Jim Marrs
September 2004
The accidental discovery of single atom elements by a Phoenix-area
cotton farmer in the 1970s may have opened the door to limitless
free energy, a cure for AIDS and cancer,
faster-than-light speeds, anti-gravity and much more, perhaps even
inter-dimensional and time travel. But this discovery may
precipitated new policies and even war in a struggle to gain control
over this new technology? And, while this discovery has been
startling to modern science, it appears to be nothing new. As stated
in Ecclesiastes 1:9 (New International),
“What has been will be
again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new
under the sun.”
Today, several scholars have linked this amazing discovery to the
mythology and legends of the far distant past, especially in ancient
Mesopotamia today known as Iraq.
Interest in this new technology grew rapidly and by 2003, some
researchers were even claiming that the invasion of Iraq made have
had more to do with this
new discovery than with oil, weapons of
mass destruction or regime change. This story of amazing new
discoveries, their connection with narratives from the ancient past
and the possible role all this plays in current world events is
gaining more and more interest within the public. It appears as
though these elemental secrets were lost centuries ago, though
vestiges of this knowledge may have been passed down through the
years by a series of secret societies.
The current story began with David Hudson, a self-styled
conservative Republican and cotton farmer from Phoenix, Arizona. By
the mid-1970s, Hudson had found farming in the parched baked soil
there a hard scrabble. He began to look for other means of making a
living even as he began injecting sulphuric acid into the soil in an
effort to break up the dry crust. He found that by spraying his soil
samples with a cyanide solution, he could obtain traces of metals
from the ore, including gold.
“[W]e had been doing soils analysis [when we thought of] this
concept of literally piling ore up on a piece of plastic and
spraying it with a cyanide solution, which dissolves selectively the
gold out of the ore,” Hudson told a Dallas audience in 1995. “It
trickles down through the ore until it hits the plastic and then
runs out of the plastic into the settling pond. It’s pumped up
through activated charcoal where the gold adheres to the charcoal
and then the solution is returned to the stack… The concept seemed
pretty simple. I decided, you know a lot of farmers have airplanes,
a lot of farmers have race horses, a lot of farmers have race cars… I
decided I was going to have a gold mine.”
After checking out several locations, including abandoned gold
mines, Hudson found the site near Phoenix he was seeking.
“I had a
lot of earth movers and water trucks and road graders and backhoes
and caterpillars and these kinds of things on the farm and I had
equipment operators, so I decided I was going to set up one of these
heap leach cyanide systems.”
Hudson got much more than he had bargained for.
“[W]e began
recovering the gold and silver and we would take the charcoal down
to our farm. We’d strip it with hot cyanide and sodium hydroxide.
We’d run it through an ‘electro-winning cell’ to get the gold out.
And then we would do what’s called a ‘fire assay,’ where you run it
through a crucible reduction to get this gold and silver bead…. This
is the time honored procedure for recovering gold and
silver and,
basically, its been performed for 250-300 years. It’s the accepted
standard in the industry,” he explained.
But, along with small amounts of gold and silver,
Hudson also
recovered small beads of a material which baffled attempts at
analysis. “Something was recovering with the gold and
silver [that]
we couldn’t explain,” he said.
This “something” turned out to be elements heretofore unknown to
modern science, elements composed of a single atom. This
matter is found in virtually everything around us including the food
we eat and the water we drink. Hudson found such elements could be retrieved from noble metals such
as gold, silver, copper,
cobalt and nickel along with
platinum, palladium, rhodium, iridium, ruthenium and
He also found that the nuclei of such monatomic matter acted in an
unusual manner. Under certain circumstances, they began spinning and
creating oddly deformed shapes. Oddly, as these nuclei spun they
began to come apart on their own.
It was found, for example, than in the element Rhodium 103, the
nucleus became deformed in a ratio of two to one, twice as long as
it is wide like a Coke bottle and entered a high spin state. “It’s
inherent in the stuff,” noted Hudson. “It isn’t anything you do from
the outside.”
After a two-year study of this material, an Arizona analytical
chemist informed Hudson,
“I can, without equivalence, tell you that
it is not any of the other elements on the Periodic Table.”
