Manly P. Hall, 33°
Ceremonial Magick and Sorcery
An Holy Excerpt from his Great
Alchymeckal Worke of 1928:
The Secret Teachings of All Ages:
An Encyclopaedic Outline of Masonic,
Hermetic, Qabbalistic and Rosicrucian Symbolical Philosophy
1988 by Manley P. Hall
Herein We
Observe an MJ-12 Mage Vector in an Friendly Space Brother
"The majority of modern mediumistic
apparitions are but elemental creatures masquerading through
bodies composed of thought substance supplied by the very
persons desiring to behold these wraiths of decarnate beings."
" the arcanum of magic it is
declared that 'he controls the soul who controls the blood of
another.' "
CEREMONIAL magic is the ancient art of
invoking and controlling spirits by a scientific application of
certain formulae. A magician, enveloped in sanctified vestments and
carrying a wand inscribed with hieroglyphic figures, could by the
power vested in certain words and symbols control the invisible
inhabitants of the elements and of the astral world. While the
elaborate ceremonial magic of antiquity was not necessarily evil,
there arose from its perversion several false schools of sorcery, or
black magic.
Egypt, a great center of learning and the birthplace of many arts
and sciences, furnished an ideal environment for Transcendental
experimentation. Here the black magicians of Atlantis continued to
exercise their superhuman powers until they had completely
undermined and corrupted the morals of the primitive Mysteries. By
establishing a sacerdotal caste they usurped the position formerly
occupied by the initiates, and seized the reins of spiritual
Thus black magic dictated the state
religion and paralyzed the intellectual and spiritual activities of
the individual by demanding his complete and unhesitating
acquiescence in the dogma formulated by the priestcraft. The Pharaoh
became a puppet in the hands of the Scarlet Council -- a committee
of archsorcerers elevated to power by the priesthood.
These sorcerers then began the systematic destruction of all keys to
the ancient wisdom, so that none might have access to the knowledge
necessary to reach adeptship without first becoming one of their
order. They mutilated the rituals of the Mysteries while professing
to preserve them, so that even though the neophyte passed through
the degrees he could not secure the knowledge to which he was
entitled. Idolatry was introduced by encouraging the worship of the
images which in the beginning the wise had erected solely as symbols
for study and meditation.
False interpretations were given to the
emblems and figures of the Mysteries, and elaborate theologies were
created to confuse the minds of their devotees. The masses, deprived
of their birthright of understanding and groveling in ignorance,
eventually became the abject slaves of the spiritual impostors.
Superstition universally prevailed and the black magicians
completely dominated national affairs, with the result that humanity
still suffers from the sophistries of the priestcrafts of Atlantis
and Egypt.
Fully convinced that their Scriptures sanctioned it, numerous
medieval Qabbalists devoted their lives to the practice of
ceremonial magic. The transcendentalism of the Qabbalists is founded
upon the ancient and magical formula of King Solomon, who has long
been considered by the Jews as the prince of ceremonial magicians.
Among the Qabbalists of the Middle Ages were a great number of black
magicians who strayed from the noble concepts of the Sepher Yetzirah
and became enmeshed in demonism and witchcraft. They sought to
substitute magic mirrors, consecrated daggers, and circles spread
around posts of coffin nails, for the living of that virtuous life
which, without the assistance of complicated rituals or submundane
creatures, unfailingly brings man to the state of true individual
Those who sought to control elemental spirits through ceremonial
magic did so largely with the hope of securing from the invisible
worlds either rare knowledge or supernatural power. The little red
daemon of Napolean Bonaparte and the infamous oracular heads of de
Medici are examples of the disastrous results of permitting
elemental beings to dictate the course of human procedure.
While the learned and godlike daemon of Socrates seems to have been
an exception, this really proves that the intellectual and moral
status of the magician has much to do with the type of elemental he
is capable of invoking. But even the daemon of Socrates deserted the
philosopher when the sentence of death was passed.
