Martin: The so-called Indigo Children.
Ghost Wolf: Yeah. We’re seeing these 22 strands of the original
strand of what we were, well, that comes from 22 different places in
the universe. We’re a combination of many races. We hold, within us,
the consciousness of the: Rigelians, of the Andromedans, of the
Sirians, I could go on, of the Pleiadians. It’s all there. The
documents are there. The documents are in the ancient Pyramids. The
skulls are there. The writings are there, but for so long this was
all taken and hidden, burnt, destroyed, thrown away, carted-off to
the Vatican, put it down in the vaults.
Then the Germans came and they made a deal with the Vatican. They
took everything out of the Vatican and they hid it in castles all
over the Black Forest. Then the Germans started to lose, so they
turned around and they took everything that they had and they
shipped it out to places in Argentina and down in
Antarctica. The
science went on. The scientists went on. All the scientists,
everything that controlled Germany—I’m trying to give an overall
picture so we don’t get too, you know? So if I need to clarify a
point, just let me know.
Martin: Ok.
Ghost Wolf: So I don’t skip. But we have this whole situation going
with the Germans after the war. Where did all the scientists go?
They came over here. You see, they had all these incredible
companies, you know, Squibb Pharmaceuticals, I could go on, strange
aerospace companies that were put up all over the place.
Martin: Operation Paperclip.
[Editor’s note:
Operation Paperclip, for you readers who may be new
to this topic, was the project and conduit under which many German
scientists were quietly imported into this country (and others)
after World War II. Probably the most publicly famous of these was
Werner von Braun, the rocket scientist, but some of the most
important are ones whose names you would not likely recognize since
they kept a low profile.]
Ghost Wolf: Yeah. Lockheed, with their famous black buildings with
no windows!
Martin: Well, NASA, for crying out loud.
Ghost Wolf: I mean, there’s one in Sunnyvale, if you ever want to
take a drive down there (up there). It looks like something out of
Darth Vader-land. It’s totally black, black glass, the whole thing,
but no windows. And inside, they do a lot of this kind of stuff, and
a lot of genetic engineering.
Now, we’re going to two things, back and forth, so part of what I’m
saying is based upon actual facts that have happened; part of what
I’m saying is what the elders saw, what the Mayans saw, what the
Mayans talk about, what the Hopi talk about, what the aboriginals
talk about, what the Dogans talk about. How do these people know
about it? They’re not in our society. How did little Hopi children,
15 years ago, know about pathogens that would come from the plains?
They didn’t have TV then; now they do, but then they didn’t.
What’s happening is human consciousness is imploding. It’s not over,
it’s part of a purging. So, let’s move into the other scenario
because we have enough, so far, of the Kurt Vonnegut possibility of
We have the ability, within us, right now, we have the technical
know-how, to HEAL every known disease on the planet. We have to
change the way the system is. We have to come together, just like we
do as a couple, in compassion and love and understand that if we
don’t work together as human beings, the whole game is lost anyway.
The AMA likes to turn around and play with us, and if you come out
with a real cure for cancer, or if you come out with a real cure for
carpal-tunnel syndrome, or if you come out with something that will
heal your lungs, right away it becomes an illegal substance. Right
away they slam everything on you and the black-limousines, the black suburbans pull up to your house and you’re carted away.
If you turn around and you come up with an answer to an alternative
to burning fossil fuels, you’re in deep trouble. They really do have
things, folks, that you can put on your cars and magnets that you
can put on your fuel lines and, number one, you’ll triple, if not
quadruple, the amount of mileage you get, and you can run your car
off Brown’s gas. You can run your car off hydrogen, and it’s free.
You simply have to get a converter for the engine.
It’s all there, but you can’t go out and buy the stuff in the market
because the minute that people try to put it out on the market,
they’re put out of business. We have all this technology. We have
this knowledge. We can work with the frequencies. We can STOP the
pathogens. We can reverse the self-destructive syndrome. And where
does that self-destructive syndrome come from? It comes from the
reptilian gene. The reptilian and the mammal, we’re a combination of
both. The reptilian has been in an eternal battle with the mammal.
Now, you can go all the way back in your ancient texts, in any
culture, in the stories there. The reason why it’s so incredible,
right here in America, and why it’s such a great place to be is
because for so long, that stuff here was not destroyed. So we still
have the remnants of it to look at, to understand.
When I went through Colorado
and I looked at the Sphinx, and we
talked about, for 4 hours, how much snow was on the ground,
(laughter) nobody ever asked the question: "Well, what else did you
find?" No one ever asked the questions about: "Well, what did the petroglyphs that you found up there, and the carvings up there, have
to say?"
