In this section, we examine briefly each of the 28 concepts listed
in Table 3 highlighting the operational concept, operational
enhancement, key enabling technologies, and primary challenges. A
detailed assessment is beyond the scope of this study and, in many
concepts, references are given that more fully evaluate the
technical and operational merits.
Based on the author’s evaluation as well as other sources, scores
are listed at the end of the discussion of each concept. Also, at
the end of this section, Table 5 summarizes all the scores,
including the total scores. The order of the listing of the concepts
is the same as in Table 3 for continuity.
The first two concepts offer special advantages to the operational
commands, meriting a more comprehensive development in the following
two sections, in part because they hold little commercial potential.
Space-based laser communication systems also offer great near-term
potential and are being developed by DOD, NASA, and industry. The
space-based remote sensing is another highly scored concept that has
been investigated by NASA.
Space-based Laser Target Designator
Operational Concept.
As part of the force enhancement mission area,
the space-based laser target designator (SB-LTD) directly extends
the current LTD systems.53,54 A neodymium:YAG laser on-board a LEO
satellite projects a beam onto a target on the earth’s surface in
order to give an aim point for a laser-guided weapon. The choice of
the Nd:YAG laser is predetermined because this is the source that is
used for all US LGWs. The system would likely include a moderately
high-resolution imaging system and a video data link to an operator
because safety and positive control of deadly force require human
oversight. The operator could be located anywhere, including CONUS,
an AWACS aircraft, or a theater of operations. The satellite would
have to have a clear view of the target area as it passes overhead,
meaning that weather, smoke or other obscurants could defeat the
LTD, which is a constraint shared with current LTDs.
Operational Enhancement.
Moving the LTD platform out of the theater
eliminates the risk to the LTD operator. The LGW could also be
released at a long range, eliminating risk to that platform as well.
The appropriate LGW would probably be a powered munition, such as a
cruise missile rather than a gravity bomb. The recent misses of
cruise missiles during the DESERT STRIKE attacks against Iraqi air
defense sites might have been reduced if a SB-LTD had provided aim
points for the appropriate PGM. It is conceivable that the target
could even be mobile and still be designated for destruction. Even a
few SB-LTDs give a significant enhancement to the current capability
for limited strikes and shows of force.
Key Enabling Technologies.
Clearly a sufficiently powerful laser is
needed. However, the 1.064 micron wavelength of the Nd:YAG
propagates with low loss through the atmosphere, and diode lasers
have been successful in pumping the neodymium, offering the
possibility of an all-solid-state, electrically powered laser source
with adequate power. The output optics would have to be large enough
to keep a small enough spot on the ground for accurate weapons
delivery. Calculations discussed in a later section suggest that a
one-meter diameter output optical system, possibly consisting of a
cassegrainian telescope, could suffice. The same optical system
could be used for imaging the target area by sharing the aperture
and using a high-resolution CCD array. A microwave communication
system would be needed to send that image to a controller. Acquiring
the target requires highly accurate position information of the
SB-LTD as well as foreknowledge of the target’s exact location.
Given this information, computation could generate the required
pointing vector to drive the imaging and laser systems. Pointing
stability is critical, but could be satisfied by a recent advance in
inertial reference units discussed in the next section.
It would appear that most of the technology required for
the SB-LTD is within reach. The primary challenges are operational.
A large number of LEO satellites would be needed to give adequate
coverage for sustained military operations. Opportunities of
engagement need to be assessed with careful consideration of adverse
weather obscuring the potential target areas. The cost of the
individual satellites and the total system would be high.
The concept was rated as part of the “virtual presence”
paradigm by the NWV study as an interesting concept with high
payoff, but they placed it in the long-term (30 year) development
period, suggesting that they had concerns that the technology was
not maturing soon.55 The Laser Mission Study also seemed to make a
similar assessment when it placed the SB-LTD concept in the “keep in
the database” category.56 There does not appear to be any
fundamental principles that prohibit the concept from being
developed, and the maturity of most of the technologies is high. The
assessment of the two studies may not have considered the synergy of
advances in pointing, imaging, diode-pumped lasers and high
frequency microwave down-links. The acceptable cost of a small
number of systems gives a unique capability for limited strikes.
Technical feasibility: 4. Technical maturity: 4. Operational
enhancement: 5. Cost: 3. Total Score: 16
Battlefield Illuminator
Operational Concept.
Offering potential for the force enhancement
mission area, the concept is to project a laser beam over a large
area on the earth’s surface to aid existing low light imaging
systems in discerning targets.57,58 There are already fielded laser
illuminators to aid night vision devices (NVD) using semiconductor
laser arrays such as gallium-arsenide (GaAs) lasers operating around
830 nm. Forward-looking infrared (FLIR) systems could be augmented
by using CO2 lasers operating at 10.6 microns. The illuminator could
even be used to illuminate targets for infrared reconnaissance
systems. The space-based battlefield illuminator (SB-BI) concept is
a straightforward extension of the idea of using a flashlight to
improve seeing in the dark, although, in this concept, the beam
would be generated from a LEO satellite onto a target area. Because
the illumination beam would likely pose no risk to ground personnel
due to the large spot size, the illumination would not need a
controller in the loop. The target location and the time of the
illumination could be preprogrammed. Note that SB-LTD and the
battlefield illuminator cannot share the same laser because the
required wavelengths are different. The SB-LTD laser must operate at
1.064 microns because of LGW sensor requirements, while the SB-BI
laser operates in the wavelength region of the imaging system that
it is intended to enhance, which is typically the 800-900 nm region
for NVDs and 8-12 microns for FLIR systems. A more detailed
discussion of this concept is contained in Section IX.
Operational Enhancement.
Applications include improved target
acquisition from FLIR systems, augmented infiltration and
exfiltration of special operations teams, enhanced landing under low
light conditions, and increased effectiveness for night security of
high value sites. Because the beam would likely be so large so that
the energy density is at eye-safe levels, the illuminator could also
be used for PSYOP missions. The friendly observer is less likely to
be compromised because the illumination originates from a different
Key Enabling Technologies.
A sufficiently powerful laser is required
to provide enough illumination for the sensitivity of the fielded
imaging systems. This levies a large requirement on the spacecraft
power systems because of the inherent inefficiencies of lasers.
(However, both semiconductor and carbon dioxide lasers are much more
efficient than most lasers.) Highly accurate position information is
required for both the satellite and the ground site to be
illuminated to permit the pointing vector calculation for the laser
beam. Highly precise pointing systems are required, but these are
now available using advanced inertial reference units discussed in
the next section. The output optical system needs to be large enough
to permit the spot size on the earth to be as small as 100 meters in
diameter. This should not be a limiting specification. It is
possible the beam could be scanned over an area to expand the
coverage, but this would significantly increase the system
The principal challenge will be achieving the laser
power requirements. Weather again will limit the opportunities for
using the battlefield illuminator. By using more illumination
satellites, limitations in coverage due to orbits could be reduced
although at increased cost.
There are no breakthroughs required, only engineering
improvements in existing systems. A low number of systems could be
deployed that would provide a significant capability for limited
military operations. A moderate number of satellites would be
required for larger scale theater operations or extended
illumination of high value sites. The cost of the individual
satellites would be moderately high due to the laser requirements.
Technical feasibility: 4. Technical maturity: 3. Operational
enhancement: 5. Cost: 3. Total Score: 15.
Alignment and Docking (Guidance Systems)
Operational Concept.
The low divergence of many lasers provides a
very narrow, straight beam that can be used as a guidance beam for
this space support concept. The construction industry already uses
He-Ne lasers for surveying and for active control of blade height on
road grading equipment. The Laser Mission Study lists the concept of
using lasers as a “space reference grid” without further
development.59 One realization of the concept could be to project
three laser beams of different wavelengths from points around a
docking port on a space station. By locating three optical detectors
with wavelength filters at matching points on a space vehicle, the
docking process could be automated. Using pulsed lasers, highly
accurate range information could be obtained, further automating the
docking process. Other approaches could use a laser homing beam and
guidance system like that used on laser-guided munitions as they
zero in on their target.
Operational Enhancement.
By exploiting the pencil-like beam
properties, the pulsed operation, and the monochromatic nature of
the laser, autonomous guidance systems could be developed that
greatly reduce the need for manpower-intensive, risky docking
maneuvers. Refueling or re-supply of satellites would be more
feasible with these types of guidance systems.
Key Enabling Technologies.
Highly accurate position information
would be required to get the two space vehicles relatively close.
