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DavidIcke Website
"Nefilim" is the name of a highly intelligent and evolved reptilian
alien species that is the real dominant species on planet Earth."
"Maya" is the Hindu word describing the perceived illusion humans
are under before we enlighten through meditation and silence of
"The Nefilim Maya is an induced illusion." |
The Nefilim have been around for a long time. After the
humans of the Atlantis period, was the Nefilim’s
time on planet Earth. They came from a
constellation called ’Draco’. Their modus
operandi is to kill a planet’s etheric and spiritual being, cutting
it off from the positive love energy of the universe and thriving
off the remaining negative energy. The problem is that they have
attacked the heart chakra of the physical universe,
Earth. She is
our true mother, the planet of love and humans are the children of
love. Do you really think humans are solely capable of all the
murder, taking, hating throughout this tangible history of the last
few thousand years?
The Nefilim bred themselves into humans to look like us and thereby
assured control over humans through the many generations of both
species. The Nefilim’s great plan for us is to wipe most of us out
with World War III, and then the rest of us will be completely under
the spell of aerial and satellite broadcast mind control wavelengths
of 425 megahertz and microwaves measuring less than 1000 microwatts,
which can make people hear voices and a more inhuman cruelty with
nervous system damage. Overall, they plan to make us slaves, like
they did to the Hebrews in Egypt, only now they have progressed us
to the point where this illusion with its own explainable,
manipulated and concreted history has given the Nefilim a collective
and co-ordinated power over us. I’ll say nothing for the Nefilim’s
designer history, but that history is written by the winners.
Of course, were supposed to be the step down transformers of the
universe’s energy, and should be working with the elementals /
Mother Nature’s emissaries (the intelligent entities that inhabit
everything, including rocks, rivers oceans, mountains, winds, trees,
cars, a match stick, your cell phone - everything!!!) Their job is
to do what Humans tell them to do. When we build a house it begins
in the mind, and from this point until completion the elemental
evolves with the house. It holds it together and can be happy or
sad, depending on the people who live in it. Thinking kind and
appreciative thoughts to your house, car, etc will make it so happy.
We should be working and communicating with these beings of higher
energy vibration so that we can heal Earth and all help her through
the naturally rough transition as she nears her higher conscious
awareness and the magnetic poles returning to zero degrees, let
alone what our thoughts do to her, coupled with the fact that we
don’t work with the devas on mass and ’carry our own weight’, as it
were. Double that with what the Nefilim are doing to her soul by
ripping into her surface and extracting all kinds of things that can
provide for the basis of the world’s economy and "reality" as we
know it and weaken and imbalance her further. The universe will cut
her off if she becomes too much of a burden to the system with its
various forms and energy frequencies. Each planet is connected to
other plants and suns by lines of energy, effectively connecting the
entire physical universe together. We must work fast because the
Nefilim are very much in control of humans and this planet at the
moment, and plan to kill her.
Many great souls have come to Earth through the ages, like
who just wanted to give humans a positive thought pattern to carry
the Earth through the past two thousand years. Unfortunately the
Nefilim twisted and distorted the Bible into the "ethical and moral"
foundation of Western society. It also served as a brilliant tool
when all reference to re-incarnation was removed from the Bible in
the 6th century AD. This gave birth to the concept that if you
didn’t behave and live like a quiet little slave you would go to
Hell when you died, and Heaven if you just followed the instructions
throughout your life. In reality, Hell can be likened to returning
to Earth for another lesson because you didn’t spiritually evolve
enough in the last lifetime, and Heaven can be likened to moving on
to the higher realms of the universe’s great wisdom, only to return
to assist humans in their development. By convincing the Christian
based Western society that the battle of Armaggeddon has been won,
and that they will all evaporate into thin air "when the rapture
comes" is just another way to make humans give up and wait,
neglecting our duty to Mother Earth. How we have been misled, and
still are.
The entire universe is energy, love energy to be exact. This energy
ranges in frequency / vibration through many dimensions and physical
matter is just a very low vibration. It is all one energy, just
different manifestations of it. Communication between the higher
vibrations is easy, but the connection between the higher vibrations
and the physical universe requires a catalyst to help bridge and
blend the powerful energy with anything from planets, galaxies,
seasons, animals, us.
The devas are the ones who spin up planets and suns, then less
evolved devas do smaller jobs - triangles within triangles. On
planet Earth, human beings were designed to use their minds and
inherent system of chakras to bridge this gap, thus maintaining
Mother Earth. We are the guardians of the animals, trees, oceans,
rivers, lakes, etc.