Referring to one sample, the chemist said,
“What we have here is
something that I know is pure rhodium and yet none of these
spectroscopic analyzes are saying it’s rhodium… This makes absolutely
no sense at all. This is defying everything I have been taught in
college, everything I have been taught in graduate school. I’m going
to send this back to my graduate professors at Iowa State.”
However, the learned men at the university could not identify the
material within the sample. A sample was passed to Harwell
Laboratories in Oxfordshire, England, for neutron activation
analysis but they too failed to identify the element. Hudson finally found a source of information in the
Soviet Academy
of Sciences in Russia. Through specialized equipment, scientists
there determined that his mysterious white substance was composed
entirely of platinum group metals in a form previously unknown to
modern science.
Something quite new and unusual was revealing itself.
Working with United Technologies, Hudson’s new material was placed
in newly-developed fuel cells. Although analysis showed the material
contained no rhodium, when mounted on carbon and placed in a fuel
cell, it performed as only rhodium could.
Hudson was told that if he could explain how to obtain his strange
white powder from commercially available material, he could
the process. In 1988, he did just that, filing both U.S. and
worldwide patents on 11 monatomic elements.
He coined the term “Orbitally Rearranged Monatomic Elements” or
ORMEs to describe this new found matter. Such material in a
monatomic state forms a snow white powdery substance, in appearance
not unlike ordinary cooking flour.
Then the study of this odd material took an even stranger turn.
“The amazing thing about it,” explained
Hudson, “is the weight of
the material. It was very difficult to weigh…. They want things very
precise at the patent office [but] we couldn’t get consistent
results with the material. It kept gaining weight and gaining
Using thermo-gravimetric analysis, it was found that when samples of
the material were reduced to the white powder state, it lost 44
percent of its original weight. By either heating or cooling the
material, it would gain weight or lose weight.
“By repeated
annealing we could make the material weigh less than the pan weighed
it was sitting in,” said Hudson. “…or we could make it weigh 300-400
times what its beginning weight was depending on whether we were
heating or cooling it. …if you take this white powder and put it on
a quartz boat and heat it up to the point where it fuses with the
quartz, it becomes black and it regains all its weight again. This
makes no sense, it’s impossible, it can’t happen. But there it is.”
By the early 1990s, scientific papers were being published by the
Niels Bohr Institute and Argonne National and
Oak Ridge National
Laboratories substantiating the existence of these high-spin,
monatomic elements and their power as superconductors.
Hudson also met with
Dr. Hal Puthoff, director of the
Institute for
Advanced Studies in Austin, Texas. Puthoff performs cutting-edge
research into zero-point energy and gravity as a zero-point
fluctuation force. He and other scientists have theorized that
enough energy exists in the space found in the atoms inside an empty
coffee cup to boil all the oceans of the Earth if fully utilized.
Puthoff had also theorized that matter reacting in two dimensions
should lose about 44 percent of its gravitational weight, exactly
the weight loss found by Hudson.
When it was found that Hudson’s elements, when heated, could achieve
a gravitational attraction of less than zero, Puhoff concluded the
powder was “exotic matter” capable of bending time and space. The
material’s anti-gravitational properties were confirmed when it was
shown that a weighing pan weighed less when the power was placed in
it than it did empty. The matter had passed its anti-gravitational
properties to the pan.
Adding to their amazement, it was found that when the white powder
was heated to a certain degree, not only did its weight disappear
but the powder itself vanished from sight. When a spatula was used
to stir around in the pan, there apparently was nothing there. Yet,
as the material cooled, it reappeared in the same configuration was
when originally placed in the pan. The material had not simply
disappeared, it had moved into another dimensional plane.
As if all this were not magical enough, a relative directed Hudson
to a
book on alchemy. Being a practical man, a farmer and
metallurgist, Hudson disdained any reference to the occult. But he
quickly became intrigued by the similarities between his
newly-discovered monatomic elements and accounts from the past.
Alchemy is the centuries-old attempt to discover the relationship
between a human and the universe and to benefit from an
understanding of the basics of life. Alchemical theory determined
that some substance must exist that could bring about the
transmutation of certain metals. Foremost among these metals was
gold. This mysterious catalyst was sometimes referred to as “the
tincture,” but more often as “the powder.” This term, as it passed
from the Arabic language into Latin, became known as the “elixir of
life” and more commonly as the “Philosopher’s Stone.”