GPS signals could provide this capability if the spacecraft are able
to receive the signals. This is not a major issue for LEO systems,
but would be for MEO and GEO satellites. The laser power
requirements could be met with current diode laser technology and
the same semiconductor technology provides suitable detectors. The
principal challenge would be the control algorithms to maneuver the
vehicle along the guidance beams. Some of these schemes have already
been worked out for terrestrial systems and could be readily adapted
for spacecraft use.
Initial acquisition of the guidance or homing beams may
be an issue, although a low power radio-frequency beacon could be
used for the coarse acquisition.
Most of the components of this concept exist but have not
been assembled in a space-qualified package. The guidance concept
could be tested with airborne or underwater systems. The cost of the
system should be low because of the availability of efficient
semiconductor lasers. However, the operational enhancement is not
Technical feasibility: 5. Technical maturity: 4. Operational
enhancement: 2. Cost: 5. Total Score: 16.
Deep Space Laser Altimeter
Operational Concept.
This concept falls in the space support mission
area of aiding on-orbit support. By sending laser pulses at an
object with a reasonable reflectivity and then measuring the time
between the transmission of a laser pulse and the time when the
reflection is received back at the laser system, the distance from
the object can be calculated with very high accuracy. The
time-of-flight concept is the heart of the currently fielded
military laser range-finders. NASA has developed a deep-space laser
altimeter based on this concept for use on the Near-Earth Asteroid
Rendezvous (NEAR) spacecraft.60 The NASA system should provide
2-meter accuracy. The package only weighs about 5 kilograms and
consumes 15 Watts. The instrument should have an effective range of
over 300 km. A useful instrument in itself, it also demonstrates
that laser-based instruments are effective enabling systems in
Operational Enhancement.
Accurate distance information is important
for obstacle avoidance, determining orbital altitude, docking
maneuvers, and landing operations. While military spacecraft are not
expected to make interplanetary missions in the foreseeable future,
there may be many applications for operations near the earth. Having
a small, affordable, space-qualified package such as NASA has
developed is a capability worth having “on the shelf” for future
military spacecraft.
The system already exists on the NEAR mission to a small
asteroid. The immediate operational utility is low, but the concept
of laser-based spacecraft instrumentation is important.
Technical feasibility: 5. Technical maturity: 5. Operational
enhancement: 2. Cost: 4. Total Score: 16.
Satellite-to-Satellite Doppler Velocimeter
Operational Concept.
Another laser-based spacecraft instrument is
the Doppler velocimeter, aiding on-orbit operations as part of space
support. The concept was considered in the Laser Mission Study but
not ranked highly.61 The concept relies on the narrow linewidth of
the laser and the fact that EM radiation that reflects off a moving
object undergoes a shift in frequency (or wavelength) that is
proportional to the velocity. The small beam divergence permits
precise pointing at the object of interest, which implies that
highly accurate measurements of relative speeds are possible.
Operational Enhancement.
Measuring closure rates is important to
automated docking maneuvers. It is also an important measurement for
determining the absolute speed of other satellites, assuming the
speed of the laser platform is known. The absolute speed is a part
of the data that allows prediction of where the satellite will be in
the future, which is an important part of the AF’s space track
Key Enabling Technologies.
Ultra-stabilized laser systems provide
the extremely narrow linewidth for the Doppler measurement. Suitable
homodyne or heterodyne optical receivers are used to measure the
Doppler shift and compute the relative speed. Accurate pointing
systems based on inertial reference units and possibly GPS
measurements permit placing the laser beam on the other satellite.
Qualifying the existing laser Doppler measurement
systems for space is the principal challenge as well as modifying
these systems for the expected operational environment.
Most of the components exist and the concept is well
understood. The cost should be relatively low. However, the
near-term military utility is probably low, as indicated by the
ranking in the Laser Mission Study.
Technical feasibility: 4. Technical maturity: 4. Operational
enhancement: 2. Cost: 5. Total Score: 15.
Remote sensing is a fairly mature technology area used for many
applications.62 Space-based remote sensing, as part of the force
enhancement mission area, has primarily used passive multi-spectral
imaging to obtain information about terrestrial and near-surface
locations. The false-color images taken from Landsat are a good
example of using remote sensing for assessing crop and soil
conditions on a global scale. The amount of data is substantial: 200
to 300 megabytes is required to store the digital data from one
scene obtained with the 30 meter resolution thematic mapper on
Thus, the value of remote sensing is just coming into its
own as computer hardware and software are developed to manipulate
the massive amount of data in a timely manner. Active remote sensing
using synthetic aperture radar is being developed in order to get
around weather limitations in imaging systems.64 Radar penetrates
light rain, haze, clouds, some tree canopies, and even the ground to
shallow depths under the right circumstances. Lasers can also be
used to gather information for remote sensing, with obvious military
applications.65 The new trend is to use lasers from space to gather
information,66 as the next three concepts illustrate.
Active remote sensing can use lasers to gather information about
remote locations by projecting a laser beam onto the target site and
then gathering the weakly back-scattered or reflected light. The
amplitude, polarization, and frequency of the back-scattered light
can all be used to measure properties at the remote location. The AF
Phillips Laboratory Lasers and Imaging Directorate has expertise in
the area of multi-spectral and hyper-spectral imaging for remote
sensing, and is now pursuing some of the active sensing concepts
described below, such as measuring wind speeds from orbit.
One approach, the differential absorption LIDAR (abbreviated as
DIAL) system, sends two laser beams of different wavelengths through
a region of air and looks for differences in absorption in the
transmitted or back-scattered beams. Assuming the right wavelengths
are used, DIAL systems can detect a wide variety of chemical
compounds in the air. Some of the current DIAL systems are used to
test for pollution. As shown in Figure 3, NASA has recently orbited
a DIAL system, called the “Laser In-space Technology Experiment,” or
LITE, in Space Shuttle Mission STS-64 to test the concept.67
The experiment used Nd:YAG lasers with nonlinear optical crystals to
provide output energies of 500 mJ for the fundamental (1064 nm) and
frequency-doubled (532 nm) beams and 160 mJ for the
frequency-tripled output operating at 355 nm. The laser generated
short, Q-switched pulses at a prf of 10 Hz. A one meter telescope
collected the back-scattered light, using photomultiplier detectors
for the 355 nm and 532 nm returns and a silicon avalanche photodiode
to detect the 1064 nm light. The LITE package successfully probed
the atmosphere over Los Angeles to determine effluent levels.68 It
also measured the properties of clouds and aerosols in the
stratosphere and troposphere.
The important point about the LITE experiment for this paper is that
the technology currently exists and was successfully demonstrated in
a space environment. The resolution and timeliness would not meet
current military requirements, but the concept has moved to the
engineering stage. Thus, the AF should aggressively pursue
space-based laser remote sensing to provide new, highly useful
information to the operator.

Figure 3. LITE As An Example of Space-Based LIDAR69
Remote Sensing for Battle Damage Assessment (BDA)
Operational Concept.
The application for BDA would be to probe the
atmosphere near a target site after it has been attacked to
determine the effluents coming from the site.70,71,72 In particular,
chemical warfare agents, propellants, and other militarily-related
compounds would be of greatest interest. Sensing biological agents
is more difficult but conceivable. For the space-based concept, the
DIAL system would be located on a LEO satellite that would have to
be overhead just after the attack in order to be effective.
Operational Enhancement.
Assessing the effectiveness of attacks is
paramount for military operations in order to assign follow-on
missions and to determine enemy capabilities. Also, in an era when
chemical and biological warfare (CBW) agents are increasingly likely
to be stored in bunkers that are attacked, being able to quickly
determine if such agents have been released into the air is a highly
useful technology.
Key Enabling Technologies.
The proper laser wavelengths must be
available, and the rapid emergence of tunable solid state lasers (as
discussed in Section 3) that can be pumped by diode lasers should
provide reliable sources of adequate power. Because the
back-scattered signal is likely to be weak, a large optical receiver
with highly-sensitive detectors would be required along with
relatively powerful laser sources.73 Rapid beam steering is needed
to interrogate a large region of air as the satellite moves
overhead. Advances in non-mechanical beam steering offer potential
The receiver system is the most challenging technical
issue. Having an adequate number of satellites to cover numerous
target sites during an extended period of attack drives up the cost
of a useful system, although even limited capability would be
militarily useful given the high risk involved in unintentional
dispersal of CBW agents. Clouds and haze will reduce the
effectiveness of this concept.
The Laser Mission Study team ranked remote sensing as a
concept of high interest to the operational community. The
feasibility and maturity of remote sensing is high with proven
demonstration of a space-based DIAL system. However, finding the
right wavelengths for substances of military interest may be a
Technical feasibility: 4. Technical maturity: 4. Operational
enhancement: 5. Cost: 3. Total Score: 16.
