
struggle, and the general public is being urged to support Dr Burisch in releasing the information and appearing before the U.S.
Congress. [52]
This implies supporting the progressives within the management
system in their ‘difficult struggle’ against the reactionaries and rogue ‘J-Rods’. Such a struggle is alluded to by
Boylan in his
discussion of progressive and reactionary management factions in
U.S. and global institutions, and his support for ‘progressive’
factions. [53]
What can be concluded from the Burisch material is that it has been
largely developed to present a credible contact scenario sought by
military-intelligence organizations managing extraterrestrial
affairs. The unprecedented public access to Burisch and his ability
to disclose classified information indicates he is ‘unknowingly’
part of a covert campaign to influence public opinion about the
extraterrestrial presence and classified projects. Burisch’s work
with J-Rod/Grays and his involvement with ‘Ganesh particle’
indicates a joint government/ extraterrestrial effort to give a more
morally positive image to the extraterrestrial presence, and to
create the perception that their biological work has beneficial
applications for both humanity and the Gray extraterrestrial race.
At the same time, the existence of ‘rogue extraterrestrials’ and a
reactionary ‘Cabal’ provides the basis for explaining the more
negative aspects of the extraterrestrial presence found in numerous
abduction reports and whistleblower testimonies. [54]
Another variation of the ‘friendly though enigmatic’
extraterrestrial contact scenario emerges from the recent
publication of a whistleblower’s experiences with a race he
described as ‘Tall Whites’. [55]
Charles Hall was stationed at Nellis Air force base from 1965-67
where his duty was to use weather balloons for the Air Force from
the Indian Springs location on the base. He describes his
interactions with ’Tall Whites’ beginning in 1965 and how he and
other servicemen coped with their disturbing presence. Hall
described a catalogue of incidents where the ‘Tall Whites’
terrorized other military servicemen who didn’t understand them,
surprised them or threatened them in some way. The ‘Tall Whites’ are
described in enigmatic terms as a race that physically intimidated
some servicemen, yet were capable of displaying sincere friendship
and appreciation to Hall since he had apparently saved the life of a
‘tall White’. [56]
This is where the Tall Whites display more positive qualities such
as friendship and superior knowledge that they shared with Hall and
with the U.S. Air Force. Hall describes how the US Air Force would
supply the tall whites with metals such as titanium and aluminium,
as food and clothing in exchange for the technologies relating to
development of atomic powered space crafts. [57]
Significantly, the ‘Tall Whites’ began to be seen in the Mojave
desert area in 1954 indicating that they were associated with the
agreement(s) reached between the ‘tall Grays’ and the Eisenhower
administration in 1954. [58]
Hall further describes regularly seeing them in the presence of Air
Force generals and other senior officials who recognized the
ambassadorial status of the Tall White leader. [59]
This indicates that a disclosure announcement will be likely made
that spins information in a way that justifies the shadow
government’s agreements with the ‘Tall Whites’, and casts them as
‘friendly though enigmatic’ extraterrestrials.
In conclusion, the contact scenario that is being spun for public
consumption is based on success by one faction of an
extraterrestrial control management group (the ‘progressives’) over
a more reactionary faction (the Cabal). The public disclosure
process and the subsequent purging of the Cabal would be ‘spun’ in a
way that legitimates the policies and approach of the ‘progressive’
faction of the management groups responsible for extraterrestrial
affairs. This First Contact scenario would be more peaceful than the
‘War of the Worlds’ scenario and would lead to a more genuine
account of the extraterrestrial presence. However, it would still be
‘spun’ in a way that disguises the full extent of extraterrestrial
abuses, government complicity in this, and the presence of more
‘service oriented’ extraterrestrial races that
have not been
permitted to operate openly in human affairs. [60]
This First Contact scenario would be based on cooperation between
‘progressives’ and extraterrestrials participating in secret
agreements, to hide the full extent of the extraterrestrial presence
on the planet, and the abusive activities that have occurred. [61]
The shaping of public perceptions for a ‘First Contact’ scenario
with ‘friendly though enigmatic’ extraterrestrials is well advanced
as evidenced by public interest in the Burisch saga, the
extraterrestrial abduction phenomenon, the popularity of the
mini-series Taken, and the recent publication of Charles Hall’s
Scenario 3:
Star Trek – The Galactic Federation
Shows Up
Very recently, another First Contact scenario emerged into the
public arena that could very easily have come from the pen of the
famous Star Trek producer Gene Rodenberry. It involved a message
that claimed to originate from a group of extraterrestrial races
addressed to ordinary citizens or ‘individuals without distinction’,
and operating under a principle very similar to the ‘Prime
Directive’ Rodenberry attributed to the Galactic Federation in his
Star Trek series. The ‘Change the World’ message was received and
distributed by a French aviation expert,
Jean Ederman, and continues
to circulate on the Internet, and gained worldwide attention. [62]
The alleged extraterrestrial sponsors of the message transmitted
through Ederman wanted to ask “individuals without distinction” the
question "Do You Wish That We Show Up?" The extraterrestrials
claimed to be conducting a global ballot on behalf of
extraterrestrials concerned about the future of humanity’s sovereign
control of the planet.
