At this stage, I should say that I am pressing on rather boldly with my reflections. What follows is an attempt to formalize these concepts. Naturally, whole areas of research are open to all and open scientific minds will find substance in this new discipline to interpret into their language: Chronotics . (Term inspired by Thierry Archer).

Time is an enigma! To us it seems linear. The past precedes the present which precedes the future. How then can people perceive the future ?

Is this not a "nasty" problem for science to attempt to explain this phenomenon ? But it's not examples that are lacking. Really, every day on Earth, human beings perceive the future in premonitory dreams or various "flashes". The question is far more complex and eminent than any regulation of a nuclear power station or genetic manipulation. I repeat the question to those that might not have heard it : How can the future precede the present?

We all know of Plato's cave (In this legend, people living inside a cave think that their shadows are real, when in fact they are produced by the light from the outside of their 'world' coming through a small hole.)

And if time was only the shadow of what it seems to be ?. What is time such as we usually understand it ? There are two types of time: measurable time and psychological time. Measurable time is objective! It is a universal agreement! It is an interval between two "phenomena": before/after. In science, we use the second. It has its multiples and its subdivisions. This time exists! It is very useful to organize lots of things and for equations. Psychological time is subjective!

Sometimes, a certain experience will seem to us to have lasted one minute in certain circumstances, and in others, ten minutes, etc. Now, by agreement, measured time will determine the average time and will fix in our consciousness the acceptable proportions. 80 % of our life is calibrated to psychological time. Curiously, we are capable of waking up at 6 o'clock exactly, if we make the effort to will it to happen.


This "coincidence" is called by the term of "internal clock". Nobody has ever seen it but it is accepted, thereby adding a little more weight to our arguments. Psychological time is said to be subjective because it seems imaginary! But has anyone ever wondered how such a widespread thing – the imagination, does not exist in itself ?

I would add that certain cycles and chronobiology are at the intersection of both times and give substance to what follows.

Here is what Roland Lehouc ( Astrophysicist in the dept. of astrophysics of the CEA - ATOMIC ENERGY AUTHORITY) says:

"We perceive time as one-dimensional, because our thoughts seem to succeed one after the other in a well defined order. This argument is subjective. Time could seem one-dimensional without it being so really, a little as we lose our sight of relief by closing an eye: we are then surrounded with flat objects and, only habit enables us to appreciate distances"

Farther on: "With three dimensions of time and one dimension of space, only tachyons, particles which go faster than the light, would exist "

Then: "Numerous aspects of physics would be rather different with time which is not one-dimensional. For example, energy would no longer be just a number, but a vector indicating the temporal direction of movement, in the same way as the amount of movement of a mobile is a vector indicating in which spatial direction it is moving. As the amount of movement is conserved when the mobile is subjected to no force, the temporal direction taken would also be a constant of movement. In other words, if two observers who are moving according to different temporal directions meet, they will inevitably separate to follow the irrespective temporal trajectory, incapable of staying together. From the point of view of an observer, the other one would appear and then disappear immediately " (NDA: as UFOs do)

Then again: "Another important consequence of temporal multidimensionality: certain particles would no longer be stable. In a world such as ours, a particle can split only if the sum of the masses at rest (the mass when the particle is immobile) of the particles produced is lower than the mass at rest of the initial particle. This condition, which gives stability to the proton and electron, disappears in a world of more than one temporal dimension. For example, a proton could disintegrate into a neutron, a positron and a neutrino; an electron could be transformed into a neutron, an antiproton and a neutrino. The matter that we know would no longer be stable." (NDA: it is exactly the vision of the states of matter that I had. See frame "states of matter").

Just as there is equivalence between mass and energy, there is an equivalence between space and time. It expresses itself in a simple way. The principle of simplicity of Occkam's razor says that it is the simplest explanation that is best. But when it is a question of linking the theory of relativity and quantum theory, we see a mountain of complexity before us. I think, and this is fundamental, that the more space there is, less there is of time, and inversely, less there is of space more there is of time. It is precisely the key that elegantly weds the infinitely big and infinitely small. The difficulty is to understand the nature of time to be convinced of it.

