by William Henry
originally published
Atlantis Rising Dec. 2002
From 1208-1244 the first European holocaust was conducted. The
Church of Rome savagely attacked
the Cathars, the peaceful ‘heretics
of the Languedoc’ of Southern France, with a viciousness and
detestable arrogance paralleled only by the Nazi atrocities during
The Cathars called themselves Pure Ones after the
Goddess known as
the Pure One, their term for the Virgin Great Creator Mother Mari
(meaning ‘love’). The reason the Church resorted to the mass murder
of hundreds of thousands of Cathars most certainly had to do with
their alternative views about Jesus.
They claimed to possess a secret Book of Love (Mari,
TARA). This
mysterious manuscript is attributed to Jesus who gave it to
John the
Divine. It was transmitted through the centuries until the Knights
Templar and the Cathars adopted it. The Book of Love was the
foundation of the Cathar Church of Love or Amor (the reverse of
The existence of this lost (or hidden) gospel was revealed
when the Catholic Church subjected the Cathars and
Templar (in 1308)
to torture. Its contents were a secret skill (symbolized by the
Templar skull) said to grant one the ability to control the forces
of nature and to transform ordinary human blood into that of the
wise, holy and pure blood of life of the immortal Illi or
Illuminati. It is equated with
the Holy Grail.
According to Catharic belief, one object of Earth life was to make
over the human body as a worthy vehicle for the light of the Holy
Spirit (love). The point was to know the Grail not as a cup but as a
process. Jesus was its modeler. Insight into this teaching radiates
from the name of the Cathar’s home, the Languedoc. Named after the
pre-Flood language system the Cathar priests claimed
Jesus preached
in—the Language of Oc (possibly short for occamy, a corruption of
alchemy) -- this place name is Cathar Jesus code.
Webster’s says ‘Oc’ is the root of octo, 8, and ocular, the eye. A
related Egyptian word, Ak, means ‘light’, and
aker means ‘light
being’. Ak-hu is the archetypal Cosmic Man of Light, or ideal
archetype of humanity found in a host of Hermetic and Gnostic
teachings, whether Egyptian, Jewish, Christian or Islamic. As Mircea
Eliade notes in Shamanism, among the Iglulik Eskimos, who were
driven out of some unknown homeland, a sequence of initiations
concludes with the ang-ak-oq (virtually the same word as
or L’ang-ak-oq), meaning ‘lightening’ or ‘illumination’.
This angakoq, writes Eliade, consists of,
“a mysterious light which
the shaman suddenly feels in his body, inside his head, within his
brain, an inexplicable searchlight, a luminous fire which enables
him to see with both eyes, both literally and metaphorically
speaking, for he can now, even with closed eyes, see through
darkness and perceive things and coming events which are hidden from
The emphasis here is on
eyes and light.
Enlightenment is exactly what the Cathars claimed they received from
the highly symbolic Language of Oc. As an investigative mythologist,
it is of great interest to me that the Egyptian hieroglyph of the heron/phoenix,
, the ‘bird of light’ (akh), so closely matches the
stylized fish glyph of Jesus
, though it predates him by millennia.
In addition, these two symbols are structurally identical to
, the
mathematical sign sometimes used for infinity, which spells
OC. It
is the root for ‘octo’ or 8. These symbols suggest a continuous
transmission of knowledge of the secrets of light.
When the Roman Christian church began to consolidate its power in
the fourth century it sought to prevent its adherents from taking up
the secret path of 8 (Jesus’ number is 888) and becoming
like beings. After all, they don’t pay taxes, they’re difficult to
control, and they have no use for a priest.
Those aspiring to dominate the world and form a crytocracy (rule by
secrecy), as for example the Church, and later the
Nazis, must wrest
these mystery teachings from those who possess them. Failing this
they must discredit or demonize the teaching and its purveyors or
even eliminate them altogether. (The same process is at work today
with today’s science cryptocracy and its persecution of the
evangelists of
Zero Point, Cold Fusion and other
Roma assimilated the pantheon of ancient gods and goddesses (Greek,
Egyptian, Sumerian, Aryan, Asian) into a composite Devil. All
nations outside of Rome were considered Devil worshippers.
became the catchall term for the Devil, and bearers of the teachings
of light. In reality, said the Cathars, the Church was the Devil,
the Fallen, who destroyed Jesus’ true teachings in the most
underhanded and diabolical manner, by substituting a false Christ
for the real one. The Catharic was the true teaching.
From a mythological perspective, the difference between the
and Catharic Christianity is perfectly encoded in the difference
between the word eleme nts ol and ar or ari that differentiate these
two words. Ol means all. All is the whole. It speaks to the desire
of the Cath-ol-ic Church to be the universal religion.
Ar means ‘before’. Ari is the root for Arian, the Gnostic Christian
doctrine voted out during the pivotal first council of Nicea,
convened in 325 by Constantine I to formulate Christian doctrine.
Arians said Jesus stood between God and man. The
Niceans said he was
God. They won more votes. The Arian view became heresy.
Aria also is
Aryan, meaning “noble,” “cultured,” ‘high born” or “pure”; hence,
the ari element of the word Catharic.
These definitions powerfully illustrate the profound interest Adolf
Hitler and Heinrich Himmler had in the Cathars. They were ‘Aryan’.
This does not mean they were blond haired, blue-eyed beauties. It
meant they carried the noble wise blood of the god race. More
importantly, they knew how to create it within themselves. Hitler
sought to create a super race through eugenics. The
Cathar’s blood
secrets were as pure gold to him.
According to Budge’s Egyptian Hieroglyphic Dictionary,
means, “to make do, to create, to form, to fashion.” It is the root
of Ari, the creative god. In Egyptian, Ari-en means “made by,
produced by the lady of the house’. These definitions shed light on
the Cathars and their prominent lady, Mari,
their Pure Goddess.
In 1934 (when F.D.R. sent Nick Roerich to Mongolia in search of the
Grail) archaeologist Walter Andrea discovered a magnificent 3,200
year-old statue of Mari at the site of her temple in
Syria. Called
“The Goddess with a Vase,” Mari is holding a Grail cup and wearing a
helmet that
Zecharia Sitchin says could make her go far into the
universe. She wears a cluster of blue stones at her neck.