The extraterrestrials described how they had earlier attempted to
reach agreement with government representatives on establishing
First Contact but were rejected:
There are two ways to establish a
cosmic contact with another civilization: via its standing representatives or directly with
individuals without distinction. The first way entails fights of
interests, the second way brings awareness. The first way was chosen
by a group of races motivated by keeping mankind in slavery, thereby
controlling Earth resources, the gene pool and human emotional
energy. The second way was chosen by a group of races allied with
the cause of the Spirit of service. We have, at our end, subscribed
to this disinterested cause and introduced ourselves a few years ago
to representatives of the human power who refused our outstretched
hand on the pretext of incompatible interests with their strategic
vision. [63]
The reference to abusive extraterrestrial races that had signed
secret agreements with human representatives is an accurate
description of what has historically occurred, and presented a
dilemma for more ‘service oriented’ extraterrestrials races that
wanted to assist global humanity but were limited to something
similar to Rodenberry’s Prime Directive. [64]
In explaining how they would establish contact by raising
‘awareness’ the extraterrestrials wrote about how a response to the
question over them showing up would be the catalyst for the First
Contact scenario they had in mind. A simple answer could be
monitored and tabulated in some way as part of a ballot of global
"The truth of soul can be read by telepathy. You only need to
clearly ask yourself this question [Do You Wish That We Show Up?]
and give your answer as clearly, on your own or in a group, as you
In understanding the significance of this message and the
plausibility of the contact scenario is describes, it’s worth first
examining the individual responsible for distributing the ‘Change
the World’ message, it’s consistency with earlier contactee reports
of ‘benevolent’ extraterrestrials, and the likelihood
that it is a genuine communication from extraterrestrials.
The author of the message is Jean Ederman, a French pilot, air
traffic controller and airport manager, who claims to have been
given the Message by a visiting group of ’benevolent
extraterrestrials’ after ‘mentally projecting himself into their
space’. On his website he describes a number of experiences he has
had with visiting ET races over the years as well as the experience
that produced the ‘Change the World’ message:
“after having learned
how to mentally project myself to a place in the presence of
benevolent ETs, I received the following message on behalf of their
hierarchy.” [66]
Ederman’s method of communication falls into the category
‘telepathic thought exchange’. Such a form of communication is not
unusual when it comes to analyzing the literature on
extraterrestrials since many researchers/former government employees
have commented on this including Dan Burisch and his interaction
with J-Rod. For example, Sergeant Dan Sherman has written
extensively of his participation in ‘Project Preserve Destiny’, a
secret U.S. National Security Agency communication project that used
psychics for establishing telepathic contact with extraterrestrial
races. [67]
This suggests that Ederman’s claimed communication with
extraterrestrials is plausible. The difficult question is how to
ascertain whether it is genuine or not? One way is to look for clues
in Ederman’s own experiences and writings concerning
extraterrestrials, the other way is to examine the message itself in
terms of textual clarity, coherence, and its political content as
far as extraterrestrials are concerned.
In examining Ederman’s website and his writings, one finds a
chronology of Ederman’s experiences with extraterrestrials that date
from 1977. He provides descriptions of extraterrestrial technology
that while technical in nature, are not that difficult to
conceptually grasp. Much of his material is consistent with the
material provided by well-known whistleblowers such as Bob Lazar, a
former physicist employed at
Area 51. [68]
Based on his experiences, website material, and the history of
psychic communications with extraterrestrial races, there is nothing
to dismiss the possibility that Ederman did genuinely achieve
telepathic communication with one or more advanced extraterrestrial
races in the ‘Change the World’ message. This now takes me to a
textual analysis of the message.
What immediately stands out in the ‘Change the World’ message
allegedly received from extraterrestrials is the strange grammar.