They talk about this time. They talk about right now. They talk
about the things that we’re talking about. They talk about the
tremendous ability that we have right now, as a human species, to
totally turn this entire picture around.
However, we have certain problems, and the problems are that we have
let our governments become these run-away giants that dictate WHAT
we will read, WHAT we will know, WHAT we will eat, HOW we will live,
WHO will live where, WHO will die, WHO will get the medicine, WHO
will not get the medicine.
They come and they tell the farmers who, 20 years ago, could buy a
combine for $18,000 and now that combine costs $300,000. They’re so
into debt to the system that they turn around and they tell the
farmers: You will plant with this. You will spray this on your
crops. You will do this, or we will not give you the loan to
continue. The farmer can’t sell his land because he won’t get enough
out of selling the land to live for a year, because if you go out
and try to buy a house, it’s going to cost you $400,000 or
$500,000—but then not everybody in this country has been to
California, huh?
Martin: (Laughter)
Ghost Wolf: And you and I know, we’re not talking about a new one.
(Laughter) And I’m not sure for $400,000 you get the garage.
Martin: Right.
Ghost Wolf: It’s this whole system, and it has moved in so thick and
so heavy, it’s like a fog. People are totally in a fog, they don’t
see it. They don’t see that you don’t raise cattle in this country
anymore. You go out and you look at the corn fields and nothing
grows. It’s all genetically engineered seed. It’s death. You can’t
grow it. You can’t take the seeds, you can’t grow it. Not only can’t
you grow it, but you can’t live on it. Ok? You can’t live on it.
We had something that happened here, though, the miracle of
miracles. And that’s that those who are implementing this structure,
who were implementing this wonderful program of enslavement of the
masses that only the few elite would be able to have whatever they
wanted, and they are the ones who built those incredible
undergrounds that "don’t exist" in Colorado and
New Mexico, North
Carolina, you know—I’m probably already in enough trouble with what
I’m saying—but, this is what happened: All of a sudden they became
Clinton is dying of throat cancer. He has so many pathogens in him
right now, he doesn’t know what’s going on. He’s totally addicted to
Aspartame. His brain is melting because of the
Aspartame content.
Ha, they didn’t tell him about that. I guess when you’re dealing
with a system that’s corrupt, they don’t have to tell you those
So, what’s happening now? People like me can get up and talk,
providing we don’t draw too much attention. On a personal level, in
my life, before I started going out and talking on the television
and the radio, and I would just go and I would attract 20 or 30
people, it was ok. Ghost Wolf is just some crazy half-breed talking
about strange paranormal things and Native American culture. He’s
not hurting anybody.
But the minute I started to go places and draw crowds of thousands
of people, the minute I started getting on the radio and talking to
millions of people and making them ask questions, the minute I
brought up pictures I wasn’t supposed to have on my website and I
said "Will you please tell me what the
Sun Cruiser is? Now, here’s
the military pictures, here you can see—here where we did this
enhancement—this is obviously a structure that’s not natural." The
minute I started to get people to ask questions, and a lot of people
started to listen, I started to get attacks that were so heavy it
was unbelievable.
They took my friend Speaking Wind out. He died of a heart attack.
[Editor’s note: Speaking Wind was relatively young when he suddenly
had the "heart attack" shortly after an appearance on
Art Bell’s
late-night talk-radio program.]
Last week we were talking with somebody, and I was working with
Richard Hoagland, a bunch of scientists who were coming up with some
people who were very well connected to the NSA, who knew about what
was going on, who were willing to come forth and start talking, and
all of a sudden, last week, after about two-and-a-half weeks of
conversation, trying to make a presentation on a well-known radio
show—and we had to bring enough evidence of where this person was
coming from that the host of the show would allow them to get on and
speak—the man suddenly had a heart attack.
Martin: Right, typical.
Ghost Wolf: And we all know that Richard Hoagland had one, ok?
Martin: Right.
[Editor’s note: And that "heart attack" was another unusual event
that happened with no forewarnings. Immediately after it happened,
Art asked all of his listeners to pray for Richard, who subsequently
recovered from a very serious condition very rapidly and spoke about
his curious case on Art’s show.]
Ghost Wolf: Everybody that I know, including
Dannion Brinkley—who
within the last year and a half has been turning around and bringing
this information without naming names, just asking people to think
and getting real close to the button of what was going on—has had
something happen to them. The point of the matter is, we have to
decide whether we’re spiritual beings or are we 3rd-dimensional
Everything that’s being employed against us, so to speak, everything
that’s being put up in a shield to frighten us, is from the 3rd
dimension. It’s terrorism, it’s financial tyranny, it’s bullying,
it’s people coming in and taking out your computer, it’s someone
coming in and roughing your house up, or maybe even burning it down,
ok? Not much difference between what I’m seeing today and what
happened in 1973 at Wounded Knee, is there? It’s all
Thunder Heart.