According to the Encyclopedia Britannica, this stone “which is not a
stone” was sometimes called “a medicine for the rectification of
'base’ or 'sick’ metals, and from this it was a short step to view
it as a drug for the rectification of human maladies.”
This view was confirmed by Eirenaeus Philalethes, a 17th-century
alchemist, who wrote,
“Our Stone is nothing but
gold digested to the
highest degree of purity and subtle fixation…”
Everyone knows of the alchemists’ search for the formula of changing
base metals into gold but few have wonder why exactly they wanted
gold. It has been assumed the alchemists wanted riches. But a close
study of alchemy and occultism reveals that these men and women of
the past were attempting to recover ancient knowledge long since
lost in the mists of time.
Had David Hudson found the fabled Philosopher’s Stone?
The Phoenix farmer was further astonished when he asked a local
“Have you ever heard of the white powder of gold?”
“Oh, yes,” came the unexpected reply, “but to our knowledge no one
has known how to make it since the destruction of the first temple
[Solomon’s Temple]. The white powder is the magic, which can be used
for white magic or black magic.”
By 2004, David Hudson had dropped from sight after promising
audiences that he intended to manufacture his monatomic white powder
for the benefit of all humanity. His disappearance from the public
scene engendered much speculation. Had he just been a hoaxer who
slinked back into the shadows before he was exposed? Or had the
people who had so much to lose due to his discovery found a way to
neutralize him? Or had he taken some of the amazing gold powder
himself and shifted to another dimension?
Meanwhile, the connection between his gold powder and ancient
legends caught the attention of a growing number of scholars and
British author
Laurence Gardner, in a recent book entitled
Secrets of the Sacred Ark, noted that the oldest complete book in
the world -- the Egyptian Book of the Dead – tells of the pharaohs
ingesting “the bread of presence,” also called “schefa food,” while
making the ritualistic journey to the afterlife. At each stage, the
pharaoh would ask, “What is it?”
This has been compared to the Biblical account of Moses and the
Israelites in the desert following the exodus from Egypt. To sustain
themselves in the wilderness, Moses and his people ate a white,
powdery substance they called “manna”. This manna was ground into
small cakes or boiled. In Hebrew, manna literally means
“What is
Gardner noted that it is of particular significance that,
irrespective of all today’s costly and extensive research in the
area of these monatomic elements, the secrets of this mysterious
powder were known many thousands of years ago.
“They knew there were
superconductors inherent in the human body,” Gardner wrote. “They
knew that both the physical body and the light body [the spirit or
soul] had to be fed to increase hormonal production and the ultimate
food for the latter was called shem-an-na by the Babylonians,
by the Egyptians and manna by the Israelites.”
The story of the Exodus tells how
Moses became angered upon his
return from the mountain where he was given tablets by his God. It
seems in his absence the Israelites had taken most of the gold in
their possession and had melted it down to make a calf which they
then worshipped.
Exodus 32:20 [New International] states,
“And he [Moses] took the
calf they had made and burned it in the fire; then he ground it to
powder, scattered it on the water and made the Israelites drink it.”
Since swallowing molten metal would be lethal, obviously
Moses, who
had been well educated in Egyptian esoteric knowledge, knew the
secret of making the high-spin monatomic gold powder.
Confirmation that such was the case came in 1904 when British
archeologist Sir William Flinders Petrie discovered a large smelting
facility on Mount Horeb, located in the southern end of the
Peninsula. Some scholars believe that Horeb is the actual location
of the mountain of Moses mentioned in the Bible.
It was on Horeb that Petrie discovered an enclosed temple composed
of adjoining halls, shrines and chambers, all filled with carvings,
pillars and stelae depicting Egyptian nobility and mentioning the
mysterious mfkzt. Most surprisingly was the discovery of a
metallurgist’s crucible along with a considerable amount of pure
white powder cleverly concealed under some flagstone. Unconcerned
with the powder, Petrie allowed it to blow away in the Sinai winds.
