by R.A. Coombes
TheAlphaOmegaReport Website

Ishtar Enlightening
the World with her torch uplifted
We've been saying for years that it was just a matter of time before
the Babylonian chief goddess Ishtar (a.k.a. Inanna in
Babylon, Isis in Eygypt, Astarte or Aphrodite
in Greece and Libertas/Venus in Rome to name just a few)
would once again rise to prominence in world affairs not merely in a
mystical manner but in a bold, in-your-face resurgence of Ishtar’s
many "mystical" doctrines. Now we see more instances of her return
in human society as her doctrines take a subtle hold within both
Protestant and Catholic churches in the USA. Such
developments further fuel the cosmic rebellion against the
Creator-Ruler of the Universe.
Remember that Ishtar has already made extensive inroads into Western
Civilization in the form of the goddess Libertas (her early Roman
name) which in English is the Goddess of Liberty or Goddess of
Freedom. In that guise she can be found as the Statue of Liberty
guarding the New York City harbor as well as atop the US Capitol
Building in Washington D.C. where America's lawmakers meet to write
new laws. She also can be found on the grounds or atop the domes of
many statehouses around the USA. She is also found on coinage of
America too.
We've also seen Ishtar worship itself come at least somewhat into
the open thanks to the advent of the Internet. Run a search on
google.com or any other search engine and punch in the term
and the term goddess (or vice-versa) and see what you come up with.
Keep in mind that there is an actual Ishtar Temple group that had
been meeting once a year at the pagan festival of "The Burning Man"
in the Nevada desert in the southwestern USA during America's Labor
Day celebrations.
We understand that for 2003 the group has chosen a
more mainstream location in San Francisco to operate its temple.
We have a hunch that at some point, Ishtarism will begin to openly
operate in big cities. When this occurs it will feature a form of
religious prostitution in which sexual activities will occur with
money changing hands directly to the “temple” itself with the
“priestesses” then being paid a salary perhaps, just like ministers
in a Christian church would be paid a salary? We’re guessing here
but we think such an approach would be a logical extension to skirt
the current local prostitution laws around the country. Such a
development would have to skirt local, state and any federal laws
regarding prostitution because of the U.S. Constitution’s
prohibition against religious worship.
The idea of “holy
prostitution” activities would be argued by attorneys that such
rituals are a religious rite dating back to the beginning of
recorded history and therefore a valid religion and thus local
ordinances and laws could not apply to such activities because such
activities are indeed religious in nature and thereby protected by
the Constitutional mandate that prohibits the government and the
courts from interfering with religion. But now, that is not all we
suspect will develop with Ishtarism.
Here are more links to information on Ishtar-Inanna goddess worship
and training.
More … Complaints by Ishtar / Isis priestess in L.A. about Christian
history of persecuting Ishtar worshippers. We mention this only for
the reader to note that:
Such worshippers and priests/priestesses DO EXIST today.
Incidentally, the author at that link is a high priestess – the
537th in direct line of service to Isis, which is the Egyptian name
for Ishtar of Babylon.
Mainline Protestant Denominations & New Age-isms
Not only do we see Ishtar coming to the forefront in the new rise of
paganism in the USA but we also see Ishtar in a more veiled aspect
sweeping through the churches of America and other western nations.
It comes in a more subtle approach. We have noticed the recent usage
of the term “goddess” in such mainline Protestant denominations as
the Methodist Church, Episcopalians and even the Presbyterian Church
We began to see such beginning forays as early as the late
1970s and more so in the late 1980’s and early 1990s and slowly
gaining ground ever since. Here is an example of an Episcopalian
woman turning to the goddess worship of Ishtar. Check out this link
to the webpage of
Elizabeth Cunningham writing for the New Seminary
about “Sacred Prostitution.”

One artistic rendition of Ishtar, agricultural fertility goddess,
among other things.
Sacred Prostitution: The Whore and the Holy One
MagdalenTrilogy Website
“Once upon a time, so long ago that we only have fragments of
Sumerian and Babylonian tablets, myths and our own dreams to tell us
this story, the assertion "I am the whore and the holy one" would
not have been a paradox at all. In
ancient Sumer and Babylon, temple
priestess/prostitutes of the goddess received the god-bearing
stranger. Their sexual union was, for both participants, communion
with the divine.”