Environmental Remote Sensing
Operational Concept.
This concept is a generalization of the remote
sensing concept just discussed. Here, the space-based laser is used
to interrogate a region of space or a target in order to determine
some of its physical properties. A space-based laser system can help
the Measurement and Signature Intelligence (MASINT) mission by
measuring target properties. For example, the smoothness of the
surface affects the polarization of the reflected beam and might
provide a way of aiding target recognition.74 The degree of
reflectivity from a soil surface can estimate the moisture content,
giving advanced warning of soft soil for the movement of heavy
equipment such as tanks as well as troop movement.75 For some of
these concepts, a single frequency laser that can be polarized could
suffice for some of the applications, avoiding the complexity of
DIAL systems. However, tunable lasers would substantially extend the
capabilities of this concept. The beam would be scanned over the
target region, while a sensitive optical receiver processed the
scattered laser light.
Operational Enhancement.
The ability to gather greater information
about a landing zone before inserting troops or equipment
substantially increases global awareness. Searching a large area for
distinctive signatures provides a new dimension to intelligence.
Both of these applications, as well as other similar ideas, can be
realized with a space-based remote sensing system.
Key Enabling Technologies.
See the preceding concept for a
discussion of critical technologies.
See the preceding concept for some of the challenges of
remote sensing. Here, specific wavelengths might be required for
certain targets and suitable lasers of high enough power need to be
The technical challenge of target discrimination is greater
than the effluent sensing of the preceding concept, lowering the
technical scores. Also, the increased complexity of the system
increases cost.
Technical feasibility: 4. Technical maturity: 3. Operational
enhancement: 4. Cost: 3. Total Score: 14.
Weather Monitoring and Characterization
Operational Concept.
This concept is another specialized application
of the remote sensing discussed earlier for BDA. In this case, the
space-based laser is used to measure meteorological parameters such
as wind speed, cloud density, the height of cloud tops, water vapor
content, temperature, and pressure.76,77,78,79 Measuring
time-of-flight for short laser pulses can measure cloud top heights
and infer potential storms. Using a time-gated heterodyne optical
receiver, the space-based weather monitoring system can measure
Doppler shifts from a specific region of the atmosphere and thus
compute the wind speed. The two examples highlight the potential of
this concept. Currently, these measurements are measured at fixed
points on the earth’s surface, measured by weather balloons, or
calculated by indirect, passive measurements from satellites.
Operational Enhancement.
Direct measurement of winds over a target
region can substantially improve the accuracy of unguided bombs, the
insertion of airborne troops, and the operation of aircraft on
unimproved airfields. More accurate measurement of atmospheric
parameters extends the time interval for accurate weather
prediction, which clearly improves military operations.
Key Enabling Technologies.
As already discussed, sufficient laser
power and a highly sensitive optical receiver are required as well
as accurate pointing and scanning systems. Selection of the proper
wavelengths to optimally sense the various atmospheric parameters is
a key technological investigation which could be met with tunable,
infrared, solid-state lasers. On-board processing can fuse the large
amount of collected data into information to reduce the
communications bandwidth required. The weather monitoring and
characterization systems could be sequentially developed, with
direct measurement of winds being the most valuable initial
objective due to the many military requirements for this data.
Tunable lasers with moderate energy, such as the titanium:sapphire laser, would need to be developed and qualified
for space operations. Also, fixed wavelength lasers such as
holmium:YAG or thulium:YAG lasers are nearly ideal for sensing water
vapor but need to be scaled to higher powers. Range-gated heterodyne
optical receivers with high gain collecting telescopes are required.
On-board, high-speed computers for data fusion would greatly enhance
the system’s utility. Other challenges for remote sensing systems
were discussed in the previous two concepts.
This concept was ranked as having “definite interest” by
the Laser Mission Study. Substantial development has been done for
near-earth wind sensing as well as ground-based LIDAR measurements
for meteorology. However, the hardware for a complete space-based
system is complex and requires some extensive engineering
development. Even a relatively small number of satellites could give
significant capability.
Technical feasibility: 4. Technical maturity: 3. Operational
enhancement: 5. Cost: 3. Total Score: 15.
Space Debris Cataloging
Operational Concept.
Space debris is an increasing problem due to
the ever-growing number of defunct satellites, fragmented
spacecraft, and spent rocket boosters. According to the New World
Vistas study, there are about 300,000 pieces of debris, many in the
LEO region.80 Natural debris such as small meteorites and dust also
orbit the earth. The potentially high relative velocity of the
debris makes the impact of even small debris on orbiting systems
very serious. Using its globally distributed Space Surveillance
Network (SSN), the Air Force maintains an extensive catalog of space
objects that includes debris. However, ground-based radar and
optical systems can only measure objects larger than about 10
A concept that received high ranking by the Laser
Mission Study team and one that aids space control role via the
space surveillance mission is to catalogue space debris with
space-based laser surveillance systems that locate, track, and
potentially identify a much greater amount of debris. This includes
smaller objects in the 1 to 10 cm range that pose a high risk.81 The
concept could use one laser with a large beam divergence to obtain
an optical reflection from the debris and a second, pulsed laser
with small beam divergence (operating as a Doppler LIDAR) to measure
the position and velocity of the debris. By varying the wavelength
of the LIDAR, it might be possible to determine the composition of
the debris or at least determine if it is natural or man-made
debris. This information can be useful in removing the debris, a
concept to be considered later.
Operational Enhancement.
A more extensive knowledge of the debris
field can be used to reduce the risk to operational spacecraft which
have some maneuvering capability. The database can also be used to
select orbits for new satellites that minimize the probability of
Key Enabling Technologies.
A relatively low number of satellites
would be required if they could be designed for autonomous searching
of different regions of the near-earth environment. A substantial
on-board computer capability would be needed to process all the
possible hits. The laser systems would likely consist of low power
devices given the loss-free environment of space, but the optical
receivers need to be very sensitive because the amount of reflected
light from a small piece of debris would be low. Scanning systems
would be needed to accurately point the laser beams. Because the
search satellites might illuminate reconnaissance and early-warning
satellites during its scans, the wavelengths for the lasers would
need to be chosen to prevent damage to the sensitive optical
The principal challenge will be in developing a
sufficiently sensitive optical receiver in a reasonably small and
affordable package. Recent advances in inertial pointing systems and
non-mechanical beam steering should be exploited to develop a
space-based “space debris cataloging” system.
The operational need is high, and the technology should be
attainable with a concerted engineering push, but the cost of a
network of search satellites is likely substantial.
Technical feasibility: 3. Technical maturity: 3. Operational
enhancement: 4. Cost: 2. Total Score: 12.
Integrated Tactical Warning and Attack Assessment
Operational Concept.
The Integrated Tactical Warning and Attack
Assessment (ITW/AA) concept links the data from multiple sensor
systems to provide a rapid, near-real-time (NRT) determination of a
launch of a theater missile launch and an accurate estimate of its
trajectory and impact point. A potentially valuable part of the
force enhancement mission area, the concept is listed in the Laser
Mission Study, but it was not a high priority item and no details
were given to suggest how the team conceived of using space-based
lasers to augment the ITW/AA systems.
However, as mentioned in the
environmental remote sensing concept, a space-based laser radar
could be used for automatic target recognition to identify
transporter erector launchers (TEL) before the launch occurs and a
SB-LTD could guide stand-off munitions onto the target. Space-based
battlefield illuminators could also be used to increase the
likelihood of detecting and tracking the missiles after they are
launched as well as the warheads after they are deployed. Thus, the ITW/AA concept would combine a number of other space-based laser
Operational Enhancement.
Space-based laser systems could provide
improved detection of the threat and enhanced likelihood of negating
the targets before launch or in the boost phase.
Key Enabling Technologies.
See earlier discussion of the SB-LTD,
SB-BI, and environmental remote sensing systems.
See earlier discussion of the SB-LTD, SB-BI, and
environmental remote sensing systems.
The need to field multiple systems of the different types
in order to provide adequate coverage increases the risk and
complexity of this concept. The LMS ranking placed this concept of
higher technical risk and lower operational relevance.
Technical feasibility: 2. Technical maturity: 2. Operational
enhancement: 3. Cost: 2. Total Score: 9.
Active Illuminator/Imager for Space Surveillance
Operational Concept.