Jean Heidmann, astrophysicist at the origin of the SETI project, declared that the Big Bang was not an explosion of matter but an expansion of space. This difference often cast confusion in many minds. In the light of 3-D time, and in particular, one of its dimensions, the density of time, the expansion of the universe is just an appearance. As a reminder, the expansion of the universe would be due to a considerable differential between the thermodynamic forces tending to repel matter and the nuclear forces which, on the contrary, attract it.

The dilemma comes from the fact that 90 % of the mass of the universe remains hidden. This observation comes from the difference calculated between the thermodynamic forces and the forces of atomic cohesion. So the entropic movement would be just an illusion. Yet another. In fact, there is no choice but to admit that all space-times coexist.


The Big Bang is a dogma in the sense that it is perfectly arbitrary to think that the original soup accumulated into huge masses, and galaxies, stars and into planets. If, as is it suggested in this case, matter would be on the surface of the membrane of a cosmic balloon why would it not be evenly spread out? We are told that gravity is the reason! Now, we do not know the real nature of gravity except that it is a curvature of space-time. Hence, the idea that gravity is related to the density of time and in no way explains the formation of celestial bodies.


The further we look into space (weaker time density) the more we see the outer layers of the universe. But also the further we look, the further we see into the past (going back in the direction of time). And in this case we see the internal layers of the universe. Therefore, the combination between external layers and internal layers reveals entropy to be an illusion.

When we look at a star (because of its matter), we perceive an "internal" layer of the universe which is translated by a curvature of space-time, or in other words, according to my vision, a "superior" (higher) space-time compared to the space-time which surrounds it. In this way, the star is not in the same position as its spatial environment.


Black holes are in a much higher density of time and it is impossible for us to see them in our space-time since we guess them by calculations.

If it is relatively easy to conceive, at an astronomical scale, that by contraction of space-time we have a difference of position between a star and its environment, it is less obvious that it's the same case with the infinitely small because specific laws happen there, said to be counter-intuitive. Yet there is a sign that should guide us. The space between the nucleus and the electrons is, proportionally to their sizes, an abyss of space (emptiness).

In reality, the universe is fractal, i.e. there are scale "jumps" within which particular (related) laws of functioning govern each particular space-time. It is the case with quarks, atoms, molecules, cells, organs, bodies, groups of bodies and groups of groups which are in themselves as many space-times. We live in the middle of a skillfully baked (wafered) cream slice. Far from me the idea to evoke here the Great Confectioner. You are the only judge to appreciate the end purpose of it. My purpose is to point out the common feature of these scales, or these layers : the wave-like character of these demonstrations.. i.e. these vibrations, because everything is vibration.

Matter has a corpuscular/wave duality. It is exactly in the passage from one to another, of the particle to the wave, that the increase of the density of time happens, with a loss of mass (neutrinos, photons, electrons, tachyons), in the process. Here too, there has been confusion since the time of Newton. Mass is not gravity even if the effects in nature give us the illusion of it in our time density. Mass is related to the forces of cohesion. One of the biggest enigmas in physics is the difference in scale between strong, weak and electromagnetic interactions on the one hand, and gravity on the other. As a reminder, gravity is 1040 less strong than strong interactions.

Einstein demonstrated, thanks to Riemann's works (non-Euclidian geometry), that gravity is geometrical in nature. Actually, gravity is strictly related to space-times. Moreover, it goes through them because it participates in their modification. Gravity increases as does the density of time. It is also induced, in the electromagnetic forces. The queen of vibrations is the electromagnetic wave whose spectrum has such an astronomical number of frequencies that it makes your head swim. Matter is seething with frequencies, even in low temperatures. At zero Kelvin degree, states of matter change, (function of state in quantum mechanics). Now, the rotor of a UFO "orbits" in a vacuum at absolute zero degree!