Mari’s Shugurra helmet and blue stones
Mari put on her helmet when she tended the pillar in which lived her
husband, a wise serpent called E.A.
(to see Sumerian God's
Genealogic Tree - Note
square. Click
HERE) by the
Sumerians. Myths said he
could drill holes in space.

E.A. shown as half-human, half-serpent
offers the secrets of the stars
Mari and
E.A. are prototypes for Eve and the Serpent, Yahweh’s antagonists in the
Hebrew Garden of
Eden story. As many researchers profess, Eden and
Atlantis are the
same. E.A. [Enki]is her serpent king (called Poseidon).
It was ultimately the Cathar’s linkage with Mari and
E.A. and their
Aryan – or Atlantean – connection that assured their extermination.
They were the latest casualties in an ancient blood feud among the
gods of Eden. On one side is E.A. [Enki] the
great Anunnaki scientist
featured in the Sumerian epic poems romanticized in the works of Sitchin. The
Gnostics called him ‘the Great Light’. He came to Earth
in search of raw materials in the company of a group of gods called
Anunnaki, the sons of the great Anu.
Sitchin maintains E.A. genetically modified the human race as a
slave race. He was opposed in this endeavor by his half-brother, Enlil, who responded to
E.A.’s later transmutation of a select few
of the human element into a god-like being by sending the Flood,
wiping (most all of) them off the face of the Earth. E.A. [Enki] and
had been bitter rivals since before coming to Earth. Humanity became
their new swords. E.A. and his priests, seek to uplift humanity to
the level of the gods through global education and revelation of all
sacred secrets. Enlil’s priests seek to keep humanity at the level
of slaves and sex objects, the property of a police state cryptocracy.
Sumerian lore makes it clear that E.A. put knowledge in human blood.
It is claimed that remnants of the purer pre-Flood race(s) created
by E.A. exist in secret refuges, called the Mount of Salvation in
the Grail romances, around the world. The vineyards of the
Languedoc, including hyper-mysterious
Rennes-le-Chateau are
considered one of these locations. I have traced the secrets of E.A.
E.A. was depicted alternately as half-human, half-serpent, or
half-human, half- fish. The serpent and fish are interchangeable
symbols for his priesthood. One who adopted the symbolism of the
fish was the Israelite warrior Joshua. When we explore a key episode
in his story we find a remarkable connection between E.A., the
Israelites, the Cathars and the Languedoc.
In the book of Numbers 13 Moses was leading the Israelites to the
Promised Land. When they were on the verge of entering,
Yahweh [Enlil],
flying high in his pillar of light, ordered them to stop short and
to send out some spies to search the land of Canaan. In actuality,
this was a search for the secrets of the Anunnaki, and
E.A. One of
Moses’ operatives was Joshua the “Son of Nun,” meaning ‘fish’. In
the protosiniatic Hebrew alphabet glyphs the letter nun was drawn as
a serpent. Nun means eternally regenerating life (in cycles because
of the serpent’s shedding of its skin as it grows) or immortality.
Significantly, Joshua’s name is the same as the Greek ‘Yeshua’ or
Jesus, who was symbolized by the fish glyph
, thought to represent
the opening of the uterus
, the womb/door of life leading to the
home of the gods. Along with a companion, Joshua (Jesus) was
dispatched to the mysterious valley of Eschol (‘valley of the
cluster’ as in grapes), where he spied on the sons of Anak who were
living there. The sons of Anak or A-nun (the fish/serpent) are
described not as humans but as giants!
“We saw the children
of An-ak there”, the spies reported, “we saw the
giants,” those
men of a prodigious size, the “sons of An-ak,” which “come of
the giants”. The Sumerians called these giants (Nephilim in
Hebrew) the A-nun-naki, which, literally translates as
‘fish/serpent of light’.
From the description of
their route given in Numbers and the length of their excursion (a
‘magical’ or initiatory forty days), it seems Joshua took a survey
of a vast land, one larger than the Holy Land, which 24 people can
reconnaissance in a lot less than forty days.
In a daring story reminiscent of Jack and the Beanstalk, we learn
that when the spies left the vineyard of the giants they stole a
branch heavy with the grapes of the Anunnaki. These grapes are so
heavy it takes two men to carry them!(?) Yahweh [Enlil] had promised the
Israelites a land flowing with milk and honey. These grapes were
certainly a healthy down payment! One would think the spies would
have returned to Moses enthusiastic about their future prospects.
Instead, the spies counsel Moses that attacking the vineyards of
Anunnaki would be a nightmare.
The cities are impregnable fortresses; they “are walled,” and “very
great”. But that’s not all. Even if they overcame the walls another
even more terrifying (and, therefore to us, a more interesting)
reason for staying out of the vineyards presented itself. Joshua saw
that Eschol “is a land that eateth up the inhabitants thereof”.
What does this mean?! Was a great plague in the vineyards? If so,
why shroud this simple fact in obscure language? The Israelites had
just escaped Egypt due to a plague sent from a helpful
Yahweh [Enlil]. They
certainly knew what a plague was.

