The Enigma of
Coral Castle
by William Stansfield
Skeptic - Volume 12, Number 2
Dr. William Stansfield is Emeritus Professor of Biology, California
Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo. He taught courses in
genetics, evolution, immunology, and history of biology and wrote
textbooks for each of these disciplines. He enjoys traveling and
gardening; he does not enjoy exercising, but does it anyway. Bill
can be contacted at
Leedskalnin was believed to be the one who built the
Coral Castle near Miami, which is made entirely of huge
blocks of limestone. Leedskalnin supported himself and
paid for the land, tools, and other items for building
the castle until it was ready for paying visitors, which
has not been explained, but it is certainly an important
part of the mystery.
Stansfield details how Leedskalnin
built the Coral Castle. |
THERE IS A CASTLE NEAR MIAMI, FLORIDA, made entirely of huge blocks
of limestone. It is claimed that a single man built it alone, using
only simple hand tools.1 The man’s name was
Edward Leedskalnin
(1887-1951). Born in Latvia, he received only a third or fourth grade
education. When Ed was 28-years old, he became engaged to marry a
16-year old girl named Agnes Scuffs (Skuvst), whom he called his
"Sweet Sixteen."
The day before their scheduled wedding,
however, Agnes told Ed that he was too poor and too old for her to
marry. Heart-broken, Ed sailed to the New World and worked his way
through Canada, down into California, east to Texas, finally
arriving in southern Florida sometime between 1918 and 1920.
Although Ed was just over five feet tall and weighed about 100
pounds he worked in lumber camps and on at least one cattle drive
along the way.
Sometime during his travels he developed
a touch of tuberculosis and decided that Florida’s sunny climate
would be good for his health. He settled down in the little town of
Florida City, located about 27 miles southwest of Miami. There he
began to build a coral castle as a tribute to his Sweet Sixteen. The
site was first opened to the public in 1923. It took about twenty
years to complete most of the castle structures existing today.
How Ed supported himself and paid for the land, tools, and other
items for building the castle until it was ready for paying visitors
has not been explained, but it is certainly an important part of the
mystery. One source says that a neighbor let him build his original
castle on borrowed property in Florida City;2 another claims he
bought an acre there.3 When I purchased a
20-minute video tour of
Coral Castle from the castle gift shop, I received gratis an
"English Tour Guide" pamphlet that stated that Ed purchased an acre
of ground in Florida City for $12. Apparently Ed had made and saved
enough money from his labors before he began work on his castle to
provide for his necessities (and perhaps even more).
Eventually, Ed wrote five pamphlets.
Three of them were about "Magnetic Current." One pamphlet titled
"Mineral, Vegetable and Animal Life," contains his beliefs about
life’s cycle. Another tided "A Book in Every Home" contains his
thoughts about his domestic and political views, as well as thoughts
about his Sweet Sixteen. He made money from giving tours of the
castle for a dime to a quarter per person and from the sale of his
pamphlets, but most of his money probably came from the sale of some
of his land where U.S. Highway 1 passes the castle. In a 16-page
color brochure I purchased from the Coral Castle, a man named E. L.
Lawrence claims,
"Ed told me many times that his livelihood was
gained from dividends received from stocks in public utilities."
The Coral Castle website
4 states,
"This part of Florida is composed
of coral, in some places as much as 4,000 feet thick, covered with
only a few inches of topsoil." It also claims that "[W]e cannot find
any record of any person who saw Ed work."
Apparently he was a very
private man who took great pains to avoid being seen at work. He
also carved several pieces of furniture out of the native limestone,
including tables, chairs, and a rocker. Ripley’s Believe It Or Not
alleges that Ed’s 5,000-pound heart-shaped rock table is the world’s
largest valentine. The rocking chair is said to weigh three
Moving the
Around 1936, it is alleged that Ed learned that someone was planning
to build a sub-division near him. So over the next three years he
moved the castle, block by block, about 10 miles north of Florida
City to the town of Homestead, where he bought ten acres and
reconstructed the castle.4 Another source2 reports that
Ed moved the
castle "three miles north of Homestead". Still another
website3 states that he moved everything 10 miles away, leaving just
one tower behind, and he did it in less than a month. If these
sources can’t even get the geographical specifications or timing of
events correct, what credence should a skeptic give to other aspects
of their stories? Today Coral Castle occupies only three of the
original ten acres.
