Cold Fusion
Dan Sewell Ward
LibraryOfHalexandria Website
Cold Fusion is the fusion of nuclei at temperatures approaching room
temperature. This is a process distinct from Hot Fusion, in which
experiments for the last forty years have attempted to duplicate the
temperatures and pressures of the Sun (hot and intense!) by the use
of plasma physics and such things as Tokamaks and other clever, but
useless devices. The difficulty, of course, is that hot fusion has
been receiving millions upon millions of dollars annually for four
decades in a vain attempt to create a fusion reactor capable of
providing energy.
The very idea that this massively funded attempt
is a total waste of time, money, and talent -- and the whole thing
could be done in the kitchen or a garage workshop -- is a bitter
pill for the priesthood of the scientific establishment to swallow.
Well, they’ve done it again! And we can all, for the nth time, try
to incorporate yet another paradigm shift in our thinking to account
for the latest in the science originally termed "cold fusion". To
quote Norman Horwood’s [1] increasingly appropo comment, "Life is
difficult enough without people inventing things." How true! And in
today’s world, scientists, inventors, and entrepreneurs of every
stripe are inventing things on a massive scale -- and in the
process, making life difficult for virtually anyone with a vested
interest in the status quo (which by recent estimates, amounts to
about ninety-seven percent of the population).
To put it all into perspective, however, it might be worthwhile to
consider a brief history, a review of the past years when cold
fusion (which has become identified with: "space energy",
"Zero-Point Energy", "vacuum energy", "quantum energy dynamics", and
in a more logical term, "nucleodynamics") has become a household
word. It all began, of course, with the well-publicized announcement
of Martin Fleischmann and Stanley Pons on March 23, 1989, of their
having achieved "excess heat" from what was supposedly a simple (at
least in theory) electrolysis experiment [2].
This was followed by a mass denial from "establishment" science
(particularly the now increasingly defunct "hot fusion
enthusiasts"), and replication of the phenomena in laboratories
which had the technical competence and took the time to properly
conduct the experiment. But the overall furor generated by the
initial news conference and its immediate aftermath was enough to
send any rational cold fusion scientist underground for many years.
Small wonder, considering the viscous and wholly unscientific nature
of the attacks on the experiments -- not to mention the
Within five years, however, when the results of the Fourth
International Conference on Cold Fusion, began to make their
presence felt, it was clear cold fusion was rapidly maturing and had
begun the laborious process of gaining adherents, including those
with financial backing.! But it was the fifth conference (ICCF-5) in
Monte Carlo in April 1995 that really brought cold fusion into the
mass consciousness. For it was in Monaco that the "Demonstrations"
began, when Hal Puthoff’s "One-Watt Challenge" [3] was answered in a
host of ways.
From the solid state proton conductors with their alleged huge power
factor of available electricity to the water-implosion devices with
their excess shaft horsepower, scientists of every stripe were
presenting devices which apparently generated power in useable
quantities and forms. Legitimate denial was no longer possible in
the face of these devices which provided excess energy in such
convenient packages. I say "legitimate denial", because it was this
same conference which generated the incredible, and what with
hindsight one can only label abhorrent, backlash from vested
Foremost among the attackers, of course, were the utilities; at
least the ones who had the foresight to see their industry doomed.
The automobile, trucking, railroad, and airline industries did not
immediately see that they were but a different species of dinosaur,
but they soon weighed in as well with their attempts to deny,
discredit, and denigrate cold fusion and all that it represented for
the future. To be honest, one can appreciate an industry, such as
the utilities, wincing a bit when they see their massive
infrastructure turning from an enormous financial asset to an
equally enormous liability. Still, it is unfortunate they chose to
use such despicable tactics, ones which, incidentally, with the aid
and abetment of governments such as the United States, very nearly
succeeded. But such is the stuff of momentous, earth-shaking
paradigm shifts.
Sadly, much of the scientific establishment chose to attack cold
fusion and nucleodynamics as well. Even the relatively simple
concept of distinguishing electrodynamics (the science of electrons
in motion) from nucleodynamics (the science of protons and nuclei in
motion) was a paradigm shift too large for many establishment
scientists to make. Given this reluctance, it is all the more
obvious they would have difficulties with such challenges as:
theoretical understandings of such concepts as inertia, the EPR
Experiment, faster-than-light protons, capillary fusion, and
multiple-dimensions beyond our known space-time.
Demonstrations of successfully
combining the theories of the Zero-Point Energy, Prigogine’s
Self-Organizing theories, and Chaos Theory.
Excess energy, in the form of heat,
electricity, and shaft horsepower, being generated in a variety
of ways in which the only common ingredient is the use of
protons and/or nuclei in non-linear motion.
Enhancement of excess energy effects
when experimental apparatus were subjected to ultrasonic and/or
pulsing, non-linear magnetic fields.
Development and manufacture of small
power units suitable for use in homes, buildings, and modified
Environmental restoration, based on
the rapidly decreasing levels of power-generating air and water
pollution from utility power plants, automobiles, and other
fossil-fuel devices.
Transmutation of elements, including
Biological Transmutation and the straight-forward incineration
and elimination of toxic and nuclear wastes (as opposed to
previous attempts at waste management)
The transmutation of elements, the stuff
of Alchemy, was probably the straw that broke the back of most of
the remaining, inflexible scientists. Or the work of such stalwarts
as Komaki [4] and Kervran in the area of non-radioactive, biological
transmutation of elements. For it is in this arena that recent
reports once again challenge our credulity.
We could perhaps tolerate such challenges to our lives as:
Vehicles which fly without wings
(the only purpose of wings being to save fuel, and with
nucleodynamics, no issues of energy availability).
The virtual elimination of
international borders as customs, immigration policies, and
other relics of the past face the reality of virtually unlimited
mobility of technologically-advanced humans (who, incidentally,
have no need for highways -- their construction, maintenance, or
The potential for weapons which kill
with the sheer immensity of the amount of power available, and
the same potential for defensive systems. (If one can take
energy out of the vacuum at will, it follows that one can put
any amount of energy back into the vacuum and thus nullify the
effects of a massive surge of energy being use in an attack).
The societal upheavals as people
discover they must learn whole new skills in order to cope, and
simultaneously, realize they can live anywhere in the world.
(With unlimited energy, one can modify the immediate environment
at will and have the mobility to go anywhere they choose.)
Recent demonstrations of controlled,
Levitation devices which use many of the techniques which have
tapped into the zero-point, space energy, and which affect the
space-time continuum in some very interesting ways.
The near-term potential for private
interplanetary vehicles, piggybacking onto the commercial
possibilities of NASA’s successes in utilizing the power from
nucleodynamics to make a manned landing on Mars and the journeys
to more distant planets (in particular Jupiter and Saturn).
Perhaps we could indeed, deal with these
challenges to our paradigm, all of these New Energy Ramifications.
But now, we are faced with the culmination of the "cold fusion
paradigm shift", a shift spanning a decade and one which is easily
the most significant in the history of civilization; a singularity
to end all singularities, a bifurcation point which will inevitably
lead to chaos and a wholly unknown, unpredicted and unpredictable,
new self-organization. It is the idea of biological transmutation of
elements implying that living organisms may be already, regularly
tapping into the Zero-Point Energy.
Furthermore, it is recognized that
water, with its unique and incredible properties being only now
fully realized, is the predominant player in nucleodynamics. Thus it
is a natural, logical extension that humans, being living organisms
with an abundance of water in their physical bodies, may well have
the same capabilities. The speculation now being put forth, which
challenges us all, is that humans, with only the stuff of their
minds, may be capable of all the incredible technology which we have
seen introduced in the last decades!
