Part 2

Martin: [Laughter] Shifting gears here just for a minute. Have you noticed or observed any specific effects on Earth, or Earth’s atmosphere, as a result of Mars proximity, or Mars coming in closer?

McCanney: Nothing specific. I do have a weather prediction, which I made for August. It’s based on a number of factors, one of which is Mars. But it’s not so much the proximity, because it’s only a few percent closer than normal. That’s one of the myths, that it’s somehow very, very close to us and that might affect us. But the situation is the following:

On August 27th there is a 4-way electrical alignment. This is actually the first major electrical alignment of the Summer—as opposed to other summers when we have, say, a Venus alignment earlier in the Summer. August 27th we have a New Moon. Mars is at its closest approach. We are in the August return current sheet of the solar capacitor. Those are four MAJOR contributors to advanced solar wind activity. So, I would say that August 27th we’re going to see, potentially, some serious hurricane-type or typhoon-type of activity.

Mars is related because it’s in alignment with those other factors. If it were just Mars, I wouldn’t give it that much credence. But, the fact that we have the New Moon—I’ve already talked about that a little bit and why that’s important—and then, the alignment with Mars.

August is an interesting time of year because that is when we have the maximum auroras, we have the maximum hurricane season, and we have the maximum tornado season. All of these peak in the month of August.

You have to ask yourself: "Why would auroras have anything to do with tornadoes and hurricanes?" Of course, if you are a traditional meteorologist, that escapes you totally and you just think: "Oh, that’s because it’s summer, because it’s hot." But that’s not the case, at all.

The case is: The Sun is pouring out an excess current of protons, which holds this giant capacitor way out in space, beyond the planets, beyond the farthest planets, and this is a large electrical capacitor. That current flow coming from the Sun cannot continue forever without some kind of return current sheet coming back to the Sun on an ongoing basis. One of those "rivers of current" that comes back to the Sun happens to be where we pass through in the month of August, and so there’s a tremendous amount of energy flowing in that particular region. That’s why in August we get the maximum hurricane season and auroras, which is due to electrons coming in from the sunward side of Earth. They come pounding into our upper atmosphere. They come down the magnetic field-lines to the North Pole and South Pole and cause the auroras. And so, the peak of the aurora season is in August.

So, we have auroras, hurricanes, and tornadoes, all peaking in August. It’s due to what I’ve identified as the "return current sheet" of August. That’s part of my theoretical structure dealing with Earth weather and the Sun/Earth connection.

You have to also factor in that there is a New Moon. Now, a few facts about the Moon: The Moon lies outside of our magnetic field for about 2/3 of its orbit, when it’s in the higher, the rear side of Earth, in other words, the far side, away from the Sun. It sits in what is known as the magnetic tail. It’s a long, sweeping tail, that electrically, magnetically, extends out behind Earth. The Moon is actually hidden in that tail when it’s out in that direction.

Now, as it moves around in its orbit and is moved out to the side of Earth, it breaks out of our magnetic field completely. Now, the Moon is out there, solo, so the speak, attached to the solar wind, on its own, and is buffeted by the solar winds. As it moves in front of us—between us and the Sun—it’s blocking the solar winds, and we are relieved for a short period of time from that direct pounding we get from the solar winds.

So, our magnetic field expands, and it balloons out. As the Moon moves out of the way, that solar wind comes pounding in, and what used to be a big balloon magnetic field now comes compressing in all of a sudden. That’s one of the factors that contributes toward major weather systems, when the energy comes just pounding in, the magnetic field compresses, which very much accelerates the jet stream, and that energy flow down to the surface of the Earth, electrically, just continues cascading in toward Earth, and that’s what drives these big weather systems. So, that’s the New Moon factor.

We have Mars aligning-up, and it has its own current sheet with the Sun. And we’re passing through the return current sheet of the Sun itself, of the big solar capacitor. So, we have these 4 major factors, electrically, lining-up on August 27th. Watch around the 27th to 29th and you’ll see those storms, those same storms you see coming across the Atlantic, every day, are going to whip-up into hurricanes. And the same with the Pacific; those tropical storms systems that are moving around the globe all the time are going to whip-up into hurricanes.

At any rate, you asked about Mars and its closest approach. That is just one of the four factors that is occurring at that time, and therefore, Mars is a factor. It is not the only factor. It’s one of four factors that will greatly affect our weather at that time.

If you could, for some reason, throw in a comet that might be unexpected—say a comet came around the Sun and came into alignment with these other celestial objects—the Moon, Earth, Mars, and that return current sheet—we would have a dandy set of conditions for tremendous hurricane conditions.

Actually, that occurred once before. I believe it was September 6, 1999. I made a prediction the Spring before, and of course that is described in my first book, Planet X, Comets & Earth Changes, regarding a small comet called Comet Lee. It came over the Sun, up around behind Earth on September 6th. I noticed this alignment the May before, May 1999. We had Venus first, a New Moon, Mars, and Comet Lee all lined-up perfectly.

I said: "On September 6th we are going to see tremendous storm activity." That’s the day that there were a bunch of storm systems in the Atlantic, but on September 6th, that’s the day that Hurricane Floyd formed, along with 5 other hurricanes in the Atlantic. Also, that was one of the storm systems that disproved the traditional theory of how hurricanes form, because right on the heals of Floyd was another hurricane that came exactly over the same path, over the same warm water of the Atlantic, and formed actually a hurricane almost as big as Floyd which, according to traditional theory, would be impossible, if it is absorbing all of this energy out of the warm ocean water. So, literally, it disproved that theory, once again, in another way.

