The Case for the UFO’s
“If it waddles…”?
If it looks like a duck, waddles like a duck and quacks like a duck,
swims and has webbed feet-then perhaps it is a duck!
But a child, seeing his first platypus, will say, “It looks like a
duck with four feet and fur! But what is it?
But what happens when a man sees something for the first time and
asks, “What is it?”…and there is no one who can supply the answer?
Fortunately, our experience and knowledge enable us to explain the
seeming inconsistencies of this freak of nature.
The controversy about the s0-called Flying Saucers began in just
such a fashion with Kenneth Arnold-s startling announcement in 1947.
A businessman of Boise, Idaho, Mr. Arnold was on his way from
Chehalis to Yakima, Washington. Flying in his private plane, he was
startled to see a bright flash on his wing.
Looking in the direction of Mount Rainier, he was astonished to see
nine gleaming disks, each approximately the size of a C-54. They
were clearly outlined against the snow.
As he later told the story, “it was as if they were linked together.
They flew close to the top of mountain in a diagonal, chainlike
Mr. Arnold estimated their speed to be around twelve hundred miles
per hour, and he thought they must have been about twenty to
twenty-five miles from his plane.
“I watched them about three minutes,” he said. “The were swerving in
and out around the high mountain peaks. They were flat, like a pie
pan, and so shiny they reflected the sun like a mirror. I never saw
anything so fast!
Thus, as of June 24, 1947, Flaying Saucers were born.
“I saw them—but what are they?” Mr. Arnold undoubtedly asked. And no
one had the answer.
Since that memorable day, thousands of other sightings have been
reported and verified, and still the question must be asked, “What
are they?” But more importantly, where do they come from, what is
their purpose here, and if they can do it, why can’t we? Are they
Russian secret weapons?
Several well-documented volumes have been devoted to listings of
sightings, to reports by everyone from boy scouts and families on
picnics to astronomers and a man who claims to have had a
conversation with a Saucer passenger from Venus.
But our answers to the questions, our evaluation of the potential
answers to the fascinating and sometimes frightening questions, end
where others begin. In other words, we shall not devote ourselves to
the recent sightings and reports which have flooded newspaper
offices, official bureaus of the government and, for some strange
reason, airports. (Presumably, the public feels that anything which
takes place in the air is the business of the airport!)
I have long been interested in the study of the unexplained areas of
human existence, and as an astronomer with special interest in the
moon, the early reports of flying saucers caught my attention.
References in dusty volumes in the Library of Congress flashed
through my mind, references I had noted years ago and which now, in
the light of these developments, seemed to offer a new field of
research, of analysis and co-relation which might throw light upon
the matter.
I began to ask myself questions … and I began to see a shape, a
form, take place in the entire field of observable phenomena which
had remained obscure and previously unrelated.

This flying saucer was photographed over the Brazilian Jungle
Desmond Leslie, in the book, “Flying Saucers Have Landed,” reviewed
some of the interesting material gleaned from old manuscripts, many
of which referred to sightings of unidentified objects flying
through the air. The most cursory examinations of such material,
when collected and organized into a readable whole, made it quite
evident that conclusions could be drawn.
Does it follow, I wondered, that still further conclusions could be
drawn if one were to collect and sift and evaluate data from many
different fields? Would there be any indication that life does, in
fact, exist in space? If so, would that life have direction,
control, intelligence? Or would it be amoebic in nature, lacking
intelligence, be a form of vegetable or animal-mineral life? Would a
thorough study of material in many fields reveal a pattern, a
consistency of any sort which would provide clues to the future
activities of these Unidentified Flying Objects?
I wanted to know the answers. I wanted to know if the somethings
existed, and if they did, what they were. I wanted to know where
they lived and how they lived. I wanted to know what they were doing
when we didn’t see them. I wanted to know why some people saw them
and some people didn’t see them. I wanted to know why they appeared
in one place and not another. I wanted to know whether they were
friendly or hostile.
L-M? PALS; S-M?1
Even if he knew he nor any number of men could
ever do anything, Jemi.
Clearest Translation
This note is quite ambiguous. It may be interpreted as the above
or as: L---M: PALS S-M? or since L-M closely follows the word
hostile it might be: Hostile LM? PALS: S-M? From the similarity of the marks following L-M and S-M
the first interpretation is most likely the correct one.
For first they would refuse to even believe.
Requires true Humility or active2 fascination.
Clearest translation. Could be actual.
I wanted to know, further, if they might be a Mark Twain-like hoax
which a gullible public was swallowing, having tired of ordinary
pursuits of happiness and excitement.
I wanted to know, too, whether we would have to wait until the
things decided to visit us, or if we could possibly expect to pay
them a surprise visit in their own territory in the near future.
Like a child seeing his first platypus, I asked myself questions.
But unlike the child, I searched for my own answers.
Back to Contents
UFO’s Are Real
A serious approach to the question of Unidentified Flying Objects
demands, first of all, that we face a fundamental change in concept
as regards the world of our environment. We must loosen out
thinking, let our imaginations fly with the winds, and, above all,
we must want to think!
No human being with a closed mind need read further, for he will be
asked to think as he has never thought before, to admit to
possibilities which will shake the very foundations of his being.
For countless generations mankind has been confronted with an
endless series of events, the causes of which have been obscure, if
not altogether outside any casual sequence which his mind was able
to imagine. In varying degrees, these happenings have generally been
called supernatural: in more modern terminology, paranormal. This
convenient phraseology may name them and, to a lesser extent,
classify them; however, it does not explain the events, nor does it
transmit and real knowledge to a groping mankind.
To gain understanding, therefore, we must do more than classify; we
must analyze and theorize.
To do these things we must courageously invade a field which has so
frightened formal science that it has been omitted from man’s
professed and organized cognizance. Only a few have dared to admit
these phenomena and to investigate them Of the few, a large
proportion have become outcasts from their chosen field of study.
They have become nonconformists, and few sins are considered more
basic. Yet the mass of our qualitative knowledge has come through
In this volume, we are going to confront, for the first time, a
number of hitherto incorrigible facts.
We shall relate, for the first time, previously unrelated data and
draw startling conclusions therefrom.
To begin such a leap into the maelstrom of the “supernatural,” we
must first clarify our use of the word “world.” We must no limit it
to a state or a continent. And, despite the fact that it may disturb
our complacency and arouse vague fears, we can no longer limit it to
a single planet. The earth is not alone, nor has it been for some
Next, we segregate paranormal experiences into groupings having some
family likenesses. Only by so doing can we give them the merciless
scrutiny necessary to determine their significance. If there is
enlightenment to be had from the, we shall have it. (If this be
nonconformity, let us make the most of it; our orthodox opponents
may try to make the worst.)
This segregation of “erratics” or “oddities” into groups having some
similarity serves a two fold utility. First, it simplifies our
problem of analysis, because it helps t bring order out of
chaos-chaos which is the product of centuries of accumulated data
with no co-relation, with no purpose other than that of cataloguing
facts for posterity. We may now assume, and with great assurance,
that we are the posterity for whom these data were recorded. The
time has come when these isolated ? and lone facts, so long
orphaned, must be brought into the light, marshaled, and made to
serve our purpose. This heterogeneous mass of data has doubtless
been preserved for some purpose, if life has any meaning at all, and
the solution of the mystery of the UFO’s may well be that purpose .
The second utility of grouping is to establish emphasis and striking
power, for any one of these innumerable events is too weak to stand
alone in the face of scientific scoffing. It does not matter,
evidently, that a thousand, or even ten thousand, people observe and
report paranormal events. One self-confident, assertive and arrogant
scientist, backed by the tacit support of his esoteric profession,
can deny the occurrence, obfuscate its record, nullify its import,
and come close to convincing the ten thousand people that they did
not see what they plainly saw. This, of course, is not really
science. It comes close to a kind of intellectual dictatorship, and
imperialism of the intellect. Thus, by relating the previously
unrelated, we can build a wall unscalable by such conformists.