Many skeptics may claim that the idea of a human capability which
can transmute elements, tap into the Zero-Point Energy, connect
Consciousness with The Fifth Element of Connective Physics, manifest
reality in whatever manner the human mind determines, is just so
much poppycock. Unfortunately for such naysayers, the last decades
of scientific innovators successfully transmuting "poppycock" into
scientific and established reality does not bode well for a
too-quick dismissal of this concept.
More recently, in February 2002, Infinite Energy magazine reported
on an official U. S. Navy Technical Report 1862, in which a Dr.
Frank E. Gordon (Head, Navigation and Applied Sciences Department,
Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center, San Diego) made the
following statements:
“As I write this Foreword, California is
experiencing rolling blackouts due to power shortages. Conventional
engineering, planned ahead, could have prevented these blackouts,
but it has been politically expedient to ignore the inevitable.
do not know if Cold Fusion will be the answer to future energy
needs, but we do know the existence of Cold Fusion phenomenon
through repeated observations by scientists throughout the world. It
is time that this phenomenon be investigated so that we can reap
whatever benefits accrue from additional scientific understanding.
It is time for government funding organizations to invest in this
There is also the disturbing report of one journalist, who recently
visited a research facility known for its track-record of credible
contributions to nucleodynamics. According to the journalist, he was
just outside one of the laboratories when he distinctly heard
someone yell, "Shazzam!". This was immediately followed by a
distinctive flash of lightning just above the building, along with a
deafening clap of thunder.
[1] Horwood, N., quoted by Tinsley,
C., "How the oil age ends", Cold Fusion, Vol. 1, No. 2, June
1994. [2] Pons, S., and Fleischmann, M., Business Week, May 8, 1989.
[3] Puthoff, H. E., "Alternative Energy Sources: Good News/Bad
News and ’The 1-Watt Challenge’," Proceedings of the
International Symposium on New Energy, Denver, Colorado, May
12-15, 1994. [4] Komaki, H., "An Approach in the Probably Mechanism at the
Non-Radioactive Biological Cold Fusion or So-called Kervran
Effect (Part 2)," Poster presentation at the Fourth
International Conference on Cold Fusion, Maui, Hawaii, December
6-9, 1993.
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The Illusion of Mass
Dan Sewell Ward
LibraryOfHalexandria Website
Fundamental to some of the most basic philosophical and spiritual
traditions of the world is the concept that “matter” -- the material
that makes up what appears to be real to our senses -- is in all
respects illusionary. It is what has been referred to as maya, and
has no basis in reality -- other than perhaps as a distraction to
humans searching for meaning.
Physicists refer to matter and the material world by a term called
mass -- “a coherent body of matter of indefinite shape” (a
definition which might apply to several relatives). For all extents
and purposes, it is mass which makes up the material world, from the
mass of incredibly small elementary particles, to the mass of atoms
and molecules, to the mass of a set of weightlifter’s barbells, to
the mass of any coherent body. From a combination of these two
perspectives (maya and mass), one might consider whether or not the
mass defined by physics is also illusionary in the sense of having
no fundamental nature.
From the perspective of modern physics,
Puthoff, et al [1] have
argued that “the concept of mass may be neither fundamental nor
necessary in physics.” From their perspective, Einstein’s famous
formula (in which mass can be equated with via E = mc2)
is not about the conversion of one fundamental thing, mass, into
another fundamental thing, energy; but rather “a statement about how
much energy is required to give the appearance of a certain amount
of mass.” If they are correct in their theorizing, “there is no such
thing as mass; only electric charge and energy, which together
create the illusion of mass.”
These authors point out that:
“The physical universe is made up of
massless electric charges immersed in a vast, energetic,
all-pervasive electromagnetic field. It is the interaction of
those charges and the electromagnetic field that creates the
appearance of mass.”
The means that the apparent weight of
any object thought of as having mass, is nothing more than the
interaction of electric charges and an electromagnetic field. This
is basically the same as in the concept of Superstrings, where
theory suggests that the void (i.e. nothing) forms infinitesimally
small strings which wink in and out of existence, but which when
focused together begin to make up the so-called mass of elementary
The distinction between mass being real or illusion is important, in
that it provides for gravitational theory to be united with
electromagnetic and quantum theory in such a manner as to verify the
reality of the “vast, energetic, all-pervasive electromagnetic
field.” This field in turn provides a means for the
interconnectedness of all things, the unspecified interaction of
matter in Mach’s Principle, and the basis of Connective Physics.
Inertial and Gravitational Mass
Mass, from the traditional physics viewpoint, arises from two
sources, its inertia and the gravitational attraction of other
masses. This has led in physics to a distinction between inertial
mass and gravitational mass -- a distinction which can be easily
demonstrated in a simple Experiment. One can be thought of as
resistive force to change in motion (speed and/or direction), while
the other stems from an attractive force between masses.
Gravitation seems a simple concept, wherein two objects with mass
are attracted to each other, dependent upon the inverse square of
the distance between them, their respective masses, and a
Gravitational Constant. Why these masses are attracted to each other
is never really addressed, while the means by which a force connects
them -- what physics thinks of as “action-at-a-distance” -- has been
under debate since Galileo. Or longer. Thus gravity, while
experientially easy to deal with -- i.e. no support, one fall down!
-- the physics itself is still in flux.
(To add insult to injury, there is
evidence from such a diverse field as
Hyperdimensional Physics to
suggest that the Gravitational Constant... is not a constant, and
has changed notably over the eons. Even some 0.06% in the last
twenty years or so! It may be just a matter of time before “what
goes up... stays”, i.e. Levitation and/or the worst fears of the
Anti-Gravity Defamation League come true.)
Inertia’s case, on the other hand, is even more difficult. Galileo’s
attempt was to define inertia as a property of matter that kept an
object in uniform motion, unless acted upon by a force external to
the object. Sir Isaac Newton formalized this in his Principia, and
in his first and second laws. His first law is actually a special
case of the second, the latter which states that the acceleration
(a) -- change in velocity (speed and direction) is
proportional to the force (F) applied on the object,
and that the constant of proportionality is the mass (m).
I.e. F = ma.
Inertial mass can thus be viewed as the
resistance of an object to being accelerated by an external force.
When there is no force, or when the force ceases, the acceleration
is zero, and the object moves in uniform motion (maintaining the
same speed and same direction). Massive objects are therefore
assumed to resist acceleration because such resistance is an innate
property of matter. It’s a questionable assumption.
Mach’s Principle
Newton was never able to his
own satisfaction, explain inertia. 200 years later, an Austrian
physicist and philosopher, Ernst Mach, tried to explain inertia in
what later became known as Mach’s Principle. This principle assumes,
among other things, that,
“a particle’s inertia is due to some
(unfortunately unspecified) interaction of that particle with
all the other masses in the universe; the local standards of
non-acceleration are determined by some average of the motions
of all the masses in the universe, and all that matters in
mechanics is the relative motion of all the masses.”
The principle goes on to imply the
existence of “interactions between inertia and electromagnetism.”
Mach’s Principle can be viewed as an entire universe being altered
by changes in a single particle -- much in the same manner as
hurricanes and tornadoes occurring in Florida because of an El Nino
weather pattern in the Pacific Ocean, or perhaps more aptly, the
flapping of a butterfly’s wings in Peru causing rains in Kansas.
