THE GAROTTEIT moves from motion into rest, and rests from rest into motion. These IT does alway, for time is not. So that IT does neither of these things. IT does THAT one thing which we must express by two things neither of which possesses any rational meaning. Yet ITS doing, which is not-doing, is simple and yet complex, it is neither free nor necessary. For all these ideas express Relation; and IT, comprehending all Relation is ITS simplicity, is out of all Relation even with ITSELF. All this is true and false; and it is true and false to say that it is true and false. Strain forth thine Intelligence, O man, O worthy one, O chosen of IT, to apprehend the discourse of THE MASTER; for thus thy reason shall at last break down, as the fetter is struck from a slave's throat. |
COMMENTARY (ΛΑ)The number 31 refers to the Hebrew word LA, which means "not". A new character is no introduced under the title of IT, I being the secret, and T being the manifested phallus. This is, however, only one aspect of IT, which may perhaps be defined as the Ultimate Reality. IT is apparently a more exalted thing than THAT. This chapter should be compared with Chapter 11; that method of destroying the reason by formulating contradictions is definitely inculcated. The reason is situated in Daath, which corresponds to the throat in human anatomy. Hence the title of the chapter, "The Garotte". The idea is that, by forcing the mind to follow, and as far as possible to realise, the language of Beyond the Abyss, the student will succeed in bringing his reason under control. As soon as the reason is vanquished, the garotte is removed; then the influence of the supernals (Kether, Chokmah, Binah), no longer inhibited by Daath, can descend upon Tiphareth, where the human will is situated, and flood it with the ineffable light. |