
Envision Everything Imaginable in the Universe as Being Made Up of Waves


The Wave Function is Real: The Holographic Quantum Model
by Noel Huntley, Ph.D.

Source: Beyond Duality

In quantum physics the wave function (denoted by the Greek psi symbol) is sometimes referred to as mathematical fiction. When Schrodinger developed his famous wave equation, it was a puzzle as to what psi really represented. It was concluded that the wave function depicted probabilities--and not energy.

Here we shall be using the wave function to mean a packet of vibrations as in current quantum mechanics but that in our case we envision everything imaginable in the universe as made up of waves. Any specific thing whatsoever is not just represented by, but is a group of oscillations given by sine waves. These groups of sine waves representing all phenomena, such as a particle, an atom, planet, galaxy, objects, a thought, word, concepts or ideas, mind, etc. may be immensely complex, comprising waves in fractal groups extending into higher dimensions, in which their phase relationship is of key importance. These wave functions are holographic and have a precise geometry. This geometry is information.

Every single wave function is a packet of information. The vibrations of the wave function are energy but also probabilities given by sub-sine wave groupings. The resonant linkages between them will vary in strength giving different probability weighting--no different from the principle of habit patterns. (Learning occurs by mode locking, that is, entraining separate oscillations--as in associating.)

Quantum energy is actually quantum action, that is, energy multiplied by time (as one whole). Thus it would be expected that the wave function was not the physicist's energy E, which is a 3D expression of work done. Quantum action has a thickness in time.

One of the main reasons why the wave function in current quantum physics has to be considered fictional is because it is expressed by the resultant of many sub-wave functions representing probabilities or attributes of entities of the natural world in the form of respective orthogonals. These orthogonals are dimensions and may be great in number. Let's simplify this and refer to the famous "Schrodinger's cat".

The cat is hidden in a box and is subject to the possibility of being poisoned; the probability of which is governed by a random generator. We don't know whether the cat is alive or dead until we open the box. The wave function will be the resultant of both probabilities; that for the cat to be dead and that for it to be alive. The Y-axis could represent "death" and the X-axis "alive". The wave function in Schrodinger's equation gives the superposition of these two separate wave functions for being dead and alive. The graph or resultant wave function gives both probabilities simultaneously and holistically. But we know that when we look into the box that the cat will be either dead or alive, not both.

Now let us say the resultant graph (wave function) is, say, closer to the Y-axis. In this case this resultant (in the quantum reality) will "collapse" onto the Y-axis, and a single probability is considered to have been selected by the observation (Copenhagen Interpretation). The cat is observed dead. The equation does not, however, give the "collapse". In real applications of the wave function the procedures can be very complex but always accurate. For example, several particles interacting would each have to be represented by three dimensions, that is, different ones for each particle; for example, nine dimensional axes or orthogonals for three electrons. Thus we see the unreality of the resultant wave function.

Our general holographic wave function should be pictured as made up of sine waves of different frequencies and, in particular, having phase relationships. The wave function is not linear or of a single level but multidimensional and can be envisaged as groups of sine waves within groups displaced along the gradient 3D to 4D, governed by frequency.

This packet of waves and its resultants at different fractal levels (the groups) follows the rules of Fourier analysis. Any resultants of subgroups or the whole resultant can be broken down by resonant waves giving the true nature of quantum reduction from one higher fractal level to a lower one. This process of quantum reduction--resultant waves reducing to lower-dimensional sine waves, a form of Fourier analysis--occurs continuously along with the reverse: quantum regeneration in which separate lower-dimensional sine waves, when correlated, form higher-dimensional resultants--a form of Fourier synthesis (this is how the laser really works). Figure 2, in the article on physical mobility, part II, showing vortices within vortices is also a wave function, and these articles should preferably be studied before this one.

We know by now that the Newtonian view of the universe does not give an accurate picture. Quantum physics is much nearer the truth. The universe is not made of empty space with objects in it but is more akin to a complex webwork of interconnecting energies: everything conceivable is made up of vibrations, in other words, is a wave function.

When wave functions have "entangled" there can be an immediate transmission of information from one resonant component to another--distance is no object. This is a feature of current quantum theory and one can see the applications of this principle to many everyday experiences, even to forming a basis for paranormal phenomena ; also the ability of animals to read vibrations of energies and acquire information, an ability which escapes us.

Although everything might be considered as a basic energy of consciousness moulded by wave functions, not all objects are holistic or, in other words, are a single or whole wave function. Only natural entities in which the whole is greater than the sum of the parts, such as a planet or cell, are a single resultant sine wave pattern. A car, for example, is a composite of wave functions (molecules, etc).

As a different kind of example, consider coordination of the human body, say, two arms at a keyboard. For a learned sequence, a wave function will be controlling the relationship between all movements, that is, a single wave function at every instant (this instant is smaller the higher the frequency). The sine wave groups within this wave function change their phase angle as motion of arms, etc., continues. This wave function gives the precise geometry of energy-formatting within which the limbs take position in space and time.

