Paulo N. Correa,M.Sc., Ph.D and
Alexandra N. Correa,
Aetherometry Website
should we again choose to speak of an aether? Isn’t that like
resurrecting the notion of God, a single God, in scientific terms?
It is a poorly grasped truism that the
Michelson-Morley Experiment ’ended once and for all any notion that an
Aether did or could
exist’. We have already written extensively on this matter (see
Infinite Energy, #’s 38 & 39), but let us say again in a summary
fashion that the Michelson-Morley Experiment did not, in any way, do
away with any possible consideration of the Aether. What it did do
away with was consideration of a fixed aether that, to boot, was
electromagnetic in nature. Einstein himself supposed, until well
into the 1920s, that there could and should be an Aether and that,
in all likelihood, it would prove to be gravitational. Later, of
course, a flawed geometrical analysis more than satisfied him, and
there no longer remained a need, in his mind, to think of the
gravitational field as an actual energy flux. Instead, his
theorizing resorted to deformations of a quasi-static geometry.
Einstein felt legitimized, in a sense, to do this because he
thought that this was where the ’technologized’ senses, the laboratory
experiments and the Gedanken experiments inevitably led. But this
turn in his thinking is, in a sense, a betrayal of his earlier
positions. And, to this day, those who speak of an aether are only
able to conceive of it as an electromagnetic reality.
Well, our theoretical work has news for them. Both the friends and
the foes of Aether theory have always fought, and continue to fight,
on the grounds that the Aether is an electromagnetic reality - or an
electromagnetic unreality. Einstein, in the 1920s, actually had a
reading of the Michelson-Morley Experiment similar to that which
Aetherometry proposes - maintaining that it had only disproved that
the Aether was stationary and was electromagnetic in nature. This
was truly a novel insight. We drew attention to this
little-remembered fact of Einstein’s thought in our article entitled
Consequences of the Null Result of the Michelson-Morley Experiment,
which appeared in
issue #38 of Infinite Energy, and as a result,
slowly, we are beginning to see this realization being taken up in
other articles as well. Likewise, Herman Oberth believed that the
gravitational field was an energetic reality that could be
controlled and engineered - though not by electromagnetic means. And
Reich, of course, also stood apart from the crowd and
introduced the term ’orgone’ in order to designate a
domain of energy which could
not be confused with any notion of an electromagnetic aether or
massbound electric fields.
But just because the Aether
is not
electromagnetic does not mean that a concept of an Aether properly
enunciated does not have a genealogical line and a proper place in
the structure of physics. One could begin this ungrateful task by
seizing the break introduced by Reich in conceptualizing a
dynamic Aether: previously the Imponderable was construed as having mass but
not weight; yet, based upon the identity of inertial mass and
gravitational mass (or mass-equivalent wavelength, in Aetherometry)
- the very identity which was cardinal for Einstein’s General Theory
of Relativity - Reich was brought to realize that the Imponderable
is not just weightless, but also noninertial and thus massfree. Here
lies the break, an epistemological rupture that puts into
perspective the error in Einstein’s interpretation of the Jeans
relation, E = mc2. As B. Russell put it, it might appear that mass
and energy are very different things, "but it has turned out that
energy is the same thing as measured mass". Well, it is not. Mass,
like wavelength, is but one of the (possible) constituents of energy
and, what is yet more fundamental, energy exists in massless forms
where the function filled by mass in mass-energy, or in the world
of Matter, is filled instead by a free wavelength function.