That’s the story on Mars. There won’t be any gravitational significance.

I should add here that in my more recent book, Atlantis To Tesla—The Kolbrin Connection, I talk about how, in ancient days, the ancients said that Mars was orbiting much, much closer to Earth, and it was a water planet. I would estimate, from the descriptions that they gave, that it was visibly—in the sky, that is—about 1/4 the size of our Moon; so, it was very, very visible in the sky and it would come that close in its orbit.

Some things happened about 4,000 years ago, during another encounter of a very large celestial object moving through the Solar System at that time, which moved Mars much farther away in its orbit to where it is today. Also, it relieved Mars of its atmosphere and its oceans, which the ancients describe very dramatically, as they talk about the electrical connection that was made between the huge comet and Mars. They saw, literally, the oceans of Mars sucked-off, leaving the "red planet" that we see today. That’s why Mars today is in the condition that it’s in today.

It’s a very pristine planet, with rivers and ocean markings all over the place, but which of course has no rivers or oceans. With the tremendous dust storms that occur on that planet annually, all of those pristine conditions would have eroded away, centuries, thousands of years, millions of years ago, if Mars lost its oceans a long time ago. So we know from that little fact that Mars lost its oceans only recently, very recently, in fact. And the ancients talk about it, from every culture that has handed down information to us about the fact that Mars, not that long ago in historical times, probably 4,000 ago, had an orbit which came much closer to Earth, and Mars was a very blue water planet, just like Earth.

So, at any rate, that’s kind-of the situation with Mars.

Martin: Are there any significant new developments concerning so-called Planet X or Nibiru?

McCanney: None, other than the fact that I was seeing comets coming in daily from the South. Sometimes I would see a dozen small comets just streaking into the Sun, all coming from the South. And, statistically, for every comet that you would see—this was with the SOHO satellite—there were 100 that you didn’t see, because they were either smaller or out of the visible field of view. All these comets were, literally, just raining-in from the South.

So, once again, I’ve looked at many factors. Some of the great big solar flares are going out to the South. There seems to be an abnormal number of big flares going to the South. All of these are telling me—the fact, also, the Sun’s condition is building up much more rapidly than can be explained by any other factor.

We know, for example, from the butterfly patterns—these are the patterns that are described as butterfly patterns, but they are the annual sunspot counts that go back to the time when Galileo first saw them. We have these records which go back for hundreds of years, literally, of sunspot counts. Today, they are simply off the charts. They are WAY out of the normal pattern that has existed for 300 years, really longer than that, probably 400 years.

This data has been kept, then all of sudden, in the year 2000, the butterfly patterns go wild. They call it a butterfly pattern because the increase and the decrease in the sunspot count, as you chart them along a timeline, form a pattern that looks like a butterfly. So, these patterns are very consistent for a 400 year period, and then all of sudden, in the year 2,000, they go haywire. And our weather is haywire.

The people in the international meteorological community recognize this. And you have scientists in the United States saying: "There is not a problem. Everything is normal. Nothing is happening. Don’t worry about that man behind the curtain over there."

Martin: Is there any new data concerning our planet’s magnetic poles and shifting toward Zero Point?

McCanney: The situation with the magnetic fields is as follows: 80% of our magnetic field is in the form of electrical currents moving around the planet Earth. We have solar detectors all over the Earth, on the surface, and we have them up in space.

If you look at the space magnetic fields, which are basically driven by the solar wind on a daily basis, these are fluctuating positive and negative on a daily basis. We’re being bombarded by x-rays on a daily basis, tremendous x-ray activity coming off the Sun. Whereas, say, back in the 1990s, they had different classification of x-ray flares—there are M-Class, X-Class, and so on, different letter values.

A large flare would have been, maybe, every 6 months, which would be a red bar on the particular chart that you would see on the SOHO page, which comes from, actually, the ghost satellite, I believe—I forget which one was giving us that data that’s on the SOHO homepage on the Internet. Back then, one of these red bars, which represent a 3-hour period of X-ray activity, some of these red bars—which is a significant X-ray dose—one of those every 3-6 months would be considered quite the norm. NOW we’re getting 3, 4, 5 of these red bars in a row, followed by maybe 1 or 2 yellow or green bars, which are smaller dosages, followed by 3, 4, 5 red bars again!

We’re getting bombarded by x-rays, something that you’re not hearing about in the news. This is not on the evening news at all: "Today, this is your daily x-ray dosage." And it’s hard to determine what the effect of that on the public would be because it’s not something that can be directly measured today. The only effect or measurement might be 10 years from now, of increased cancer rates or other things like that.

That is related, also, to the magnetic conditions of Earth that are changing wildly. They go very much positive, very much negative. What happens when the solar magnetic field—which is reaching out and passing by us in the solar winds—when that goes negative, it actually cancels out our own terrestrial magnetic field. At that point we don’t have a magnetic shield any more around us, and the solar wind particles just come pounding in, causing secondary particles, and that’s also a very big source of damaging, high-energy particles that would affect people, their genetics, and that type of thing. Once again, you’re not hearing about this on the evening news.

