by Gregg Braden
Pages 227-230
Nation Against
At the birth of the twenty-first century, the conditions
appear to be in place for a great polarization of world powers,
bringing the threat of a global war well within the realm of
possibility. Countries that have previously been viewed as less
of a factor in global strategies are taking on new and
unexpected roles in the unfolding drama that is reshaping our
The last two years of the twentieth century, for example, saw a
number of new countries joining the exclusive ranks of those
possessing nuclear arms. Of particular note were the surprise
weapons tests of India and Pakistan. In spite of adamant pleas
for restraint by the United Nations Security Council,
and the United States, the two technological rivals have
continued to test their weapons in the interest of national
Though many scoff at the possibility of a global war, believing
that the horrors of World War II are too fresh in our memory to
allow such an event again, it is important to remain vigilant
and discerning, and to recognize the significance of global
events that, at first, may seem far away, with little relevance
to home.
The late-century crisis in Kosovo offered an example of just
such events. Though they appeared to casual observers to have
"come out of nowhere," the conflicts leading to the Kosovo
crisis actually stem from centuries-old tensions in a portion of
Eastern Europe that many analysts refer to as the "Balkan powder
keg." Following the ethnic cleansing and wartime atrocities
witnessed by the world in Bosnia less than a decade before, the
nations of the West were unwilling to allow a similar tragedy to
continue in Kosovo. The intent, duration, and form of military
intervention, however, were factors that divided even the allied
forces attempting to intervene. The struggle for power in
Eastern Europe offers a clear study on how regional strife may
unexpectedly polarize the great powers of the world into
precarious positions on opposite sides of the negotiating table.
The Balkan area is only one example of a political situation
with vast military implications. As the United Nations monitors
the events unfolding in Europe, it also continues to enforce an
embargo and military restrictions on Iraq. Threatened by the
buildup of chemical and biological weapons, Iraq has been viewed
as yet another powder keg, this one in the Middle East. Even
that country’s Arab neighbors, those traditionally considered to
be its allies, disapprove of Iraq’s new weapons capabilities and
the destabilization of what was already a delicate balance of
power in a volatile part of the world.
During a time that many have considered relatively peaceful on a
global scale, the last twenty years have, in fact, been a time
of tragedy and tremendous suffering on a localized basis. The
death toll resulting from separatist movements and religious and
civil wars is estimated to be over four and a half million
lives, a number representing the entire population of the state
of Louisiana, or the entire country of Israel. When the conflict
in Tibet is factored in, the loss of human life escalates by at
least another million, and possibly more.
Locations of global tensions at the birth of the third
Location - Description of conflict - Lives lost
Bosnia/Herzegovina-Serb opposition to Independence -
200,000+ Kosovo -Kosovars struggle for Independence - 2,000+
Northern Ireland -Sectarian violence - 3,200 Haiti -Civil war leading to 1991 coup - ?
Chechnya -Muslims battle Russians/Independence- 40,000
Sri Lanka -Tamils battling Sinhalese since 1983- 56,000
Rwanda -Hutu majority battling Tutsi minority-800,000+
Republic of Congo -Civil war 10,000+ Somalia -Civil war 300,000+
Sudan -Muslims battling Christians - 1.9 mil Angola -Civil war - 1.0 mil
Sierra Leone -Civil war - 3,000 Liberia -Civil war - 250,000
Algeria -Civil war - 65-80,000 Turkey -Civil war - 37,000
Tibet -Conflict between China/Tibet - 1.0 mil
*statistics as of first quarter 1999
These statistics
certainly describe something other than a peaceful world! Until
the late 1990s, however, such conflicts appeared to be localized
and, though tragic, less relevant in the daily lives of the
people of the Western world. Events late in 1998 and in 1999,
however, changed our worldview, with mass media bringing the
horror of regional conflicts and isolated wars into our homes
and classrooms in a way never seen before. Additionally,
situations such as the breakdown of peace negotiations between
Israel and the state of Palestine, continued tensions in
Northern Ireland, and a sudden leap in China’s nuclear
technology contribute to what many scholars believe are the
precursors of well-known prophecies tumbling into place, the
global positioning of a third great war. The sheer number of
conflicts presents a threat to global stability that becomes a
greater possibility as tensions increase.
Page 233/234-236
Mass Prayer
and Mustard Seeds
Recent studies into the effects of prayer offer new
credibility to ancient propositions suggesting that we may "do
something" about the horrors of our world, both present and
future. These studies add to a growing body of evidence
suggesting that focused prayers, especially those offered on a
large scale, have a predictable and measurable effect on the
quality of life during the time of the prayer. Documenting
statistical changes in daily life, such as specific crimes and
traffic accidents, while prayers are offered, a series of
studies show a direct relationship between the prayers and the
statistics. During the time of the prayers, the statistics drop.
When the prayers end, the statistics return to previous levels.
