I was considered
an Air Force expert with classified electronics counter-measures test
equipment, certain crypto-logical equipment owned by the National Security
Agency, and Automatic Test Equipment. I've worked with many of the leading
military aircraft and electronics manufacturers in the US.
At different times I participated as a key member in design, development,
production, and Flight-Operational-Test and Evaluation in classified
Aircraft development programs, state-of-the-art avionics, including
electronic countermeasures, satellite communications, crypto-logical
support equipment.
During my military career, I was "hand picked" (Development Cadre) for
many of the Air Force's newest fighter and bomber development programs. I
also represented many of these programs for TAC, SAC, PACAF, and ATC.
These programs include but are not limited to:
The B-1 Lancer Bomber
15-- The F-111 swing-wing fighter-bomber
With its wings
swept perpendicular to its body, the Switchblade can fly at lower
speeds to drop bombs precisely on their targets. |
With its wings swept farther
forward, the aircraft becomes extremely maneuverable for aerial
combat. |
When the wings are swept fully
forward, the trailing edge of the wing becomes the leading edge, and
the Switchblade can dash away at speeds up to Mach 3. |
16-- The F-15 Eagle air superiority fighter

17-- The A-10 Wart-hog close air support fighter and tank killer

The F-16 Falcon
and the B-2 Stealth Bomber

--Stealth Fighter at night

Other research and development programs I worked as far back as the 70s
are still classified Top Secret.
My involvement with black programs developing stealth aircraft is
classified. I am perhaps the only person who has actually worked at the
Top Secret Groom Lake Air Base, within Area-51 of the Nellis Range, and
have proved that I had the position, training, and clearances to be there.
This is a F-117 Stealth Fighter being readied at Groom Air Base at night.
Notice the fog engines in work for cover.
My last position for the Air Force was as a Strategic Air Command
Headquarters' Liaison
As a Defense Contractor-Manager, I performed as an Engineering Program
Manager and Site Manager for DOD contractors involved in classified
development, logistics support, electronic engineering, and technical data
development from 1987-95.
I have completely disassociated myself from the Defense industry. I
consider myself a writer and inventor now.

Rebecca and Ed Fouch
My beautiful and talented wife started FouchMedia Associates to market
our revolutionary behavior modification software, Neurosync MIME.
The software uses hypnotic Entrainment and Alpha and Theta subliminal
messaging, which I may add, had its roots in CIA Mind Control research of
the 50s and 60s.

U-2 SPY PLANE - Also known as TR-1
Black Glider
I wrote Alien
Rapture - The Chosen in 1994 and 95, after my last trip to California, New
Mexico, and Nevada.
I undertook this trip to do research for the Alien Rapture, which included
a meeting with five close friends who had agreed to release confidential
information to me and discuss their closely guarded personal experiences.
I also interviewed other contacts who had worked classified programs or
flown classified military aircraft to gather information about UFO
sightings and contact.
Later I was blessed to team up with a great man and a great writer, Brad
Steiger. I had decided to get out of the Defense Industry, as I felt that
fraud, waste, and abuse was rampant, both on the government and contractor
Picture of Area 51

insiders, you may ask?
It started when some old friends of mine met in the spring of 1990 in Las
Vegas. There were five of us then; all of us had remained close following
the Vietnam War. I've always been the networker for my DoD, Military, and
Contractor friends, so I'm the one who set up the meeting with the five.
The first friend, Jerald*, was a former NSA or TREAT Team member. TREAT
stands for Tactical Reconnaissance Engineering Assessment Team.
He worked for the DOE as a National Security Investigator. That was his
cover, but he really worked for the NSA. His job required him to manage a
team to 'watch employees' with Top Secret and "Q" clearances in the
mid-west, at the Los Alamos, Sandia, White Sands, Nevada Test Site, and
the Nellis Range, which includes Area 51. Area 51 is where the most
classified aerospace testing in the world takes place. You may know the
base as Groom Lake Air Base, Watertown, the Ranch, or Dream-Land. He was
found dead of a heart attack a year after our last meeting.
II. The second friend, Sal, was a person who had worked directly for the
NSA with Electronic Intelligence (E lent) and became a Defense Contractor
after his retirement.
SR-71 Spy Plane

The third friend, Doc, was a former SR-71 spy plane pilot and a USAF
test pilot at Edwards Air Force Base.
IV. The fourth friend, Dale, and I were in the service together during the
Vietnam conflict, and I've known him since the early 70s. His father
worked for over 20 years for the NSA and he is the one who sent me the
MJ-12 documents his father had obtained.
These documents, the New MJ-12 Charter signed by Proxy during the
administration and the Attachment D to the
Eisenhower MJ-12 Briefing
Document, which is the Autopsy Report from Roswell, are included as
attachments in my book Alien Rapture.

more on MJ-12
V. The fifth friend, Bud, was a DoD Contractor and Electronics Engineer.
He had worked on Top Secret development programs dealing with Electronic
Counter Measures, Radar Homing and Warning, ECM Jammers, and Infrared
Receivers. He retired as a Program Manager and later died of a brain tumor
within 30 days after his symptoms appeared.
(*All names and identifying factors have been changed.)

TR-1 black glider
It bothered each of us that we'd had experiences with unusual phenomena,
extremely advanced technology, and witnessed Unidentified Aerial Contact
that had not been previously reported.
We sat at a table in a dark corner, of the Silver Dollar Saloon and Casino
in Las Vegas, discussing our experiences and swapping knowledge.
In 1990, I had no intention of writing about programs I was involved with
due to the Secrecy Act and classification documents I had signed.
SLIDE 27: Four Belgium Triangles.
Jerald asked me if I had ever heard of the Flying Triangle.
Of course I had heard rumors of Delta shaped and bat-winged shaped
prototypes being tested at Groom Air Base.
He said that an early test model of the Flying Triangle was sighted by
hundreds of people over Hudson Valley in the mid 80s; that there was a
major flap in Belgium the year before our meeting; and that thousands of
people had witnessed the Triangle and the F-16 chase that followed. He
definitely piqued my curiosity.
This SLIDE shows two greatly enhanced photos of the Belgium Triangle at
the top taken in 1989 and the other in 1990. By comparison the two
triangles at the bottom were taken in Rumania in 1969 and Bulgaria in
SLIDE 28: Belgium Triangle(s) & Sketch.
The top picture is the best of the Triangle photos. The one at the bottom
left looks like a fake to me, but I don't have the original to test.
And the sketch at the bottom right is one made by a witness of the Belgium
SLIDE 29: Computer Enhanced Composite Picture.
Over the next four years, each member of the group wrote down as much
information as he could remember about unusual phenomena and personal
From my close friends came their contacts. I agreed to interview these
contacts in person. I interview four other SR-71 pilots, two U-2 pilots, a
TR-1 pilot, and about two dozen bomber and fighter jocks. None of the
people I interviewed wanted to be known or quoted and wanted me to swear
never to reveal their names. I have and will continue to honor their
Many were afraid of what the government would do to them for taking about
Top Secret Black Programs they were involved with, and others were just
worried about losing their retirement pensions.
Many of the things my friends and their contacts revealed to me were
startling; I used this information to piece together the story which is
now the book titled Alien Rapture-The Chosen.
What was not used in the book is openly shared in my presentations.
I'll Share some of these Secrets and Unusual Phenomena with you:
The SR-71 was designed as a spy plane for the CIA in the 60s and
designated the A-12. The Mach 3 plus aircraft first flew in 1962, taking
off from Groom AFB in Area 51. Later, once the Air Force operated it as a
reconnaissance plane, it was designated the SR-71 black-bird.

