by Michael Topper
excerpts from Matrix IV
The Vision
Excerpt: MT Notebook August 1983:
"Arrived in Los Angeles today from Oregon.
Afternoon Traveling down Figueroa Boulevard J driving, AAA front
seat, MT back seat.
Approximately 2:43 p.m., MT had one of his infrequent Fire
Visions, i.e. Sakti burns up the whole reality-framework
momentarily and replaces it completely with waking image of
another reality, physically as tangible as the first but more
"dreamlike", visionary. With this sudden Vision of
replacement-reality, MT still "riding in backseat of car" but it
is nocturnal scene. "We " seem to be winding along a road which
is psychically impressed as—very emphatically—Topanga Canyon
Boulevard. Large manicured houses recessed from street,
indicative of the area.
Streetlamps are burning, give
impression of glowing fireflies. As we move through the "turn",
the curving vista gives out upon scene where focus of
observation passes numerous children in Halloween costumes
floating dreamily along the sidewalk, little groups breaking off
down a drive or walkway, some standing on porches...As the view
moves through its curving angle, one of these recessed porches
(past colonnades of overhanging foliage) catches the attention;
sitting at the edge of this porch is a carved, lit pumpkin, a
glowing Jack-o '-lantern.
Communicated instantly through the
Vision is that this Jack-o '-lantern is God Conveyed along with
the impression, unmistakably, is that it's not only
"god-in-the-abstract", but Meher Baba in particular. The vision
is very brief, probably doesn't take more than two seconds of
real time, though it's leisurely-enough "in context".
Image-reality disappears, replaced without transition by "waking
reality" of F. Boulevard
MT subsequently expressed this vision to Southern Crown
students, later in the decade, without comment.
The meaning of the above Vision (August
1983) is now made clear to one and all. This Introduction to
Matrix IV is being penned only a few days after the Great
California Fire of '93, which was started by an arsonist in
Calabasas and ended half a mile from the doorstep of AAA and
decisive break-boundary of the fire, where the firefighters made
their dramatic "last stand" before the blaze leaped into the Pacific
Palisades and threatened the whole Santa Monica area, was announced
over international airwaves as... Topanga Canyon Boulevard. The fire
was begun a day after Halloween but was preceded by adjacent (set)
fires that blazed just before and during Halloween. The massive and
greater fire considered here, was lit in Calabasas.
Calabasas is Spanish for "pumpkin" (thus the Vision of a
Jack-o'-lantern, or Pumpkin with a flame in it). In the Vision, that
pumpkin was intuitively recognized as God, and not just
god-in-the-abstract but Meher Baba in particular. For those who may
not know,
Meher Baba, the Iranian-born Spiritual Master and
proclaimed Avatar of the Age (died 1969), lived in India in a place
called The Pumpkin.
Meher Baba is renowned for having gone into
permanent silence early in his teaching work, communicating only
through a letter-board thereafter; he'd announced he would break his
silence only when the world reached its ultimate/eleventh hour
crisis, at which time he promised to speak the Word that would
redeem the world.
It is assumed by the dubious that he
failed to break his silence and speak that Word owing to his
physical death in '69 which, according to observers, was
unaccompanied by speech. Instead, he wrote the number 31 on his
board. It's presumed, even by his loyalest followers, that this
written number was a predictive referral to his date of death. Yet,
as we observe in the MT piece Motto-in-the-Lotto, if this were all
the "31" signified, the Avatar of the Age would have departed with a
gesture placing him approximately on a par with the Amazing Kreskin.
We suggest, in the above article, that
31 is indeed a "Word" in the sense that "number" signifies
vibration, and 31 is a particularly powerful vibration. Therefore at
the very least it's a Key, and indicates the Initiation of a Process
which, while not so obvious and literal as an overt enunciation on
the lips of a "particular person" may nonetheless be interpreted as
a true fulfillment of the Promise in a larger and more subtle sense.
Thus a reassessment of what it means for
the "Avatar of the Age" to "break silence" and "speak a Word", seems
very much in order. At this late juncture in the historical climax
of the whole Earth-sphere, it seems imperative to abandon childish
understandings in favor of a real sophistication especially toward
appreciating what an avataric presence really is and means, how it
should be properly identified and received, and why its function is
of greatest significance to the planet as a whole and each person in
Wait a minute! Wait a minute, MT! We thought this was an
Introduction to a Matrix book! What's all this about fires and
avatars and words! We expected to hear about reptiles from Draco,
secret scalar technologies, Nazis under the polar caps and other
edifying stuff!?
Isn't this another book by that wonderful
Valerian, who has tirelessly alerted us over the years, in his
periodical Leading Edge and those unprecedented Matrix volumes, to a
whole alternative universe of hidden knowledge and activity
exploited by the international power elite at the expense of the
world populace?
Isn't this another book by that same
V.V. who has blown
the whistle on the most outrageous "secret stuff' about the hidden
government, covert space-alien pacts, Illuminati conspiracies,
germ-warfare pogroms conducted against the citizenry and brainwave
manipulation through FCC airspace?
If we wanted "guru" stuff, we'd go to
Ram Dass! So bring on the bioscience, regale us with Clinton clones,
tell us more about the grey abductions in twilight and the implant
in uncle Albert's sinus!
Yes, this is a Matrix book by the great V.V... but it isn't
another Matrix Book. After all, what would you want with just
another Matrix Book!? Weren't the last three, about 1,000 pages
apiece packing enough information on the secret science, alternative
technologies, alien civilizations and shadow governments to keep you
busy in mat zone a while? Don't tell MT you've read it all,
understood the whole thing perfectly well and expect to pass on to
Should the reader have approached this
volume in glowing anticipation of the same fare as has formerly been
dished in Matrixidal abundance through the previous three, one would
begin to suspect literary Bulimia. Only a binge-and-purge cycle
could account for any such further craving after a repast already
served in such colossal proportions as to keep a speed-reading
Farouk fed for a millennium! Instead, the astute reader should be
making best use of the earlier volumes through frequent recourse and
continuous study, especially since the format of each largely takes
the tone of presentation rather than interpretive conclusion; those
volumes, volcanically over-boiling with an aggregated mass of rare
and non-ordinary materials, were not given as—nor were they
conceived in—the spirit of a definitive viewpoint.
As the MT introduction to Volume III
proposed, they constitute the generation of an adequate paradigm,
i.e. they suggest the sufficient outline of a Pattern capable of
accommodating the kinds of reality yielding progressively unignorable evidence to contemporary sensibility yet commonly
screened from acceptance, concession or acknowledgment according to
profile of the receding paradigm.
Indeed in the previous introduction it was suggested that, only with
Leading Edge/Matrix and Southern Crown/Thunderbird materials had a
paradigm been adequately prepared proportional to the true cosmic
scale of everyone's oncoming Reality, so that only there (in those
Sources) would really be found a sufficient Pattern able to account
for the anomaly of every negative and positive thing, pelting—or
soon to pelt—the exposed epidermis of everyone with unfamiliar
Hailing frequencies. The real question wasn't, then, Quo Vadis
Paradigm? (since such had already been accomplished) but rather what
to make of the seemingly monstrous Pattern emerging, like Godzilla
from Tokyo Bay, out of the contemporary Matrix?
Thus this present Matrix volume really serves the function conducted
by the previous three; but that function is largely an educative
function, a means of suggestion and guidance through the Lighting of
dark passages and the opening of sealed doorways otherwise largely
unknown to the general public.