But let us not be over ambitious. We can as easily overstep the
bounds of our capabilities as we can shirk our responsibilities.
Some of the unexplained phenomena do seem to lie in what, for lack
of a better terminology, we must still call the paranormal or
psychic fields. One must be on guard not to commit the prime fallacy
of all analysis, that of evolving a theory and then proceeding to
find facts by which to substantiate it. Therefore, we must sort our
observations into two groups. One group will contain everything
which can be attributed to physical action by intelligent beings or
an undeified and nonspiritual status. The second group is the
residue which, as far as one can judge after careful consideration,
must remain associated with the psychic or spiritual realm.
Even a cursory survey of the vast and scrambled field of strange
events—oddities, we can call them—shows us at least three major
areas. One of these relates to things which fall from the sky, some
of which come from space and which may be roughly classified as
organic and inorganic. We use “organic” in the sense of something
which is part of, or associated with, a living, thinking entity, and
“inorganic” as being merely the debris of space. An ordinary
iron-nickel meteorite from space is inorganic within the sphere of
our present definition; but if this meteorite arrives on earth
shaped like a seven-headed Malayan goddess, or a compound
microscope, it’s organic.
A second major category stands out in the bibliography of oddities.
It is the great area of events which encompasses disappearing
people, and ships; airplanes and airships crashing and disappearing
without trace and without warning; instantaneous and mysterious
transportations of people and things; inexplicable tracks and marks,
such as the Devil’s Footprints of Devonshire, and the “cup-marks”
found in stone over much of the world; the organically shaped
meteorites found in Tertiary rock and coal formations; evidences of
levitation and flight from prehistoric antiquity; and many other
phenomena which appear to us to be, or resemble, acts rather than
All of these are terrestrial events—manifestations more or less on
the terrestrial surface.
But there is a third great area of observational data. It is that
vast conglomerate of purely astronomical observations which relates
to things and phenomena in space or on planets and satellites other
than earth. These are the unpopular, poor relatives of orthodox
astronomy, the untouchable erratics. These have come to be regarded
with such disfavor that there are few published records of them
within the past fifty to seventy-five years.
We may consider that the sciences of meteorology and mereoritics,
whose nature we will discuss later, speak almost eloquently in
behalf of the case for space life and UFO’s. It is within these
fields that we have found the greatest volume of detailed
observation and data. And it is just here that we have found the
most difficulty in grouping and organizing. Even here, however, we
can not a primitive pattern and by simple use of it as a guide, we
begin to separate acts of intelligence from “natural” acts of
statistical nature.
Whereas the actual groupings are given in Parts Two, Three, and
Four, the problems involved in the initial research are of interest.
The resolution of those problems is still another key to the fact
that we are on the right track, that by relating the previously
unrelated we have discovered pattern and form.
An example of the way such things develop is our experience in
classifying falling objects. Our first thought was that this was a
minor field which could be disposed of with a casual perusal. Not
so. It soon developed, as the pattern began to evolve, that we could
not coordinate these onslaughts from the sky, nor interpret them,
unless we gave consideration to their effect, their origins, and to
concomitant phenomena. Not only that, but very shortly we were
forced to acknowledge that falling objects and other phenomena in
the sky must be considered in three categories if order was to ensue
from chaos.
In short, there seemed to be a class of objects which
were merely physical debris cluttering up space and moving in orbits
of varying shapes and which had little, if any, relationship to or
association with intelligent being. A second group was obviously the
product of thinking, if not, indeed, of higher mental
characteristics such as purposefulness, determination, morality, and
perhaps even humor. Then, especially in those instances where space
phenomena appear to intermingle with our native meteorological
condition, it became necessary to consider, as a third group, the
less spectacular terrestrial events and to clarify our thinking by
segregating these and getting them out of our way.
The upshot of this coercion was that we found more than half a dozen
subcategories wherein we were allied with the sciences of
meteorology which is the terrestrial science of the air, and
meteoritics which is a branch of astronomy.
Let us, then, consider briefly these segments of our problem. To
most of you who read this book,
falling ice has been limited to hailstones, mostly small, perhaps
the size of marbles. But in trying to
organize data on ice which falls from the sky, we ran head-on into
cases where chunks of ice weighing
from a few pounds to some tons were known to fall, and without final
proof we were forced to give thought
to “spacebergs” which might weigh thousands of tons each, maybe
hundreds of thousands, and which
arrived from space in swarms of hundreds or even thousands, and left
vast scars on the surface of the
We were compelled to consider some of these falling blocks of
ice as having been produced by, or at least associated with
intelligent entities. It was even necessary to consider various
sources for the orbital ice, depending on whether it came from the
exploded fifth planet, whether it was blasted off the earth by
prehistoric atom scientists, whether it was detached from the earth
by tidal action when the earth and moon were united, whether it fell
off the moon, or just where did it come from? In sifting out these
cases where intelligence seemed to be involved, we found the process
to have certain resemblances to panning gold nuggets from alluvial
gravel. At least if the nuggets were there, we had to do our own
We went through similar compelling experiences with regard to
falling stones, falling live animals, and falling animal or organic
matter. We found that life arriving from the sky was almost
universally of a low order, such as reptilian or aquatic, and we
found that some of it involved such intellectual elements as
functionality, localization of target and repetition in fixed areas.
The only common denominator for all the observed conditions turned
out to be—of all things—hydroponic tanks in space craft!
And if we are confronted with a falling object of crystalline rock
obviously shaped as an optical aid, are we to cravenly call it an
erratic, and discard or ignore it? And are we to cringe before the
deposition of a few hundreds of dead birds from the heavens, all on
one city, but of species completely scrambled and mostly unknown
within hundreds of miles of that city?
What would you do with a piece of meteoric iron, unmistakably shaped
by intelligent hands, but which was equally unmistakably removed
from solid formations of geological Tertiary Age of 300,000 years
ago? Wouldn’t you perhaps reshuffle your conception of the antiquity
of intelligence and wonder whether it was, for a fact, indigenous to
this planet?
If you found raw meat, with hair attached, falling over a two-acre
space, from a clear and undisturbed sky, wouldn’t you struggle even
harder to find some kind of category for it, and a common
denominator of explanation relating it with other phenomena?
If you found that water sometimes arrives from the sky in solid
masses, flooding little brooks until they washed away villages, but
neglecting the brooks a half mile away, wouldn’t you look for a
category outside routine meteorological storms?
These problems all had to be faced. Something had to be done about
them—and they all arose from objects falling from the sky. Also,
they had to be distinguished from meteorological storms—for some of
the clouds which we studied just appeared, spat a stone or two and
passed on. They were not thunderstorms, What were the?
Those were the problems which we faced in a welter of data on things
coming from the sky, but they were, on the whole, less puzzling than
events which directly involve people, or which were clearly current
actions and not merely things which may have been operated in
distant times and places. Among those phenomena involving people,
the sudden disappearances are probably the most amazing. Some have
disappeared instantly, while being watched by friends and close
relatives. Crews have mysteriously disappeared from ships—sometimes
within sight of their home port—without warning and without trace.
There are too many instances of planes and ships disappearing for us
to ignore them. One plane is reported to have flown into a cloud
from which it never emerged, while the crew of a blimp disappeared
before the eyes of dozens of watchers. We are still wondering what
happened to about fifty passengers from a plane whose wreckage was
found recently on a mountainside in the Pacific Northwest.
These are several of the instances which have prompted some writers
to postulate that UFO’s were on the attack. My contention is that,
at the very worst, such an attack is no more organized or malicious
than that of a redcapped hunter stalking deer in the Pennsylvania
mountains is an attack by the human race against the deer; and there
may be elements of similarity.
It is almost an inseparable corollary to our thesis that we admit to
an unfathomable antiquity for mankind, or at least intelligence,
upon the earth, and its vicinity. This conclusion is made
unavoidable by the antiquity of records of UFO’s and wingless
flight. It is apparent in the innumerable megalithic works of stone
which involve masses too huge to be moved by means other than
levitation and which have been standing for ages before any written
record now available.