This row:
NASA SR-71s |

This row:
NASA SR-71s |

NASA SR-71 |
My friend Chuck, an SR-71 pilot, related to me an in-flight incident he
experienced in the 1970s. He was returning from a reconnaissance flight,
and, while at an altitude of 74,000 feet and at the speed of almost Mach
3, (3 times the speed of sound) he noticed something flickering in his
peripheral vision. Hovering over his left wing tip was a ball of dense
plasma-like light. It was so bright, that when he stared at it for more
than a few seconds, his eyes hurt.
Chuck tried to use his UHF-HF and VHF communications sets to no avail.
There was nothing but static. Repeatedly glancing briefly at the ball of
light, he watched in amazement as it moved effortlessly about his
At one point the light positioned itself a few feet in front of the large
spiked cone at the air Intake Inlet. The enormous amount of air rushing
into the engines should have sucked in and shredded almost anything in its
path, but the light orb was mysteriously unaffected.
The light, he noted, acted in a curious manner, if something inanimate
could act at all. It moved from time to time to other parts of the
vehicle, staying with him until his approach to Beale AFB in California.
He was in sight of the Air Base when the light swung away from his
aircraft in a wide arch with ever increasing speed.
Of course, after reading his incident report, his Operations Commander
told him not to ever speak about his experience. When Chuck related the
story to me, he told me he was absolutely convinced that the ball of light
was controlled by some form of intelligence. I have about two dozen
stories from pilots of similar in flight incidents with UFOs and plasma
There have been thousands of reported sightings of plasma balls, energy
filled orbs, or foo fighters as they were named during World War Two.
SLIDE 34: Triangle Balls - Looks a lot like
In 1944, while fighting the Japanese and Germans, pilots started reporting
strange flares and bright orange and red lights. These lights moved
rapidly, were under intelligent control, and could come to a complete
stop, remain stationary, and then disappear in an instant.

Foo means fire in French. The pilots coined the term 'foo fighters' for
the haunting glowing balls that doggedly paced their jets. Most were
unnerved by the radical maneuvers of the foo fighters that could climb
vertically, accelerate, and make high G turns at speeds far beyond any
known allied aircraft.
Not far from the Royal Air Force base, MacRahanish, a triangular shaped
aircraft was spotted off Western Scotland. MacRahanish has been rumored to
be a base for black aircraft operations for a number of years. It's also a
NATO standby base.
RAF personnel have admitted that they have witnessed the operation of
large triangular aircraft from RAF Boscombe in February 1997.
It was widely reported that a secret US spy plane crash landed at Boscombe
Down in 1994. It had been rumored for some time that the Triangle spotted
over Belgium was based at Boscombe Down and Royal Naval Air Station (RNAS)
Yeovilton, where other sightings of the triangle were reported.
The RAF has a long history of close involvement with the black US
aerospace programs. Key RAF officers and British scientists have been
involved at Groom air base since 1957 and the U-2 program.
In 1995 and 96 the National UFO Reporting Center alone received 43 reports
of sightings of a Triangular Craft--11 in Washington State, 8 in
California, and 18 other states, from Hawaii to New York.
A few years ago The British Magazine, UFO Reality, published this
"A top BBC executive let slip recently that there is a D-Notice on media
reporting of the so-called 'Black Triangle.' The executive is the former
producer of a very popular BBC science program. He told one of our team
that the black Triangle 'craft,' first witnessed by the hundreds in the
Hudson Valley region of the US in the mid-80s, then by the thousands in
Belgium in 89-90, and more in Britain, has been 'heavily D-Noticed' by the
For this reason the BBC will NOT be reporting on the enigmatic craft, no
matter how many witness reports there are. According to this producer, the
government's restrictive notice on reporting the Triangle, was authorized
under secrecy laws, in order to protect secret new military projects."
SLIDE 36: YB-49 Flying Wing 1948
From 1973 through 1976 I was home-based out of Edwards
It is near Lancaster California and even nearer to the San Andrus Fault.
B-2 stealth bomber

XB-70 Valkyrie 1964

The XB-70 flown in 1964 looks a lot like the still Top Secret SR-75
which the Air Force says doesn't exist.
Edwards has a long history with secret technology and experimental
aircraft. The YB-49 was flown in 1948 at Edwards AFB which looks a lot
like the B-2 Stealth Bomber.
Edwards is the home of the US Air Force Test Pilot School and is
Responsible for Flight Operational Test and Evaluation of the Air Force's
newest aircraft. Edwards has a number of Tenant Organizations from NASA
NASA to a Jet Propulsion Laboratory facility. Edwards developed various
versions of the flying wing from the B-35, YB-49 and B-2 and exotic
aircraft sometimes ahead of their time like the XB-70, F-117, and YF-22.
{40: NASA Gantry
{41: Shuttle Landing at Edwards
{42: Flying Wings
(43: B-2
{44&45: XB-70 (s)
(47/48: YF-22 SLIDE(s)
I worked with the F-111 swing wing bomber...
the F-15 air superiority fighter, the F-16 fighter, the A-10 close air
support attack aircraft, and the B-1 stealth bomber. I was involved with
these and other classified development programs, when they were just a
gleam in some pilot trainee's eyes.
A-10 aircraft with external engine pods.
and snarling teeth on aircraft nose

One night in the mid seventies a long time friend of mine and I were
standing on top of the Fairchild A-10 hanger at Edwards AFB in Southern
California. It was about 2 AM, and it was a clear night with millions of
stars visible to the naked eye. I noticed a group of stars that seemed to
be shifting in color. I pointed out to my friend that the three bright
stars in triangular formation were not part of the big dipper.
We watched as the strobing stars shifted from bright blue to a reddish
-yellow in color. After a period of about 20 minutes we could tell that
the objects probably weren't stars because they were getting larger. This
was somewhat unnerving. It was further unnerving when the space in-between
the enlarging lights began blocking out the stars in the background.
We decided it probably was a Top Secret Air Force vehicle of some type.
Still, we weren't sure. The vehicle had gone from half the size of the big
dipper to twice it's size in under a half hour and had moved from the west
to the east towards the base. About the time we could make out a
silhouette or outline of the triangular vehicle, the lights, or possibly
exhausts, flared brighter and vanished from the sky in an instant. This
experience wasn't my first sighting, but it was one of the few where I had
a witness.
In the summer of 1976 I relocated to Nellis Air Force Base north of Las
Vegas. I spent the next 3 and a half years there. I worked primarily with
the F-15, Electronics Countermeasures, and Automatic Test Equipment. I had
heard rumors of airbases located in the desert at places called Mercury,
Indian Springs, and others that didn't even have names.
Before the collapse of the USSR, no-one talked about their classified work
experience, nor did anyone repeat rumors of Top Secret technology and
aircraft. Most of us who had Top Secret clearances never even told our
wives what we were doing and where we were going when on these type
projects. I once spent 6 months in Vietnam, while my ex-wife thought I was
attending a classified technical school in Colorado.