How can we allow the Nefilim use us against our nature? Eating meat,
dairy and any animal by-products will give you negative energy and
bad karma. Here are some famous quotes:
To my mind, the life of a lamb is no less precious that that of a
human being. The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be
judged by the way its animals are treated.
A good deed done to an animal is as meritorious as a good deed done
to a human being, while an act of cruelty to an animal is as bad as
an act of cruelty to a human being.
The thinking man must oppose all cruel customs no matter how deeply
rooted in tradition and surrounded by a halo. When we have a choice, we must avoid bringing torment and injury
into the life of another, even the lowliest creature.
Totalitarian Dictatorship In the words of
David Icke (www.davidicke.com and
"There are two types of prisons or dictatorships. There is the overt
variety, which are clear dictatorships (communism, fascism, etc) and
then there are the most effective variety of all - the covert
dictatorship, the one that masquerades as freedom."
The following is a series of quotations from a book called
"Totalitarian Dictatorship and Autocracy" by Carl J. Friedrich and
Zbigniew K. Brzezinski (who later became the Director of US National
Security Agency - NSA). The book explores communism, fascism and
nazism and the mechanisms of a totalitarian dictatorship. It was
first published in 1956. No ISBN number, although the ’Library of
Congress’ catalogue card number is 61-14198
"The autocratic regimes were not nearly as ghastly as the
totalitarian dictatorships of our time."
"The truth of the matter seems to be that totalitarian dictatorship
is a logical extension of certain traits of our modern industrial
society (oftentimes called "capitalism")."
"Autocratic legalism, however, must not be confused with the
totalitarian dictatorship of the notion of law in what is spoken of
as the "laws of movement." These are presumably "laws of nature" or
"laws of history" (but history understood as part of nature); they
contain an existential, rather than normative, judgment."
totalitarian ideology tends to dissolve the normative in the
existential realm, and consider all ordinary laws merely as
expressions of the laws of the laws of nature and history."
There are six factors that are present in all
dictatorships. They are:
1. "An official ideology, consisting of an official body of doctrine
covering all vital aspects of man’s existence to which everyone
living in that society is supposed to adhere, at least passively;
this ideology is characteristically focused and projected toward a
final state of mankind, that is to say, it contains a chiliastic
claim, based upon the radical rejection of the existing society and
conquest of the world for a new one."
[Note: Nefilim ideology is the
New World Order through the guise of
2. "A single mass party led typically by one man, the "dictator",
and consisting of a relatively small percentage of the population
(up to 10 per cent) of men and women, a hard core of them
passionately and unquestioningly dedicated to the ideology, and
prepared to assist in every way in promoting its general acceptance,
such a party being hierarchically, oligarchically organized, and
typically either superior to, or completely intertwined with the
bureaucratic government organization."
3. "A system of
terroristic police control, supporting but also
supervising the party for its leaders, and characteristically
directed not only against demonstrable "enemies" of the regime, but
against arbitrarily selected classes of the population; the terror
of the secret police systematically exploiting modern science, and
more specifically scientific psychology."
[Note: The
United Nations ’Peacekeeping’ Force]
4. "A technologically conditioned near-complete monopoly of control,
in the hands of the party and its subservient cadres, of all means
of effective mass communications, such as the press, radio, motion
5. "A similarly technologically conditioned near complete monopoly
of control (in the same hands) of all means of effective armed
6. "A central control and direction of the entire economy through
the bureaucratic co-ordination of its corporate entities, typically
involving most other associations and group activities."
"Propaganda as such is not a peculiarity of totalitarian
dictatorship. It has become increasingly recognized as an integral
part of all organizational activity in a highly literate society."
It goes on to describe how agitation type propaganda is designed to
convince rather than to induce the masses.
"In totalitarian dictatorships, virtually all propaganda is directed
ultimately to the maintenance in power of the party controlling it."
"The nearly complete control of all means of mass communication
gives the totalitarian dictatorship the very great advantage of
being able to shift its general point of view rather radically over
short periods of time. This is especially helpful in the field of
foreign affairs."
"An ideology thus defined is a reasonably coherent body of ideas
concerning practical means of how to change and reform a society,
based upon a more or less elaborate criticism of what is wrong with
the existing, or antecedent, society. And a totalitarian ideology
would then be one which is concerned with total destruction and
reconstruction, involving typically an ideological acceptance of
violence as the only practicable means for such total destruction."