So, yes, our magnetic field is in big trouble. It has been for, really, a couple of years, but lately, the last 3 months, the solar wind has been changing wildly. I noticed just last night, for example, the solar wind speed went from 700 kilometers per second down to 400 kilometers per second in a matter of hours. This is almost unheard of. This is a tremendously rapid change in solar conditions in a matter of just minutes, literally. At any rate, there’s a lot going on with the Sun.

Martin: You were talking about this dramatic shift in the solar wind speed. What would cause such a radical shift?

McCanney: It was about at 11:00 at night, it was about 680. By 4:00 in the morning, it was down below 400.

Martin: What could cause such a thing?

McCanney: Usually it will vary over maybe a week period, or something like that. But what we’re getting are wild fluctuations in the particle counts, in the wind speeds, in the magnetic fields, and in all of the properties of the solar wind which should be nice and stable. So, basically, the Sun is a-huffin’ and a-puffin’. It’s not good.

Martin: Do you have any theories about where it’s going to go?

McCanney: No.

Martin: Is there a ceiling?

McCanney: This is why I talk about "action at a distance", because I think there is something moving in. That doesn’t mean it’s going to come in and come near us, or anything like that. But something is out there in the far reaches of the Solar System, and it is affecting the Sun. So these effects are what we’re getting.

By the way, I want to emphasize another point about sunspots. This is on a scale that has never been seen before in any recorded measurements of the Sun, the solar sunspot cycle, back to when measurements started, 300-400 years ago, has been very stable. There was a thing called the "Mounder Minimum", which caused a very small ice-age in Europe at one time back in the Middle Ages, and that was related to a sunspot cycle deficiency.

But we’re on the other side of activity now. We’re going off the deep-end on the very active, high-energy side of the Sun now.

So, we’re definitely feeling it. We’re going to have more violent weather, very much faster changing weather, the jet streams are going to be going crazy; they already are. We’re seeing very cold temperatures one day, then very hot the next. The Earth weather is erratic and way out of norm. And this is the direct result of what’s happening with our Sun, which drives our weather on a daily basis.

Martin: How much of this was linked, somehow, to the Mayan calendar and what the Mayans saw?

McCanney: I don’t think any that I am aware of is linked to the Mayan calendar. The situation with the Mayan calendar is that their calendar was based on cycles of Venus, primarily. That was the main thing. And, of course, they had the Zodiac and their other daily routines, but the Mayan calendar goes way, way, way back.

The Mayan calendar is a system of wheels, basically notched wheels, much like a clock in that there is the daily wheel, and every day that moves a notch, and that moves the same as our weeks type of wheel, which moves one notch, and on and on; and these are intricately related. It’s much like a numbers game in which, for example, we’re repeating numbers that are not prime numbers.

There are a number of mathematical analogies that you could use for calendar systems, but basically it’s a repeating type of system, just like a clock is, where you have seconds, minutes, hours, days, months, years, etc. And sometimes related in a nice regular pattern, whereas our months, for example, are not.

The Mayans had a very nice, methodical calendar. And when it got completely through all of its cycles, it returned back to the original state. One of the main cycles was, I think, a 57-year cycle. And then there was a multiple of that, which eventually built-up. I don’t recall all of the numbers.

At any rate, this was really based on the cycle of Venus. As with all the ancients, they were very interested in Venus because on two occasions, very far back in the early pre-Mayan history, the Indians lived through the Venus catastrophe. They knew that every 57 years there was a potential that Venus would come back, on a cycle, and ravage Earth. They were very tuned to the heavens and the clocking of the celestial sphere, etc.

This carried forward up until the Spanish came. You see, the Aztec calendar is a derivative of the Mayan calendar. These all are based on Venus. They’re based on the Sun, the Moon, but the primary driver is Venus.

So, people say: "Well, today, Venus is just this little dot up there in the sky. It comes around. It’s a bright planet, sure, but what’s the big deal?"

Back 4,000 years ago, when Mars orbit was much closer to Earth, Venus was a huge comet in the Solar System, and it came close to Earth on two different occasions causing tremendous damage to Earth.

In fact, in the Mayan religion there is a ceremony, much like the Passover, in that they would go into hiding, basically into their huts or caves or whatever, and they would close doors and they would paint the blood of an animal over the door. It’s very similar to the Passover type of ceremony.

They would spend the night there, beseeching Venus—which was Quetzalcoatl to them, their primary deity—to not destroy Earth. If they came out in the morning and Earth had been spared, they would rebuild and put another layer on their temple cities. So, when you go to the big Mayan cities they, literally, are built layer upon layer upon layer, over all of these 57-year cycles, down through the centuries.

The other thing that I want to mention is about Quetzalcoatl, who is the main deity of the Mayans. It goes back to Venus. Quetzalcoatl was Venus. And you wonder why "the plumed serpent god" who ruled the sky is related to Venus, and that is because back in the early days, before Venus settled into its current orbit as a planet, it was a raging comet moving through the Solar System. That’s where my theories explain how comets work, how the big comets work, and that they, in fact, can become planets within the Solar System. This is not abnormal, this is how it works. It’s just that everybody has been handed this "harmless, dirty-little-snowball" explanation from NASA and the standard science community, but I claim that explanation is totally incorrect.

A good example in recent times is the huge comet Hale-Bopp, which had a nucleus about the size of our Moon. Another example is that Comet NEAT-V1, which came around last April. Remember, it came by the Sun and was visible to the naked eye, sitting next to the Sun. That was another example where NASA took down the SOHO satellite and put out lie upon lie upon lie about this comet. Then they said: "Oh, that comet only had a nucleus of a half-mile across." Who would believe that?