We are beginning to come out of the matrix. You really have to get out of the observer's position to understand that what seems to us to be on the same plane - an apple and a stone for example - are absolutely not so. We see them as such because we belong to a "superior" (higher) space-time. In fact, we are just on the border because, naturally, superior time densities of time are mixing with us for whom we are "physically" merged with the apple, or the worm which is inside.


What happens when we observe by means of a microscope with a tunnel effect? We observe "superior" space-times just as the astronomer sees "lower" space-times with his telescope. The difference which we attribute to both is the apparent proportion of objects.

This proportion is totally subjective! We set up as a truth the idea that this thing is bigger and that thing is smaller. Even if it is true in our reality, it is a total illusion! We are comparing incomparable objects, each belonging to its own space-time. How can we imagine the idea that an elephant has of its own size? Any human observation is subjective because it proceeds from an intrinsic anthropocentrism (a human point of view).


A comparative analysis is a reduction of our intellect, as much for space as for time. Besides, our culture and our behavior cause us to continually make judgments. Measuring instruments themselves are not to blame. It is the interpretation of the results, stemming from an artifact belonging to a particular space-time, that plunges and locks us inside the matrix. We attempt irresistibly but in vain to extricate ourselves from an environment to which we belong !

Why do all electromagnetic waves travel at the speed of light? For the simple reason that because of their own space-time, our instruments cannot measure anything else!

One of these erroneous interpretations, in my opinion, is the constant of the speed of light. How do we know that it is constant? By measuring it in our space-time. Indeed, we measure it within our frame of reference.


Now, in the same time, if I may say so, we ourselves have never experienced even half of this speed. In other words, we do not know what our perception would be, even with instruments, of this other frame of reference. What is speed, and more still - acceleration, if it is not a modification of space-time? Remember that Einstein indicated that the more one approaches the speed of light, the more time expands. In this case, once again according to my vision, space contracts.


So speed is immediate data in a frame of reference, we may say that speed itself is the reference, whereas acceleration, when it is high enough, is a transfer from one space-time to another. Our technologies are still too weak in order to realize this. There is an intersidereal gaping hole between an acceleration of 10 m/s2 and an acceleration of 100 000 m/s2 (See particle accelerators below). It is exactly one of the functions of the rotor seen in the dream and which had lightning acceleration.

Another little effort! The recognition of the Strange is within reach of seconds and of Angstroms. In matter, light is "braked" by the various space-times which constitute the electronic levels.

To avoid a long description of the states of matter, I shall just present a few essential points

  • Every electronic level has its own time density of which corresponds to the space between the nucleus and the electron. The time density of matter is therefore the average of these densities.

  • The more electronic levels there are, more the global density of time is weak but the potential energy (number of electrons) is big. So, gravity is due to the total value of electronic space-times. Gravity of the big masses comes from the total number of atoms concerned, (themselves consisting of a multitude of space-times).

  • The greater the density of time, more the energy is immediately available with a minimum of energy to obtain it by the appearance of quantas of time. Hence, the possibility of an output superior to 1. Free energy could result from this explanation.

  • Potential energy increases as the distance (space) and as the opposite of the density of time. Kinetic energy increases as the density of time (therefore a decrease of space).

  • The increase of time density comes from the decreasing of these spaces. The more levels there are, the more one can harness quantum vacuum

  • Quantum vacuum is represented by these spaces from which one draws energy . The increase of time density comes from the decrease in the distance between electronic levels.

  • How does one decrease electronic space? By compression (need of energy = radial vector: explosive method) or by vortex in a vacuum (high speed rotation =tangential vector: gentle and progressive method) that cause quantas of time to appear. Isotopes are transformed into energy.

  • Gravity is strong for big masses (e.g. the Earth) because they have many particles. The same thing can be obtained with a small amount of matter by reducing the space between the nucleus and the electrons. The distance (= temps) is the factor of conversion of gravity.