The means by which such “actions-at-a-distance” can be
interconnected (whether through the exchange of elementary
particles, or some “unfortunately unspecified” means) has a long
history in physics. It stems originally from Newton’s concept of an
Absolute Space, the latter replaced by Maxwell’s “ether”, and more
recently theories which encompass Mach’s principle.
Ultimately, we are left with the idea
that Mach’s Principle implies that the whole universe matters
locally. Furthermore, the interconnecting link of all masses in the
universe -- the “vast, energetic, all-pervasive electromagnetic
field” -- can now be likely identified as the Zero-Point Field.
State-of-the-art physics is now demonstrating the truth of what
sacred traditions have long assumed as an article of faith!
[1] H. E. Puthoff, Alfonso Rueda,
and Bernhard Haisch, The Sciences (Vol 34, No 6, Nov/Dec 1994,
pg 26-31). [2] Rindler, W., Essential Relativity, Springer-Verlag, New
York, 1977.
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Dan Sewell Ward
LibraryOfHalexandria Website
The spin of an elementary particle (electrons, protons, neutrons,
pions, et al) is a basic characteristic. It manifests itself in
numerous ways, including the splitting of electron levels in atoms
and nucleon energy levels in nuclei -- in accordance with the Pauli
Exclusion Principle. The fundamental question, however, is from
where does the spin derive? In the case of a proton or neutron
(collectively a nucleon), the spin supplied by quarks accounts for
only 20 to 30% of the total. And the question of where the quarks
derive their spin goes unanswered as well! Jaffe [1] has also noted,
for example, that, “Much of the nucleon’s spin lies elsewhere.”
“The nucleon is a highly
relativistic bound state of quarks and gluons. It cannot, even
in principle, be separated into its components.”
Peterson [2] in answering the question,
“Why do quantum particles exhibit
the quality of spin at all?”, replies that in a fundamental
sense, “we do not understand where it comes from or why it is
Berman [3] has suggested that spacetime
has torsion -- in effect “Torsion is to spin as curvature of spacetime is to mass.” Another plausible explanation is that the
spin exists to prevent collapse of the particle’s charges. In the
Casimir Effect, efforts to understand why the like charge fragments
of an electron did not result in the electron coming apart.
It was suggested Casimir’s electronic
electron shell might be a magnetic or Meisner Field, the very
structure of the electron that of a minute superconducting sphere of
like charges, and the electron depending upon its intrinsic spin in
order to maintain it’s existence. Finally, one might consider that
the three dimensions of “spin-space” briefly alluded to in
Superstrings is the Torsion Space that Berman [3] has introduced.
In addition, the assumption that quantum fluctuations of quarks,
gluons, of whatever, within the elementary particle might account
for its spin, is a good example of staying in the box. Why not have
the spin of any elementary particle derive its spin virtually from
every other like particle? Effectively, a Mach’s Principle of Spin.
It is the next logical step in any manifestation of Connective
[1] Jaffe, R.L., “Where Does
the Proton Really Get Its Spin?”, Physics Today, September,
1995, pg 24-30. [2] Peterson, I. “Proton-Go-Round; Whence does the proton
get its spin?”, Science News, Vol. 152, September 6, 1997, pg
158-159. [3] M. S. Berman and R. M. Marinho, “Spacetime May Be
Chief Source of Proton Spin,” Physics Today, September, 1996, pg
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Dan Sewell Ward
LibraryOfHalexandria Website
Superconductivity is infinitely more than a physics phenomena of the
first order. It may be one of the fundamental linking mechanisms in
an unlimited and connected universe. The physics is referenced, for
example, in the Scientific References, but for those looking for a
quick and dirty explanation, the following will provide an inkling
of the immensity of the subject. Just keep in mind that any U. S.
patent application which includes anywhere in its text the word
“superconductivity” is automatically sent to the Department of
Defense for review. That should be convincing evidence that this
subject is worth investigating.
Most, but not all, conductors of electrical current, when cooled
sufficiently in the direction of absolute zero (0 ºK, -273.15 ºC),
become superconductors. The superconducting state itself is one in
which there is zero electrical resistance and perfect diamagnetism.
[1] This means that current flowing through a superconducting
circuit does not experience i2R heating (current squared times the
resistance), and the current can flow indefinitely.
Also, diamagnetism is the property of a
substance to become magnetized in a direction at right angles to an
applied magnetic field (Michael Faraday discovered the effect in
1846 that when such substances were brought near the pole of a
strong magnet, they were repelled). The diamagnetism of the
superconducting state is extraordinary in that it expels from its
interior any external magnetic field(s) -- up to a limiting critical
magnetic field strength.
The last factor is even more incredible when one realizes that when
a conductor undergoes the transition to the superconducting state,
the superconductor expels a pre-existing field -- a phenomenon known
as the Meisner Effect. (The superconductor’s magnetic field is also
called a Meisner Field, and is thus distinguished from the nature of
other magnetic fields.) External magnetic fields do penetrate the
superconducting Meisner Field to some degree, the penetration depth
being temperature dependent (minimum penetration at 0 ºK, and
infinite at Tc, defined as the Critical Temperature for the
superconductor in question).
Inasmuch as it takes energy to expel a magnetic field from a
superconductor, a magnet can under the right circumstances float
freely above a superconductor at the point where the upward force
generated by the field-expulsion energy balances the downward
gravitational force. This dramatic phenomenon of magnetic Levitation
becomes even more fascinating when one recognizes the Earth is
effectively a magnet, and that a superconductor (being of somewhat
less mass) could thus reverse the roles and float freely above the
The currently reigning theory with respect to superconductivity is
known as the BCS theory (named after John Bardeen, Leon N. Cooper,
and J. Robert Schrieffer). The BCS theory describes a pairing of
conduction electrons by some interelectron attraction and a
condensation of these pairs, “Cooper pairs”, to form a macroscopic
quantum state. The superconductor’s electrical resistance is zero
because the Cooper pair condensate moves as a coherent quantum
mechanical entity, which atomic lattice vibrations and impurities
cannot disrupt by scattering individual Cooper pairs in the same
manner they scatter single conduction electrons -- the latter being
the reason electrical circuits have resistance.
The critical elements in reaching the superconducting state are for
conduction electrons to somehow form Cooper pairs, which then in
turn automatically condense into a coherent flow, the “coherent”
aspect being similar to that of a laser, i.e. everybody in step!
How the Cooper pairs are formed is obviously a critical factor in
superconductivity. One theory is an electron passing by the crystal
lattice of atoms in the conductor distorts the lattice in such a way
the next electron is attracted to the lattice distortion. Or instead
of the electron-pairing being mediated by lattice vibrations, the
interaction of the conduction electrons may be due to charge or
electron spin fluctuations in some electronic subsystem.
Note the emphasis on spin and fluctuations. From the discussions on
Casimir Effect and Spin, we derive the concept of an electron
consisting of an infinitely conducting shell, one with a minute
magnetic field [i.e. a superconductor with Meisner Field]. Spin adds
the critical ingredient of maintenance of the magnetic/Meisner
field, while fluctuations (at the level of Heisenberg’s Uncertainty
Principle) connect via Hyperdimensional Physics all of the electrons
in the superconducting state. But it gets better.
Two superconductors separated by a very narrow insulating barrier
form what is known as a Josephson Junction. The Josephson mechanism
is a general phenomena and applies beyond the special case of
superconductors. There is, for example, a correlation among
oscillating electric dipoles, the microscopic components of living
systems. In effect, a pair of neighboring biological cells could
represent the same model, as in superconductivity.