Martin: It was huge.

McCanney: From here up to the corner street, only that big, was supposed to be visible next to the Sun, 10 million miles away from the Sun, and a streamer comes out at it that is 5 million miles long and interacts with it? And you can see this with your naked eye from Earth, and yet it’s only a half-mile wide?!

Martin: [Laughter]

McCanney: I mean, who do they think they’re kidding?

Martin: [Laughter]

McCanney: I mean, is that absurd?

Martin: It’s as crazy as it gets.

McCanney: It’s absolutely insane. Of course that thing was gigantic and planet-size. But they did their best to lie and try to fool the public into thinking that: "No, there’s nothing out there. Don’t worry about it."

It’s just a huge lie.

Moreover, at this point I think the public is pretty much convinced that NASA is lying on a big scale, and has been for a long time. I think the other thing that the public is realizing is that my theories regarding what comets are, are correct, my theories regarding how the electrical Solar System works are correct.

And so, the bottom line is: Hale-Bopp and Comet NEAT-V1 are examples of BIG comets with BIG nuclei that really affect the Sun. And when you see that picture of Comet NEAT-V1 there, and this flare coming out from the Sun, you realize the tremendous power that is locked between that comet and the Sun.

[Editor’s note: Refer back to the front-page feature story of the May 2003 issue of The SPECTRUM, and the related photographs on page 49.]

And that particular flare did not come out at us, but it points out that IF that flare would come out at us, it would be a tremendous jolt to Earth. The thing I keep stressing is, a flare like that would take-out our electrical grid system. It wouldn’t just knock it down for an hour and then recover. It would, basically, fry all the components in our grid system and it wouldn’t come back.

If we lose our electrical system, all communications will go down, you couldn’t pump gas, etc. Literally, nothing in this society would work anymore. You would be stuck where you are, with no facilities of any kind. Your furnace wouldn’t work, your air conditioning wouldn’t work. Every facility that we have in our modern society is linked to electricity. It’s just a matter of time.

I think that’s when people are going to realize that they’ve been had, because we wouldn’t have to be in this predicament with a little bit of foresight and planning. Because we could engineer the grid system to, basically, disconnect during such times. But it’s not presently set-up to do that.

Martin: Well, of course, the elite are perfectly well set in their underground facilities, and they will have all of the power and the food that they need, and to hell with the rest of humanity.

McCanney: Right, yeah. In fact, it’s their goal to get rid of everybody. They think they’re going to have a much nicer life without all these "useless" people around.

But, at any rate, the situation with the weather IS VERY CRITICAL. My estimation is that, one of these days, people are going to look up in the sky and they’re going to see a huge comet up there. This thing is not going to be some little fuzzball, but it’s going to be a big, wild comet. It’s going to be quite visible. And they’re going to see the electrical discharges snapping out at other planets. Maybe there will be two comets, snapping back and forth between each other.

But, at that point, people are going to go: "That’s not a little snowball." And NASA will be on TV, and they’re going to have their hired guns saying:

"Don’t mind that. Those are just dirty snowballs. There’s nothing to worry about. They’re not going to hit Earth; they are going to pass by; they’re not going to hit us."

This is what you’ll hear; I guarantee you, that is what will be on the news. That is about the point when your electricity goes out, the Sun is going crazy, the tornadoes come by, day after day after day, and people are going to go: "I don’t think this is normal!" And you’re going to have the meteorological mouths on TV saying: "Don’t worry, folks; this is normal." This is, literally, what’s going to happen.

Martin: Let’s talk about your new book. For many years there has been the theory that Atlantis was in the Atlantic, Lemuria was in the Pacific, and pre-Lemuria, pre-Atlantis was an ancient civilization called Mu. What makes you conclude that it is, specifically, Atlantis that they are investigating in the South China Sea area, as opposed to Mu, or Lemuria?

: There again, Atlantis, apparently, was the last civilization that really went down. It was a very advanced culture that we hear about in legends that had directed energy beams, big mirrors, big lasers, had the ability to fly, and I believe, space flight. I believe that they were landing on Mars. They had regular movement between Earth and Mars, when Mars was a water planet. When Mars came very close in its orbit to Earth, it was a very simple shuttle trip to go to Mars, and you did not have to take any provisions with you because Mars was a water planet, just like Earth.

So, basically, there were civilizations on Mars, on Earth, and once every 5 years or so, when the planets aligned, you could make a trip back and forth, which was quite commonplace at that time.

This is the overall scenario. They knew about atmospheric electricity. They were able to tap into it. They had unlimited electrical power. They had been around for thousands of years, as opposed to, say, our civilization of modern, Western man in the United States, of the last 100 years. In a 10,000-year period they would have been quite advanced, and learned how to live with the environment without destroying themselves and the environment.

Be that as it may, to answer the question regarding the South China Sea, there are many, many factors. The study which convinced me of the significance of the South China Sea was done by a physicist from Brazil. He published this in 1997, which is to my estimation about when the Navy went in there, took it seriously, and actually started digging around over there.