It’s 3rd-dimensional stuff.
As a being, as a spiritual being, if we make the conscious choice
and we put out the effort to make the commitment to change that
condition, it will slowly start to turn back. And then it will start
to pick up momentum.
If we make the conscious choice to talk to people who have the
technology that can heal these pathogens—and I’m going to say, right
now, I’m one of the people who has it. I don’t know how to get it
out. But I can turn around and work with people, and I can put them
on certain herbs, homeopathics, and teach them some very basic
things, and I can even cure M.S. through that program. Not me,
through the program, because you do the healing—I don’t do the
I just know how to reverse the technology. I know how to correct the
frequencies. I work with energy. I’m a
shaman. But, I’m not a shaman
from 600 years ago, and I don’t crawl the Peruvian jungle, and I
don’t do ayahuasca. I live right here.
We have forgotten our own holy people in this country. We don’t
honor our elders in this country. We don’t have sages in this
country. We think they’re just crackpots, after a while. I’ve seen
complete cycles, since the ’70s, of how they bring people up, how
they worship them, how they follow them, how they create ashrams and
schools around them, and then how they turn around and persecute
them and crucify them and let them go—and then, all of a sudden,
they come back 5 or 10 years later. They want to resurrect them,
once again, as an icon. I’ve seen that from Ram Dass to
The 7th Thunder, in a nutshell, which is what we’re talking about,
is all about extraterrestrial intervention and total dimensional
shifting. Because the octaves will hit such a point, they’ll hit
such a frequency that the old consciousness, literally, won’t be
able to hold-on. You won’t be able to hold-on, you won’t be able to
hold-on to reality. So what happens, a lot of people will go into
the other place. I don’t know what the other place is.
Martin: There’s been a lot of talk in the esoteric literature about
a so-called "harvest". Has any of the Mayan or other information
that you’ve gleaned over the years dealt with that or explained
Ghost Wolf: I’m familiar with what you’re talking about and I think,
didn’t that all start with books by Ruth Montgomery?
Martin: Some with Ruth Montgomery, some with the
Ra Material.
Ghost Wolf: Right.
Martin: I’m not sure if
Cayce talked about it.
Ghost Wolf: Oh yes, Mr. Cayce talked about it; Cayce knew.
We have
extraterrestrial origins. So let’s stop playing that game: Is it?
Isn’t it? Did it? Who? We had it. Our ancestors coming back are
There was a certain period of time wherein we’re being allowed to
develop, because of things that happened here, things that happened
both during Atlantean times and afterwards, where we had a
of the matrix that we’re talking about, the holographic field
through which consciousness could express, in which an artificial
grid was established on the Earth to, literally, broadcast and
create another grid so that we could express, and we could, somehow,
perhaps evolve and come out of the tampering that was done with us,
both genetically and consciously.
I mean, genetically it was such an impact that, literally, our
brains were split into two hemispheres, so that the one hemisphere
couldn’t create and communicate with the other hemisphere. Now, how
do we achieve overcoming that? Through meditation, through
breathing—it’s a very simple process, but it’s very hard for the
Western mind to understand that because the Western mind has been
geared toward linear thinking, where everything goes from point A to
point B. You have to have a mathematical explanation for everything,
and there has to be a whole bunch of research done.
They don’t take into account that this stuff has been being done for
thousands of years. All due respect to Ed Dames, but I don’t
remember Grandfather Frank Foolscrow selling tapes on Native
remote vision, but they were doing it for thousands of
years. I think that when you do remote vision, and when you play
with substances in-between those experiments, that you’re playing
Russian roulette.
And how do you know that what your seeing is not the effect of the
substance or the effect of your own fantasy? I would tend to put my
money on the Mayan who’s been doing this for a couple of thousand
years down through the generations, or the Tibetan, or the
or the Zen. I would tend to put it on that, rather than some guy who
went and learned something at a military compound and took all sorts
of chemicals. Let’s get real about what goes on there, boys.