Researchers have in fact found evidence of Josephson-like phenomena
occurring in living systems. Other effects suggested a Meisner
effect -- and importantly, something which disappeared all together
in a solution which was completely sterile biologically. This has
led to the conjecture that room temperature superconductive effects
exist in association with living cells. Further, the realization of
nearby cells acting as a Josephson junction, yielded the conclusion
that intracellular coherence would, through the Josephson effect,
give rise to an intercellular coherence. Back to the laser; every
cell in step!
An important aspect is that the oscillations of electric dipoles in
living systems are able to produce coherent electromagnetic fields
whose phase is locked to the phase of the matter field. An external
electromagnetic field can become phase correlated only if its energy
does not disrupt the coherence. Very strong electromagnetic fields
can actually disrupt this correlation, or coherent structure, in a
biological system. An external electromagnetic field can interfere
with the fundamental processes of cell division, and conversely the
cellular process can induce electromagnetic phenomena. [2]
And it’s all about superconductivity!
The implications are staggering, particularly in Consciousness
research, where by some unknown means, human consciousnesses are
interacting and influencing each other. Some of these interactions
are effectively coherent interactions such as in a group meditating
or praying with the same goal. The really fundamental question is
the degree and manner in which the phenomenon of superconductivity
is playing a role in consciousness.
Other research has shown that strong emotions can alter our DNA! No
kidding. Thus we are faced with our emotions modifying our DNA,
which in turn (along with our conscious mental effort and/or focus),
influences the external world. And because such effects -- at least
according to the implications of The Fifth Element, Zero-Point
Energy, and similar research... because such effects are not limited
by distance of linear time, we might want to rethink our even
thinking (or getting emotional about) making anyone else emotionally
Think of everyone else having PMS and a
45 caliber pistol. The only saving grace is that apparently the real
power of emotions and/or mental focus are limited by the degree to
which an emotional/mental consciousness can tap into the
superconducting state.
In this regard, it is worth noting the research of David Radius
Hudson. In one of his lectures (this one in 1995, in Dallas, Texas),
he paints a coherent picture of a new reality. Excerpts from this
lecture are included below:
“Superconductivity is not
electricity. Superconductivity is like a world of it’s own. A
material that is a superconductor contains one vibrational
frequency within it, a lot like a laser. The light flows
perpetually within the system. No where in the system is there
any voltage. You can’t hook up a wire here and a wire there to
the superconductor and get current to flow in and out of it,
because to get current off of the wire, you’ve got to have a
voltage, and yet by definition a superconductor won’t allow any
voltage. So the material’s a perfect insulator, not just a
superconductor. But if you resonant frequency tune the wire so
that the electrons vibrate at the same frequency as the
superconductor, then the electrons will flow on as light, as
electron pairs. They will pair up and flow on, because they’re
seeking the path of least resistance which is the
“It’s different than an ordinary conductor and shouldn’t be
thought of as electricity, because it’s light. An amazing thing
is, if you resonant frequency tune a conductor to the frequency
of the superconductor, the energy starts flowing, but it’s
flowing as light. Any amount of light can exist in the same
space-time. There’s only so much electricity can flow on the
conductor, but light can flow on forever.”
“Around the superconductor a Meisner field is formed. The
Meisner field has no north or south pole; it’s just a field, but
it’s unique in magnetism in that it has no north or south pole.
The size of the magnetic field is proportional to the amount of
light that is flowing within the superconductor.”
“In the Ark of the Covenant was a pot of the Manna, and the
stone through which God spoke to Moses. When Moses was up on
Mount Sinai, he was smelting the Manna to the gold glass. Why do
I say that? When you understand that in Old Kingdom Egypt these
[hairy things over the eyes] were called bushes not eyelashes.
These were bushes; check you’re Egyptian literature. The burning
bush was the enlightened Third Eye.”
“So, Moses on Mount Sinai, when he looked upon the burning
bush... That was just a mistranslation. It was the third eye
opening and God communicated to him through this stone.
didn’t write on the stone. If he wrote on the stone, why would
he put it in a box, seal it up and then let no one look at it?
If God wrote on it, He would put it up on the wall where
everybody could read it. When you realize that in Old Kingdom
Egypt, on the holiest day in Old Kingdom of Egypt -- in the Sign
of the Seal [by Graham Hancock] you read this -- they carried
around an Ark on two poles, and in the Ark was a stone.
Coincidentally what was in the Ark of the Covenant? A stone. The
pot of Manna and the stone. The gold glass.”
“Around the Ark of the Covenant was the Meisner field. The
strange thing about the Meisner field is that other Meisner
fields that oscillate at the same frequency, can enter that
field and not perturb it. So if you are a high priest, a
Melchizedek priest, and you eat this Bread of the Presence of
God every week, you are a light being, and you can enter into
that field and approach the Ark of the Covenant and not perturb
it because you’re in resonance with it. But if you’re an
ordinary soldier or a person who thinks bad things, they have to
tie a rope around your legs because as you approach it, it may
have a flux collapse. Now if you can imagine several hundred
thousand amps, and now you have voltage, it’s like a bolt of
lightning. It literally is energy of an unbelievable magnitude.”
“As long as there is no voltage, you could touch it, you could
feel it, it’s hundreds of thousands of amps, but no tickle, no
tingle, because there’s no voltage. As long as you’re in
resonance with it, you can approach it, you can touch it, you
can hold it, you can feel it; Nothing! But if you’re not in
resonance with it, and enter the field, and perturb the
resonance, and there’s a flux collapse, and now you’ve got
voltage... It’ll kill you.”
“Remember in the Bible that the Ark of the Covenant actually
levitated and floated along, and actually carried some of the
people who were carrying it. The only thing to do that’s a
[1] “The New Superconductors,” Frank
J. Adrian and Dwaine O. Cowan, Chemical and Engineering News,
December 21, 1992. [2] “Magnetic Flux Quantization and Josephson Behavior in Living
Systems.” E. Del Giudice, S. Doglia, M. Milani, C. W. Smith, and
G. Vitiello, Physica Scripta 40, 1989.
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Dan Sewell Ward
LibraryOfHalexandria Website
Superstring Theory is often construed to have been formally
initiated in physics in 1970 by Yoichiro Nambu. Prior to that time,
elementary particles were analyzed in some cases as points -- an
attribute which was clearly an approximation at best, and at worst,
untenable. Even the idea that elementary particles were made up of
quarks, was not wholly satisfactory, in that this concept had its
own stable of problems.
However, a perhaps equally valid viewpoint is that “string theory”
actually began with Pythagoras, whose philosophy centered about the
power and harmony of numbers (e.g. the Pythagorean Theorem) and that
mystical tetrakyts, or foursomes, held the secret to the universe.
It is, after all, strings where we most easily encounter the
Pythagoras’ theories have a lot of appeal, particularly in the
manner in which the beauty of numbers correspond with the melodies
and harmonies so pleasant to the ear. Eugene Wigner, a theoretical
physicist has noted what he calls,
“the unreasonable effectiveness of
mathematics. Again and again, abstract and beautiful
mathematical relationships explored for their own aesthetic
sake, are later discovered to have exact correspondence with the
real world -- a coincidence that is quite remarkable.” [1]
The unique relationship between
mathematics and Music is but one example of this “unreasonable
effectiveness of mathematics.”
Modern Superstring theories are based on generalizing the notion of
a point particle to that of a string-like object.
