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On June 30, 1908, at approximately 7:17
AM, an immense explosion occurred in the region of Stony
Tunguska, an area located approximately forty miles
north-northwest of Vanavara, Siberia. The explosion was sufficient
to register as tremors of earthquake-proportions on seismographs at
Irkutsk, roughly 550 miles to the south. Seismographs also
registered in Moscow, the Tsarist Empire capital, St. Petersburg,
Germany (in the city of Jena over 3,000 miles away), in Java
(Indochina), and Washington D.C.
The Tunguska explosion exceeded in sheer energy the enormous size,
long-term effects, and destructive capability of the volcanic
eruptions at Thera, a Greek island north of Crete, and now known as
Santorini (circa 1400 B.C.E.), Italy’s Vesuvius (August 24, C.E. 79)
and the island of Krakatoa located between Sumatra and Java (August
26, 1883). The Tunguska blast easily dwarfed the Hiroshima and
Nagasaki atomic bombs and all of the nuclear tests of the early
1950s. Estimated at 1023 ergs, the Siberian event is comparable only
with the explosion of the heaviest hydrogen bombs. As such, the
explosion did enormous damage, felling a forest and knocking down
every tree for scores of miles in every direction. At the same time
it killed not a single human being.

"click" image to
Tunguska is located in the Central
Siberian Plateau, a sparsely populated, desolate region of peat bogs
and pine forests. North of Irkutsk and the northern most tip of
Mongolia, the region is highly representative of the Tartar word for
Siberia, "the sleeping land". Tunguska is also NNE of the mysterious
Lake Baikal (which curves down toward Irkutsk).
According to John Baxter and Thomas Atkins, in their book
The Fire
Came By [1], the explosion resulted in an enormous "pillar of fire",
reaching heights such that the blinding column was visible for
hundreds of miles. This was followed by a series of thunderous claps
which could be heard for 500 miles or more.
Those closest to the blast were deafened, while at the same time, a
searing thermal current from the fire in the sky swept across the
hilly northern woods. Tall conifers were scorched and ignited and
would ultimately burn for days. Residents of Vanavara, a small
trading post some forty miles away, felt the fierce heat draft. They
were in some cases flung into the air as the shock wave arrived,
while pieces of sod were gouged up, ceilings collapsed, and windows
At Kansk, 375 miles to the south-southwest along the newly completed
Trans-Siberian Railway, hurricane-like gusts rattled doors, windows
and lamps -- followed within minutes by shock waves which knocked
down horses and hurled people working on nearby rafts into the
river. Dark clouds rose to an altitude of more than 12 miles,
resulting in the entire area being showered by an ominous "black
rain". The latter came from dirt and debris being sucked up into the
swirling vortex of the explosion and then being littered for
hundreds of miles around. Fluctuations in atmospheric pressure were
sufficient to be detected by a recently invented self-recording
barographs at six stations between Cambridge, 50 miles north of
London, and Petersfield, 55 miles south. Interestingly, it took the
meteorologists in England twenty years to make the connection
between their records and the devastation in Tunguska.
The comparative isolation of the Tunguska region is perhaps best
illustrated by the fact that Kansk, one of the main railroad towns
nearest the explosion, is 2,500 miles from Moscow and 3,000 from St.
Petersburg -- a distance as great as from New York City to Los
Angeles. Before the advent of the Trans-Siberian Railway, a trip
from St. Petersburg to Irkutsk could take a year or more. Many of
Irkutsk’s current day residents were originally political prisoners
and their descendants, who upon realizing they had been abandoned by
their government, knew they had no choice but to settle down and
farm. In effect, they could not hope to make it back to
Because of these factors, the first expedition to the region
intended to investigate the explosion did not occur until 1927,
almost twenty years later. In addition, the Russians in 1908 were
far more interested in their politics. Czar Nicholas had reluctantly
agreed in 1905 to the First Parliament, the Duma. Then in 1907, the
Czar found himself faced with revolutionaries being elected in large
numbers. The eventual revolution began in 1918.
Nevertheless, the scientific investigation some twenty years after
the fact did provide significant evidence. Near the center of the
blast, for example, many of the trees were still standing upright,
even though denuded of limbs and leaves. One investigator described
them as a "telegraph forest". Further from ground zero, however, the
trees were blown down and seared, forming concentric circles with
the bases of the trees all pointing in the direction of the center
of the blast. All of this evidence pointed to the fact that the
blast almost certainly occurred in mid air. There were no craters or
any other evidence to suggest an impact with the ground of any
flying object. In fact, one might compare the desolation (albeit on
a smaller scale) to the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki,
which were also mid air explosions.
