On Sept. 4, 1990, AAA, MT and several of the T-Bird staff went to
Arizona to attend
the National New Age and Alien Agenda Conference.
AAA rarely leaves her room; MT hasn’t been out of the state in 19
for reasons which will become apparent in this and the
installments to come,
they did not want to miss this one; for, as
Holmes would say to Watson,
"Come, my good fellow—I can tell the
mind of Moriarty is at work here. The game’s afoot!"

by Marshall Telemachus
Zelator Website
Chapter I
Summary: These few pages are a brilliant introduction into the
realms of a Secret Government, and their interaction with Alien space-beings. All the ultra-secret motives and plans behind the
Shadow Government as well as behind the Alien’s roles since Roswell
are discussed here! Did you know these Roswell space-beings were ...
bio-robots ? So, who sent them here? And for what reasons? Again,
MT’s spirit shines through all dimensions. Which is something you
can’t afford to miss. |
We Go to the Tim Beckley National New Age and Alien Agenda
The world isn’t what you think it is
Unless of course you’ve always thought that "Through The Looking
Glass" is a documentary description of the way things are, that
every official science and social-study is a "tale told by an
unless you’ve always thought that secret societies, hidden
governments and controlling families hold the keys of power while
everything’s intentionally oriented in the wrong direction,
you’ve always thought that conventional interpretations of reality
were a deliberately administered drug, doping into a collective
dream so that ineffectual gestures cast shadows on a wall that
accordingly moves but by means of cables concealed behind; and that
those cables extend down old abandoned elevator shafts and derelict
mines into tunneled phantasmagorias that effectually honeycomb the
Earth’s insides hiding cavernous fortresses, halls of civilizations
"lost" and exotic armamentariums where refugees from unknown eras of
the planet’s surface mingle with interdimensional mercenaries, and
every manner of being from beyond the parochial framework capable of
streaming in on secret lines of linkage from the farthest star sets
up shop, establishes staging outposts for one or another purpose in
the proper—dimensional—pockets formed in the seals of the Earth’s
concentric "centers",
unless you’ve always thought that from such
sealed centers, the various influences of diverse agencies are sent
to the surface on beams of technical magic generating stresses in
our psychic atmospheres according to some desire to accelerate or
retard the evolutionary development of the consciousness on the
unless you’ve always thought that, through the interaction of such criss-cross rays there convened the secret histories behind all
pasteboard fictions—the basic Unity in the mock "plurality" of
powers detectable at those blurred scams of conspiratorial overlap
where certain officers of the mundane order always hold
concurrent—if camouflaged—posts upon interlocking boards of "occult"
directorates through which the kingmakers are actually anointed, the
secret governments silently installed...
unless you’ve always thought
that those subterraneous forces fight an ongoing battle for the
hearts and minds of uncommitted man toward the time accordingly
prepared when there would either be a sufficiency of corresponding
substance to actualize the birth of Conscious freedom or to
materialize that eldritch vision, the return to daylight
consciousness of the twilight armies of the Elder Race—the emergence
into mundane history of the Old Ones of the Night of Time..
of course you’ve always thought it was something like that.
Otherwise, you’ve got quite a surprise coming.
Indeed as we of the winged T-Bird floated over the forested,
two-lane Arizona highway in our rented van, detouring to catch the
Canyon in a sheer gauze of rain while making our angular route to
Phoenix and the "Tim Beckley Annual UFO Convention"—miles and
outstretched miles across that reminiscent ribbon of blacktop
beneath beaming arches of a double rainbow, L.A. behind in a
rapidly-dissipating dream of departure through a smokering shroud—it
felt as if one could be perfectly at peace with any tidy version of
America, any hallowed parchment in an empty gallery...
It all seemed perfectly permissible since this was the Storybook
version, these unspoiled hills and diamond skies—any retrogressive
estimate, any grade-school atavism molded again to manageable
proportions and all ringed ’round with the safely-habitable,
politely conformable world would suffice and survive in an
atmosphere so equal to the simplicity such sentiment required, all
could be sustained without subscribing to a single thing. Here in
this very place if anywhere at all that ultimate vision of man’s
politicized peace could find its suitably pastoral correlative—here
in the very place where in fact it was most perfectly belied...
It was all like a typical Hitchcock movie—opening shots of a bucolic
American burg clean as the angle on a T-square and background music
belonging to Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood—but wait, that set-up
innocence is by now dead giveaway that there’s something rotten,
basically awful lurking just below the kodachrome surface! The
now-famous Lynch would continue a brain-damaged version of such a
theme as the ’80s slouched toward the inevitable ’90s, rendering the
whole wholesome scene as a surreal commercial skimming over the
happy hamlet on the camera-wing of a golden oriole, over treetops
and firehouse and across leaf-rustled schoolyard dropping softly on
a garden beneath the sunny shale of which, lifted just a little, we
see a crawling beetle in the bright-green blades, and leveraged a
little more so as to rip up some of the overgrown slipgrass we begin
to see first signs of real vermin.... and as the rock is peeled back
like the back of a skull from a rotted corpse the whole miasmal
swarm of centipedes and maggot-brood overspills in soundtrack
amplification like the munching of a million mites on gristle...
So one muses while taking in the pine and scented cedar of
whistle-clean Flagstaff (that evening, indeed, first glimpse at the
paper in the motel room two girls attacked by unknown assailant on
that very highway, where the roadsigns like abandoned Burma-shave
boards warn Prison Zone, don’t pick up hitchhikers).
Even as the lovely, meditative miles spooled off from that veritable
ribbon of two-lane one couldn’t help but consider how far it all was
from the spirit of Easy Rider which it nonetheless evoked indeed.
"What a long strange trip it’s been"! One recalled that most famous
of celluloid scenes from the ’60s, in which Hopper and Fonda
gleefully conspire to get Jack Nicholson’s straight-Southern lawyer
stoned for the first time beneath a wooded American night-sky, and
Nicholson proceeds to take them on a trip as he loosens up and
begins the celebrated soliloquy as to how those satellites are often
saucers in disguise and how the spacepeople have been monitoring
this planet for ages—one remembered the dream-lidded dubiety of
Hopper’s "Billy", and Fonda’s progressive facial register of his
trademark "far out "...
Suppose, in our collectively stoned condition, the scene doesn’t
stop there but goes right straight on—in an exponentially paranoic
time ellipse—as Nicholson keeps puffing and proclaims "yes, and not
only have the spacebeings been monitoring us but they’ve actually
made themselves known to our government and have made a secret pact
with the military at the highest levels, you know... "
He proceeds—yes—Joints passed gingerly through the audience as
attention becomes thoroughly sucked up in the enveloping immensity
of the Screen...
"Of course the military’s interested in the arrangement because of
their highly advanced technology and the implicit threat their
superior knowledge poses to the whole safety of the planet Earth and
civilization as we know it... "
Fonda’s lids lift in puffy pantomime of the proverbial "far out"....
"But what the spacebeings are interested in is interbreeding wilh
Earth women in order to improve their genetic stock, which has been
severely damaged by nuclear holocausts on their own world... "
Hopper rolls his eyes moonward in appeal to the patron of lunatics,
takes another hit as Fonda in sheer mesmeric fascination moves
around the campfire closer to the raptured Nicholson...
"And the secret government, you know the military-industrial complex
and its espionage agencies and the
Council on Foreign Relations and
the Illuminati and the Jason Scholars and the
Club of Rome and the
Bilderbergers and the Masons and the Elks and the Shriners, the
secret government decides to the aliens’ terms in the hopes of
keeping their abduction activities to a limited basis that can be
supervised, so we exchange the promise of a full list of the
borrowed citizens used in their genetic experiments and returned
undamaged for the guarantee of acquiring their advanced scientific
knowledge so we can forge far ahead of the Russians and at the same
time raise ourselves onto a par with the spacebeings. Of course,"
Jack continues, staring slit-eyed into the fire, "we figure these
spacebeings aren’t used to Earth-deals, our military figures that
it’s slickered these rubbery skinned rubes from Orion and all the
while it doesn’t realize that it’s they themselves that have been
slickered. "
"I suppose these space dudes have fine print in their contract
what’d they do, have you for their attorney?" Hopper jeers,
Bogarting the last of the Joint that’s lingered twelve eternities as
an idle glow in the shadow between his fingers.
"That’s correct," Jack forges on, "the fine print as you so sagely
remark, implicitly stated that these spacebeings had just been given
carte blanche because of a little-known clause of cosmic law which
was just not the Earth government’s forte. And that law states that
the sanctity, the internal self-contained development of a planetary
culture or society cannot be violated except on invitation extended
an outside agency by the free Will of that culture, through its
overt or implicit representatives."
"Come again?" Fonda interjects after what seems to be an
interminable suspension of time, every audible nuance in the crackle
of the campfire meticulously subdividing into separate infinities of
"You heard correctly my friend. It turns out that, once the
invitation is extended by making a pact or treaty, the spacebeings
that are negatively polarized and therefore not honorbound to
observe the specific terms of any agreement, are perfectly able to
maraud and plunder according to the actual spirit or true character
that originally sparked the agreement. Since the whole treaty was
inspired in the first place by designs of military supremacy,
control and conquest, the spacebeings of negative orientation take
that to be the real governing terms of their own activity. So the
military comes to find out that they’ve violated the agreement, that
they’re only submitting fractional lists of the actual number of
unsuspecting citizens they’ve been abducting and subjecting to
genetic experiments, medical examinations, brainwashing and
post-hypnotic suggestion, amnesia, monitor implanting of a surgical
type and so forth... "
"So what exactly does the military and the secret power-structure do
when it finds out about this infraction?" Fonda asks, spellbound
with the tiny image of the bonfire dancing in each glazed pup of his
"Well, naturally, it goes right ahead and uses as much of the alien
technology as is doled out by the comparative eyedropper, to abduct
and brainwash and implant U S citizens as well... "
"Good." Hopper chortles, "We’ll retaliate the execution on U.S.
hostages by taking American citizens hostage and executing them
"That’s sort of the logic, alright," Jack drawls. "You see what the
government started getting concerned about, was the number that
really seemed to be involved here, and that it wasn’t only
miscellaneous citizens they were finding with ’missing time’ but
military personnel, government officials and people in key positions
of power, everywhere..." Cut back and forth to successively tight
shots on Fonda’s "far out" expression... "Well, the government
begins to figure that the only thing it can do is either go to the
American people through the mass media and confess the fact that it’d
closed a bad deal behind everyone’s back and appeal to the
enlightened concernment of the general citizenry, or it can clam up,
spare itself the embarrassment and the implicit revelation
concerning the character of routine behavior-patterns, and develop
its own preemptive strike capabilities using a combination of what
it could extract of alien technology and the advanced work of its
best scientific minds."
"So," Fonda seems to pick each separate piece like glass from the
cells of his brain, "the government must have figured out that the
extraterrestrials don’t just want to borrow from our gene pool
splice a few codes into their allegedly fatigued systems."
"That’s right. From all the evidence gathered through hypnotic
regression, advanced spy equipment and loose ends that the aliens
didn’t bother to clean up or deliberately left around, the
government began to get the idea that masses of people were being
abducted in their sleep or off the highways, rigged with monitoring
devices and hypnotically programmed, and much of what they found out
seemed to indicate that the information or behavioral codes
implanted in this way were of the order of elaborate, double-lock
time release imprints. Because of the complex way the aliens folded
the information into the hypnotic recesses of people’s brains, the
programs themselves couldn’t be retrieved but the surrounding
recollections and circumstantial evidences suggested that highly
sophisticated technological knowledge was often being stored away in
the deep minds of ordinary citizens, and even subliminally retained
instructions on how to run certain kinds of alien UFO equipment and
weaponry! Well, because of this the government got the idea quick
that the aliens were creating a silent ground-level army of dormant,
robotically programmed units in the form of unsuspecting ordinary
people in all walks of life, that could be called on simultaneously
at the appropriate time."
"You mean, sort of like a zombie army, Night of the Living Dead
stuff," Hopper interjects in asthmatic gasps while holding his
"Yeah," Jack smiles with an exaggerated wag of his chin, obviously
enjoying himself. "Well, the government and
military-industrial-espionage-bankocracy complex isn’t going to play
second fiddle to anybody’s plans for world conquest, let alone
aliens from some other system of space and time altogether! And
besides, such nefarious activities also begin to look very much as
if they can work directly to the benefit of the power structure in
order to consolidate its global hold even further, if played right.
"You mean because of all the incredibly advanced technology they may
be able to get their hands on.. "
"...and also because the threat of an alien from-outerspace
takeover, if regulated and timed and released just right could
create the kind of unprecedented situation that could totally
disorient human psychology and cause everyone in their panic and
bewilderment to submit willingly to the martial law order of a world
totalitarianism. "
"You mean the whole thing fits into the pattern of producing a
World Government."
