ThinkAboutIt Website
JUNE 2001
The E.C. Parliament has confirmed
(admitted?) the existence of the communications intelligence and
information exchange network called ECHELON.
This global network of wiretaps, data-sniffing and general
eavesdropping systems enables the U.S. government (and probably the
U.K.) to intercept digital communications.
In effect this means that, amongst other activities, ECHELON is
capable of recording all email messages and all telephone
conversations - regardless of who is making them. ECHELON is based at
Menwith Hill in North Yorkshire U.K - rumours of
its existence have circulated for years. ECHELON does not require a
suspicion element to monitor any communications and can, therefore,
snoop into innocent peoples personal data. An E.C. spokesman stated
that there is good reason to believe that information has been
obtained by ECHELON by illegally monitoring private emails.
Amongst other things the French government is sure that commercial
contracts have been lost to the U.S. (including an Airbus contract
with Saudi Arabia) despite U.S. denials. Unless encrypted, any persons communications, from any location can
be snooped upon - in fact it is suspected that all European emails
and telephone communications are automatically recorded at Menwith

Menwith Hill - near
Harrogate North Yorkshire (UK)
JULY 18TH - 2001
The residents of North Yorkshire are
registering a strong protest against the Menwith Hill Listening
Station following the closure of its sister station in Bavaria
Despite U.S. denials the German base was not closed due to a cost
cutting exercise (millions of dollars have recently been spent on
improved electronic eavesdropping equipment) but protests from the
German public forced the U.S. agencies to transfer their activities
to Menwith Hill.
It is likely that Menwith Hill will become the most important covert
listening station in the world and also an integral component in the
new Star wars Defense system.
It is understandable that the people of the North of England want no
part of this "skulking and covertly dangerous " element of U.S.
military World dominance.

In a report produced by the United
States Space Command, entitled "A Vision for 2020",
General Howell
M. Estes states,
"Globalization of the World Economy will
continue with a widening between the "haves " and the "have nots".
The aims of the U.S. Space Command - dominating the space dimension
for Military operations to protect U.S. interests and investment.
Integrating Space Forces into War fighting capabilities across the
full system of conflict".