by E. Noh-Ra Amrani
June 25, 1997
InnanaReturns Website
recovered through
WayBackMachine Website
Countless channels channeling countless entities...
For more than ten years I have been a consciously practicing
metaphysician. During these past ten years I studied, participated,
became a 'professional' (if you will), channel, energy worker,
writer, transpersonal hypnotherapist, minister, and much more.
I've read numerous books and articles on spirituality and written my
own, (on the evolution of consciousness and how to be a responsible
metaphysician), how we create our own realities, extraterrestrials,
religion, history, cultures, and was involved in my own experiences
with ET contact, past life recall and public speaking on these
I have seen countless channels channeling countless entities.
Although I respect channels (after all, I am one, too) and their
entities and the information they bring through, as I believe all
things are truth and aspects of The Source, I have been discerning;
agreeing with some and not with others as to how it fits into my own
Even though channeling is a art form that takes some training,
practicing and is always in a process of refinement, it is also
something that we all do several times a day when we go into
slightly altered states of consciousness and allowing ourselves to
be more connected to our own essence, therefore the essence of God,
or The Source and let whatever comes through us. This can be in the
form of ideas or anything creative.
One need not channel another entity to be channeling, but that is an
option and can be another useful tool.
Speaking with aliens...
Speaking with various beings representing a variety of ET
civilizations, and from personal experience with some of them, I had
a mostly positive attitude, was accepting and even looked forward to
a future in which we can co-exist peacefully as a united, universal
civilization on Earth with the Greys, the Martians, whomever it was.
After all, we ARE all part of God and wouldn't that be utopia?
However, it has come to my understanding that I, and thousands of
others, have been fed a mixture of information, misinformation, and
disinformation from both ETs and humans through the government and
the media. And so few of those sources have been willing to take
full responsibility for what they have put out. In fact, often it
appears that much of what is considered to be "fact", isn't. This
includes some channeled information brought through channels who had
the best intentions but were unaware of their entities' agendas.
Many people participating in the channelings have not been educated
in being discerning about who is being channeled and if the
information is truly from a reliable source with the intentions of
the highest good for those listening. Nor have many people been able
to tell the difference between one entity from another. And there is
such a vast array of entities from other dimensions, other places.
Not feeling equal to the entity...
Unfortunately, the tendency has been for many in the audiences to
put the channeled being in a place of high esteem, above themselves,
or even the channel, not feeling equal to the entity. People tend to
believe that the entity is more knowledgeable or is a more evolved
being (which is not always the case), and give their power away to
it/her/him and not question the information given.
This defeats the entire purpose for channeling which, when given
from a high source, is to empower and enable listener to gain a new
perspective on things to ultimately be more compassionate,
understand our multidimensional and multifaceted selves, have more
choices and responsibility in being conscious creators.
Interference: how much information was permitted...
I became intrigued with something I found happening within certain
channelings. Some extraterrestrial beings have come through channels
giving helpful information but would only answer questions to a
certain point and no more; some refusing to answer altogether. It
wasn't because they weren't capable accessing the data. There seemed
to be some kind of interference from another entity controlling,
manipulating, how much information was permitted to get through.
Why was that happening and who is responsible for that? It didn't
feel to me as if it came from the channel.
Nevertheless, we have heard various beings instruct us how to
welcome the ETs who will eventually be here on Earth, how to accept
them (when, ironically, we have trouble accepting our own neighbors
on Earth). They have spoken on how we have been assisting in the
physical and genetic evolution of certain species (willingly or not;
gracefully, or from lack of respect and through brute force), all
for the supposed betterment of our civilization and theirs.
Prompted and Primed?
Have we been prompted and primed for something? Is it really going
to be so rosy according to certain specific agendas, as it has been
made out to be for us all? Whose agendas?
Recently I underwent a major transformation within myself as to how
I now see and accept much of what I witnessed specifically related
to ET experience; how all the years of my exposure and education to
these various phenomenon led up to my new self.
In my earlier articles I was given information to share regarding
the time when we will hear different sides of issues and we don't
know who or what to believe, so we have to connect within ourselves
to our Source as that is how we connect with our own truth,
Roswell, Phoenix, etc.
How timely it is now that with so much information suddenly spewing
out all sides of the Roswell Incident, Phoenix sightings, The
Ultimate Secret, Mars expeditions, environmental issues, the Omega
Agency because
everything suddenly fell into a new slot for me in comprehending
what that education was all about and how it may be leading to our
very near future. I am not saying I believe everything in these
reports but they do make me question what is going on from all
They can survive in Earth's atmosphere...