“In an analogy to a string of piano
wire, the lowest note of the string corresponds to massless or
very light particles, such as the photon, graviton, or electron;
the harmonics or higher modes of the string correspond to the
very massive particles which modify the theory at high energies
in a way that cures the divergences (infinitely large
contributions to cross-section calculations) which have plagued
quantum theories of gravity in the past.
Superstrings also incorporate
Supersymmetry, a theory which predicts that each particle is
accompanied by a superparticle with similar properties, (except
that the spin must differ by one half unit). The superparticles
are characteristically predicted to be heavier than ordinary
particles.” [2]
Superstrings, themselves, are theorized
to have a length of 10-33 centimeters, while the tension in the
string is assumed to be as much as 1039 tons. [i.e. the superstrings
are really intense!] This length is on the order of the Planck
Length, where -- according to the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle,
Zero-Point Energy, and other ideas in Connective Physics -- it is
possible that particles are winking in and out of existence. Strings
can theoretically twist and turn, spin and vibrate, tie and untie
themselves, do the bossa nova and most any other thing the human
mind can imagine.
The latter likely includes having sex, in that the interactions of
superstrings are based on the “inevitable consequence of the
topological nature of the strings themselves”[1]. When you think
about it, the topological nature is pretty much what controls sex
with humans! In addition, “strings are free to split and join
[divorce and marriage], an open string break in two [schizophrenia],
or join its ends to form a closed loop [hermit or closed mind].
Meanwhile, back at the relatively (pardon the pun) serious ranch...
According to relativistic restrictions, strings must be massless,
with the ends of the strings moving at the speed of light. In order
for the superstrings to represent particles with mass, the strings
vibrate and rotate such that they generate a series of energy
levels, just as a violin string has a series of notes. With
Einstein’s E = mc2, these energy levels become the
associated masses of the particles. (But then, as has been pointed
out elsewhere, Mass may be illusionary, not really exist at all, and
simply be the manifestation of electrical charge. Einstein’s
equation is valid only to the extent the illusion is valid.)
Superstring Theory describes everything (from particles to forces),
requires the existence of gravity (while point particle theories
require gravity to not exist), and requires a reality of ten
dimensions (26 dimensions in some of the earlier versions of the
theory) in which to operate and for the strings to do their things
-- including... whatever. These additional six (or 22) dimensions
provide a whole new gamut of opportunities for speculation.
Space and Superstrings are fundamentally intertwined. The theory
demands that strings create their own dynamic space-time, rather
then simply being a part of an already existing continuum. Space
itself can be enormously modified by black holes, who upon
collapsing into themselves create the possibility of a singularity
in space (the mathematical physicist’s nightmare). However, in
Superstring theory, there is the possibility that when a black hole
(a collapsing massive star) reaches the magic 10-33 centimeters,
vibrating superstrings, while not eliminating the black hole, may
help avoid the singularity. Whew! Close!
Meanwhile the additional six (or 22) dimensions are accounted for in
Superstring Theory by the simple (and charming) expedient of
compactification. The idea is to curl up the additional extra
dimensions into such a small radius (10-33 centimeters or less) that
they become invisible. This sounds rather convenient, until one
considers the theories of Zero-Point Energy, in which an extra
dimension or two is particularly convenient in order to move energy
Take, for example, a two and three dimension analog, i.e. assume one
has a circuit board with which to do all sorts of clever things
electronically. Two dimensionally, many of the wires will overlap --
but not connect if the third dimension is utilized. From the two
dimensional perspective the third dimension might not even be
recognized, but its existence makes the 2d circuit board perform. If
one lives in Flatland, the 3d contribution might likely appear
magical. But from our 3d perspective, it’s no big thing.
EM forces may be caused by a curvature of an alternative (parallel?)
space, and the transitions between these spaces (as modified by
time) allow for the ZPE. Or perhaps the ten dimensions of
Superstring Theory are (1) time, (2,3,4) gravitational space,
(5,6,7) EM space, and (8,9,10) Spin Space, with the latter 6 “folded
in” or “compacted”??
Harvey [2] has noted that,
“One of the unsatisfactory aspects
of string theory is the lack of a simple fundamental principle
which would explain many of its marvelous properties.”
A possible answer is one akin to Mach’s
Principle -- i.e. the strings tie things together! <g>
[1] Peat, F.D., Superstrings and the
Search for The Theory of Everything, Contemporary Books, New
York, 1988.
[2] Harvey, J.A., “Superstrings,” Physics Today, January, 1987,
pg S-27.
See also:
[3] Bailin, D., “Why Superstrings?”, Contemporary Physics, Vol
30 #4, 1989, pg 237.
[4] Schwartz, J.H., “Superstrings,” Physics Today, November,
1987 pg 33-40.
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The Fifth Element
Dan Sewell Ward
LibraryOfHalexandria Website
By means of a simplified extension of Classical Mechanics and
Electromagnetics, it is possible to theoretically postulate an
“over-unity” energy system which requires no fuel of any kind, and,
simultaneously, a propulsion system which requires no propellant
The energy system need not burn, transform, or otherwise modify a
fuel -- and thus there are no waste products, i.e. pollution. The
propulsion system would actually transcend so-called “anti-gravity”
systems or Levitation devices by virtue of the fact the new
Propulsion system does not require a gravity field (such as the
Earth) in order to achieve significant propulsive thrust. In both
cases, by the “simple” expedient of tweaking the rest of the
universe in a clever way, unlimited amounts of energy and thrust may
be obtained.
This combination of an advanced energy and propulsion system, which
would, among other things, enormously simplify space travel to the
planets and beyond, is a direct result of assuming one additional
term (i.e. a Fifth Element) in the equations of classical mechanics
and/or electromagnetics. The Fifth Element depends upon the rate of
change of acceleration in mechanical systems (acceleration of
current in electromagnetic circuitry) as well as a time constant
which is related to the apparent size of the system in question. The
larger the time constant and/or the greater the rate of change of
acceleration -- i.e. the more radical the change of pace -- the
greater the effect.
Simultaneously, the same mathematics which demonstrate the reality
of over-unity energy systems and inertial propulsion systems, also
provide insight into the manner in which all aspects of the universe
are connected, and furthermore, show that there are no upper limits
to the available flow of energy via such connections. The
mathematics are in fact a potentially quantitative restatement of
what many of us have experienced numerous times in our lives.
Such experiences include everything from
consciousness and creativity to spoon bending, homeopathy,
chiropractic and other health practices, to karate, Crop Circles,
and tornadoes -- as well as free energy and advanced propulsion
systems! In fact, all of the above constitutes in part demonstrable
verification of the mathematical theory.
Physical theories are nothing more than succinct mathematical
approximations of reality. These approximations are in turn limited
by the theory’s basic Assumptions (which may be stated or unstated).
Unfortunately, these limiting, fundamental assumptions upon which
much of physics depends are not always inclusive of the diversity of
physical reality. Assumptions are clearly a fundamental aspect of
what physicists like to call “The Laws of Physics”, but all too
often the assumptions are not stated explicitly with the law.
This omission often results in a
misinterpretation of the law, or a faulty assumption as to the
applicability of the law in certain cases. The Laws of
Thermodynamics are a noteworthy case in point, as are the
Assumptions of Classical Mechanics.
In the realm of applicability where Classical Mechanics is still
considered valid (i.e. non-relativistic situations), the premier
example of this branch of physics, Newton’s Laws, are technically
bound by certain assumptions. These include the fact that Newton’s
Laws are only applicable to a mass without dimensions (i.e. a point
mass) and one which is a rigid body. A second, perhaps more
fundamental assumption is that the action-reaction of the Third Law
is simultaneous. As it turns out, none of these assumptions are
valid in many cases, and in general are only approximations --
albeit, some of the approximations can be entirely sufficient for
many practical applications.