Several engravings in this ancient temple depict various Egyptian
rulers, among these Tuthmosis IV and Amenhotep III along with the
god Hathor. In these carvings various persons are offering the king
a conical loaf. Was this the legendary white powder known as
The answer appears to be yes, as the figure offering the powder can
be identified as an Egyptian treasurer named Sobekhotep, elsewhere
described as the man who “brought the noble Precious Stone to his
This leads to the connection with Iraq. It is clear to many
researchers and scholars today that the Egyptian civilization, far
from being the world’s first great culture as once popularly
believed, was in fact a mere remnant of a much older and fascinating
culture ---
the Sumerians.
The world’s deepest secrets all can be traced back to Sumer in
Mesopotamia, the first known great civilization which was located
between the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers at the headwaters of the
Persian Gulf. In biblical times, it was called Chaldea or
Today, it is known as Iraq.
The Sumerian culture seemed to appear from nowhere more than 6,000
years ago and before it strangely vanished, it had greatly
influenced life as far east as the Indus River, which flows from the
Himalayas through Pakistan to the Arabian Sea, and the Nile of the
later Egyptian kingdoms.
Virtually nothing was known about the Sumerians until about 150
years ago when archeologists, spurred on by the writings of Italian
traveler Pietro della Valle in the early 1600s, began to dig into
the strange mounds which dotted the countryside in southern Iraq.
Beginning with the discovery of Sargon II’s palace near modern-day
Khorsabad by the Frenchman Paul Emile Botta in 1843, archeologists
found buried cities, broken palaces, artifacts and thousands of clay
tablets detailing every facet of Sumerian life. By the late 1800s,
Sumerian had been recognized as an original language and was being
translated. Despite today’s knowledge, the general public still has
been taught little about this first great human civilization which
suddenly materialized in Mesopotamia.
It is fascinating to realize that it may be possible to know more
about this 6,000-year-old civilization than we may ever know about
the more recent Egyptians, Greeks and Romans. The explanation lies
in the Sumerian cuneiform writing. Whereas the papyrus of other
elder empires disintegrated over time or was destroyed by the fires
of war, cuneiform was etched onto wet clay tablets with a stylus
creating a wedge-shaped script. These tablets were then dried, baked
and kept in large libraries. About 500,000 of these clay tablets
have now been found and have provided modern researchers with
invaluable knowledge of the Sumerians.
The knowledge of Sumeria was brought to Egypt by the Biblical
Patriarch Abraham by means of cleverly coded knowledge found within
the Torah and other old Hebraic texts such as the
Sefer Yezirah
(Book of Creation) and the Sefer HaZohar (Book of Light). These
books predate the Talmud, a compilation of older Jewish laws and
traditions first written in the 5th century A. D. and were produced
centuries before the time of Jesus. According to the Book of Light,
“mysteries of wisdom” were given to Adam by God while still in the
fabled Garden of Eden. These elder secrets were then passed on
through Adam’s sons to Noah on to Abraham long before the Hebrews
existed as a distinct people. According to the Bible, Abraham was a
Sumerian originating from Ur of Chaldea, the ancient term for
Other Sumerians traveled frequently and widely and are thought to
have brought their advanced technology of ship building and mapping
to the early Phoenicians who settled along the eastern Mediterranean
coast in what is now Lebanon.
Their knowledge of the heavens was both amazing and puzzling.
whole concept of spherical astronomy, including the 360-degree
circle, the zenith, the horizon, the celestial axis, the poles, the
ecliptic, the equinoxes, etc., all arose suddenly in Sumer,” noted
author Alan Alford.
Sumerian knowledge of the movements of the sun
and moon resulted in the world’s first calendar, used for centuries
afterward by the Semites, Egyptians and Greeks.
Few people realize that we owe not only our geometry but also our
modern time-keeping systems to the Sumerian base 60 mathematical
“The origin of 60 minutes in an hour and 60 seconds in a
minute is not arbitrary, but designed around a sexagesimal (based on
the number 60) system,” Alford reported, adding that the modern
zodiac was a Sumerian creation based on their 12 “gods”.
They used
it to chart a great precessional cycle --- the division of the
360-degree view from the Earth’s North Pole during its 12-month
orbit around the sun into 12 equal parts --- or houses --- of 30
degrees each. Taking into account the slight wobble in Earth’s
orbit, movement through this complete cycle takes 25,920 years, an
event known as the Platonian Year, named for the Greek scholar
who inspired future secret societies such as the Knights Templars,
the Illuminati and Cecil Rhodes’
Round Tables.