B-52 aircraft is visible in the 1968 image Groom Lake
28 August 1968
- USGS Aerial imagery
15 March 1998
- SPIN-2 2-meter
02 April 2000
- IKONOS 1-meter


The Military, in a court of law, actually denied the existence of a
classified Air Force Base inside the Nellis Range out in the Nevada
Desert. Don't you know, the plaintiffs, who had worked at Groom, and their
lawyer were surprised to hear this! But, that's another story.
I was one of the few personnel at Nellis who had a Top Secret clearance
with Crypto access. I was certified to work on Mode 4 IFF, (an aircraft
system which responded to classified, encrypted codes.) I was also
certified to work on other Crypto equipment which I cannot discuss.
Due to a combination of coincidences and my technical experience, I was
requested to be temporarily assigned to a place which had no name. I was
told by my commander that I was to report to an office on the base, and he
didn't have a clue where I was going or what I was going to be working on.
And let me tell you, he wasn't too happy about being left in the dark.
I left one Monday morning long before sunrise. It was 4:30 AM when I
boarded a dark blue Air Force bus with all of the windows blacked out.
There were 28 other people on the bus, not including the 2 security
policemen holding M-16 automatic weapons and the bus driver. We were each
told when boarding, "Do Not Speak on this bus unless you are spoken too."
Not one of us uttered a word, believe me. There is nothing which can
inspire compliance like an M-16 sticking in your face, I assure you!
The bus drove through the desert, this much I know from the poor
air-conditioning and the amount of fine dust that came through every crack
in the old vehicle for several hours, and it was soon obvious where I was.
SLIDES: 52-SR-71, 53-TR-1, 54-F-117,
(Shown quickly as named)
In the 1950s the government started building the super secret Groom Lake
facilities for the CIAs U-2 spy plane.
It was acquired in 1951 with 300 million in seed money from the CIA. The
site was called S-4. Thus the name Area 51 and Site 4, which is usually
what insiders call
the Papoose facilities south of Groom.
Area 51, as you know, is located in the north central part of the Nellis
Range and is designated as Area 51. Construction of facilities within the
Nellis range continues, even to today. The SR-71, TR-1, F-117, B-2, TR-3A
Manta, and Flying Triangle, the TR-3B Astra were tested at Groom.
Take a close look at the F-117 stealth Fighter.