Let others, then, continue to feign Commanding their X-files from
backlogs of old Vince-and-Gladys-Gaddis material, let others
continue down the initial Matrix lead already chiseled along the
mineshaft and posted with flambeau, for that's the only way they may
proceed—along paths already well marked-out by the real pioneers. A
thousand thousand writers will now tread the level plateau carved by
incisive machete-slash of the Leading Edge and overflown by the
colossal Thunderbird, for that's the only trajectory they're capable
of negotiating: the one already blazed, and satisfactorily planed to
a safer horizontally where the far-less bold and agile may find
nonetheless the foothold of a profitable niche.
It is, after all, these Legions of come-lately-with-infinitely-less
(who, sniffing a whole New World of potential exploitation opened by
the true Psychic Magellans begin trickling in like ants toward
picnic leftovers and then swarm the field in a scavenging
free-for-all) that the general public would tend to follow... for the
larger reading public, subliminally freed in the latitude of
allowable Vision by those initial Clearings conducted by the
pioneers, inclines "naturally"—as function of collective
inertia—along the line of least resistance as well, which is exactly
the "horizontal" plane traced out by the push already imparted:
"inertia" is, after all, the tendency of an object placed in motion
to remain in the line of that motion unless otherwise deflected by
some countervailing force.
Thus the inertial tendency of a public set on a particular "scent"
is to follow all the literal exemplifications and versions of that
scent, accommodatingly furnished by late-arriving literati hacking
aromatic blubber off the carcass of a Leviathan already landed. The
natural tendency of the public left to itself, is to continue
picking over carrion packaged and suitably marked-up by hacks in the
literary abattoir, wholly absorbed in the "new stuff" and generally
unable to distinguish spoor of the first fresh kill from literary
tailings dragged to the market by vultures. The perennial public
tendency is to nosh happily at the new lunch-wagon, linger forever
at the next watering-hole— getting minutely and greedily "into it",
inspecting and appraising the fascinating "stuff" as with a
jeweler's eyepiece, conversing and discussing and debating endlessly
over progressively more lifeless minutiae.
It's easiest, of course, to perceive the presence of the folk-folly
in "others"—so the alternative-energies maven will express
exasperation at the chronic question-mark of the UFO-buff, endlessly
iterated (in punctuation of every fuzzy 8mm strip or wobbly
out-of-focus video) within his characteristic ring-pass-not as
"could there be?" "and if so, how?" while the abductee-group remains
nonplussed at the cold distancing evinced as the
limit-of-participation by the average alternative-energies
advocate... And each within the comfort of his enclosure, willing to
amass the respective types of "evidences" and anecdotes forever.
Yet it's obvious, by sheer enormity of the zone out of which these
identity-specialties tend to proliferate on the horizontal plane,
that the View as a Whole opens on an emergent non-ordinary reality
progressively unimpeachable precisely in proportion as the psychic
émigrés settle their niches in the New Territory. As opposed to the
general inert absorption in incidental minutiae of the landscape,
the actual Presence of that emergent reality begs for a means of
mapping it Once opened, a new territory must be charted. Therefore
while the folks on the dock necessarily chatter about the existence
of that New Land, and speculate extravagantly as to its nature—all
the more since shared ignorance allows unfettered flight—the
original voyagers who first raised the cry remain mindful of its
immediate demand.
After all, the entire Matrix of exposure regarding the shadow
government, hidden technologies, alternative worlds,
beings from the
stars and interior dimensions reveals the functional existence of
Unknown Universe, that Revelation does not convey, as its primary
importance, so much the alarming intelligence of your secret
betrayal and ongoing exploitation, as the greater Knowledge of your
continual existence in parallel with a Non-ordinary/Unknown Reality
the nature of which leaks into, impinges upon and affects everything
belonging to the blindered byways of the "known".
While the mass is ever preoccupied, then, with anecdote and incident
"about" that alternate universe, apparently content to tell "tales
of things unseen", those original Explorers sufficiently astute in
the first place to detect that Presence beyond the mapped-out
boundary-line of the "known" (just beyond the misty limit of the meridional comfort-zone) conserve the clarity-of-intent that drew
them there; they maintain the steadiness of Eye to recognize that
the current challenge presented by the fact of that larger Reality,
takes its bearings in the Question as to how to map such reality,
how to make this formidable New World Territory familiar, turn the
Unknown to the knowable (to permissible limits); in the ongoing
steadiness of that opened Eye, the very formidability of the
proposed task provokes the further necessary question Who is there
to do it?
Who will give sure knowledge, understanding, wisdom and true insight
regarding these things that are merely anecdotal to the mass of
3rd-stage (i.e. Earth) consciousness?
Is it the "space-aliens" we find inhabiting this Territory, who will
do it? Is it the multiple-channeled sources beaming in of late, from
zones-unknown? Many there are who jump to the affirmative
willy-nilly when these "solutions" are proposed: after all, they
"reason" (using the term lightly, of course)—these beings are from
that Unknown Land, therefore they ought to be best qualified to tell
us about it, describe its features, teach us its rules and laws,
equip us to travel freely in its field...
However, there are those already Light-enough on their own to
understand these "sources" present precisely the terms and
unfamiliar magnitudes that are in question to begin with.
How can
one accept "tutelage " albeit very tentatively, from the lion whose
lair you would negotiate?
How wise is it to unquestioningly accept
riding-instructions from the very, wild roan you would ride?
Then what's the alternative, MT?
Surely we feel more "comfortable"
getting our steering from someone who's here on the life raft right
along with us over these dark waters, rather than getting our
instructions from something "indeterminate" swimming alongside the
boat; but how may we be taught about those Deeps themselves, by
someone with whom we share the familiarity of the raft?, since he is,
precisely, on the raft and is therefore a "3rd stage" earth-focused
form of consciousness just like ourselves! What would such
flesh-folk know of the briny deep?
However, the flaw in the perception here is precisely the leveling
idea that everyone "sharing the life raft with you", i.e. decidedly
"incarnate" in the flesh body of 3rd density-style Earth
consciousness, is ipso facto a specimen of 3rd-density consciousness
alone—that is, on a par with yourself and therefore no more
qualified to teach the Deep Ways than you are.
This flaw in
perception has led to two, equally invalid forms of "reasoning":
(1) The commonality of the
shared incarnate state makes everyone automatically a democratic
equal in terms of right, or authority, to expound upon the
mystifying things; thus there are those (usually found today on
the New Age circuit or advertising in Whole Life) who presume
themselves adequate to the task of explaining, peddling or
pontificating on the Mysteries by default, since to them there
appears no one sharing a "birthday suit" less blindered than
themselves (i.e. it's "safe to say", for who is there to say
(2) No one sharing a flesh vehicle with-and-including
yourself is qualified to teach Mysteries of the Higher (an angle
which is, equally, of democratic comfort). Indeed the modern
trend is to encourage such enforced egalitarianism in the form
of "anti-cultism"; the thrust of this popular conflagration is
governmentally fired, and fanned by the compliant media.
Governmental arson in this case is easy to understand; the power
elite does not want the competition of real Teachers or
Teachings, plain and simple. If the government wants you to
"find out" about the Non-ordinary reality with which it's had
commerce for years, it will introduce and condition you to it
its way; and a dose of Thallium dessert to anyone who sees it
Disabused or "deprogramed" of the notion
that any embodied being may brief you on the Greater Wisdom (except
perhaps a special-case, past-tense-only exception such as "Jesus"—
who of course was very popular with the government of his day), you
are left wide open to be "introduced" to extra planetary or
transdimensional denizens selectively approved behind the scenes,
and represented as your providential "saviors" from all that sudden
welter of woes fatefully unsolvable within your failing familiar
context (i.e. just those "woes" ensured in their insolubility by a
power elite polluting your living-space and then legislating your
last-line-of-defense nutrients out from under you: welcome to 4th
density, slave-state style).