Once again, the measurements should take into account the differences in scale. We are therefore proposing a new theory : Absolute Relativity! It can be expressed as follows : information structures space-time, and conversely.



Here we introduce the notion of temporal quantas which was inspired long after the experience of March, 2002. A quantum of time is the smallest grain of indivisible time. It has a value, as a first estimate, of 10-44 second, or below the time of Planck. Let us consider three frequencies belonging to three different densities of time and place quantas of time on these waves.

In developing temporal quantas, one can measure the differences of density. One crosses from one density to another by the line (axis) of the present, that is through the points of vibratory harmonics.


To represent the Present (P-Time) in a geometrical way, imagine if one second were the distance of the Earth from the Sun, the Present would not even be visible with the best microscope in the world. It is not so surprising that we can miss billions of temporal quantas every second.


It is with this that the importance of psychological time can be realized, the same as with dreams, a state signifying a vibratory increase.

It is essential to understand that every quantum of time is a bearer of information in the space-time that it occupies. The energy and the "messages" that are there are going to circulate from quantum to quantum, making bigger jumps in weaker densities. The more the quantas are spaced out (low frequencies) the more the law of cause and effect will prevail (as with karma). That is why quantum physics, in certain circumstances does not know what is the effect or the cause of quantum states with the same name.


Once established on very high frequencies, and circulating far enough towards one or the other arrows of time (direction), as a part of ourselves is able to do, we can see the past (distant memory) or the future… just as UFOs can. This law of liberty explains not only the difference between nature worlds (mineral, vegetal, animal and human), but also the confrontation between science and spirituality. Do we not say that there are "hard", or "pure" sciences (very reliable=less freedom) and "soft", or "human" sciences (more uncertain = high freedom)

By simultaneously increasing energy in two different time densities, there are proportionally more temporal quantas missing in the lower time density.

The universe, in all its realities, is a succession of ranges of frequencies corresponding to different densities of time (so, different space-times).



Concerning more particularly UFOs, we will try to explain them in the light of 3-D Time. Here is an incomplete list of additional effects that may find a new global coherence.

The prodigious accelerations are illusory: the unit of time changes.

Not only the acceleration of UFOs, seen from the outside, is an illusion due to a differential of temporal density, but it is also an imaginary reduction of its size, giving us even more so the impression that they are far away. Would they decrease to the size of a ball of light in a crop circle?

  • The observations vary from ghostly to very material: the state of matter changes.

  • UFOs disappear on the spot: the rotation of the rotor expands time without changing position.

  • The environment undergoes a 'sucking up' (lifting) phenomenon: a strong local gravity takes place.

  • Photos of UFOs are often vague: intermediate density of time.

  • UFOs are furtive: radar detection depends on immediate materiality.

  • Perception of dimensions is relative: vessels are bigger inside and smaller outside. ETs vary in size according to their appropriate density.

  • The saucer shape is the most efficient: economy of matter is determined by the radius of the ring.

  • A beam of light attracts objects: the gravitational beam is guided by a field.

  • UFOs change shape: the 4 states exist at the same time in the craft.

  • Witnesses are attracted by a light which then gets bigger: moment which precedes the materialization.

  • ETs can choose the witnesses: a psychic emission inhibits perceptions and conversely. (Perceptions can be enhanced)

  • Some abductees have missing time: the missing Time is no other than a different time density.

  • Microwave traces are often found in places of UFO landings. They signify a materialization. With adequate means, we could maybe measure X-rays and gamma rays of the luminous sightings: the physical traces depend on the phase of "materialization".

We can, of course apply 3-D Time to paranormal phenomena.

  • Telepathy : transfer of psychic waves to a temporal level giving the appearance of simultaneity.

  • Speed of thought: a part of ourselves is situated in another density of time.