This grammatical oddity appears to be little more than a translation
problem from French to English, and may have been an intentional
aspect behind the message, and the choice of a non-English speaker
by the possible extraterrestrial race(s) behind it. The odd grammar
forces the native English speaker to deviate from the typical left
hemisphere brain processing that dominates when reading textual
information. The left-brain processing of information tends to be
analytical, logical, and reductive. The pondering of the strange
grammar forces English speakers to use the right brain hemisphere
where the processing of information is more creative, intuitive and
expansive. [69]
If an advanced extraterrestrial culture wanted to communicate to the
general mass of humanity, and in the process shift individuals from
using left brain dominant processes, to right brain dominant
processes in order to more fully appreciate the content and
significance of the communication; then translation from a
non-dominant global language into the dominant language used on the
internet would partly achieve this purpose.
The overall text in the ‘Change the World’ message is coherent and
consistent, and indicative of someone with a high degree of
intelligence and conceptual sophistication. He is able to express a
range of complex issues in an accessible manner, despite the
grammatical difficulties the English reader encounters when reading
the French translation. More importantly, the text brings together a
range of issues that combine together very well to frame the
essential question posed by the text: “Do You Wish that We Show Up?”
The organization of the text suggests someone who is familiar with
the issues and concepts being discussed, and is competent in
communicating this to others.
Ederman’s style is deliberative and purposive, rather than
discursive or didactive. This is indicative of someone who wants to
‘inform’ others rather than ‘impose’ beliefs on others. [70]
The message outlines the choices humanity has in dealing with a
range of problems it has, rather than telling humanity what to do.
The message makes clear what the extraterrestrials recommend, but
does so in a way that leaves the choices up to humanity to decide.
This suggests that the writer, is not setting out to establish a new
philosophy or religion, but merely acting as a vehicle for
transmission of the Message. My overall conclusion based on my
analysis of the text is that Ederman is a rational intelligent
individual, intent on faithfully communicating a message he has
received, rather than concocting a story for a hidden agenda due to
some psychological need for attention or ego gratification. The
choice of a non-English speaker also appears to be significant in
how the majority of humanity would process the ‘Change the World’
message. This takes me now to an exopolitical analysis of the
The content of the message refers to different extraterrestrial
races that have interacted with various governments, and that the
orientations and agendas of extraterrestrials differ widely. I have
argued in another paper that there are at least seventeen different
extraterrestrials races interacting in a significant way with
humanity. [71]
Six of these have extensive ties with or cooperated with what is
described as a ‘military-industrial-extraterrestrial complex’. The
other eleven extraterrestrial races were outside of this
‘military-industrial-extraterrestrial complex’ due to their
principled opposition to giving technology to national governments
that might be used for weapons research. My analysis is that the
extraterrestrial races that apparently communicated with
Ederman lie
outside of the military-industrial-extraterrestrial complex. This is
evidenced in the concern the extraterrestrials in the ‘Change the
World’ message display with the human predicament and the sense of
urgency they have in terms of the little time they argue humanity
has. They show special concern for the situation created by
‘official representatives’ of humanity entering into agreements with
other extraterrestrials and creating a
military-industrial-extraterrestrial complex.
The extraterrestrials communicating in the ‘Change the World’
message are very respectful as evidenced by their asking for
humanity’s permission and they appear to be quite guarded in what
they can offer. Their reference to a hierarchy of extraterrestrials
to which they report suggests that they are following galactic
protocols laid down by more developed extraterrestrial races for
intervention on planets such as Earth. Such protocols are described
in the work of Alfred Webre who conducted research into different
forms of communication with visiting extraterrestrial races. [72]
Thus far, my (exo)political analysis of the ‘Change the World’
message is quite consistent with the research I have conducted on
the political implications of the extraterrestrial presence. The
message is sophisticated in its analysis of the political problems
caused by extraterrestrials visiting the planet and the consequences
of the agreements they have reached with the military-intelligence
communities that have ‘represented’ global humanity.