As these pieces of the jigsaw puzzle make themselves known, and as
we realize fully that this is an old, old problem, we can begin to
take comfort. If UFO’s have been here for 300,000 years and have not
yet chosen to launch a mass attack on humanity, it is scarcely
likely that they will do it now—unless they are forced to do
something to prevent the world’s experimenting militarists and
scientists from destroying the earth through ignition of its
hydrogen, thus crating another nova or new star in the galaxy, a may
well have been done when the fifth planet disintegrated at an
incalculable time in the past.
So there are two elements of importance in our study of the
antiquity of intelligence: the proof that superior beings have been
here longer than mankind has been civilized, and the demonstration
that forces were at work in those millennia, the magnitude and
nature of which are only suspected today.
Is this, then, a hint that we are at this moment awakening and, like
a chrysalis, emerging into a new and much more powerful state of
existence and cognizance? Are, therefore, our current troubles,
domestically and internationally, but the excruciating birth pains
of such a renaissance, as we could not have imagined one short
generation ago? Will we, then perhaps be welcomed rather than
repelled by the intelligences which inhabit the UFO’s or which may
even be the UFO’s?
Man’s Emotional structure is such that he cannot
awaken to Powers of ‘True-‘Thinking.‘
Probably the oldest, and almost surely the most prolific of sources
bearing on wingless flight, are the records of the Indian and
Tibetan monasteries. These in themselves are almost conclusive.
Records of 15,000 years ago imply wingless flight at least 70,000
years prior to that. Add this to the
recorded visit of a space fleet to the court of Thutmose III,
approximately 1500 B.C., and we are close to
paralleling the sightings of today. Evidence of continued interest
by the space dwellers comes from
medieval France where Adamski was completely scooped by elements of
the French populace who were given rides in the UFO’s.
If early visits to Asia, subsequent contacts with the Egyptians at
the peak of their culture, rumored associations of flight with the
disappearance of Atlantis, and tours of France some centuries ago,
indicate a pattern, then it may be of little wonder that the
civilizations of today, perhaps the most spectacular of all, are
receiving attention.
In many ways, the most intriguing data of all comes from the
skeptical astronomers. Their observations do tend to be
quantitative, timed, and documented. The astronomical data is more
than merely qualitative. In other words, the astronomers themselves,
being conscientious data hounds, were not content with merely seeing
things move in space. Although unaware of the true nature of what
they saw, they recorded as much as time and equipment would permit,
and, as a result, they have enabled us to locate the habitat of the
As with out own observations today, any single sighting by an
astronomer could be a mistake or an illusion. But hundreds of
sightings are involved, and dozens of serious, reliable astronomers.
Many round things have been seen crossing the discs of the sun and
moon, and some in space with no background. Roundness implies
spherical or discoid shapes. Lights have been seen in space, some of
them near Mercury, Venus, Mars, and the moon, and some between us
and those orbs, so that they might be on their surfaces. In the case
of the moon, lights have been seen on the surface. There have been
shadows on the moon and on the earth which could have been cast only
by manipulated space contrivances. The advent of the great comets
and the red spot on Jupiter in the late 1870’s was coincident with
the mysterious appearance of a new crater on the moon precisely the
size of the UFO’s seen by astronomers between the earth and the
The astronomers have seen two distinct classes of objects: the
spherical, definitely outlined ones, and the hazy, nebulous ones.
Both have appeared to undergo intelligent manipulation and exhibit
erratic motions. In all of these are features that have counterparts
among the sightings listed by lay observers since 1947. Simultaneous
observations by tow or more observers have at times established the
approximate distances of the UFO’s through study of parallax.
(“Parallax” is the displacement, often measurable, caused by looking
at an object from too different points; e.g. hold up a finger and
view it with first one eye and then the other. The displacement
against a distinct background is parallax.) All-I-all, the
astronomical evidence for UFO’s while less voluminous than other
types, is better grounded in factual and quantitative data. It must
be given great weight.
If, in reality, the astronomical profession is to be forced into the
position of being the principal witness for the defense, in the case
of the UFO’s its members will suffer a most peculiar type of
embarrassment, for theirs is the unenviable position of having been
most dogmatic and derogatory.
It seems unfortunate that astronomy, once the leader in the search
for qualitative knowledge, is apparently degenerating into
opposition to pioneering. Yet, astronomy, while strictly an
observational and not an experimental science, takes front rank in
denying authentic observational data which threatens in the
slightest to upset its own scientific applecart.
In an observational science such as astronomy, laws have to be built
from innumerably repeated observations and not, as is partially true
in physics and chemistry, on the basis of duplicative laboratory
experiment. In such cases, as the astronomer knows only too well,
repeated observations must be accepted as tantamount to proof.
Many of astronomy’s tenets are in such a category. To take only one
example, the hypothetical life history of stars is based entirely on
the so-called spectral sequence built solely upon spectroscopic
observations of thousands of stars and the subsequent grouping and
arranging of these into some logical structure. Even in this
ponderous sequence there are erratic, or stars with peculiar
spectra, whose real nature is a matter of speculation even after a
hundred years of spectroscopy. Yet, the astronomer can hardly deny
the existence of the obviously shinning star, no matter how
recalcitrant may be its light waves.
Back to Contents
There Is Intelligence in Space
The vast amount of material from the past, in all categories, shows
clearly that intelligence exists in space! “Intelligence” is the
sine qua non of our analysis. Without it our thoughts may be
meaningless. Wit it, our corollary postulates are automatic.
Throughout, we are searching for objects, bodies, events which have
been made, shaped or guided by forces obviously controlled by an
“intelligence” which has the power of decision as opposed to those
which have merely been acted upon by “physical” forces and
“physical” laws, such as gravitation, and the Keplerian or Newtonian
laws. Only thus can we establish “intelligence” as a universal
component of neighboring space.
Throughout this book, we make some rather fine distinctions. The
difference between rain and "falling water" is one. For our concepts
of our spatial environment we have to make a similar division
between "mind" and "intelligence." "Mind," for our purposes, is the
thinking function of the brain of mankind, or perhaps of lower
animals. By "intelligence," we must conceive more broadly of an
ability to think, construct, direct, analyze, plan,, navigate,
laugh, etc., which is not necessarily a part of, or associated with,
a carnate brain. In short, we must adjust our ego to the possibility
that intelligence exists in space, that it may be and probably is
superiour to our own, and that it may inhabit physical entities of a
discarnate nature such as the nebulous or cloudlike bodies observed
by Barnard (described later.)
Throughout, we are searching for objects, bodies, events which have
been made, shaped or guided by forces obviously controlled by an
"intelligence" which has the power of decision as opposed to those
which have merely been acted upon by "physical" forces and
"physical" laws, such as gravitation, and the Keplerian or Newtonian
laws. Only thus can we establish "intelligence" as a universal
component of neighboring space.
Nobody know the precise nature of this spatial intelligence, much
less the nature of the physical body within which its resides. This
intelligence seems to manifest itself in many ways. In our study of
storms we have been driven inexorably to admit that some storms have
an artificial aspect, as sort of organic appearance, an air of being
manufactured for a purpose and to be carrying out that purpose. We
therefore postulate some percentage of artificiality, or
intelligence, among that small percentage of storms which suddenly
appear in otherwise undisturbed skies, proceed with a purposeful
manner, as though concealing something, and discharge peculiar
materials. They seem to concentrated, perhaps too directive, to be
entirely meteorological in their orgins (sic).
As a means, then, of assuring that we do not knowingly overlook any
possible contributory evidence in the case for the UFO’s, I ask you
to keep these storms and cloud formations in mind, and, if possible,
to fit them in to the basis of any comprehensive conclusions which
you may eventually draw.