"That’s right," Jack grins an oriental grin with satisfied
con-clusiveness. "Of course because of all the unpredictable
variables and the inherent uncertainty..." he enunciates the
syllables distinctly, with stoned precision like the most
grandiloquent of hippie pedagogues, "what with the aliens being so
inscrutable and producing so many contradictory signals, the
power-structure brainstorms a lot of contingency plans. They don’t
just develop one course of action but a whole line of options. They
get their think tanks working overtime. First of all, of course,
they have to at least keep up with the aliens, so their own
spy-fraternities like the NSA and CIA double up on the monitoring
operation; they not only supply the aliens jointly occupied
underground facilities such as in Arizona, Nevada and New Mexico
where they can learn from their electromagnetic and biogenetic
procedures while keeping things in an apparently ’controlled’
environment, but they subject the people used as guinea pigs there
to a double operation, a covert duplication of the aliens’
procedures where the government independently kidnaps the same and
other people in order to use what they’ve learned of alien
technology to implant and program them as well, to monitor their
activities, experiment with radio-hypnotic intracerebral control
telepathic transmission of orders... long-distance disruption of
behaviors through ELF... combinations of drug, hypnotic and
electromagnetic brainwashing and so on. In fact the government
starts experimenting from the very beginning at supersecret
facilities like Los Alamos, on forms of genetic breeding and exotic
DNA intervention aimed at beating the aliens to the punch where it
comes to forming an indigenous, Earth-based super-race, or
alternatively a biologically programmed and obedient caste of
home-made androids, you know, disposable organic robots to perform
menial or dangerous tasks, suicidal missions and so forth. Also of
course the secret government pursues the technology of cloning so as
to be able to actually substitute hypnotically-obedient robot drones
for key government and communications personalities."
"Yeah! I know a lot of politicians and more than a few news anchors
that answer to that description already!" Hopper exclaims, peering
cross eyed through the rings of smoke he’s puffed toward the pulsing
"It seems that all this time the secret government has led official
science at the popular level into ’safe’ lines of development, where
the really advanced and revolutionary forms of the super-science that
was already largely in the military’s hands would be screened from
view and go unsuspected by the vast majority. "
"Wait a minute, wait a minute." Hopper seems to explode like a
pine-log popping in the fire, "how the hell does this all-powerful
cryptic goddamn ’government’ of yours manage to do all that, huh?"
Stoned indignation to the superlative degree. "How do the
’authorities’ manage to keep scientists from discovering things in
the natural course of practicing their science? How do they manage
to manipulate and control something that has to function
intrinsically through the spirit of ’free inquiry’!"
"I suppose you feel the Russian government has allowed its
scientists free unbridled inquiry all these years... "
"Well hell no, that’s different—everyone knows they’ve been
hamstrung in a lot of ways by the arbitrary imposition of Communist
doctrine, ’dialectical materialism’ and all that. I suppose you’re
going to tell me that the free world governments have also imposed
their version of restrictive doctrine all over the ivy of higher
learning, the groves of capitalist academe... "
"There it is," Jack pounces, "you just said it. Investigation always
goes where the money flows. That’s the kind of ’doctrine’ that keeps
things in line in the free world. Funding, my friend. What line of
inquiry is deemed lucrative? What avenue of impartial academic
pursuit does Congress and the regulatory valves of those steering
committees designate as deserving of the grants, the big-buck
subsidies? Do corporations and the utility companies really allow
the unrestrained, impartially-subsidized development of free-energy
resources even though the principles and working models were proven
by people like Tesla early in the century? Or do they doctor the
existing evidence, abridge important texts, confiscate papers, hire
’popularizes’ to streamline seminal theories such as Clerk
Maxwell’s original equations which possessed an important scalar
component that just somehow doesn’t show up in the sanitized
standard produced by his ’interpreter’ Oliver Heaviside."
"You don’t have to get huffy," Hopper murmurs, the floating focus of
his interest already dispersed as he folds over, in calm
containment, before the banking fire.
"It’s just stuff that should be self-evident," Jack says with
satisfied disdain. "You can even trace the changing position of the
’unofficial’ power structure as it pulls the strings behind the
scenes. I’ll bet you didn’t know that there was a terrific public
surge of antigravity research in the early ’50s, all of it right out
in the open, newspapers and scientific magazines and all. It wasn’t
belittled back then... but you’re probably too young to remember."
"I remember all the ’50s sci-fi movies about flying saucers and
weird beings from other worlds," Hopper snorts in bemused
"Exactly!" Nicholson brightens. "That was inspired by the same basic
thing that was happening all over! It’s not an accident that
electrogravitics was such a hot pursuit right out in the public at
the same time that there started up the big UFO flap, and all the
films on flying saucers and spaceage technology. It’s all part and
parcel of the same phenomenon. "
"Yeah, boredom with the
Eisenhower years," Hopper laughs.
"Well, even that bland middleclass atmosphere was a way of keeping
the lid on, and maintaining the impression of order while in fact
the most revolutionary of all happenings was seething right under
everyone’s nose. All that gravity research was stimulated by the
recent recovery of the crashed UFOs—the government was pushing,
without letting most of its scientists or any of the public know the
truth, they needed to get caught up fast on that whole zone of
exotic potential, you know at the time there was only so much they
could derive from examining strange, partially damaged or
out-of-commission craft made of elements or alloys beyond the
comprehension of present Earth science altogether. The government
obviously felt we had to develop our own, terrestrial based
equivalent if we were going to survive exposure to the startling
things that were found at those recovery sites."
"What things?" Fonda slowly turns his head, obviously magnetized by
the ominous undertone.
"Wait a minute," Hopper interrupts, "if all that gravity research
was so out in the open, what happened to it? You never hear of it
now, and it doesn’t get a hell of a lot of space in the journals of
science history! It seems to me that if it was so public at one
time, it must have gone the way of the Edsel. "
"Not at all," Jack states matter of-factly, brimming with aplomb.
"In fact, all the research was quietly withdrawn toward the
beginning of the ’60s. The heavy gravity research of the ’50s is in
fact a perfect example of what I was saying about how the secret
government manipulates and maneuvers the direction of research.
Because once the pact was entered into directly with those aliens
contacted after the kismet of the desert UFO crashes, we obtained
sufficient knowledge to rule it advantageous to withdraw interest
from the public level of scientific investigation and continue
research and experimentation entirely in secret.
"That’s where the really big split took place, between the advanced
scientific and exotic technological research being sponsored by the
secret government ’underground’, and the large-fund projects
involving cyclotron colliders and subnuclear physics keeping the
public level science community happy and helping to perpetuate the
corporate cash-flow system at the same time. Those big ponderous
programs helped to produce collective amnesia about the antigravity
experiments that were approachable from the level of electronics
engineering, and that involved so much inopportune free-energy
implication at just about every turn Corporate America and the
international financial empire breathed a sigh of relief when all
that no longer required the concerted effort of every available
scientist or the incalculable factor of the random, gifted amateur
they were always scouting for in those days—you know, the surprise
element of undereducated ’naivete’ that stumbles on something the
experts overlook just because of the gaps in formal comprehension. "
"Let’s get back to what you were saying about the ’crashed UFOs’,"
Fonda succeeds in tugging the meandering circuit of his mind through
the associative links of conversation, back to the theme that had
generated the rippling undertone, the "vibe" of tacit menace.
"Well, that all has to do with how and why the military-corporate
power structure developed its strategy for handling the situation in
the first place. It seems the secret government was a little dubious
about these ’space-brothers’ since they first crash-landed in Roswell,
New Mexico and four corners in the years between 1947 and 1949,
since they not only recovered alien bodies from the wreckage but the
spare parts of missing military personnel... "
"What!’’ Fonda’s bloodshot eye slides to its very corner under a
limp awning where it peers obliquely at Nicholson. "You mean these
spacebeings were carving people up, and this was all known from the
very beginning?"
"It seems there was all manner of confusing specimens aboard those
first crashed ships, and it was never really clear to the ’powers
that be’ whether these wrecks and their contents weren’t staged for
maximum emotional impact, you know, in order to create deliberate
confusion. There was all sorts of weird stuff on board those ships
that were subsequently taken to Holliman and Edwards Air Force
bases; there was allegedly an array of spacebeing fetuses hooked up
to tubes and surgically altered to have more human features, and
there were carcasses of dead crew that showed bizarre insides at
autopsy, like a chlorophyll based circulatory system suggesting some
nutritive process of do it-yourself photosynthesis... "
"Wait a minute," Hopper interjects, "if this stuff was originally
discovered before the government even made a formal face to face
treaty with these aliens.... " he snorts in a private amusement....
"what happens to the idea about ’cosmic law’ and all that stuff,
huh? Answer me that, Mr Bible-belt barrister! What about the idea
that these negative beings have to obey some kind of quasi-spiritual
rule about being invited first, before they can assume they’ve got
the go ahead to start cutting up! Got you there, huh Mr William
Jennings Bryan!
"Not a bit, cap’n," Jack grins his Cheshire grin, "for it seems the
power-structure is so damnably compartmentalized with its nests of
secret groups and agencies inside other secret groups and agencies
that all along the left hand has not really known what the right
hand has been doing. "
"You mean somebody in the government had already extended the
invitation to them ??"
"Uh huh, that is correct, my friend. On a limited basis FDR had
already made an agreement on the open seas before WW II with one of
the negative alien subgroups, for certain technological advantages
and training that could be used during wartime. Of course the aliens
had already entered into an even more extensive agreement with the
Nazis, but Roosevelt didn’t necessarily know about this".
"Boggles the mind." Hopper’s mind seems to drift off with the
attenuated distraction of his voice—disconnected segments,
miscellaneous bits will occur to him in the course of the next day,
no one edge fitting to any other...
"Of course, the space-beings had always been beaming the
electromagnetically enhanced thought waves toward Earth people and
especially influential figures, so as to entice them
subconsciousness and lead them—without their knowing it of course—to
the point of psychic readiness where they’d be willing to enter into
some such pact once the beings revealed themselves and demonstrated
something of their marvelous capabilities. "
"I see. "
"This sort of thing has been going on from time immemorial." Jack
settles into his most lawyer-like demeanor, about to expound the
brief for the prosecution.
"Although the higher principles of cosmic
law work on the idea of free will, and any being positive or
negative who’s going to exist in the higher dimensional conditions
has to adhere to that law, the negative beings try to use it to
their advantage. It’s beginning to become well known that they trick
the free will variable operating through souls connected to the
screening devices of the lower dimensions, so that those souls
acting through distorted or deliberately engineered information—of
an imperfect, partial or invented character—are induced to take
willed actions which make them unwittingly vulnerable to direct
alien coercion and control. The free-will value of the tricked
person is then integrated as a kind of controlled operate into the
total reserves of Will belonging to the Trickster, so that the
subject—by the exercise of his own will—becomes a satellite of the
higher dimensional entity, drinks in and functions by the
negative-type Strategy of that entity as a kind of apprentice slave.
They become psychically meshed in a distinct hierarchy of control, a
kind of cosmic pecking order of a very military-like mold, where the
most clever is augmented and enhanced by the psychic-conscious
energies of all whom he’s influenced to accept his imposition and
bracketing guidance."
"That must be why the military seems to be their most natural
target," Fonda muses.
"Exactly. It’s the form of organization most predisposed already to
think along the lines leading to the type of entrapment they
specialize in. Once they get that mentality going, it fills in its
own blanks—and in exactly the way the negative alien forces desire.
"So even though the negative beings of the higher planetary
dimensions can’t enter directly into a developing system like Earth
and just take over with their clearly superior technological
control, they don’t want to either. It seems that’s not their game.
Their real game is to induce the free will development of an
elite ’control group’ that will progressively seek to dominate and
enslave all others, and in so doing the aliens will have succeeded
in allying and properly polarizing the spirit of a number of souls
that then become valuable to them as functional additions to their
sum psychic ’mass’, the total spiritual power that they can bring to
bear in and through any given dimension... "
Fonda’s face seems solidified to a veritable frieze, fixing his
features to their "far out" mold...
"This is why, throughout history, they’ve been around, and there’s
been evidence of them—you know, like descriptions of craft and
beings in the Bible or the Ramayana, inexplicable relics like
crystal skulls’ or the
peculiar patterns at Nazca, but they’ve never
just entered overtly into and taken over our history as you’d expect
any hostile civilization of unopposably advanced technology to do;
rather what they have been doing, is subtly influencing the course
of our surface histories and the formations of our systems and
governments from behind their dimensional ’veil’ so to speak, at a
’respectable distance’—sort of at arm’s length until they can feed
us enough rope indirectly with which to hang ourselves. Once we’re
in the predicament of apparently having to request their ’aid’ or
the type of counsel they’re suited to supply, they can mount an
invasion force adhering to the letter of the cosmic ’free will’ law
while raping and plundering the very spirit that functions through
that law.
"So they hang out at the margins, so to speak, and beam their
repeated thought messages, their modelling images or archetypes into
our psychic atmosphere where we lend to ’pick it up’ or ’pass it by’
according to affinities that always originate at the level of the
free will variable. In that sense you can say we’re always
behaviorally influenced, either internally by tendency of our
subconscious patterns or inbuilt autonomic codes, or externally by a
bombardment of ’positive’ or ’negative’ rays of light energy
according to the type of entity that seeks to resonate our psychic
atmosphere—we’re behaviorally influenced, but not controlled - at
least not until such time as we might fall prey because of the
passive habit of our will to the type of coercive, mechanical or
formal regulation such passivity implicitly invites."