Ground-based active imaging of space objects is
a rapidly maturing technology at the AF’s Starfire Optical Range
(SOR) in New Mexico.82,83 These experiments have developed laser
imaging in an environment that requires adaptive optics to reduce
atmospheric distortions. If the same imaging technology was placed
on a spacecraft, the atmospheric effects are eliminated. If the
range to the target can be reduced by manipulating orbital
parameters, active imaging could be exploited to give
three-dimensional images of the target satellite, its location and
velocity data, and (possibly) MASINT data on the composition of the
vehicle by assessing the reflectivity of the various surfaces. This
concept supports space surveillance and the space control mission
Operational Enhancement.
The space-based active imaging system would
enhance the current space surveillance database, particularly in the
area of space object identification. This increased awareness is an
essential ingredient of effective space control.
Key Enabling Technologies.
Assuming the Starfire imaging technology
can be utilized, the new requirements include highly accurate
pointing systems that rely on recent developments in inertial
reference units. The concept would also rely on active target
acquisition systems using either microwave radar or large-divergence
optical beams in order to provide coarse target location. Fine
tracking would be accomplished through the high resolution imaging
receiver, which is itself a stressing technology.
The major challenges involve pushing the engineering
limits of APT and imaging systems. The laser power could be kept
reasonably low because of the loss-free environment of space.
The packaging of the complex system makes this concept
immature, but the underlying technology has been demonstrated by the SOR system.
Technical feasibility: 3. Technical maturity: 3. Operational
enhancement: 3. Cost: 3. Total Score: 12.
Sensor Pointing Accuracy Beacon Network
Operational Concept.
This is another concept identified in the LMS
as a low priority concept but with no additional detail. However, it
would likely aid force support for on-orbit operations or space
control by improving space surveillance. Thus, it is not possible to
determine exactly what the study meant, but the title suggests using
very low divergence laser beams broadcast from satellites of known
position as a calibration system. By fixing the beams on the
satellite to aim at the nadir (the point on the earth’s surface that
is directly below the satellite on a line that connects the
satellite to the center of the earth), a ground optical sensor that
intercepts the beam can use it as a reference to determine precisely
where the sensor is pointing.
Operational Enhancement.
Improvement in the pointing accuracy of
ground sensors that are part of the Space Surveillance Network would
generate more accurate position and velocity data on the numerous
space objects in the database. However, other methods can be used,
such as celestial objects and GPS, which makes the concept
Key Enabling Technologies.
Relatively low-power lasers coupled with
highly accurate pointing systems and highly stabilized alignment
platforms would be required. Also, very accurate knowledge of where
the satellite is located would be required; this data could be
obtained from GPS for LEO satellites.
Challenges. The technical challenges appear to be small. However,
the cost of deploying and operating a dedicated network of
calibration satellites seems excessive given the added benefit. If
the packages could be built as low weight, autonomous add-ons for
other satellites, the concept would be more viable.
Technical feasibility: 4. Technical maturity: 3. Operational
enhancement: 2. Cost: 2. Total Score: 11.
Satellite Traffic Management/IFF
Operational Concept.
This is another concept identified in the Laser
Mission Study as a low priority concept with no additional detail.
It could aid either space control or space support mission areas.
The concept of “identification-friend-or-foe” is a familiar one, and
usually operates as a transponder that transmits identifying
information. Applying this concept to spacecraft, a low power,
large-divergence diode laser could be pulse-code-modulated with the
identity of the spacecraft and other relevant information.
optical systems could make this transponder cover 360 degrees around
the satellite. Power requirements would be modest due to the high
efficiency of semiconductor lasers. An alternative concept would be
to use a passive system that consists of a retro-reflector such as a
corner cube or a “cat’s eye” that is modulated (vibrated) so that it
sends an encoded reflection back to any laser that illuminates it.
Operational Enhancement.
As the near-earth space environment becomes
more crowded and as spacecraft become more maneuverable, some sort
of traffic management system similar to the current air traffic
control system will likely be required. However, radio-frequency
systems that already exist serve the same purpose, which suggests
that the advantage of the laser system over these RF systems is not
Key Enabling Technologies.
High efficiency semiconductor lasers with PCM circuitry to send out the encoded signal as well as the
broad-coverage output optical system would be needed.
There are only a few pressing technical challenges, but
the key challenge is establishing operational usefulness.
Technical feasibility: 4. Technical maturity: 1. Operational
enhancement: 1. Cost: 5. Total Score: 11.
Laser Communications and Data Relay
Operational Concept.
Transmitting information over a laser beam is a
well-established concept, both using optical fiber and free-space
pathways. Commercial fiber optic communication networks already
handle tremendous volume for terrestrial telecommunications
including voice, video, and data transmission. Free-space links are
generally designed for short paths in areas where other
communication networks are impractical.84 There is a variety of
methods for modulating the laser beam, including pulse code
modulation (PCM), amplitude modulation (AM), frequency modulation
(FM), and polarization modulation.
Semiconductor diode lasers are
ideally suited to this application because they operate by direct
electrical-to-optical conversion, are highly efficient, and can be
modulated at extremely high rates. Digital methods, like PCM, offer
the best data rates with lowest error rates, but not all lasers can
be modulated in this manner. Free-space links can also take
advantage of the “wavelength division multiplexing” (WDM) concept
used in fiber optical systems where different wavelengths are used
as discrete channels for carrying information.
As a space support and force enhancement concept, space-based laser
communication has been proposed by the LMS, NWV, and AF2025
studies.85 This concept also is actively being pursued by the AF
Phillips and Rome laboratories as well as by NASA and the commercial
sector. 86 The laser communication links can exist between
satellites or between earth stations and the satellites, as shown in
Figure 4. Different transmitter-receiver schemes and laser
wavelengths may be better suited to the different type of links.
Figure 4. Schematic of Space-Based Optical Communication
McDonnell Douglas has developed technologies for space-to-space
laser links for the Defense Support Program early warning satellites
and a space-to-ocean link to communicate with submerged
submarines.87 The space-to-earth link could readily be aimed at an
unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) or C2 aircraft, such as the E-3A
The Ballistic Missile Defense Organization (BMDO) is also active in
developing space-based laser communications. It is funding efforts
that would provide high-data-rate links from space capable of
transferring 1.24 Gbps at distances up to 1800 km. This satellite
laser communications package is scheduled to fly on the Space
Technology Research Vehicle in 1998.88 Thus, space-based laser
communication systems are maturing rapidly.
Operational Enhancement.
The ability to relay massive amounts of
information is becoming a critical determinant of military success.
The concept of global awareness, which relies on having dominant battlespace knowledge, is possible only if a steady stream of
information reaches the operators, from the platoon leader in the
field to the Joint Force Commander in theater and the military
support staffs in CONUS.
Laser communications offer a number of advantages over
radio-frequency and microwave systems.
First, the potential data
rate is much higher because of the carrier frequency is much higher.
The NWV study states that the data rate could exceed 10 billion bits
per second (Gbps).89
Second, the link can be more secure given the
narrow laser beam. The implication is that someone would need to get
inside the beam to intercept the message, interrupt the beam to the
intended receiver, and thus signal that an intrusion had occurred.
This fact also makes it very hard to jam laser communication links.
Third, if the carrier wavelength operates outside the visible
region, the communication would invisible, and thus covert, unless
electro-optical systems are used to search for the beam. These last
two advantages are captured in the notion of a Low Probability of
Intercept/Low Probability of Detection (LPI/LPD) communication
Fourth, because of the linearity of the atmosphere for low
peak-power laser beams, there is no “cross-talk” between laser
beams, reducing this source of signal degradation.
Fifth, the laser
communication system will be much smaller and lighter than
comparable radio-based systems because the output “antenna” is much
smaller, the laser is much smaller than microwave generators, and
the power consumption is lower. These factors produce substantial
savings in payload launch costs.

Key Enabling Technologies.
Acquisition of the receiving satellite in
order to establish the communication link is a challenge in view of
the small divergence of the laser beam. A higher divergence diode
laser and a corner cube on the receiving satellite could solve this
problem. Non-mechanical beam steering is desired to minimize
spacecraft jitter. This technology is maturing rapidly for diode
laser arrays, and sensitive detectors are required for receivers.
Lasers with useful wavelengths, adequate output power, and the
ability to modulate the output at the desired data rates are a key
technology area that is developing rapidly without DOD involvement
given interest in the commercial sector.
The biggest challenge for space-to-space links appears
to be the acquisition, pointing, and tracking problem. For
earth-to-space links, the biggest problem is attenuation due to
clouds, haze, or other atmospheric effects. For this reason, the
AF2025 study concluded: “Laser communication systems are a poor
choice for communications between satellites and individual earth
stations.”90 However, they noted that the use of spatially
distributed ground stations that are linked by very high-speed
communication lines could ameliorate this problem. Numerous minor
engineering challenges remain in all sub-systems but steady progress
is being made.