I believe that space structures of five to twenty miles in diameter
are sufficiently large to produce such storms, and there may be
elements of purposefulness in so doing, if only for camouflage or
It may be difficult to see the significance of antiquity in the
consideration of space flight or space inhabitance. But failure to
consider the sprawling background of the UFO problem is the greatest
single factor in the appalling chaos which engulfs this enigma. Take
but one small item: the little piece of meteoric iron which was
found deep within a tertiary coal bed. The locale and the finding
are authentic. The shape is purely artificial. It is but an inch or
so square, practically a cube. Four sides are squarely faced, and
the other two are convexly shaped, with complete symmetry. Around
the four surfaced sides runs a groove, geometrically contrived. Here
are three established facts:
1. Placement in an incipient coal bed some 300,000 years ago.
2. Made of meteoric iron, identifiable by structure and chemical
content. 3. Clearly shaped by artificial means.
The number of explanations as to how it got into that coal bed may
be few or several, but there is one underlying fact which cannot be
scoffed into oblivion: This piece of natural steel was shaped by an
intelligent instrumentation at least 300,000 years ago!
We can go on, but somebody has to make a choice, or deny and ignore
the entire factual substratum. Science has ignored it. The choice is
most galling to face: Was this gadget, created as it was by
intelligence, placed there by man indigenous to earth, or was it
dropped from space by a space traveler?
You choose to say: placed by Man? Then there was a race of men here
300,000 years ago who
knew enough to shape steel, and, by inference, make machinery. If
they could do that, they most likely
had locomotion of some sort, and there is no good reason to deny
that they could have found space
flight either by research or accident. At worst there was time to
develop a civilization of any preassigned
refinement. Science doesn’t like that. Alternative to that horn of
the dilemma, we must contemplate
space flight of 300,000 years ago,
capable of bringing this little machine part to the earth, or of
bringing civilization itself and planting it here within that type
of animal life judged most likely and suitable to perpetuate and
develop mental capacity.
It is indeed a nasty choice for inhibited minds.
We can conclude that space habitation has existed for many a
millennia. We do not care whether earthmen took to space as a matter
of convenience, comfort, and safety after blowing off a portion of
the planet; or whether space inhabitants created terrestrial
intelligence “in their own image.” Bluntly: “What’s the difference?”
The basic thought is that man is living in a world in which he is
neither the completely dominant nor the supremely intellectual
There has been a raging controversy for generations between pro-Atlantians
and anti-Atlantians as regards the antiquity of civilized mankind
upon this planet. The archaeological remains of those nuclei
civilizations, which have, for 7,000 years or more been recovering
from the celestial impact which caused the traditional flood,
redistributed the surface soil of the earth, destroyed continents
and made new ones, sunk Atlantis and Mu and raised hob in general,
are readily available in quantity. They offer easy materials for
Archaeology and ethnology, sharing with astronomy the feature
of being observational and not experimental, have built their entire
framework upon the study of those remains. Yet, underlying and
intermingled with this vast array of material, there are remnants of
cultures of almost unspeakable age. Their artifacts have been
subjected to geological and cosmic cataclysms of almost
incomprehensible violence and few major relics remain for perusal.
Those few, however, are cast aside as the erratics of archaeology
and ethnology, and their very existence is buried or denied in
efforts to avoid toppling the house of cards so laboriously
established by those branches of learning.
These studies break down almost completely at an antiquity of
approximately 7,000 years, at which point they meet with what the
mathematician calls discontinuity. Many of the oases of culture thus
studied appear, suddenly, in final analysis, as going concerns, with
little indication of forward development and considerable to show
that they were degenerate remnants of something already lost behind
the misty curtain of antiquity. It is my belief that we must admit
to the “doings” of man in the eons prior to the collision of the
earth with a vast aggregate of meteoric material which struck the
Western Hemisphere some 10,000 to 15,000 years ago.
Books have been written, libraries of them, to show this antiquity,
but it has not yet been accepted, even in principle, by any branch
of science. Geology opposes any type of cataclysmic change in the
structure of the earth and will go to any extremes to avoid coming
to grips with its erratics.
Yet every science breaks down when it is forced to contemplate the
origin of man’s intellectual development.
The few erratics in the following pages show that there have been
very ancient cultures, or civilizations, which may have and could
have developed methods of flight much simpler and more effective
than ours, and more directly associated with forces which we do not
yet comprehend. Again we are dealing with indirect evidence, not
always of the greatest clarity. Yet in support of an antiquity of
such an order I have seen and touched stonework carved out of the
solid mountains of rock in South America, which certainly antedate
the Andean glaciers, and almost as certainly predate the formation
of the mountains themselves.
This work is superior in technique to
that accomplished by our currently machanized civilization. Much of
that construction, sculpture and tunneling could only have been
accomplished by “forces” different from those in use by us today.
The quandary is largely resolvable by admitting to a levitating
force developed and used by the same common denominator-space
flight—which simplifies so many other puzzles for us.
On the basis of the evidence of an antiquity involving epochs of
50,000 to 200,000 or 300,000 years or more, we postulate the ancient
development of some kind of science which either produced space
flight or was brought to this third planet via space flight. I do
not believe it is of great significance to our thesis at the moment
whether one, or the other, of these assumptions is most likely to be
true. Either is abhorrent to science and to some religions, yet
either presents a background of conditionality favorable to an
extremely ancient development of wingless flight. Nothing else
answers all of the conundrums presented by observed and recorded
As you will see, history is replete with stories of another great
category of phenomena: the mysterious and ghostly disappearances of
people, singly and in groups, publicly or in unobserved obscurity.
These skin-ting-ling episodes seemed at first to have little in
common with the falls of objects and the antics of storms. Many are
incidents which, if their reality has been admitted at all, are in
the view of scientists, spiritualists, and students of the occult,
considered to belong to or border on the so-called supernatural.
Within these segregations we must place the disappearance of the
crews of ships, such as the Sea Bird and the Marie Celeste; the
disappearance of individuals while in the company of their peers.
There is not much hypothecating to be done with these. The stories
can be told, and the cases lumped together as one big unexplained
group of events. No explanation other than that of abduction by
intelligently navigated aerial or celestial craft can be advanced:
It is almost a case of proof by default.
With planes, there is perhaps some added element other than metal
fatigue which involves striking some apparently solid object while
in the air, or being rent by unimaginable forces just before
falling. (Because of this additional evidence I have put the
accidents to planes into a separate section of Part Three, below.)
Planes seem to hit something which crushes them or tears them apart,
which is nevertheless
invisible, and which strikes with such suddenness that the pilots do
not have time to make an outcry via
their ever-live radios.

Passage of Auroral beam, November 17, 1882, as seen from
Guildown Observatory, Lat. 51 31’ 39” N., Long. 0 28’ 47” W.
Then, too, there are cases of dead or frightened birds, and the
cases of people being struck by unseen forces, as with seventeen
marching soldiers in eighteenth-century France who were
simultaneously struck down by an invisible agency.
After analyzing these things, one speculates as to new types of
obstacles as well as new forces. Take the mysterious Maunder object,
which moved deliberately across the sky above southern England in
November 1882. Rand Capron, an authority on auras, said it was
auroral, while other equally competent scientists said it was a
physical or material object. Then there are the many modern
sightings of things which seem to manifest intelligent action, and
to possess all normal physical characteristics except mass or
weight. We recollect that radar sees things which are not visible to
the eye.
From such analysis we come by easy stages to conceive of a force,
ray, or focal point, in some force-field either; unknown to us, or
at least not understood, which produces rigidity in a localized or
sharply delimited volume of air, or possibly in space itself. We are
thinking of something like crystals of ice freezing within a body of
water. The element remains the same but its physical attributes
change suddenly and drastically.
Another example might be the passage of a limited but powerful
magnetic field through a scattering of iron filings or iron powder.
Before the approach of the magnetic flux, the powder lies loose,
flexible, and penetrable. Yet, when the flux enters it, invisibly
and imperceptibly to the senses of man, this docile powder become
rigid, tenacious, coherent, and at least semisolid. Do the space
dwellers have a force which produces this temporary rigidity In the
air, or even possibly in the gravitation field itself? Or do they
create “local” concentrations of the gravitational field as we are
able to do with the magnetic field?