"So these dudes, like, hang out in their little saucers and cups
above the planet and sort of shoot pirate-radio broadcasts all day
long?" Hopper takes obvious pleasure from his rhetorical query as he
strokes his stubbly beard.
"Ah, here’s the really weird part about it. "
"You mean it hasn’t been weird so far?"
"It seems that all the ancient stones and folklore about forbidden
caverns, underground systems of tunnels going down into whole other
worlds beneath the Earth and so on—you know like ’Sesame’ and other
tales of secret openings in the sides of mountains, mysterious holes
in the middle of the desert—have a basis in fact."
"Pass that joint, would you... "
"Whereas we’re taught to believe that there’s basically a solid mass
under us compressed into magma and intense temperatures toward the
core, there’s actually an entire, mediating world of levels and
intertwined passages like a gigantic ant-farm that snakes to
incredible depths and stretches all across the globe connecting
landmasses and continents by secret tubules, and running under the
ocean floors. And there are all manner of civilizations in the
underground caverns that are connected by these passages, some of
which are populated by the ancestors of ancient refugees from
surface cataclysms, some of which are inhabited by alien lifeforms
from other dimensional galaxies of space and time that find it’s
much more convenient to establish these quasi permanent underground
outposts than to shuttle back and forth from their native worlds to
this... "
"And why, pray tell, do they want to set up shop here in the first
place?" Hopper challenges with mellow pugnaciousness, taking a deep
hit while the campfire crackles like the popping of gigantic
"It seems there’s various motives, depending on the type of alien
consciousness we’re talking about." Jack palpably warms to his
subject, knowing like a good attorney that he has his Jury
spellbound regardless what each intends to turn in as a verdict.
"There’s good aliens, who want to be of help in furthering man’s
evolutionary development and spiritual knowledge so that he can
someday sit on the intergalactic council of cosmic caretakers along
with them, and there’s aliens that are basically neutral as far as
man’s own development is concerned but are involved by scientific
curiosity—usually these types of aliens require Earth as a kind of watering-hole, or colony of natural resources, of course some of
those natural resources have to do with man’s genetic makeup, which
these beings find heartier than their own since their development is
necessarily advanced along with the accompanying age of their sun,
and their hereditary vitality is consequently tracing the downside
of a bell-shaped curve. Their residency underground is sort of like
setting up a field laboratory, occasionally they abduct ’surface’
people, basically women but sometimes men, and take them to their
underground labs where chromatic materials are removed or certain
types of genetic alterations are made that they feel will eventually
contribute a better strain to their own hereditary splicings. These
types aren’t basically harmful, or they don’t intend real harm
although the trace impressions of abduction can be traumatic to the
human psyche even if they’re subconsciously buried by mesmeric
programs, since these aliens don’t under-stand human emotion very
"You have that roach, man?"
"Then of course there’s the bad guys.
These fellows are basically the hunters of existence; their whole
behavior pattern has to do with conquest. Since they’re spiritual
hunters of course from the higher planes of being, they’re really
interested in creating a vast psychic network of control like an
extending webwork, emanated out in all directions of space and time
from the commander-in-chief at the center. This central commander is
like the ’bull’ of the herd, his position at the axis of the whole
revolving network, is sort of an effort to establish a personalized
form of consciousness or ego entity at the place of ’God’ or
infinite Void-being—which is the universal value that’s obtained
when you align all coordinates with their common axis in the
Positive framework.
"You know, it’s kind of like King Arthur and the Knights of the
Roundtable—all the beings of positive orientation coordinate their
efforts in an equitably distributed harmony, ’each for the other’ so
to speak so that the common Good is a central convergence-point of
their effort that doesn’t have any specially benefited being at its
center. Consider the Round Table the King and all the Knights sit
around the circumference across from each other like reciprocally
polarized values, ’radial extremes’ that cancel in a harmony of
cooperative cross-correlation—or perfect service—at their common
center, and that center is the Void-center, no one sits there but it
represents the Whole or Complete value of them all, the spirit that
they serve. The negative hierarchy on the other hand is inspired by
a viewpoint that compels every unit to place itself on the throne of
that center, to install itself in a godlike position."
"Far out." Fonda inhales with an abrupt hiss from the tripod of
fingers bunched to his lips.
"In the deeper psychic or spiritual dimensions to which these
negative beings are polarized, consciousness is power rather than
wisdom—their ’wisdom’ consists in knowing how to get power. Since
the key is consciousness regardless how it’s viewed, the free-will
variable has to be respected or else the coveted value is taken out
of the commodity, the soul that’s drained to oblivion as a strictly
robotic-reflex or programmed response-mechanism may be usable in the
way that machinery is usable, but the significant recruit is the one
who’s been taken by trickery so that his ’free-will variable’ is
basically intact, but aligned in psychic congruence with the pattern
secretly imposed on it, this allows the actual energy potential of
the consciousness variable to be integrated into the ’aura’ of the
dominating or victorious Will. The recruit has ’chosen’ to polarize
negatively, regardless what he thought he was doing; and conserving
that conscious value as it’s effectual added to the sum of potencies
leashed to the Leader’s own ’auric field —thereby magnifying
it—represents the real ’point’ of the negative game. One of the
corollary rules of the game is that all those who can’t be led to
polarize negatively should be led away from polarizing positively,
and ideally tricked into accepting a form of slave service as either
’preferable’ or ’inevitable’. In this way the Negative being ideally
picks up all the pieces on the gameboard, and ’wins’. "
"So what about those ’tunnels’... "
"Oh yeah, the
underground caverns and passageways actually intersect
different dimensional doorways as they go down, so that beings from
various planetary ’dimensions’ of space and time can find their
correlative dimension in certain of the pockets or strata ’below’,
rather than on the surface with its very precious and specialized
atmosphere of ’physical brain’ conditions. The inner energy
atmospheres associated with the tunnel-systems below ground, allow
beings from other planets and galaxies representing
higher-dimensional composites or ’ratios of alignment’ to dwell in
corresponding conditions for sustained periods of time. Thus these
different beings don’t really ’live on the Earth’ in the sense that
we think of it, and yet they don’t have to hover in their own
contained atmosphere aboard their ’saucers’ around the margins of
the Earth crust periodically returning for replenishment to their
planetary origin. "
"Instead, they establish these quasi-permanent outposts underground.
They’ve been with us since the dawn of time in one form or another,
and have intermittently interacted with Earth-beings above-ground
according to conditions and the screening cycles of the planet’s
energy network."
"What’s that?"
"Well, it seems Earth has a system of
biomagnetic fields and
pulsating currents that resonate the planetary envelope producing a
variable ’aperture’ or screening effect, making it more or less
difficult for beings of any particular polarization-alignment to
penetrate the prevailing field-circuitry at the surface. Part of the
"work" of the negative beings, in fact, is to induce activities of
people at the surface that will serve unwittingly to alter the
resonance shell so as to weaken its ’shield’, a good part of their
plan involves getting Earth beings to violate the encoded energy-net
or magnetic filtering mechanism of the planetary envelope. "
"I guess it doesn’t take much to figure what that activity consists
of... "
"Well, besides the obvious stuff like detonating underground nuclear
weapons, tearing holes in the ozone layer and altering Earth’s
respiration rate by stripping her forests, there’s the less
well-known stuff... "
"Such as... " Holes are beginning to appear in Hopper’s
memory-circuits, causing him to forget momentarily his skeptical
hardline on the matter.
"It seems that the negative aliens have furnished the military a lot
of technical knowledge about how to engineer resonance frequencies
and even the fields that underlie subatomic physics; they’ve been
given the basic means whereby they can duplicate some of the aliens
own manipulative activity—and of course the military’s eager to
compete with the aliens according to their scenario of preemptive
first-strike capabilities. "
"Just what does this "engineering" allow them to do?"
"Well, first of all it allows them to scramble atmospheric resonance
frequencies so that the field in which our optimal brain wave
patterns function, is dislocated; more specifically it allows them
to tailor certain interference effects mainly involved with ultralow
frequencies, in such a way as to skip intervening space—that means
they don’t have to propagate in a straight line but can coordinate
fields to critically integrate and interfere at distant target
points producing strictly local and discontinuous effects as if ’out
of nowhere’. This means they can disrupt communications, produce
implosions or explosions, carry brain wave scramblers to distant
points, lock into the biomagnetic patterns of birds, animals or
sea-creatures so as to trick their instinctual radars and substitute
artificial trajectories that will home them all unknowingly along
aberrative courses... "
"Wow, you mean like beaching whales?"
"Uh huh... and bombarding targeted houses with disoriented flying
predators... "
"When did that happen?"
"Never mind. They can use these remote-system field modulators to
tailor certain weather patterns, producing unseasonal phenomena that
serve to devastate indigenous resources; or they can generate wholly
artificial weather effects in the way
Tesla is said to have
reproduced an electric storm in all its natural ferocity."
"Whew! And they do this to their own planet, their own people?"
"First strike capabilities, hmmm? What else are they going to
practice on. Of course the net effect is to cause significant holes
to appear in the invisible screening mechanism of the planetary
envelope, as it makes the Earth’s surface less and less hospitable
to its indigenous citizens, it causes the proper sequence of
conditions congenial to a more consistent stream of invasive
influences. It makes the planet proportionally more ’habitable’ to
those beings that are intrinsically inimical to it. "
"Wait. Just a minute," Hopper resurges, spackling some of the
psychic cracks in his wall of skepticism, "if the powers that be are
so busy doing all this, how come nobody notices? How come out of all
the masses of people that would have to be involved in this, someone
doesn’t blow the whistle? And what about the equipment to do these
things? Where is all this stuff? It can’t be hiding, it’s got to be
big enough to get somebody’s attention!"
"It is, cap’n, it is. It’s big enough alright, but most of the
equipment used is highly specialized, belongs to classified projects
where very few have to know what’s really going on. Systems are
built by several corporations, they’re manned by specialists who
only know their own function and most of the equipment that’s
involved is versatile—it doesn’t just serve one function but can
double for different functions. With the slightest alteration or
adjustment ordinary radar equipment can convert to specialized
transmitters processing quite exotic forms of energy.
"NORAD, for example, has an
ELF resonance transmitter a mile under
the Cheyenne Mountain in Colorado, with a broadcast antipode in the
South Indian Ocean; there’s the Australian Pine Gap transmitter with
an antipode at the great dividing ridge in the Atlantic Ocean and a
nearby Northwest Cape transmitter that has US antipode right in the
middle of the Bermuda triangle—find that interesting, cap’n? Intense
fields produced in fluctuating patterns can cause radiation burns,
mental aberration or genetic damage, and with the ability to subtly
engineer the EM infrastructure as taught by the aliens, it’s
possible to induce long-distance trance states, disrupt or modify
human behavior patterns or even subliminally program a suitable
subject with or without implanted headset. "
Nicholson leans back, gazing into the fire like the cat that
swallowed the canary. Hopper doesn’t say a word, entranced and
immobile as if the whole recitation had filled one ear only to be
emptied from the other synaptical chemistries of the memory-circuits
happily playing in some other beaker of the brain.
"Both the military and the aliens have laced the meridians of the
globe with artificial ’ley line’ systems, complex grid networks
establishing superimposed resonance circuits that can arbitrarily
augment or disrupt natural patterns; and that only serves to
exaggerate the changes that are taking place as part of the real
Earth cycle, the tectonic shifts and magnified radiation of the
solar winds.... of course, it has been said," Jack drawls with a sly
sideways glance at Hopper and Fonda, "that the effectiveness of the
artificial grid network will only be maximized and operating at full
capacity if and when an axis tilt occurs that wobbles the polar
"You mean the aliens or the government or somebody has a stake in
engineering that too?" Fonda exclaims, his patent "far out" fixing
his features in a cartoon of stoned astonishment. Nicholson doesn’t
reply, but gives the impression that were he to burp in that moment
a few yellow feathers would puff from his mouth.
"The aliens engineer all kinds of effects from their underground
lairs," he continues at last. "In fact, coupled to their
demonstrable ability to produce extreme effects of dislocation in
space and time and so forth, they also claim that they’ve played a
preemptive role in staging all the significant events in human
"Do tell.... have you seen that joint?"
"Yup. Why, it’s well known that they even demonstrated to the top
brass in their secret underground quarters
at Dulce or Groom Lake or
somewhere, just how they created ’Christ’ and the whole set of
established religions and religious figures. There’s even supposed
to be photographs somewhere of this big holographic display they
allegedly produced out of the ’Akashic Record’ or something, that
shows the crucifixion as it actually took place. "
"Just what is their point to all this?" Hopper demands, the edge of
irritation in his demeanor suddenly sharpened again—though it isn’t
clear whether it’s the religious inference or his inability to
locate the circulating roach that sets him off.