The lie in the above litany of conventional wisdoms is exposed in
the significant knowledge that beings of constitutionally "higher"
density-correspondence or rapport do share, and have to some extent
always shared, your fleshly estate; and they've done so for two
interlocked reasons. Since beings from 4th to 6th density have
shared and do share the incarnate 3rd density condition with you,
the reasons for their doing so vary in proportionate priority
according to the effective density-correlation of the given being.
Back to Contents
The Rays And
The 4th-to-5th density beings elect to share the 3rd density
condition first of all because the unique, inertial resistance of
screened 3rd-density limit acts as an intensified catalytic agent
for progressively-transcendent awakening. The rationale is that "3rd
density" acts like a low-set springboard; the higher the dive onto
the board (i.e. from the beginning, mid- or late 4th density etc.)
the greater the repercussive spring and consequently the higher
return loft. Thus 3rd density acts as an initiatory expediter for
taking degrees of awakened consciousness beyond those presently
enjoyed at the "higher"—but less catalytic—levels.
The "secondary" motivation for 4th-to-5th density beings is that of
serving the awakening of the 3rd density beings amongst whom they'd
take incarnation, as the very means of accelerating their own
knowledge, understanding and wisdom.
For the comparatively few 6th density beings electing to take
3rd-density incarnation, the principal motivation is that of
teaching/awakening 3rd density beings, of expediting the further
initiations of incarnate "4th" and "5th" density beings, and
secondarily of serving the acceleration of their own "advance" to
the degree of Oversold consciousness (which begins at mid-6th
And although it's fair to say that many
of these (constitutionally) higher-density beings "descend"
originally from either space-time or time-space loci similar or
identical to the ones from which saucer-folk beam and
channel-entities broadcast, respectively, it must be noted as a
cautionary fact that for those pledged by long-term initiatory
"contract" to repeated 3rd density incarnations, there's
proportionately less correspondence of exclusive affinity/identity
with those higher density contexts in themselves.
Owing to the commitment of their initiatory "pledge", such higher
density beings routinely incarnating in 3rd density develop the
useful viewpoint of a "dual empathy" in keeping with conciliatory
requirements of their given Office. This "dual empathy" is more or
less pronounced, more or less balanced between high and low
densities as a teaching function according to which Office it is
they represent.
The Offices of which we speak are three in number. Those familiar
with the "theosophical" material of
Alice Bailey will recognize the
recitation of Offices, and, for what it's worth, may note MT concurs
on the validity of those Posts as cited therein.
The first Office is the cosmic Crown of the
Manu, an universal-avataric
function correlated with the Ray of Will.
The second Office is that of the
Bodhisattva (definitionally
exemplified by Jesus and Buddha, historically) correlated
with the Ray of Love/Wisdom.
The third Office is that of
Mahachohan, correlated with the Ray of
Ceremonial Magick (i.e. the Ray of Intelligent Activity), associated
with the Akashic dimension-of-being and the Principal of Mother.
"Mother" has, historically, remained unembodied in terms of an
avataric representation until now, so that the Office has (again,
historically) been filled exclusively by a male ambassador to the
Post Mahachohan remains to this day the designation of the male
counterpart to the Ray of Intelligent Activity; "Mother" is proper
title for the female embodiment of that Ray—and only that female
embodiment technically qualifies for the designation, since she
alone fulfills a specific mind/body function with respect to
requirements of the Office.
The latter Office is indeed the most deeply "terrestrialized" of the
Offices; its sacred representatives or Incarnations take embodiment
more fully than the representatives of the other two. Thus one may
expect that the quotient of "shared empathy" between higher and
lower densities is greatest of all in the Persons of the Mahachohan
and the Mother, and that the fulfillment of their particular Offices
has very much to do with this quality of shared empathy. (More on
the three theosophical Offices in
Excerpt-"Introduction to the
Mother Book").
Although there are usually one or (at the most) two complete and
authentic embodiments of each—or any—Office at any one time on the
"earth-plane", all incarnations into 3rd density projected from the
higher densities whether 4th, 5th or 6th take place under the
auspice of one of those three Rays.
For example, though the Mahachohan and the Mother are embodied at
this time thus completely filling the Office, numbers of other
beings from 4th, 5th and 6th density presently take embodiment under
implicit aegis of their Office and therefore serve, with or without
awakened knowledge as such (in any given case) in the form of
functionaries on behalf of the Ray of Intelligent Activity. They
are, as it were, "Mother's little helpers".
Thus from 4th, 5th and 6th densities do indeed come (in hierarchic
order) authentic teachers, adepts, masters and avatars pertaining
variously to the Offices of Manu, Bodhisattva and Mahachohan. The
Mahachohan is, for example, Master of the adepts for the Ray of
Intelligent Activity, or the Ceremonial Magick Ray (see
Treatise on
Cosmic Fire, A. Bailey).
It is given that the Bodhisattva (Love/Wisdom) "learns" from the
Manu (Will), and the Mahachohan/Mother (Intelligent Activity)
"learns" from the Bodhisattva.
Thus their respective Offices tend to
manifest historically in an overlapping succession of phases
mirroring this hierarchy. Each brings the Change initiated by the
Manu at that time, deeper and with progressive indelibility into the
"physical" sphere, toward eventually expediting a wholesale 4th
density transition of that sphere.
The aforementioned Meher Baba of Puna, India, fulfilled the modern
Office of Manu for the present aeonic transition. This is an
"assertion" which, nonetheless, we shall demonstrate in the body of
our text (e.g. Motto-in-the-Lotto) to a degree sufficiently
suggestive for those prepared to identify the characteristic marks
and signatures. In fulfillment of that Office, he prepared the Way
for the complementary modem embodiments of the Bodhisattva function;
Baba died in 1969, and those contemporary Heart-functionaries began
almost immediately thereafter, in the early '70s, to perform their
teaching work.
One such functionary was murdered; the
other is at the present time decommissioned—but neither eventuality
transpired until sufficient ground was prepared for advent of the
final functionaries of the Triune Spiritual Offices, the Mahachohan
and the (first time, awakened) embodiment of the Mother. Events
relative to the respective outcomes of the Bodhisattva emissaries
were concluded by the end of the 1980s; activation of the Office of
Mahachohan, the Ray of Ceremonial Magick (or Intelligent Activity)
and advent of the planetary Mother occurred in overlap at
approximately the same time (late '80s, early '90s).
Back to Contents
Why The Crown
Of False Knowledge Always Dreads This Word
Do you dread this word? Do you hate to hear it, and had hoped to
hear another? (Perhaps, how the artificial satellite of reptoid-bearing
horrors is fast approaching, how giant natural and/or manmade
cataclysms are soon to shake and change the shape of our map
forever? hmmm?) The depth of your aversion may therefore be taken as
a fairly accurate measure of the extent to which you've been "programed"
(or deprogramed, as the case may be) to accept everything but the
intimate truth of what's really been going on all along. Ask
yourself why this gentle information ought to bother you so
terribly... Why is it so much easier to accept the idea that help and
knowledge and love and salvation are somehow coming from
"elsewhere", from a safely (?) removed dimension?