- The Nefilim
are few in number, but through strategic positions
held in finance, industry, government, religions, etc they are using
humans to kill Earth.
- With the exception of
Eastern mysticism, which at least seeks to
show the follower the path to enlightenment, all other religions,
including Christianity, Muslim, Judaism,
seek to instruct the
follower to obey an autocratic deity, where failure to obey would
mean banishment to the fearsome fire and brimstone of Hades. These
sound like Nefilim ideas to me.
- With regards to the overt totalitarian dictatorships, resistance
was collective and always based on the short term.
In the case of the covert Nefilim totalitarian dictatorship, all the
wars and regimes have been part of the big plan and resistance to a
thirteen thousand year old plot would be futile.
So if this is the hopeless case then what do we do?
The ideal state of the human body is to be hollow like a flute so
that the universe’s energy can flow through us, effectively making
music, love. The system of seven chakras and the 3 Nadis, columns of
light can become blocked by negative energies, which are
self-perpetuating and keep us feeling angry, depressed, lonely, etc.
Through meditation it may ordinarily take a lifetime to achieve this
state of spiritual awareness and self-realization and for this
system to be cleared and centered.
As mentioned, over the ages many highly evolved souls have
to Earth to assist in our development.
The following is an extract from:
Reference to the writings from
Kak Nadi written by Kakayyar
Bhujander who was a great astrologer and seeker who lived nearly
2000 years ago:
"While Jupiter is in
Pisces a great Yogi will incarnate on the
Earth. By 1970 it will have become quite evident to many people that
a new era will have started. Kaliyuga will end and
Kritayuga will
start. The axis of the Earth will depress and the
Earth’s orbit will
come closer and closer to the Sun. Human life will undergo a
complete revolution. A great Yogi will incarnate at this time. [...]
Until this time a yogi or
devotee could achieve the bliss of Moksha
and find the ultimate meaning of his life only by following the path
of devotion, knowledge and Pantanjali Yoga. But he would have to go
through severe penance in order to awaken the sleeping powers of
various chakras of his body and finally enlighten the Kundalini
By the new method of yoga devised by the
great Yogi, human beings
will be able to attain the joy of Moksha within one lifetime. It
would no longer be necessary to sacrifice one’s body or to die in
order to achieve Moksha. The Brahmananda which so far only great
saints had been able to experience and then only by entering into
the Samadhi state at the point of death, due to his new type of yoga
could be achieved by ordinary human beings without entering Samadhi
state while dying.
In the beginning it would be possible for one person in crores to
attain this Yoga and Moksha. However, after some time the whole
human race with the help of this Yoga will be able to defeat itself.
People won’t have to worry about food, shelter or clothing. While
living ordinary lives people will achieve Yoga - Union with God.
There will be no necessity for hospitals as there will be no
In the beginning the great Yogi will be able to heal diseases with a
mere touch. Old age with its destruction of the body will not exist
and people will possess heavenly bodies.
After Self Realization, our attention becomes for the first time
connected to our Spirit and we gradually become aware of it. Our
misidentifications with our ego or conditionings drop and we start
becoming identified with our Spirit, which is our true nature.
This new level of consciousness can be achieved after Self
Realization, through the regular practice of Sahaja Yoga meditation
techniques that are taught, always free of charge, in over 75
countries around the world. Go to
http://www.sahajayoga.org/worldwidecontacts to find the closest
centre to you and meet Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi.
Nefilim Propaganda One of the methods of control borne out of a structured money-based,
material world is the media, which is there to make sure we stay
bombarded with frightening things on the news and in films to
re-enforce the illusion. Anything but the truth, and if it is shown,
it’s made to look like fantasy so that we laugh at such stories
whenever presented as a possible reality. Media is a medium for
propaganda. Through television, radio, adverts that offer products
that will make you a free and satisfied person, magazines, etc this
illusion is maintained and patched up. Below are a few examples:
’J.A.G’ is a
Nefilim propaganda programme designed to convince,
beyond a reasonable doubt, that the American Military is above
board, honorable and accountable.
In one episode, while aboard an aircraft carrier, there was
references made to one of the super soldiers created with mind
control through hypnosis and trauma, and created by the Nefilim’s
right hand, the CIA, NSA, etc. His code name was "Rhino" and he
would be dropped off onto aircraft carriers and then would jump out
of an aeroplane, without parachute, landing on his legs, made to be
as strong as 2 powerful springs through the power of hypnosis.