The assumption of absolute time (or simultaneity) when the action is
at a distance is the critical factor. In general, the “reaction” of
a body to an externally applied force can not be initiated
simultaneously with the initial application (“action”) of the
external force. This lack of simultaneity is due in part to the
limitations of speed to below that of light (from electromagnetic
theory) and in some cases below that of the speed of sound for
mechanical systems. This profound restriction on Newton’s Laws
brings time into the equation -- for example, a sudden surge (an
“action”) of electrical current along a conductor will also result
in an equal and opposite “reaction” -- but not simultaneously!
Even more noteworthy is the fact that sudden and abrupt physical
acts or intuitive realizations follow the same framework. The point
to be emphasized here is the laws of mechanics are applicable in the
electromagnetic realm and vice versa, and that mechanics,
electromagnetism, other areas of physics, everyday experiences,
creativity, and consciousness are not separate or unrelated, but
wholly interconnected.
Connective Physics
Connective Physics can, in
general, be viewed as an extension of Classical Mechanics and/or
Electromagnetism. The theory is based upon the addition of a single
linear term, or element, to the traditional equations in order to
account for extreme and abrupt (or sudden changes) in the rate of
acceleration in either a particle or charge (or a larger collection
of the same). Classical mechanics and electrodynamics utilize the
same form of differential equations -- a significant factor in the
commonality of the so-called different fields of physics.
The addition of a single linear term was
first introduced by Davis [1, 2, 3], and discussed by Stine [4, 5],
and effectively transformed the relevant equations from second order
differential equations into third order differential equations.
A sampling of these equations are shown in the Mathematical Theory,
along with technical comments on the Conservation of Energy,
Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle and a host of other related
physical theories and experimental realizations. Interpretations of
the theory are discussed here in some detail, but in a
non-mathematical format. In this regard, for an essential
understanding of the theory, it is sufficient to recognize the
nature of what amounts to five entities or elements within those
For example, each of the equations include an element (1) which is
the initiation upon a system of a force (be it mechanical,
electromagnetic, or otherwise -- i.e. an “initiating action”). This
force is fundamentally oscillating or cyclical in nature. In fact,
all dynamic systems in physics and engineering are cyclical in
nature (or can be approximated as such with the proper mathematics).
Fundamentally, the universe is based on Cycles, be they collections
of trigonometric sine waves, or the business and stock market
The equations of classical mechanics and electrodynamics also
involve three other elements, in addition to the first element;
which in mechanics, include: (2) position (and the tendency to
return to that position; as in a pendulum or spring), (3) resistance
to motion (said motion being velocity or speed related), and (4)
mass (or inertia), which is associated with acceleration.
In electrodynamics, specifically electrical circuits, the
corresponding terms are:
(1) electromagnetic force
(2) electrical charge (or
(3) resistance to current
(or resistance to charge in motion)
(4) inductance,
associated with the change in current or the acceleration of
For our purposes, we will view these
first four elements as Force, Capacitance, Resistance, and Inertia
(in their broadest possible sense).
In Connective Physics, a “Fifth Element” is added. If Capacitance,
Resistance, and Inertia are representative of position (of a mass or
electrical charge), change of position, and rate of change of
position, the Fifth Element constitutes the rate of the rate of
change of position (alternatively, the rate of change in
acceleration in a mechanical system). In an electrical circuit, the
Fifth Element is the acceleration of current (where current is in
turn the rate of change of charge with respect to time).
The addition of this Fifth Element is in sharp contrast to the
classical version where the time delay between the initiation of an
action and the occurrence of a resulting reaction has been
implicitly assumed to be zero. This Time Delay is physically
significant in any system where there is a sudden or abrupt action
and/or where the system by its size or nature is slow to react.
For example, if one wants to grab a tiger by the tail without any
subsequent negative effects, this could be easily done if one is
able to accomplish this before the “system”, i.e. the tiger, can
react by keeping his tail out of your reach. Obviously, the “system”
can be viewed as including the tiger’s response after you have a
hold of his tail, i.e. the “larger system of the tiger’s
retribution”. But if one is able, for example, to move faster than
the tiger, even the “larger system” can be exited before a reaction
hits home, so to speak. In effect,
“You can get away with anything
provided you don’t get caught while you’re doing it, and you
leave the system immediately thereafter!” [2]
In the same fashion, unlimited energy
can be obtained from the universe for free provided that the means
of extracting it does so in a manner which precludes having to pay
the price of the reacting forces. The same can be said for intuitive
insights, health treatments which connect with the rest of the
universe, and other experiences. The Fifth Element is thus the
mathematical representation of the results of a sudden impulse -- in
whatever form it manifests -- and the potential ability to avoid, at
least in part, the price to pay for having the impulse imposed in
the first place.
Energy Systems
The theory of the Fifth
Element and its differential equations (as described in the section
on Mathematical Theory) -- along with their five elements -- can be
used to determine the energy flow within a system. When this is
done, we can obtain five expressions for the power or energy flow
(per unit time) -- each expression determined by the nature of the
elements: Force, Capacitance, Resistance, Inertia, and Time Delay
(the latter being the essence of the Fifth Element.)
The first four of these elements yield expressions fully in accord
with mainstream physics. For example, the Capacitance and Inertia
terms, have very similar expressions, and essentially trade energy
with one another. In an electrical circuit, this is the fluctuating
power between the inductive (magnetic) and capacitive (electric)
elements in the circuit.
The Resistance term is also as expected from classical theory, but
is distinct from the Capacitance and Inertia elements by the fact
that the power associated with Resistance is one-directional. Known
in electricity as i2 R heating, the Resistance element always acts
as a load, generating heat and effectively radiating this energy to
the external world. Critically important, the direction of the
energy flow is FROM the circuit TO the outside world, i.e. TO the
rest of the universe. This does not change.
The Time Delay, on the other hand, is something quite phenomenal!
The mathematical form of the Time Delay element is in essence
identical in form to the Resistance element -- except for an all
important change in sign. If we assume the Time Delay factor (and
the inductance or mass) to be positive quantities (which in anything
remotely resembling classical or modern theories is true), then the
Time Delay element implies nothing less than that there is a rate of
energy being supplied TO the circuit FROM the external world!
In physics, there is the potential for “resonance” in any dynamic
system -- be it mechanical or electromagnetic. Resonance events can
occur in virtually any system, and are regularly encountered in
“transient” events (as opposed to “steady state”). Engineers and
scientists have traditionally avoided transient events like the
plague -- inasmuch as these things tend to “blow up” -- and thus
have made it an article of faith among the purveyors of physics and
science’s practical applications to find ways to reach the steady
state condition as rapidly as possible.
The reality, however, is that it’s in
the transient conditions that the action really exists and where
there is the potential for unlimited benefits. It just takes a bit
more care in achieving and handling the results.
Mathematically, resonance occurs when a denominator term anywhere in
the equations goes to a minimum (or zero), thus implying a maximum
(including infinity) for the term as a whole. In the equations of
classical mechanics and electromagnetics, terms within the
denominator can in fact go to zero, but the denominator itself never
goes to zero. This is because of the “Resistance” term, which can
never be zero, and which can not be countered by another term. This
is all in accordance with mainstream physics.