“Over time the enactment of the king’s symbolic marriage with the
goddess probably became mere form and finally obsolete as Babylon
and other societies became more stratified and war-like. Then
military might, instead of mystical union with the goddess,
conferred legitimacy on a ruler. In Babylon there was also a
hierarchy of prostitutes from the high-ranking temple priestesses,
the entu and naditu, to the tavern or street whore called
It’s worth noting that in Babylonian religious texts, the goddess
Ishtar identifies herself with the lower ranks of the street
prostitutes, saying "When I sit in the entrance of a tavern, I,
Ishtar, am a loving harimtu." In another Babylonian text Ishtar
proclaims, "A prostitute compassionate am I."
“There are many theories about what might have caused the near
total-eclipse of goddess worship(at least in the Western world) and
I don’t want to address them today. I just want to observe that she
(whoever, whatever she is) seems to be re-emerging…”
So there you have it, a devotee of Ishtar if not a priestess of
Ishtar notes that Ishtar worship seems to be “re-emerging.”
Below is perhaps one of the earliest pieces of money ever found.
Ishtar's religion invented the concept of money, as a coin-related
economy that centered around Ishtar temple worship. The origin of
money was developed in order to support the worship of Ishtar by
providing a way for assets to be garnered to cover the expenses of
maintaining the temple and its priestesses and priests.

Third-Wave/Latter-Rain Charismatic Movement
We've also run across Ishtar doctrines now developing in such
Charismatic organizations as The Toronto Blessing, the Brownsville
Revival and similar movements in Great Britain. We’ve seen it
beginning to develop in those groups while using their term
“cross-pollination.” The term seems to have blossomed under the
guidance of Carol Arnott (Toronto) and Brenda Kilpatrick
They have been among those leading the charge for a “New Apostolic
Reformation” within the Charismatic and Liberal Mainline
Denominations as well as within (they’re hoping) the Catholic Church
to a certain extent. These two women are “alleged” apostolic sisters
cut of the same doctrinal cloth and have had significant impacts
within the “KEYS TO FREEDOM” and special Women’s conferences in the
last few years. A dilemma supposedly developed with these women at
the beginning of their “ministry” involving the need for a
transferable anointing or so it was advised by male counterparts. It
was felt that for them to have such a special ministry in the
movement, such obligation required that the two women needed to take
a transferable anointing back to their own churches and
The idea of “cross-pollinating” would allegedly
bring unity to the churches and end denominationalism. In their way
of thinking, denominationalism is evil. The idea itself carries
sexual overtones very similar to instances by Toronto blessing
churches in Great Britain where women have had their genitals
“anointed” with oil by ministers. There have even been allegations
of at least one minister engaging in sexual intercourse with women
to give them an “internal anointing.” There have been reports of
“holy orgasms,” nudity and other allegations of lewd, sexual
misconduct within what is called “Third Wave” churches where women
are urged to “cross-pollinate” for the sake of revival, renewal and
the gospel. For confirmation on this concept of “cross-pollination”
visit the link given below:
In these movements we have read of sexual promiscuity being part of
a worship service or even worse, the inclusion of sexual relations
as part of an anointing process or processes along with the "laying
on of hands" in order to gain special spiritual blessings or
spiritual "power" or healing or forgiveness of sins.
C. Peter Wagner, a leader in the Third Wave Movement has reportedly
promoted occultic, shamanistic native dances including of all
things, “belly dancing.”
This last element, the forgiveness of sins is the most key element
of all, and yet until now the most hidden part of the Ishtar agenda
was her salvation doctrines which involve the notion of sexual
relations with a temple priestess in which the goddess possesses the
body of the priestess (or priest) and the worshipper then engages in
sexual relations with the priestess in order to "become one with the
goddess." That "becoming one" supposedly enables the worshipper to
have their sins "washed away" (“purified”) because they become "one"
with the goddess and her divine nature can not only wash away the
sins but also "enlighten" the worshipper to new insights of life.
This Ishtar doctrine of salvation, we believe will eventually be
pushed to the forefront. We suspect Ishtarism will be adopted like a
wildfire (in a drought-stricken prairie and forest) and will spread
rapidly throughout the USA especially in supposedly "Christian
churches." Combine this with a future government “admission” that
there are UFOs and aliens and that the aliens gave us our religions
to help civilize our species. In other words, Jesus, the Christ is
no different than Ishtar of Babylon or Baal or Allah, or
Krishna or
Buddha and any other pagan deity you care to think of. Such a
revelation by the government with key government scientists
providing detailed data-points will (I hypothesize) tend to
destabilize much of the population’s views regarding established
religious beliefs.
By virtue of Ishtar’s various doctrines including that of
“Liberty/Freedom” and by reality of her other “sensual” doctrinal
appeals and the seeming irrelevance of Judeo-Christian values, I
think we can see the distinct possibility that a complete collapse
of traditional Judeo-Christian values would soon ensue? We think so.