  • Ghosts and ectoplasms: intermediate states of temporal density.

  • Dreams: change of density during the night. The dreams seem extremely short and contain nevertheless many details.

  • Retro precognition : break of partial temporal density and sliding along the axis of direction.

  • Telekinesis and poltergeists: variation of the density in the environment.

Science also has its mysteries. Here are a few suggestions.

  • Loss of information from black holes: high gravity rhymes with high temporal density.

  • Arbitrary nature of physical constants: they are valid only in our density.

  • Very weak gravity compared to the other forces: proportional to the temporal density.

  • Heisenberg's uncertainty: impossibility to measure the position and also the quantity of movement of a particle because of a break of the flow of time in the experiment.

  • Inseparability of particles: paradox between the experience of thought EPR (Einstein-Podolski-Rosen), confirmed by the theorem of Bell, and the experience of Aspect demonstrating the counter intuitive nature of quantum mechanics. The quantas of non-visible time pass on the information of the particle properties in the form of waves.

  • Disappearance of particles in particle accelerators: these partially fulfill the role of the torus of UFOs. Particles disappear towards the geometrical centre of the particle accelerators (density of time+gravity).

This list of elements can be completed at your leisure. There are things which don't come to mind easily. So, all those who are interested in the laws that govern the universe or if they are not yet convinced or if they are simply curious can meditate upon it in order to attempt another excursion out of the matrix, for there is nothing more extraordinary than to experience it oneself.



I reply to a person who contacted me after reading the document above. He asked what proof or evidence could be found to illustrate the theory

For the question of proof and evidence, I have given a few ideas at the end of the article – mentioning black holes, particle accelerators and quantum enigmas. Our problem today is that we are limited, if I remember well, to a time scale of 10-15 second to observe the infinitely small (we are waiting for 10-18 sec. laser beams to be developed), and we even interpret what we 'see' without being sure of the pertinence of the interpretation. You know as I do that the time of Planck (10-43second) is a mathematical deduction. We are therefore only halfway there, so to speak.

The problem with the interpretation of gravity in the infinitely small, based on general relativity, comes from the fact that the scales are very different in terms of 'distance' and also in number of atoms.

The difference in scale between gravity and the other interactions (1040 higher for strong interactions), is surprising and is a problem. If, as I suppose, the reduction in distance between the nucleus and electronic levels really generates gravity, until we are better informed, we are incapable of measuring this distance in our quantum experiments since it is difficult to provoke this 'compression' (reduction of electronic distances) and at the same time measure this gravitational distance because of the explosive method used (high energy laser beam bombarding an atom). We neither have the means nor the time to do it (phenomena too fast).


However, according to some, we should be able to verify it or not, with the future LHCof the CERN (2007) (particle accelerator), if mini black holes appear under certain conditions. As I see it, it would be useful to study the theory of Dr. Ning Lee of l'UAH (Alabama) that shows the apparition of antigravity phenomena in spinning electromagnetic fields, and also Dr Podkletnov's experiment, even if controversial, which gave an idea of it (loss of 2% of the mass of 'objects' found above a rotor producing a spinning field.).

In fact, to my mind, antigravity is a differential of gravity comparative to the mass involved (number of atoms) and not an 'opposing' force. In any case, what is a space-time anti-curvature ?

Quantum mechanics gives us intuitive proof of the existence of 'non apparent' quantas of time (supposed to be in very high time densities) on a plate. The whole QM is built on a basic principle: state functions attribute discrete states (spin, charge and mass) to particles, i.e. jumps in their state. It is precisely the definition of quantum states. Has anyone ever explained these discontinuities ? No, we are content to observe them. What happens between two quantum states, which, at the same time bring about spatial modifications? Nobody knows!

I sense that it is here, that the dematerialization of matter happens - instantaneous certainly - but dematerialization just the same.