It is said that Ed didn’t own a car, but he had a bicycle, which he
rode 3.5 miles to town for food and supplies. He also owned a
chassis from an old Republic truck.4 A "chassis" is a rectangular
steel frame, supported on springs and attached to the axles, that
holds the body and motor of a car or truck. Ed laid two rails on his
truck chassis to hold the blocks and asked a friend with a tractor
to tow the "loaded trailer" to Homestead. From this, I surmise that
at the time of the move the motor in Ed’s truck was absent or
inoperative. Many people reported seeing the blocks being towed
along the old Dixie Highway, but no one (presumably not even the
friend who towed his blocks for him) ever saw how Ed loaded or
unloaded the trailer.
According to one source,5 the castle tower is a two-story monolith
that housed Ed’s workshop and living quarters. (How can a monolith
have two stories? The tower and the monolith are two different
structures.) A photo of the tower shows that its walls contain at
least four layers of blocks, each block weighing 4 to 9 tons. The
roof of the tower consists of 30 blocks, each weighing about one
ton. The upper level of the tower contained Ed’s living quarters;
his tool room was in the lower level. There are 16 steps leading up
to the living quarters.
Was this designed as another tribute to Ed’s
sweetheart or just a coincidence? A 40-foot tall obelisk weighing 28
tons (22 tons by another account6) appears to be the only giant
monolith inside the park walls. It has an opening near its top that
is carved in the shape of a Latvian star. The obelisk stands alone
near the east perimeter wall of the park opposite the tower.
According to the video tour, the obelisk is buried in a shaft 4-5
feet underground.

It bears the carved inscriptions: MADE 1928, MOVED
1939, BORN 1887, LATVIA.

A view of the castle
with a 40 foot obelisk in the background

A heart-shaped table with a live bush as a centerpiece

A pond representing the Mi moon, flanked by two quarter moons

Ed and his electrical generator

The telescope stone
Another monolithic structure with a hole
near the top, called the "Polaris telescope," is said to weigh
40,000 pounds and stands 25 feet tall (the color brochure says 20
tons on page 6; almost 30 tons on page 5; 28 tons on page 16!). The
telescope actually consists of two parts. The freestanding part is
located 20 feet outside the north castle wall. The "eyepiece" is a
hole located in the north wall.
Apertures in both parts of the
telescope contain two crossed wires. The North Star (Polaris) can be
seen on any clear night by aligning both sets of crosswires. The
date 1940 is carved into one side of the telescope. The tour guide
pamphlet states that 1940 is the date that Ed completed it. This
leaves me wondering if construction of the telescope was begun at
the Florida City site, or if its construction was both begun and
completed at the Homestead site.
Some rock sculptures inside the park represent Mars, Saturn, and
other celestial objects. The central block of a triad of sculptures
called the "moon fountain" contains the heaviest piece in the park,
weighing 30 tons. A complex sundial is carved out of rock,
calibrated to noon of the summer and winter solstices, and claimed
to be accurate to within two minutes.5 The tour guide pamphlet
claims, "As far as we know, this is the only sun dial of its kind in
the world."
Data gathered by Ed’s observations through the Polaris
telescope allowed him to construct the sundial. The video tour shows
the details of the sundial most clearly. Some fuzzy pictures of the
sundial are in Stoner’s pamphlet. Ed’s sundial was constructed to
record the hours between 9 am and 4 pm-the hours he believed a man
should work (yet Ed reportedly worked at night!).
According to the Coral Castle website,
"Coral weighs approximately
125 pounds per cubic foot. Each section of the [castle] wall is 8
feet tall, 4 feet wide, 3 foot (sic) thick, and weighs approximately
13,000 pounds."
These exact dimensions should weigh 12,000 pounds or
6 tons, but that is still a lot of rock. In June 2005, the website
states that the weight of each section is "more than 58 tons!"
Obviously, the Coral Castle’s website could use some proof-reading.