Martin: (Laughter)
Ghost Wolf: They don’t even know what the heck the names are on half
the things that they fed them. They just come in with a little tray
and they say "You take two of the pink ones and one of the green
ones. Now we’re going to play the acid-rock late-’60s song In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida
and you’re—
Martin: (Laughter)
Ghost Wolf: —gonna listen to this music and all of a sudden they
come back with these phenomenal stories, you know. I’ve talked to
many, many people who were involved in the
Montauk Experiment. I’ve
had countless conversations with
Al Bielek and other people. Some of
them are credible, some of them, I think, are on the other side of
But I came up with a very interesting contest for them. I said "Ok,
given that everything you’re telling me is real, and that you went
through these experiences, and you traveled through time, and you
went into outer-space and you did all of these things with the
delta-force, and all of that kind of very interesting stuff, and
you’ve manipulated the time-space reality, and that this is going to
be the outcome—did it ever occur to you that there is, perhaps, some
Raji in India who is working at a level of mind where he created
another outcome? Did it ever occur to you that there were perhaps
thousands, if not millions, of Mayans working on a different
outcome? That there were perhaps thousands of people, Miori, in
Zealand, who were working on a different, feasible outcome? And that
there were other people, working on other levels of mind that
basically know the same thing that you know? That maybe your outcome
is not for everybody?"
Everybody got very upset and left the room!
Martin: (Laughter)
Ghost Wolf: Because how can you deny it? I don’t care what your
belief patterns are, nobody can deny what a man in India by the name
of Sri Sai Baba does. And he didn’t do that with drugs. When
Grandfather Frank Foolscrow would come into a lodge, and he would
take 7 breaths and breathe on the stones that were cold in the pit
and they would suddenly glow, red-hot, he didn’t do that through
substance. He didn’t do that through technology. He did that by
rightful will. When I’ve seen healers heal people, when I’ve had
people come into sweat lodges, and I’ve seen brain tumors,
literally, be coughed out on the stones, it didn’t have to do with
technology. It had to do with the rightful use of will.
Martin: When you were in Tibet, did you have any experiences with
Ghost Wolf: Yes, I did. I thought he was an incredible human being,
absolutely incredible human being. But he used to make jokes with me
a lot. He used to tell me I took life too seriously.
Martin: It’s hard not to!
Ghost Wolf: He told me I should laugh more, and that I should
realize there was nothing that I could really change. All I could do
was just go along my personal path of dharma, and that those who I
would come in contact with would realize what I was telling them,
and why did I feel that I had to tell them anyway? That was my
memory of Babaji. Have more fun and have a lighter heart about what
was going on because it was not something new.
Martin: I assume he has, but has he worked with the Mayans,
Ghost Wolf: Yes. I don’t know to what extent; I don’t know his
personal involvements.
Martin: That’s just a personal question.
Ghost Wolf: In my new book—did they send you a copy of the
manuscript Through The Eye Of The Shaman?
Martin: I picked one up at the Awareness 2000 Expo down in Los
Ghost Wolf: Right. In that book I tried to put things in Western
Martin: I noticed that.
Ghost Wolf: It is kind of funny that we’re saying Western language,
because it really didn’t come from the East Indians, it actually
came from my understanding in working with Mayans and
Hopis. The art
of manifestation, the whole teaching of Kryah in that book is
everything that we’re talking about with the holographic world.
And I’ve worked out a program now with some scientists who, over the
years, realized that Robert Ghost Wolf DID have something to say,
and that he understood science, as well as feathers and leather. And
we put together this program where it’s basically been 100%
effective. I don’t care what the malady is, as long as your
Life-Force is strong. In your will to live, you will overcome them,
you will overcome the maladies.
People hold within their bodies—going back to the theory that our
body is nothing more than an extension of the universe—they hold in
their bodies the frequencies of all of these things. Because we hold
in our bodies pent-up emotion. It’s very simple. From the time you
were a child, from the time I was a child, things would happen and
we would bottle them up and continue. You go through a relationship.
Someone you love died. You’re in the service. You saw a lot of
trauma. You were involved in an automobile accident. You were an
abused child. Whatever the circumstance, you bottled up emotion.
What we found was that by working with a combination of homeopathics
and herbs, very similar to the Bach remedies—we also work with a lot
of natural herbs, because when you heal the body, when you dismantle
the frequency of the illness, you then have to put something back in
the body. The body is a machine, it’s a biochemical machine. So by
putting in the proper nutrients, the body restores itself in a very,
very short period of time.
Right now we’re working on the program. The success of regenerating
the body has been absolutely incredible.
The things that I’m mainly concerned with, besides all of the
incredible stories that I get because there’s a part of my life
that’s, you know, Indiana Jones, because I find these places. When I
found the Sphinx, I wasn’t going out to make a discovery. I just,
literally, wanted to get lost for a couple of weeks and get away
from people. (Laughter)
And I walk into a place and somebody says "Would you like to see
And I go "Sure" and then I’m on another adventure.
But what I’ve been working on, and what my wife has been working on,
is this science of the Kryah. And we have been working on this,
extensively now, for 7 years. And our involvement now with
scientists and people in the medical profession who understand what
we’re talking about, we’ve created a program where we can analyze
almost any hidden ailment, things that you don’t know that you have,
things that are hereditary, things that might have come from your
great grandmother, and you hold the resonance for that frequency in
your body.