Let me explain what this scientist did. You can get more details at his website. He did a very extensive and very interesting methodical study. He went through all of the legends, and all the things that had to be on the island, the continent of Atlantis, all of the different conditions. I’ve actually added some, since then. It’s very extensive. He goes into the bloodlines of the people who descended from the Atlanteans. It turns out that they had a very distinctive bloodline. The fact that it had vast plains larger than Asia Minor; it had roaming herds of large Mastodons, elephants, those types of large animals, horses; it had to, of course, be an area where these animals had evolved over long periods of time.

So, he took all of these conditions and he made a table. He looked at all of the places that people had suggested, previously, including Antarctica, Norway, Brazil, on and on, all these other places—the Atlantic ocean, the Azores, the Canary Islands, on and on, that were suggested as being places where Atlantis used to be.

In ancient times, there was no Pacific Ocean by name, and the waterways were quite a bit different than they are now because of the tilt of the Earth. It was before a pole shift. What we call the Laurentian Ice Shield was actually the old North Pole. At the time, Siberia had a tropical climate with large herds of Mastodons and vast tropical plains and forests.

When you realize this, then the Northern route around North America is no longer blocked by ice, but becomes an open water channel for navigation. Also, then, Antarctica would move into—latitude wise, relative to the North and South Celestial Poles—somewhere into the region where the South Indian Ocean is now. So it, literally, would have been a temperate climate back then, and inhabited, maybe very heavily populated.

Basically, the mantle of the Earth’s crust shifted by about 40 degrees. The situation prior to the catastrophe—the pole shift—and the pole shift being caused by a gravitational wave—now, I’m mixing some of his stuff with mine here—but he made two observations: One was, in the old Atlantean world there was only one ocean and it was called the Ocean of the Atlanteans, or the Atlantic Ocean. And you have to look in our modern history, the Pacific Ocean was not named until Balboa and Magellan discovered it back in the 1500s. It was Magellan who named it the Pacific Ocean because it was so calm the day he saw it. So, literally, prior to that the Pacific Ocean lay there, nameless, back into any previous history.

Another factor is the map that Columbus had. When he came westward, he had a map that the Phoenicians had handed-down. And in fact, he was expecting to find this shoreline that was one of the indicators that he was going to look at to know that he was halfway to the West Indies. It turns out that shoreline is now under the Antarctic icecap. But, in previous times, it was in a much more temperate latitude. It would have been navigable by a sailor. It would have been recognizable because it was a very distinct coastline. Columbus was actually looking for that, and of course, never understood that it was under the Antarctic icecap.

Later, only through satellite imaging through the icecap did they recognize that the shoreline on Columbus’ map was identical with the shoreline of Antarctica, exactly!

The one realization that this brilliant physicist came to was that there was only one Atlantic Ocean.

The second thing was that the Pillars of Hercules, in the ancient interpretation, was the island of Cracatoa and its sister volcano that sits now in the Straight of Sunda, between Sumatra and Java. That’s right off the South China Sea. This was the entrance into the channel, into the main continent of Atlantis.

And so, when Solon brought the information back from the ancient Egyptians, it ended-up in one of the ancient Greek dissertations. Basically, this is where the Greeks got their information, and this is where we get a lot of our information about Atlantis. But the statement was that Atlantis, the continent, lay in the Atlantic Ocean beyond the Pillars of Hercules. Well, the Greek "modern" interpretation was the Rock of Gibraltar and their only knowledge of any ocean was outside there, and that was called the Atlantic Ocean. The ancient Greeks didn’t know that there was all of this—the North American continent and what we now call the Pacific, which was, in ancient days, simply one vast ocean called the Atlantic Ocean.

And so, if you take your finger from the Rock of Gibraltar, when the Greeks said "opposite the Pillars of Hercules", what they REALLY meant was on the other side of the globe, not outside that in the Atlantic Ocean. There are a lot of other factors regarding the South China Sea. It’s very shallow, right now. When Atlantis went down, it went down! In my book I talk about the night it happened, when Venus came across—or whatever celestial object it was—that basically threw it up, probably between 100-500 meters, and then it went whomp, and it went down in one big collapse and under the ocean, but it didn’t go under that far. The South China Sea is very shallow.

So, you have to have all of these properties of Atlantis—the vast plains, where the animals could evolve over a long period of time; and when it went under, it only went under a short distance. It didn’t go under miles. There is no place in the Atlantic that is like this. After the collapse of Atlantis, when the ancient mariners went back in to find it—when they went back through the Pillars of Hercules, which was Cracatoa and it’s sister island there, they couldn’t get through. It was just floating bogs of grass and seaweed, all bound-up in a mix of lava and mud. They would go in a little ways, and their boats would get all tangled-up, and they wouldn’t be able to get back out. So, they couldn’t get in very far to see what had happened with Atlantis.

That’s not like the Atlantic Ocean. The Atlantic Ocean has a short continental shelf outside the Rock of Gibraltar, and then it drops down. It drops down and is very steep there. None of that fits the picture of what happened to Atlantis. Atlantis only went under the ocean a short ways. And so, the South China Sea now is very much like that.

I have a bunch of properties of my own to add to the picture. For example, the electrical nature of the South China Sea is very active. In fact, NASA completely shuts-off communications when it flies over that area because it is electrically attached outside the planet. This was one of the big things that led the Atlanteans to discover electricity—natural, atmospheric electricity—so early, which later was "rediscovered" by Tesla. That’s why I group them together in the same book—because Tesla is connected through the ancient documents that were handed-down and ultimately kept in the basement of the Vatican. Tesla had access to these through his father, who actually worked in the Vatican. That’s where he got his first lead on developing these electrical devices that he developed. All of these ancient texts were actually passed-down, and still existed in the basement of the Vatican.