In Connective Physics, however, the Resistance element can be
countered by the Time Delay element (i.e. due to the addition of the
Fifth Element). Thus, under certain circumstances, the entire
denominator in the expression can in fact go to zero, and thus yield
an “infinite” answer. In effect, there is no limit to the response
of the system!
This potential for resonance, when combined with the universal
connectedness of the energy flow (described above), implies that
there is apparently no limit in the rate or amount of energy which
might be supplied by the external world to the system.
In effect, the Time Delay Fifth Element might very well be an
infinitely sized, universal source of energy and power! And similar
to the Resistance term, it is limited strictly to one direction of
energy flow. It’s just that for the Fifth Element the flow is from
the universe to the local system.
Furthermore, the addition of a Time Delay Fifth Element implies that
an electrical circuit (or mechanical system or any other physical
system) is NOT isolated from the rest of the universe, and that the
law of conservation of energy in a closed system is inapplicable in
that the “system” now constitutes the entire universe!
Scientific and Mathematical Connections
In delving into the equations of Connective Physics, numerous
connections become noteworthy. One example is to mathematically
assume a zero Resistance and an unlimited Capacitance. This might be
related to the real, practical world of reducing one’s tendency to
resist outside forces (on the basis of “resistance is the cause of
pain”), and at the same time to assume an unlimited capacitance of
the universe in providing for any and all needs.
While in real physical systems (and
possibly mental and emotional ones as well) there is always some
resistance and a finite capacitance, we can always look at such
small effects as acting as minor corrections, modifications, or
perturbations. Mathematically, we can make the assumption of zero
resistance and infinite capacitance and then consider that this is
the ideal to which we aspire (but do not necessarily ever quite
The assumption of a zero resistance and infinite capacitance leads
quite simply to solutions to the equations which yield as their
roots the numbers 0.618033987... and 1.618033987... i.e. the
Transcendental Numbers associated with the Golden Mean (or Golden
Ratio) of Sacred Geometry. In this manner, quite surprisingly, the
equations of Connective Physics are seen to connect in a
straightforward manner with the elements of geometry on its most
fundamental level.
Sacred Geometry relates in turn to philosophy, nature, the human
body, and what is becoming increasingly appreciated as the most
fundamental aspect of human existence. What was recognized in
ancient times, is undergoing a resurgence of enthusiasm, and in the
process allowing for an understanding of the phrase, “the universe
is geometry.”
In Astronomy, the orbits of all of the planets of our solar system,
for example, are related by sacred geometry. This can be seen in the
Harmony of the Spheres (or graphically in A Book of Coincidence),
where even the sizes of the planets are connected in this manner.
The latter refers specifically to the fact that the ratio of the
orbit and size of Earth to that of Mercury’s size and orbit have the
same Golden Ratio connection. Earth and Saturn’s orbits and sizes
are also both connected by the same geometry.
The appearances of
Crop Circles have also shown a heavy influence on
geometry. But in this case, the apparent construction of anomalous
crop circles (those not obviously made by humans) also appears to
depend upon the sudden bending of stalks without breaking the stems.
Typically, this involves an “explosion” in the nodes of the plant,
such that a ninety degree right angle is “easily” attained without
disturbing the plant’s ability to continue to grow (albeit now
horizontally). This bending without the reaction of breaking is just
one of many manifestations of the Fifth Element.
A basic aspect of Connective Physics is the time delay between
action and reaction. This leads to the idea of an Advanced
Propulsion System which achieves an “action” (a forward thrust)
without requiring an equal reaction in the opposite direction.
Effectively this reduces the need for what is referred to as
“reaction mass” or “propellant.”
In effect, nothing has to be forced in
one direction in order to achieve thrust in the opposite direction.
There is no water for an oar to push against, no air for a propeller
to push against, and no rocket propellant thrown backwards upon
which the rocket ship pushes against. Instead, an advanced
propulsion system uses inertia, and indirectly, inertia’s connection
to the rest of the universe, for its motive force. (The latter
inertial connection is part and parcel of Mach’s Principle.)
Over-Unity Energy Systems are those systems where the efficiency of
a mechanical or electromagnetic device exceeds 100%, i.e. greater
than 1.00. This implies obtaining more energy from a system than is
input to the system in order to cause it to function. Connective
Physics allows for the possibility of such a system, whereby the act
of tweaking the universe in just the right manner provides for
unlimited amounts of energy to be transferred from the universe to
the local system in order to be used in what ever manner seems
appropriate. Numerous Over-Unity, “Free Energy” or “Space Energy”
systems have been suggested, and are discussed separately under
Zero-Point Energy.
Hyperdimensional Physics is the inclusion of additional spatial
dimensions in our current theories of physics -- just as the more
in-fad theories of Superstrings involving anything from 10 to 27
dimensions -- and can be shown to result in the potential of tapping
into the Zero-Point Energy and achieving over-unity energy systems.
Hyperdimensional Physics, in particular,
involves an always changing configuration of the dynamical system,
and while many of the changes in planetary or solar activity may
appear to have very long time periods associated with them, the size
of the systems -- and thus the ability for one system to respond to
another -- are (quite literally) astronomical! (pardon the pun)
Thus, the Fifth Element term, which involves both the quickness of
an action, and the time delay to precipitate a reaction, is likely
to be involved in this branch of physics as well.
Sonoluminesence is an anomaly where air bubbles in water subjected
to sound waves have been found to generate light. The light emission
occurs whenever the air bubbles collapse. Notably, the collapse of
the bubbles involve enormous accelerations and rates of acceleration
It seems highly likely that the
phenomena of sonoluminesence involves the Fifth Element of
Connective Physics and may represent an over-unity energy source. In
other physical experiments involving cavitation (the collapse of
bubbles on propellers or other moving objects in water), over-unity
energy production has been suggested as well, and Connective Physics
tends to also explain these facts.
Experiential Physics
Given the above scientific
and mathematical demonstrations, whereby access to a universal
energy source is both possible and potentially unlimited, we can
also consider if this mathematical theory is supported by
experiential physics -- i.e. the kind of situations any of us might
encounter in the daily course of our lives.
For example:
In the aftermath of the tremendous
winds of a tornado, discoveries of pieces of straw embedded
vertically in plates of steel have been encountered. If one
thinks in terms of the “difficulty” of penetrating a steel plate
with a piece of straw, there would be a tendency to dismiss the
possibility out of hand. But if the straw arrives at the plate
with sufficient speed, and penetrates the steel plate before the
plate can react to the straw (and thus bending or breaking the
straw), then the possibility becomes a distinct possibility.
The solution to the possible enigma
is that the straw “entered the system” and embedded itself
before the “system of the steel plate” could react.
Significantly, the straw undergoes an enormous deceleration -- a
radical change of pace -- and it is this change of pace which
makes the Fifth Element term large in comparison to the other
When one hammers a nail, a curious,
typically unconscious aspect of the act is that after bringing
down the hammer on the nail head, the hand will suddenly and
automatically loosen its grip on the hammer the split second
before the hammer hits the nail. This results in protecting the
hand from the jarring effect of the hammer hitting the nail
(i.e. the reaction -- leaving the system to avoid paying the
price). The alternative is to feel the full impact, a thoroughly
unpleasant effect -- which we’ve learned instinctively to avoid.
The effect is even more noticeable when wielding a sledge
Spoon Bending.