Well, let’s go back to what we talked about with the stealth virus
and the mechanically manipulated pathogens. Well, where do they
coagulate? Where do they gather? They gather around the place where
that frequency is out of balance because, if your body is in a
perfect balance, you, again, do not have disharmony, so the disease
just moves through.
When you’re dealing with a person like Sai Baba, someone might say
"Well, what is this guy talking about? Why would someone like
Sri Sai Baba be on the program?" Do you know how many tens of thousands
of people that man works with on a 24-hour-a-day basis? It’s like,
that is absolutely exhausting. I mean, this guy gets more phone
calls than Santa Claus.
And everybody’s got a trauma, and everybody wants to be healed, and
everybody is asking him for the answer to life. It is a constant
drain on his Life-Source. That takes a tremendous, tremendous toll
on the physical body, even for someone like him.
So, the question that I would like to bring up is: If the
Lightworkers and truly high, awakened beings of this planet are
getting tired, isn’t that indicative that we have to do something in
this war of valued life? It’s time for us to start making some very
definitive moves.
We have all the abilities to do all of these different kinds of
things. This is part of what the 7th Thunder is all about.
We’re moving back to a Galactic Reality. We were never alone. We
were never without interaction with people from beyond the Sun. THAT
is the unreality—to assume otherwise. Everything about us,
everything about the knowledge, all the technology that we have
today, from computers to Velcro, all came from our brothers "out
there". That’s where the knowledge came from.
You know, we talk about these ancient things that people work with
like they were prehistoric magic, and we like to make animated
cartoons about wizards and strange things. Well, crystals are not
exactly that, because if it wasn’t for the crystals, you wouldn’t
have IBM.
But if you can program a crystal, how does the crystal work? That’s
how our body works. What’s your blood? What’s in your blood?
Crystals. How does it work? You can program the crystal.
You can
program the energy.
You know, there’s a lot of conversations that I’ve had along the
years with Deepak Chopra. I remember Deepak when he was just coming
out into the world, and he was fascinating to listen to, and I used
to say,
"Well, how can we employ that with the Western society,
because the Western society doesn’t have a background of thousands
of years of ayurvedic understanding?
"They don’t even accept the fact that in-taking of
alchemically, can cause frequencies to alter in the body and heal
many maladies. They don’t even accept that yet."
They want to find out about it, so that they can turn around and
make a chemical replication of it, and then shoot you with some sort
of vaccine. But they don’t understand that all of these things are
being accomplished through natural means.
If you go into any medicine, if you go into any vaccine, what they
are, are simply synthesized elements from Nature. But there is a
problem when you make synthesized elements, and that’s that they’re
mechanical, in a sense, and something can go wrong. They’re
synthetic. Which is better, the electronic synthesizer’s violin or
the Stradivarius? You see? And for the guitar players: would you
rather play with a Casio, or would you rather have a real Martin
guitar made out of Rosewood?
The 7th Thunder has got to do with the fact that we will either have
taken control over our consciousness, we will have taken control
over our world societies—we’re fast moving into this
New World Order
and this One World Order—it’s so fast, it’s so big, that sometimes I
look at it and I’m overwhelmed. Because, what can you do?
What can you do with the fact that, over the next year, everybody in
the world is going to be working off a debit card? What are you
going to do when they have a whole new communication system, and
unless you’re part of the accepted system, so to speak, you won’t be
able to get in on the communication system because your old
computers won’t work. You won’t be able to get into the new
I noticed that you were nice and didn’t ask me about Y2K. I have my
own theories on Y2K. I don’t believe in Y2K. I think that
Y2K is,
basically, a synthesized reality. I think it’s going to be
tremendously capitalized on, so that they can insert new financial
systems, new communications systems, so that they can use it to
cause trauma wherein they’re going to come into whole sections of
cities and have to take them over, and use military strength to take
them over.
We no longer have a United States military force; everything is
It’s not a myth that the whole communications systems of the country
are moving down to the Phoenix area. It’s not a myth that the whole
communications systems of the world are moving into
Denver. Why are
they doing that?
If what I am saying, if what people like Dr. Len Horowitz is saying,
is not true, then how come every place you go, in Arizona I think
it’s Walgreen’s that they’re building everywhere—it’s like every
couple of miles there’s another Walgreen’s. Up here in the Pacific
Northwest it’s Rite Aid. From where my house is, within a five-mile
area, they have just built five new Rite Aid Drugstores. Each one of
them is the size of the one of the old department stores.