But, back to Atlantis. The South China Sea, before the rotation of the pole shift, was about 5 degrees south of the Equator. If you take a globe and you put your finger where the old North Pole used to be—north of the state of Michigan—and you put your other finger on the globe in the South Indian Ocean—diametrically opposed—and you rotate this Earth, you’ll find that the South China Sea, where Atlantis was, ends-up just a few degrees south of the old Equator.

The situation, then, if you look East from Atlantis, it goes over halfway around the globe. The next point of land is the very southern tip of South America and Antarctica. And what happens then concerns these storm systems. This westward-moving equatorial electron belt, which circles the globe, which would create circles right over their head, had tremendous, tremendous electrical energy, basically stored-up until it got to Atlantis, and then just came raining out of the sky. So, they had almost unlimited, huge, huge amounts of electrical power coming down out of the sky. I use the analogy:

"Living in Atlantis and not understanding about atmospheric electricity would be like living in Polynesia and not knowing how to swim."

They were just flooded with this incredible amount of energy coming out of the sky. Basically, they learned very early how to tap into this, how to harness it, and how to distribute it. That was the source of their advanced civilization, harnessing this natural electrical energy.

The South China Sea is, today, very electrically active. It’s the most active electrical spot on the planet.

Martin: And you believe that our government is down there actually trying to excavate some of this technology?

McCanney: Yes, absolutely. It is one of the top priorities in the military, in the government, and within the Secret Societies who oversee the governments of the world, the very rich people who create wars, etc. It’s about finding oil and controlling oil because the ancient technologies are something that they’re on the verge of discovering. One of the little-known facts about the Iraq war—and I think one of the prime motivators for moving into Iraq so quickly—was to get into the archeological fields. Iraq had just discovered some major finds over there that went back to those ancient times. It is known that there were big batteries in there. Not a lot of word came out of those areas, but definitely they were onto something.

One of the very first things the military did over there was to secure those archeological fields. That’s why they want a presence over there—not to protect Baghdad; that’s a front. They want clear reign over those archeological fields, as well as the oil fields. This is a very top priority for these people, getting into those ancient technologies. They knew they had electromagnetic propulsion systems for space travel. This is what these people thrive on—like I say, it far outweighs the search for power and oil.

Martin: It’s my understanding through a confidential source that the ancient technology that was recovered from that region, although it’s "secure", is essentially in a situation where they don’t know what to do with it. We go back to intent. They don’t know what they’re doing. They’re in way over their heads.

I would predict that will happen again, if they do, in fact, recover any Atlantean technology; they again will be in over their heads and will be, essentially, stuck with something they really don’t know what they’re dealing with.

McCanney: Right, and in typical form, they would not tell anybody, keep it secret, and ultimately make a mess of it, and possibly destroy what could be derived from that.

Martin: We’re back to the ultimate scientific quandary: what is an honorable scientist to do?

McCanney: Right, right. The situation with scientists today is that anybody who has, during their careers, signed-over to either corporations, the military, or government agencies, is basically BOUND FOR LIFE! That’s why I don’t have any ties to any of them. I never did. When I got my Master’s Degree, I of course was working under an assistantship type of grant money. But, other than that, I’ve never worked for the government, or any of these agencies or companies. All of my work has been strictly independent. As a result, I don’t have any ties to these people.

Martin: Most of the scientists are already locked-in to the "non-disclosure" situation, but there have got to be some up-and-coming scientists in the world who are not locked-in yet. Has there been any networking effort to create an honorable scientific underground, or some kind of mechanism whereby there can be an exchange of knowledge that is not hindered through non-disclosure agreements?

McCanney: Well, two things. One is that I get emails all the time from students. "I’m a physics student at such-and-such. I’ve been following your stuff and I want to learn more about it." So, there’s definitely a growing interest in the student crowd.

In fact, that’s one thing that I hope to do in the future, is to do exactly that. I’m not sure if you would call it "influencing" these people, but I would like to encourage them to become independent scientists, and not go the route of the standard PhD—get your first job, get a grant, work under some professor, or work in some government agency, or in some government laboratory, or whatever.

In a sense, it’s really everything you’ve been working for. There are no good telescopes, or real facilities, that are privately funded. And if there were, I just wonder how long they would be around without being severely scrutinized, because these people are very adamant about keeping a lid on science.

They don’t know what to do about me. I can take a little bit of bad data that dribbles out, and I can interpret more out of that than they can with all of their good data and supercomputers, because I know what’s going on. I know the theoretical basis for what’s going on.

It’s very difficult for someone to go all the way through, get a Ph.D., and then say: "I’m not going to go and bite the hook."

Martin: In your interactions with people around the globe, are there any particular countries that seem to be generating scientists more openly? Is there a specific country that has a promising crop of scientists?

McCanney: Russia is an interesting place, but the last word I had, directly, was last Spring, when I was at the International UFO Congress, and I talked quite a bit with the 3rd person, basically, in the Soviet Union, the head of security.

Martin: I know who you’re talking about.