In skills we experience within the mind this wave function as the kinesthetic sense. Consciousness or the input senses the information of the wave function. This information is holographically spread in both space and time, holistically. Within the wave function the smaller waves deal with the 3D sharp focus of activity, such as part of one finger movement, but the larger waves span more time enabling one to feel, in the margin of consciousness, the immediate future movements. If this didn't occur one could not make any controlled movements! This means that at any instant one not only senses the present movement and position of a limb, but also the immediate future ones simultaneously in a multidimensional manner (through the regular fractal levels within the wave function).

Realise that every oscillation is a vortex, and two or more vortices in phase will attract to create motion. In skill behaviour the vortices are centred at the joints. One should imagine these vortices as enveloping the limbs--which are executing a skilled sequence--with infinite complexity of vortices within vortices, involving a shifting around as any smaller vortex is precipitated into 3D (quantum reduced) by a larger one--in continuous nonlinear activity.

The geometrical patterning within the wave function from large to small is precisely the same as that of the universe's fractal nature. It must also be the same principle occurring in the amazing genetic processes which we tend to take for granted. We might see from this that the large wave function for our universe would span all time for this universe (and all space) as a unity. But as we come down the levels within the wave function, increasing separation occurs and therefore the manifestation of time and the phenomena of objects and particles, individuals, etc. (as being separate from one another).

Within this wave function the sine waves, in general, vary in size and dimensions (e.g., 3.2D, 3.8D, 4.0D) and vary in phase relationship and frequency. The phase relationship and size/dimension determine the geometry. The frequencies determine the qualities and attributes, such as colour, emotions, and also the degree of integration or fractal level. Remember, anything we can imagine is not just represented by this wave function but is a wave function--a pattern or patterns of vibrations. These are all packets of information.

Note that the information is not associated (as though appended) in the geometrical oscillations in the manner that man's artificial coding systems associate meaning, letters, symbols with computer processes (the binary system). The information is the geometric intelligence of the wave function's oscillations.

Now how does the mind's "read" and "write" processes work in nature? An oscillation or wave can be considered to be a read pulse if it impinges on a wave function and resonates with the wave function or certain components of waves within it. By resonance we mean it occurs as a result of similar frequencies--oscillations in phase. Such a signal resonating with, say, the internal structure of the wave function can act as a key (a principal feature of genetics?). Corresponding waves inherent within the resultant oscillation of the wave function are by Fourier analysis separated out . These waves now become active to do work or act as an instruction signal for some other entity. The separated waves may, however, still have complex modulations and they are still wave functions. Different whole wave functions could resonate, or merely their parts.

A "write" pulse, such as anyone's thoughts, will radiate wave functions to be recorded in the countless vortices of spacetime. Some media store information easier than others. Stone, quartz, bone, and water are considered high in storage capabilities, that is, their own oscillations have been modulated by appropriately related signals.

Returning to the example of coordination in skills, a big problem is how a large amount of information can be stored nonlinearly. We might consider for instance the long sequence of complex movements which must be stored for a concert pianist to play a concerto. Scientists have already recognised that these sequences are clearly not stored linearly--this would be extremely inefficient and impractical.

Consider an analogy with computers. Let the harddrive storage have the full memory of the movements to play the concerto. It is all there, all at once. But now we wish to apply this memory, that is download to the temporary memory, RAM, where a portion of the data on the harddrive will now appear on the screen (imagine all of this portion can appear on the screen). We perceive this data, which is immediately available, all at once (on the screen). This corresponds to the learning pattern or wave function. Consciousness grasps with the conscious mind plus the margin of consciousness a spread in time of information--the full learning pattern or wave function, all at once. In the computer analogy as we look at the screen, imagine reading text from the top to the bottom one word at a time. This is the conscious mind playing off one bit in time of the wave function. But as one gets to the end of the learning pattern (the end of the text) the wave function 'moves' along in time (the harddrive loads another page). But note that the change is actually not discrete. The wave function steadily and continuously 'moves' forward (the harddrive is loading steadily all the time). Thus the wave function or learning pattern bridges the dimensional gap between the total memory (the harddrive) and the sharp focus of application, the single movement (or reading of the text). The wave function thus is a transducer of energies. Its holographic properties have enabled it to convert a portion of holistic energy (higher-dimensional) to one bit at a time in our 3D space and time. The higher the skill of the person the greater is this span in time (and space, which is the same as time within the learning pattern). Or the computer monitor can hold more text. This is a proper definition of skill or instrumental technique--how many movements can be spanned simultaneously with the mind. Everything else falls into place--density of information is higher, coordination is better, speed of movement is easier and faster, etc. Imagine reading the text on the screen faster than the harddrive can load it--you can't of course. Thus the span of the learning pattern determines the ability. Thus the wave function as a learning pattern is a mechanism that enables one to translate holistic programs into linear ones within 3D space and time.

Now how is the information for the concerto stored in the "harddrive"? It is clearly all there, all at once. We say it must be stored cyclically in the periphery of the vortices as alluded to previously. One can picture the information going round in circles indefinitely, the simultaneity of which can be handled with higher dimensions, but to tap it off or access it the learning pattern or wave function must link this level to enable it to be expressed in material reality--actually playing the concerto.

This is a very difficult subject and these articles are very brief. As a final note we might add that an important field of research would be to relate the wave function--the quantum computer--as described here, with the central nervous system, in particular, with muscular activity.

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