A key element in the rather esoteric
ritual of spoon bending is that the practitioner accomplishes
the actual feat in a very brief time. After massaging the spoon
for some time, the individual will often feel a brief, subtle,
and sudden intuition of “now!”. If the persons reacts
accordingly, the spoon is quite literally formed into a metal
pretzel. If, on the other hand, there is hesitation, the moment
is lost and the spoon keeps its original shape. The key is the
sudden impulse (at just the appropriate moment)... And perhaps
the consciousness of the individual (see below).
Homeopathy and Chiropractic.
In the process of preparing a
homeopathic remedy by repeated dilutions, a common practice is
hitting the resulting vial against one’s palm for a specific
number of times. In effect, the vial is being “hammered” or
“impulsed” in accord with the tenants of Connective Physics, and
thus connecting with the universe at large as part of its
procedures. The same conditions exist in Chiropractic circles,
where the practitioner jerks or provides a sudden impact to the
spine or other body parts in order to correct a misalignment or
unbalance within the body.
Head Banging.
A popular new technique in the
movies is the banging of heads in order to knock one person
unconscious, while the initiator of the action escapes without
so much as a headache. This appears totally nonsensical to the
average scientist (except in Movieland), but in fact is entirely
plausible. If the initiator of the head banging does his deed by
hitting the other person’s head and very quickly retracting his
head, he can avoid the “equal and opposite reaction” of the
other person’s hard skull, and thus accomplish his nefarious
deed without pain. Meanwhile, the other person receives the full
brunt of the banging. Such a process might seem decidedly a
movie gimmick, except for Karate. I.e.
A typical demonstration of Karate is
the use of one’s unprotected fist to break a concrete block. An
essential element of Karate is the use of sudden force which is
very quickly retracted (as distinct from a “follow through” hit
where the fist continues in the direction of the object.) In
effect, the Karate hit enters the system, does the damage, and
then exits before the system can fully react and impart a
reaction hit upon the fist. This not only increases the power of
the hit (doubling the effective impact by doubling the rate of
acceleration of the fist), but saves the fist from whatever
“retribution” the struck object might inflict via an
action-reaction scenario.
Bruce Lee.
Easily the most famous artisan of
the martial arts, Bruce Lee has been known to send opponents
flying fifteen feet with the movement of one of his fists only
moving an inch or two toward the unfortunate recipient of his
supposed wrath, and quickly retracting in order to avoid the
backlash of the action. The mathematics of Connective Physics
seems to explain Bruce Lee’s prowess as well. However, there
might be a bit more to it. For example, his state of mind, i.e.
consciousness, what might be termed the Bruce Lee Effect.
The apparent universal connection of
an individual consciousness to other individual consciousnesses
-- as described countless times outside of this website, as well
as briefly in ESP -- suggests a connection between this
fundamental aspect of human existence with the Fifth Element.
Connective Physics, for examples, implies the absence of closed
systems in the classical sense (except those, possibly, the size
of the universe). In other words, all things are connected,
including thoughts. In addition, individual consciousness can be
described as taking unconnected and chaotic properties and then
correlating them into an ordered structure.
Consciousness is thus anti-entropic
to the extent of the universe being anti-entropic. Both
consciousness and Connective Physics can thus be construed to
have the same universal anti-entropic properties -- i.e. both
allow for an increase in the order of local systems (instead of
the Entropy requirement of a decrease of order in any “closed
We might also note that Arthur Young [6]
refers to what we have termed the Fifth Element (or the mathematical
third differential term) as “control”, and in doing so implies
strongly that consciousness is the fundamental aspect of the
physics’ added term. We would be in strong agreement with Mr. Young.
Conclusion and Applications
Based on the gamut of the mathematical results (most of which are
not shown in detail in this brief treatise, but are included in
Mathematical Theory and More Math), we can summarize the following
postulates regarding a few of the key aspects of any physical or
other action:
1) The universe always
contributes (i.e. is always connected energetically).
2) At steady state conditions, the universe’s
contribution is extremely small (becoming neglectable after
long periods of steady state behavior).
3) Change or transient conditions implies an
increased universal contribution (i.e. when change is
initiated, the universe responds accordingly).
4) The universal contribution is dependent upon the
degree of change initiated -- the greater the change, the
greater the universe’s contribution.
5) The greater the rate of change, the greater the
universe’s contribution.
6) The system Time Delay (which is dependent upon
both the size of the system and the transmitability of
information within the system) determines the amount of
universal contribution.
7) Local energy must be put into the system to
initiate a universal reaction.
Fundamentally, Connective Physics
confirms mathematically that the universe is connected and that
there are no limits.
The degree to which we can actualize access to the unlimited
universal connection is based on sudden realizations, quick
conscious decisions, creative insights, and abrupt “pivots” in our
direction of thinking and/or action. One example might be a
readiness to love at a moment’s notice (and then the willingness to
“let go” even quicker). In general, it’s having a conscious thought,
and then letting it go, knowing it has already manifested (e.g. in
“parking prosperity” -- where one visualizes a convenient parking
space, immediately lets it go, and then easily finds it upon
arriving at their destination).
An easier adherence to Sacred Geometry can also be had through:
1) the elimination or
reduction in resistance and a corresponding sense of
unlimited capacitance
2) going with the natural
flow of the geometry of the situation.
All of this can be thought of as
accentuating the positive (i.e. acknowledging no limits to capacity,
love, or joy), and eliminating the negative (no resistance, going
with the flow, becoming “feather-weights”, and being unbounded by
the flow channels). And with an adherence to Sacred Geometry,
Connective Physics and the essence of Creating Reality, all of the
universe seems to cooperate in an effortless manner.
And from there, it only gets more fascinating. Consider,
for example, one reader’s feedback: The Fifth Element,
"connects the
thought of ’serendipitous happenings’ to universal consciousness
that is very interesting." Maybe.
It also raises questions -- i.e.
Is "the term ’Local Energy’ a person’s expectancy of Good? Change,
in my own present experience, appears to be on the increase and the
concept of change is definitely something to ’deal with’. I must,
and gratefully so, admit that several of the most recent changes
have been remarkable via ’upgrading’.
"Another thought regarding Local
Energy... Is becoming as mentally ’quiet’ as possible regarding
apparent immediate change happenings to be a positive for
focused Local Energy... i.e., a possible energy attraction for
the contributions from the Universe. I am interested in the
manifestations that occasionally appear instantaneously and then
sometimes the manifestations seem to take lengths of time... and
as to the ’why’ in the time frames. I think that Local Energy
applies to something else or beyond ’physical energy doings.’
The physical doings seem to attract frustration, etc., so
something else must be involved to attract positive
intervention/contributions from the Universe." [7]
The student, for his or her own
edification may want to answer these questions. Or better yet, visit
Ming the Mechanic’s ruminations on the physics of reality, and the
possible nature of singularities and additional dimensions. It’s a
fascinating world!
[1] William O. Davis, private
notebook, June 9th, 1961.
[2] William O. Davis, G. Harry Stine, E. L. Victory, and S.
A. Korff, “Some Aspects of Certain Transient Mechanical
Systems”, Presentation to the American Physical Society,
April 23, New York University, 1962.
[3] William O. Davis, “The Fourth Law of Motion”, Analog
Science Fiction/Science Fact Magazine, May, 1962.
[4] G. Harry Stine (Correy, L.), Star Drive, Del Rey, New
York, 1980.
[5] G. Harry Stine, “Detesters, Phasers and Dean Drives”,
Analog Science Fiction/ Science Fact Magazine, June, 1976.
[6] Arthur M. Young, The Geometry of Meaning, Robert Briggs
Associates, 1976.
[7] Lila Hartman, Private Communication, 3/5/04.
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