Is it because the apparent distance
implied in the constitutional "difference" between you and a
space-being or you and a channeled source, imparts a comforting kind
of buffer! as if it were an operative fact that, coming from
Elsewhere "they" just stick their heads into this plane long enough
to impersonally impart some information (that we may grab and drag
to a private comer in the manner of a mutt worrying its bone) and
then withdraw so as not to bother us further, like a visiting
neighbor we can tolerate for an afternoon as long as he brings the
Are you that sold on the dream of "egalitarianism" that you will
only tolerate total inequality in the political, social and economic
arenas but reserve as your last bastion (in defense of your
sovereign purchase on the plan) the indeterminable equivalence of
everything and everyone in the zones of spiritual, philosophical and
metaphysical acumen? Do you hold out as final defense of your
"inalienable right", the right to remain on an objective par with
anyone packing a reproductive organ (by the insistent reduction of
all reality-interpretation, submitted no matter from whom, to the
status of "opinion") so that you may secretly affirm your
impregnable superiority on the subjective side?
Then ask yourself how you'd treat the same precious pearl of
egalitarianism, were you to approach a professor of the higher
calculus with a little knowledge of long division under your belt...
Would you insist his mastery of the calculus was just an "opinion",
on equal footing with your finger-counting?
If despite yourself you
recognized his superior knowledge, would you seek to extract it by
keeping up the bluff in his very face that such knowledge in no way
made you different (as if you could be a rocket scientist just as
easily as he), but that you'd be happy to "share" your respective
accomplishments between you?
Are you that conditioned to saving face
owing to your actual uncertainty, you'd insist you have a sculpture
very much like that of Mount Rushmore at home on your living-room
Who gave you this compulsive orientation—do you know?
Yes, we can find within that
"motivation" toward arbitrary, autonomous self-authority both
honorable and dishonorable components, both factors justified by the
psychological facts of existence and not-so justified. One has a
justifiable wish not to be exploited in the real vulnerability and
contingency of one's "not knowing" (a chronic condition of
not-knowing that, regardless every learned assertion of certitude,
swamps from all bewildering sides of existence with the
inexorability of sleep).
One has an earnest desire that this
worrisome state of existential ignorance clinging despite every
daylight denial, not serve as treacherous occasion for the
displacement of one's potential power in trust of "another",
pretending to have one's best interests at heart and a superior
grasp of the secrets of life while surreptitiously claiming
advantage through just such trusting submission.
To the end of securing these justifiable
concerns, however, the soul seals itself in the premature
hermeticism of the "culturally approved", first impressed as psychic
Monitor in introjection of the parental superego (a remis aufreud
) and personified thereafter by social authority of every kind.
One either emulates the sovereignty of that authority in
identification with its peremptory stature, or submits to it
uncritically for the implicit approbation it awards. In either case,
one has fatally swapped one's personal plague of ignorance for a
crown of False Knowledge.
One submits at an early age (therefore an age very vulnerable in
terms even of simple mechanical forms of "not knowing") to the cult
of enculturation; and, feeling the internal betrayal ever after in
refractory persistence of that nervous contingency before life's
imponderables, one learns to protest all the louder against anything
which curls into a question-mark so as to lay the wound of doubt in
the well-armored side.
Thus in a very real sense "you" are your government before ever the
government gets its indoctrinating hooks more deeply embedded; for
one always invites that reactive conditioning by one's enculturated
readiness to accept all The pseudo-answers of society—any society,
actually. We have said above that people anoint themselves, from
childhood, with the Crown of False Knowledge all-too-readily
conferred by the mossback social norm.
With a little inspection,
Isn't it self-evidently a crown of
False Knowledge?
Doesn't it secure your bluff
sovereignty and fake insularity from the existential uncertainty
of being, with a "knowledge" borrowing all its strength against
the condition of uncritical acceptance?
Isn't this what makes it in fact so
vexingly fragile despite all its counsel poured into the porch
of your children's ear?
So that indeed its "unimpeachability"
has to be patrolled and enforced, and you must shout its
indubitability into the wind?
Isn't it self-evidently a Crown of
False Knowledge since all the "answers" of its allowable
identification patterns fall woefully short of accounting for,
or even addressing, the authentic questions-of-be-ing?
—i.e. questions generated by the
very fact of your apparently-contingent existence?
Isn't this crown of False Knowledge
an introjected norm self-evidently designed for the knee-jerk
obedience of crowd control, while counterfeiting the coin of
real answers (that ought to be negotiable in any
dimension-of-being) in terms of eternal postponements purchased
through "faith", "belief, trust or confidence in the stability
of established power?
Therefore you're taught that you
"already know it", and that inferentially it's a sacrilegious insult
against your knowledge-reinforced ego-being altogether should
something arise to impugn that presupposition. Despite all your
cherished sense of "individuality", you have to ask yourself: on
what is that "individuality" based altogether? Whether "society's
darling" or "daring rebel against society", then, you
remain—problematically—culture's child, its "good boy" or "girl".
Whether seated at the bar or behind bars, you're a
member-in-good-standing in the cult of culture: for, whatever your
stance, you "already know it".
Whether judge behind the bench or
criminal in the docket, then, both would heartily concur and come to
temporary fellowship in driving the true teacher out the door,
pelting the adept with rotten apples and stoning the Master all the
way back to his Temple... For the only real affront to the psyche of
this 3rd-density demesne is the teacher or adept of a truly higher
density of development able, to one degree or another depending on initiatic alignment, to furnish true answers in replacement of the
crippling prematurity of the false—on condition that the psyche
indigenous to this domain experimentally drop its rabid hold upon
its little dog-biscuits of pseudo-knowledge long enough to test the
teachings from a viewpoint of real participation.
Indeed, that is what you're being challenged to do here. You're
being cordially invited, by VV and MT too, to participate in this
non-ordinary knowledge—not just to look, pick-and-choose as if
attending a rummage and then move on to the nearest channeled
testament to your sense of personal sovereignty (secured only by
stopping things in place, and ratifying your culturally-instilled
omniscience with the ego balm of "understandings" you already have,
as if the Aardvark channeling from Ray-el were your Aunt Martha with
a head-cold).
Come now, ladies and gentlemen...
Do you always want to settle on the
stuff that's easy and already palatable because it presses all the
right keys of the psychic vocabulary you already have?
Will you ever
only look for the things that confirm you where you are, that
ostensibly just ratify "your own" inner knowing (i.e. that "deep
intuitive" suspicion of your sublime self-sovereignty which really
only holds if you ask it no relevant questions)?
What, really, do
you do with a living higher-density Presence assuming the function
of true spiritual tutelage from a fully incarnate vantage,
face-to-face in 3rd density, uniquely featuring that dual sympathy
alluded to earlier (only obtained through the loving commitment of
an authentically higher-density consciousness toward sharing the
condition of chronic embodiment in 3rd)?
What do you do?
The traditional answer is, you first worship it uncritically if you
recognize something non-ordinary in its presence; next, you bridle
and have second thoughts when such authentic presence demands, by
its very nature, a real change based on the exercise of personal
volition with deference toward all those things not yet mastered
according to modest self-admission (rather than persistence in the
subtle reflected glory of "star" worship, compulsively seeking the
endless addition of adherents in order to effect an infinite
reinforcement and continual self-assurance against the persisting
creak of unrepaired contingency).
Receiving no palliation (when your effort at substituting the easy
slavishness of "following" for the persistent requirement of loving
work in Will is constantly rebuffed), you take such second thoughts
over to the nearest deprogrammer governmentally encouraged to
support dawning doubts with simple-minded "criteria for determining
a cult" etc.; you then perceive accordingly that, yes, "my" teacher
checks off unfavorably against the list—he "made me" doubt the
social order, estranged me from the values of my family, presented a
viewpoint that required adaptation in place of the old, presented
"exercises" that made me "see things differently" conceptually and
perceptually...Aha. Welcome back to the cult of the norm. That is
how things are done here, traditionally.