Another website 5 says that the wall blocks weigh approximately 15
tons each, making skeptics dubious about any of these measurements.
It has been estimated that the
Great Pyramid of Egypt at Giza was
built from 2.5 million blocks of limestone, each averaging 2.5 tons
(5,000 pounds).7 If the average limestone block at Coral Castle
weighs 6 tons, it would be more than twice as heavy as an average
block in the Great Pyramid.
Because a relatively slim 9-ton block of limestone (80 inches wide,
92 inches tall, and 21 inches thick) serves as a revolving door in
one wall segment, the site was originally called "Rock Gate Park."
(Note: A block with these dimensions contains 89-44 ft^sup 3^; at
125 lb/ft^sup 3^ it would weigh 5.59 tons, not 9 tons as reported.)
A hole was drilled through the exact center of balance and a shaft
was inserted as an axis around which the gate could rotate. The
bottom of the shaft rests on an old truck bearing; the top of the
shaft pivots in the overhead rock roof.
No one knows how he was able
to do it. The gate was repaired (new bearings, shaft replacement) in
1986 by six men and a 50-ton crane. The gate was so delicately
balanced on its pivots that it was said to have moved at the touch
of a finger, although today it does not move so easily. Now the gate
is left permanently ajar to avoid crushing visitors, but it
reportedly still fills the opening within a quarter inch on both
sides. Just inside this gate there is a staircase carved out of the
ground rock leading down to a subterranean fresh water well. The
water table is only about six feet deep in this part of Florida.
How Did He Do It?
No one knows for sure, but each block of limestone in the castle
walls may have required at least five major steps:
Quarrying-releasing the block from the limestone bed of which it was
a part. How the blocks were moved from the quarry to the loading
site is not known. Photographic evidence suggests that a tripod of
poles (supporting a block and tackle) was used to lift the blocks.
Unless the blocks could be dragged from the quarry to the tripod, it
would need to be moved or rebuilt each time a new rock surface was
quarried, an unlikely procedure.

to see detailed images click
on different areas of above image
When asked how he managed to move large limestone blocks,
Ed simply
replied that he understood the laws of weight and leverage. As an
example of a first class lever, with fulcrum or pivot between the
weight and the lifting force, let us assume that the limestone block
weighs one ton. Theoretically (ignoring the weight of the lever
arms), if all of the weight of the block could rest on the end of
the "lever arm of the load" just two feet from the fulcrum, and a
force of 100 pounds (Ed’s weight) is applied to the end of the
"lever arm of the force," the latter would have to exceed 40 feet in
length to move an entire block off the ground.
Of course, lifting
just one end or side of a block off the ground to place a rope or
cable under it could be done with a shorter lever, but this
illustrates one of the problems that a 100-pound man would have in
raising any part of a one-ton block by use of levers, let alone a
six-ton block. Inside the park walls, the tower is the only enclosed
structure. There is an outdoor cookery and rock bathtub, but
reportedly there never was any plumbing or electricity.
There are two small, poor quality photographs that show a tripod of
wooden poles with a box at the top.4 The contents of the box are
subject to wild speculation. How Ed obtained these poles has not
been explained in the references I consulted. If he did not have an
operable truck, he must have had the poles delivered to him.
photograph, labeled "Ed with Tripod," shows a man pulling on the
line of a pulley attached near the apex of a tripod that I estimate
(from the height of 5-foot Ed, whose feet cannot be seen to be on
the ground) to be at least 15 feet tall; another pulley appears also
to be attached near the apex of the tripod; both lower ends of these
pulley lines appear to be wrapped around the same end of a block of
limestone resting on the ground.

Unless Ed somehow took a photograph
of himself, someone else must have taken the picture. This, of
course, would argue against the claim that "no one ever saw Ed at
work on the castle." Just constructing the tripod itself would
present problems for a single worker.
The theoretical mechanical advantage of a lifting device consisting
of two blocks with two pulleys or sheaves in each block is
equivalent to the number of supporting ropes (4 in this case). Thus,
a 100-pound man hanging on the free end of the rope could balance,
but could not raise, a weight of 400 pounds. A gang of more than 30
men, each weighing 100 pounds, would be required to budge a 6-ton
weight. What kind of rope could support 6 tons?