Secondly, it so happens that what characterizes the modern notion of
the Aether, the notion put forward by Aetherometry, is not just that
the Aether is dynamic; not just that it is not electromagnetic or
that it is weightless; but also that, as Reich quite rightly
contended, the dynamic Aether is massfree. This is its critical
Thirdly, there is this ’strange and unfinished’ rupture
marked by the concept of ’orgone’ energy, a concept that initially was
practically synonymous with the dynamic Aether, though would later
be de facto displaced from this sense by the discovery of DOR. Reich
never had the opportunity to explore this disjunction of massfree
energy sufficiently to realize that even the duality of OR and
does not exhaust the world of the Imponderable, the world of the
massfree Aether. If the manifolds of Space and Time must be thought
of as distinct and independent from mass or mass-energy,
independent, in a word, from the world of Matter, from its inertia
and its gravitational fields, then the very energetic envelope of
these two manifolds bears no electric property and yet generates
Space and Time. Indeed, no one has ever shown that production of
Space and Time is of necessity an electric process. This short and
concise thought alone indicates the cosmological breadth of the
problem since, as Aetherometry proposes, the nature of the
OR and DOR radiations is precisely that they are electric forms of radiant
energy, bearing ambipolar and massfree charge through the medium of
longitudinal waves. Likewise, to add to the posing of this concrete
problem, phenomena of ’latent heat’, antigravitation,
cloud-formation and the acquisition of higher- order states of the
intrinsic potential energy of molecules, etc, all betray or indicate
the action of a massfree energy flux which is not electrical, even
if it can and does interconvert with ambipolar massfree energy.
We are led to conclude that the Aether is a polyvalent domain
distinct from Matter. This needs to be fully understood: Matter, at
the end of the day, when all is said and done, is but Aether energy
imprisoned in electrically stable constructs that deploy inertial
properties in order to conserve both mass (mass-energy) and massbound charge. But
Aether energy, as the pristine domain of massfree energy,
is neither electromagnetic, nor composed of
photons, nor monopolar electric nor even electric per se. The
encompasses both electric and nonelectric forms of massfree energy,
with the former being ambipolar and not monopolar. All monopolar
charges are massbound, ie bound to inertial charge carriers. All massfree charges are ambipolar, and they may have energy which
belongs to one of two spectra, OR or DOR. Orgone is therefore simply
a subtype of aether energy, affine with the living. Moreover, the
cosmological problems raised by the Aether essentially concern not
its electric formation, but its nonelectric energy form, and how it
produces sensible thermal photons with the temperature of the
microwave Background Radiation (CBR).
Thus the concept of an Aether as the domain of massfree energy,
whether electric or not, is a functional concept that addresses the
perception of the Imperceptible, of that massfree Imponderable that
deploys even Space and Time as of all eternity. Here is an infinity
that cannot be normalized or renormalized, nor reduced by thought.
For these various reasons we cannot and should not invent a new word
to describe the Aether; instead, we should seek to learn and
comprehend what Reich discovered, the domains of massfree electric
energy, and, in particular, the physical and chemical affinity that
the OR portion of this domain has for
Life and the living.
If anything, the indefinition of the term ’orgone’ and the shift in
physical meaning it underwent worked against Reich’s scientific
process of investigation. Because this word, OR energy, had true
specificity in the ambipolar range of Aether energy and, further,
because of its specific connotations with respect to cellular
biology, this confusion opened the gates to barbaric usages of
mysticism in interpreting Reich’s theory. Aetherometry is very
unforgiving in this respect. The Aether is not a ZPE continuum,
precisely because there isn’t any electromagnetic continuum; nor is
the Aether the same as Reich’s orgone; the
world of the Aether
encompasses orgone as one of its subdomains, electric and within
physical boundaries that science can ascertain and which
Aetherometry has discovered.
More relevant to the present-day state of Physics is the fact that
OR energy is a ’subchapter’ of the massfree Aether which produces
the entirety of the beneficial or LFOT blackbody radiation as well
as most of the ’latent heat’ that all living reactions - aerobic and
anaerobic and photosynthetic - employ. Here, Reich’s
discovery and the new term ’orgone’ could be, or could have been, a powerful tool,
a new reality, instead of an unnecessary duplicative word that most
people simply assimilate to the old electromagnetic aether. This is
precisely the mistake of most aether theorists, Reichians included,
who continue to return to the old aether studies, like those of
Miller: they persist in imaginarily re-demonstrating an
aether that
would still be static - and electromagnetic at that. This only
proves the profound insufficiency of their reading of Reich.