Socrates was forced to drink the hemlock, for much less than is
presented in this book. It should be only self-evident to any reader
finding this volume in his hands, that the conventional "criteria"
for avoiding your hypnotic takeover and brainwashing covers
everything whatsoever and therefore covers nothing. Those "criteria"
for "determining a cult" are just a way of enforcing the cultural
norm, suitable to personality types that are grossly analytic
While "keeping vigilance" against any teaching that
potentially "alienates you from your family's values" may certainly
"save you" from some sinister mountebank with a copy of
"Hypnosis-Made-Easy" in his back pocket and a basilisk eye on your
bankbook, it also efficiently insulates you against any real teacher
or teaching of a higher stage than your straitjacketed 3rd!
For any authentic Teaching must first disabuse you of persistently
wearing the Crown of False Knowledge conferred by enculturation, and
thus generally precious to your parents; it's precisely that Crown,
remember, which is originally fashioned as uncritical substitute to
fill up and mask those inner-subjective gaps where chronically
unanswered/existential concerns, vital concerns of the deep being
centered on the Who, What, Why and Wherefore of one's Life, are left
to languish.
But what languishes, rots; the False
Crown of cultural "knowledge" (not any particular "piece" of
objective knowledge but simply the uncritical certitude that "I
already know", whether "religious" or "secular" in content) is never
enough in any case, since the unacknowledged gangrene-of-the-soul
that inevitably sets in demands something more, from an intrinsic
dimension of one's own greater being.
Society has to "save you" from false and
true teachers. Indeed it will only "save you" from those false
teachers that threaten the innate falsity of its Teaching. It won't
save you from its kind of false teacher. And it will certainly never
equip you with the means of identifying the true.
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Collision Course With The Real Mother's Ship
"But wait, MT", we hear another common objection...We may not
"already know" in the way we think we do, in terms of culturally
supplied "answers"—but don't we already know in our souls? Aren't we
already, in our intrinsic Being a sufficient connection to the
greater Reality so that ultimately we only have the sovereignty of
our own intuitive Authority, secured by that connection, as a
sufficiency to warrant our confidence and our self-reliant
Awakening? What need of "another" altogether, when it comes to this
particular topic of Knowledge? since, unlike the higher calculus,
the Questions of Existence are rooted in our own innate Being?
Well, "how have you done so far"? (don't tell MT... tell yourself;
that's the only chance of your being honest with yourself). Have "Bashar"
or the "Pleiadeans" really given you anything more than an ego-rush
at the enforcement of "inner knowings" as to your solipsistic
command of the cosmos? Where are you left when the pep-talk
enthusiasm dies down? The nature of this "reality" is a little more
refractory than that.
Yes, Truth ultimately comes in the god-being of
your own innate Self; but before that, It comes in the form of
"other", and necessarily so. This is the Way your cosmic and
spiritual education is Logoically given; you implicitly strain
forward out of the "sovereignty" of your inner self, to catch the
assurances of "others" such as Krishnamurthi or Ramtha as to the
validity of that sovereignty. Why?
That very motion (no matter how minute) to check and confirm,
betrays a lack of confidence. And rightly so. For it is chronically
the lower case "self, the standardized ego-self (by the conventions
of identity) which seeks affirmation of its self-insular
sovereignty, the assurance of its imperious autonomy as a "reality
creator", as "captain of its soul" etc.
Yet it's precisely that "lower case" or ego-self which exists by
virtue of the Crown of False Knowledge. It is not that Soul which
"already knows", but the fatuous function of the enculturated norm
which "already knows" as a general way of insulating itself from the
larger intuition of the soul. It is the illusionary sovereign of an
insular self-enclosure, which, far from commanding automatic
knowledge of the Greater Reality, seals itself off and locks
itself away from the greater Reality precisely in proportion as it
touts uncritical acceptance in "knowledge" of its imaginary-subject
Truth first comes in the form of "Other" because this ego-self is
not "already awake", not already alive to its greater reality. It's
closed to the greater reality, which necessarily then appears as an
"otherness" to it Indeed its tendency is to insulate itself from
exactly the inexorable "erosion" of this "Otherness", or
the Greater
Truth must first come in the form of Other, for it's
precisely this "other"—otherwise complementing and "completing" the
partiality of the ego-subject—which the ego-self infinitely fears
and resists at the same time it seeks self-ratification from the
field of other (since it feels the chronic incompletion of its
own subjective "sovereignty"). Only "Other" can take the ego-subject
out of or Beyond itself, as a requirement of its aligning with and
locking into the Total Being constituting the true ground of its
Intuitive Unity.
Thus you must always take the teaching-function of your Awakening
first from "another". Despite the glib Krishnamurthiization of this
century's lazier "seekers", the state of your "innate Knowing"
starts out crippled by a real malalignment of your mind/body
coordinates (through which the totality is functionally focused and
processed), based on the encoiled cultural norm of the ego-self that
"already knows". And Logos Already Knows This.
That's why It always provides for you, but in Its Way not "yours",
through the functions and functionaries of the Triune Spiritual
Offices: Manu, Bodhisattva and
Mahachohan. It Always sends someone
to Be With You. And Its only "requirement" on your part, to comply
with your Awakening to the Whole, lies not in some Knowledge or
great Whole-being awareness you just don't automatically have (no
matter how wounding this may be to your ego) but simply in your
recognition, your grateful non-reluctant acknowledgment and your
authentic love. The teacher, adept or master doesn't demand this
respect and love from you. Your own soul demands it of you, as a
condition of getting out of your loveless insularity and bleak
self-insistence that the brass you display as the only metal you can
retrieve on "your own" recognizance, is really Gold.
This, however, is already too much as far as the culture and its
governmental instrument are ever concerned—for they're forever
jealous of 'their own" (insistent-but-vulnerable) self-sovereignty,
and therefore peremptorily claim a monopoly on your love. That's all
that's ever really gone on here. That's the whole story of this
dimension—and you haven't even got past the Introduction!
Then who are the real teachers, adepts and masters? Teachers, adepts
and masters have collaborated in the composition of this book.
Actually, you've known them for some time but didn't know you knew
Then what's a teacher? what's an adept? what's a master?
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The Teacher
First of all, a teacher in the strict sense (remember to MT these
are formal not casual categories) is one whose cumulative
developmental background over the incarnate arc roughly corresponds
already to a minimum early 4th density. He's already bowled a
passing frame, so to speak, and is back here in the 3rd basically to
"pick up the spare".
Such teachers generally incarnate,
whether "aware" of it or not, in supplemental accompaniment of the
work of adepts and masters. Theirs is not so much a secondary
function in that sense, as a work of primary importance in itself
whereby the fructifying spirit (seeded by the contemporary
"squadron" of adepts, avatars etc.) is nourished and extravagantly
expanded, in real works that enter into and profoundly affect the
cultures-of-the-world at large.
Such beings are ''teachers" not in the
sense of pedants or—necessarily—as formal instructors but in the
sense of great lovers, whose uncommon adroitness in the art of
caressing and bringing Life to little climaxes of inspiration serves
in the long run to accelerate the general perception. They teach as
a spontaneous function of their gargantuan creativity then; they
naturally lead the lights of intelligence moving down the darkened
corridors of 3rd density on behalf of the whole, as expression of
their superior magnetic coherence gently but persuasively entraining
the "leading edge" of that remaining mass which is at all self-moved
toward higher states of creative integrity.
They may be "recognized" in their day or
they may not; they may be acknowledged by their peers or they may
suffer neglect in their lifetimes. Yet their influence is inexorable
over the longer haul, so far ahead in many cases that it simply
takes the grinding passage of time beyond their own little lifespans
to fill-in a sufficient number of cultural blanks for others to
catch up.