Reaching terminal velocity, he would bounce once or twice, run like
a cheetah and assassinate with single-shot precision. It didn’t stop
there and he wasn’t the only "Project Superman" of
MK Delta (Mind Kontrol Delta and the
Montauk Chair). Only those who’ve studied
these reports would know about "Rhino".
An approximate quotation from the dialogue included "Lt. Singer a
security risk to convert operations aboard the vessel, a special
type of aircraft called Rhino." Yeh, very special!
In another episode, the courtroom dialogue pertaining to a combat
situation being related, included a Nefilim reference, quote "I’d
believe him if he told me he was being shot at by green lizard men!" This is scary, because it shows the blatant and perverse twist the
Nefilim gives to reality by associating it with fantasy and thus
re-enforcing the illusion of Earthlings being the dominant species
of this planet. Just the thought of it is scary, man.
It would follow, then, that certain actors would be
Nefilim reptoid
/ humanoid creatures, which would deliver the propaganda as
skillfully and effectively as possible.
Another apparent quirk of some
Nefilim actors, newsreaders, etc is a
smile that begins off with the lips being pressed forward, and then
spread out into the warmest smile conceivable. The Nefilim are very
vain. Avoid their hypnotizing eyes.
Films like ’The Matrix’ (which actually comes pretty close to the
truth), ’Independence Day’ (the "Grey" alien species’ fantasy) and
many others with the theme of aliens, programmes like ’The Outer
Limits’, ’Third Rock From The Sun’ all associate aliens with
An ’Eskom’ advert on TV shows the ’inyago’, thieves of the
electrical cables as being people who turn into green scaled reptile
humanoids complete with forked tongues! I mean, why use a green
lizard of all things?
The fact that actors like Ronald Regan and others have gone into
American politics is clear evidence that the Nefilim mislead and
distract us with films. Arnold Schwartznegger, of Terminator and its
sinister story line, has now decided to enter politics too, as
Governor candidate for California! The Nefilim would only put one of
their own in such a position. Despite allegations of admiring
Hitler, he vehemently denies it and states that he’s always hated
the 3rd Reich. Did you know, Hitler was from the
bloodline, which is Nefilim? Only the
Nefilim are capable of
conceiving and orchestrating such cruelty.
Every time a movie has traumatic scenes in it, a broad spectrum of
the target audience (humans) are forced to re-live any number of bad
times in their past. From rape and murder to a dog that dies,
someone watching will be weakened mentally, emotionally and
spiritually. Just turn the 8 o’clock news on to feel despondent with
our reality a la Nefilim and get your daily dose of fear. We’re not
supposed to be exposed to sick, negative images and concepts. We’re
supposed to be happy.
Sport, although promoting camaraderie and teamwork,
is a huge
distraction if nothing else.
Subliminal messages and
images designed to turn us into slaves are
constantly presented to us with or without our knowledge. Inaudible
sound waves in spectrums beyond human hearing are beamed at us, even
when there’s a good song on the radio. Catchy chorus lines with
detrimental statements are repeatedly sung in our minds and before
we know it we’ve destroyed ourselves.
- Hitler used
fluorine poisoning on concentration camp victims. Its
effect on humans is to suppress responses in the occipital lobe, the
part of the brain that makes us resist domination. They’re piping it
into your house right now through the taps, and it’s in your
- The pharmaceutical industry, with its poisons, has repeatedly
hidden life saving technologies and free energy. We get physically
and mentally weak and mal-nourished from shelved and processed
foods, and all the resultant expenses keep the masses poor in the
Nefilim money system.
- What is to be said of religious leaders and
’evangelists’? The
pillar figures of these institutions would no doubt be Nefilim.
I wouldn’t be surprised if this story shook the fundamental roots,
upon which most people have defined their existences. Most people
will cling to their realities, and will delve deeper into religious
texts and re-enforced concepts before they’ll believe this story.
Look for these things yourselves. It is not in human nature to
destroy, but when we’re convinced it is necessary, or it offers some
gain to our to our holistic and personal 3 dimensional existence we
seem to be more than willing to oblige the Nefilim’s wishes. Would
not the disbelief of this story be part of the fail-safe of the Nefilim Maya?
"May the Force be with you"