by Robert Bruce Baird
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We can ask the reader to see if the
T-square of the Masons which Churchward details has a 50,000 year
history, which we have dealt with, has any application in this
report you might remember from "Psychic Discoveries Behind The Iron
Curtain" that formed a large part of my early knowledge in these
These devices had been inspired, they
(Ostrander and Schroeder of the American teaching
profession who wrote this remarkable book.) were told, by archaic
manuscripts and forgotten discoveries. They noticed at once that the
collection included forms resembling the ’ankh’ (or looped cross) and the
pyramid commonly associated with Ancient Egypt.
When Ostrander and Schroeder first saw this collection of
generators, Robert Pavlita himself was in his mid-fifties, the
design director of a Czech textile plant. He had been interested in
the subtle use of energies since the twenties. Thirty years of
research had taken him into several strange pathways, including a
study of Ancient Egypt.
Several scenes depicted in tomb paintings and wall engravings
intrigued him, as they have intrigued other engineers. A common
representation of a priest offering a libation to Osiris, for
example shows the track of something emerging from a container and
arching upwards over the god’s head. A similar scene appears in a
tomb at Thebes where the contents of a pot arc over the head of a
mummy. Egyptologists routinely assume that what’s shown emerging
from the container is liquid.
Bill Cox points out that, if this was so, the track of the liquid -
which remains remarkably consistent in pictures of this sort -
defies the laws of gravity, unless the liquid is pressurized.. .and
this, given the containers shown, requires a source of energy. But
there are doubts about whether liquid really is being depicted. The
mummification process used in Egypt was designed to extract all
moisture from a body and the last thing a servant would have done
was pour liquid on a mummy.
If not liquid, then what? Cox speculates that the Egyptians were
actually indicating energy tracks or energy fields. Robert Pavlita
went further. He decided to see if some of the devices depicted
might generate some sort of subtle energy in their own right.
chapter is headed "Psychotronics Today" and he is on the right track
that we have shown hundreds of years or more of a device people like
the 99 Lodge and Borgias used. It is called the tepaphone and was
probably originally developed from the magic wands of Druids who had
the harmonics of the "Lost Chord". We covered this in ’Hitler vs. Frabato! & The Charm of Making’.)
It took him a long time to prove his point. He quickly discovered
that it was nowhere near enough to create, say, a sculptured ‘ankh’
and hope that some sort of energy would manifest automatically. The
metal - or, more often, specific combination of metals - proved
important and even then the device had to be properly primed in
order to be of any use at all. None the less, he persevered, driven
by what amounted to an obsession. Eventually he created a device
that produced observable results.
Pavlita took his machine to Hradec Kralove University near Prague
(Spelt Praha or Pranha in some languages and the site of much work
by medieval alchemists.) and persuaded a physicist there to put it
to the test. The results were so dramatic that, within days, the
entire physics department was involved. What Pavlita had carried in
was a sealed metal box, through which passed a shaft attached to a
small electric motor underneath. When the motor was switched on, the
shaft revolved. The only other part of the machine was a small,
shaped metal object in one corner of the box. This object wasn’t
attached to any thing and did not seem to have any function
For their tests, the scientists balanced a T-shaped piece of copper
on the top of the shaft. When the motor was switched on, the shaft
rotated and so, predictably enough, did the T-shaped copper. A
high-speed automatic camera kept track of the number of rotations.
Pavlita positioned himself about 2 m (6 ft) from the device and
stared at it. After a moment, the copper T slowed, and then stopped,
even though the motor was still running and the shaft still
rotating. As the startled scientists watched dumbfounded, the copper
actually began to spin in the opposite direction to the rotating
shaft - an apparent impossibility. The test caused a sensation in
research circles, but was gracefully marred by misreporting. Almost
without exception, scientists assumed that what had been
demonstrated was Robert Pavlita’s natural ability as a psychokinetic
medium - someone capable of exerting a purely mental influence on
the physical world.
(Of course, science really didn’t accept psychokinesis
either. The reversing of spin on atomic structure like electrons is
key to the high spin atomics in conjunction with ’shem-an-na’ stones in Egypt
Laurence Gardner attributes many of the benefits of the
Philosopher’s Stone to. Included among these benefits is levitation
or anti-gravity. There is some question in my mind about the
levitation of pyramid stones or other rocks of over 500 Tons and the
on again off again nature of the weightlessness. There are other
answers we will cover that make more sense to us - that does not
disprove the actual performance of what may well have been done. The
"White Powder" has been found at a secret manufacturing site of the
Egyptians that ties in with the Biblical story of Moses and the ’burning bush’.)
But Pavlita was doing nothing of the sort. The small metal shape,
forgotten in the corner of the sealed box, was the world’s first
functioning psychotronic generator - or at least the MODERN world’s
first functioning psychotronic generator. It was this device that
allowed Pavlita to demonstrate his ’impossible effect’.”