I now look at the ‘Change the World message’ and its consistency
with contactee reports of extraterrestrials visiting and physically
interacting with humanity. Ever since George Adamski wrote his
famous book, Inside the Flying Saucers, in 1955, there has been a
succession of private citizens who have claimed to have been
contacted by extraterrestrial races and had extensive communications
and interactions with them. [73]
Along with Adamski, some of these initial contactees included
Howard Menger, Orfeo Angelucci, Paul Villa and
George Van Tassel. [74]
These communications and interactions with extraterrestrials varied
considerably depending on the contactee but essentially all revealed
that extraterrestrial races were deliberately contacting private
individuals to disseminate information about the existence of
extraterrestrial races, and the benevolent intentions of
extraterrestrials who were making contact. Over the years, the list
of ‘contactees’ has grown considerably and the more well known in
the recent era include
Billy Meier,
Carlos Diaz,
Alex Collier,
Enrique Castillo, and Phillip Krapf. [75]
These ‘contactees’ have consequently given public lectures, written
books, formed support groups, and communicated with key elites, all
with the purpose of conveying the information given by
extraterrestrials and convincing a skeptical public of the friendly
nature of these extraterrestrials. The message distributed by
Ederman is very consistent with the information distributed by most
of these contactees who describe secret agreements involving
national governments, deception by ‘rogue’ or ‘manipulative’
extraterrestrials, use of extraterrestrial technologies for military
purposes, and widespread global environment damage caused by
existing government policies.
I now look at one further possibility that might cast doubt on the
genuineness of the message. One possibility that has been raised is
that the message is a form of sophisticated disinformation. [76]
The military-intelligence community in the U.S. and elsewhere has
developed sophisticated disinformation strategies to distract
UFO/Exopolitics researchers, misdirect their meager resources to
unproductive areas, create division in the UFO/exopolitical research
community, or to simply confuse and create uncertainty. [77]
The primary goal of such disinformation is to direct attention away
from any information that might threaten the non-disclosure policy
of the military-intelligence community. The ‘Change the World’
message, on the contrary, achieves precisely the opposite. It has
achieved a growing degree of public attention by disseminating
information that undermines efforts by the military-intelligence
community and responsible political representatives to deny the
reality of the extraterrestrial presence. The message directs
attention to the culpability of national agencies in establishing
agreements with extraterrestrial races that have led to abuses of
individuals and global humanity more generally. This reference to
the culpability of the military-intelligence agencies is not
something that these agencies desire to become public as evidenced
in efforts to cover up cases such as human rights abuses in shared
military-extraterrestrial facilities. [78]
Due to the orientation and effect of the message, and the
consistency with results of my own research on the extraterrestrial
presence, I conclude that it is not government disinformation.
As a result of my analysis of Ederman’s background, intellectual
abilities, and technical knowledge, nothing stands out as excluding
the possibility that his ‘Change the World’ message constitutes a
genuine communication from one or more extraterrestrial races. My
analysis of the political implications of the message indicates that
it is consistent with the basic facts concerning the
extraterrestrial presence. Perhaps the most compelling reason for
believing in the authenticity of the ‘Change the World’ message is
what has occurred to Jean Ederman subsequent to his distribution of
the message up until March 12, 2004. After mysteriously disappearing
for several weeks where he allegedly spent time as a ‘contactee’
with the extraterrestrials responsible for initiating the message,
Ederman subsequently returned only to be silenced by French national
security agencies through a series of threats and intimidation
against family members. Ederman was prevented from disclosing to the
general public more information about the extraterrestrials
responsible for the ‘Change the World’ message and his more recent
extraterrestrial contact experiences. [79]
This is consistent with the practice of National Security Agencies
to silence ‘contactees’ who have physically interacted with
extraterrestrials with threats and intimidation. [80]
My overall conclusion is that the Message is a genuine communication
to global humanity from one or more extraterrestrial races.
The ‘Change the World’ message describes a very different First
Contact scenario to the first two described in this paper which are
different spins on the extraterrestrial presence created by the
shadow government responsible for extraterrestrial affairs. The
‘Change the World’ message
provides an offer of tangible assistance
to a global political problem we have - the world wide suppression
of the extraterrestrial presence and the secret agreements that
exist. By going directly to the general population – individuals
without distinction – this group of extraterrestrials has sparked a
very different process for shaping public opinion concerning First
Contact. At the time of writing, the message had been translated
into fourteen languages, and continues to generate numerous website
discussions and initiatives including an online petition with over
750 signatures by December 2004. [81]
The spread of the message and the enthusiasm it generated for an
alternative contact scenario has had a surprising effect on public
opinion of the extraterrestrial presence. Contact groups are
emerging around the planet united by enthusiasm for the prospect of
a First Contact and promise to be a significant new actor in how the
extraterrestrial presence is understood and managed. [82]
The emergence of these contact groups and the impact on public
opinion they are having may well have been the primary purpose of
the message – preparing humanity to openly interact with
extraterrestrial races.