Moses, who lifted the healing
serpent (E.A.), transmitted his wisdom to Joshua.
It came from
Temple of Denderah.
If Joshua saw an
inner Earth opening that consumed people, he could
easily have said he saw a cave. Another interpretation is that the
land did not sustain its people. This contradicts the belief that
this was the land of milk and honey. It would be easy to say the
spies saw a space ship. If so, they could have said they saw a
“cloud,” a term used dozens of times in the Bible during episodes
that are strikingly similar to modern day UFO sightings.
The phrase, “the land eateth up the people thereof” must, therefore,
have a more phenomenal, even supernatural, explanation. What could
it be?
My research, developed in
my books The Healing Sun Code,
The Crystal
Halls of Christ’s Court and Ark of the Christos reveals that we now
have such a word: stargate or wormhole. The
Anunnaki, possibly with E.A. in charge, were operating a
stargate, a door to Heaven, in the
vineyards at Eschol. Joshua stole its secrets, symbolized by the
cluster of grapes.
E.A., we are told, came to Earth from Heaven in
search of gold, rare
metals and radioactive materials, such as uranium or cobalt. The
latter were described as the Lower World’s “blue stones” that could
transmute a person into an El or “Shining One,” i.e. a
Pure One or
an Aryan.
As the Sumerian god of smithcraft and alchemy, a priest hood
developed around E.A.’s alchemical teachings. They were symbolized
by the
, the symbol for the fifth essence or
quintessence, also
called wood, or the Word, the exotic ‘black’ (hidden, occult) pure
mother substance upon which the world is built.
is a cluster of
grapes (or blue apples as they are called in Rennes-le-Chateau).
The cluster of grapes later became cryptograms that were extremely
important to the Essenes and the Gnostic Grail heretics that they
held sacred and secret. Cathar watermarks showed a
serpent hanging
on a cross spitting the Word

Cathar watermark with serpent spitting blue apples
This bas-relief
from Sion, Switzerland illustrates the medieval belief in the
concordance of the theft of the blue apples from
the Anunnaki and
the Crucifixion of Jesus. Old Testament scenes are grouped together
with the Passion of Jesus as if they happened at the same time. When
put together with depictions of Jesus (E.A.?) as a serpent on the
Cross the message is clear: the Gnostic Crucifixion was a stargate
or wormhole event.

Joshua and his companion appear as the two
thieves at the Crucifixion. From Sion, Switzerland.

The Gnostic wisdom spitting serpent.16th century Germany.
Grail researcher
Andrew Sinclair says the original French word for
Grail was escuele. Phonetically, escuele, like
eschol, is ‘a skill’
(a skull or skool). This makes sense. Christ was called ‘wisdom’.
His skill involved a transformation of homo sapien into a pure one,
a Cathar.
In conclusion, the blue apples of Eschol (the Languedoc?) represent
powerful physiological knowledge: the means to transform human blood
into the blood of light… preparatory to entering the gate of God.
Hundreds of thousands of Cathars were murdered because of this
ultimate secret
. It can happen again.