Suppose that some intelligent entity was directing a concentration
of potential which could make
small volumes of rarefied air rigid, could set up a sort of island
in the gravitational or magnetic field,
moving the island about as the spot of a searchlight is moved on
thin clouds. Such a thing would be invisible, would have many of the
physical attributes of a solid body, but very small mass. For
example, its movement through the air would be wavelike, and would
not involve translation of the medium any more than the spot of the
searchlight would require movement of the cloud which enabled the
beam to attain visibility.
In moving, this island would simply
“freeze” on the advancing edge and “thaw” on the trailing edge. In
this way it could have almost infinite velocity, and also
acceleration, just as the spot of the searchlight. In this manner it
would appear to be free of mass, and actually it would be free of
mass, because only the force beam would move, not the air. Yet in
resisting the impingement of a bird, a plane, or perhaps a meteor,
it would have mass, and a very destructive mass at that. A pilot
flying a plane into such a body would have no warning. Yet if such a
thing were a few hundred yards in diameter, its mass in resisting
the plane would be thousands of pounds, perhaps tons. The analogy to
a ship hitting an iceberg would be very close.
If such a force island were formed in the upper atmosphere, it might
be very possible for it to have
the typeare magneticmany of the physical characteristics of a solid
body, and yet in matters of illumination it could behave
exactly as any other auroral phenomena. In this connection we must
remember that auroral phenomena and may be caused by streams of
electrons from the sun which are, in effect, precisely of force beam
upon which we are speculating.
It seems obvious that a single beam could not have the effect which
we have suggested, else the freeze would take effect along the
entire length of the beam. However, it is possible that the
three-dimensional volume enclosed within the intersection of two
beams might create such a congealed island.
Speculating further on this weird possibility, remember that oxygen
is a magnetic substance. It is not, perhaps, paramagnetic like iron,
manganese and nickel, but nevertheless sufficiently magnetic that it
can be separated from the other constituents of air by means of a
magnetic field.
ED: The following has no obvious reference or necessary position.
2000 Watt Cyclotron, built 1948, N.Y. STATE
If such a congealment were possible, consider the result of crossing
the two beams at the exact aerial position of a flying plane and
congealing the air around and in the plane.
Could you, in this way,
hold a plane in suspension, or even carry it away?
Could you, by a
similar concentration of beams, freeze two aviators on the sands of
the Arabian Desert, and carry them away?
Could you freeze a man and
instantly lift him out of sight, or cause him to be invisible within
the block or frozen air or oxygen?
Could you freeze the crew of a
ship, and remove them from the vessel?
Could you catch or kill
birds, quickly and over a vast area, with such a thing, and dump
them on a city in Louisiana?
All these peculiar things happened, but
we don’t know how, or why.
Before we leave this tantalizing topic, give thought to the nature
of an aurora borealis. As early as the time of Maunder’s object, it
was recognized that auroras are magnetic phenomena, or at least
associated with the earth’s magnetic field. It has been further
ascertained that they are related to sunspots, and that they are
probably due to the interaction of electronic streams from the sun
or from sunspots.
Is not an aurora, then, something very much akin
to the congealed islands which we have just postulated?
Is it not a
delimited volume of rarefied air caught within the tripping reaction
of an electron stream passing through a magnetic field?
Was Maunder’s object, then, in a sense both material and nonmaterial;
both massive and nonmassive?
Is it the incounter with the “pockets”
which makes meteors explode?
Do they make blips on a radar screen?
Have we a clue here, or are we dangerously close to science fiction?
Back to Contents
Short-Cut to Space Travel (He has “hit the nail”)
It is but a step from such contemplations to a similar analysis of
the “Foo” fighters, fireballs, the comet-like objects usually seen
in groups of six or eight, and the darting evanescent things seen
now and then over Washington D.C. Such phenomena must be considered
as most likely due to intelligent manipulation, or remote control,
from distant structures, and technically trained observers have
often said as much.
We do not entirely rule out a self-contained
intelligence, but many of these manifestations have more the quality
of something which, for want of an established terminology, we might
call the searchlight type of UFO. Many reports have described
objects or UFO’s as appearing to have been operated by remote
control. I believe that they are exactly that.
It is by no means clearly established that all apparently
self-luminous phenomena are of this nature. There are still a number
of luminous spheres and discs which seem to have a more material
nature and to contain the intelligences which operate them. The
widgets seen by astronomers in space are examples, and I think, too,
of such things as the ruddy disc which buzzed Captain Manning’s DC-3
near south Bend, Indiana.
The “Devil’s Hoofprints” and related phenomena, discussed below in
Part Three, offer another key or clue, and in segregating them from
the mass of unclassified data we can, again, remove a considerable
segment of the load which burdens the psychic and paranormal field.
The misinterpretation adherent to the Hoof marks are more fantastic
than the phenomenon itself. It is unbelievable, to me at least, that
people intelligent enough to make a living among their fellows would
try to interpret a linear sequence of exactly duplicated marks,
crossing roof tops, walls and haystack unfalteringly and
indiscriminately as animal tracks. These marks were equally spaced,
occurring singly, not in twos or fours. Even in the old mythology
there is no tale of a one-legged animal.
Here is something clearly mechanical. With equal clarity it is
something maneuvering in the sky. Since the mysterious phenomenon
occurred half a century before our race developed mechanical flight,
this, to me, is an isolated and clear-cut indication of space
Throughout the series of modern (after Arnold) sightings of UFO’s
there is a thread of frequent
references to “Mother Ships” and huge superconstructions. The vast
thing chased by Mantell and
the ten-mile-long thing/over Kansas are examples. There can no
longer be serious doubts of their
existence. It seems probable that these constructions are the
domiciles of the small-fry discs, spheres,
balls of light, etc., which are so frequently seen in proximity to
the earth’s surface and to our planes, rockets, air fields and
It is my belief that these constructions are few in number, not many
(there is some possibility, in fact, that there may be only two of
them) and that they do not come from distant planets such as Venus,
Mars, Jupiter or the vastly more distant stars. It is my belief that
they are usually globular, sometime spindlelike, and that they are
an indigenous part of earth-moon binary-planet system.
I make this
statement on the basis of hundreds of astronomical observations in
which the rough determinations of parallax can be made. Parallax
shows these objects to be somewhere between a few hundred miles away
and a maximum of something less than the distance of the moon. While
I believe that these space islands probably use both earth and moon
for their own convenience, I suggest that their most natural and
permanent habitat is at the gravitational neutral of the
earth-sun-moon, three-body system which is well within the orbit of
the moon.
Dean Swift was prescient in regard to his astronomy, predicting that
Mars had two small satellites, one of which was close to Mars’
surface and made two revolutions daily. It has been pointed out that
this inner body is too close to Mars to be in adjustment with any
known postulate of the natural distribution of satellites relative
to their parent body. This may be an indication that Mars’ inner
satellite is artificial.
It has been postulated that gravitation need not be considered as
acting with uniform continuity, from the center of the attracting
body outward, even if subject to the inverse square law.
Such a concept, today, would be especially horrendous to physics and
astronomy. Yet, there is a
suspicious rhythm to the distribution
of planets, outward from the sun. This has been somewhat crudely
expressed in Bode’s “law,” and in spite of scientific protestations
there is a similarity between atomic structure as we comprehend it
and the obvious structure of the solar system.
Refinements of Bode’s law indicate nodes in the gravitational field,
at which planets, asteroids, and possibly comets and meteors tend to
locate themselves. An extension of the theory to the satellite
systems of the major planets indicates a similar system of nodes on
smaller scales, where planets, rather than the sun, are
gravitational centres. This indicates a sort of generality, and
since these smaller planets, such as Venus, Earth, Mars, do not have
satellite systems (the moon is more of a companion than satellite
and may have joined the earth through acquisition rather than
formation), it might well be that these gravitational nodes are
occupied to some degree by navigable construction.