"Well, it’s hard to say exactly. There are several possible
’scenarios’, you know. One train of thought believes that they have
done this to disabuse us—for one reason or another—from the very
idea of conventional religiosity, to create a disenchantment so that
we can forsake the crutches of organized religion they provided for
us in our ’younger’ days and follow them into the higher-dimensional
training of spaceage, spiritual technology. Another train of thought
believes they’ve done this because they want us to recognize them as
the custodians of our most sacred ideals and traditions."
"Again, so we’ll be willing to follow them wherever else they lead.
"Exactly. On the more negative side of course, some suspect it may
just be a ploy to demoralize ’the human family’ and its leaders,
undermine the confidence they’ve traditionally had in their
cherished institutions and belief patterns; the kind of thorough
dispiriting that would take place if the impact was strong and
unexpected enough, would naturally have repercussion throughout
man’s ’system’. It would even impact his biology, his physical
stability—it’s well known how negative or anxious psychological
states weaken the immunology networks! You can imagine how many
generals and top brass with big egos backed by ’god and-country’
were taken down several pegs by a bunch of little gray gumbys from
Betelgeuse when they started showing their family slides! All you
have to do is undermine confidence and let a state of depression set
in—the mind is much more vulnerable to suggestion when it’s morally
defeated, when the resistance systems are fatigued by sudden
overload. "
"On the other hand," Hopper opines in a sudden maniacal staccato
presciently borrowed from his Blue Velvet character, "isn’t it just
possible this indirectly validates the whole spiritual thing, like
doesn’t this just act to put the whole church bag in a positive
perspective, give it a new lease on life by reverse psychology? you
know, man," he snorts, laughing "I mean, if these little gray dudes
who are obviously you know negative in so many ways are making such
an effort to convince the powers that be how they’re at the bottom
of the whole Jesus trip and all that, isn’t it kind of evident
they’re attempting to discredit it by association?"
"Or else," Nicholson lifts a forefinger as if to instruct the jury
on a subtle legal point, "it’s a triple reverse psychological ploy,
and they’re really trying to make their identification with it so
obvious as an attempt to discredit that they succeed in driving
people right back into the arms of standard religion which is where
they really want them to be all along!’’
"Whew," Fonda exhales, "would you mind running that by one more
"I can’t!" Nicholson chuckles after considering the request with
ponderous deliberation, "It’s hard for me to follow that one
"Hey, what about all the ’Virgin Mary’ apparitions and things,"
Fonda considers sedately as he peers, with myopic nearness, into the
glowing tip of the joint, "do all those phenomena that have been
seen by thousands like at Lourdes or Fatima tend to confirm
conventional religion, or do they fit more into the general
engineering format that these little critters have been revealing?"
"Well it all depends," Jack smiles sideways as if building momentum
for another roll, "since each of those phenomena have their own
individual character in a lot of respects...if you take the very
first one for example, the Lourdes thing that happened to the little
French girl Bernadette in the 1800s, why that caused a great deal of
consternation to the entrenched church authority; that whole thing
carried some messages that weren’t at all acceptable to Catholic dogmas, whereas some of the later ones seem to fit more conveniently
into the standard religious mold—in fact a lot of them tend to be so
specifically Catholic in content and tone that it gets many people
wondering whether an authentic spiritual phenomenon could ever
legitimately manifest in such accord with one particular religious
"I’ll bet it doesn’t bother the Catholics..."
"Well, that’s just the point... it seems that, despite a lot of
official resistance to the whole idea of latter-day miracles and
special manifestations of spiritual apparitions not strictly
controllable—in their spontaneous appearances—by church authority,
nonetheless there’s a lot more recent willingness to accept or
implicitly condone this activity on the part of the papal hierarchy
just because it tends to ship so much dogmatic content along with
glowing forms and colored lights; in a sense it seems to present
just the unexpected boost in the arm to religious traditionalism
that was needed in an increasingly skeptical and secularized world
but which couldn’t be generated from within the restricted sanctions
of cathedral walls and so forth."
"Then it seems a case could be made for the idea that a lot of the
apparitions are engineered by the superior technologies of the
saucer-beings, since they follow the official programs and parochial
customs so ’religiously’."
"Seems so. Common sense would tend to tell you it would be hard for
a legitimate spiritual phenomenon to get the sectarian details down
so exact unless (no. 1) there was a ’one true religion’ of the most
specialized denominational type, or (no. 2) there was a manipulative
intelligence behind the scenes presenting such digestible formats
for its own purposes. An important point not to forget in all
this"—Jack stirs the embering campfire, sparks leap from the
twirling tip of the twig—"is that the space-beings could be telling
different groups different things for different purposes."
"Like what, for instance?"
"Like for instance, we only know about that display they apparently
put on in private for the top brass, because of an information leak.
Maybe that ’disclosure’ wasn’t meant for the majority of people,
just for the ’generals’ and the corporate popes that run the
show—maybe that hologram/national-geographic special on Golgotha the
beings put on was only meant for certain eyes so that they could be
weaned away from any residual attachment to the religious formulas
that keep the majority entranced; maybe they needed to take away the
last, conditioned affiliation to the docile-sheep mentality so that
they could be more easily led into unrestrained lust of total power.
These ’big boys’ would be the souls the space-beings intended to
capture, to enlist as buck privates at the bottom of the pecking
order of their own psychic hierarchies; and the majority of mankind
that wasn’t already predisposed or basically committed to
self-serving power-aggrandizement would comprise the souls the
spacebeings intended to enslave, through the unleashed manipulations
and diabolicized machinations of the former!"
"Far out..."
"Wow," Hopper breathes, looking starward in a kind of awe at the
conceptual magnitudes so suddenly sprawled out before him, "then
ultimately, like, it all boils down to a spiritual war after all; it
all comes down to a battle for the psyche of mankind, for the
allegiance of mankind’s heart and soul! And a major part of it has
to do with the question whether conventional religion is the refuge
against the onslaught of the negative darkness, such as belief in
Jesus and all that, or whether in fact it’s all a cleverly prepared
trap meant to keep people locked into negative anxiety patterns so
that they perpetually postpone their own spiritual development, put
off seeing through their own personally awakened eyes in favor of
anticipating their ultimate salvation through an arbitrary belief!"
"Yes, the frail arbitrariness of which is cleverly compensated by
making it a matter of dogma, giving it the status of a
culturally-sanctioned absolute the very questioning of which is a
heresy meant to throw up inbuilt psychological blocks, deep
fear-barriers and guilt reflexes!"
"The plot, man, definitely thickens."
Silence descends; the trio
sits motionless before the banking fire. Behind them a comet streaks
earthward... a van of happy travelers passing by on the open highway,
going to the convention, going to the great annual Timothy Beckley
UFO and hotplate convention in the land of the Mighty Thunderbird.
Next month (see below): We meet Betty Andreasson Luca and
Bob Luca, Al Bielek of the Philadelphia Experiment,
Colonel Wendelle Stevens of the Billy Meier material, catch
Christa Tilton and Bill Cooper on the speaker’s platform and
have an Encounter with the Hell-date of Existence. Don ’t miss it.
Chapter III
Summary: An interview with Betty and Bob Luca, abductees from "The Andreasson Affair"; Discussion of mysterious black helicopters,
suddenly invisible UFOs, and other X-File paranormal; more on
Colonel Bo Gritz, Delta Force; Space dorks, the Gremmies, Orion
crusaders and other extraterrestrial beings and their tactics of
Stalking; Shadow Government; Alternative 3; Pleiades ; free energy; and much much more! |
The Andreasson
The second day of the convention, Saturday September 8 at 5:30 the
keynote address was to be given in the banquet hall of the Quality
Inn West by Mr and Mrs Luca, the latter most well known by her
previous married name of Betty Andreasson, abductee extraordinaire
of the
The Andreasson Affair.
As was stated in the last T-Bird issue, MT as well as
AAA and the
attendant T-Bird staff were at the Beckley convention in the First
place in large part to see the Lucas, no less so-certainly-since
this was to be their first formal public presentation in a projected
itinerary of tours expressly fulfilling the (part prophetic, part
hortatory) word of Mrs Luca’s little beings re her pending "mission"
to explain their peculiar presence to the public.
In view of this providential circumstance, one of the Birds renowned
for his tracking abilities ("I see in your past life you were named,
uh, something like Magua or Tecumseh") was assigned the task of
locating the Lucas’ room number at the Inn that Friday evening
before the keynote address, indeed while AAA and MT watched
Recall (see December/January issue). Having made the proper
connections, crossed the appropriate palms or whatever it took to
obtain that intelligence, our tracker was to slip a note from MT
under their door requesting an interview at their convenience for
the Chronicle, giving them our room phone number. And indeed, early
the next morning we received a return call from Mr Luca granting the
interview a couple hours before they were to deliver the opening
address (incidentally-and quite interestingly-making MT as it turned
out the first person to interview the Lucas on the inauguration of
their public phase). Mr Luca added amiably that the T-Bird owed the
timeliness of this interview to the person under whose door Tecumseh
had slipped the note by misadventure, and who happened to actually
know the Lucas-as well as where they were staying-by sheer fortune
so as to have been able to transmit the message to them.
AAA and MT had noticed the evening before while watching
Recall, that the only identifiable product of present commercial
culture preserved under the Martian dome of 2085 was the tenacious
franchise of the frenchfry, Jack-in-the-Box, so it was only
appropriate that the Lucas arranged to meet the T-Bird press at 9
that Saturday morning over iced tea at the Box adjacent to the
Quality Inn.
An Intimate Moment with Betty, Bob
And the Secret Sauce
MT got to the plasticine rendezvous first, basically to check the
place out for possible "bugs", wired booths or transistorized trays
and to see what their fries were like. From the table at which he
positioned himself to survey the interior-its utter emptiness
furnishing a monopoly on strategic setups-he could watch the Lucas
approach across the lot from the Inn just as he spotted them, Betty
was poking the air with her finger in the process of directing Bob’s
attention skyward.
"There was a UFO right over us for a few seconds, just as if it were
following us", Betty said when they’d seated themselves, they’d
identified MT by the easiest of deductions-he being the sole
customer in the place, and waving vigorously at them as they came
through the door. "Then it just disappeared. They do that, you know.
We’ve seen it before."
Immediately a skeptic was coaxed by the typical character of such
parlance to muse "sure, sure"-one could catch a poignant flinch of
some such anticipation in Betty’s face, conditioned to a decade of
commonplace dubiety over the inconvenient habits of saucer-related
phenomena. After all even Ray Fowler, investigator/author of the the
Andreasson books (as well as similar researchers of honorable
credential and fair intent) had found it difficult on more than one
occasion to accommodate some-hypnotically-dredged-bit of data to
Standards of acceptance that had just been stretched beyond the
current tolerances of credulity. Much of what was classified as UFO
phenomena seemed to have an inbuilt "strangeness-factor" (so named,
indeed, by the late renowned J Alien Hynek who participated in
the Andreasson research) made to bait the reflex skeptic, the half-baked
adept of the obvious.
It was the virtual cross of many conscientious witnesses, claimants
and victims to UFO phenomena that an accurate report of what they
knew necessarily involved elements that were already "loaded", set
in traps that were predictably sprung to the trigger of touchy
categories. There was a glib "sure, sure" (for those cheap enough to
take advantage of it) built into much of the evidence they had to
cite in the course of things, and it seemed to be their burden that,
though they possessed the clear intelligence to see it coming a mile
away they could do nothing to avoid it short of clamming up
altogether, a retreat some were simply unwilling to sound-though it
could be merited as the better part of valor-and so, like Betty as
well as her husband Bob, they would often-as-not have to suffer the
ignorant obviousness of those who waited almost professionally for
the demanded "realism" to trickle away through the hard retelling,
or, even better, for the appearance of generic anomalies that
frustratingly fit the narrative like staples of the tall tale. They
would have to appear foolish before the simpletons of Naive
Realism-it seemed to be a contractual requirement, as far as the
conscientious reporting of everything-as-it-happened was concerned.
So it was that the "craft" would often appear, abruptly, out of
nowhere, seen solely by the one who was concerned to convince others
of their common reality - and then disappear just as swiftly, with a
baffling discontinuity as if a TV had been switched off before
anyone else was "fast" enough to look up and so share the sighting
(indeed, in this particular instance Betty’s husband hadn’t seen the
craft overhead as they’d approached their premiere interview, he
was, however, used to the peculiar "privatism" of the phenomenon
By now it should only have become too clear that "UFO" and
Fortean-related phenomena had to be appreciated not only through the
viewfinder of alternative criteria, but as establishing such
alternative criteria. Those criteria had, indeed, been virtually
outlined already-yet the sources through which such service had been
rendered were as systematically snubbed or categorically ignored.