It's not that such real teachers don't also learn; they are, on the
contrary, constantly learning, and they learn—know it or not—through
cultivated psychic antennae attuned to the basic spiritual numen
being first of all focused through the translucent lens of adep-perception.
They may not—usually do not—have formal connection to or knowledge
of the spiritual masters and adepts contemporaneously seeded around
the globe at any given time with them; such teachers, owing to the
blindering darkness of the 3rd density condition, might consciously
belittle the very idea of "spiritual adepts" etc. Yet they're
functionaries of those adepts and masters whether or not they know
it, pledged by pre-incarnative agreement to further the fertilizing
Spirit of the Time brought forward in direct/down-pouring abundance
by those masters.
Therefore the true teacher (in this strict/formal sense) is
constantly learning basically as a means of employing the quickening
catalyst of 3rd-density condition in acceleration of his ongoing
density-correspondence at the soul level. A teacher technically
corresponding to early 4th density (upon first taking the particular
life of 3rd density incarnation as which he becomes subsequently
known) may at the completion of that corporeal span have so
magnified the integral sum of accessible qualities as further
"opening of the lotus petals of the heart" that he's effectually
matriculated, and passes after exhaustion of bodily life to a higher
4th density demesne. Such a teacher "learns" just like everyone
then, but in an uncommon way, a way frankly beyond the available
potential of the mass-conscious mind correlated strictly to 3rd
Such a teacher has an omnivorous
appetite for learning; his learning is an awesome spectacle to the
rest His heroic "learning" is the colossal feast of some Pantagruel,
and the materials of that feast are always being passed and
processed through a mighty transmogrification within his being,
alchemically transmuted in the full-tilt alembic of his soul so that
what is "learned" flows out the athanor as lambent Vision, Hailing
to the rest and setting the Learning Standard for the time and times
to come.
Amongst those we may legitimately cite as teachers are, in this
century, lights such as Tesla, Einstein, Picasso, Dali, Joyce,
Stravinsky, Freud, Jung, Reich, Rife, Isha and H. A. Schwaller de
Lubicz and Jack Kerouac. (These are named because well known—they
hardly exhaust the list)
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The Adept
Adepts are those whose cumulative background by incarnation has
fitted them to a (technical) mid-4th density correspondence or
higher, some even pressing experientially upon the 5th. An adept is
one developed to a sufficient degree of mind/body integration as to
have minimum command upon certain "inner" or esoteric powers;
according to the tradition in which he develops or expresses, such
non-ordinary faculty may be a manifestation of one or a number of
chakras in combination, and may take the characteristic form of
facility with "astral travel", spirit summoning, manifestation of "siddhi"
("supernormal" power of the type demonstrated by snow-melting monk
or levitating acolyte, the qi phenomena of the martial arts adept)
The adept has developed sufficient
control of certain vehicles or combinations of vehicles, centers or
a synthesis of centers as to be able to invoke the non-ordinary
state at will. He's thus enabled to make use of powers, faculties,
energies, "inner" subtle organs and magnetic life-fields unknown or
technically unavailable to others.
Just as the "teacher" of our first definition brings a real creative
power forward which influences the operative—3rd—density either
directly (by its persuasion of minds) or more subtly (through
quickening of the "biomorphic field" with superior ideoform
coherence), the adept serves as a kind of intensifying "node" in the
network of subtle energies undergirding the globe; in giving
expression to one or more types of such subtle force (through
characteristic exercise of control over same) he acts as a kind of
nonlinear convergence-locus through which amplified energies issue,
consequently influencing overall acceleration of the plane. The
implicit intensity of his integral presence may be compared to a
gravitational field, which conformally bends and thereby accelerates
whatever is drawn under its influence.
Owing to his capacity or his training for tapping the field of such
subtle power, the adept generally has a minimal grasp of many of
the principles involved in the enlarged framework. Though he may
be thus familiar with those immediate principles involved in the
given art (e.g. astral traveling), or may be more generally familiar
with principles of the overall infrastructure, his adeptship is
located in the specific control he exercises with respect to certain
subtle functions or faculties.
The hallmark of the adept is his
practical expertise in generating the particular power or rousing
the particular force (or set of forces) with which he's identified.
He's marked by the ability to draw on the non-ordinary at will.
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The Master
Master is the designation for one whose cumulative background, incarnationally or otherwise, has fitted him to a minimum 5th
density correspondence. Many "criteria" have been given for the
qualification—or identification—of a Master; it has been stipulated
through one tradition or another that a "master" must be he who's
completed a certain minimum curriculum, performed or passed through
certain formal threshold rites, who has met the requirements of
"knowledge" in the ladder of lower grades etc.
Yet the characteristic of the Master has
no such outward measure or objective guarantor at all. A Master is
one whose value of mind/body integration and quotient of stable
coherence is minimally such as to establish him in a constancy of
non-ordinary being. He is one enjoying uninterrupted continuity in
integral congruence with the Ground of Being, to greater or lesser
degree. This is the minimal requisite for "Master"—for a Master is,
constitutionally, one Who's "crossed the abyss" dividing the
"slumbering" states of consciousness from the Awakened state of
consciousness. The master is one who enjoys indelible Identity with,
through, in and as spiritized Void-being, to greater or lesser
intensity of all-consuming Equivalency.
He is one whose every thought, feeling, mood, emotion and behavior
is tacitly referenced toward Void-being, automatically oriented with
respect to Void-being, discharges as celebratory expression or
intended symbol-form of Void-being, and is constitutionally ordered
as the distributive largesse of Void-being. He is, as the traditions
say, dyed fast in the color of Reality. His "practice" is ecstatic
intensification in the alignment of that Presence, through a kind of
unhesitating devotional willingness that can only come from living
the Reality of that Presence rather than merely anticipating it.
This distinguishes the Master from the adept, as a state of Being.
Whereas the adept may produce or invoke or attain to qualities of
void-being, may cut various "angles" into void-being at will by
virtue of his subtle knowledge regarding the fulcra of control, the
Master is established in Void-being. Being thus gyroscopically
related to and balanced in the ground of Reality, the Master
uniquely uses that condition itself as the skeleton key to
His steady-state Presence in-and-as
Void-being allows him automatically to turn the tumblers on the
various locks guarding the Principles of Life. Whereas the adept, by
virtue of his practical knowledge of subtle states and energies
inhering in void-being Ground may be acquainted with certain occult
principles or non-ordinary laws, the Master is a Master of the
Principles of Creative Existence altogether.
Thus the Master may or may not exhibit subtle powers, extraordinary
agencies, command the visible allegiance of colossal allies or
elementals... the Master is not descriptively distinguished or
identified by any such phenomenal proofs or presentations. According
to the specific function served by the given master, he may display
a Siddhi or supernormal spiritual power—but in such case he does so
toward distinctly different purpose than that of the adept; he does
so as a Teaching demonstration of First Principles; he does so as a
Master of the Laws of Life, and may make those laws known toward the
general edification and raising of consciousness.
He may produce effect and phenomena by
his Word; but in such case he does so not according to the
requirements of the devas, elementals or subtle intelligences
involved in conducting the effect (as does the adept), but on the
contrary as an Instruction and Education to those servitor powers
themselves as well as to the run of adepti—whose level, state, grade
and orientation are such as to require the (periodic) gyroscopic
influence and rebalancing guidance Intelligently directed from the
Ground of Being (see Motto-in-the-Lotto, as well as section on
Al in MT's The Mother Book).