When Ed crossed the Atlantic Ocean on a ship, he might have seen
winches in operation. While working as a lumberjack, he very likely
became acquainted with the use of wedges and saws and ways of moving
and loading heavy logs onto transport vehicles via winches. A winch
consists of a rope or cable winding on a drum and may have a means
for increasing the torque (e.g., reduction gears) and a brake for
holding or lowering a load. On some geared winches, the smallest
gear can be turned by a hand crank. However, there is no evidence
that Ed used a winch to hoist his blocks.
Perhaps one of the most powerful lifting mechanisms in common use
during Ed’s time was a pulley system known as a differential chain
block (shown on the opposite page) which can hoist loads up to 3 or
4 tons "by hand,"8 or even more if an electric or other kind of
motor supplies additional power.
Two blocks (A and B) are involved
that contain grooved wheels known as sheaves that have link pockets
in the groove to keep the chain that passes over them from slipping.
The top block (A) consists of a large sheave (C) welded to a smaller
sheave (D), both sharing the same axle. An endless chain runs from a
power source (perhaps muscle power), around sheave (D) to the sheave
in block B whose axle supports the load, then back up to the large
sheave (C), then back to the power source. Even a slight difference
in the radii of sheaves C and D can produce a very large mechanical
advantage. This type of pulley is often used to lift automobile
engines, or even the much larger loads required in foundries and
other heavy industries.
Saws, drills, wedges (handmade from the leaf springs of a truck), a
hand-cranked grinding wheel, hammers (including a sledge hammer?),
chisels, crowbars, and chains were reportedly5 found in Ed’s
workshop. On viewing the video tour of Ed’s tool room, I was
pleasantly surprised to see two chain hoists, at least one of which
was unmistakably a differential chain block. However, the pictures
were of such poor quality that I was not able to calculate even
approximately their mechanical advantage. The narrator of the video
tour said that these chain hoists could move up to 30 tons. What
source supplied the power to lift eight to ten times more weight
than could be done "by hand"?
The video also shows a clear
photograph of Ed using a differential chain block supported by a
tripod of poles and hoisting a block of limestone. The video
narrator claimed that Ed relied more on his "come along" than on his
other hoisting tools. Apparently there was a "come along" hanging on
the tool room wall but it was not so identified, and how it was used
was not explained. If other chains in the tool room were not part of
hoists, of what use could they have been? Perhaps Ed’s truck was
operational during the construction of the first castle. If the
blocks were dragged by the truck from the quarry to the tripod,
chains would have experienced less wear during this process than
fabric straps or rope. None of the tripod poles he used to hoist the
blocks are reported to exist in the park today by any of the
references I consulted.
Apparently Ed got some of his tools and other building supplies from
a junkyard. The rails that Ed "laid" on the bed of his truck chassis
would best be welded in place, but no welding equipment was reported
in Ed’s workshop. However, copper wires, magnets, and welding rods
were found there, but no batteries. Ed apparently thought he had a
good working knowledge of basic electrical principles. He is even
said to have built an alternating current (AC) generator. Magnets mounted on the edge of a flywheel are
visible, and they might have served as the rotor, but no stator
windings can be seen. A photo on page 14 of the color brochure shows
Ed with his hand on the hand crank of his AC generator.

Ed wrote three small books on magnetic phenomena (one website10
contains free links to Ed’s "magnetic current" books) in which he
presents instructions for carrying out many kinds of experiments
with magnets (both permanent and electric). In these books, he used
welding rods for some of his experiments; at some time he also had a
car battery, and he made 6-8 volt light bulbs shine by alternating
current. Today, some 4-wheel drive vehicles have a winch mounted on
the front that operates from direct current (DC) battery power.
if Ed could have built or obtained a DC electric motor, he could
have used it to run a winch. Using a battery to run a winch would
deplete its energy rapidly and it would need repetitive replacement
or recharging. Recharging a car battery by a hand-cranked generator
would be an arduous task. So if Ed used battery power to hoist loads
he would have needed a source of mechanical energy (such as an
internal combustion engine) to turn the armature (windings of copper
wire) of an electric generator; the generator supplies an electric
current in the stationary armature that turns the rotor of an
electric motor to obtain mechanical rotation.