Among many mainline liberal, Protestant denominations the trend is
already moving towards the concepts of Ishtarism. It wouldn’t take
much to push those denominations over the edge and into outright
There is a group that has formed recently that is setting up an
ultra-liberal Christian church group in which non-monagamous
Christianity will be practiced. Now you may wonder what is meant by
“non-monagamous Christianity.” It is essentially the notion that
married couples or singles can and should engage in sexual
activities without regard to the concept of marriage.
Some would
refer to this notion as “swinging” while most would regard it as
just plain old adultery and fornication. I believe this group will
be growing in numbers sooner rather than later and will be ripe for
conversion to Ishtaristic–Christianity in which someday there will
be sexual acts performed in a church at an altar in front of the
Preacher’s podium. Don’t be surprised if it isn’t performed much
like the ritual of communion or a baptism. All in all, I suspect
these developments will make the Church of Corinth look like
extremely mature believers. Remember they also had their share of
sexual problems within their membership, including cases of incest
and homosexuality just to name a couple of issues there.
Now this new group that I mentioned is called “Liberated for Christ”
(also known as “libchrist.com”) and their website is so potentially
offensive, outlandish and outrageous that for this rare instance I
cannot in good conscience give out the URL for this group to prove
my points. You’ll either have to accept my word for it, or use a
search engine to figure it out. Not only is their website rather
offensive but it links to another related site that promotes Church
nudity and especially church nudity of women parishioners.
A link to
that sight would be a link to a pornographic website and we just
can’t in good conscience post such a site’s URL. We can only state
that we were shocked at such developments and yet we shouldn’t have
been. We’ve been expecting it, but I figured we’d first hear about
it in the media and not stumble onto it ourselves by a forum link
posting. If some reader just absolutely has to have a link to this
site they can email us at lettertoeditor at
aoreport.com and ask for
the link and we’ll give it out privately but only if the reader
specifically asks for it.
Roman Catholic Ishtarism
To many Evangelical, Fundamental Protestant believers, the
Catholic Church has always practiced Ishtarism in its full-blown
form in a blatant and public manner. To that conclusion we would
respectfully disagree. No, we don’t condone RCC doctrines that are
in error. Instead, we merely disagree that much of the paganistic
similarities within the RCC are exactly that, similarities for the
most part although there may be some remote linkage to late Roman
Empire paganism, nonetheless, we reject the claims made by Alexander Hislop who falsely identified much of the RCC symbolism with
Babylonian paganism, especially Ishtarism. In fact, he referred to
Ishtar as “Semiramis” for which we now know was total error. There
never was such a divine goddess known as “Semiramis.” It is not the
purpose of this article to investigate the false claims of Hislop so
we shall drop the subject, but we categorically maintain that Ishtar
worship and doctrines are nothing like those of the RCC once you
fully investigate the issue of Ishtar and her mystery doctrines.
We have read of the “Beautiful Creature” provisions for the
priesthood within the RCC having tacit Papal approval for illicit
sexual relations with “mystery wives” of the priests, some of whom
may have been nuns. This supposedly began in the middle of the 19th
Century. In some respects this revelation does bear some resemblance
to Ishtar worship but it is not universal and it is not public like
that of Ishtar worship. Indeed, the RCC does not have a woman-figure
carrying the title of “MOTHER OF HARLOTS” as does Ishtar herself
proudly carry that title. So in this regard, the RCC issue of
“Beautiful Creature” priesthood program just is not the same thing
as Ishtar worship.
However, we do note a recent article indicating that true Ishtar-like
ideas and doctrines are beginning to find a home within some of the RCC laity.
Here’s some choice quotes from the following linked page:
In a recent article titled, "Shouldn't We Sing to Her?"
Sister Mary
Irving, SSND, quoted Collins to support her plea that God be
addressed as female in order to honor,
"woman's dignity as the full
image of God." …
“In other words, the way Catholics have worshiped
for two millennia is idolatry — to be corrected by transforming God
into a goddess?”
“Another prominent feminist academic is
Sister Sandra Schneiders,
IHM, Professor of New Testament Studies and Christian Spirituality
at the Jesuit School of Theology in Berkeley, California. Typically,
her 1997 address to the LCWR exemplified post-Christian thought.”
We have presented evidence here that Ishtar worship is bubbling
beneath the surface not only in American society but also around the
world. We suspect that within the next ten years or sooner, we
should see Ishtarism flower out into public view and within the next
20 years, who knows, it could become the dominant religion even in
America. We would expect that once the rapture occurs, or
Christianity becomes outlawed by the NOW, Ishtarism will quickly
gain ground as a new religion of choice.