This is one of the most promising space-based laser
concepts and should be aggressively pursued by AF research
laboratories and operational commands. The cost is likely to be high
because it is an entirely new communication system.
Technical feasibility: 5. Technical maturity: 5. Operational
enhancement: 5. Cost: 2. Total Score: 17.
Space Track Accuracy Improvement
Operational Concept.
The concept of supporting space control through
improved space surveillance was ranked by the LMS team as one of its
top seven concepts, which was the subject of a mini-study to more
fully develop the concept.91 As described in LMS, the laser system
would be a ground-based laser configured as a LIDAR to make highly
precise measurements of satellite position and velocity. These state
vectors would update the ephemeris information in the AFSPC Space
Catalog database. An alternative configuration would be to use
space-based lasers as described above for tracking space debris. The
same data would be collected, with improved capability to measure
the orbital characteristics of MEO and GEO satellites.
Operational Enhancement.
A relatively small number of satellites
could provide enough information over an extended period to augment
the Space Surveillance Network. The improved ephemeris data reduces
the risk of accidental collision, and permits better traffic
management in determining orbits for new spacecraft.
Key Enabling Technologies.
Moderately powerful, pulsed lasers are
needed for detection and ranging. A number of infrared lasers are
potential candidates. The wavelengths should be chosen to not
interfere with any optical sensors on the illuminated satellites.
Highly accurate pointing capability is required to acquire the
satellites, assuming that the approximate position is known from
other components of the tracking network. An autonomous target
acquisition system could be developed using a large-divergence laser
‘floodlight’ and a highly sensitive detector to look for very weak
reflections. The optical receivers must be sufficiently sensitive to
measure weak returns of the satellites.
The principal challenge will be in developing a
sufficiently sensitive optical receiver in a reasonably small and
affordable package. Another major challenge will be the pointing
system. Recent advances in inertial pointing systems and
non-mechanical beam steering should be exploited to meet the APT
requirements of the space debris cataloging system.
The operational requirement for improved accuracy in the
Space Catalog is high and both the ground-based and space-based LIDARs offer feasible approaches to collecting the data.
Technical feasibility: 3. Technical maturity: 3. Operational
enhancement: 4. Cost: 2. Total Score: 12.
Space-Based Reference Grid
Operational Concept.
The straightness of a laser beam can be used as
a reference grid or beacon, providing improved on-orbit operations
for space support. Although the LMS only listed this concept by
title because it did not rank high enough for further development,
one possible realization of this concept would be an extension of
the VOR and TACAN systems employed on earth for aircraft navigation.
These systems broadcast signals that permit aircraft to determine
the range and bearing to the navigation aid.
A GEO satellite that
sends laser beams with slightly different wavelengths or pulse
encoding along different angles could serve a similar function.
Another, smaller scale realization would be to use a grid of laser
beams to maintain alignment of a distributed space vehicle like a
large space antenna.92 This version is similar to the guidance
system discussed earlier. By placing mirrors on the outer edges of
the antenna and illuminating them with laser beams from the central
hub, the reflections can be detected back at the central hub by
detectors that generate a control signal to maintain the position of
the antenna.
Active alignment with a laser reference grid could also
be used to hold multiple spacecraft into fixed relative positions,
forming a large ‘virtual’ spacecraft. The NWV report discusses using
distributed spacecraft constellations to give much wider coverage of
the earth or much more accurate interrogation of the earth’s surface
with reduced cost, lowered time of deployment, and reduced
vulnerability.93 A laser reference grid could be used to hold this
constellation together.
Operational Enhancement.
The first concept of a navigation grid
could improve the performance of maneuverable space vehicles that
are likely in the next revolution in orbital operations. The second
concept offers a method to increase the efficiency of single or
multiple spacecraft in performing their mission.
Key Enabling Technologies.
Pulsed lasers with low beam divergence
are required to provide narrow beams. Sensitive detectors that can
discern angular shifts in the incident signal, such as quad cell
detectors, are needed to generate the control data. Computation of
the control signals and the thrust generating systems are essential
components of using the information relayed by the laser reference
Numerous engineering challenges exist to make the
various possible applications of laser reference grids come to
fruition. The specific challenges depend on the application.
The need for reference grids is predicated on significant
advances in other spacecraft, which suggests that it is unlikely to
be needed in the near future.
Technical feasibility: 3. Technical maturity: 2. Operational
enhancement: 3. Cost: 2. Total Score: 10.
Holographic Projector
Operational Concept.
This concept, which would fall into the force
enhancement mission area, was considered in the Spacecast 2020
study, and as a truly novel idea provides evidence that the
strategic studies did consider “out of the box” ideas. However, the
concept ignores the fundamental physics of generating holograms. The
concept is a
“system that could project holograms from space onto
the ground, in the sky, or on the ocean anywhere in the theater of
conflict for special operations deception missions. This system
would be composed of either orbiting holographic projectors
or relay satellites that would pass data and instructions to
a remotely piloted vehicle or aircraft that would then
generate and project the holographic image.”94
The apparent intention is to generate
three-dimensional images of sufficient quality to make the observer
believe an actual object is being seen. For example, projecting the
face of Allah over Baghdad has been mentioned as one application of
this concept for PSYOP missions; projecting the image of a tank
would be a deception mission that could force enemy troops to move
out of their position, exposing themselves to attack.
There have
even been suggestions by anonymous sources that these holographic
images could be made to produce speech as well, which is
theoretically possible using the photo-acoustic effect in air.
This effect has been proposed by Oak Ridge National Laboratory
for a laser-based emergency broadcast system.95
Operational Enhancement.
If this concept were achievable, there
would be great operational enhancement. There would be a tremendous
“dual-use” benefit to the entertainment industry if the technology
were releasable.
Key Enabling Technologies.
A hologram is basically an interference
pattern that has been recorded in some medium, such as film or a
nonlinear crystal. The pattern is generated by overlapping a laser
reference beam that has a very smooth phase front with a laser beam
that has been scattered off the object to be imaged. The two beams
interfere, creating bright and dark regions that, when reilluminated
with a suitable optical source, recreate the image to an observer
who looks at the hologram from the right point of view. Ideally, a
laser is used to view the hologram, although “white light holograms”
produce fairly good images using regular incandescent bulbs.
The key
technologies here are finding some way to generate the interference
pattern in air and then illuminate that pattern with a visible laser
beam, or possibly sunlight if the angle is correct, to create the
image for the intended observers. Modulating the interference
pattern would be required to create the illusion of motion.
The ability to create holographic images is well
established, but creating them in an uncontrolled environment like
the open air is almost inconceivable. Making images that are
realistic enough to confuse an enemy is highly unlikely in the next
30 years. The ancillary concept of auditory project, however, is
feasible and demonstrated, but probably would not be done from a
space-based platform given the difficulty of controlling the region
of air that is modulated.
Even the Spacecast 2020 study ranked this idea as “so far
in the future” that it is not worth further consideration.
Technical feasibility: 1. Technical maturity: 1. Operational
enhancement: 5. Cost: 1. Total Score: 8.
See "Project
Blue Beam"
Laser Rocket Propulsion
Operational Concept.
Using laser beams to generate propulsion is
another concept identified in the Laser Mission Study, but was
ranked low and was not described further.96 If successful, it would
aid the space support mission area by giving alternatives for spacelift. The concept has been investigated by NASA, the Department
of Energy and the Air Force. As described by Muolo,
[T]he basic scheme involves transmitting laser energy from some
platform (ground, airborne, or orbiting) through an optical window
to heat a working fluid. This fluid could be hydrogen, perhaps
seeded with cesium or carbon to improve energy absorption. Very high
temperatures and high Isp [specific impulse] (over 1,000 seconds)
would be possible.97
The New World Vistas study also mentions generating thrust by
sending energy to the spacecraft via a high power laser beam.98 They
indicate that both electric propulsion and hot hydrogen gas
propulsion engines could be driven by off-board laser energy,
significantly decreasing the weight of the vehicle. Such engines
have low thrust, making them most appropriate for orbital transfer.
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) has investigated an
alternate approach to laser propulsion that would work in both the
atmosphere and in space. LLNL conducted tests “in which a laser beam
was directed at a pusher plate with machined paraboloid dimples.