Electric motors
receiving alternating current usually run at constant speed, whereas
the speed of motors receiving direct current (DC) can be controlled
to some extent and the starting torque is much greater than in AC
motors. Thus, electric motors used for hoists would preferably be
powered by DC rather than AC. So why didn’t Ed build a DC generator
instead of an AC one? Furthermore, a DC generator could be used to
recharge his storage battery whereas an AC current would first need
to be rectified to DC for that purpose.
Christopher Dunn claims that he actually saw Ed’s AC generator
mounted on the front end of a crankshaft from a 4-cylinder motor
(now missing).6 What became of the rest of the engine, its
generator, and battery? If Ed could generate AC electric power by a
reciprocating engine, why did the device have a hand crank and why
was it claimed that he often worked at night by lantern light
instead of by electric light’ Since he used a car battery in his
electrical experiments, he could even have rigged lights to run on
DC power without the need of a generator (except to recharge the
battery). Dunn wonders if Ed used the crank to start an engine
rather than generate AC power by hand.
The Geology of Coral Castle
Some people have tried to connect Coral Castle to the Bermuda
Triangle, because one apex of the triangle resides at or near
Miami.11 One of the legs of the Triangle connects to the island of
Bimini in the Bahamas where rows of limestone lie buried under 15
feet of water-blocks that some believers claim to be the ruins of
the lost continent of Atlantis. Geologist Eugene A. Shinn presents
evidence that these blocks were not carved by humans, but formed by
a natural process of precipitation of calcium carbonate, explaining:
[Bleachrock forms out of sight beneath the sand. As more sand is
added, the beach builds out with the rock following just beneath.
However, if conditions change and the beach is eroded, the rock is
exposed. ...After a few years in the sun, the rock layers, usually
about one-foot thick, crack much like old concrete roads and
sidewalks. The pieces can be large, up to twelve feet in length and
four to six feet wide [these two dimensions are coincidentally
approximately the same as the blocks in the wall of Coral Castle].
With continued erosion by wave-driven beach sand, the cracks enlarge
and take on a rounded shape. The result is rows of huge
pillow-shaped stones that appear to have been fitted neatly
together, much like the stone walls high in the mountains at the
Peruvian ruins of
Machu Picchu.12
After reading Shinn’s article, I wondered if he could tell me
anything more about the nature of the limestone of Coral Castle.
Shinn e-mailed me and said that the local Miami oolite limestone in
South Florida can be cut with an ax or even a carpenters saw. As a
result of my inquiries, Shinn visited the Coral Castle and reported
in another e-mail:
There is a quarry alongside of the Castle but only part of that
stone was used in its construction. Most of the castle is
constructed from oolite that was quarried somewhere else, but
probably not more than a mile away.
The Florida East Coast railway (Henry Flagler’s railroad to Key West
was completed in about 1912 and destroyed by the hurricane of 1935)
ran very close to the castle. The tracks have been removed but I
remember when it ran right next to US 1. In fact in the early 1940s
the state obtained the rail bed and built the new US 1 on the old
rail bed.
The main reason I went to see the castle was to determine if the
stones might actually be Key Largo limestone. They are not. Key
Largo limestone, the fossil coral reef that forms the Florida Keys,
was quarried about 50 miles south of Homestead and the railroad was
used to bring it to Miami. Many Miami landmarks (the downtown post
office and the Coral Gables Court House and many others) were
constructed with the Key’s limestone.
My suspicion was that the castle was
made of that stone and simply dropped off a flat bed rail car right
where the castle sits. Well I was wrong. It is made of the local
Miami oolite. There is still the possibility that the stones were
moved on a flat bed car from just down the road a mile or two. So
there is the challenge. Where did it come from and how did he move
Some types of rock can be split by chiseling or drilling holes and
then pounding wedges into the holes. The photos of furniture and
other structures in the Coral Castle website show limestone surfaces
that appear to be pock-marked or rough-hewn rather than smooth,
perhaps indicating that the blocks were split or chiseled rather
than sawed. However, the tour guide pamphlet claims that "The only
man made marks you will see in the Castle are some wedge marks" and
almost all of the carvings inside the Castle today were done in
Florida City.