Conclusion: Political Spin and
Extraterrestrial Disclosure
In startling testimony for the Disclosure Project,
Dr Carol Rosin
testified how she had been present in secret high level discussions
where disclosure of the extraterrestrial presence would occur after
international terrorism failed to be a credible justification for
vast military expenditures by the U.S. military. [83]
These expenditures are vital to major U.S. corporations that have
played a vital role in secretly servicing the vast network of
projects that are directed towards the extraterrestrial presence. In
an interview, Dr Carol Rosin revealed how Dr Werner Von Braun who
had intimate knowledge of the vast covert projects that dealt with
extraterrestrials, catalogued the list of future ‘threats’ to be
used to justify military expenditures.
He [Von Braun] would say that starting where I entered the industry
with the supposed Russian threat, but never actually existed the
Russians were made to be the enemy. Then there would be terrorists,
Third World country threats, there would be an asteroid threat. They
might even say to us to try to influence the public into believing
that there are many reasons for why we should put weapons in space.
There might be a reason to protect our assets in space. But, the
real one that he was always holding off on and would say again with
tears filling his eyes every time he said this to me repeatedly was
that the last card they are holding is the ’alien card,’ the
extraterrestrial card and none of them are hostile. [84]
The eventual exhaustion of conventional threats that justify growing
military expenditures related to extraterrestrial projects is
certain to result in eventual disclosure of an extraterrestrial
presence. Furthermore, the growing amount of extraterrestrial
related information released on to the internet also points to a
critical point being reached that makes disclosure unavoidable.
Consequently, it can be asserted with some confidence that public
disclosure of the extraterrestrial presence is inevitable, but what
remains to be decided is how this will happen. The role of public
perception is the key to understanding ‘how’ First Contact will
occur and how political spin will be used in this process. There is
evidence that powerful factions within the control groups managing
extraterrestrial affairs are competing to secretly shape the
public’s perceptions of the extraterrestrial presence in a way that
makes possible a contact scenario that suits the long terms agendas
of these factions. [85]
One of these factions, described as the ‘Cabal’,
represents a very
nationalistic and militaristic approach to extraterrestrial affairs
that is based on distrust over extraterrestrial motivations and
activities. Another faction, the ‘progressives’,
represents a more
internationalist approach to extraterrestrial affairs that depict
those extraterrestrials that have cooperated with covert agencies as
‘friendly though enigmatic’. While it was expected that an effort to
shape public opinion would be something different factions in the
extraterrestrial management groups would attempt due to the long
history of non-disclosure and their complicity in this secrecy and
use of ‘political spin’, the rapid spread of the ‘Change the World’
message has come as a major surprise.
Groups of individuals are emerging around the world believing that
they now have a role to play in how the extraterrestrial presence is
managed, and how First Contact emerges. Their unifying principles
include ‘transparency’, ‘openness’ and ‘participatory democracy’ in
how the extraterrestrial presence is managed. As these groups
communicate and network amongst themselves, they have the potential
to become a global mass movement that emerges as a major player in
the way in which the extraterrestrial presence is managed at the
national and global levels. Already one popular Yahoo discussion
group with approximately 750 members by December 2004,
‘prepare4contact’, has drafted and voted on a document that outlines
the aspirations and expectations of ‘individuals without
distinction’ in
how extraterrestrials need to conduct themselves
when visiting Earth. [86]
The public silencing of the author of the ‘Change the World’ message
will ultimately only hinder rather than reverse the spread of the
message and its popularity.
There is consequently a competition occurring between two factions
of the clandestine groups that manage the extraterrestrials presence
around the planet - the ‘progressives’ and an ultra nationalistic
‘Cabal’ that ostensibly represent the ‘light’ and ‘dark’ sides in
how the extraterrestrial presence will be disclosed and ‘spun’ to
the general public. However, a third actor in the form of an
emerging global mass movement has been sparked into action by an
unknown group of extraterrestrials responsible for initiating a
series of global ballots on whether extraterrestrials should show
up. These contact groups represent a genuine revolution in
management of the extraterrestrial presence, going far beyond the
limited reforms promised by ‘progressive’ global insiders in their
efforts to remove the ‘Cabal’ from dominating the management of the
extraterrestrial presence, while still maintaining a high degree of
secrecy over the true extent and history of the extraterrestrial
The effort to shape public opinion is likely to enter unchartered
waters as the two rival factions in the extraterrestrial global
management system find that the rise of a broad based global
movement of contact groups represents a new dynamic in ‘when’ and
‘how’ First Contact will occur. The contact scenarios supported by
opposing factions of the
shadow government are variations of two
dominant themes both of which involve extraterrestrials that have
been parties to various agreements with the shadow government. The
first is the emergence of ‘hostile extraterrestrials’ leading to a
‘War of the Worlds’ promoted by ‘reactionary insiders’ or
‘Cabal’. The second is the emergence of ‘friendly though enigmatic
extraterrestrials’ that are given a cautious welcome by
‘progressive’ elements of the shadow government. These two insider
supported contact scenarios have been joined by a third scenario – a
plausible ‘Star Trek’ - like contact event involving
extraterrestrials who have not previously entered into agreements
with military intelligence organizations. The emergence of this
group of extraterrestrials with no track record of secret agreements
or intrusive interactions with the global population is gradually
capturing the hearts and minds of many familiar with the
extraterrestrial presence.