McCanney: They very definitely are advancing, and they have a very open society with a real search for the truth. What’s going on in Western society is very much the opposite; it’s trying to control and everything is "black ops" and "top secret". It’s a whole different mechanism. We’re very industrialized and mechanized. Everything has to be computerized and categorized. In a free-flowing, free-thinking society, that’s really open, it’s just the opposite. So, there is a big clash on a worldwide basis regarding technology.

Right now we have a military that is so huge, and requires so much in terms of resources, that it is, literally, scouring the globe to protect resources so that it will self-generate. We have a military that is utilizing incredible amounts of resources and literally wasting them. It’s like pouring it down a Black Hole because they’re doing, literally, no earthly good. When they become active, they destroy.

So, our resources are going into our military. It’s sucking this country dry. The military is off on its own, right now scouring the world for resources, and it’s an entity unto itself. It’s a machine that, unless Planet X comes through, I don’t think anything can stop it.

Martin: That’s quite a thought.

I’m almost reluctant to go down this road, but we might as well. There was some interest among our readership when you mentioned the Kolbrin Bible in our last interview. Why has—and the answer to this is so obvious, but I want you to comment on it—why has this book been so deeply undercover? What is in that book that represents a threat to the Powers That Be?

McCanney: It’s a true history of man. It’s a true history of the catastrophe of the flood [the one familiar from the biblical book of Genesis], and it’s a true history of what was going on before the flood. That’s the reason that the book is so tightly guarded. If it were somehow to leak out of the secret holding, it would be just a matter of a short amount of time before it would be changed and bastardized, just like all of the other versions of the Old Testament, and then who would be the one to say: "I’ve got the correct, original version." So that’s why it’s kept. Also, it’s kept because the people holding it would not last long if it was found out who is holding it. There are a number of reasons, and this has been a battle that has been going on for hundreds, if not thousands, of years.

Martin: Two thousand, to be exact.

McCanney: Yeah. Where it came from prior to that is not totally known. But most of these ancient documents, like Columbus’ map, were tightly guarded by people, individuals, and handed-down. Human nature was the same then as it is now. You find that modern versions of the Bible are almost unrecognizable. They don’t talk about the ancient civilizations. They don’t talk about the catastrophe. They don’t talk about the fact that it was a large comet coming from beyond the Solar System that caused the damage.

Martin: Now, again, to clarify for our readers—we’re talking Old Testament, right?

McCanney: Right, correct. Much of the link to the past is, in fact, for myself, is a link also to the confirmation of my scientific theories regarding the electrical nature of the Solar System. Because these are not small, little comets. These are big, raging, electrically active comets that can span the heavens, so to speak.

It confirms, in a sense, that part of my scientific theories. It also gives you the source of the electrical nature of the Solar System which, ultimately, was the source of power of the ancient civilizations. Then, up to Tesla, where he rediscovered, basically, enough of the ancient designs to get him started. Then once he got started, he was an inventor and understood the principles. This is one of the points that I make in my book. One of the very essential elements, if you look in the Old Testament, of the electrical devices, if you look at ancient Atlantis and you look at Tesla, the one thing they all had in common which is absolutely necessary for the development of the electronics is glass.

You might think: "That’s kind of a funny thing." But glass is a very necessary material to make these electrical components. The big glass tubes for amplifiers, for mirrors, for lenses, for batteries, for insulators, for the electrical propulsion system, and on and on. Glass is a major, important component. Atlantis had it. It’s very clear that the devices in the Old Testament that were electrical had glass in them. And it’s what Tesla needed to make his devices work, besides metal. You also need metal for the conductor portions. But, glass is a very important material.

Martin: For our readers out there who are unaware of what we’re talking about with the Kolbrin Bible, obviously you’re not going to go to Barnes & Noble, or even on the Internet doing a search, you won’t find anything about the Kolbrin Bible. Is that correct?

McCanney: Correct, yes. I get that asked all the time: " Where can I get a copy? I’ve searched, I’ve gone, I’ve called, I’ve been on the Internet." No. It’s not something that you’re going to find. What I tell people is that, if you’re lucky, it may find you. But, it’s once again, something that is held tightly within small groups, and basically handed down within families. They don’t talk about it. It’s not something that somebody is going to release, or say: "Oh, you’re a good guy, I’ll give you a copy." It’s not going to happen.

Martin: Do you want to talk for a moment about how people can get your new book?

McCanney: Yes. The new book title is: Atlantis To Tesla—The Kobrin Connection: The Science Of Atlantis And Tesla Are Rediscovered, Giving A Unique, Untold View Of Life On The Lost Continent, Ancient Spacecraft Design, Unlimited Electrical Power, And The Secret Societies.

It’s available, of course, on my website, and there is an 800 number which I’ve set up, in addition to mail-order. At the 800 number, only the PAIR of books are sold. Planet X, Comets & Earth Changes and the new book Atlantis To Tesla. The two books, with mailing, would normally add up to $39. But what I’ve done, I’ve included shipping, and the total price is only $28 for the two books. On the 800 number you can just order the two-book set. The mail-order address is also for the two-book set. The phone number for ordering the two-book set is: 800-289-2891. The mail-order address is: JMCC, P. O. Box 58, Navarre, MN 55392.

I’m selling them as a set because it is a matched set of books. Also, you’re not going to understand Atlantis To Tesla without understanding the physics and the science—concerning the electrical nature of the Solar System—presented in the first book. You wouldn’t understand where the Atlanteans got their information, their knowledge. They were using it. You’re not going to understand the propulsion system unless you understand the science of an electrical Solar System. It’s the same with Tesla. To understand the electrical fields that he was tapping into, to produce unlimited electrical energy out of the atmosphere, you won’t understand that unless you go back to the source of that energy, the Sun, and that’s described in the first book.