You go in there, and at any one given time, there’s maybe five
people. You can go in there at Christmas time and there may be
twenty. Why are they building so many of these things? How come, as
I go all over Arizona, all I see are these new Walgreen Drug
drive-through outlet places, every couple of miles? They’re like
McDonald’s. Are they aware that something’s coming?
So, I think it’s a matter of—with what’s going to happen on the
outside—I don’t really believe that we have to worry about any ET
invasions. They are a much older society than we are. Anybody who
has the ability to come from elsewhere and come here and communicate
and alter things to the extent that I can’t explain it, or no one
else on this planet can explain it, I think if they wanted to get
rid of us, they would have gotten rid of us a long time ago.
I think that the enemy is within. I think that the enemy is us. I
think that the enemy is our system, and right now it’s particularly
frightening as we go into the 7th Thunder scenario because people
don’t have any will anymore. If you talked about some of the things
that are going on now in this country, if you talked about some of
the things that are going on with education—I’ll bring it home.
I just had an Indian grandmother call me from Tennessee. She was all
excited. She said to me "Robert, what a great day; we’re going
I said "Good, grandma, that’s good."
And she said "Oh, yeah, and they gave us more money. They moved my
monthly allotment up from $39 a month to $59 a month."
How can a human being live on $59 a month?
Martin: Impossible.
Ghost Wolf: I mean, these are real things that are going on.
They have an immunization program now where they’re vaccinating
children all across the nation with Hepatitis B. It’s mandatory. It
started to take place in all of the schools.
We’re sitting there and I have documents, I have government
documents that substantiate that in many areas throughout the
Southwest, they’re running what they call "evacuation programs"
where they’re having meetings in towns, running tests in the local
schools for what they would have to do in case of an evacuation.
They’re told that the military presence will be here for a period of
time. We will run through these "mock" evacuation situations should
life become such a situation that we have to move you out of the
Now, when I first heard this—I get a lot of strange mail—I said "Ok,
show me the proof." Well, they sent me the documents. I saw the
documents; they were post-marked; they were real. That kind of stuff
gets me worried.
When I turn around and I see and talk to doctors and I find out that
the emergency rooms in the hospitals are so overtaxed, that in some
places they’re even closing them down. Like I said when we
started—only in the severe case like a trauma, like an automobile
accident, or somebody got shot, are they dealing with people. That’s
what scares me.
When I see the genetic manipulation of food, and I see all that’s
going on to hurt the people, unknown and unaware, by gigantic
monsters like Monsanto—and they’re talking about how
Monsanto just
did this wonderful thing, they’ve decided to discontinue their
program with the terminator seed. When I see things like that, and
then I read in the next paragraph how Monsanto is now going into
water. (Laugh) Those are the things that make me concerned. I don’t
really care about people coming from outer space.
If we take a look at the pictures on my website called the
Cruiser, if you look at the things on
Richard Hoagland’s website, if
we look at these things around our solar system—they’re already
here, folks! They’re already here! What are we, as human beings,
going to do?
I spoke with you in this interview about certain truths that the
Mayans still had, that they were trying to get out to the world.
There’s been a lot of terrorism going on down in Mexico with the
Mayans. Just a short time ago, the Mexican army, the
whatever they are, pulled into a village called Chiapas. And to
teach the Mayans a lesson in humility, they turned around and
machine-gunned 250 of them down. I didn’t see a lot of play in the
press on that up here. Many of the Mayan elders have had their visas
canceled from leaving the country. They can no longer leave.
So, it’s time for us, as human beings, to start taking
responsibility for what’s going on in the world. Again, in the ’70s,
if we talked about things like this going on, we were considered
crackpots—if we talked about "you’re all going to be put on the
debit card" or if you talked about "you’re all going to be
controlled and have to work with electronic money". And "you will
not be allowed into the national forests"—do you know that people
are no longer allowed, in a lot of the areas, in the national
forests? Are you aware of that?
Martin: Yes.
Ghost Wolf: Are you aware of the fences and everything else that’s
going up around the national forests?
Martin: I’ve heard reports of that.
Ghost Wolf: You know, when you see things like that, you have to go
"Where is the real enemy?"
I did a talk a few months ago, and there were elders there from many
nations, maybe 300 elders, and there were White people and hippies
and cowboys and guys from L.A., and everybody was standing around,
getting along, and they were all talking about their spiritual
things. But then, there were also, after a few days, the little
differences that started to creep in between people. These people
have their way of doing things, those other people have this way of
doing things, and I was watching all this stuff and, suddenly, I
knew what I had to talk about.