Over a period of almost two hundred years there have been many
modifications of Bode’s law, in an effort to completely generalize
it, and to make it theoretical as well as empirical. Many
researchers have extended the law so as to establish nodes right
down to the surface of the central bodies, and in so doing the nodes
become closer and closer together so that there may be many of them
at short distances from the parent body. Thus, if the law or its
derivatives have significance, there could be a number of these
orbital nodes between the moon and the surface of the earth.
We can therefore, take it as highly probable that there are many
zones of convenience around the planets, as well as around the sun,
which are presently unoccupied by planets or satellites of any
considerable size and which may well be used by enlightened space
dwellers. Such zones, if they exist, are in addition to the
demonstrable earth-sun-moon neutral. Since this system of nodes
appears to be some function of the radius of the attracting body, it
may be that there is a complete series of them in concentric circles
starting at the surface of a parent body such as the earth, but
their existence or true nature can hardly be known to us until we
can in some way determine the nature of gravity itself.
There may even be hints available to us regarding gravity. For
instance, no final settlement has ever been made of the argument
over the opposed wave and corpuscular theories of the propagation of
light. An assumption that the ether, a necessary adjunct to the wave
theory, is identical with the gravitational field, whatever that may
be, would reconcile the opposing theories and a quantum of light
would then be merely a pulsation or fluctuation in the gravitational
field. Intense studies of the movements of space-navigable UFO’s
might furnish vital clues to such problems.
Let us go back for a moment to the matter of masslessness of some of
the UFO’s. Their ability to achieve enormous acceleration has been
one of the greatest puzzles to scientists. Time after time we are
told that the UFO’s could not possibly contain living bodies of
flesh and bone—that such bodies could not withstand the stresses
imposed by the observed accelerations. Yet such argument can well be
based on entirely erroneous ideas as to the nature of the propulsive
forces used by the UFO’s.
Acceleration is damaging only because the
forces necessary to produce it are applied externally to the living
body, or to the structural members of any flying machine. Any force
which would simultaneously accelerate every molecule of either the
living body or the mechanical structure would avoid all such
stresses, and both the living and the mechanical could undergo any
amount of acceleration without the slightest damage or discomfort!
Since the UFO’s, even the material, structure like ones, are
observed to sustain acceleration
without mishap, we cannot but conclude that whatever the force used
for such violent propulsion may be,
it must be of such a nature that all fractions of the accelerated
bodies are acted upon individually. This
could only come about through reactance with the gravitational
field, because nonmagnetic
materials do not react to a magnetic field. Therefore, since such
movements are observed, we have to stop thinking in terms of jet or
rocket propulsion, or reactance with a magnetic field, any of which
subject both flesh and metal to outside pressures, and instead,
ascertain how space craft obtain reactance with gravity.
It should be obvious to all engineers and scientists that rocket
propulsion will never solve the problems of space travel, not only
because of the unavoidable problems of acceleration, but because of
the impossibility of transporting the necessary fuel and carrying
the heavy reactance motors. Few laymen realize that, for rocket
flight, the fuel is of dual purpose. Its ability to produce energy
is no whit more valuable than its ability to produce inertial
reactance when expelled through a jet, and therefore, any rocket
propulsion craft must carry mass in some form for the purpose of
being expelled so as to create reactance. Using fuel for both energy
and reactance is only a partial solution of the problem, and
obviously limits both the range and speed of a space craft.
Atomic power is certainly not the answer, at least not as regards
jet or reactance propulsion, for all of the atomic power in the
world will not move a space craft, by reactance propulsion, unless
there is an enormous mass to be ejected and lost. The amount of such
expendable mass is proportional to the weight of the craft and the
square of the speed obtained. It is exactly here that the great cost
and impracticality of current attempts at rocket flight occur.
A cheap power must, therefore, be found. By cheap power we have in
mind something like the effect of the winds on sailing craft,
1 or
the reactance of revolving cylinders with the winds, as was tried on
a Scandinavian vessel twenty to thirty years ago. Such a force or
power will have to originate in reactance directly with the
gravitational field, since magnetic fields will not account for the
observed accelerations nor are they, so far as we know, extensive
enough in space.
This probably refers to the series of notes on the preceding page.
If the money, thought, time, and energy now being poured uselessly
into the development of rocket propulsion were invested in a basic
study of gravity, it is altogether likely that we could have
effective and economical space travel, at a small fraction of the
ultimate cost which we are now incurring, within one decade.
Science has consistently scoffed at any thought of gravity control
or levitation, and such scoffing has had to be accepted as
authoritative in the absence of proof to the contrary. Such proof
now seems to be within sight, or at least there is increasingly
strong evidence that gravity is neither so continuos so immaterial
nor so obscure as to be completely unamenable to use, manipulation
and control. Witness not only the documented movements of UFO’s in
the form of lights, discs, nebulosities, etc., but the many
instances of stones, paper, clothes baskets and many other things
which have been seen to leave the ground without apparent cause. The
lifting of the ancient megalithic structures, too, must surely have
come through levitation.
The same inhibited thinking which has consistently aroused our
protests is responsible for the maladjusted direction of our attack
on the problems of space flight through rocket power. There must be,
and almost certainly is, a better, shorter way of accomplishing it.
The difference between the pre-Incan methods of handling huge stone
masses and those of our present-day engineers offers a kind of
parallel. We should be looking for the simpler, more direct
course—not wasting our resources on unworkable methods.
In the magazine, Look, August 24, 1954, there was an article
entitled “How Close Are We To Space Flight?” by J.Gordon Vaeth. He
thinks we are not very close. If we accept his reasons we have to
agree with him. He says the problem is too massive, too expensive,
too intricate. We might add, ponderous. And—he is quite correct if
we continue along present channels of research and development. Our
procedure is expensive, cumbersome, tedious, and extremely wasteful
of money, time, manpower, and intellect.
If, on the contrary, we shift our concentration to the intensive
study of gravity, and put on that problem brains and education
comparable to those which have solved the problems of fission and
atomic structure, it is my honest belief that we can whip the
problem of space travel inexpensively within a decade. It is my
belief that something of the sort was done in the antediluvian past,
through either research or through some fortuitous discovery of
physical forces and laws which have not as yet been revealed to
scientists of this second wave of civilization.
It is always easier to uncover a principle, or a fact, if it is
known in advance to exist. This is certainly a fact that helped the
Russians in their development of the atomic bomb and the H-bomb. It
probably helped Columbus in his quest for the “Indies,” even though
he found something slightly different. It is my belief that the
possibility of gravity control, or at least gravity reactance, has
been strongly indicated by the phenomena listed in this book.
Back to Contents
The Home of the UFO’s
There seems to be something of periodicity in events of celestial
and spatial origin. This has been called to our attention by John
Philip Bessor in the Saturday Evening Post as early as May, 1949;
but no one has thus far been able to catalogue and classify enough
of this data to determine for certain whether such cycles exist,
much less their time period or cause. It is not particularly
astonishing that these phenomena should be cyclic, for practically
everything astronomical is periodic. If periodicity could be firmly
established for these phenomena, that fact alone would be proof of
their reality and integration with the organic world about us.
The rush of oddities and unusual events in the decade 1877 to 1887
is very much in evidence. Perhaps it does seem to be drawing the
long bow a bit if one tries to make out that the presence of the
great comets, or the activity of the Red Spot on Jupiter, were
influential in causing such events, but that all of these were
concomitant is undeniable. If space life is limited to the
earth-moon system, there is probably no common cause, but it must,
however, be borne in mind.
Of greater pertinence is the observed and authenticated activity on
the lunar surface during those and the immediately preceding years.
Not only were there appearances and disappearance of lunar craters
abaout the size of some of the larger space craft which have been
seen but there is some evidence that nebulous entities hover over
these evanescent craters and contribute to their obscuration.
Observations of UFO phenomena and related events on or near the
earth’s surface may be distorted by excitement, emotionalism and
prejudice. But the direct observations of space life and its
contingent activity, as seen by astronomers are more objective and
more coolly recorded. We can feel more relaxed in dealing with them,
on more solid ground.