The political spin surrounding First Contact is already well
underway, and it is up to every individual to learn as much as
possible in the remaining time before a disclosure announcement of
the extraterrestrial presence is made or extraterrestrials emerge
into the public consciousness in some unanticipated way.
Understanding and learning about the extraterrestrial presence and
First Contact is the best way in which private citizens or
‘individuals without distinction’ can influence ‘when’ and ‘how’
First Contact will occur, and limit the political spin that will be
used to shape public perceptions about the extraterrestrial
presence. A new world awaits us all with disclosure of the
extraterrestrial presence, now is the time to contribute to how that
new world will be shaped by our expectations and aspirations.
I sincerely thank Angelika Whitecliff for her enthusiastic
support and encouragement in the revision and completion of this
See Michael Salla, “Eisenhower’s
1954 Meeting With Extraterrestrials: The Fiftieth Anniversary of
First Contact?” Exopolitics.org (February 12, 2004).
“Testimony of Dr. Carol Rosin”
William Safire, Safire’s New Political Dictionary, Revised
edition (Random House Reference;, 1993).
For an discussion on the development of political spin, see Ira
Basen, ‘The Spin Cycle "Spin": A primer for voters,’ CBS News,
May 23rd, 2004. Available online at:
New York Times editorial on Oct. 21, 1984. Cited in Basen, ‘The
Spin Cycle "Spin": A primer for voters,’ Basen, ‘The Spin Cycle
"Spin": A primer for voters,’
For establishment of a secret committee to run extraterrestrial
affairs, see “
President Truman to Secretary of Defense James
Forrestal” (24 September 1947), Majesticdocuments.com. For further Presidential correspondence supporting the start
of a secrecy campaign, see “
Secretary of State Marshall to
President Truman” (25 September 1947), Majesticdocuments.com
Majestic 12 Group, “Special Operations Manual,
SOM1-01 - Extraterrestrial Entities and Technology, Recovery and
Disposal,” April 1954 Part 2
Ruppelt, Report on Unidentified Flying Objects (Doubleday, 1956)
Richard M. Dolan, “Aliens, Coverups, and Free Energy - an
interview with Dr. Steven Greer,” Phenomena Magazine,
Issue #4 (September 10, 2004).
John Maynard, “From Disinformation to Disclosure,” Surfing the
Herbert George Wells, War of the Worlds (1898). For online
information go to:
Steven Greer, ed.,
Disclosure: Military and Government Witnesses
Reveal the Greatest Secrets in Modern History
Steven M. Greer, “Al Qaeda to ET’s - The
Search For Bogeymen,” Global Village News and
Resources Issue 74 (November 17, 2003).
See Michael Salla, Exopolitics: Political Implications of the
Extraterrestrial Presence (Dandelion Books, 2004), ch 2. Early
version ’Study-Paper-5’ available
Reagan’s speech to the Forty-second General Assembly of the
United Nations, September 21, 1987.
For discussion of how major films have been released that
reflect the kind of images of extraterrestrials favored by the
shadow government running extraterrestrial affairs, see
See Michael Salla, “The Black Budget Report: An Investigation
into the CIA’s ‘Black Budget’ and the Second Manhattan Project,”
SCOOP, (30 January 2004)
Daniel Salter, Life With a Cosmos Clearance
(Light Technology Publishing, 2003) 128. See also Richard Boylan
interview of Michael Wolf, “Official Within MJ-12 UFO-Secrecy
Management Group Reveals Insider Secrets”
See Helmut Lammer, Milabs: Military Mind Control & Alien
Abductions (Illuminet Press, 1999). For online article, see
Helmut Lammer, “Further findings of Project
MILAB: Looking behind the alien/military abduction agenda,”
Helmut Lammer, “Further findings of Project MILAB: Looking
behind the alien/military abduction agenda,”
See David Jacobs, The Threat (Simon and Schuster, 1998); Budd
Hopkins, Intruders (Ballantine Books, 1987); & Karla Turner,
Taken: Inside the Alien-Human Abduction Agenda (Kelt Works,
Jacobs, The Threat, 257.