As a benefit to the reader, I am offering the two-book set at a considerably reduced price. People are quite satisfied with this. And, of course, people who already have the first book can buy just the second book, but that is ONLY available at my Internet website.

Martin: I’d like to wind-up with two last questions. The first question is: If you were talking directly to a group of scientists internationally, what would you say to them?

McCanney: The direction that scientists are being led, in terms of development for use of science for military purposes, there would not be a military if it were not for the scientists who develop the technologies that then go into the military. And the reason we have to leave the military behind is multi-fold.

One is: at a certain point in our civilization, we have to stop fighting wars, and start using our valuable time and resources and talent to develop a future.

Secondly: the military, right now, is consuming far too many resources. This cannot go on.

Thirdly: if we are going to progress as a civilization and move into space, it is literally impossible, from a mathematical point of view, from a functional point of view, to take the military into space with us. Because it’s going to bog us down and we just aren’t going to progress in space. It’s just not going to happen.

So it is, literally, up to the scientists to take the leading edge, and direct society and use our technology for advancement into outer space. Also, there must be advancement in the use of resources on this planet, in the long-term, from a 5,000 to 10,000 years perspective, not just the next 2 years of corporate profits.

The other thing that I would say is: Release yourself from any government bonds that you have. It’s going to be a very difficult thing to do because, in most cases, people will no longer be able to get funding. They will be ostracized. It could put some of them in a great deal of danger because of the fear of them taking information or technology away from these groups that have gained control of the scientists.

We’re really at a very difficult crossroads in the development of the human species. Unfortunately, the scientists selling-out to a paycheck are largely responsible for the condition that the world is in today. I mean, look at the atomic bomb, weapons of mass destruction, biological weapons, chemical weapons. Most of the labors of scientists in the last century have gone into making military weapons of some kind. Unless scientists follow, for example, my lead, and move away from that, we are headed down the path of self-destruction. It’s a one-way ticket. No road back.

That’s what I would say.

Martin: Now, if you were talking to our general readership, to the average person, what would you say to them? And, with that in mind, what suggestions would you have for them, in terms of what they can do to turn things around?

McCanney: The average person has to wake-up to the realization—and this probably goes beyond your readership, since they’re pretty aware of what’s going on—but the average person on the street, the 95% of the public who are totally unaware of what is really going on in the world, unaware of who is controlling the media and the political situation, the people who vote and think their vote counts, the people who think there is a two-party system in the United States, those people have to wake-up. In fact, I think if Planet X came by, they would still be looking to the government to come in and save them.

I think, in general, we are at a very desperate point on the planet today. The 95% of the people who are totally unaware, I don’t think are going to wake-up even if a brick dropped on their heads.

So, that puts us in a situation where I believe we have to take the attitude that there has to be a "bubble society"—in other words, a society that, literally, breaks-off from mainstream society. I don’t mean going up into the hills and forming a colony. It’s up to each individual, in their own place, in their own lifestyle, to break-off from what the rest of society is doing and take a longterm perspective on where you’re going to go with your life.

Unfortunately, the resources are being controlled by a few, and the direction that this society is headed, down the wrong path, is being controlled by a few. They have the power. They have the big guns. So, it’s not like a few people can form a revolution, as has happened, say, a few hundred years ago. That type of revolution is just not possible any more because of the level of armament that these controlling people have.

At any rate, something major has to occur on this planet—probably a natural catastrophe, maybe a solar flare that takes down our grid system—that is going to change the way we operate on this planet. But, short of that, we don’t have the ability to ORGANIZE a bubble society, within this society, to somehow change the direction this society is moving.

I think we’re in a quandary. I think this world is in serious trouble. I don’t see a real solution, myself, other than the rest of the world waking-up, and I don’t think that’s happening.

The other thing that I’ll say is that the United States is a big anchor on the rest of the world. It’s like an albatross around the necks of the rest of the world. We’re consuming far too much in terms of resources. And we’re using those resources to destroy, not to benefit the world. So, basically, the United States, I would say, is the biggest problem in the world right now.

The rest of the world, I think, is progressing. Many places are progressing. Russia, for example, is progressing. That doesn’t mean that they’re rich, or they have a lot of money, or a lot of nice houses. They are progressing in a manner that is consistent with the planet we live on, in harmony with the planet, not working against it to tear it apart.

At any rate, I think the United States has to internally change and get away from the political system that we’re in, and this could be very difficult given the overall world control that’s going on right now.

I don’t see a lot of hope. But I also think that we’re, very soon, going to be staring down the barrel of a very major natural catastrophe, possibly coming from outside the planet, and like it or not, people are going to have to change at that point.

That’s all.

Martin: On the record, I want to thank you, so much, for taking the time to do this. I’m sure our readers will be greatly enriched by everything that you’ve shared today. So, thank you.

McCanney: I appreciate the chance to get to speak to so many people. That’s a rare opportunity; not many people get that kind of opportunity. So, I very much appreciate that, Rick. And I appreciate all of your efforts in getting this information out to where such a large audience can see it.



As the weeks rolled by after writing the initial draft of this story, some additional information came to my attention. Allow me to just list a few items of interest.

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