Astronomical observations break naturally into three categories:
lights, shadows, and bodies. Lights and shadows, perhaps, in reality
comprise one group since one is the counterpart of the other, while
bodies, on the other hand, tend to divide into two groups, one made
up of solid contrivances and the other of nebulous or cloudlike
Lights seem to be especially representative of intelligence,
particularly when they appear to have independent movement, or to
shine in places where there seems to be no natural organic activity,
for lights have to be created as well as manipulated. The hundreds
of observations of lights on or near the moon and in other parts of
nearby space—lights which seem to exhibit volition, purposefulness
and direction – are extremely difficult to explain on any other
basis than intelligent activity in space. On the other hand, they
become a natural corollary to such activity. Again, since science
has failed utterly to offer any other acceptable explanation, we ask
that these lights be taken as one more phenomenon which can be
simply adapted to our organic environment by the one common
denominator of space flight and space life.
Shadows are almost as easily identified with intelligence as are
lights, and one is pretty well the counterpart of the other. Their
validity cannot be denied. Russell’s shadow on the moon, 1,500 miles
in diameter, holding a steady position for hours, cannot be lightly
dismissed. The shadows on our own clouds, as seen in Texas and
England, are irrefutable proof that some kind of dirigible bodies
are moving in our upper atmosphere or in nearby space.
Bodies seen in space may be considered to have more direct and
obvious connection with intelligence than do lights and shadow.
There was a time when astronomers, seeing these by the dozens,
thought them to be intra-Mercurial planets, or asteroids. Keen
analysts have long since dispelled that misapprehension, but they
have not discouraged nor discredited the sightings. These have
remained without explanation for many decades, and some for hundreds
of years. All of these observations gradually came to be regarded as
erratic, to be ignored if possible. Astronomers who did not make
any such observations liked to call them hallucinations, especially
the spindle shaped ones whose configuration did not resemble that of
more commonly known celestial objects. Mass passages, such as those
seen be Herschel and Bonilla, were laughed off as being bugs, birds
or seeds; or at worst, meteor swarms.
Little effort was made to determine the parallax of such objects, so
their distance was never fairly established. We cannot blame the
individual astronomer too much for this, particularly since many of
those observations were made by amateurs. In those days it had not
entered our comprehension that any of these spatial wanderers could
be so close to the earth that parallax would be noticeable between
observers only a few score miles apart. It has remained for us,
awakening to the importance of those old observations, to make what
we can of parallax studies for determining the distance of the
objects sighted. It is not astonishing that our findings
substantiate earlier analyses, but there may be an element of
amazement in finding that these bodies are being navigated within
the earth-moon system.
There is something more of astonishment, however, in finding that
the astronomical observations include two distinct and divergent
types of bodies: the solid, geometrically shaped structures, and the
ill-defined nebulous clouds. Both have been recorded by impeccable
witnesses. Both have been shown to exhibit evidences of intelligent
direction or control. Both have their parallel instances among the
current observations of UFO’s seen by the man in the street, since
1947, and by our forebears as shown in historical records.
Strangely enough, however, the cloudy types have been seen really
far out in space, and rather probably associated with such large
comets as that of 1882. But whether seen two-thirds of an
astronomical unit away or hovering over New York Harbor, they have
had peculiar characteristics. Some of those seen by Schmidt in the
neighborhood of the great comet in 1882 were moving both with the
comet and at right angles to it, and there were undoubtedly objects
moving about within the head of the comet.
The astronomical observations are so definite that we must leave
them largely to speak for themselves, other than to point out again
their concentration in certain years. It may be that further
investigation will disclose other years of concentration, but the
task is an enormous one. It is possible to say, however, that the
search has been fairly exhaustive for the years 1877-86. There is
reason to think that the next intensive investigation might bear
fruit if concentrated around the prior years 1845-1860.
It is my contention that these observations of space movements are
well explained by the existence of controlled space clouds and space
structures, and that nothing else known to man does explain them.
That the structures are the habitat of some kind of intelligence
seems reasonable enough, but we also begin to wonder if intelligence
is also inherent in the big clouds. If it is, then we are almost
certainly going to have to adjust ourselves to a new type of
intelligence and “life.”
Observations by Harrison, Gould, Perrine, Swift, Brooks and others
demonstrate incontrovertibly that some of the objects seen by
astronomers are subject to volitional and purposeful controls,
whether they are cometary (nebulous) (sic) type (as per Harrison,
Perrine, Gould, Bone), or of the planetary (structural) sorts (as
per Watson, Swift, Lescarbault, Gruitheinsen, et al.).
The astronomical literature from 1885 to the present has been but
sketchily included and researched. If it is but a fraction as
prolific as that of the “comet years,” there is, indeed, a wealth of
UFO lore awaiting some research. It is to be doubted if there is as
much in later years, because it became increasingly unfashionable to
publish such information. It is barely possible that the editorial
offices of some scientific publications may retain some of their old
correspondence, and, if so, readers who have enough interest and
access to those files might reap a rich reward from a bit of
browsing. Search of observers’ notebooks and observatory files might
also bear fruit, and the old files of daily and weekly papers,
especially where there are professional observatories or active
amateur clubs, might disgorge some valuable information. I welcome
reports of such items.
I suggest an alliance between amateur astronomers with telescopes
and UFO enthusiasts, for the purpose of keeping eyes on the
gravitational neutral of the earth-sun-moon systems. At times of new
moon and of solar eclipse, this neutral point will be directly in
line with the sun and moon, which will either be superimposed in the
sky or be very close to each other. As the moon approached first
quarter the neutral will swing to the east (left) of the sun and
will move back into line between first quarter and full moon.
full moon and until third quarter the neutral will move to the west
(right) of the sun, and will again swing toward the sun between
third quarter and new moon. The neutral will reach its maximum
distance to left of right at first and third quarters, but will not
follow the moon around the earth. At new moon the neutral will be
very close to the moon and that will be the time to watch for
objects landing or taking off from the moon, although it is the
worst time of all to see anything in that region because of the
glare of sunlight.
On the other hand, at the time of full moon the
neutral will be closest to the earth, and directly in line with the
sun, and that will be the time to watch for objects crossing the
disc of the sun, probably from left to right. All of this on the
assumption that space structures do make use of the neutral on
account of the lessened navigational problems. Look for formations
and groups which are especially indicative of intelligent action.
Cometary masses, on the other hand, will be more easily seen in
other parts of the sky and are less likely to be using the neutral.
Look for them in the northern sky on dark nights and expect them to
look exactly like small comets without tails, or like a small
nebula. Their rapid motions will give away their nature. Watch the
regions of terminator on the moon for lunar surface activity. You
might get a surprise.
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Are UFO’s Russian
The October 1946, issue of the Intelligence Digest said:
The Soviets have ordered the building of a special centre of
Astronomical research—in which will be a number of institutes,
observatories and special airdromes where flying observatories,
special balloons and airships are to be based for carrying out
protracted studies at high altitudes.
Special machinery was acquired and there were further reports of
work with monster mirrors. Intelligence Digest reported that the
Russians were known to be working on a highly secret project
involving cosmic rays, which (without much proof) was surmised to be
related to atomic development. They were reported to have made some
discoveries far in advance of the atomic research. One of their
reported accomplishments was said to be a method of freezing large
areas of ground to subzero temperatures, killing everything therein.
The reporting agency, Intelligence Digest, of London, has proved
remarkably accurate in many instances, as for example their
prediction in November, 1948 of the explosion of a Russian atom bomb
which did actually occur during the following August, within two
months of the time predicted.
This is not to say that the UFO’s are definitely Russian. But it
does appear that Russia has had something during the postwar years,
which was worth some very extreme efforts to conceal. Since we were
presumably ahead of them in atomic research and development in the
late forties, it does seem unlikely that concealment of their own
atomic work would have justified such tremendous effort.