Light was focused by each dimple on a spot behind the plate. The
focused beam heated air pockets and the expanding pockets
imparted a thrust to the plate. This concept provides
respectable thrust in the atmosphere. In space (vacuum) the
dimpled plate is jettisoned to expose a block of solid
propellant which is ablated by the laser beam to produce
The Phillips Laboratory recently conducted experiments that support
the concept of power beaming for propulsion, projecting that
“chemical rocket engines can be replaced by lightweight, efficient
ion or atomic propulsion engines powered by thermal or electrical
energy produced from a ground-based laser.”100 In partnership with
NASA, the Department of Energy’s Sandia National Laboratory and the
COMSAT Corporation, Phillips Laboratory personnel used the 1.5 meter
telescope at the Starfire Optical Range to transmit a laser beam
over 3 million kilometers onto the Galileo spacecraft, demonstrating
both the concept and a pointing accuracy sufficient to place the 40
microradian beam on the target.
Operational Enhancement.
Reducing payload weight decreases
the launch costs, or, conversely, the weight saved by the laser
propulsion engine can be used for increases in productive
payload. A Phillips Laboratory report suggested a 50 percent
reduction in launch weight of geosynchronous satellites is
possible using laser propulsion.101
Key Enabling Technologies.
Efficient high-energy lasers are critical
to this concept. Also, designing the engine requires windows with
high transmission and gases that have high absorption for the laser
wavelength, under the current concept.
The laser source is most likely to be ground-based for
any near-term applications due to difficulties in packaging a
high-energy laser into a spacecraft. However, ground-based lasers
face substantial propagation challenges in getting the laser energy
up to the spacecraft. Some concepts such as solar-pumped chemical
lasers may alter this bias in ten years or more, permitting
space-based HELs to drive laser propulsion engines..
Technical feasibility: 2. Technical maturity: 2. Operational
enhancement: 3. Cost: 2. Total Score: 9.
Power Beaming (Earth-to-Space)
Operational Concept.
This concept falls in the space support mission
area of on-orbit support. Providing energy on-board a spacecraft has
long been a major challenge because it consumes a significant amount
of space and weight. Various methods of producing electricity are
used, including photovoltaic (e.g., solar panels), electrochemical
(e.g., batteries and fuel cells) and thermoelectric (e.g.,
solar-thermal conversion, nuclear reactors) systems.102 The concept
of using a ground-based laser to beam power up to a satellite has
been considered by a number of sources, including LMS and NWV.103
The ground-based laser system can be a large facility that has
access to the abundant energy of terrestrial sources. The energy in
the laser beam is collected on the spacecraft and converted into
energy either directly by using a photoelectric process, or
indirectly by heating up a substance. That substance then generates
electricity or by driving a chemical reaction that stores the energy
in the reaction products that can be later used in a fuel cell or
battery. Other conversions of light to energy should be considered
to identify the most efficient method. The key advantage is that the
small beam divergence of the laser beam means that most of the
energy can be collected by a relatively small telescope on the
Operational Enhancement.
Increased lifetime of spacecraft, decreased
total weight for the same mission payloads, and increased mission
payload for the same total weight are some of the potential
operational enhancements. One application would be to recharge a
spacecraft while it is in the shadow of the earth and cannot receive
solar energy. For some orbits, this could substantially reduce
payload weight by decreasing the need for on-board energy sources.
Key Enabling Technologies.
For ground-based laser power beaming,
compensation for atmospheric distortions is critical for efficient
delivery to the spacecraft. The research at the AF Starfire Optical
Range has matured this technology. Also, high efficiency collectors
are required on the satellite, with photoelectric or
photothermoelectric being the most promising concepts. These
collectors must be able to handle large amounts of power without
being damaged. Stabilized platforms with sub-microradian accuracy
are needed on both the ground and space systems to insure the laser
beam hits the right part of the satellite to avoid damaging the
satellite and to improve the efficiency of the power transfer.
The inefficiencies and high cost of ground-based lasers
is a major challenge. Also, clouds and haze can attenuate or totally
block the beam, requiring that the laser be located where clear
weather is prevalent most of the time or that multiple sites be
The concept is feasible but both laser and collector
technologies are immature. Operational enhancement is likely but
limited because of the mature state of current power generation
systems. Future systems would have to be specifically designed to
benefit from laser power beaming.
Technical feasibility: 2. Technical maturity: 2. Operational
enhancement: 3. Cost: 2. Total Score: 9.
Power Beaming (Space-to-Space, Space-to-Earth)
Operational Concept.
Similar to the concept above, the
space-to-space power beaming would fall in the space support area
while the space-to-earth power beaming would lie in the force
enhancement mission area. This concept beams energy from a
space-based laser to either another satellite or down to the earth,
as mentioned in NWV.104 The advantage for space-to-space power
beaming is avoiding atmospheric distortion and losses as well as
weather-related mission cancellation.
The range between the
satellites may also be less than from earth to the receiving
satellite, and thus reduce the power requirements on the laser
source. Beaming power from space to earth offers the possibility of
providing significant amounts of power at remote sites where other
sources of energy are not readily available, such as unattended
ground sensors. Also, the atmospheric effects appear to be less for
lasers pointing down into the atmosphere, in part because there is
less remaining path length when the beam enters the more dense
Although this prospect needs further modelling, it is clear
that power-beaming from earth-to-space is not the same as from
space-to-earth due to the asymmetry of the atmosphere. Also,
electrically-powered, high-altitude UAVs could be recharged by
space-based lasers. These UAVs could provide communication links,
tactical surveillance, theater missile defense, and temporary
navigation aids.
Operational Enhancement.
As before, by reducing the requirements to
carry energy-generating and energy-storing equipment, the cost, size
and weight of the satellites and terrestrial equipment powered by
the laser power beaming could be reduced.
Key Enabling Technologies.
Compact, high-energy lasers of suitable
wavelengths and long operational lifetimes are required. Carbon
dioxide lasers are a possible candidate due to the high efficiency
(about 30 percent), as are solar-powered atomic bromine lasers. The
AF2025 study recommended considering solar-powered lasers for the
various HEL missions.105 A critical part of this concept is
providing the power to the laser for the beaming. Solar energy and a
nuclear reactor are viable candidates. As mentioned in the previous
concept, high efficiency, durable power collectors and accurate
pointing systems are needed as well.
The principal challenge for this variant of
power-beaming is the laser source and its associated systems.
Although the concept appears feasible, most of the
components remain to be developed. The enhancement resulting from
space-to-ground power beaming could be significant.
Technical feasibility: 2. Technical maturity: 2. Operational
enhancement: 4. Cost: 2. Total Score: 10.
Space Debris Clearing
Operational Concept.
As discussed earlier, space debris is a growing
threat to space operations. High-energy lasers offer the possibility
of removing the debris. Although the NWV study specifically suggests
using a ground-based laser for clearing space debris,106 basing the
laser in space may offer better angles from which to irradiate the
debris. The concept, supporting the space control and space support
areas, would be to project a laser beam from a space-based, pulsed HEL and vaporize a portion of the surface of the debris, creating a
small burst of thrust from the blow-off of material.
By repeatedly
hitting the debris, sufficient impulse could be transferred to cause
the debris to de-orbit, and burn up in the atmosphere. Tens to
hundreds of pulses may be necessary. Obviously, a great deal of care
must be taken to insure the thrust slows down the debris, which
would cause it to move to a lower orbit, and that the lower orbit
does not result in a collision with any other space objects. Even a
collision with other debris should be avoided as it would likely
generate more pieces of debris that are smaller and more difficult
to track. This concept could be merged with the space debris
identification concept, using the laser operating at low power for
detection and at high power for debris removal.
Operational Enhancement.
There is currently no method to clear the
debris from space. A space-based laser offers one of the few viable
options to remove the threat. With greatly increased emphasis on
exploiting space for future AF operations, this concept may be well
worth the substantial investment required.
Key Enabling Technologies.
A high-energy, pulsed laser with a long
operational life is required. Open-cycle chemical lasers would not
be good choices. Current technology offers a number of candidate
lasers that can produce tens of kilojoule pulse energies that would
be sufficient for the mission, if the output optics are large enough
to focus the beam in a small spot on the debris. For example, a
self-contained, two kilowatt, master oscillator-power amplifier
(MOPA), Nd:YAG system (called “MODS” for Mobile Ordnance Disposal
System) has been built for anti-landmine missions that fits in a
tracked vehicle. Also, electrically pumped, closed cycle, carbon
dioxide lasers are a mature technology used for industrial welding.
Large, lightweight optics would clearly be required. Accurate
pointing of the laser beam is an additional requirement that can be
met with current technology.
The large-scale optics may be the most pressing
technology for this concept. Also, the orbital mechanics
calculations pose a significant challenge in determining when to
apply the laser pulses.
Technical feasibility: 3. Technical maturity: 2. Operational
enhancement: 4. Cost: 3. Total Score: 12.