A Private Audience in Public Airspace
The Meier material (put out largely by
Colonel Wendelle Stevens) was
a case in point. As we discussed in the December/January issue, the
unprecedented Filmic and material evidences with which Meier was
graced in the course of his Pleiadean contacts, were in fact not
scientifically discredited but to the contrary scientifically
confirmed, to the limits of state-of-the-art capability, they were
"discredited" by rumor and innuendo, and that is where it seems to
have settled at the public level of perception. If however these
evidences were accorded the respect they deserved, then the
explanations of the Pleiadeans themselves (as to how such
manifestations were uniquely filtered through the subject "Billy
Meier" though they were, for the most part, open-air exhibitions
theoretically available to all) would have to be accorded a similar,
more serious look.
The explanations of the Pleiadeans and other UFO beings would have
to be granted the court-day of sober attention when it came to their
consistent claims that all such anomalies of the "single- witness"
saucer experience were intentional aspects of their presence here in
the first place, no longer could a quip succeed in carrying the day
in light of the deference obliged such information that (for
example) the "piloting" prerogatives available to the UFO occupants
included advanced capabilities of selectively screening the craft
from view of the general area in which it lingered, and of
polarizing the perceptual field between the craft and the immediate
vicinity of the target subject.
Thus inferentially a large part of the business of UFOs of various
descriptions and from diverse "places", would have to be
characterized as observation/contact with selected subjects,
recognition of some component of the phenomenon suspiciously akin to
the "psychic", would require a type of reassessment as to what was
"material" and what was "spiritual" on the part of people
perennially conditioned to perceive the two as separate,
compartmentalized in categories so airtight that they
were-implicitly-of a mutually exclusive character!
The very suggestion that some craft of physical description might be
accompanied by disturbances considered "occult", immediately drove
conventional credulity to the wall. If the physical persistence and
widening ripples of involvement made of the phenomenon an untidy
puzzle that nonetheless refused to go away, it was evident some deep
reorientation in understanding was required, a full-scale
reeducation as to what was "physical" and what was "psychic" and
thus of the very character of energy fields, dimensions and -in
fact- the framework of perception as a whole UFOs were an
epistemological tarbaby from the start.
Certainly, all real assessments of the cumulative evidence
consistently showed that, as fractious a fact as it was, there
invariably seemed to be magnitudes more than merely a chance factor
involved in the relationship between witness and the object
witnessed. There was an uncomfortable accord, averaged overall,
indicating high statistical frequency in the actual sensing of the
UFO presence by the potential witness before directly perceiving
it - and this even prior to the awareness of accompanying sounds,
shadows on the grass etc. There was disquieting uniformity and
recurrence above chance, in the numbers reporting-or subsequently
recovering through hypnosis etc -more personal "close encounters" of
the III or even IV variety some time after the objective sighting
(either immediately after, months or years after, even decades
after-but with uncanny inevitability regardless the lapse).
There was just too repetitive a claim of inexplicable "deja vu" in
sighting a saucer for the "first time" too often (to discount as
random) the sheer improbability of sightings by some witness or
group of witnesses, in broad daylight, of high-visibility UFO
maneuvers somehow wholly unseen in adjacent areas of dense
population having equivalent viewing conditions. Some x-factor
hovering perilously close to the "psychic" range, seemed unavoidably
at work in events otherwise almost classifiable as normal-let alone
in such "high strangeness" reports as those of abductees like
Luca, and her husband Bob.
Bob Weaves Through the System:
Determinedly Seeking Sikorsky
"I’m giving my seminar-workshop on those mysterious helicopters".
Bob said as they continued the interview. "You probably know the
ones I mean, you’ve either read of them in the ’Andreasson’ books
themselves or other UFO literature-I’ve found in my research they
seem to come up a lot in these things". MT had indeed "heard" of the
mysterious helicopters before-as well as having had a peculiar
flurry of direct activity with them in the late ’70s, and
occasionally recurrent episodes to the present.
"Well, they bothered me so much after a while that I dedicated some
real time to tracking them. You know, sometime after our marriage
and the publication of the second book, I was on the roof of the
house putting up TV antenna and one of those menacing black Hueys
popped out of nowhere from beyond the trees and damn near knocked me
off the roof".
"Yes," Betty said, "they have the most uncanny way of just showing
up like that, as if they know what you’re doing or even saying, and
just where you’re going to be".
"I went around, called and wrote to all the different government
agencies," Bob continued, "established at least that they seemed to
be of a few recurring types, Hueys or Sikorsky Hawks but at any rate
ours, not some foreign power’s and not some ’alien’ camouflage
design. But every agency I contacted, every post or military base I
went to and every division of the services disclaimed direct
knowledge of, or participation in, any of these unmarked
harassments, each would always refer me to the other, passing the
buck to the next branch.
"Well, it turned out after enough persistence and coming back and
just not giving up, that I was able to extract some "technicalities’
without anyone getting really specific, or owning up to the activity
themselves. It seems that these choppers weren’t exactly ’unmarked’,
technically, and though they don’t conform to standard military
description with their totally black appearance, I had to be
’informed’ at least to the degree that they showed knowledge about
any such presences in our air space you know, showed they weren’t
remiss in their vigilance about what went on within the country’s
borders by being ignorant regarding some species of craft
often-enough reported! So I was informed rather nonchalantly that
these birds aren’t unmarked, but actually have scarcely visible
regulation markings on their underside only just airbrushed over a
little. What they were, or why they were made so deliberately
illegible, wasn’t of course offered."
"Did you ever find out more about them?"
"Oh yes. Finally, at one base I’d been to many times before, I was
taken informally aside and just told, very bluntly and
matter-of-factly, that these birds are never flown by military
personnel; they are kept at military bases, but it’s the CIA that
flies them. The CIA can just walk into any base, any time, and
commandeer whatever equipment they want. It’s a standard procedure.
They’re the ones that fly them."
"That still doesn’t explain to me how they manage to be so uncanny,"
Betty interjected, addressing her remark to Bob as much as to
"The way they show at the moments of incredible timing is just
Betty was quite without exaggeration there although
most people, lacking similar experience, upon hearing her would
naturally assume hyperbole.
Just as she went on about how their infernal racket would burst
overhead quite suddenly, and without the expected grace of a
preliminary introduction through graduated rumbling from the
distance, so MT was quite aware of the m.o. himself; the
introduction of their presence was unmistakable and easily
distinguishable from the flyover of random craft, due to the
discontinuous explosion of their propeller-blades at a range so
abruptly close that the experience was more like turning on a TV
than detecting the approach of a plane in conventional air space.
And, just as Betty insisted there was nothing random in their sudden
show but that it always coincided much too perfectly with a crucial
telephone call, the discussion of a sensitive subject or performance
of some task quite apposite to her UFO link, so MT had recognized as
well the impeccable timing that was every bit as much an identifying
signature as the noise itself. (At the convention Ed Conroy, who
discussed the Whitley Strieber case as author of Report on
Communion, would also remark on the ’copter phenomenon that eerily
coincided with his deeper involvement in the "space-being" issue.)
Students of Southern Crown were aware by now of the phenomenon,
since it occasionally punctuated the sensitive subject-matter of a
lecture thereby depositing itself to the evidence of posterity on
"You know," said Betty, again as much to
Bob as to MT (as if this
were the resumption of some ongoing interchange on the subject they
conducted privately), "CIA or no CIA, I can’t help but feel that
there is something operating in these events that’s very much
psychic. I know that espionage agencies in the U.S. and Russia have
been investigating psychic phenomena for years..."
"It’s probably advanced technology,"
Bob rejoined as if on cue,
reinforcing the impression this was some ongoing amiable debate of
theirs. "I think the government’s got a hold of so much information
in advanced technological research over the years, that they have
things people would be deeply surprised about. I’ve no doubts that
they’ve put that knowledge to work in terms of super-spy
The mild contention went on for awhile, almost an unexpected sendup
of the American-TV., Ozzie-and-Harrict marital tug-o-war that would
be typically waged over the type of toothpaste, macabrely transposed
to the topic at hand. "They’re psychic in nature, dear," "no,
they’re technological in nature, dear," back and forth till MT
deigned to interject that perhaps they were, indeed, really "two,
two, two breathmints in one," a psychic ozone-slapper and a
technological ozone-slapper. This "resolution" seemed to satisfy
them, or at least they graciously feigned some satisfaction till out
of earshot of the interloper.
Imitation Designer Genes: Government Issue
MT was referring to the probable combination of the "two" factors in
a higher-order technology which made no clear-cut distinctions
between them. Indeed the several considerations as to the possible
types of technology belonging to the world "shadow government", and
that belonging to the "alien" visitors, converged upon this
consistent observation re the peculiar admixture of the "two" modes
of being. It was one thing, of course, to grant unknown entities
from shrouded regions of the universe and of indeterminate history,
the potential of having long mastered the unification of the
standard dualisms belonging to our parochial viewpoint. It was quite
another (given conventional suppositions as to where we collectively
stand in terms of frontier technology) to know how to regard the
possibility that quite human, indeed greyly governmental agencies
had at least limited access to or use of types of technological
wizardry making literal the "predictions" of our foremost futurists
regarding that scientific far-horizon where "technology would be
indistinguishable from magic".
How indeed, in the face of
persuasive piling evidence that such a thing has occurred while
the mass-mind sleeps, did the power structure manage to secure
such "alternative" technology a technology which, to remain
secret for so long considering its extraordinary character must
be "compact" enough to retain a production-line low profile?
Which incorporates elements so
"metaphysical" at its exotic leading-edge as to have presupposed
a kind of giant re-orientation within the ranks of its elite?
(...that, so far, has yet to be
impelled upon the consciousness of its conventional counterpart
with anything like the persuasiveness required to overrule
Cartesian prejudice)
We’ve already been introduced to the outlines of an answer, of
course, within past pages of the T-Bird as well as through the
current cataract of information flooding forward either because of
some unsecurable leak within the power structure itself, or because
of the very requirements keeping the timetables of that structure.
If, for example, it seems evident to those with first-hand
experience that the government helicopters employed so predictably
by now in harassment of UFO-related subjects necessarily involve
some factor as dramatic as teleportation and/or
time-travel/antigravity, there ought to be little question as to
where it must have come from. When in the second World War one saw a
GI on the battlefield with a German Mauser, it was evident where it
came from, and how it was obtained.
Those for whom such material is sufficiently unfamiliar as to elicit
the expected reservations, might interest themselves in the case of
researcher Jefferson Souza who, in 1990 while investigating cattle
mutilations and the accompanying black ’copter sightings, was
severely beaten by government agents as he arrived at a UFO
conference with evidence of specific corporations outfitting such
machines with anti-gravity devices (Matrix II p. 84C). They should
acquaint themselves with the testimonies of those such as former
naval officer "Oscar" interviewed by Bruce Widaman, state director
of Missouri MUFON and Alex Horvat (reported by Forest Crawford in
the Spring 1991 issue of UFO Journal of Facts) of the current
existence of tube-shuttles in tunnels beneath military facilities San
Diego COMTRAPAC submarine base etc. which commute to far distant
outposts in minutes owing to their technical ability to take
advantage of spacetime-windows through the underground ducts.
The Road to OZ(MA)
If, for the reader, this sort of thing simply persists in floating
as rumor (in the absence of hard evidence that would have to
persuade there’s a whole universe coexisting right beside the
conventional one, with a hidden agenda and features all its own)
then the reader ought to be apprised of the sure means of access,
the true location of the entryway to those daedalean domains where
public personalities, perfectly known on the surface, do double duty
as researchers and executors of exotic alien modes on behalf of the
real rulers of the world - Frank Drake, head of the quite public
Project OZMA, was for example positively cited by "Oscar"
as the chief examiner of an alien being in the underground
facilities in the Dakotas where he was taken.
The sure means of access to those rumored places in the spacemarks
of conventional reality, is that path which follows the flow of
all-absorptive interest; where one’s abiding interest truly lies,
where passion is unequivocally kindled and sustained against
distraction there the shape of reality shifts and turns, its walls
pass imperceptibly away; and there, with scarcely a signal to mark
the change one will find oneself amongst those already unassumedly
at work, in library silence and an atmosphere accepting of what in
the former context was an outrage to parochial reason, on matters
that would make the mass-mind blanch but which in such surroundings
come fully equipped with assembled milieus of self-evident function.
So it is that there are salted all around, in every community in
every nation of the globe, those for whom speculation has long
passed into functional reality owing to... abiding interest,
unprejudiced passion possessing instinct beyond all
culturally-conditioned cues. Indeed there is an "alternative
universe" as close to you as a next-door neighbor, in which
particular employees of quite-familiar firms ply principles on a
practical daily basis that are not officially "perceived" yet which,
when calculated matter-of-factly into the adjustments of the Weber
angle or applied to a solenoid induce expected twists inferring the
presence of free energy, inferring gravitational suspension....
There is a complete, operative universe discovered to have been
there all along based on a close psychic network of interest where
circulates quite liberally technical papers by Soviet physicists,
tracts by respectable and officially "discredited" researchers,
formulae and dramatic designs formally supposed to be locked out of
reach in frozen patents, treatises by Reich and Rife,
Tesia and T.T.
Brown on topics from deportation to eloptic healing, and myriads of
working hands which pass them along there are anonymous inventors
and amateur electricians in little basements who, with but a bit of
coil and some magnets have so mastered the basic principles of the
officially verboten that they’ve managed to engineer right at home
demonstrable versions of the Searle Disk, the Dean drive and
operative antigravity loops.