One wonders if their vast military deployment has been of that
nature—for if they intended to use it against us, their ideal time
was in 1950-52 when the United States was weak and spread most
thinly over the world. There was just enough ostentatious secrecy
about their military operations to make them appear to be the major
UFO’s, as we have seen, and as has been pointed out by Palmer and
Arnold, Leslie, Wilkins, Fate, and others, have been around for
thousands of years. It has been no secret that some principle of
space flight or levitation was in existence; the problem was to
rediscover it for contemporary civilization. As we have said before,
it is easier to discover a scientific principle if it is known to
exist. The Russians have known this as well as we have known it.
We are contemplating space travel via cumbersome methods within a
few years—at most a few decades. If earthlings can be that close to
it now, other races, either nonterrestrial or of great terrestrial
antiquity, can already have it. If the U.S.A. can foresee space
navigation in such a short time, there is no reason why Russia’s
mathematicians and physicists cannot have stumbled onto the
principles which makes it possible.
But there is another, and much more plausible, possibility. Have the
Russians captured a space ship? Or have space people taken over the
Red Empire?
The secrets of ancient flight and levitation, according to
researchers into very ancient oriental records and reported by
Churchward, Leslie, and others, have been preserved in the
monasteries of the Himalayas: in Tibet, Nepal, India and China. Can
there be a direct relationship between this fact and Russian anxiety
to capture and control those mountain fastnesses?
Russia may have discovered such a new force or principle, either
through accidental scientific discoveries or through capture of a
space ship or association with “Space People.”
If the UFO’s are, indeed, interested in preventing disintegration of
the earth through atomic warfare, it is but natural that they would
act through control of one or both of the nations now throwing
around their atomic weight. Do they, then, control the United
States, secretly? Or do they control the Soviets? Or have the
Soviets captured a space ship? Whether we like it or not, and
whether or not our governments admit the true state of affairs,
these are some of the possibilities which we must consider.
If such a condition exists, then even the development of atomic and
hydrogen bombs could be diversionary.
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Space Flight: Common Denominator
If I should be asked to state my thesis in one word, I believe that
this word would be isolationism, or if I could squeeze in a hyphen,
Whatever else we may do or think, we have to extend our ideas of one
world to include at least one solar system, and maybe more. But,
whether or not, it is beyond the comprehension of our weary minds to
go further at the moment, and we will just have to be content to
consider our solar system as one living entity. This war-weary,
heartsick and bedraggled planet is not alone—it is just one cell in
a multicellular unit.
Let us revive from the sedative idea fostered by both science and
religion that man, homo sapiens, of here and now, of the United
States and today, is the final, glorious, end-point in the work of
an omnipotent and benevolent creator, all alone in an infinite
universe. It cannot be true and in our honest hearts all of us know
that it is not so.
Were I to be granted one more word, that word would be Truth. I am
interested in true knowledge, for its own sake. It is my philosophy
that science and religion should have at least one thing in common:
the untiring, unceasing, unwavering quest of unbiased, undistorted
true knowledge of the world around us… and, again, I use the word
world in its old, original and all-comprehensive sense.
To cry out that we have discovered the truth about UFO’s would be to
invite ridicule, even for our effort. Therefore, let us summarize
our conclusions and preface them with the same statement of
open-mindedness which we demand of others whom we invite to immerse
themselves in our studies of historical, meteorological, and
astronomical erratics. We believe that our analyses have taken every
possibility into account and have provided us with the most logical
Our general conclusions then, are:
1. A vast number of hitherto unexplained phenomena are readily
accounted for by admitting that they result from intelligent action
on the part of being living in space in navigable contrivances.
2. Abundant observations by accredited astronomers, despite the
general attitude of the profession, indicate both the existence and
location of the parent structures from which UFO’s come. 3. UFO’s inhabit the space between the earth and the moon, probably
at the approximate region of the earth-sun-moon gravitational
neutral, about 165,000 to 170,000 miles from the earth. 4. While some of the larger widgets (like the one chased by Mantell
and the ten-miler seen over Kansas) may occasionally come close to
our terrain, we see, mostly, the small, agile observers of both
solid and nebulous types which they send on exploratory missions.
5. They have developed a source of power much superior to anything
of which we aware. 6. UFO’s have pointed the way too a shortened research program which
might give us space travel in a decade, at a small fraction of the
cost of trying to develop rocket flight, if we will only concentrate
our research into the proper channels. 7. Russia may well have captured a UFO and be developing the
resources gained therefrom, employing atomic experimentation as a diversionary measure.
8. The very number and variety of the UFO’s which are constantly
seen is almost a priori proof of an origin close to the earth. Even
the distance to nearby planets such as Venus and Mars seems too
great to permit of such promiscuity.
We can conclude that the UFO’s are permanent because they have been
here for many centuries. That we have so suddenly become aware to
them may be due in part to an increased activity, but it is more
likely the result of our own slow awakening from intellectual
immaturity. Exhaustive research has disclosed records of sightings
covering thousands of years, and occasionally actual visits and
contacts with our race.
More of these incidents are coming to light
constantly as research is pursued with UFO’s in mind. Now that we
are aware of UFO’s and know what to look for the uncorrelated data
of our predecessors takes on a meaning hitherto lacking and becomes
significant. It is now up to us to discover and analyze all the
data, and to correlate it with current observations.
We can allay our fears of present-day “Flying Saucers.” They have
been here since before the dawn of our civilization, so what is
there to get excited about? If we haven’t been molested seriously in
two thousand centuries, why get excited now? If anything is at
stake, it is our ego, not our physical welfare.
Yet, it is hard to discourage the innate feeling that there has
recently been a great surge of activity on the part of UFO’s as if
in preparation for something big. One does not have to look far for
a motive. These entities have probably been living in the solar
system long enough to have seen the fifth planet explode, destroying
itself and perhaps jeopardizing life throughout the system.
They may have
originated on that planet. Should one be astonished if these space
dwellers are preparing to
prevent a few fearstricken human beings from blowing up another
planet, perhaps the only
remaining one which offers supplies and a haven to space navigators?
If we are incapable of the
self-control necessary for our preservation, are we to assume that
superior neighbors will permit their safety to be imperiled by our
immature behavior?
It is no longer necessary to explain them as visitors from Mars,
Venus, or Alpha Centauri. They are a part of our own immediate
family—a part of the earth-moon, binary-planet system. They didn’t
have to come all of those millions of miles from anywhere. They have
been here for thousands of years. Whether we belong to them by
possession, like cattle, or whether we belong to each other by
common origin and association is an interesting problem, and one
which may soon be settled if we keep our heads.
In final summary, the UFO’s have been around us for a long time and
probably are a connecting link with the first wave of terrestrial
civilization. They have been used against us in some very minor and
insignificant cases, but, on the whole, have either been friendly or
indifferent. They are operated by forces currently unknown to us,
but of vastly greater efficiency than anything we now contemplate.
Space contains enough miscellaneous debris to supply many of the
requirements of space life, and the remainder are obtained from the
surfaces of the earth and moon, while the UFO’s spend most of their
time at the neutral points in space.
The Russians have something
which they have determined to conceal at all costs. The Russians
have been doing very advanced experimental research with cosmic
forces; UFO activity was stepped up greatly just a year or so after
intelligence reports noted the unusual Russian scientific activity.
It is not necessary to assume that the Russian basic science is far
ahead of our own if we can believe that a space ship has landed in
inner Asia and that they have captured it and are studying its
principles and experimenting with models—or that the space people
have taken over the Russian high officialdom and are directing their
efforts and supplying know-how.
We do have the UFO’s. They are of several kinds, always have been,
so they may come from various sources. They are either terrestrial,
extraterrestrial, or both. We think they are extraterrestrial, but
remotely of terrestrial origin.
We believe they are both, and that the Russians may have captured
one or more. We think that some new scientific principles are with
us, perhaps even now operating within our military laboratories, and
may burst forth at any moment—and that as a race we may be on the
verge of something akin to what the modern atomic scientist calls a
“quantum expansion”!
No other set of conclusions will serve as a common denominator for
all observable facts.
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