A hand saw might be useful in shaping a block once it
is removed from its bed, but I do not understand how it could be of
much use for quarrying at depths of more than a foot or two.
According to Shinn, the rock at Coral Castle is about 120,000 years
old and was deposited as lime sand bars when the sea level was about
20 feet higher than at present. The large blocks are the typical
size that were quarried in the area. Many old buildings in the Miami
area were constructed from it. Shinn remarked "Whether
quarried the blocks himself or obtained them from a commercial
quarry I do not know."
In contrast to the limestone used to build
Coral Castle, Shim’s so-called "beachrock" is very hard; he had to
use diamond tip core bits to drill into it. Carbon-14 data revealed
that the Bimini beachrock was only 2,000 to 4,000 years old-much too
young to be part of Atlantis, which Plato, the originator of
Atlantis story, set 9,000 years into his past. Others date the lost
civilization to at least 15,000 years ago.13
Although Ed invited Agnes Scuffs to visit his castle, she never saw
the monument he had erected in her honor. He never married. When he
became ill in December of 1951, he took a bus to Jackson Memorial
Hospital in Miami, where he died in his sleep three days later at
the age of 64. He was buried in Miami Memorial Park Cemetery. His
death has been variously attributed to malnutrition, kidney failure,
and stomach cancer. Ed constructed his castle over a period of about
28 years, carving and sculpting over 1,100 tons of coral rock, and
he was still working on it up to the time of his death.
Ed’s only
living relative, a nephew named Harry Leedskalnin, inherited Rock
Gate Park. When Harry sold it to another family in 1953, Rock Gate
Park was renamed Coral Castle. Upon inspection of the property, a
note was found containing instructions that led to the discovery of
thirty-five $100 bills-Ed’s life savings. Is it possible that Ed’s
nephew or those who purchased the Coral Castle removed and did not
report any of the power tools left there-perhaps to enhance the
mystique of Ed’s accomplishments?
Regardless, Coral Castle has been added to the National Register of
Historic Places by the United States Department of The Interior.
While some folks believe that Ed used miraculous powers to build his
castle, scientists and skeptics do not immediately grasp at
paranormal straws to explain events that have so many
inconsistencies and so few indisputable facts as those in this case.
We simply accept that, at the present time, how Coral Castle was
built remains partially unknown. Even allowing for the possible use
of power tools and the help of other people, Ed Leedskalnin
apparently designed and built-not once, but twice - an awe-inspiring
structure that remains an enigma to this day. I am reminded of the
old adage "Love conquers all."
1. The Enigma of Coral Castle is a 45-page pamphlet authored by Ray
N. Stoner in 1983. The Preface of this pamphlet was written by
Michael H. Bradford, Executive Director of the Bradford Institute of
Ultra Science in Cape Coral, Florida. Bradford states that Ray N.
Stoner holds a Bachelor of Science degree in the Ultra Sciences.
This pamphlet can be purchased from the gift shop of Coral Castle.
Stoner compares the common characteristics of four
megalithic sites:
I found most of Stoner’s thesis involves geometry, mathematics, and
pseudoscientific/paranormal conjectures.
http //
7. Linse, Pat. 2000. "The Mystery of the Pyramids," Junior Skeptic,
Vol.8, No. 2,97.
8. Van Nostrand’s Scientific Encyclopedia, 3rd edition, 1958, D. Van
Nostrand Company, Inc., Princeton, NJ, p. 307.
http //www.labyrinthina,com/coral.htm
11. Loxton, Daniel. 2003. "The Bermuda Triangle," Junior Skeptic,
Vol.10, No. 3, 96.
12. Shinn, E. A. 2004. "A Geologist’s Adventures with Bimini
Beachrock and Atlantis True Believers." Skeptical Inquirer
13. Pagan, G. G. and C. Hale. 2001, "The New Atlantis and the
Dangers of Pseudohistory." Skeptic Vol.9, No. 1, 78-87.
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