Making Light of Anti-gravity
A mathematician-friend of MT’s, in the late ’60s, had developed a
loop of coils and magnets along the arcanely "approved" lines which
demonstrated true weight-loss after correcting for extraneous
conditions, on any object placed within its field. A rock installed
inside it pulsed like a chicken-heart, and dropped more than a gram.
Our mathematician friend was injudicious enough at first to pass his
hand into the operative field, and as a consequence sustained a type
of "radiation burn" on fingers and arm which had the peculiar
property of fading in and out, eventually going away for years at a
time and then mysteriously reappearing. He suffered forms of memory
loss from sustained exposure to its functioning field.
In the early ’70s the U.S. Navy paid him several thousand dollars
just to keep it for a week and examine it; after that time it was
politely returned by mediating agency, accompanied by a terse note
of "explanation" as to why the registered weight loss was
attributable to atmospheric matters and certain imprecisions in the
tooling of the equipment: no one who knew anything about it, and who
read the official but paid for write-off, believed for a minute any
of the exceptions cited were valid. Our friend and his device had
just been "felt out", by a government that was long in the business
of keeping track of those independents who with great regularity
obtained the same results from "secret" or suppressed principles
that already powered and propelled so much of what the shadow
government used on a casual basis. Al Bieiek was to confirm to
in a later interview, much of what had already been oft-repeated as
to the secret government use of alien technology in equipment of
ostensibly conventional if "forward" design, i.e. the X-31, the
Stealth Bomb-er... "There are Zero-Time-Point generators in every FAA
system ever built for the glide-slope landing systems..."
In this strange new world, which coexists with and interpenetrates
"your" conditioned world as the underlying control factor, there is
a real power structure you’ve been dissuaded through the sophistries
of "pluralism" to perceive; there is an international coterie of
real rulers who’ve run the world for centuries through loans,
financed every revolution regardless the "side", every war
regardless the price and whom you now pay via taxes for the service
who are presently in position to leverage a power-buyout so
profound, so total in scope and scale that nothing can withstand...
And there is a curious, "cooperative" competition between these
elitist rulers and the Raiders from Rigel, those extra-dimensional
minions from the Orion complex giving "life out there" a blanket bad
name; for the means of conducting such world-wide, unprecedented
coup as is implied in the sickly syllables of
the "New World Order",
seems providentially to have been dropped into the "Greymen’s" hands
at just the propitious moment by those very, Grey riders from
beyond. At the same time that the Orion greys apparently present the
most unimaginable menace with their Empire orientation and their
technology from hell, they seem ever-so-sweetly to have presented
the prospective means whereby the missing capstone on the global
financial pyramid may be set in place.
(Whether, from the time of
Adam Weishaupt whence these plans were allegedly fomented, there was
occult connection through secret societies with the astrally
emanated influence of the Greys so that this present time merely
represents a culmination of inbuilt elements, or whether the
conjunction of these mirror-similar models
terrestrial and celestial is merely the chance attraction of
homologies at a late date, it is clear that the current state of
things could only have been accelerated to this its optimal moment
of negative opportunity by the timely interpolation of those
factors. The Orions see the opportunity of currying invitational
favor, from a homegrown elitism that is every bit as eager to
exploit the possible pact such invitation could encourage.)
Factoid Meets Pet (Conspiracy Theory) of the Month
We have then the fateful scenario with which all ought to be
somewhat familiar by now:
the crisis precipitated by the Roswell and
Aztec, N.M. crash landings of UFO craft and their alarming contents,
resulting in the formation of
the Bilderbergers international
control group (effectually preempting the power of a given
government to independently decide upon the "alien" subject)
Eisenhower-Rockefeller consultation of ’53 wherein government
invitation was extended the international elite to form the
decision-making body of
the 1951 Truman-created NSA (National
Security Agency) having martial power in the case of alien matters
and mandated to regulate knowledge of alien presences,
accumulate/decode data and establish formal dialogue where possible
the formation of the National Security Council and charter of its
alien study group (1955) headed by Henry Kissinger i.e. The Jason Society
publicly known as the Quantico group
the recommendations issued
from findings of the Jason Scholars resulting in the implementation
of Alternatives II and III (essentially, that of restructuring the
World Order through exploitation of all recoverable alien technology
in the colonization of underground cities and the potentially
atmospheric Mars, on behalf of the ruling financial aristocracy of
the world and at the expense of an enslaved humanity)
providential rendezvous in 1954 at Holloman Air Force Base with the
Betelgeuse greys resulting in
the first treaty between the U.S. and
an alien empire
the construction of joint U.S.-alien bases in
underground facilities at area S-4 ("Dark Side of the Moon") and
Groom Lake ("Dreamland") in Nevada, in Dulce and Los Alamos, New
Mexico, Colorado, Utah and Arizona
the formation of the Army secret
alien security project known as the
National Reconnaissance
Organization and its enforcement team, Delta Force
and the covert
cooperation between the superpowers in regulating information re the
alien problem as well as implementing joint projects culminating in
masked lunar and Martian colonization years in advance of the
"official" efforts
At this point in the familiar recitation of events, there is a
calculated percentage of those papers held in the hands of the
present readership which are literally or figuratively flying
through the air:
"Factoids!" we hear the predictable protest of a certain inevitable
number, "the same incantation of factoids that can all be summed up
in the ’suspect’
Cooper material, perhaps the earlier
John Lear
data..." And the term "factoid" most likely comes trippingly to the
mental tongue from the pages of Penthouse where this type of
disdainful writeoff was first popularly formulated...i.e. the Nov.
1990 issue in which the sum of Cooper-style allegations (including
the Bush/Zapata Oil operations in drug traffic for the CIA as a
secret means of financing alien-related projects) was neatly
embedded in a pseudo-contest soliciting the readership’s own pet
"conspiracy theories".
Penthouse is of course the sister publication to
OMNI, the same OMNI
which seems to reflect with such curiously-delicate consistency the
subtlest shifts in covert government policy regarding the
pop-cultural projection of UFO attitudes for OMNI and Penthouse when
considered as an editorial whole, have certainly done a most
interesting about-face, a cleverly executed pirouette without
forewarning or fanfare about the pylon-marking of the early ’90s, in
which the policy of a decade was suddenly reversed with neither bang
nor whimper. With no hand-signal showing from the careering OMNI-bus
executing the breathtaking turn, the tone of discredit and ridicule
constantly characterizing editorial attitude as projected
through its monthly UFO feature suddenly took a whole other tack,
tested first in the middle lane of Penthouse when that weathervane
of patriarchal wind-shift published an uncharacteristically
straightforward, sober treatise on the subject, i.e. the article
Pentagon’s UFO Secret" in the Sept. 1990 issue following which,
after that first pioneer probe, there proceeded a sudden salvo of
serious features in the very next OMNI issue, unprecedentedly
devoted as a whole to the topic of UFOs, possible government-alien
intercourse and the casebook for cosmic abductions!
One can only appreciate the profundity of
the shift when one
reflects that less than a year ago this same publication hired a
former R.R. White-house speechwriter (Peggy Noonan, merely bylined
in the article and not identified as such the T-Bird’s own staff
researcher having exhumed her background) to discredit Linda Howe’s
landmark book on cattle mutilations, An Alien Harvest (cf. Book
Reviews in coming issues of the T-Bird, where this as well as the
ludicrous OMNI article are discussed). Now, but a few short months
later, this slide down a slope of plunging decolletage culminating
in a total if unannounced alteration, the December 1990 OMNI
issue-Considering what we ought to know by now about the major media
(if only because the reputed "factoid" king Mr. Cooper
has been trying to point up what should be obvious, and provoke consciousness-at-large to draw the necessary conclusions), it must
strike the readership as more than interestingly coincidental that
the official valve of middle-class homeostasis, Time-Life, has been
literally pushing its Occult series in an unprecedently insistent
campaign, against the initially lethargic mass of a middle-class
sensibility all but disabused of these same topics owing to a
diametrically opposite thrust from the Luce syndication but a decade
or two earlier pushing so hard indeed as to have apparently overcome
the inertia, a late-building momentum seeming to have gathered
behind the tidal purchasing-promotion which their ceaseless
exposure self-obviously projected.
This uncharacteristic, saturation methodology for what on the
mass-market scale was a marginally productive speculation, bears
deep similarity to that most peregrine of recent promotions, i.e.
the Alien Nation TV series which with its conditioning themes of
peaceful coexistence toward alien neighbors seems to have been
pushed down the public throat against all the standard bottom-line
indices such as the Nielsens (it stayed in the cellar long past the
time any profit-predicated series would have been yanked from the
air). Do we have to ask what the message is here?
True Gritz
Returning then briefly to the thought that our just-reviewed series
of alien-related events comprises a "factoid" list first popularized
by the "suspect" Cooper, we may wish to take deep pause; for if
examined carefully we consistently find that those who ought to be
"in the know", at worst take ad hominem exception to
Cooper himself yet stay clear of invalidating the material he presents’. We
noted last month the curious ad in UFO magazine for the alleged
candid "Cooper tapes" purporting to be Mr. C. in a really bad mood
the ad declaiming (most peculiarly!) that though there may be truth
to what he says, do we want to accept such facts from "this type" of
person! Say WHAT?!
Again along the same lines: if we wanted to know the truth behind
the alleged events recited in our list, who best to consult other
than those involved in the occurrences, agencies or policies alluded
to? If the claim is made for example that the Delta Force was
(despite its Chuck Norris popular image) an elite squad first
formulated to cope specifically with the Alien/UFO situation, and if
moreover we hear through the same sets of recited claims that the
D-force is tacitly on-the-ouis with the underground-fortified Orion
minions having had an unsuccessful shootout with them in 1979, then
whom should we automatically expect to be in a position to verify or
disclaim these things on a first-hand basis?
Why, a member of the Delta Force, of course. And what more reliable
member of the Delta Force than the inimitable Col. Bo Gritz, former
Chief of Special Activities on the Army General Staff, who in fact
is ostensibly the very model of heroism on which the character Rambo
was based? How surpassingly "interesting", then, that we find in
issue No. 1, Vol. 6 of UFO magazine (put out by one Vicki Cooper and
dedicatedly anti-Bill Cooper) a letter-to-the-editor from none other
than Bo himself in which (consistent with the conventional policy,
apparently) he takes strong exception to Bill Cooper but not because
he disputes Cooper’s facts! Rather, so the colonel says, he feels
Cooper couldn’t have had sufficiently high clearance to have seen
the things he alleges to have seen, therefore his promulgation of
what Gritz himself identifies as very important matters is liable to
be unfairly discredited in its association with him! Col. Gritz goes
on to specifically affirm the truth and critical character of much
of the contents of Cooper’s material (some of which, indeed, he
claims Cooper originally filched from him).
"As a Chemical,
Biological, Nuclear trained officer, I know that ’the’ government
lied about gassing sheep in Montana with GB-Agent, infecting San
Francisco with a virus why wouldn’t they cover up UFOs?"
"I returned
from Burma’s Golden Triangle with videotape of overlord Khun Sa
accusing U.S. officials of being his best customers..."
"We are
facing a true peril from within. The secret government needs to be
exposed and expunged before it turns us into economic slaves through
King George’s ’New World Order’."
In the face of something of this magnitude (if casual presentation)
everyone ought to be sitting up and taking notice. If Col. Gritz is
this publicly adamant about the "factoid" re the alien-government
situation, what business have those without such intimate
association to the specific elements involved in turning their
backs, or indeed dismissing such material as unsubstantiated? If
Gritz is publicly so serious, in tones of such alarm, then perhaps
it might be profitable to project that some such thing as the
alien/Army fallout did indeed occur, that as a consequence there
could be formal or informal movement of resistance within or around
the government position-Is it not possible that the arresting
billboard recently displayed purporting to be an innocuous airline
ad, showing a row of cows wearing ties and captioned "tired of being
raised like cattle?" with the signature Delia right beneath it, is a
subliminal recruitment ad for a groundwater resistance movement?
something to draw the attention of those who already know about
these things, and apprise them inferentially of the present "status"
in the ongoing furtive relationships?
After all, growing allegations against the alien presence (at least
the negative-variety of alien presence) is that they’re indeed here
to husband humanity like their private livestock, and ultimately
treat mankind to the same types of vivisectionist fate to which it
treats its cattle... anyway, it’s an interesting "factoid" from the
dream-mind, hmmm?
Mixed Sign-waves
At the same time, such contretemps points up the distinct
possibility that what we’re really perceiving now in terms of
seemingly contradictory signals, is the product of an internal
division within the "government" itself, a kind of schizoid
dissociation into a dust of separate altitudes and agendas with
respect to the aliens (or alternatively, the confusing projection of
a hasty panoply of contingency plans, "educating" simultaneously to
possible "peaceful coexistence" and conditioning the public for the
strangest of wars!).