“The uncomfortable question which the scientists have avoided is
this: how could the Sumerians, whose civilization only lasted 2,000
years, possibly have observed and recorded a celestial cycle that
took 25,920 years to complete? And why did their civilization begin
in the middle of a zodiac period? Is this a clue that their
astronomy was a legacy from the gods?” asked author Alford.
question could be enlarged to ask how did the early primitive humans
of almost 6,000 years ago suddenly transform from small packs of
hunter-gatherers into a full-blown --- advanced even by today’s
standards --- civilization? Even the writers of The New Encyclopedia
Britannica acknowledged that serious questions remain concerning the
Sumerian histories and cautiously explained that such queries,
posed from the standpoint of 20th century civilization and are in
part colored by ethical overtones, so that answers can only be
Since we now have thousands of translated Sumerian tablets along
with their inscribed cylinder seals, perhaps we should allow the
Sumerians themselves to explain. The answer is that they claimed
everything they achieved came from their “gods”.
“All the ancient peoples believed in gods who had descended to Earth
from the heavens and who could at will soar heavenwards,” explained
Middle Eastern scholar
Zecharia Sitchin in the prologue to the first
book of a series detailing his translations and interpretations of
Sumerian accounts of their origin and history.
“But these tales were
never given credibility, having been branded by scholars from the
very beginning as myths.”
Recognizing that even the most learned
researcher before the turn of the 20th century could not possibly
have begun to think in terms of concepts we accept as commonplace
today, Sitchin reasoned,
“Now that astronauts have landed on the
Moon, and unmanned spacecraft explore other planets, it is no longer
impossible to believe that a civilization on another planet more
advanced than ours was capable of landing its astronauts on the
planet Earth some time in the past.”
It is most significant that the
Sumerians never referred to the beings who brought them knowledge as
“gods”. This was a later interpretation by the Romans and Greeks,
who fashioned their own “gods” after the earlier oral traditions.
The Sumerians called them
the Anunnaki or
Those Who Came to Earth
from the Heavens. It was the Anunnaki who presented the early humans
with the knowledge of writing, farming, astrology and even politics.
They too were most probably the source of knowledge concerning the
miraculous white powdered gold.
Since some authorities believe that white powder gold
can regenerate
the human DNA, it is theorized that it might also provide a cure for
diseases and even old age itself. If this is true, the Biblical
stories of Methuselah living nearly 1,000 years may not be so far
fetched as some believe.
Anti-gravity, longevity, cures for AIDS and cancer, limitless free
energy, faster-than-light space travel --- no wonder certain persons
would go to any lengths to obtain, or conceal, such knowledge. As
detailed in Jim Marrs’ “underground bestseller”
Rule by Secrecy, the
United States has long been governed by men connected to secret
societies such as the
Council on Foreign Relations,
The Trilateral
Commission, the
the Illuminati and the
All of these groups can be traced back to even earlier societies,
all with a particular interest in alchemy and the occult.
It may well have been this interest and knowledge that prompted
certain U.S. leaders with secret society connections to desire
sending troops into Iraq in 2003.
This desire may have been intensified after ABC News reported nearly
400 ancient Sumerian artifacts were discovered in Iraq in 1999 in
the southern Iraqi town of Basmyiah, about 100 miles south of
Baghdad. The Iraqi New Agency said the objects ranged from animal
and human-shaped “toys” to cuneiform tablets and even “ancient
weapons”. At least one cylinder seal depicted a tall person thought
to represent the ancient King Gilgamesh. The antiquities were dated
to about 2500 B.C., said excavation team leader Riyadh al-Douri. Further discoveries in
Iraq were made in 2002 and early 2003 by
archeologists from the Bavarian department of
Historical Monuments in Munich, Germany using digital mapping technology.
According to
spokesman Jorg Fassbinder, a magnetometer was utilized to locate
buried walls, gardens, palaces and a surprising network of canals
that would have made Uruk a “Venice in the desert.” This equipment
also located a structure in the middle of the Euphrates River which
Fassbinder’s team believed to be the
tomb of Gilgamesh, the ancient
king who claimed to be two-thirds god and only one-third human. An
epic poem describing Gilgamesh’s search for the secret of
immortality was inscribed on clay tablets more than 2,000 years ago
and is thought to be one of the oldest books in history. Reportedly,
other astonishing finds were being made during this time by both
German and French archaeological teams given permission to excavate
Saddam Hussein. It may be worth noting that
Germany and France
were the two nations most opposed to the U.S. invasion in 2003.