The next five concepts envision using the laser in direct, offensive
roles against adversarial targets, while the sixth concept targets
extraterrestrial objects. All these concepts fall in the space
control and force application mission areas. The seventh concept,
falling more into the force enhancement area, aims the high power
beams from space back at the earth to alter weather patterns.
Space-based laser weapons (abbreviated here as SBL with the
assumption that it refers to an HEL weapon) have been studied
extensively over the past twenty years and numerous references
describe the technology from favorable,107,108 neutral,109 and
unfavorable110 perspectives. Scientists and engineers have been
diligently pursuing the dream of high-energy laser weapons for over
thirty years111 and
their efforts are paying off in maturing technology. The high power
Alpha laser developed by TRW is a good example of their success, as
reflected in renewed congressional funding.112
Obviously, the next few pages cannot give a thorough summary of this
complex topic, but the generalizations below should give a fairly
accurate appraisal of these seven concepts. Most of the concepts are
variants of the SBL weapon concept, with the exception of the GBL
ASAT concept where the laser is based on the ground. This concept is
included (1) for comparison to SBLs and (2) because the GBL beam may
be bounced off relay mirror satellites to accomplish its mission.
Some of the relay mirror challenges overlap with some of the
technological challenges for SBLs.
A few general comments should be made about laser weapons. There is
no doubt that a high-energy laser can cause substantial damage to a
target, as is routinely done with laser welders for industrial
applications and medical lasers for a wide variety of surgeries.
Damage of militarily significant targets has been demonstrated with
the destruction of air-to-air missiles with the Airborne Laser
Laboratory and a pressurized booster tank with the MIRACL laser. The
key advantages of a laser weapon is the speed-of-light,
straight-line delivery of the energy with little concern about
windage and ballistic effects, as discussed in an earlier section.
However, laser weapons are inherently inefficient ways of destroying
The production of the laser energy is usually difficult,
with single-digit efficiencies common for high-energy systems such
as the Alpha laser and MIRACL systems. The coupling the energy to
the target usually occurs at the surface where the light is
absorbed, unlike the deep penetration common to kinetic energy
systems like bullets. Thus, it may be difficult to kill some targets
like reentry vehicles and it may be easy to develop countermeasures
such as thicker skins or spinning the target to dissipate the laser
energy. CW lasers need to dwell on the target for a sufficient time
to damage it by thermal effects, while pulsed lasers damage the
target by blowing off part of the surface, causing a plasma.
plasma becomes an absorbing surface itself, so the laser energy may
end up heating the blown-off material rather than further damaging
the target. All of these challenges are well known to the laser
weapon community and a number of innovative solutions have been
found. There is great value in pursuing laser weapons because they
will offer a capability that is not available in any other weapon
system. However, this brief discussion highlights the fact that this
pursuit is a very challenging one.
Space-Based Counterforce Weapon
Operational Concept.
This concept is an overarching term that
applies to any application of SBLs against military targets such as
military satellites, nuclear warhead reentry vehicles (RV), missiles
in the boost phase, high-flying military aircraft, and
anti-satellite kinetic energy missiles. The term was used in the
LMS113 but was also discussed in Spacecast 2020114 and AF2025115.
The NWV report discusses a similar concept that they called the
Global Precision Optical Weapon (GPOW) that would have a “clearly
dominant role in warfare.”116 Carryovers from the Cold War, the term
“counterforce” is juxtaposed against “countervalue” used to describe
targets that are usually predominantly civilian such as cities.
Treaties such as the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty restrict placing
operational ABM systems in space and may affect other SBL
Operational Enhancement.
The capability to negate adversarial
targets at great distances at the speed-of-light would be a
revolutionary capability and has served as the motivation behind
decades and billions of dollars of research. HELs are one of the few
technologies with the potential of destroying ballistic missiles in
the boost phase. Even a limited number of SBLs offer significant
capability for a limited number of ballistic missile launches that
might characterize a terrorist or rogue-state attack against the
United States or the limited number of theater missile attacks
during a conflict like the Gulf War. The Spacecast 2020 study
proposed the idea, echoed in AF2025, of using the SBL for a range of
missions such as passive imaging using the large telescope by
itself and active imaging using the laser operating at low
Key Enabling Technologies.
High-energy lasers are the obvious
central technology for this concept. Most of the contemplated
designs use CW chemical lasers that would destroy their targets by
thermal effects. The hydrogen fluoride laser operating at 2.7
microns is the most mature candidate. Large diameter (>10 meters),
lightweight mirrors are required in order to focus the laser beam on
the target. Near-real-time target acquisition is required, perhaps
by linking the SBL to early warning satellites. The pointing and
tracking systems must also be robust. The interval between launch of
a ballistic missile and the end of the boost phase can be as short
as 60 seconds, levying a requirement for automated battle management
software. The ability to rapidly slew the beam to a new target is a
key requirement for engaging multiple targets. NWV discusses their
view of the technical requirements for the GPOW in some detail.118
Each of the SBL systems (e.g., laser device, large
output optics, APT, battle management software) has significant
engineering challenges to overcome. The SBLs are very expensive
systems and could be attacked by anti-satellite weapons such as the
Soviet co-orbital interceptor developed in the late 1970’s. Thus, a
defensive system would also be required for space-based battle
station. This system could use either kinetic or directed energy
weapons to counter the ASAT weapon.
While scoring a general concept is difficult and less
meaningful than considering the specific concepts discussed below,
the overall concept is feasible but faces monumental engineering
challenges. The operational enhancement would have strategic
implications for national missile defense as well as provide a force
multiplier for theater operations. However, deploying even a limited
number of SBLs would be very expensive.
Technical feasibility: 3. Technical maturity: 2. Operational
enhancement: 5. Cost: 1. Total Score: 11.
Space-Based Ballistic Missile Defense (BMD) Weapon
Operational Concept.
Already in the research phase but given a
significant impetus by President Reagan’s speech on March 23, 1983,
the idea of building an effective defensive shield against a massive
ICBM attack included the use of space-based lasers to destroy the
boosters before the reentry vehicles were released. The laser beam
would be directed at the side of the booster, weakening it by
heating and letting the internal pressures rupture the booster.
RVs are much harder targets because they are covered with an
ablative cover capable of sustaining the heat of reentry. A large
number of SBLs would be needed to provide an effective defense due
to the orbital movement of the systems (likely to be deployed at
about 1300 km with an orbital period of a little less than two
hours119) and the large number of boosters that an adversary with
ICBMs might launch.
Operational Enhancement.
Destroying the boosters in the boost phase
is the best solution because (1) the booster is the softest link in
the chain of events that send the nuclear warheads to the target,
and (2) the warheads and other debris falls back on the launching
nation. An effective SBL BMD system would provide a unique, highly
valuable capability to the warfighter and the nation.
Key Enabling Technologies.
The discussion in the previous concept
applies here. A significant amount of R&D has resulted in
proof-of-concept demonstrations of the Alpha hydrogen fluoride
laser, the Large Advanced Mirror Program (LAMP) and the Large Optics
Demonstration Experiment (LODE) beam control system. The Ballistic
Missile Defense Office (BMDO) is continuing the SBL development with
the Alpha/LAMP Integration (ALI) program.
Again, the discussion in the SBL Counterforce concept
applies to this concept. The systems management challenges are
significant. There must be an autonomous system that would detect
the launch, activate the SBL, acquire and track the target, point
the laser at the target, engage the target with the laser for a
sufficient time to destroy it, and then rapidly move to the next
target. The complexity and brevity of the engagement has been
studied in great detail by the battle management portion of the SDIO
program. Also, the laser propagation and target interaction issues
are as important as the challenges of making very high-energy laser
This is perhaps the most challenging and important mission
for an SBL.
Technical feasibility: 3. Technical maturity: 3. Operational
enhancement: 5. Cost: 1. Total Score: 12.
Ground-Based Laser Anti-Satellite (ASAT) Weapon
Operational Concept.
The GBL ASAT is included (1) for comparison to
SBLs and (2) because the GBL beam may be bounced off relay mirror
satellites to accomplish its mission, with the relay mirror
satellites having some of the same technological challenges for
SBLs. Having some potential for BMD through the use of relay
mirrors, the GBL ASAT system could disable satellites at lower
powers than that required for the BMD mission because satellites are
softer targets and the ranges are much shorter.
According to NWV,
satellites are “particularly vulnerable to laser attack...Target
irradiances of several to ten watts/cm2 are adequately lethal.”120
The GBL ASAT weapon would likely be located at a low latitude site
that has exceptionally clear weather most of the year so that it
could attack satellites when they pass overhead. The concept is
proposed in both NWV and AF2025 studies.121
Operational Enhancement.
