Archivos Con Un
Solo Artículo: |
60th Anniversary of the Roswell Crash
- Exopolitical Significance of the Walter Haut Affidavit |
ACC (American Computer Company)
and The Roswell 1947 Story
- Reverse Engineering |
Advent of Ahriman
- An Essay on the Deep Forces behind the World-Crisis,
The |
Bielek's Speech at The MUFON Conference - 1990 |
Alien Overlords,
The |
Aliens and The Government |
Aliens and The Super Powers |
Aliens Behind World Government |
Alleged ‘Project SERPO’ Sent U.S. Military
Team to Another Planet? |
Alternative 3 and 'Global Consciousness':
Identifying a New
Strategic Factor for Responding to Extraterrestrials |
A Mathematical Analysis of Ancient History |
America’s Triumph & Europe’s Angst
(The Secret Race to Control Iraq’s Extraterrestrial Heritage) |
Abrupt Climate Change Scenario
and Its Implications for United States National Security |
Ancient and Future Custodial Alien Races
and the HyperDimensional Symbolic Cryptographic Munitions
Conspiracy |
Anunnaki New World Order, On the Brink of |
Archaeological Cover-ups - A Plot
to Control History? |
Are We a Security Threat to
Extraterrestrial Civilizations?
Babylon The Great -
Catholic or Jewish?, Mystery |
Bioelectric Terrorism - Analysis
of Possible Threat |
Biological and the Silicon:
Modifying Humans for Space Travel, The |
Breaking The God Spell, On |
Report, The |
Case For Celestial
Humans, The |
CIA Said To Rue Its
Long-term UFO Cover-Up |
Coming Galactic Superwave, The |
Conexión Humano-Reptiliana, La |
Controllers -
A New Hypothesis of
Alien Abductions, The |
Cosmic Aggressors of Humanity and Their
Murderous Attacks |
Cosmic Conflict |
Cosmic Deception - The Hoaxed Alien
Invasion Scenario |
Cosmic Tree, The |
Cosmic Watergate Collapsing
- The Elephant is Stampeding in the Living Room |
Cults of The Dark Gods |
Cyberwarfare |
Deep Impact at the End of
May 2006! |
Developing a Typology of
Extraterrestrial Activities and Motivations
- The Physics of Extraterrestrial Civilizations |
Disclosure Project - Briefing Document |
Divine Right" Rule, The Biological Basis
of Elitism and "The |
Strake” vs. ‘Divine Strike’
– Did Extraterrestrials Deter the Pentagon from a
Preemptive... |
Ederman Message, The |
Evolutionary High Road, The |
Ex-China Foreign Ministry Official says
Extraterrestrials Live Among Us |
Exopolitical Communique To The World |
Implications of a Preemptive Nuclear War in Iran |
Exopolitical Perspective on the Preemptive
War against Iraq |
Exopolitics - a Decade of Contact
A Treatise |
Exopolitics and Global Warming - A Cosmic
Connection |
Exopolitics and The Methodological Bias of Ufology |
Political Approaches to UFOs & the Extraterrestrial Hypothesis,
The History of |
Exopolitics - Has the Galactic Superwave of 2012 Begun? |
Exopolitics Interview with Alfred Lambremont Webre |
Exopolitics - Politics, Government, And
Law In The Universe
- Reviews of A Treatise |
Exopolitics Radio Show Information |
Exopolitics - The Coming Galactic Superwave |
Exopolitics - The Human Soul Meets the
Future |
Exopolitics - UFO
Rip |
Exopolitics, What is...? |
Civilizations, Using Space Weapons Against |
Extra-Terrestrial Exposure Law
- Already Passed By Congress
Extraterrestrial Technology and Edgar
Rothschild Fouche |
Failure of Power
as a Strategic Response to the Extraterrestrial Presence Developing Human
Capacity as...,