This is not too unlikely when one considers that the "wholeness"
with which any given agency or formulated "special" task force
perceives the situation (relative to the largest picture of what the
global power-structure really wants and intends with respect to the
aliens and their technology) is inevitably compromised by the
specific orbit occupied around the Need-to-Know center of gravity.
There may indeed then be levels within levels of these "secret"
subsets of
government activity that are not squarely aligned with the ultimate
Machiavellian core, the private needs of which originally set the
operative terms of the "interplanetary" relationship. Some subtle
levels may be occupied by men and women who "know" what’s going on
in the technical sense but who, at their level, perceive it as a
universal threat and not from the perspective of the shadow Rulers
whose machinations first necessitated their "mid-management"
positions as decoders, processors, security personnel etc.
levels may must certainly have people who are not near to
consciously polarizing negatively (as are the Owners of this world),
who do not understand such a principle or its purely spiritual
implication in any case, and who still then have the basic longevity
and well-being of humanity at heart. It is from these that we may be
hearing at some level; and their signals are being jammed, crowded,
preempted or appropriated by yet other levels of "knowing" agency,
perhaps more deeply involved in commitment to the negative postulate
at the heart of it all.
Given such possibility, what does initiated understanding have to
say about the probable validity of any of these things?
Initiated understanding, as we’ve learned in previous issues,
independently confirms from insight and experience secured years
prior to any public disclosures as we see around us now, the
authenticity of the larger part of all the
Cooper-Lear-Lazar-Bennewitz (et al.) allegations; indeed the most
refractory of all the themes to "prove" or settle-in comfortably
with, that of the "Alternative III" program of present Martian
colonization and the correlative unpleasantness of "batch
consignments" etc., is confirmed by initiated insight which as early
as 1980 was afforded a sanctioned "view" of the terrain. It
can be
confirmed that these programs, their existence and implementation,
are all essentially true as narratively dramatized in the
Alternative III book and its original
TV presentation; this
confirmation is not nor can it be made as a case for concrete "proof"
though inferential proof, "soft" evidences abound, as we shall see
rather it is made on behalf of a requirement for orientation at this
time, giving people optimum opportunity to consider the current
condition in its real scope so that for those who with a marriage of
reason and intuition may see decisions of increasingly critical
consequence can be made on the basis of input not automatically
given for the necessary computations.
When we of the T-Bird put such things forward for consideration of
the readership, then, it is done first of all on the basis of
initialed understanding, and nothing set forward is not confirmed in
that way; nothing is presented on the basis of speculation and
secondary evidences, though speculations and secondary evidences
are, as we’ve seen, often introduced in order to draw a clear
parallel between what is known by wisdom of the interior Eye and
what is concomitantly gathered by investigators working from the
inductive framework.
Therefore what’s stated here as truth first comes from the initiated
eye; the specific accumulation of "facts" or items presented as
facts which we draw in as collaborative or contrastive data from
secondary research sources (i.e. the Cooper material, Alternative
III etc.) has beyond its possible general congruence with that
insight to be further authenticated or canceled by piecemeal
physical research just as in the case of anyone else. In the same
way, when writing about "physics" (as is done in this issue under
the MT habit of Mother Terasu) the character, condition and reality
of the energy-domains discussed are first of all drawn from direct
cognition through the wisdom Eye they are seen, as you would view a
sky of nightstars and only afterward, in order to communicate in and
help accelerate the "current" acceptable language of physics, must
it be determined what of this directly-perceived Whole the physicist
puts together piecemeal and understands from his vantage; to do
this, the adept must hit the books and study as anyone, only not
with the eye of acquiring primary knowledge but rather for the sake
of absorbing the physicist’s viewpoint to be able to communicate
with him or, through the initial common denominator of that
language, beyond
him thus to help enlarge the general context toward higher stages of
integral development.
Crop Sacrifice of the Man-in-Motley: April Fool
So it is that, for example, we may still cite the Alternative III
source-text of Leslie Watkins, David Ambrose and Christopher Miles,
confirming that the general information is valid by initiated
insight while reminding that the original English TV presentation
was a "docudrama", and therefore doesn’t qualify as primary evidence
a fact obscured by the book-version which gives the dramatized
events on the contrary as straightforward reportage rather than
imaginative recreation.
That the British team did in fact perform true and sedulous
research, that the theme and its particulars aren’t whole-cloth
product of their vivid invention, is substantiated by numerous other
indeed authentic sources, documents, interview contents and
information are presented straightforwardly in both book and TV
show quite admixed with the dramatized portions.
It is not generally
known, owing basically to the presentation of the bookform and the
hard-to-get video, that for example the interview with astronaut
"Bob Grodin" in
Alternative III is a compound made of tapes,
interviews and bits of classified film dramatizing the words of
several NASA astronauts; the fact that hard-pavement research is in
evidence in this presentation, may be seen in the very classified
character of the space agency sources from which the dramatized data
was drawn "Grodin’s" allegations in the docudrama for example are
actually versions of exclamatory statements by Neil Armstrong and
his crew blanked out of broadcasts when, in their televised moon
landing of July 20, ’69 they were unavoidably exposed to the off-camera spectacle of a spacecraft encampment, having fatefully
overshot their projected landing site a circumstance that was indeed
captured by some ham operators at the time, and persistently
circulated ever since.
Similarly, the reality of the "batch consignment" program exists in
independent evidences, but of much later origin for the most part
(especially in hypnotically recovered memories of abductees) so that
the probability of the British researchers having upturned a
substantial truth at a time when they couldn’t have simply
appropriated an already-circulating idea, is greatly enhanced.
issue 3, Vol. 5 1990 of UFO magazine, for example, Marianne Shenefield (presently contributing material to
Betty Andreasson’s
projected book How Bright the Darkness, Colors in the Dark) recovers
an abduction memory in which not only the familiar grey aliens are
on board the craft but quite human personnel and in a separate
enclosure, the distressing glimpse of a young man (militarily
dressed) with zombified countenance and shaved head etched by a
prominent surgical scar; this reported with no comprehension as
though neither recognizing, understanding or having any extraneous
reference-knowledge of such a thing at all.
Such apparent "batch consignment" retrieval memories point up an
interesting circumstance re the whole Alternative III affair, and
suggest a very good reason (aside from fear) that the British
producers took the approach of a dramatized rather than documentary
rendering. In the Alternative III texts themselves, in the midst of
what is unmistakably primary footwork regardless the ultimate
format, there’s no sign the researchers ever found implication of
alien complicity in the whole business at their basically
street-level of access. This however means (keeping in mind this was
first presented back in ’77) that there were necessarily large gaps
in the continuity of their information.
The idea that NASA might be
a camouflage program from which funds could be siphoned off to a
covert space operation not supervised by that agency, of actually
fractional cost
(since EM field propulsion replaces fuels and bulky thrusters etc.)
couldn’t ripen into appearance at the time, deprived as it was of
the right nutriment. Therefore unexplained phases of what was yet
proving to be a sinkingly compelling scenario could best be
presented by speculative reconstruction, which suggested a
dramatized format (much in the manner that proof-enough-to-please
exists for an ancient civilization in Egypt owing to the presence of
the pyramids; yet determining those pyramids got there and what
use the ancients might possibly have had for them, would have to be
a work of speculative retracing from fragmentary evidences).
A dramatized format, of course, clearly indicated with the roll of
cast credits at the end, might indeed furnish an "as if disclaimer
an ultimate trap door exit clearly marked with the "just-kidding"
4/1/77 release date so as to soften the immediate sense of
retaliatory need. Yet ultimately, (according to what anyone involved
in the field is able to ascertain on the matter) for all that, the
three researchers Watkins, Ambrose and Miles seem to have totally
disappeared from the face of the planet. This may be a consequence
of the fact that their material on batch consignments was obtained
after the TV presentation was put together, and found its way only
into the book which they adamantly insisted on presenting as fact.
Dirty Rotten Scoundrels
From our perspective however, we’re able to fill in the gaps on how
those "spectacular special effects" are done; we’re in a position to
be able to assess the nature, character, quality and origin of the
special technologies (saucer vehicles etc.) required to accomplish
the kinds of extraordinary feats outlined in the Alternative III
scenario, achieved at a time in the early ’60s for example when
officially we were not supposed to be anywhere near in progress to
such capabilities.
We are now able to see that, owing to one and the
same "event", a
shadow government was consolidated which was at the
same time able in its secretiveness to employ the intruding
technologies which had served to blast-harden it into place.
able to see the more "portable", less centralized requirements that
account for the hidability of the technology in question, at the
same time that the acquisition of such technology secured the
centralization of the global power structure.
(It becomes possible
to understand for example how the secret U.S.-Soviet-alien space-program can be kept separate from the
NASA program, how the
general silence in regard to it can be facilitated by minimizing the
number of personnel who actually have to be let in, and we see also
the "value" in keeping up the camouflage program of tincan
technology bouncing objects with only gross hardball accuracy off
orbital entities without the greater knowledge of the participants
and at the apparent "cost" of wasteful futility; conventional
"reality" can continue to be gainfully employed, in a project so
problematic from the primitive-technology perspective with which
it’s saddled that it necessarily requires massive injections of
funds easily siphoned into the covert program where liftoff can be
achieved from a backyard in Nebraska and the target pinpointed with
the hovering deftness of a hawk).
Here, then, in this uneasy "Dirty Rotten Scoundrels" alliance
between aliens and the power structure (in which each
is distrustfully using what can be extorted by compromise concession
from the other so as to ultimately dominate him) we find the means
of accounting for deep discrepancies in the official recitation of
things; we can indeed see the necessary background existence of
alien-derived, antigravity technology in the circumstances
surrounding those very events which are pointed to most protectively
as "proof" of the ordinary order of things, i.e. the official
Almanac version of the Russian and U.S. lunar probes beginning in
the late ’50s, culminating in the "first lunar walk" of ’69...
Only Altered Cows Jump Over This Moon
Nuclear engineer William L. Brian II of Oregon State University, for
example, has demonstrated that the officially calculated "neutral
point" between Earth and moon (the point of entrance for a
lunar-approach vehicle where the Earth’s gravitation and the moon’s
gravitation should be equal, based on the assumed surface gravity of
the moon for natural celestial bodies according to standard
Newtonian mechanics) cannot imply the gravitational value commonly
given; using the standard calculations, the Ranger, Pioneer and
Russian Luna probes missed repeatedly by the proverbial country
mile, when "shooting for the moon".
When Luna 2 finally hit the surface and Luna 3 circled the far side,
Russian efforts suddenly and mysteriously stopped for four years.
Similarly, the U.S. withdrew for a period of two years after
obviously to recalibrate their operative values. The revised
estimates of the lunar "neutral point" based on experience, placed
it at 43,495 miles from lunar center, about 23,000 miles off from
the pre-Apollo calculations. The 1/6th gravitational value
continues to claim for the moon is grossly inconsistent with the
value of the neutral point derived from experiment.
The actual gravity of the moon according to the operative data, is
very comparable to Earth’s. Corroboratively, Apollo flight times are
significantly more rapid than is consistent with the 1/6-gravity
dogma. Why the obvious refusal to change the data on gravity ratios?
The implication of a high-gravity moon as must actually exist,
yields conventional fuel requirements for landing and acceleration
that would have made the ’69 Lunar Module of 33,200 Ib.-weight a
330,000 Ib. vehicle!
The famous moonwalk everyone knows so much about in the conventional
certitude of their "factual", documented world, wasn’t achieved with
rockets. The launch rocket was authentic enough, but from there a
secret source had to have taken over for the feat to have been
accomplished. Significant to our viewpoint re U.S.-alien treaty
etc., it was the U.S. that successfully demonstrated a manned lunar
landing, despite early Russian space achievements. What accounts for
the Russians having mysteriously pulled out of the competition?
The probability in this framework, is that justification of the NASA space-program (and therefore its funding, its continued distractive
presence etc.) had finally to be buttressed by help from the secret
side of acquired U.S. technology which, seven years earlier, had
actually placed joint U.S.-Russian teams on Mars. This accounts for
Russia’s quiet withdrawal and acquiescence in the early ’60s."Conventional" technology, in order to successfully perform
according to the real if often quiet recalculations of practical
coordinates (incorporating the anomalies of what is for instance
most probably an artificial moon) necessarily has to maintain the
show by covert installation of alien-derived instruments,
antigravity and time-shift devices etc. thus supporting what
Al Bielek was to tell MT about the routine if little known use of
exotic technologies in "conventional" craft that, chronologically,
we’re not even supposed to be close to. (Ever wonder why the
astronauts never bounced around on the surface of the moon like
Superball, as predicted under conditions of 1/6th gravity?)
"The giant leap for mankind" was not undertaken on behalf of
mankind, and wasn’t a "giant leap"; it was the first small step of
"conventional reality" in assaying the hubris of its paper
calculations, an Icarus of historical assumption that fell
immediately off a fatal curve a gauche move of flying pinfeathers
that, if not rapidly covered over and minimized with nonchalant
silence (propped behind the scenes with the closed-club technologies
actually corresponding to the world just dropped into) would throw
all carefully preserved conventions of mass orientation assuring a
safe orderly universe under complete control of the
government/scientific reality-caretakers, into unrecoverable chaos.