What I talked about to them was: Stop bickering with each other, and
realize that we have a bigger enemy to look at. And that the enemy
was all of these programs that were put out by a corporate world. I
do not say that it’s the government. I think that is a ludicrous
I know a lot of people in the government who are incredible human
beings. I know a lot of guys who work for NASA who are great. I know
a lot of guys who work at the Lawrence Livermore Lab, in the San
Francisco Bay Area, who are great—but they don’t have any idea what
the heck they’re making. They don’t realize that what they’re
producing over there are implants. They don’t know that, because
that’s how the military works. Every department is—
Martin: Compartmentalized.
Ghost Wolf: —devoid of what the knowledge is in the other
department. They’re just putting these two little plastic parts
together and making it a chip. As far as they’re concerned, it’s
something for a computer. Except, all of a sudden you find out that
everyone is getting a terminal illness in the hospital, and every
new child who is being born in California is having a chip inserted.
Excuse me, what is going on here? So, these are the things that I
think people should start focusing on.
Martin: Can I digress for just a second?
Ghost Wolf: Sure.
Martin: Have you heard WHY these fences are going up around the
national forests?
Ghost Wolf: For me to answer that, I’d have to answer you from the
heart, so to speak, from conversations that I’ve had with elders and
my friends who live there and travel there.
I spend a lot of time there. I mean, most of the ancient
archeological sites aren’t exactly in the city. I believe, we
believe, that they realize that something in the program has gone
awry, and that there will be many areas in this country that will be
uninhabitable soon—from pollution, other things, other occurrences.
There are massive plans being made about martial law. A lot of the
Forest Service people and Fire Departments are being brought into
classes where they’re being taught, again, evacuation procedures,
riot control, and how to deal with mass graves. I am simply saying
what I’ve seen documentation on, what I’ve talked to these people
directly about.
I am saying that I have seen unbelievable amounts of dollars being
put into the conversion of military bases, prisons being built of
unbelievable size in the California desert, the Nevada desert, the
Arizona desert, that could be nothing more than compounds because
they’re expecting a lot of trouble to happen, very soon, inside the
urban areas.
In a lot of these new complexes, from what I’ve had given to me in
information from people who work for the engineers who build them,
and say "Hey, there’s something going on here. We don’t really know
what it is, but maybe it will help you; help us find out what it
A lot of the life-term convicts have been brought to these areas.
Within the next year they’re about to come out with a program where
they’re going to bring the federal penitentiaries into the public
work market, where they will be doing much of the manufacturing at a
very low wage. I mean, what do they get paid? Maybe 27 cents an hour
and a pack of cigarettes? So, they’re going to be competing in the
work force. I don’t know WHY they’re doing this. I’m telling you
what I’m seeing.
Why do I think they’re keeping people out of the forests? Well, six
years ago when I lived, extensively, in ranch country and I lived in
Arizona, which is mostly national forest, something was going on
there where people were being moved out of their old homesteads,
places that they’ve had for six and seven generations. Their
property was being condemned; they were being given nominal amounts
of money and being told "You have to leave".
When the water dried up and they wanted to dig a new well, or they
had a flood and they wanted to take their bulldozer out and dig out
the road, and they had to cut across the creek, the Forest Service
would come in and close them down and say "you can’t do that because
you’re disrupting the breeding policies of the Brown Trout" or some
other fictitious reason. This started to happen with too much
frequency, everywhere. People were being moved out of those areas.
Those areas, number one, ARE our national resources.
So, if we were going into a situation where we were about to be
taken over by, say, World Banks—because we don’t own America any
more, America is leased, and it’s leased through foreign banks—well,
if we were—and this is a potentiality now—if we were going through a
radical financial shift, in our whole financial system, the whole
banking system, and the World Bank was really going to move in and
they were going to create this whole new standard, they were going
to take the whole country off the gold standard and put them on
another standard, they were to work everything through electronic
money, well, one of the things that you would want to hold onto in a
country, one of the most valuable things that we have here, is our
natural resources.
What’s the other thing that we have in America? We are the food
basket for the world. Look at the grain, look at everything that we
grow. If they keep people out of those areas, they can maintain
control over those areas. The other, far-fetched reason is that our
national parks represent the wonders of what’s left of this country,
it’s the place where eagles fly, and you can pan gold out of a
creek, and you can hear elk bellow in the morning. You can go there
and you can get the energy from the Earth. You go to L.A. and you
can’t get Earth energy out of anything. That’s necessary to
perpetuate life in the new paradigm. If the paradigm that holds-up
consciousness now were to collapse, and an artificial paradigm—we’re
getting into Kurt Vonnegut again—was created through
frequencies, they could control the population.
