Strange Craft
The Drones and Whitley
Drones and Bridges
The "CARET" Program
- Explanation for Drone UFO Sightings in California
Big Basin (CA) Strange Craft
High Resolution Photographs
More Big Basin, California,
Bizarre "Drone" Images
CoastToCoast Website
Last month (April 2007), my wife and
I were on a walk when we noticed a very large, very strange
"craft" in the sky. My wife took a picture with her cell phone
camera (first photo below).
A few days later a friend (and
neighbor) lent me his camera and came with me to take photos of
this "craft". We found it and took a number of very clear
photos. Picture #4 is taken from right below this thing and I
must give my friend credit as I was not brave enough to get
close enough to take this picture myself!
The craft is almost completely silent and moves very smoothly.
It usually moves slowly until it decides to take off. Then it
moves VERY quickly and is out of sight in the blink of an eye.
MORE THAN ANYTHING I simply want to understand what this is and
why it is here?
We found your show with Google and I have listened for a few
nights now. I have decided that if anyone can help me understand
what this thing is, it is you and your audience. I must admit I
am deeply unsettled by this thing. I have never seen anything
like this in my life... Location: I would prefer not to say for
Additional Comments underneath the


Chad wrote back to us with additional
Thank you so much for posting my
photos! I hope someone can help identify this... First of all, I
see this thing VERY often. Since it first appeared, I have
probably seen this thing maybe 8 different times since the first
appearance. My friend and I went out the next day after I first
saw it to get the photos, but it was not there.
Then we tried again the next day,
and we found it within like 30 minutes and followed it for a
while. Most of the time I see it out of windows in my house, in
the distance. But I would say almost half of the hikes I have
gone on in my area, I have seen it very close. It is very easy
to photograph and... many neighbors aside from my friend have
also seen it.
It is almost totally silent but not quite. It makes kind of
"crackling" noises. It's hard to describe them but they are only
intermittent and not very loud, but you can notice them.
Sometimes there is a very slight hum that sounds kind of
mechanical, almost like when you are near very large power
lines. But it is nothing loud like a jet engine, it is very
quiet for the most part.
It moves almost like an insect. If you have ever seen a bug on a
pond, it is kind of like that. It is VERY smooth and slow most
of the time, but then every now and then it will rotate very
quickly and go VERY fast into another direction, then stop, and
repeat the process all over again. There is just something very
unnatural about the way it moves.
Also, I have had maybe 4 headaches in the last week, and I am
normally not the kind of person who really ever gets them. Also
my wife has been tired and fatigued lately. She is about a month
pregnant, and the doctor said fatigue is normal around this
time, but I worry that it is a lot. Basically what I'm worried
is that this "craft" has got some kind of radiation or
something. Like I said, it sounds like power lines if you get
close enough to it. Obviously I am worried for our health,
especially with a baby on the way.
I don't know if they are related,
but again, this is why I really hope someone can answer these
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Drones and
by Craig R Lang, MS CHt
May/June, 2007
TheCosmicBridge Website
I recently read an interesting article series in Whitley's Journal,
on Whitley Strieber's
Unknown Country website. In it,
Whitley talks extensively about a new class of UFO sightings, which
are referred to as "Drones."
The articles are named in above 'Contents'.
As we have not had any local (Minnesota) cases of the "drones," I
had not followed this new class of UFO sightings until recently.
Also, to be conservative, I will state that it is not yet clear that
the sightings are all legitimate. However, Whitley claims that the
evidence is quite strong in support of their validity. So for the
moment, I will assume that the drones are for real and ask what they
In reading the literature on them so far, I note that they appear to
be clearly technological, yet extraordinary at the same time
(machines, but not ours). Whitley suggests that they are a blending
of alien and human, in origin, technology and culture. They make no
attempt to hide themselves but seem designed to be seen - alien
technology overtly displayed for mainstream human consumption.
In "The Drones Unveiled," Whitley suggests that this may be part of
the ongoing effort at overt contact by "Them." He states that this
may be part of a three-pronged contact approach:
The creation of what he calls a
"Theatre in the sky" - This takes the form of obscure but overt
displays of technology - i.e. UFO and entity sightings - visible
to a large number of people. The purpose is simply to show
clearly that there are "others" present in our world.
Close encounter phenomenon - This is
in effect, a covert, grassroots [my term, CL] acclimation
program to get us ready, at the individual level, for contact.
He states that this is similar to what we would do on
encountering a culture of lower technology and/or more limited
worldview. We would monitor that culture - being careful not to
interfere with its progression. Then gradually, we would
acclimate it to our presence. Finally, when the time was right,
we would openly introduce ourselves.
E.T. contact with secret
organizations within the human community - Whitley states that
this may be the core of the coverup. While it is vital (in the
E.T. view) to contact Earth institutions, it is also critical
that this not overly impact human society. Thus, careful
management of any public release of information would be
necessary to prevent crippling culture shock that might paralyze
human culture and initiative. Thus we see a motivation for the
coverup and the allegedly staged subtle release of purported
alien technology into the human mainstream.
Whitley describes the revelations of
someone with the pseudonym of "Isaac" who claims to have inside
knowledge about the mainstreaming of alien technology. One claim is
that this is part of the acclimation process mentioned above.
Whitley then ties this in with the drones - saying that these
factors, in combination, may be the next step in the acclimation
All of this is, to say the least, speculative. Are we being
systematically acclimated to the visitor presence? Is there a
coverup - and is it in some way non-malevolent?
While I don't know
the answer to any of these questions, I suggest that from anecdotal
evidence, the answer may be "yes."
The Cosmic Bridge we discuss just
such an acclimation program. I talk about an analogy to the
animal-ranger relationship of the managed wilderness - what I call
the "nature preserve" metaphor. I cite the James W.
Deardorff "Proposed
Extraterrestrial Agenda for Earth," which a "super" civilization
might follow in initiating contact with us. What Whitley is
describing appears to be closely in line with exactly such a program
of contact.
As one test of whether such a program might be in place, I suggest
that as we get closer to being ready for contact, we should expect
to see more overt sightings of UFOs, and eventually overt sighting
of actual alien beings, with large numbers of witnesses. With the
appearance of "the drones," are we now seeing just such a
If the drone sightings turn out to be legitimate, does it mean that
overt contact is imminent? Again, I don't know.
However, to me, it
suggests that we might just be one step closer. Perhaps we adding
one more vital plank connecting "Us" with "Them" - the connection I
refer to as The Cosmic Bridge.
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