Scientists suspect that the relationship between mass prayer and
the activity of individuals in communities is due to a
phenomenon known as the field effect of consciousness. Much like
Joseph’s description of the sage, where the experience of one
plant affects the entire field, studies of specific population
samples appear to bear out this relationship. Two scientists
considered to have played a key role in the development of
modern psychology clearly referenced such effects in studies
offered nearly one hundred years ago.
In a paper originally published in 1898, for example, William
James suggested that,
"there exists a continuum of consciousness
uniting individual minds that could be directly experienced if
the psychophysical threshold of perception were sufficiently
lowered through refinement in the functioning nervous system."
James’ paper was a modern reference to a zone of consciousness,
a level of universal mind, that touches each and every life. By
using specific qualities of thought, feeling, and emotion, we
may tap into this universal mind and share in its benefits. The
purpose of many prayers and meditative techniques is to achieve
precisely such a condition.
In the words of their day, ancient teachings suggest a similar
field of consciousness, accessed by similar methods. The Vedic
traditions, for example, speak of a unified field of "pure
consciousness" that permeates all of creation. In such
traditions, our experience of thought and perception are viewed
as disturbances, interruptions in an otherwise motionless field.
At the same time, it is through our path of mastering perception
and thought that we may find the unifying consciousness as
individuals or as a group.
This is where the application of such studies becomes crucial in
global efforts to bring peace to our world. If we view conflict,
aggression, and war in our outer world as indications of stress
in our collective consciousness, then relieving collective
stress should relieve global tensions. In the words of Maharishi
Mahesh Yogi, founder of the Transcendental Meditation (TM)
"All occurrences of violence, negativity, conflict
crisis, or problems in any society are just the expression of
growth of stress in collective consciousness. When the level of
stress becomes sufficiently great, it bursts out into
large-scale violence, war, and civil uprising necessitating
military action."
The beauty of the field effect is that when
stress is relieved within a group, the effects are registered
beyond the immediate group, into an even larger area. This is
the thinking that led to studies of mass meditation and prayer
during the Israeli-Lebanese War in the early 1980s.
In September 1983, studies were conducted in Jerusalem to
explore the relationship between prayer, meditation, and
violence. Applying new technologies to test an ancient theory,
individuals trained in the techniques of TM, considered to be a
mode of prayer by prayer researchers, were placed in strategic
locations within Jerusalem during the conflict with
Lebanon. The
purpose of the study was to determine if a reduction of stress
in the localized populations would, in fact, be reflected as
less violence and aggression on a regional basis.
The 1983 studies followed earlier experiments indicating that as
little as one percent of a mass population practicing unified
forms of peaceful prayer and meditation was enough to reduce
crime rates, accidents, and suicides. Studies conducted in 1972
showed that twenty-four U.S. cities, each with populations over
ten thousand, experienced a statistically measurable reduction
in crime when as few as one percent (one hundred people for
every ten thousand) of the population participated in some form
of meditative practice. This became known as the "Maharishi
To determine how certain modes of meditation and prayer would
influence the general population in the Israeli study, the
quality of life was defined by a statistical index based on the
number of fires, traffic accidents, occurrences of crime,
fluctuations in the stock market, and the general mood of the
nation. At the peak of the experiments, 234 participants
meditated and prayed in the study, a fraction of the population
of greater Jerusalem. The results of the study showed a direct
relationship between the number of participants and the decrease
of activity in the various categories of quality of life. When
the numbers of participants were high, the index of the various
categories declined. Crime, fires and accidents increased as the
number of people praying was reduced.
These studies demonstrated a high correlation between the number
of people in prayer and the quality of life in the immediate
vicinity. Similar studies conducted in major population centers
of the United States, India, and the
Philippines found similar
correlations. Data from these cities between 1984 and 1985
verified decreases in crime rates that "could not have been due
to trends or cycles of crime, or to changes in police policies
or procedures."
Pages 238-239
The Harvest Is
Great, Though the Laborers Are Few
Although these statistics may represent an optimum
number to bring about change, the studies in Jerusalem and the
other large population centers suggest that the numbers to
initiate such change may be even smaller! The studies indicate
that the first effects of the mass meditation/prayer became
noticeable when the number of people participating in the
prayers was greater than the square root of one percent of the
population. In a city of one million people, for example, this
value represents only one hundred individuals!
Applying the localized findings of the test cities to a larger
population on a global scale offers powerful and perhaps
unexpected results. Representing only a fraction of even the
ancient estimates, the square root of one percent of earth’s
population is just under eight thousand people! With the advent
of the World Wide Web and computerized communications,
organizing a time of coordinated meditation/prayer supported by
a minimum of eight thousand people is certainly feasible.
Clearly, this number represents only the minimum required for
the effect to begin - a threshold of sorts. The greater the
number participating, the greater the acceleration of the
effect. Such numbers remind us of ancient admonitions suggesting
that a very few people may make a difference to an entire world.
Perhaps this is the "mustard seed" of the parable that Jesus
used to demonstrate the amount of faith required of his
followers. Of such faith, we are reminded in the lost Gospel Q
that "the harvest is abundant, but the workers are few." With
the evidence of such potential, what are the implications of
directing such a collective power toward the great challenges of
our time?