The new discoveries were added those stored in the Iraqi National
Museum in Baghdad, which had been closed to the public since the
first Gulf War in 1991.
Scholars around the world lamented the loss of priceless antiquities
in that nation. had previously lamented the loss of ancient
artifacts and writings because of the 1991Gulf War and subsequent
embargo of Iraq.
McGuire Gibson, with The Oriental Institute of the
University of
Chicago, bemoaned,
“The aftermath of the war witnessed the looting
and sometimes the burning of nine regional museums and the loss of
more than 3,000 artifacts, only a few of which have been recovered.“
"The loss of the objects, although grave, was not as destructive as
the change that the attacks on the museums will have on the future
relationship of museums to the people of Iraq. It is unlikely that
there will ever again be an effort at public education about
archeology on the scale that was represented by those regional
He added that almost all archeological research in
came to a halt because of the war and embargo.
In addition to the destruction of historical artifacts, such as the
American bombs that struck the giant ziggurat at Ur and the losses
due to construction by U.S. troops at Tell al-Lahm, economic
conditions caused by the American embargo has caused an increase in
the illegal trading of Iraqi artifacts.
It is most intriguing to some researchers to realize that Iraq, most
probably the cradle of human civilization if not the starting point
for all humanity, is today just about the only place on the planet
that the free people of America cannot visit.
By mid-2002, President George W. Bush was clearly intent on invading
Iraq despite assurances from United Nations chief weapons inspector
Hans Blix, the International Atomic Energy Agency and even Scott
Ritter, who had resigned as the U.S. weapons inspector, that Iraq
had no weapons of mass destruction.
Protest marches were reported in almost every major American city
and a poll conducted for the New York Times and CNN in early 2003
showed half of those queried were uneasy at the prospect of war with
None of this seemed to sway President Bush who pronounced,
“If the
UN won’t act, if Saddam won’t disarm, we will lead a coalition to
disarm him.”
On March 20, 2003, Bush made good on these words by
launching U.S. forces across Iraqi’s borders.
Unlike previous military campaigns where armies captured key cities,
then consolidated their forces before moving on to the next
objective, US forces made a bee line for Baghdad, bypassing most of
the country.
Once the capital was in American hands by late April 2003, at least
50,000 priceless artifacts and tablets were taken from the Iraqi
National Museum in Baghdad by looters. Evidence indicated that some
of these looters were highly organized with an agenda of their own.
Despite prior attempts to alert American military officers of the
danger of losing artifacts dating back 7,000 years, American
authorities failed to prevent the wholesale looting of humankind’s
most ancient treasures.
“It was my impression that the
Department of
Defense had made provisions for the safeguarding of monuments and
museums,” lamented Maxwell Anderson, president of the Association of
Art Museum Directors.
Anderson was among a group that in January
2003 alerted Pentagon and State Department officials to the
importance of these antiquities.
Furthermore, according to an Associated Press report, the thieves
had keys to the museum and its vaults. Gibson said what appeared to
be random looting actually was a carefully planned theft.
“It looks
as if part of the theft was a very, very deliberate, planned
action,” he said.
“They were able to obtain keys from somewhere for
the vaults and were able to take out the very important, the very
best material. I have a suspicion it was organized outside the
country. In fact, I’m pretty sure it was.”
“I believe they were people who knew what they wanted,” noted
Dr. Dony George, head of the Baghdad National Museum.
“They had passed
by the gypsum copy of the Black Obelisk. This means that they must
have been specialists. They did not touch the copies.”
cutters not available in Iraq were found in the museum and a huge
bronze bust weighing hundreds of pounds... would have required a fork
lift to remove it indicate that well organized professional cultural
thieves were mixed in with the mob,” noted Christopher Bollyn of the
American Free Press.
The fact that some display cases were empty without being broken
indicated that some of the precious materials may have been taken
out prior to the arrival of the looters.
“It was almost as if the perpetrators were waiting for
Baghdad to
fall to make their move,” commented a writer for BusinessWeek.