For years, it was assumed by mainstream science that the Tunguska
explosion had been caused by a meteorite. But this implies that the
meteorite had to somehow explode in mid air. How this was to occur
has never been satisfactorily explained. Furthermore, accounts by
numerous eyewitnesses described a cylindrical object, glowing with a
bluish-white light and shining brightly (too bright for the naked
eye), moving vertically downward for about ten minutes just prior to
the blast. Even stranger was the earlier trajectory of the object.
Herdsman in the Gobi desert to the south described a fireball
streaking across the sky along a flight path (based on a later
reconstruction) at about 10º, just slightly east of true north.
Along this direction, the object approached Keshma from the south.
Then the object was observed by others moving very nearly due east
toward Preobrazhenka. This was followed by the object moving
slightly north of due west toward Vanavara. The explosion itself was
oval shaped, suggesting a prior motion in the westerly direction.
This is not the trajectory of a meteorite, comet or other natural
object. At the same time, it was unlikely to be a common aircraft,
inasmuch as in 1908, the United States War Department, after filing
Orville Wright’s initial letter in their "crank" file, were only
then giving him a contract to build the first military airplane. Not
until 1910 did the U. S. government conduct the first experiments in
actual bombing.
Baxter and Atkins [1]
have concluded that the object was an extraterrestrial craft which
exploded over Tunguska. Part of their reasoning includes the unusual
characteristics of nearby Lake Baikal, located to the
south-southeast of the blast area. The lake is the largest body of
fresh water in the world, a mile deep in some places. Of the 1800 or
so species of plant and animal life in its environs, some one
thousand of them are found nowhere else on Earth. The lake also has
an "eerie" reputation, including mythologies of strange races of men
inhabiting the unexplored areas of Siberia. Some of these creatures
supposedly hibernated for months, oblivious to external stimulus.
The implied suggestion is that Lake Baikal might be a base for
extraterrestrials. It would then follow that the object could have
been an extraterrestrial aircraft moving in the area -- either
leaving or returning to base -- but which then encountered
mechanical or other difficulties. The result was a mid-air explosion
of the craft.
An alternative possibility would be that the craft was destroyed
intentionally by other extraterrestrials in a battle. The trajectory
of the object, for example, could be likened to an attempt by an
intelligently controlled air or space craft to evade a pursuer, only
to fail at the attempt, resulting in its eventual massive
destruction. In effect, a mid-air "dog fight" or aerial combat
between two opposing forces.
Inasmuch as in 1908 there were no humans with such powers -- in
particular, capable of causing the size of the explosion -- such
alleged aerial maneuvers would have to be between extraterrestrials,
either of the same or different species. If we give credence to the
idea of
Zecharia Sitchin [2],
Laurence Gardner [3],
and others, whereby the ancient Sumerian tablets describe a group
known as
the Anunnaki ("those who from heaven to earth came"), and
who amply demonstrated their ability to war among themselves -- then
it is not necessary to imagine other extraterrestrials to account
for an apparent aerial combat between opposing forces. If nothing
else, a continuing conflict between Enki and Enlil would account for
any apparent battle.
At the same time, however, there were no reports of a second object
in the skies above Siberia. Another interpretation may be needed.
Inasmuch as the exact time and location of the explosion is well
known, an astrological natal chart of the event can be readily had,
and may be able to provide an alternative explanation.

The natal chart of the Tunguska blast is
striking -- particularly when the ingredients are analyzed in some
detail. The idea of a clear sign of some kind, or possibly a warning
being given, becomes inescapable. It is noteworthy the explosion did
not kill a single human being, but was easily witnessed by a variety
of methods -- from eyewitnesses to seismographs to barographs. Thus
one is forced to evaluate this event as being of profound
There is much to the implications of the Tunguska natal chart,
but for the moment, the reality of what happened in 1908 will remain
something of a mystery.
[1] John Baxter and Tom Atkins, The
Fire Came By, Doubleday, New York, 1976.
[2] Zecharia Sitchin,
The 12th Planet, Avon Books,
New York, 1976.
[3] Laurence Gardner, Genesis of the Grail Kings, Bantam Press,
New York, 1999.