Having a non-nuclear capability to deny
adversarial satellites would provide a critical force enhancement
tool for space control.
Key Enabling Technologies.
Projecting a high power laser beam from
the ground requires a high power laser, large telescopes,
atmospheric compensation, high accuracy pointing and tracking
systems, and imaging systems for kill assessment. Because the laser
does not have to be compact and can access the local power grid or
other substantial energy sources, the GBL is more readily developed
than the SBL ASAT weapon. Candidate lasers would include the COIL
operating at 1.315 microns that has relatively good transmission
through the atmosphere. High average power Nd:YAG systems operating
at 1.064 microns are also feasible.
Most of the technologies for a GBL ASAT are maturing.
Only moderate engineering challenges remain to provide a limited
capability. However, operational issues over where to base the
systems and how to employ them remain. Significant political issues
are likely to arise with the ASAT mission because attacking a
nation’s satellites would likely be taken as a military attack
on the nation.122
The GBL ASAT is a relatively mature concept aimed at
relatively soft targets.
Technical feasibility: 4. Technical maturity: 4. Operational
enhancement: 5. Cost: 2. Total Score: 15.
Space-Based Anti-Satellite (ASAT) Weapon
Operational Concept.
The same operational concept described for the GBL ASAT would be the basis for the SBL ASAT, except that that laser
would be placed on an MEO orbiting platform. The relative softness
of the satellites, the lack of any atmospheric effects and the
decreased range at the time of engagement reduce the power
requirements for the SBL ASAT system as compared to the BMD mission.
Operational Enhancement.
The operational enhancement is the same as
that provided by the GBL ASAT weapon.
Key Enabling Technologies.
Developing a high power, lightweight,
reliable laser device with a ‘deep magazine’ is the critical
technology but the large, lightweight optical elements are also
crucial. The APT system requirements are similar to those discussed
in many of the preceding concepts.
The placement of a SBL ASAT in orbit would likely raise
serious international issues and may be restricted by the Outer
Space Treaty of 1967. Significant technical issues also remain as
discussed for the SBL Counterforce concept.
Technical feasibility: 3. Technical maturity: 3. Operational
enhancement: 5. Cost: 2. Total Score: 13.
Space-Based Counter-Air Weapon
Operational Concept.
The SBL could be used to attack high-flying
aircraft (above 30,000 feet or so) because high power lasers can
penetrate to that altitude with relatively little loss of energy,
even if the wavelength is one that is strongly absorbed at lower
altitudes. In fact, having the wavelength stopped by the lower air
layer provides the requisite laser safety for unintentional
illumination of targets. (If the wavelength is not strongly
absorbed, it would be conceivable to attack soft targets on the
The hostile aircraft could be tracked either from the SBL via infrared or radar techniques or by an off-board sensor and
the location relayed to the SBL. With sufficiently large optics, the
beam could be focused to a small enough spot to cause structural
failure at critical parts of the aircraft. The size of the optics
and the power of the laser should be significantly lower than that
required to destroy an ICBM because the aircraft’s slower speed
permits longer dwell times.
Operational Enhancement.
The capability of attacking aircraft
without putting friendly forces at risk and in regions where
anti-aircraft weapons are not available would be a significant force
enhancement and contribute to air and space superiority. General Fogleman’s goal to “find, fix...and target anything that moves on
[or near] the surface of the earth” referenced in the opening
paragraphs of this study would be greatly aided by SBL counter-air
Key Enabling Technologies.
Because this concept is akin to the SBL
BMD, the key technologies include the laser device, large,
lightweight optics, APT systems, and self-defense systems.
Although significant challenges remain in each
technology area, the power requirements for the laser and the size
of the optics would likely be somewhat lower than those of the SBL
BMD weapon.
Technical feasibility: 3. Technical maturity: 3. Operational
enhancement: 5. Cost: 1. Total Score: 12.
Planetary Defense Weapon
Operational Concept.
The threat of an asteroid or large meteor
colliding with the earth is remote but not impossible. The results
of such a collision would be cataclysmic, delivering the energy of
hundreds to thousands of megatons of energy and possibly destroying
life on the earth. At present, we may have the rudiments of a space
surveillance system that could warn us of the impending collision
but we lack any technology to counter the threat. In the Spacecast
2020 study, the team considered an asteroid negation system that
could include directed energy weapons such as lasers.124
The idea
discussed in clearing space debris, of creating multiple, cumulative
thrusts via laser ablation, could be applied to the asteroid to
change its direction slightly, causing it to miss the earth. The
momentum of even a small asteroid is very large, making any attempts
to alter its trajectory challenging. Engaging the target at
extremely long ranges would give the best opportunity to affect its
path, but that imposes demanding requirements on the laser system.
Operational Enhancement.
No operational requirement exists for this
mission, although it would clearly be in mankind’s interest to
prevent such a disaster.
Key Enabling Technologies.
Extremely powerful lasers would be
required for this concept, possibly requiring multiple HELs or
lunar-based lasers.
The challenges are so imposing that the Spacecast 2020
operational analysis team did not consider the concept further.
Technical feasibility: 2. Technical maturity: 1. Operational
enhancement: 1. Cost: 1. TOTAL COST: 5.
Weather Modification System
Operational Concept.
A concept proposed by Spacecast 2020 and echoed
by AF2025 is the notion of modifying the weather using a directed
energy source such as HPM and HEL systems.125 The concept is to
deliver enough energy to a region of the atmosphere to change the
local weather. For example, heating the air could raise its
temperature above the dew point, which could disperse fog or clouds.
This would allow surveillance systems to see previously obscured
ground targets. Other effects could include creating local storms or
winds, and grounding enemy aircraft.
Operational Enhancement.
Weather has always been a dominant factor
in military operations and any ability to control it would give
significant military capability.
Key Enabling Technologies.
Extremely high power DE systems would be
required to be able to heat a large volume of air quickly enough to
affect the weather. The laser wavelength would have to be chosen to
be strongly absorbed in the correct type of air. For example,
hydrogen fluoride lasers operate at 2.7 microns, a wavelength that
is strongly absorbed by water vapor. Laser beams from carbon dioxide
lasers operating in the region of 10.6 microns are attenuated by
atmospheric carbon dioxide. Numerous other technological
breakthroughs would have to take place in energy sources, large
optics, and modeling of nonlinear dynamics before this concept could
be given serious consideration.
The required power levels are so high that this idea
must await multiple breakthroughs in laser technology. Further,
weather is inherently nonlinear and any attempt to manipulate it may
cause adverse unintended consequences. Careful, validated modeling
should be undertaken before any field tests are considered. Finally,
international agreements may restrict weather modification
Technical feasibility: 1. Technical maturity: 1. Operational
enhancement: 5. Cost: 1. Total Score: 8.
Summary of Concept Scores
Table 5 summarizes the scores of the 28 concepts that were examined
in this section. Not surprisingly, the highest ranked concepts tend
to be those that augment other systems or build on existing
The top concepts are listed here in order of total score
(shown in parentheses):
Laser communication and data relay (17)
Target designation (16)
Alignment and docking guidance systems (16)
Deep space laser altimeter (16)
Remote sensing for battle damage assessment (16)
Battlefield illumination (15)
Satellite-to-satellite Doppler velocimeter (15)
Weather monitoring and characterization (15)
Environmental remote sensing (14)
SBL ASAT weapon (13)
The top concept, space-based laser communication, is maturing in the
commercial sector as well as within NASA and DOD. It needs no
further elaboration but should continue to be pursued in a
coordinated manner. In the subsequent sections, the SB-LTD and SB-BI
concepts are discussed in more detail as they are militarily unique
Table 5. Composite Scores for Concepts
Concept |
Feasibility |
Maturity |
Enhancement |
Cost |
Score |
target designation |
battlefield illumination |
guidance (alignment, docking) |
space laser altimeter |
satellite-to-satellite Doppler velocimeter
remote sensing for BDA |
environmental monitoring |
weather monitoring and characterization
space derbis cataloging |
Integrated Tactical Warning/Attack Assessment
active illuminator/imager for space surveillance
sensor pointing accuracy beacon network
satellite traffic management \/IFF |
laser communication and date relay |
space track accuracy improvement |
space-based reference grid |
holographic projector |
laser rocket propulsion |
power beaming (earth to space) |
power beaming (space to earth, space to space)
space derbis clearing |
space-based counterforce weapon |
space-based BMD weapon |
ASAT weapon |
space-based ASAT weapon |
space-based counter-air weapon |
planetary defense weapon |
weather modification system |
to Contents