Let me offer this possible scenario that seems to have something to
do all of this: There is a group of extraterrestrials, who, in their
own fears and illusions of separation and not believing that they
are eternal, think (because they really don't FEEL very much of
anything) that their only way to survive is through physicality,
through genetic input and close contact with a civilization
(Earth/humans) most like their own. Earth has an atmosphere in which
they can survive and human bodies have the DNA that they need. And
with all of these items aiding in their own evolution of
consciousness, also assisting their spiritual growth, they can also
make a shift into a higher dimension.
...keep people confused!
How can they accomplish this from humans without fear or resistance?
To work with individuals, organizations, through abductions, through
some channels, by subtly telling us that we were once them, or will
be them, or are them now; through governments of various countries
offering technology in exchange for human being guinea pigs, or
donors. Maybe to work with agencies staging events to test the
population as to how well ETs will be received, but not state
definitively that they do exist?
To keep people confused or in fear, thereby feeling powerless and
Or, perhaps working with the governments to create a perfect planet
in which their species, and possibly humans, can thrive?
Maybe they are saying that humans have messed up the planet (which
they really feel is theirs) long enough so, "we will save you all
and the Earth and all you have to do is follow our rules, agenda"?
Sure, when we humans see how our planet is suffering (with
starvation, poverty, disease, contamination) we want to welcome with
opened arms any way to heal and save it, right? How do we know if
many of these diseases, for example, were not created intentionally
in order to weaken our civilization in order that we will eagerly
accept their cures, thereby fulfilling their desired outcome? Who
can say? But, it sure poses a reality check for us all.
Do we need their technology?
Even though our planet is in need of help do we actually need their
technology to save our planet? No. We have already developed many
new forms of energy that can clean up pollution everywhere within
three months time. We have technology that can provide enough
electricity and water that is free and helpful, not at all harmful,
to the environment.
We have the means to feed, house, clothe, educate, heal, love and
care for this planet and all life upon it. WE ALREADY HAVE IT ALL
and can always generate it from within ourselves, by connecting to
the Source. We just have to start using, doing it.
We can have our armed forces working to restore our planet, plant
trees, flowers and food instead of learning only to kill. They can
still have their fun in specific locations, if need be. But for us
to begin taking our planet seriously so we will be completely
self-sufficient, autonomous and not be at the mercy of certain
groups that may want to control us, with what may be their own form
of legitimized martial law, for their selfish agendas.
Have we reached a point within our own evolution and willingness to
cooperate with one another and become conscious and responsible
creators of our lives here? Are we now at a place where when WE feel
the time is right WE WILL CHOOSE to extend our welcomes to
extraterrestrials who resonate with OUR HIGHEST GOOD and GROWTH,
When WE are ready, NOT when we are told by a select group that we
must or when we must?
Take responsibility for our planet now!
Even if the ETs and any group assisting them can help our planet -
is it worth giving up our personal freedoms for it? Do we believe
that we are our own saviors and the time is NOW for us to take
responsibility for being our own saviors?
This is what I have come to see as my truth of what has been
happening on our planet for the past fifty plus years. And what has
been the agenda of SOME ET groups (but certainly NOT all) all along
- to get us to accept them, see them as benefactors instead of
invaders and controllers. And I feel we have let it go on long
Proud of being human...
A message for the specific ET group(s) and those aiding them: It
doesn't matter if we were once part of your civilization, engineered
your species, how much fluid or guts you have taken from us for
yourselves, or how many children you have created with our DNA; we
are NOW human and proud of it.
I respect you and that you are also an aspect of All That Is, your
right to exist and your free will, too; BUT JUST NOT HERE, because
you are not here honoring our feelings, free will, sovereignty, nor
for our best interests.
So HIT THE ROAD and TAKE IT ELSEWHERE, because I'm reclaiming my
right to live on this planet as a responsible, aware creator,
loving, self-empowered, free human being!
Perhaps this is what all of the chaos, misinformation, has been
about for us as humans - to finally get the message from the other
entities, (light beings, whatever you care to call them), from
within ourselves, from The Source, and even from these ETs: to wake
up, take responsibility for ourselves and our beloved Earth, and
creating our OWN future from our own inner guidance.
A divine message comes through many doors.
So, thank you all for assisting in this process, as I (and
hopefully, we) now have much more clarity!
Love, light, joy and freedom to you all.