Under the right circumstances many persons sighting this craft during
development would have thought this was an alien UFO.
SLIDES: 55-SR-75, 56-TR-3B
Now, the Top Secret SR-75 which replaced the SR-71
Blackbird and the SR-74 SCRAMP which rides piggy-back on the 75, and TR-3B
Flying Triangle are operated there, as well as other Top Secret prototype
and operational aerospace vehicles.
Many of these aircraft have been mis-identified as UFOs.
SLIDE 57: Nevada Topographical Map
When we reached Groom, the bus pulled into a hanger and they shut the
doors. The security personnel checked me in, while other security
personnel dispatched the others to their places of work. I was given a
pair of heavy glasses to wear, which can only be described as looking like
welder's goggles. The lenses were thick, and the sides of the goggles were
covered to obliterate my peripheral vision.
Once I had these goggles on I could only see about 30 feet in front of me.
Anything beyond that distance became increasingly blurred. If an M1 Tank
barrel, had been pointed at me from about 50 feet away, I would not have
seen it. It was very disconcerting to have to wear those glasses.
The whole time I was there, some 10 consecutive days, followed by several
follow-up visits, the routine was the same. Leave Nellis before sunrise
and return home to Nellis after dark every day.
Only once did I get a chance to see the whole base, and that was when I
was flown up from Nellis, in a helicopter to Groom, for emergency repairs
of their crypto test equipment.
For those stationed at Groom, or commuting there daily,
the flight schedules are posted for classified flights. Everyone not
cleared for that particular program and flight must be off the ramp and
inside 30 minutes prior to the scheduled operation.
A couple of thousand personnel are flown into Area 51 daily, from McCarrin
Air Port in Las Vegas and from Edwards AFB in California, on contractor
aircraft. Several hundred commute from Tonopah and Central Nevada via the
North entrance near Rachel Nevada. Other commuters use the South entrance
via Mercury or Indian Springs, which is West of LV.
While at Groom I made contacts and met people from other programs. Over
time, a few became friends and we exchanged stories.
On my 3rd day on the job at Groom, I had to remove a module from a
multi-bay piece of satellite communications equipment used to support
certain special mission aircraft. I noticed while inside the bay checking
out the wiring that it contained a sealed unit about the size of a large
brief-case. It had a National Security Agency ID Plate on it.
The nomenclature on the name plate was "Direct Orbital Code Link." I
thought this was strange, as the unit was part of a digital communications
link used solely to communicate with classified Air Force vehicles. I was
unaware at the time of any military orbital missions not related to NASA.
Remember, this was in the late 70s. The shuttle didn't fly until 1981.
I disconnected the unit and, out of curiosity, I removed the rear access
cover. To my amazement, there were some half-dozen large hybrid integrated
circuit chips inside. The largest chip had over 500 hair-thin leads
attached and was approximately the size of a Zippo lighter. The paper
inspection stamp on the chip was dated 1975.
In 1975 the most advanced processor speeds, on the most classified
projects, were equivalent to a IBM 8088 which ran at 4 million cycles per
seconds. This unit had a processor speed of 1 billion cycles per second.
It wasn't until more than a dozen years had passed before I saw comparable
technology with integrated circuit chips. Then it was at a Top Secret
avionics development project at ITT.
In the mess hall at Groom, I heard words like Lorent's Forces, pulse
detonation, cyclotron radiation, quantum flux transduction field
generators, quasi crystal energy lens, and EPR quantum receivers. I was
told that quasi crystals were the key to a whole new field of propulsion
and communication technologies.
To this day I'd be hard pressed to explain to you unique electrical,
optical, and physical properties of Quasi Crystals and why so much of the
research is classified. Even the unclassified research is funded by
agencies like the Department of Energy and the Department of Defense.
A Quote from The DOE:
"Our goal is to understand, and facilitate exploitation of, the special
properties of Quasi crystals. These properties include (but are not
limited to) low thermal and electrical conductivity, high hardness, low
friction, and good oxidation resistance."
That's the unclassified part. What are Quasi crystals?
In 1984 a paper was published which marked the discovery of quasi
crystals--Two distinctly different metallic crystals joined symmetrically
By 1986 several Top Secret advanced studies were going on funded by DARPA
with leading scientists already working in the field.
In classical crystallography a crystal is defined as a three dimensional
periodic arrangement of atoms with translational periodicity along its
three principal axes.
Since Quasi crystals lose periodicity in at least one dimension, it is not
possible to describe them in 3D-space as easily as normal crystal
structures. Thus it becomes more difficult to find mathematical formalisms
for the interpretation and analysis of diffraction data.
After the 'official' discovery of Quasi crystals in 1984, a close
resemblance was noted between the icosahedral quasi crystal and the
3D-Penrose pattern.
Before quasicrystals were discovered in 1984 the British mathematician
Roger Penrose devised a way to cover a plane in a nonperiodic fashion
using two different types of tiles. An simple example of 3D tiling can be
seen on the SLIDE.
The tiles are arranged in a way that they obey certain matching rules.
This is called a 3D-Penrose Tiling, which is made up of rhombohedrons
instead of the rhombi.
A dozen years later, ?Penrose tiling' became the prototype of very
powerful models explaining the structure of the Quasi crystals discovered
in rapidly quenched metallic alloys.
Fourteen years of quasi crystal research has established the existence of
a wealth of stable and meta-stable Quasi crystals with five-, eight-,
ten-, and twelve-fold symmetry, with strange structures and interesting
properties. New tools had to be developed for the study and description of
these extraordinary materials.
I've discovered that the classified research has shown that Quasi crystals
are promising candidates for high energy storage materials, metal matrix
components, thermal barriers, exotic coatings, infrared sensors, high
power laser applications, and electro magnetics. Some high strength alloys
and surgical tools are already on the market.
One of the stories I was told more than once was that one of the crystal
pairs used in the propulsion of the Roswell crash was a Hydrogen Crystal.
Until recently, creating a Hydrogen crystal was beyond the reach of our
scientific capabilities. That has now changed. In one Top Secret Black
Program, under the DOE, a method to produce hydrogen crystals was
discovered, then manufacturing began in 1994.
The lattice of hydrogen quasi-crystals, and another material not named,
formed the basis for the plasma shield propulsion of the Roswell craft and
was an integral part of the bio-chemically engineered vehicle. A myriad of
advanced crystallography undreamed of by scientists were discovered by the
scientists and engineers who evaluated, analyzed, and attempted to reverse
engineer the technology presented with the Roswell vehicle and eight more
vehicles which have crashed since then.
SLIDE 59: B-52 bomber landing
I wrote down everything I saw, heard, and touched in my
log every night before going to bed. By the way, the food at the Groom
Mess hall was excellent. But what would you expect. There was no cable TV,
no alcohol, and no women. I guess they figured they'd better do something
Later, while back at the base, my routine went on as normal, as did my
part time job that summer at the Silver Dollar Salon. My NSA friend,
Jerald, who managed a team which investigated and "watched" those with
highly classified jobs at the Nevada Test Site and the Nellis Range, among
other highly classified facilities, happened to show up. I met Jerald in
1976 when I was part of a team that moved the F-15 operation from Edwards
AFB to Nellis AFB and set up the Joint NAV-AIR AIM-VAL/ACE-VAL program.
He was checking up on a guy who had a drinking problem who worked at the
Nevada Test Site, where they set off underground atomic explosions.
He happened to mention a vehicle that could be boosted into orbit, and
return and land in the Nevada desert. This was in the late 70s.
It was an unmanned reconnaissance vehicle, which took off from a B-52
bomber and used booster rockets to place it in temporary low earth orbit
for the purpose of taking reconnaissance pictures.
I thought he was feeding me a line of bull. Then he said,
SLIDES: 60 - 61 - 62: Virtual Reality Lab pictures.
"This vehicle is remotely piloted and communications are made via the
DOCILE system at Groom." I'm not usually too slow, but it didn't hit me,
until he repeated, "you know, the Direct Orbital Communications Link -- D.
O. C. L."
Bingo, the light-bulb went on. I had seen a piece of the DOCILE
equipment at Groom. The NSA unit with the large chips.
These are old pictures of the Virtual Reality Lab at Brooks Air Force
Base, where the software to remotely fly exotic aircraft was developed.
Let me get back to the development of Alien Rapture - The Chosen.
After I agreed to write my co-conspirator's story, I talked to several
military Judge Advocate General (JAG) Lawyers. I told the lawyers that I
wanted to write about some of my experiences in the military and that I
had been on many classified projects. I was told that I had to write
my-story as fiction, which I have.
I was told that I couldn't name any real individuals with clearances or
covers, or use their working names, which I haven't.
I was also told that I couldn't discuss any secrets of programs that I had
been personally assigned to, which I have not done and will never do.
Then, I was told as long as I did that, I could damn well write anything I
wanted to.
Of course I didn't tell them, I was going to write about the government
conspiracy to cover-up UFO contact, and the reverse engineering of alien
technology. Or, that I was interviewing pilots who had flown classified
air craft and others who had worked Black Programs.
In the summer of 1992 we again met in Las Vegas. I had compiled my notes
from our first meeting, my interviews, and the input the five friends had
passed on to me. Each had reached out to their friends and contacts, which
uncovered even more information.
We agreed I was the only one who could get away with writing about our
experiences, since I was planning on getting out of the DoD Industry.
My friends for the most part, were still connected.
Bud, one of my co-conspirators and close friends, had informed me that he
had a cancerous tumor and was going through some severe depression. He was
dead thirty days later. It was a real blow to us.
We had lost Jerrold a year before of a heart attack.
Of the remaining three friends, Sal has dropped of the face of the earth
and none of his nor my contacts have been able to locate him for two years
now. He was extremely paranoid about the two deaths, and had second
thoughts about the book. He said he was going to move and didn't know when
or if he would contact me next.
I like to think of him sipping a tropical drink on some Pacific island.
SLIDE 63: Black SR-71 with red stripes
Let me talk about my friend Doc. He has a theory that UFOs were drawn to
like fast Aircraft.
The SR-71 pilot whom I knew well, Doc, was stationed at Kadena AFB, where
they were located on the SAC side of the base in 1973.
While flying back across the South China Sea from a reconnaissance
mission, the SR-71 pilot encountered a shadow over his cockpit. Doc said
his avionics systems went totally hay-wire, and he felt the aircraft nose
down slightly, which can be dangerous at two thousand miles per hour, or
35 miles per minute.
When he looked up, he was so startled that he almost panicked and
immediately made an evasive maneuver to the right and down, which is one
of the many maneuvers that are made if an approaching missile is detected.
Doc said the object was so big that it totally blocked out the sun. His
estimate was that it was 250 to 300 feet across. It was oval in shape and
appeared to be a bright blue-grey in color, but he wasn't sure, as a
shimmering halo of energy surrounded the vehicle.
About three minutes later, and some thousands of feet lower, the vehicle
reappeared on his left wing tip. He tried his UHF radio and all he could
pick up was a deep electrical hum. He abandoned his attempts to use his
radio, as his immediate survival was more important.
For the next ten minutes, the large oval vehicle moved from his left wing
tip to the rear of the aircraft and then to his right wing tip. Doc said
he heard a sound in his head, 'like a swarm of bees in my brain,' as he
described it. The movement from the left, to the rear, to the right wing
tip took about two minutes, and then it reversed the movement.
On the UFO's last swing to the rear of his SR-71 his aircraft started
buffeting wildly, which is terrifying at Mach 3, then it stopped after
about fifteen seconds and he never saw it again.
When Doc returned from the mission he immediately went to his debriefing.
The minute he mentioned the incident with the unidentified aerospace
vehicle to his commander, he was pulled away from the debriefing and taken
to his commander's office. His commander, a colonel, filled out an
incident report, in detail, and then told my friend not to mention the
incident to anyone or he would be subject to severe and speedy penalty
under military regulations.
Doc told me that he didn't know one SR-71 pilot or astronaut who hadn't
had a close encounter or a UFO sighting. He felt that not one of them
would ever go on record with their experiences because of fear of
retaliation from the Department of Defense and loss of their retirement
pay and benefits for breaking the secret's acts.
During the nine years after this in-flight incident, Doc related that a
few of his trusted friends related similar incidents, with the same type
vehicles, or glowing orbs of dense light, dancing around their aircraft.
Then Doc told me another story.
His friend Dave, another SR-71 black-bird pilot, while drunk on Sake' in
Japan, told him in whispers that he hadn?t been a drinker until he made a
reconnaissance flight over the Eastern border of Russia six months before.
When Dave returned, he was delirious and semi-conscious. His crew had to
pull him out of the cockpit. The Flight Surgeon attributed his symptoms to
loss of oxygen. He didn't share his night-mares with the Air Force
doctors, for fear that the Flight Surgeon would ground him and he would
lose his flying status. But, under the influence of alcohol, in a quiet
bar, with a trusted fellow SR-71 blackbird pilot and friend, Dave opened
He tearfully related in an emotional story--that he had nightmares every
night, that something had gotten to him during his flight over Russia.
What made matters worse for him was that he had absolutely no memory of
the flight from the time he lifted off from the Air Base until the day
after he returned and found himself in the Naval Regional Hospital in
I managed to track down Dave, who lives in Southern California, and he
confirmed, off-the- record, that the incident as related to me was true.
Dave said that he was actually happy someone was writing about stories of
contact and sightings by military pilots. He also said he was sure he had
had some type contact with the UFO.
SLIDE 64: F-15 over Arizona
One day, while still at Nellis, we were informed that there was an F-15
that had crashed on the Nellis Range, which is where Area 51 is located.
The F-15 crash happened in 1977. A Lieutenant Colonel and Doc Walters, the
Hospital Commander, actually flew into the side of a mountain while doing
a routine, Functional Check Flight.
I've written about this incident in Alien Rapture - The Chosen.
A sergeant who worked for me recovered the F-15 Heads Up Display film
canister, while assigned to the Accident Investigation Team.
He told me a guy in a dark jump suit, who was out of Washington DC,
personally took it from him, which was unusual since everything else was
picked up and logged, then taken back to the assigned hanger for analysis.
A prototype video camera was also on the aircraft. It was recovered, as
was the flight data recorder, and also handed over to the guy from
One night a couple of weeks after the crash, my NSA friend, Jerald,
related to me at the Silver Dollar Saloon that the Lieutenant Colonel had
radioed to the Nellis Tower that he had an extremely large 'thing' over
his aircraft, right on top of him, and that he was experiencing loss of
flight systems. His communications went dead and a few seconds later the
aircraft exploded into the side of a mountain top.
Jerald who was the most 'connected' person I've ever known, told me that
the viewing of the 'video' showed, that some type of oval vehicle of
tremendous size was so close to the F-15 that the camera was out of focus.
When Doc and the Lieutenant Colonel ejected the UFO was still above them
and their bodies were torn to shreds. Officially, it was determined, as is
always the case, that pilot error caused the perfectly functional aircraft
in clear airspace, with maximum visibility, to crash.
These are some of the types of stories that we shared, and many of these
stories, and my experiences, are detailed in Alien Rapture - The Chosen.
SLIDE 65: Area 51 Groom Lake Air Base
Nevada calls itself the silver state, the battle-born
state, and the sagebrush state. A more appropriate motto would be the
conspiracy state.
Of the 111,000 square miles of land in Nevada, over 80 percent is
controlled by the federal government--the highest percentage of any state
in the union. If it were not for the gaming industry, the federal
government would be the largest employer in the state, with 18,000 federal
and military personnel and another 20,000 government contractors and
suppliers. The Nevada Test Site, Nellis Air Force Base and Range, Fallon
Naval Air Station, the Tonopah Range, and the aerospace industry eat up a
lot of U.S. tax dollars.
Satellite photo of Groom Air Base / Area