The |
Fake Alien Invasion, The |
Fake Invasion - The Fake Rapture
(The Alien Agenda: Coming Soon) |
Fake Second Coming
- TechnoRealities / What
Is Going On In The Skies - Are Some UFO's...,
The |
False Flag Operations, 9-11 and the
Exopolitical Perspective |
Forbidden Knowledge: A Revelation to Adam,
The |
History" of Early Mankind, The |
Former Canadian Defense Minister
Speaks Out on Extraterrestrial Visitors & Government Secrecy |
Foundations for Globally Managing Extraterrestrials Affairs:
The legacy of the Nazi
Germany-extraterrestrial connection |
Orgone Energy to Roswell
Wilhelm Reich:
Eisenhower’s Secret Ally Against the Aliens |
Gods of Eden,
The |
Prophecies - from the Billy Meier Contacts, The |
How the U.S. Government Suppressed the
World’s First Civilian Spacecraft Industry |
Human-Reptilian Connection
- from "The Hollow Earth Insider Research Report",
The |
Ike and Extraterrestrials - President
Eisenhower at Holloman AFB? |
In Defense of Kingship and Divine Right |
with Charles Hall -
Motivations of
the Tall White Extraterrestrials and their Exopolitical Significance |
Interview with the Leading Exponent of Exopolitics, Dr. Michael Salla |
Extraterrestrial Intervention:
Collapse of the ‘Berlin Wall’
or ‘Conquest of the Americas’?
Israel Seeks Preemptive
Nuclear Strike Against Iran
- An Exopolitical Perspective on Peace... |
Israel's Preemptive Nuclear Strike
Against Iran - An Exopolitical Perspective |
Exopolitics and ETs in India
Messages by Michael Salla |
Lost Tribe Of Dan
- The Early
Jewish and Christian View Of The Identity Of The Antichrist,
The |
Meteor Broken into Pieces by UFO |
May 25, 2006 - The Day of Destiny! |
Need for Exopolitics:
Implications of
Extraterrestrial Conspiracy Theories for Policy Makers and Global Peace,
The |
Maya, The |
New Dawn Rising - Formal Extraterrestrial
- The Ashtar Command |
On the Brink of Anunnaki New World Order |
Options For A Planet In Peril |
Pentagon Aliens
- Formerly 'Space Aliens From The Pentagon' |
Photographic Evidence of UFOs Landing on
Capitol Hill |
Photo Reveals
Secret Dig Beneath U.S. Capitol |
Political Management of the Extraterrestrial
The Challenge to Democracy
and Liberty in America |
Spin and Extraterrestrial Disclosure -
Shaping Public
Opinion for "First Contact" with Extraterrestrial |
Preserving Human Sovereignty
and Independence
In Responding to Extraterrestrial Intervention |
Project Horizon |
RedBook - Subterranean Worlds / Alien-Human Underworlds |
Prophecies - The Roots of Modern Terrorism, The |
Reagan, Ronald - The Alien Thread |
Real ‘X-Files’ - Is Uncle Sam a Closet
UFOlogist, The |
Responding to Extraterrestrial Infiltration
of Clandestine
Organizations embedded in Military... |
Reverse-Engineering - Roswell UFO
Technology |
Roswell, The Day After |
Roswell UFO Technology -
Reverse-Engineering |
Rulers of the Earth - Secrets of the Sons
of God |
Saddam Hussein, La Escalera al Cielo y El
Regreso del Planeta X |
Saddam Hussein, The
Stairway to Heaven and The Return of Planet X |
Sapiens Rising - Beyond the Babel Factor |
Science in Default: Twenty-Two
Years of Inadequate UFO Investigations |
Secret Race to Control Iraq’s Extraterrestrial
Heritage, The |
SERPO’ Sent U.S. Military Team to Another
Planet?, Alleged 'Project |
Serpo - The Zeta Reticuli Exchange
Program, Project |
Servizio Informazioni del Vaticano