When you consider this apparent 'absurdity' and our temporary inability (let's hope so) to 'see' below 10-15 second (to be converted in wavelengths), you can also deduce that matter BECOMES INVISIBLE because it dematerializes, while the wave-like nature of matter keeps the 'memory' of the particle properties (theory of super-cords and inseparability of particles). We will see further on how the coherence of atomic structures is conserved even in the case of dematerialization.

From this comes the idea that UFOs, are transformed from particle to wave, once a certain rate of time flow is reached at the periphery of the rotor! The emission of a breaking frequency that I spoke of in the previous article, describing access to invisibility, i.e. to dematerialization, would be the missing key. It should be born in mind that for me, invisibility, as for light, does not mean that matter has totally disappeared but that it has lost its mass and consequently, there is no inertia which prevents high speeds.

This breaking frequency should be found, with the necessary energy, a little below (in terms of wavelength) the threshold of present 'visibility', meaning when converted into frequencies, around 100,000 gigahertz, as we will see. It is interesting to note that light, which has a frequency between 4 and 7.5 1014 hz, happens to be at the limit of what we see of the infinitely small today. Now, I state in the article that the third state of matter is luminescent before invisibility (the first being stable, the second being unstable). Before concluding anything as such, or getting carried away with such an easy temptation, we have to imagine the frequency of a rotor spinning at very high speed.


Besides the fact that this rotor isn't braked by its environment (vacuum chamber), besides the fact that purely inert gyroscopic effects hold it in an extremely stable spatial referential, inducing even within itself an 'antigravity' phenomenon (Frisbee effect), besides the fact that there is no contact with any other matter in its centre since it would be emptied (pointless and even the existence of constraints in the case of a full hub), besides the fact that it produces electromagnetic fields at high energy, the rotor is a marvelous emitter of frequencies.. relayed by the crystal.

Let us make a hypothesis. A rotor diameter of 5 meters, the circumference is 15.7 meters. At 3000 000 000 meters/second (speed of light), the supposed speed limit (we will speak of the dilemma of infinite energy for an infinite mass later on), our frequency is about 19 megahertz (or 19 million rotations/second). It is extremely weak in terms of frequency but very high in rps.

Remember that Podkeltnov's rotor turned at 5000 rpm, that is 230 000 times slower for a ten times smaller size. On the other hand, by doubling our rotor by another which turns in the opposite direction and by having hundreds of segments of radial magnets on the two rotors one on top of the other, the radial magnets having a thickness for example of one centimeter in circumference, we obtain: 15700x19=298300 Mhz that we multiply again by 15700(second rotor) that is a frequency of: 4683310000 Ghz, i.e. nearly 4.6 million gigahertz. That is one bit of information every 4.6 10-18 second.

You 'just' need to reduce this figure by a factor of a hundred (i.e. 1% of the speed of light) to realize that we reach ten times our present observation limit. Therefore, our progress in means of measurements will rapidly confirm or invalidate this hypothesis of material disappearance and prove the reality of time quantas. And since we are only at 1% of the speed of light, the energy needed doesn't greatly increase the mass of atoms of the rotor. The explosion of the rotor, that could be envisaged due to the centrifugal force thus generated, could be avoided by the structure itself (purity), of the material used and the action of the torus spoken of below.


Finally, according to my vision, with the atoms transforming into waves after a certain vibratory threshold (see above for the breaking frequency), the corpuscular nature of atoms no longer has to be maintained as it is, and this happening progressively from the periphery to the centre of the rotor as it accelerates (the rotor would therefore diminish before your eyes), at the same time, emitting a powerful light (what we see in the centre of the underside of saucers).

For the rest of the craft, we can suppose that the crystal (type of quartz) aligns the harmonic frequencies. It is understood, and you must not forget that by increasing the frequencies, you increase the appearance of time quantas in the theory that we are interested in, increasing at the same time the mass of accessible information, and consequently the energy which is more immediately available and which is linked to it, knowing, once again that space contracts at the same time (present dilemma of the observation of the infinitely small). The most annoying, it must be confessed, is that the more you look into the infinitely small, precisely the more it becomes so (equivalence space vs. time).