Whitley Strieber, “Whitley’s Journal: Shedding Light on the Dark
Side,” (03-Dec-2003) available online at:
See G. Cope Schellhorn, “UFO-Related Homicide
in Brazil: The Complete Story;” & Don Ecker, “The Human
Mutilation Factor,” & Tim Schwartz, “Are UFOs responsible for
mysterious human mutilations?”
See Michael Salla, “The Dulce Report:
Investigating Alleged Human Rights Abuses at a
Joint US Government-Extraterrestrial Base at Dulce, New Mexico,” Exopolitics.org
(September 25, 2003).
George Adamski’s, Inside the Flying Saucers,
is available online at:
For a range of perspectives on extraterrestrial abductions, see
C.D.B. Bryan, Close Encounters of the Fourth Kind: Alien
Abduction, UFOs, and the Conference at M.I.T (Alfred Knopf,
Steven M. Greer, “Al Qaeda to ET’s - The
Search For Bogeymen,” Global Village News and
Resources Issue 74 (November 17, 2003).
For discussion of the preemptive war in Iraq
and the role of the ‘Cabal’, see Salla, Exopolitics, chs. 5 & 6.
An early version of this idea is available on
See Richard Boylan, “Birds of a Feather No
Longer: Policy Split Divides "Aviary" UFO-Secrecy Group.
Available online at:
Richard Boylan, “Bilderbergs, ETS and World
For European opposition to the Bush administration’s preemptive
war in Iraq and the extraterrestrial dimension, see Salla,
Exopolitics, 227-60. An early version of this idea is available
For online information on these two Spielberg
productions, see
For discussion of rogue extraterrestrial races
responsible for problems on Earth, see Courtney Brown,
Explorers: Scientific Remote Viewing, Extraterrestrials, and a
Message for Mankind (2000).
“Testimony of Clifford Stone,” Disclosure: Military and
Government Witnesses Reveal the Greatest Secrets in Modern
History, ed., Greer, 330.
Salter, Life With a Cosmos Clearance, 16.
See Richard Boylan interview of Michael Wolf, “Official Within MJ-12 UFO-Secrecy
Management Group Reveals Insider Secrets”
Robert W. Boyajian, “Exclusive Interview with
Sergeant Clifford Stone, on assignment at Roswell, New Mexico,”
UFO UNIVERSE (Spring of 1989) available online at:
Paola Leopizzi Harris, Connecting the Dots … Making Sense of the
UFO Phenomenon (Wild Flower Press, 2003) 98.
Cosmic Explorers, 211-21.
Brown, Cosmic Explorers, 129.
“Whistleblower Microbiologist Speaks Out About Alleged "Alien"
Named J-Rod,” Earthfiles 09/15/2003. See also Linda Moulton
Howe, “Update About Microbiologist Dan Burisch, Ph.D.”
04/26/2004. Both articles available
HERE. For more background information, see Bill
Hamilton, “Mystery Of Dr. Dan Burisch - Beginning To End”
Linda Moulton Howe, “Whistleblower Microbiologist Dan Burisch
Interview,” Earthfiles.com (June 7, 2003) available at:
For information on the Ganesh particle, see BJ Wolf, “Burisch’s Ganesh Particle
Acknowledged By Caltech”
Allan and Dschaak, distributed a press release
soon after their interview which generated much interest among
the alternative news media, “Area 51 Microbiologist Ready to
Talk,” (April 8, 2004).
See “Correspondence Between Dr Dan Burisch &
Dr Michael Salla,” Exopolitical Comment #13 (April 13, 2004),
http://www.exopolitics.org/Exo-Comment-13.htm; and “Dr Dan Burisch Responds to April 13 Communication, and Dr Salla’s
Response,” Exopolitical Comment #14 (April 20, 2004),
For Burisch’s discussion of this Committee and its role, see
“Whistleblower Microbiologist Dan Burisch Interview,”
Earthfiles.com (June 7, 2003) available at:
See Bill Hamilton, “Mystery Of Dr. Dan Burisch - Beginning To
End,” (10/1/03)
See Bill Hamilton, “Mystery Of Dr. Dan Burisch - Beginning To
End,” (10/1/03)
See Michael Salla, “Exopolitical Comment #12 -
Dr Dan Burisch,
Project Lotus and Disclosure of the Extraterrestrial Presence”
Sterling Allen, “Establishment Fighting Disclosure of
Extraterrestrial Presence,” Greater Things News Service, April
27, 2004. Available online at:
Richard Boylan, “Bilderbergs, ETS and World Peace,”
For discussion of rogue extraterrestrials as Reptilians see
Brown, Cosmic Explorers, 211-21.