- Genesi dei Rapporti tra Vaticano ed Intelligence USA,
Il |
Significance of Iranian Flying Saucer Reports
for the US Military Occupation in Iraq |
Skywatching at Sattva Sanctuary
- the 2006
ECETI Conference & Galactic Peace Sanctuaries |
Small Cadre of Elites of Planet Earth, The |
Stargate Conspiracy
A Review,
analysis, and commentary on the book by Lynn Picknett and Clive Prince,
The |
Stargate of The Gods - 2012 |
Stargates-Wormholes and the Bearded Serpent Gods of all
Major Religions |
Star Wars or Star Dreams? |
of Aspirations and Code of Conduct for Extraterrestrials
Interacting with Earth |
Stinky Gasoline And The Alien Intervention |
White’ Extraterrestrials,
Technology Transfer and Resource
Extraction from Earth |
to Human Freedom" - Prepared for All Terrestrial Earth Humanity |
Towards a
Decade of Contact
for re-integration into Universe society
Lecture by Capt. Bill Robertson - Transcript from Video
(1990) |
UFOs and the
National Security State |
UFO Retrivals, The White House Role in
Crashed |
Underground Bases - Information from The
Cassiopaeans |
Using Space
Weapons Against Extraterrestrial Civilizations |
Von Braun Was At Roswell |
What Did President Eisenhower Secretly Know
that led to him supporting a Revision of the
Pledge of
Allegiance? |
What is Exopolitics? |
White Hats vs. Cabal Inside the U.S.
Intelligence Community |
White House Role in Crashed UFO
Retrievals, The |
Will The Cassini Space Robe Be Used As A
Nuclear Trigger To Ignite Saturn
And Terraform Its Moons For Human Colonization? |
Archivos Con
Varios Artículos Incorporados:
Principales - Main Files) |
About Carol Rosin and the late Werner Von Braun |
Michael Sokolov |
Alien Mind-A Primer
- The
Alternative 3
- The Saga
Lives On |
Blue Beam - The uncovered Project |
Blue Book, Project |
Corso and
The Roswell Incident, Philip |
Cosmos |
Council of Nine, The |
Earth Chronicles
Series, Books of The |
Ed Komarek
Exopolitical Files |
Eisenhower’s 1954 Meeting With Extraterrestrials:
Fiftieth Anniversary of First Contact? |
Entrevistas al Dr. Jaime Neruda
The WingMakers |
Exopolitical Files -
Alfred Lambremont Webre |
Exopolitical Files - Ed Komarek |
Exopolitical Files -
Michael E. Salla |
Exopolitical Files - Steven M. Greer |
Extraterrestrial False Flag
Operation to Begin in August, 2007? |
First Contact
(enclosed: The
Ederman Message) |
Galactic Diplomacy |
Galactic Federations and Councils |
Greer, Exopolitical Files - Steven M. |
Lear and UFO Coverup
- Startling Revelations Concerning the Subject of A.P.
and UFOs |
Komarek, Exopolitical Files - Ed |
Mars Records |
Master File
- From the "Rebellion in Heaven" unto Present and Future Time,
The |
Middle East Exopolitical Saga, The |
Nexus Seven,
The |
Nine, The Council of |
Nichols y Peter Moon |
Proyecto Revelación -
The Disclosure
El |
Psychic Universe, The |
Related to Saddam Hussein |
Roswell Incident,
Philip Corso and The |
Saddam Hussein, Reports Related to |
Salla, Exopolitical Files -
Michael E. |
SERPO, Project |
Sitchin, The
Work of Zecharia |
About Michael |
Sylphs & Chemtrails |
Family" |
The Good, The Bad
and The Ugly in Ufology |
Underground Anomalous Constructions |
Valerian y Matrix |
Verdants - Alien Mind, A
Primer, The |
Voyagers - Guardian Alliance
Material -
by A'sha-yana and A'zar-tanya Deane
Webre, Exopolitical Files -
Alfred Lambremont |