All this was confirmed by Col. Matthew Bogdanos in early 2004.
Col. Bogdanos headed an investigation of the looting as deputy director
for the Joint Interagency Coordination Group originally assigned to
seek out weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. After gaining
permission from General Tommy Franks, the group probed the museum
In an interview published in the January/February issue of
Archeology, Col. Bogdanos was asked what is still missing from the
Iraqi National Museum. He replied,
“You have the public gallery from
which originally 40 exhibits were taken. We’ve recovered 11. Turning
to the storage rooms, there were about 3,150 pieces taken from
those, and that’s almost certainly by random and indiscriminant
looters. Of those, we’ve recovered 2,700. So there’s about 400 of
these pieces, excavated pieces, missing.
“The final group is from the basement. The basement is what we’ve
been calling the inside job. And I will say it forever like a
mantra: it is inconceivable to me that the basement was breached and
the items stolen without an intimate insider’s knowledge of the
museum. From there about 10,000 pieces were taken. We’ve only
recovered 650, approximately.”
When the looting began on April 17, 2003, one
Iraqi archaeologist
summoned U.S. troops to protect the national museum. Five Marines
accompanied the man to the museum and chased out some looters by
firing shots over their heads. However, after about 30 minutes, the
soldiers were ordered to withdraw and the looters soon returned.
Apparently the only building in Baghdad to receive full American
protection was the Ministry of Oil.
“Not since the Taliban embarked on their orgy of destruction against
the Buddhas of Bamiyan and the statutes in the museum of
Kabul -
perhaps not since World War II - have so many archaeological
treasures been wantonly and systematically smashed to pieces,”
reported British newsman Robert Fisk, who toured the museum shortly
after the incident.
The preventable looting prompted three members of the
White House
Cultural Property Advisory Committee to resign, disgusted that the
alerted American military had failed to protect the Mesopotamian
“This tragedy was not prevented, due to our nation’s
inaction,” wrote committee chairman Martin E. Sullivan in his
resignation letter.
It has been widely reported that
Saddam Hussein believes himself to
be the reincarnation of the King Nebuchadnezzar, who performed
wondrous achievements in construction such as the Hanging Gardens of
Babylon, in an attempt to communicate with ancient Mesopotamian gods
from the heavens. To further this attempt, the Book of Daniel states
that Nebuchanezzar built a tall narrow structure of gold 27 meters
high and 2.7 meters wide near Babylon but it was ineffective. When
three Hebrew scholar/priests who had been appointed by the prophet
Daniel to administrate over Babylon , Shadrach, Meshach and
refused to serve his gods, they were thrown into a nearby crucible.
But after clothing themselves in hats, coats and “other garments,”
the trio survived the fire.
Oddly enough, when Nebuchanezzar checked
to see if the three were dead, he said,
“Lo, I see four men loose,
walking in the midst of the fire, and they have no hurt; and the
form of the fourth is like the Son of God.
[King James Bible]”
Although no further mention is made of this
fourth god-like person,
the three Israelites were honored by the king and prospered under
his kingship. Obviously, there is something much more to gold than
ornamental jewelry and wealth.
Could the millennia-long veneration of gold have more to do with
ancient knowledge of its intrinsic power than with its monetary
worth? Could Saddam Hussein have been working on unlocking the
secrets of the white power gold? Could the possibility that he might
succeed have contributed to the rush to war with Iraq? And did that
still-unfinished war have something to do with gaining control over
recently-discovered knowledge, and perhaps even technology that
might undo the modern monopolies in religion and technology?
Michael E. Salla, who has taught at American University in
Washington, D.C., the Australian National University in Canberra and
George Washington University, believes this is indeed the case.
“[C]ompeting clandestine government organizations are struggling
through proxy means to take control of ancient extraterrestrial (ET)
technology that exists in Iraq,” he wrote in a
2003 research study.
The recent discovery of exotic monatomic elements, the ages-long
quest for both gold and its alchemical secrets, ancient texts that
speak of life-giving powder and the proximity of Iraq to the source
of knowledge concerning this certainly provides one possible motive
for the invasion and looting of Iraq.
The intense search for anti-gravity may also play a part in all
this. This may all have begun in modern times during the waning days
of World War II.