The critical break is precisely this: Reich used the word ’orgone’
hesitantly in an inductive experimental fashion, but failed to
construct for it the accurate concept. In the mouths of his
followers it would become, instead, a catch-all phrase lacking any
clear definition. But the Aether is an energetic reality that - even
without knowing anything about orgone accumulators,
electroscopes, orgone motors, Tesla coils, etc.- we must still wonder about with
the tools of science. For as soon as we have to contend with the
reality of a cosmic microwave background radiation filling the
entirety of Space, or attempt to understand Space and
Time outside
of Relativity, the insistent questions of both ’latent heat’ and the Aether resurface.
Cosmologically, it is rather obvious that the antigravitational
property of ’latent heat’ has tremendous implications. The
reason why energy simultaneously unfolds Space and
Time is due to a very primary property of defined energy
states: that aside from secondary superimposition and phase
coincidences, they tend to separate themselves from the continuum
they compose, as if a minimum repulsion existed between the simplest
units of energy. The deeper reason why the envelope of Space
and Time does not and will not collapse is found
precisely in the ’antigravitic’ or ’repulsive’
property of ’latent heat’. This is the deeper secret of it - which
it has been Aetherometry’s task both to unravel and to document. So
if we are to address the problems of Space and Time as functions of
energy, we must first understand they are functions of that ’latent’
energy in massfree form. It is precisely this ’latent’ energy in massfree form which, as scientists continue to attempt to cool down
an atom in a trap to absolute zero, keeps stubbornly resisting;
keeps using that atom as a pick-up antenna for the capture of
’latent heat’ which the atom persistently converts into the little
bursts of sensible heat it releases and which, for a mass of atoms,
impede the researcher from ever being able to bring any atom to
absolute zero. There is, in other words, a minimal thermal heat that
atoms constantly propagate, vibrating with the waves of ’latent
heat’ that produce and unfold Space and Time.
The Aether could never be gravitational per se, because the
gravitational field is created coextensively with the presence of
mass-energy or Matter in that field. So, even though the
gravitational field is an Aether field, ie a field of massfree
energy, it is bound to mass-energy everywhere including the earth,
the sun and the galaxy. But this gravitational energy, which exists
by virtue of being bound to Matter and mediates all the attractions
we call gravitational, is not separable from the existence of its
opposite - ’latent heat’. In reality the planets are all buoyant in
a ’fluid’ which keeps them apart just as much as it brings them
together. Gravitationally speaking, they only come together, as
Reich pointed out in the context of superimposition, in the same
Space but at different times. This is one of the meanings of phase
Space and Time, where there can be synchronization without
simultaneity or strict synchronism - a coincidence in virtual Space
with an interval in Time for two different superimposing segments of
the Aether lattice.
Two different pieces of the lattice for the same
’ideal Space’. The positions are apparently the same but Space is
effectively different, even if it appears to be the same or
identical. Space is a property of energy and, as Time intervenes,
the flux of energy is necessarily different for the same apparent
relative position. Space is constantly recreated. The ultimate pool
of Aether energy consists of the antigravitic property of
heat’. Space completely devoid of Matter, at as high a vacuum as may
be achieved, where virtually no types of radiant energy are to be
found - that pure conjunction of Space and Time that supports no
life is nevertheless energetic, and it is this unceasing flux that
permits its unfolding and its expansion as Space and
Time. This
quantum of ’latent’ energy alone synchronizes vast quantities of
energy in its perpetual production of Space and Time, consistently
and homogeneously to our perception - were we to arrive there as a ’perfect subject or observer’.
And so, in a very real sense, cosmologically speaking, we would have
to be capable of first conceiving of the ’great Inanimate’ (as
Castaneda once described its perception) - well before we begin to
speak of anything that has to do with electroscopes, accumulators,
induction coils, orgone motors, PAGDs, where electric manifestations
of the Aether are instead apparent as manifestations of
energy’. We are constrained to recognize what others call ’empty
space’ as Space with Time, as functions of energy that irreversibly
flow with the flux of Time. We are constrained to think this way, if
we seek the terrain of science. This is the very challenge - the
point when we will always abandon Relativity. For, if we are to
defend science as the domain of the quantitative, it is the
arbitrariness of the quantitative that we must exorcise by
introducing the qualitative, beginning with the physical - such as
the physical effects of distinct energy forms, and so on - to embody
the physical boundaries of that quantitative. Without this task,
there is no science, only chimeric thought.