This leads us to the Fermi paradox. He was absolutely right in opposing the idea of the hypothesis of the presence of extraterrestrials on Earth, coming from the confines of the universe, with those insurmountable distances of the cosmos, so long as we remain enclosed in a non-compressible space reference.


According to this paradox, either the ETs are already here, or they can't in any way be here. In the first case, we would have already seen them, which doesn't seem to be the case for him. In the light of absolute relativity according to which, information structures space-time and vice versa, space contracts as the density of time increases. For ETs, the universe is 'ridiculously' small if they 'greatly' expand time. I imagine that they can't all do so, through all the scales of expansion.. which would explain, among other things, their very different behaviors (they are not all to be put in the same boat).

They can only appear to us if they decide to, i.e. only if they change space-time by reducing their time density. This reduction can only be done at the cost of a considerable loss of time quantas and therefore of information by, you guessed, a negative acceleration of the rotor. Their materialization is therefore a form of 'sacrifice' of their degree of freedom (this term is often attributed to avatars).


One can understand why they don't rush to shake our hands, in case we put theirs in handcuffs. Yet it is, I believe, what they accept to do (sacrifice time quantas) to take 'samples' that are more easily observed by this means, or more rarely, for direct physical contacts with those whom they know that there is no or little risk (psychic and behavior studies). The less 'clever' among them are no doubt 'caught out' by being seen sometimes. It's a strong bet that the easiest thing for them is to capture our psychic signals (high frequencies) and remain comfortably 'there' where they are. (Sorry for this digression).

To come back to astronomical distances, that are reputed to be insurmountable, the Fermi paradox is probably the most simple among paradoxes to be challenged and understood since these distances (universe 15 billions (U.S.) light years away) have no value except in our space-time (see the theory of reversed triangles where, 'the more time there is, the less space'). We have known since 1905 (limited relativity) that space and time are inseparable.


By introducing three-dimensional time, the impact on space-time geometry is obvious, and the notion of time quantas clarifies this relation: for each appearance of a time quantum, a spatial 'quantum' disappears (for this idea must also be introduced). We could express this by tQ (time quantum) and sQ (space quantum). Then we would have an equation like: S tQ=1/S sQ.


And inversely, like the relation that unites frequency and wavelength. This isn't quite true in the sense that there is discontinuity. Therefore, this relation can only be valid in a discrete function (discontinuous), (see the initial text). In this case, we would have a limit, where S is the sum, Sx tQ> 1/Sy eQ, where x and y are two signs of maximum space-time considered. Systematically, we would define the Sx1,2.. n tQ and the Sy1,2…n sQ where n would be a particular space-time.

This new type of algebra must, it is true, be examined by math's experts.

We said that the universe is fractal (scales of space without linear transitions). It's interesting, at least, to link the variations of space and time in each space-time. We could actually use the term "tension" for the phenomena, where, in a particular space-time, we see a variation of time quantas, and its consequences in mass/energy, in a same spatial referential (like the one that we study in classical physics), or inversely with a same number of time quantas for a variation of space.


It's like this that we have the notions of potential and kinetic energies belonging to each space-time (celestial mechanics, classical mechanics, biology, chemistry, electronics, etc.). It would probably be extremely tempting to compare this notion of "tension" within the same space-time to that of Einstein's "tensor" which would immediately see its applications multiplied by as many discontinuous space-times.

I would just like to mention the nature of antimatter that many see as the ideal energetic manna from heaven. Like Richard Feynman, a physicist, who saw in antimatter the expression of matter going backwards in time (reversed arrow of time), I think this idea is quite probable.