The Nevada Test Site and the Nellis Range have myriad secrets yet to be
revealed, including a super secret laboratory named DARC, the Defense
Advanced Research Center. It is located inside the Nellis Range, some 10
stories built underground, and was built in the mid 80s with SDI money. It
is next to a mountain near Papoose Lake south of Groom Lake. The TR-3Bs
are stored in a hanger built into a side of a mountain near DARC. The
Nellis Range covers more than 3.5 million acres.
EG&G provides classified research, development, and services for the
military and government. EG&G company supplies technical and scientific
support for nuclear testing, and energy research and development programs.
In addition, EG&G provided large diameter drilling, mining, and excavation
for underground and mountainside facilities. EG&G built these hidden
bunkers, mountain hangers, and vast underground facilities at Groom,
Papoose, and Mercury for the government.
These facilities and observations posts are well camouflaged inside the
Nevada Test Site, and the Nellis Range.
Starting in 1971 and continuing through 1975, a massive amount of
excavation took place at the Groom and Papoose facilities. Most of the
subsequent construction has also taken place underground.
In 1972, EG&G was granted an indefinite contract called "Project
Red-light" to support the DOE and the military. This contract gave them
responsibility to assist in the recovery of nuclear materials in cases of
mishaps and to provide aerial and ground security for highly classified
government and military sites. My sources say that the DOE and NSA are
primarily responsible to the MJ-12 committee, for reacting to sightings of
UFOs, and for recovering artifacts in case of a crash.
So what's going on more recently, you may ask? Let's talk about the newest
secrets and rumors:
SLIDES: 67-Hillary Platform, 68-Avro Saucer
The Hillary platform, the AVRO saucer, and the Northrop wings were
aerospace vehicles where advance technology was developed and tested.
Each emulated some characteristic of UFOs as described by the late Dr.
Paul Hill, a NASA UFO investigator. Hill's posthumously published book,
Unconventional Flying Objects, discusses the technology of UFOs
extensively. If you have not read this illustrious tome, I suggest you do
Newly unclassified documents show that AVRO built and tested a number of
saucers at Area 51 in Nevada, contrary to the DoDs lie that the program
was canceled because it failed to meet expectations.
SLIDE: 69/Northrop Wing.
Lockheed's Advanced Developmental Projects Division, known as the "Skunk
Works," developed the A-12 for the CIA and a later version called the
SR-71 for the USAF in the early 60s. Thirty years later, the SR-71 was
still breaking world speed records.
SLIDE 70: SR-71 spy plane.
The sleek, matte-black, stiletto shaped spy plane, the SR-71, broke the
world air speed record from LA to Washington, DC, on it's retirement
flight in 1990. 2,000 miles in 1 hour and 4 minutes.
SLIDE 71: Satellite of the Groom facility
Area 51 - the Groom Air Base facilities--has a 6 mile long runway, the
longest in the US. The Department of Defense and CIA's most exotic
aerospace vehicles are tested and modified at the Groom Lake facilities.
It's a place where curious outsiders circulate rumors about aliens and
extra-terrestrial technology being utilized to accelerate the various
programs at Area 51.
Why a 6 mile long runway? You need a runway this long if the minimum, or
stall speed, of an aircraft is a very high speed. Aircraft without wings,
like wedge shaped lifting bodies, or those with 75 degree swept back
wings, have a very high stall speed. So they take off very fast and land
even faster.
My sources estimate that up to 35% of the SDI funding was siphoned off to
provide primary expenditures for the Air Force's most secret 'Black
Program' which started in 1982. I am referring to the Aurora Program.
Aurora is the code name of the ongoing program to build and test advanced
aerospace vehicles. Contrary to popular belief, the Aurora is not the name
of an individual aircraft. AURORA - is the namesake of the "aurora
borealis"-- the excited gas in the upper atmosphere.
As early as 1992 the Air Force had already made
contingency plans to move some of it's aircraft out of Groom Air Base. The
public eye was on the base and they didn't like it one bit.
Everything that needed the long runway, like the SR-75 was removed by
early 1992 to other bases in Utah, Colorado, Alaska, Greenland, Diego
Garcia, and other remote islands in the Pacific.
Short take-off and landing vehicles, especially the bat-wing TR-3A Manta
and the TR-3B Astra, the Flying Triangle, were relocated to Papoose in the
Southern part of what used to be called area S-4.
Other than the SR-75 still being dispersed to other locations, more
Research and Development and Flight Operational Test and Evaluation goes
in Area 51 now than ever before.
SLIDE 72: SR-75 side view
For the last few years high-tech buffs speculated that at least one new
and exotic aerospace vehicle existed. The SR-75, the first operational
Aurora Program vehicle, went operational in ?89 after 2 years of flight
testing and modifications in.
The top secret SR-75 is a hypersonic strategic reconnaissance, or SR spy
plane, and is called the Penetrator. It is also a mother ship, which I
will explain shortly. Hypersonic speeds start at approximately Mach 5.
The SR-75 replaced the SR-71 spy plane, which was retired in 1990 by the
Air Force, who said "there is no replacement, all we really need is our
spy satellites to do the job." Hmm.
The DoD, upon analysis of Desert Storm, admitted satellites alone could
not provide the necessary quick response real-time reconnaissance
information needed by the various military agencies.
Yet they have repeatedly fought some congressional efforts to bring back
the SR-71. Why? The answer should be obvious.
We have had something better for almost a decade.
The new SR-75 is capable of positioning anywhere in the world in less than
3 hours. It caries multi-spectral sensors, such as optical, radar,
infrared, and laser.
It collects images, electronics' intelligence, signals intelligence, and
illuminates targets.
The Top Secret SR-75 far exceeds the classified military speed and
altitude records set by the old SR-71, which could fly at a still
classified Mach 3.3 and reach a ceiling of 85 thousand feet.
The SR-75 attained altitudes of over 120,000 feet and speeds exceeding
Mach-5, or 5 times the speed of sound. That's over 3300 miles per hour.
From take-off to landing, the stealthy 75 can make the round trip from
central Nevada to Northeast Russia and back in under 3 hours.
It's 162 feet long and has a wing span of 98 feet. The belly of the
vehicle stands 10 feet off the ground.
It carries a crew of 3 - a pilot, a reconnaissance officer, and a launch
control officer, who doubles as the electronics warfare officer.
Two methane and LOx fueled, high bypass turbo-ramjet (combined cycle)
engines are housed under each wing, and the bays run some 40 feet under
the wings, terminating at the trailing edge of the wing.
The explosive Pulsed Detonation Wave Engines that push the huge SR-75 to
speeds above Mach 5 are now reported to be pushing Mach 7, or 4500 miles
per hour, with the latest engine modifications.
Although this plane has been sighted on numerous occasions, has been
picked up on military radar, and the pulse detonation wave contrail it
leaves behind it has been seen, the Air Force vehemently denies its
The 2 large engine bay inlets located under each wing of the awesome black
SR-75 mother ship hang down 7 feet from the underside of the wing and are
twelve feet wide. You could drive a Volkswagen Beetle into one of the
engine exhausts.
The SR-71, and 75, and the (Scramp) daughter ship, the SR-74, were all
built by the Lockheed Advanced Development Company, commonly known as the
Lockheed "Skunk-Works."
The SR-74 Scramp is the daughter ship, and rides piggyback on the huge
SR-75 until take off. Scramp is from Scram-jet and rocket propulsion.
Scram-jet means a supersonic combustion ram jet.
Jerald witnessed the flight of the big black Air Force SR-75 carrying the
little unmanned SR-74 while inside Area 51. It was sitting piggy-back on
its upper raised platform on top of the SR-75 Penetrator.
I heard talk about the 75 as far back as the late 70s, while at Groom, and
I have 2 additional friends who have seen it at Groom.
Remember, the SR-74 Scramp can't take off from the ground.
It can only launch from the SR-75 mother ship at an altitude above 100,000
feet, and then it can attain orbital altitudes of well over 800 thousand
feet or 151 miles.
The Air Force uses the Scramp to launch small, highly classified, ferret
satellites for the National Security Agency.
It can launch at least two 1000 pound satellites measuring 6 feet by 5
feet. The Scramp is roughly the equivalent size and weight of a F-16
fighter. It can easily attain speeds of Mach 15, or a little less than 10
thousand miles per hour.
SLIDE 75: NASA Shuttle on gantry
The NASA Space Shuttle is an antique by comparison. The joke is on the
SLIDES: 76-YB-49 wing, 77-XB-70, 78-SR-75 front
If you think these rumors are far-fetched. Look at the YB-49 and XB-70
flown in 1948 and 1964 respectively. Now, look at the SR-75 which has been
spotted numerous times. You say, ?the government can't keep a secret.?
You're wrong if you think they can't.
There are new rumors that we've placed two new vehicles in permanent
orbit. One of these is the Space Orbital Nuclear - Service Intercept
Vehicle (SON-SIV). It is code named Locust.
The SR-74 SCRAMP and the TR-3B can deliver spares replacement units or
SRUs, service fuels, fluids, and chemicals to the SON-SIV.
Then, the robotic SON-SIV uses these deliverables to service, calibrate,
repair and replace parts on the newer NSA, CIA, & NRO satellites, which
were built to be maintained in space.
Finally, I've saved the best for last. The Operational
model of the TR-3B
SLIDE 79: Original Schematic TR-3B