Why, for example, is lunar soil at least a billion years older than
lunar rocks?
Why are over 99% of the moon’s rocks, returned to earth
for analysis, older that 90% of the oldest of known earth rocks?
Why, according to NASA, did the moon actually "ring like a gong or
bell" with reverberations echoing from one to four hours, after
third stage rockets and ascent stages of lunar modules crashed to
its hard surface?
Why did iron samples brought back by Soviet and
American probes prove to be rustproof, an "impossible" state
virtually unknown to earth science except for a
pillar of solid iron
in New Delhi, indeterminantly old, which also inexplicably doesn’t
How could enormous clouds of water vapor (over 100 square
miles) suddenly appear on the "dry" lunar surface after missions as
late as Apollo 15 especially when, given NASA’s 1/6
gravity-convention, the moon shouldn’t be capable of atmosphere
retention and thus having any clouds whatsoever’. (More on gravity
anomalies in Ch. IV.)
AIDS Out of Time
Similarly, we can infer the accuracy of initiated insight regarding
the engineered origin of the AIDS virus as a byproduct of the
U.S.-Russian Mars landing, by examining anomalies in the
conventional data. The first recorded AIDS case seems to have been
that of a Manchester, England sailor in 1959. Tissue from his
autopsy had been preserved in formalin and kept in paraffin so that,
by 1990 when the comparative analysis employing the polymerase
chain-reaction was made, it could be confirmed that he indeed had a
full blown case of AIDS. Given that the symptomatology of the virus
can take years, the sailor might have acquired it "in his travels"
as early as the beginning-to-mid years of the ’50s. This places it,
of course, at exactly the span in which alien-government interaction
was fomenting all its salient features.
Early experimentation at Los
Alamos laboratories in genetic engineering, was already being conducted on the basis of what was parceled out as product of the
alien accords. And alien saucer flights with government personnel
aboard were conducting preliminary scouting expeditions of the Red
Planet (prior to the landing accomplishment of ’62 using a
combination of alien-derived and Earth technology). Samples of the
bacterial soils were collected and brought back by the earliest
alien-craft flights, prior to atomic melting of the Martian
permafrost surface and wholesale awakening of its dormant microbial
The victim’s contraction of the disease right at this interval of
time, suggests what was perhaps an isolated exposure to a "project"
that was just in its beginning stages. The case for ihepiire
artificially of the AIDS virus is perhaps best given by this
"earliest known incident"; if indeed the virus could have originated
in its present form even years earlier than the ’59 date when it was
recorded as a collection of symptoms, then the obvious implication
is that it should have gotten quite a running start in
multiplication and spread, far before its noticeable appearance and
proliferation at the beginning of the ’80s two decades later. An
organically mutating virus doesn’t erupt in isolation; it should
have been accompanied by myriad of its fellows. Why wasn’t another
possible case of it noted till the late ’60s-again in virtual
isolation? Even if its origin is granted the conventional
assumption of Africa, the unusual character of the symptoms would
had to have been noted the pneumocystis carinii and cytomega lovirus
infections, for instance, were so unknown at the lime as to have
stuck, out quite curiously.
Stalking the Wild Pentagon
It’s necessary to understand in all this that the forcibly impressed
outline of alien-government relationship is a deliberate concoction
of the negative aliens. Their intent from the beginning was not so
much to filter in by subterfuge, as to use that apparent modus
operand! as a highly-visible means of pushing the military-power
structure symbiosis to a greater intensity. By allowing the alarming
character of their abductions, implants, genetic manipulations etc.
to be easily detected, they would put the elements of
the shadow
government on accelerated alert, and launch them at a more acute
angle of action.
The point of their doing this can only be understood by recognizing
the whole phenomenon as a spiritual ordeal. Considered in strictly
physical-power play terms, it makes little sense to deliberately
stampede your enemy into a more unified and monomaniacal
orientation. But the "goal" in spiritual terms, as we’ve discussed
more fully elsewhere in the T-Bird (Oct. ’89 and Nov. ’89, Oct./Nov.
’90) isn’t that of all-out leveling like a Juggernaut; otherwise,
with their technological capabilities they would have simply marched
in like so many storm-troopers long ago. The spiritual point of
Negative game is to provoke the negative polarization of
consciousness wherever possible, so as to establish a manipulable
and subordinate power-elite technically functioning through the
conserved resource of free will determination and so able to add
that irreducible measure of the conscious commodity to the sum
available energy-states empowering the ameboid expansion of the
higher density, negative social-memory-complex.
All who can’t or
won’t be polarized negatively, are then fair game to be rendered as
slave-material, i.e. by the devitalization of their
living-atmosphere (as we see currently occurring in the appropriated
agenda of the shadow government like a marionette doing the Orion
bidding, but nonetheless happy in the doing without necessarily
recognizing the efficient Influence owing to the ego-emoluments
involved); by chemical or surgical modification; by cerebral
implant; and by economic servitude.
This methodology of the higher density negative being, corresponds
within their own framework to what the
Castaneda material
Stalking. Stalking, briefly summed, is
the art of using
one’s (generally, numerically inferior) resources to encircle the
subject of Stalking with a totally convincing atmosphere of
illusion, an atmosphere so wholly artificial and subject to personal
regulation that all the behaviors within it become suitably
predictable. At the properly timed juncture of events, the
predictability of the subject’s behavior is counted on to draw
exactly the desired effect upon him.
If, for example, we take Bob Lazar’s account of his informative stint
at the Groom Lake facility as a viable source of understanding what
took place originally in the interaction between aliens and the
military, we can perceive the peremptory handing-over of the
unearthly element 115 to the keeping of the power structure as a
virtually perfect example of Stalking. Ostensibly given to the
government for purposes of study as a source of transdimensional
spacetime propulsion, its unprecedentedly dangerous character as a
source of anti-matter when operated in the alien reactors
immediately necessitated according to military logic, which is what
was counted on! an above-top-secret priority, and a concomitant
fateful consolidating of the intelligence web-work now grown to
virtual autonomy with respect to public review.
Also in keeping with the Art of Stalking, the most exotic forms of
alien technology were "leased" (with baited option-to-own) for the
crucial phase of the alien breakthrough: the Rainbow/Phoenix
projects, (discussed in
the Al Bielek interview next issue).
Otherwise, of course, a crude admixture has characterized the
technological acceleration of the secret government, partially due
to the alien "eyedropper" approach in parceling out just enough to
get the military "hooked", and partially due to the secret
government’s desire for autonomy and adaptation of alien advances to
terrestrial technology free of "donor" infusions (i.e. supermetals
and materials, exotic induplicable elements, reactors, ether engines
and hyperspace consoles etc.).
The genetic experimentations of the secret government about which we
know, is just the tip of the alien iceberg; the whole "plot" of
Stalking in fact revolves around the alien manufacture of "biobots",
biological robots able to be directed from the astral/etheric level.
This "stabilizes" the alien terrestrial presence artificially. The
"natural" habitat of such aliens is fourth and fifth density,
shifted at a (greater or lesser) angle to earth physical-spacetime;
as explained in previous T-Bird issues, this makes their presence
here innately unsteady, requiring EM (Electro Magnetic) adjustments and mind-body
alignments under stress in our "atmosphere" which if held too
long will effectively "lock them in", and which are always pulling in
the direction of their own optimum density-configuration.
insight of initiated understanding is most directly confirmed in the
unusually-candid confession extended a New Mexico doctor by a
service-to-self entity as reported on pg. 131 of Linda Howe’s
Alien Harvest, i.e. that the genetic specimens obtained from humans
as well as the genetically similar substance of cow-hemoglobin and
tissue were in fact used to manufacture biological robots which
could more stably serve and "stand in for" the alien presence
(The circumstance of large numbers of aliens living
in subsurface tunnel networks and underground facilities, furnishes
the exception of an EM controlled environment as well as
high-density pocket intersections transdimensional ducts,
space-time/gravitational anomalies etc. in deep-core caverns.)
While the multiplying presence of thought-forms and biobots produces
the requisite military paranoia, accelerating the totalitarian and
elitist application of the "borrowed" technology, the seeded or
staged crashes of ’47-’48 impart the impression of vulnerability
encouraging the power structure to believe it can successfully
compete. The total government silencing of
Paul Bennewitz, for
example, suggests that the military had already developed defenses
along the lines he was proposing (cf. Earth vs. The Flying Saucers
based on the non-fiction, Cassandra-like writings of Air Force Major
Donald Keyhoe, where sonar weaponry was employed). The biobot thesis
accounts for the cattle-mutilation phenomenon, which doubles as
psychological warfare.
It is also probable that the Orions closely duplicate the activities
of saucer-civilizations technically aligned to the "positive" (i.e.
those in conformance to "cosmic law" etc.) which conduct
abduction/genetic experiments toward dissimilar ends. This is done
in order to blur the lines between those activities of beings (such
as the Luca entities) technically to the side of the "positive", and
those pursuing strictly negative ends. A double purpose is served:
the Orion activity is prone to be confused with the less harmful
"positive" activity, either to discredit the "positive" so as to
make possible reception for it less likely, or to camouflage the
Orion’s actions and motives by interpretation in tile "positive"
context. Either way, their ends are adequately served.
We’ll expand on these themes, as we proceed with the Andreasson/Luca
interview and begin the Bieiek adventure, next issue.
Prolegomenon to a New Origin of Spacetime:
Mother Terasu’s Traveling Tentshow
As we’ve seen, the curious mixture of the technological and the
psychic so often characterizes the fields of "alternative energies",
"UFOs" and co. that it ultimately becomes a central question and
common concern, no matter which angle of approach is taken, as to
how such elements can coexist or be reconciled through what is often
one-and-the-same phenomenon.
How, given the present context of the
conventionally "known" physics of things, is one to understand the
baffling yet consistently convincing co-presence of mechanical
hardware as with recognizable Sikorsky ’copters and the uncanny
telepathic eavesdropping as well as pure spacetime discontinuity
that seems to mark their appearance?
How is one to understand the
relation between ordinary apparatus of the electrical engineer, and
the exotic effects which independent testimony persistently
proclaims is the issue of their special "arrangement", i.e.
teleportation, production of spacetime warps, gravitational and
electromagnetic anomalies linked to effects having peculiarly
dreamlike, astral or psychic components?
How could one come to terms with the idea, as expressed for instance
in the T-Bird itself (issue 3, Oct. ’89 page 7 cf. Letters to the
Editor, this issue) that to the 4th density beings of other planets
and spacetime orders the "saucer" we interpret as a tincan hardware
vehicle of the 3rd stage type, is more a "pattern crystallization of
the group psyche or auric Held of its pilots"?
How, we might ask, may
such vehicles of admittedly esoteric behavior-patterns appear in
"captivity" at various military installations as concrete
technological hardware with material shells, consoles of patterned
circuitry and viewscreens etc. while by report apparently exhibiting
a form of psychic or telepathic responsiveness under demonstration
of their "alien" commanders?
First of all, in order to understand such things on more than the
merely credulous level (where too often they are indexed), one must
understand the peculiar double-focus that characterizes the state of
modern physics and finally, relative to that degree of comprehension
the context of initiated understanding must be introduced as
expression of a more integral perspective coinciding, by harmonic
adjustment, with the levels of higher density through which those of
both positive and negative polarization treat the functional reality
of such matters on a direct-cognitive basis.
Initiated understanding, through the pages of the Thunderbird and by
agency of its adepts AAA and MT, has previously characterized the
type of reality belonging to the respective planes, dimensions and
densities; it has already, in past issues under various feature
premises, provided a preliminary framework through which the
relations between "material" elements and their psychic values may
be more efficiently comprehended as well as elastically applied in
the contexts of varying focal "fields" of experience.
At this
juncture, in order to have a more accommodating viewpoint through
which to adjust to further disclosures and disconcerting items
looming ahead (i.e., when we meet Al Bielek, pair up anomalies of
Philadelphia Experiment with "strange" occurrences in the course
of investigation etc.) it is appropriate to take a minor detour; if
in examining Mother Terasu’s special supplement to "What Is Christ
Consciousness?" (i.e. the following serialized article "What Is
Physics?") the reader decides the "explanations" are leading into
thickets requiring strengths and coulombs of stamina surpassing
present acceptable levels of expenditure, the advice is to simply
skip it and pass on, resuming the "T-Bird/Phoenix" narrative next
issue; this summary survey of the approaching overview through which
the real New Order is being introduced, is offered as a preview for
those who have some passion to perceive the alchemy between the
present states of energy-knowledge and those Worlds of
intelligent-energy speeding in from the future at ever-accelerated
pace to meet and Upgrade them.
Everyone else is invited by the
bridge-troll to pass on, and hurry to resume those more anecdotal
pleasures blooming in the pastures just beyond this meta-physical
ridge only, those here recessing for the pastoral romp should not
complain if, further ahead, there are "anecdotes" that prove
puzzling and which only yield to the keys they’ve chosen to skip.