See Charles Hall, Millennial Hospitality (Firstpublisher, 2002).
See Hall, Millennial Hospitality, vol 1., 451-54. For a range of
online information concerning
Charles Hall, go to:
See Michael Salla, ‘Tall White’ Extraterrestrials, Technology
Transfer and Resource Extraction from Earth - An Analysis of
Correspondence with Charles Hall”
For Eisenhower-Extraterrestrial agreement see Michael Salla,
“Eisenhower’s 1954 Meeting With Extraterrestrials” For
information on when the Tall Whites were first seen, see Hall,
Millennial Hospitality, vol 1., 236.
Hall, Millennial Hospitality, vol 1., 440-54.
For description of different extraterrestrial races and their
motivations, see “A Report on the Motivations and Activities of
Extraterrestrial Races” Exopolitics.org (July 26,
Michael E. Salla, “The Dulce Report: Investigating Alleged Human
Rights Abuses at a
Joint US Government-Extraterrestrial Base at Dulce, New Mexico,” Exopolitics.org
(September 25, 2003).
“Change the World By the Lever Effect”
“Change the World By the Lever Effect”
For description of different extraterrestrial races and how
these have historical interacted with humanity, see “A Report on the Motivations and Activities of
Extraterrestrial Races”
“Change the World By the Lever Effect”
Jean Ederman’s website for the message is:
Dan Sherman,
Above Black: Project Preserve
Destiny Insider Account of Alien Contact & Government Cover-Up
Interviews with Bob Lazar can be found online at:
http://www.swa-home.de/lazar.htm. Bob Lazar has a website at:
For discussion of left/right brain functions,
see David A. Sousa, How the Brain Learns, 2nd Edition (Corwin
Press, 2000). For online information go to:
For discussion of different learning strategies that lead to
critical and emancipatory thinking, see Paulo Freire, Education
For Critical Consciousness, (Continuum, 1993); and Pedagogy of
the Oppressed. Rev. ed. (Continuum, 1994).
See “A Report on the Motivations and Activities of
Extraterrestrial Races”
Alfred Webre, “Exopolitics: Politics,
Government, and Law in the Universe,”
George Adamski’s, Inside the Flying Saucers, is available online
For discussion of experiences of an extensive
number of contactees, see Timothy Good, Alien Base: The Evidence
for Extraterrestrial Colonization on Earth.
See Gary Kinder, Light Years: An Investigation into the
Extraterrestrial Experiences of Eduard Meier (Publisher Group
West, 1987); Phillip Krapf, “The Challenge of Contact: a
mainstream journalist’s report on interplanetary diplomacy,”
(Origin Press, 2001). An online article on Carlos Diaz is
available at:
A book by Alex Collier,
Defending Sacred Ground.
Finally, see Enrique Castillo Rincon, UFOs: A Great New Dawn for
Humanity (Blue Dolphin Publishing, 1997).
For a critique of the message as disinformation, see Anthony
Hargan & Henry, “Cosmic Spam: We are contacting you for a
mutually beneficial transaction..."
For discussion of the use of disinformation strategies used by
military intelligence services, see John Maynard, “From
Disinformation to Disclosure,” Surfing the Apocalypse,
See Michael E. Salla, “The Dulce Report:
Investigating Alleged Human Rights Abuses at a
Joint US Government-Extraterrestrial Base at Dulce, New Mexico,” Exopolitics.org
(September 25, 2003).
Confidential email correspondence with Jean Ederman by the
author May-October, 2004.
Confidential phone interview with Alex
Collier, July 2004.
For website information on the message see:
http://www.geocities.com/changetheworld_now/index.html. For the
online petition, “We Are Ready to Change the World,” go to:
One internet discussion group created in
response to the ‘Change the World’ message was formed on
November 3, 2004, and to date has over 700 members.
“Testimony of Dr. Carol Rosin”
Linda Moulton Howe, “German Scientist Werner von Braun
Anticipated Terrorists, Asteroids and ETs on American ‘Enemy’s
Earthfiles.Com (June 18, 2004).
For discussion of these factions and their relationship to the
2004 Presidential election, see Michael Salla, “The U.S.
Presidential Election and Extraterrestrial Disclosure,” Exopolitics.Org
(November 2, 2004)
Distributed December 9, 2003 on the discussion forum