Ralph Bergstresser
PurpleHarmonyPlates Website

Bergstresser |
HUNZA people have lived for centuries in a very remote
area high up in the Himalayan Mountains cut off completely
from the modern world. No electrical power or modern
machinery is available. The Hunza people number several
hundred thousand and have survived for over 500 years.
people live to an age of 150 years, and it is not uncommon
for some to live to 200 years of age. These amazing people
are vegetarians except for fish. Each person farms their own
land, which is donated by the government at time of birth.
Their life is difficult because the conditions they live
under are harsh.
The altitude is high,
the temperature is cold and they are not allowed to hire servants or
help in tilling their land which is fertile and free from sprays and
chemicals. The water used for irrigation on their agriculture crops
flows down from the mountains and is crystal clear. The water they
drink is cloudy, living, energized water that has been altered by
nature and now contains all of the minerals required for good health
and long life."
Healing Powers of the Ganges River
"For thousands of
years the native population of India have used the water from
the Ganges River for healing. Gallon jugs of this water from the
Ganges have been stored for over half a century at the
University of Calcutta, and are still completely free of
bacteria. "What causes the Ganges River Water in
India to have
such fantastic healing powers?" Although this has been one of
the great mysteries of nature, the secret of this miracle water
is now known.
"A tributary of water, that eventually finds its way into the
Ganges River, originates and begins its long journey from high
in the Himalayan Mountains. It is there, high in the mountains
where the atmosphere is clear and clean, that nature begins the
natural process of creating a special water. This process starts
when the mountain and its snow cover is bombarded by the higher
energies of the Universe: known as cosmic energy.
bombardment by cosmic 4th dimensional energy alters the atomic
and molecular structure of the rocks and granite that constitute
these magnificent mountains, and in turn, changes the chemistry
of the snow and water as it flows over them and down to the
lowlands. This chemistry change is adding the Life Force Energy
to the water. It is the Life Force Energy, which has now become
an intricate part of the water, that produces the healing
miracles of the Ganges River."
The Key is Known
"The key to this
phenomenon is now known and is utilized to produce the products
of Energy Innovation Products.
"How do these units work. The atomic structure ... of our
products has been altered. This process (proprietary) brings
these products into resonance or harmony with the basic energy
(free energy) of the universe. These devices are like
transceivers (receivers and transmitters). They create a field
of life force energy around themselves that will penetrate any
material substance ... by osmosis. The size of the mass of the
altered material will vary with each product and application....
"The most important energy in our life ... is our own vital
energy. The atomic structure of our products has been altered so
that they are in harmony, in tune, or in resonance with the life
force vibration. The products create a field of energy around
themselves and by ’osmosis’, this energy will penetrate any
living thing including an individual, plant or animal. With
radionic equipment, the life force energy may be measured on an
For example, on a scale of say from 0 to 100, the
energy reading of a person might be twenty to twenty-five. When
the person is handed an energy plate, the reading will instantly
increase up to ninety or ninety-five on the scale. This is an
indirect method of proving the product. The frequency of this ’life force energy’ can not be measured directly by any known
"Many years of research and study were required to bring about
these products. A curious mind is required for scientific
progress outside of the conventional realms. This all started in
India over forty years ago when I was guest of a maharaja. He
had an eight month old son that was very sick. I asked if he was
going to get a doctor. He said ’no, we have sent a man to obtain
some holy water from the Ganges River.’
In three days, the man
came with one gallon of water. They fed the water to the sick
child ... and like magic, the child was healed and back to
normal. To me, a miracle is the inability to understand a
scientific fact. How could the water cure the child? That was
the problem. It was this incident that triggered my curious mind
to find the answer and this led me into the present knowledge.
My conclusions after many years of research. God is Energy.
is Love, Positive Energy is Love. The ’Life Force Energy’ is
Ralph’s experience with the maharaja’s son led him to:
"... a conversation
with the famous scientist,
Dr. Nikola Tesla, in 1942.
’If you want to find the
secrets of the Universe, think in
terms of energy, frequency and vibration.’ I spent the last 50
years doing just that, and my products are a direct result of
this investigation."