The early information I gathered from interviewing my contacts and their
closest friends who worked black programs resulted in the basic
specifications of the TR-3B Flying Triangle.
I had this simple drawing by late 1990.
SLIDE 80: Belgian 4 Triangles.
On the night of March 30th 1990, a Captain of the Belgian National Police
decided to pursue the reports coming in of Triangular shaped UFO. Two
Radar installations, one a NATO defense group and the other a Belgian
civilian and military radar, also verified the UFO.
Excellent atmospheric conditions prevailed, and there was no possibility
of false echoes due to temperature inversions. At 5 AM in the morning, two
dispatched F-16 fighters spotted the Triangle on their radar screens which
had locked onto the target.
Six seconds later the object speeded up from an initial velocity of 280
kilometers per hour to 1800 kilometers per hour; at the same time
descending from an altitude of 3,000 meters to 1,700 meters, then down to
200 meters, causing the F-16 radars to lose lock-on.
This maneuver happened all in a matter of 1 second. The 40 G acceleration
of the Triangle was some 32 Gravitational forces higher than what a human
pilot can stand.
Contrary to normal aeronautical expectations, no sonic boom was heard.
This phenomenal game of hide and seek was observed by 20 National
Policemen and hundreds of other witnesses, who all saw the Triangular
vehicle and the F-16 fighters. The chase was repeated twice more during
the next hour.
The Belgians have made all the information of this event public, unlike
our government, which admits nothing and denies everything to do with
UFOs, even when some of them are ours.
SLIDE 81: C-130 special Ops plane - front view
The original picture of the TR-3B was taken with a digital camera that was
carried onto a black - special operations C-130. An Air Force Special
Operations sergeant took the picture while the C-130 was flying mission
support for the TR-3B.
I've seen this picture personally and have interviewed several people who
worked on the program. I'm sure of my facts and specifications.
You can see for yourselves that from the Belgium pictures, the resulting
Computer Composite of the European sightings, and my original schematic
taken from interviews, that this is an accurate rendition of the TR-3.
SLIDE 82 & 83: Original TR-3B Prototype and SIDE View