This is owing to the fact that the adept's practical relation to
void-being is tunnel-like. The adept moves back and forth through
Void-being obliquely as it were, oriented through the trajectory of
linear purpose or target accomplishment The adept moves toward
climax or denouement, which (ideally) would be definitive Resolution
with the Ground of Being. He looks upon that Resolution as abiding
in actual planes, states, fields or adjacent universes
asymptotically just "beyond" the limit of his current expertise in
opening the chakra-doors of the dimensions. Thus he "passes through"
the corridors of Void-being, and those void-corridors "pass around"
him, as he Captain-Kirks some beam-ship or light-body toward
beckoning galaxy clusters and glowing chakra-constellations of his
own higher Denouement
Thus there may be both "adepts" and authentic "spiritual masters" in
any of the traditions, occupying seats in any of the esoteric
disciplines. The "kundalini-adept" (often wrongly called
Master) may
raise or lower the Sakti to the Crown/sahasrara at Will, moving up
and down in awareness like a thermometer. The Master of yoga is the
living expression of the Sahasrara, and shines its light steadily
through all he says, does and is. The zen adept has learned to coax
the subtle glimpse of satori at will. The Zen Master is the Presence
through which any such satori is given at all.
Third stage (i.e. density) consciousness is always seeking some
means of measuring, some sure method or yardstick for evaluating the
authentic presence of "adept" or "master", as if there was a
check-sheet somewhere against which the required traits could be
marked off. Third stage consciousness, characteristically, wants
"objective assurances"—and since Reality expresses in part by
objective means, it isn't unreasonable that 3rd density should be
given its objective criteria to the limit of that mode (see A Modest
Thus MT immediately modifies the conventional wisdom of many
traditions that strenuously insist upon the strict inexistence of
such objective measurement (thereby generating a gnashing of teeth
among many); at the same time however, the qualifying phrase should
be noted: "to the limit of that mode". The fact of the matter is,
teachers, adepts and especially spiritual Masters may manifest any
way they will. The only sure mode of detection in any given case
lies in the requirement for sober cultivation of a higher intuitive
faculty in the mind making the Inquiry, of course, this visits a
certain obligation upon 3rd stage consciousness, converting its
demand into a mandate with somewhat arduous implications! Yet that's
how it works, and how it's supposed to work.
Especially in the case of the Master (of whatever degree, density
grade or corresponding function) there's nothing left in terms of
concept or cognition, belief or "orientation" to qualify his
expression at all, or somehow limit it before the fact The Spiritual
Master, owing to the critical magnitude of Awakening he necessarily
represents, always serves a kind of cosmic or spiritual Junction;
such Awakening never really takes place as an abstract incident. It
Echoes down all the halls of Infinity, gathers the impressions of
every faculty and is given as an Offering to the Whole. As such an
offering, it invites to serve and fulfill some function appearing by
requirement of that Whole.
Yet the Master isn't restricted by that function. It is his Creative
Means. The Master above all others, above everything, has no fixed
mode whereby to appear and therefore by which he may easily be
The desire for such easy identification
is just a trait of slumbering 3rd density consciousness in any case.
Though the Realization of the authentic Masters is necessarily
Identical in nature, to a far deeper degree even than for the host
of adepti, confusion comes for 3rd stage consciousness— scouting for
petty "consistencies"—precisely in the existential uniqueness and
immediacy of the Master Presence. That Presence represents not only
the Heart of Void but the Summit of Individuation. Void-being, after
all, has assumed the master-personality heart/mind/and soul, so that
there's ipso facto no concept, belief, expectation, prejudice or
passion that takes precedence for that Consciousness over Void-being
And Void-being is free—free even or especially in context of
the particular Function it incarnates in Service to the Whole.
The Master Presence therefore always tricks the expectation.
Where the "last" identified Master apparently set a precedent so
that we might know the next, the next when he comes along inevitably
confounds the expectation, and altogether belies the whole notion of
consistent external traits or identifiable signs. His Mastership is,
inevitably, discovered "anew" (or no) by his contemporaries as a
function of his uniqueness, precisely as expression of the wholly
unprecedented character of his Advent. As Master of the very
Principles of existence, he's obliged by no local "law", rule of
thumb or indigenous roadmap.
Thus while the mass of present-day/3rd
stage consciousness awaits the "exteriorization of the hierarchy",
the millennial "return of the Masters" and "immanentization of the
eschaton", the Masters slip in to no particular notice... indeed are
greeted, if at all, with rude dismissals for not appearing per
expectation, and by theosophical hall-monitors admonishing them to
move along so as not to block the view of all those incoming angels!
(This is literally the case: V.V. has recently related to MT the
incident of a self-styled "adeptus" who by mail solemnly counseled
how they both should stay especially alert now since—inferentially,
by "insider tip" exclusive to such cognoscenti as himself—even
greater and greater Masters of the Hierarchy were due to descend and
"reveal themselves any day"...He added as a little fillip how
could make use in Leading Edge of certain of his "Order's" materials
if he wished, but "please don't identify" him or his order in any
way! no doubt since he didn't want the purity of his own heavenly
connection sullied by association...)
Of course we may recognize in all this the usual, dull-as-lead
3rd-stage ploy for preserving its own—imagined—sovereignty and
maintaining its de facto spiritual leadership in absentia of the
"real thing" by chronically deflecting attention toward the
inexistent future tense, where Hope may spring eternal with the
gratifying certainty it will never be fulfilled.
But the adepts are unobliged, and the Masters absolutely free to do
as they Will. They manifest as they may, and give Sign of their
Presence that inevitably evades the eye of conventional expectation
so that such eye may remain 'neath shuttered lid, undisturbed in its
clearly preferred slumberland (where 3rd stage dream still dictates
the terms).
What use for "even more" masters to come, when the ones who are here
remain largely unnoticed, mistaken for something less, are
overlooked or even, outright abused? The "Hierarchy"—or whatever
part of it had planned to come—is already here. Surprised? Then look
some more—not through the eye that calculates but through the heart
that feels. The real Masters give their unique "evidences" in
connective expression from heart to heart, first of all, so that the
means to recognize may first be awakened within; in this way those
with the imperious "criteria", the preformed-itemized demands and
expectations may never know them—which is all to the good.
Thus one spiritual master may come for all those destined to be with
him (or Her, to be sure!) by way of stirring some restless desire
for Mexican cuisine, only so that the prospective devotees may come
to locate him as proprietor of a taco stand! Another may indeed
advertise in Whole-life right along with every possible poseur (a
Master is restricted in his manifestation in no way, remember, even
the most meretricious).
As for MT, he gives Demonstration through His Greatest Magick Trick
for those who may perceive it now, in the form of himself
withdrawing the Excalibur from the Stone where long ago he placed
it; in these urgent times, one can't rely on the sonship of some
Arthur to take it out—as well we know, the servants have abused and
murdered that sonship while the Father was apparently absent from
the estate, about other Business—thus The Merlin Returns in Person
to retrieve the blade from out of the Spell he himself cast over it
(that it might sit pat over the years proof against every
pretender). Would you believe again in old Merlin? knowing it must
be him who first cast the sacred Spell and none other since only he,
and demonstrably so can lift that Sword from out its cryptic
encasement before one-and-all?
Consult then The Mother Book especially the segment on
Liber Al vel
Legis, The Book of the Law; and in preparation read both
"Motto-in-the-Lotto" and "The Big Spin" in this Matrix IV volume.
Then see for yourself who really returns on behalf of the Whole.
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The Avatar
In order to understand what an avatar is, it’s first necessary to
understand the much discussed matter of correlation between
"densities" and "stages" of spiritual development. For a definition
of "densities", see "MT Dictionary"
this volume; suffice here to say
that "density" in metaphysical terms doesn’t correspond to
conventional definitions of inertia, viscosity, opacity etc.