Feynman has, it is true, since changed his mind. However, he didn't know the three-dimensional theory of time very well to which we can add the following idea: beyond a certain flow of time (time density), the quantas are so close to each other (because very numerous) that the information could circulate in the opposite direction to the natural arrow of time in our space-time. This reversed flow of information (mass/energy) 'normally' happens in the form of waves, non-materialized by particles. There seems to be a boundary state of matter, that is coherent and capable of going backwards like this in time. It is very brief (they speak of a millionth of a second).

Just as an electric current that flows, not physically (the electrons only move very little) but in a wave-like manner (transmission of shocks), the information (of the states of matter) can flow against the current, and be compared to thermodynamic entropic sub-millimetric fluctuations.

We all know that below certain values, cause and effect are indiscernible in Quantum Mechanics, in other words, the flow of time, when it is very dense, is going to influence the order of appearance of phenomena without being in any way in contradiction with classical laws for they don't belong to the same space-time. In classical mechanics, time quantas are very spaced out and matter follows defined laws.


On the other hand, in QM, matter follows undefined laws, but.. statistical laws. We must remember that QMlogic is counter-intuitive. Once three-dimensional time logic is accepted, its effects will be largely obvious. As a result, QM becomes more intuitive again, especially if we add the notion of transport of information dear to Austrian Prof. Zeilinger.

In this way, therefore, I make the hypothesis that electronic and proton charges of our space-time could reflect the arrow of time, the arrow that is followed by matter in some space-times including ours that are restricted by a too great a lack of time quantas, (counted in billions).

One could thus suppose, in a first estimate, that antimatter is the expression of matter that goes in the opposite direction, and that one can only control in a powerful electromagnetic field which prevents "two trains from crashing on the same line", the magnetic field itself not having much to do with time. It should be noted that the production of antimatter, which is in any case famous for its furtiveness, is ridiculously weak compared to the surrounding matter (the record seems to be only 50,000 atoms of antimatter when there are billions of billions around it.

When matter meets antimatter, it produces a colossal amount of energy, since in my opinion, it corresponds to the instantaneous compression of two space-times going in different directions (arrow of time) that annihilate themselves. One could say that it's the energy of the Present, which, when it is reduced usually to a single time quantum (when the wave passes by its neutral phase), is very weak, or too fast (here, as well).


In the case of antimatter, we could be dealing with packets of materialized Present, from the fact that a relatively great number of quantas (which usually flow one after the other) meet instantaneously, since in an opposite manner. In other terms, they are two vectors of energy (admissible in 3-D time) which crash headlong into each other.

Antimatter could be present in the torus of UFOs! Protected by a powerful electromagnetic field, even in a small quantity, it would orbit at a vertiginous speed and would serve two functions:

  • maintain the temporal coherence of the particles of the ship (the function of a particle accelerator).

  • maintain the waves, inside the ship, once the matter has "dematerialized", forcing them to perform 'on the spot' rather than lose themselves in space or in the atmosphere. This phenomena could be explained by a "reverse" aligning of the harmonics of the matter waves with the antimatter waves (the sinusoids are mixed up, some in one direction, others in another.) Being contained within the craft, the particular properties of these waves would be controlled. I admit that this aspect of things is very speculative for the moment as it is one hypothesis on top of another.

Whatever the case, the issue of antimatter is a question of where it comes from. The most exotic theories exist, for example that of parallel universes, that would be "elsewhere", but where? This vision of opposite arrows of time seems to me to correspond to a coherent logic of the intrinsic nature of a multi-dimensional universe that contains our own, and doesn't put off indefinitely the discovery of other worlds, that are inaccessible by definition.

Binary charges (positive/negative) correspond perfectly to the duality of the Direction of time (Dir-Time="from the past to the future" and "from the future to the past"). I think that the universe is very coherent and that scientific understanding is not an empty notion. The dual three-dimensionality of space and time seems to me to belong to the genius of Nature and what we are invited to participate in.

In conclusion, I could say that matter is a "simple" affair of space-time and energy-mass. Four pillars of the foundation of the universe! The final question could be: what is the fifth element ?