From the Original digital picture of the TR-3B a computer graphic
representation was made using 3D studio software. This picture hangs on
the wall in the black vault at the Aurora Program Office. I'm not at
liberty to divulge and further details about the digital picture except to
say a friend took a great career risk taking it and showing it to me.
We have used these highly accurate computer graphic pictures of the
Prototype and Operational models of the TR-3B to get further verification
of their accuracy. You will not get a clearer picture of what the Flying
Triangles are until one lands in a public domain and is captured by CNN or
other news media.
SLIDE 84: TR-3B Operational

Jerald said he would never forget the sight of the alien-looking TR-3B
based at Papoose. The pitch black, triangular shaped TR-3B was rarely
mentioned--and then, only in hushed whispers - at the Groom Lake facility
where he worked. The craft had flown over the Groom Lake runway, in
complete silence, and magically stopped above Area S-4.
It hovered silently in the same position, for some 10 minutes, before
gently settling vertically to the tarmac. At times a corona of silver blue
light glowed around the circumference of the massive TR-3B.
The operational model is 600 feet across.
SLIDE 85: TR-3B Original PROTOTYPE // Black Background.
The 200 feet Prototype & the 600 feet Operational TR-3Bs are Code named
Astra. The tactical reconnaissance TR-3B first operational flight was in
the early 90s.
The TR-3A Manta is a subsonic reconnaissance vehicle shaped like a bat
wing and is in no way related to the TR-3B. The nomenclature for the TR-3B
is unconventional and was named thus to confuse those who track black
budgets and rumors that got out would be confusing as most in the
aerospace industry would thing there MUST be a relationship between the
TR-3A and the TR-3B, which there is none.
The triangular shaped nuclear powered TR-3B aerospace platform was
developed under the Top Secret, Aurora Program with SDI and black budget
Top Secret Plane - The Aurora
At least 3 of the billion dollar plus TR-3Bs were flying by 1994.
The Aurora is the most classified aerospace development program in
existence. The TR-3B is the most exotic vehicle created by the Aurora
Program. It is funded and operationally tasked by the National
Reconnaissance Office, the NSA, and the CIA. The TR-3B flying triangle is
not fiction and was built with technology available in the mid 80s and
uses more reversed alien technology than any vehicle ever before.
Not every UFO spotted is one of theirs.
SLIDE 86: TR-3B Original PROTOTYPE Angle view

The TR-3B vehicle's outer coating is electro-chemical reactive and changes
with electrical RF Radar stimulation and can change reflectiveness, radar
absorptiveness, and color. This is also the first US vehicle to use
quasi-crystals in the vehicle's skin.
This polymer skin, when used in conjunction with the TR-3Bs Electronic
Counter Measures and, ECCM, can make the vehicle look like a small
aircraft, or a flying cylinder - or even trick radar receivers into
falsely detecting a variety of aircraft, no aircraft, or several aircraft
at various locations. Some unclassified research under the heading of
?electro-chromatic? can be found on these stealth coatings.
A couple in Ohio spotted the Triangle in early 95. He first spotted an
orange ball of light and then a triangle shape with three bright spots at
each corner.
As it moved slowly southward they were awestruck by the enormous size.
"The damn thing is real," he exclaimed to his wife. "It's the flying
The man said it was the size of 2 football fields, which would make it 200
yards or 600 feet across. The same as the operational version of the
SLIDE 87: TR-3B Schematic diagram with top bottom and side views