"density" in the metaphysical sense correlates positively to degree
of perceptual or cognitive subtlety; it refers to the quotient of
formal limitation integrated through coordinates of the (variable)
cognitive grid-network, determining the available intensity of total
energy-information coded for a given volume (see also
UFOs etc., subheading "I Am Your Density").
3rd (the one you’re presently experiencing) tends to
tell us things are fixed and solid
4th density allows us to
perceive such "solidity" as an energetic kind of fluid/kaleidoscopic
5th density allows us to behold all things whether
apparently "solid" or not, as coordinative fields of geometrized
light networks
6th, tends toward direct knowledge of such
light-composites as self-luminous idea etc. and therefore as
themselves ideoform patterns of the permissive cognitive
Each such density level carries as its chief importance a reigning
quotient of allowable insight or intuition with respect to reality
as a whole; this quotient correlates with the compositional quality
cited above. The stages of spiritual development are given in the
context of 3rd density embodiment, each successive stage above 3rd
(ordinary mind) corresponding to its numerically parallel density.
This means that authentic initiation to the higher stages, in 3rd
density context, succeeds at each step in realigning the focused
mind/body coordinates of the subject so as to allow into the
(formerly-screened) 3rd density framework the class of
insight/intuition indicative of the numerically parallel density.
Depending on the type, class or "school" of initiation these
coordinative realignments may re-link the respective densities in
such a way as to permit direct perception-interaction as with
"subtle" faculties, and/or direct insight-knowledge participating in
the available essence of the opened density. This correlation
between stage and density holds until we get to the question of a
7th stage of lnitiatic awakening, and the corresponding 7th density.
While there are authentic masters of a 7th stage awakening, these
are extremely rare (far more so than schools and traditions
perennially claim) and may properly be considered avatars. Moreover,
these 7th stage Initiates do not correspond in themselves to 7th
density, and this is where the otherwise perfect correlation of
stages and densities "breaks down".
The reason for this, is that 7th density does not properly
"incarnate" a personality-expression or divine "representative" from
its own level, since 7th density isn’t so much a successive step in
the octaval hierarchy and thus "higher" and "removed" as it is the
Immanence of Logoic Divinity within everything. A 7th stage being
(i.e. a Master of authentic 7th stage initiation
appearing in
3rd-density context) is recruited by the totality of 7th density
Godhead from the ranks of Personality-expressions thoroughly
integrated with and as Oversold consciousness of 6th density (in
terms of Initiatory Qabalism, all "doers" are recruited from the
sphere of Primum Mobile or the Sephirah of Chokmah. The zodiacal
symbolization of this sphere may thus be thoroughly understood with
reference to Southern Crown Dictionary,
subheading Breath-soul).
Seventh density is properly "Beyond" either "I" or "we", and so
incarnates a Sublime Function of Its overall Process on behalf of
the Whole by recruiting from the "nearest-adjacent" density that
does supply the necessary "I’s" and "We’s" for individuated
(One may ask: if 7th density represents in some sense
the Totality of Godhead, why doesn’t It just manufacture the
necessary "I-ness" out of itself to incarnate amongst the
multitudes? The answer is, of course, that It does precisely that.
That’s what 6th density Oversoul consciousness and Its ancillary
personality-expressions is.)
Properly understood, this description supplies adequate resolution
to the perennial contention between those who look upon Kether,
crown of Macroprosopus, Seventh density etc. as the necessary origin
of Avataric expressions incarnating "below", and those who insist
that, once merging with Kether/7th density, such One "goes forth no
more again".
The 7th stage Initiate then, is a Master who’s also inevitably an Avatar, and is one recruited out of 6th density by 7th density
Godhead-totality to serve a specific Universal function in and
through the "lower" worlds on behalf of the Whole. Such a 6th
density, projective expression from Oversoul consciousness recruited
as Avatar for a "time" and "place" is therefore ever the
Minister of Hoor-pa-kraat, the Lord of Silence who "goes not out at all".
(It should be evident from all the foregoing that an Adept may also
be considered or function as a "teacher", whereas a teacher in
himself isn’t an Adept; that a Master may also refer to himself or
be referred to as an "adept", but that an adept in and of himself is
not a Master; it should be evident that an Avatar is also and at the
same time automatically a Master, while a Master in himself is not
automatically an Avatar.)
This, then, is the first piece of verboten information brought to
you courtesy of Matrix IV; for the knowledge of the truth regarding
teachers, adepts, masters and avatars is far more subversive than
spilled information regarding "secret government pacts with spacealiens", the longtime furtive use of alternative energies by
the phantom power structure or even the existence of such
power-structure itself. Indeed, we may here submit that unexpected
tolerance for the continued existence of such publicly-indispensable
media as the earlier Matrix volumes and Leading Edge etc. might well
be attributable to the inevitable shift in attention toward that
power structure which the "freeing" of our information has caused.
Once the chagrin of exposure has passed, it’s perfectly plausible
that the "power structure" smugly dotes on the attention after all,
how intolerable that its highjinks in pulling the wool over your
eyes has gone on for so long without receipt of proper credit from
the victimized consciousnesses in question! Far better it may now
be, to have attention turned no matter how ruefully to the shadow
government perpetrators (which exacerbated attention, regardless how
angered, still constitutes inadvertent tribute) than to have it
roused to Awareness of the real Truth of your existence!
For the primary Reality is that of the Spiritual truth, the
Spiritual facts, and the Spiritual purpose of your existence here
altogether; it doesn’t lie basically in the regrettable "fact" of
governmental duplicity, some pending takeover by the
Antichrist and
his kin, or in knowledge of invisible air-pollution by armadas of
beings from elsewhere. No, the truly dangerous knowledge is
presented in this Book; and, as we’ve argued, uniquely in this Book.
Your previous Matrix volumes should be kept and consulted as
treasures, as significant mountains of non-ordinary information
extracted at great difficulty on your behalf. They should be
considered essential supplementation allowing you to become
powerfully knowledgeable about the real paradigm surrounding the
circumstance of the true planetary Teaching.
In this Book you’ll find the true planetary Teaching.
You’ll find it embedded in very many contents and Contents contained
herein; and God Willing (as She’s wont to Be) you’ll find it in this
Magnum Organum, which features among many other things an
introductory preview of MT’s greatest Magick Trick. (Every authentic
spiritual teaching worth its Salt has to have a Shapeshifter in the
At last word there was even to be inclusion of (self-evidently)
third-stage originated materials, as W’s magnanimous overview bow to
democratic sponsorship of all densities and heart/mind coefficients.
These materials furnish the reader with a multitude of interesting
contents as well, much "food for thought" (of varying digestible
degrees)... and if such third-stage stuff evidences the mistaking of
a Sphere passing through its own flat plane for a circle so that
narrow associations, reductive syntheses and solutions of low titer
are sometimes apparent in the results, the net is never less than
entertaining since W’s presentations are at the same time uniquely
adventurous, never dull for non-dull readers (the West’s equivalent
to the "non-dual" Vedas?) and always stand as champion of the
public’s right to free choice amongst the range of relevant options.
With an occasional landmine and puzzlebook-text exception, then, to
amuse and keep you on your toes, this volume is the collaboration of
teachers, adepts and masters, irritatingly real to one and all, and
fulfilling of an Avataric function i.e. a function born to living
embodiment on your behalf, of, by and for the spirit of the very
mind/body vehicle you bear, in perfect empathetic attunement with
its real requirements owing to the state of commonality shared with
and for the sake of "every sentient being".
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