To follow Leibniz’s and Deleuze’s inspiration, everything else we
refer to as ’other forms of energy’ are the results of the folding
of this very unfolded reality we call Aether. It is the folding that
shortens the distances and permits the other physical effects. Most
basic to all matter is that which is basic to the envelope of the
cosmos itself: the production of Space and Time as properties of
energy flow. Before we can talk of any of the other properties -
gravitic, electric, thermal, electromagnetic, ionizing, etc. - we
first have to talk about the properties of ’latent heat’, because it
is these that concretely support the continuum of Space and Time.
The reason why there is a microwave background is precisely because
everywhere there is conversion of totally unfolded, so to speak,
pure Space and Time, pure continuity, into folds.
The moment that superimposition of energy produces mass, this mass,
the smallest speck of Matter, such as the electron and its variants,
will interact with this energy whether it is latent or electric. If
it is latent, it will use it to kinetically repel gravitational
fields. If it is electric, it will use it as a source of electrokinetic energy and as a way of producing the punctual photons
it releases. If we wanted to be somewhat crude about it, we could
say that photons are but the very transient dejecta of electrons and
protons. And since all hadrons are composites of
protons, photons
are, simply put, farts. But to imagine that the Aether in its
entirety is composed only of farts is really, we have to say, an
idea for farts. And we could also say that this is precisely what’s
wrong with Physics. The aether is not composed of farts, it is not
composed of photons and it is not electromagnetic. And it is not
static a fortiori. The Aether is composed of the
Imponderable Dark where there is only pure motion in a smooth space, whether that
motion is electrified or not. Everything else arises from it.
One man asks: what is ’latent heat’? Someone answers ’it is the lost
heat inside of a steam engine’. Another answers ’no, it’s the
intrinsic potential energy of a gas’. And still another protests
it’s the ’latent heat’ of a molecule in a vapor phase precondensate’.
What we are saying is - forget about all these definitions. The
structure of Space and Time is not electric and it is
gravitational either. Gravitational fields are specific fields of
massfree energy that are affected to mass-energy in a state of flux,
and need to be regenerated constantly for that mass-energy to
conserve itself. We can certainly conceive of Space and Time in the
absence of Matter. But what is it that makes Space and Time? If they
are energetic components - the manifold properties of energy itself
- they have to have an energy structure, they have to possess wave
functions that are no different in type from any other wave
functions associated with known energetic manifestations. Why should
we suddenly privilege a cosmological perspective and transform it
into an affair of geometry and go the way of General Relativity?
Why? Why should we do that?
Especially if one is committed to a
treatment of Space and Time as properties of energy, this is
definitely not the way to go. For topology will certainly teach us
nothing about the energetic relation of Space with Time, or about
the synchronisms of aether energy in its various forms. But it is an
altogether different matter to understand ’latent heat’, to
understand how molecules have different capacities to obtain it, how
they trap it in the microatmospheres surrounding them to produce the
critical effects of the Van der Waals force law (to be replaced by
the far more precise Aetherometric treatment) and to understand how,
in the context of these different manifestations of ’latent heat’,
we find a common denominator which reduces to the cosmological
functions of pure smooth Space and pure Simultaneity in the absence
of any Matter, any charge, any electromagnetic fields, any radiative
fields save the radiative field that produces both Space and Time.
It is here we find the naked reality of the Aether as massfree
latent energy. Beyond the darkness lies the Dark. If the
energy of the Aether is the Dark and the domain of ambipolar
electricity, the very domain shared by OR and DOR, there is still a
darker, deeper abyss, the Inanimate. It is the greatest of all
molecules - since it composes the very envelope of Space and Time
that we perceive as the essence of our existence in the world around