From the collection of pictures, analysis, and further refinement, we now
have a better schematic layout, of the Top Secret USAF Flying Triangle
that has been seen by thousands, that our Department of Defense and
Government says doesn't exist.
A circular, plasma filled accelerator ring called the Magnetic Field
Disrupter, surrounds the rotable crew compartment and is far ahead of
any imaginable technology.
Sandia and Livermore laboratories developed the reverse engineered MFD
technology. The government will go to any lengths to protect this
technology. The plasma, mercury based, is pressurized at 250,000
atmospheres at a temperature of 150 degrees Kelvin, and accelerated to
50,000 rpm to create a super-conductive plasma with the resulting gravity
The MFD generates a magnetic vortex field, which disrupts or neutralizes
the effects of gravity on mass within proximity, by 89 percent. Do not
misunderstand. This is NOT antigravity. Anti-gravity provides a repulsive
force that can be used for propulsion.
The MFD creates a disruption of the Earth's gravitational field upon the
mass within the circular accelerator.
The mass of the circular accelerator and all mass within the accelerator,
such as the crew capsule, avionics, MFD systems, fuels, crew environmental
systems, and the nuclear reactor, are reduced by 89%.
A side note to the Magnetic Field Disruptor development; one source who
worked at GD Convair Division in the mid 60s described a mercury based
plasma that was cooled to super-conductive temperatures rotated at 45
thousand revolutions per minute and pressurized at thousands of
This would be considered state-of-the-art technology even by
today's standards, some 30 years after he worked this project. He related
that the project achieved its objective. Instruments and test objects
within the center of the accelerator showed a 50 percent loss of weight,
attributed to a reduction in the gravitational field. He had worked on MFD
as far back as 1965 and was told by a senior scientist that the research
had been going on for a decade. See: Convair, notes from Gravitics
research and Gravity Rand article.
The current MFD in the TR-3B causes the effect of making the vehicle
extremely light, and able to outperform and outmaneuver any craft yet
constructed - except, of course, those UFOs we did not build.
The TR-3B is a high altitude, stealth, reconnaissance platform with an
indefinite loiter time. Once you get it up there at speed, it doesn't take
much propulsion to maintain altitude.
At Groom Lake their have been whispered rumors of a new element that acts
as a catalyst to the plasma.
Recently NASA and the Russians have admitted breakthroughs in technology
that would use a plasma shield for exotic aerospace vehicles. If you know
anything about the history of classified black programs, you know that by
the time NASA starts researching something, it's either proven or old
technology. They are the poor step children when it comes to research and
development technology and funding.
With the vehicle mass reduced by 89% the craft can travel at Mach 9,
vertically or horizontally. My sources say the performance is limited only
the stresses that the human pilots can endure. Which is a lot, really,
considering along with the 89% reduction in mass, the G forces are also
reduced by 89%.
SLIDE 88: TR-3B Operational Model // Black Background.
The crew of the TR-3B should be able to comfortable take up to 40Gs. The
same flight characteristics described in the Belgium sightings and many
other sightings. Reduced by 89%, the occupants would feel about 4.2 Gs.
The TR-3Bs propulsion is provided by 3 multimode thrusters mounted at each
bottom corner of the triangular platform. The TR-3 is a sub-Mach 9 vehicle
until it reaches altitudes above l20,000 feet - then who knows how fast it
can go!
The 3 multimode rocket engines mounted under each corner of the craft use
hydrogen or methane and oxygen as a propellant.
In a liquid oxygen/hydrogen rocket system, 85% of the propellant mass is
oxygen. The nuclear thermal rocket engine uses a hydrogen propellant,
augmented with oxygen for additional thrust.
The reactor heats the liquid hydrogen and injects liquid oxygen in the
supersonic nozzle, so that the hydrogen burns concurrently in the liquid
oxygen afterburner.
SLIDE 89: TR-3B Operational Version
The multimode propulsion system can operate in the atmosphere, with thrust
provided by the nuclear reactor, in the upper atmosphere, with hydrogen
propulsion, and in orbit, with the combined hydrogen\ oxygen propulsion.
What you have to remember is that the 3 multi-mode rocket engines only
have to propel 11 percent of the mass of the Top Secret TR-3B. The engines
are reportedly built by Rockwell.
SLIDE 90: TR-3B Original
From the evolution of exotic materials, advanced avionics, and newer
propulsion engines the stealth aircraft were born. Leaps in technology
have been obtained with reverse engineering of Alien Artifacts as
described in the newly released MJ-12 Revised Charter, signed during the
Reagan administration.
According to Jerald's account, the technology developed at Papoose far
exceeded any known within the world scientific community. Jerald was in
his late 50s when I first met him in LV. He had actually spoken to
scientists who analyzed the Roswell vehicle and technology--technology
that we can assuredly assume was developed from reverse engineering of
recovered alien artifacts.
The control of all Alien Artifacts--the research, the reverse engineering,
and analysis of the extraterrestrial biological entities (EBEs) --was
transferred to the super-secret laboratory, called the Defense Advanced
Research Center or DARC, in Area S-4.
SLIDE 91: TR-3B 600 feet wide Operational Model

Many sightings of triangular UFOs are not alien
vehicles but the top secret TR-3B. The NSA, NRO, CIA, and USAF have been
playing a shell game with aircraft nomenclature.
Creating the TR-3, modified to the TR-3A, the TR-3B, and the Teir 2, 3,
and 4, with suffixes like Plus or Minus added on to confuse further the
fact that each of these designators is a different aircraft, and not the
same aerospace vehicle.
A TR-3B is as different from a TR-3A as a banana is from a grape. Some of
these vehicles are manned and others are unmanned.
SLIDE 92: Strange picture of aircraft with pilot's head in open.
Before Jerald died, we had a long conversation. He was sure he had
documentation that would prove the existence of the MJ-12 committee and
our using crashed alien vehicles to reverse engineer their technology. I
told him that I did not want any classified documents in my possession. I
never found out what happened to them.
I also believe the recently deceased Colonel Corso, who discloses the
governments involvement with alien technology, was a honest and honorable
man. I believe he was on the inside of administering alien artifact
protocol for the Army, and he might have embellished the depth of his
SLIDE 93: Alien Rapture.
I don't have time to go into the TWO unique MJ-12 documents that I
acquired. They are included in Alien Rapture and excerpted on
The Characters in Alien Rapture are fictional, but the facts of the Covert
Government Agenda to suppress Alien Artifacts, the Reverse Engineering of
Alien Technology, and the Details of Black Programs are absolutely true.
SLIDE 94: Earth pictured with TR-3B and worm-hole
Part of our agreement was that every one of my close five friends would
get a chance to look at the manuscript before I sent it to any Literary
Dale discussed the Alien Rapture manuscript with his father, who worked
high up in the NSA for over 20 years. His father asked him how much he
trusted me, and Dale told him - COMPLETELY.
Dale's father provided him with two MJ-12 documents, and told him to
retype them, and send them to me with the understanding that I would not
ever reveal the source of them.
The documents that Dale retyped had most the names and dates blacked out.
This is how I received these documents, and I was so naive that I didn't
even know what the history of the MJ-12 documents were.
From as far back as the Vietnam Conflict, I knew Dale and that he was as
close to his father as a son can get. I do not feel that his father used
him for distributing disinformation. Whether his father was duped, I have
no idea. From my personal opinion, I believe the MJ-12 committee was real,
and still exists in some form.
The ROSWELL AUTOPSY and the Reagan MJ-12 Charter (Revised) are both in
'Alien Rapture.' The significance is that we copyrighted these two
documents before 1994 in order to prove when, time-wise, we had this
information. This was THREE YEARS before Colonel Corso's "The Day After
Roswell" manuscript was complete and a year before the 'Alien Autopsy'
(Remade for Disinformation) was shown. Items described by Corso and seen
in the 'Alien Autopsy' (except for the six fingered alien) are detailed in
the Roswell Autopsy Report in 'Alien Rapture.' The removable lens is one
example, the 'geo' organ is another, and dozens of other examples never
before published.
But, like so much in the field of Alien Artifacts and UFOs, the myriad
disinformation campaigns by the DoD, CIA, FBI, NSA, and other agencies
completely eliminates the possibility of finding out the truth through
normal investigation.
When you look around the Internet you see some intriguing physics ideas
and research going on, like Quasi-crystals for example.
From Herbert's book outlining loopholes in physics that suggest that
faster than light travel may be possible, to
Puthoff's theory suggesting
that gravity is a consequential effect of the vacuum electromagnetic zero
point fluctuations, to Podkletnov and Neiminen's report of superconductor
experiments with anomalous evidence of a possible gravity shielding
effect. It's hard to keep up with all the advances in science and
I believe I have presented a refreshing NEW look at the covert agenda by
talking to those who would never normally have come forward and presenting
their case in the form of a story filled with many new facts.
Alien Rapture is written as a fiction story, with characters on a quest,
to uncover the truth, much like the one my five friends and I started out
I've just barely scratched the surface of the details and facts presented