Along with what they’re holding in those national forests, they are
controlling the weather. They’re manipulating the weather. They are
creating storms. They are creating earthquakes. They’re playing with
HAARP, they’re seeing how far it can go. How far can they zero-in
with it. Can we screw around with human emotions? Can we make
everybody in the town of Spokane angry tomorrow? How about tomorrow
we focus on Los Angeles and see if we can make everybody manically
depressed. If we notice what’s happening with people all around us,
if we just start to look all around us, we tend to see that when
something tends to happen, it’s happening to everybody. It’s more
than just coincidence.
So, where am I going with this? Do you remember when we talked about
the time-space continuum? And we talked about feasible experiments
that happened with Montauk, and there were a lot of them, not just
Montauk experiments? At the time-space continuum, the time,
itself, is like a tinsel bubble. I said that time was not linear, it
was more spherical. If everyone was given certain elements that they
carried in their body through injection of food, vaccines, these
little crystals that go through your body, they resonate the
frequency. You can send frequencies out.
There are enough people out there in the world today who know that I
can bring you into a room and I can play musical tones and I can
change your emotional outlook, simply by the tones and frequencies
that you’re listening to. They turn around and they use this with
plants. They use this on whole fields. They turn around and they
work with
radionics on entire fields of corn, removing blight,
infecting them with blight. There have been a tremendous amount of
studies in genetic experiments between plant cells and animal cells.
Well, where do I get this information, because I’m really going far
out there, now?
Well, you have a situation going on out here in the West where they
have been slaughtering buffalo, senseless slaughtering of buffalo in
the Yellowstone. The excuse was that the buffalo had brucellosis,
right? It was affecting the cattle. The fact was, they found that in
the thousands of the buffalo that they killed, less than 1.5% had
the potential for carrying the brucellosis virus. That, in fact, the
virus itself came from the cattle.
But where did that stuff all come from? A couple of years ago, when
they were experimenting up in Canada with wheat fields, they were
doing genetic experiments with seeds. Monsanto was doing this, where
they were experimenting, for various reasons, and they had to get
rid of the crops. Well, they had a problem with the flour because
you couldn’t make bread because the bread wouldn’t rise. It was
genetically defective.
So they turned around and they did 3 things. One thing was, they
took an enormous amount of it and they made feed for all of the
cattle, all the farm animals. What do animals eat on a farm?
Basically, cereals. What do your dogs eat when they eat dry dog
food? It’s basically cereal.
Then they turned around with what was left, because they wanted to
get rid of the plants and try to further the experiments, they
burned all the fields. So then you had hundreds and thousands of
miles of burning fields, with the wind carrying everything down what
we call the "Northwest corridor". It goes right down through
Montana, right down into Utah, spreads down, and goes over to
Nebraska; it goes right down that whole wheat belt.
Martin: You’re talking about the smut that Len Horowitz talks about.
Ghost Wolf: Yes. Well, this stuff turned into another form of fungus
that started growing on all the plants and growing in all the soil.
And it started to infect a lot of animals and a lot of different
things. And what they were doing, they were experimenting with
genetics, literally experimenting with genetics. And I’m talking
about a combination between human and plant genetics. Why they were
doing it, who knows. How do you explain why insanity is the way it
is? Once it reaches a certain point, it just reaches insanity.
So, what I’m saying here and why I’m touching on this is that when
people come to a spiritual person and they say "Well, what’s going
to happen?" they have to understand that the spiritual person who’s
truly worth their salt is totally cognizant of reality. You know
what’s going on. If you don’t know what’s going on, you’re living in
a bubble and you have no effect on anything.
When we go into this 7th Thunder, we have 2 choices.
We are either
going to lose our planet and give it up to some other lifeform,
we’re going to continue and we’re going to transmute into what we’re
supposed to be.
But, unless we stop the manipulation of us as a species, unless we
stop the experiments by companies like Monsanto, unless we stop the
vaccination of our kids against unproven things—how the heck did
AIDS comes out? How many examples do we have to have of these things
going crazy, you know?
When Strickley gave the report on AIDS and tried to tell them
the bovine factor— and how many things are bovine factors in? Go
look at your health-food store and look at how many products in the
store have bovine in them, and those are the ones that are
FDA approved. Well, the germ’s there. How many people eat at
Ok? We’re living on all of this stuff. We’re taking all of this
stuff in.
Who is making the garbage bags and what are the garbage bags being
made out of? Do you know that most of the garbage bags are being
made out of soybeans right now, because it makes for a better
bio-degradable bag, because we’re environmentally conscious. But, do
you know what they do with the scraps from that? Take a good look at
your box of veggie burgers. Take a good look at what they’re putting
in Taco Bell products. Take a good look at what they’re putting in
as food additives. They’re feeding you all of that stuff, all over
again, all of that genetically manipulated food.