Transcendentalism and all forms of phenomenalistic magic are but
blind alleys -- outgrowths of Atlantean sorcery; and those who
forsake the straight path of philosophy to wander therein almost
invariably fall victims to their imprudence. Man, incapable of
controlling his own appetites, is not equal to the task of governing
the fiery and tempestuous elemental spirits.
Many a magician has lost his life as the result of opening a way
whereby submundane creatures could become active participants in his
affairs. When Eliphas Levi invoked the spirit of Apollonius of Tyana,
what did he hope to accomplish? Is the gratification of curiosity a
motive sufficient to warrant the devotion of an entire lifetime to a
dangerous and unprofitable pursuit? If the living Apollonius refused
to divulge his secrets to the profane, is there any probability that
after death he would disclose them to the curious-minded?
Levi himself did not dare to assert that
the specter which appeared to him was actually the great
philosopher, for Levi realized only too well the proclivity of
elementals to impersonate those who have passed on. The majority of
modern mediumistic apparitions are but elemental creatures
masquerading through bodies composed of thought substance supplied
by the very persons desiring to behold these wraiths of decarnate
Theory and Practice of Black Magic

Baphomet: The
Goat of Mendes
The practice of magick - either white or black -
depends upon the ability of the adept to control
the universal life force - that which Eliphas Levi
calls the great magical agent or astral light.
By the manipulation of this fluidic essence, the
phenomena of transcendentalism are produced.
The famous hermaphroditic Goat of Mendes was
a composite creature formulated to symbolize
this astral light. It is identical with Baphomet,
the mystic pantheos of those disciples of
ceremonial magic, the Templars, who probably
obtained it from the Arabians. |
Some understanding of the intricate
theory and practice of ceremonial magic may be derived from a brief
consideration of its underlying premises.
First. The visible universe
has an invisible counterpart, the higher planes of which are
peopled by good and beautiful spirits; the lower planes, dark
and foreboding, are the habitation of evil spirits and demons
under the leadership of the Fallen Angel and his ten Princes.
Second. By means of the secret processes of ceremonial
magic it is possible to contact these invisible creatures and
gain their help in some human undertaking. Good spirits
willingly lend their assistance to any worthy enterprise, but
the evil spirits serve only those who live to pervert and
Third. It is possible to make contracts with spirits
whereby the magician becomes for a stipulated time the master of
an elemental being.
Fourth. True black magic is performed with the aid of a
demoniacal spirit, who serves the sorcerer for the length of his
earthly life, with the understanding that after death the
magician shall become the servant of his own demon. For this
reason a black magician will go to inconceivable ends to prolong
his physical life, since there is nothing for him beyond the
The most dangerous form of black magic
is the scientific perversion of occult power for the gratification
of personal desire. Its less complex and more universal form is
human selfishness, for selfishness is the fundamental cause of all
worldly evil. A man will barter his eternal soul for temporal power,
and down through the ages a mysterious process has been evolved
which actually enables him to make this exchange.
In its various
branches the black art includes nearly all forms of ceremonial
magic, necromancy, witchcraft, sorcery, and vampirism. Under the
same general heading are also included mesmerism and hypnotism,
except when used solely for medical purposes, and even then there is
an element of risk for all concerned.
Though the demonism of the Middle Ages seems to have disappeared,
there is abundant evidence that in many forms of modern thought --
especially the so-called "prosperity" philosophy, "will-power
building" metaphysics, and systems of "high-pressure" salesmanship
-- black magic has merely passed through a metamorphosis, and
although its name be changed its nature remains the same.
A well-known magician of the Middle Ages was Dr. Johannes Faustus,
more commonly known as Dr. Faust. By a study of magical writings he
was enabled to bind to his service an elemental who served him for
many years in various capacities. Strange legends are told
concerning the magical powers possessed by Dr. Faust. Upon one
occasion the philosopher, being apparently in a playful mood, threw
his mantle over a number of eggs in a market-woman's basket, causing
them to hatch instantly. At another time, having fallen overboard
from a small boat, he was picked up and returned to the craft with
his clothes still dry.
But, like nearly all other magicians,
Dr. Faust came at length to disaster; he was found one morning with a
knife in his back, and it was commonly believed that his familiar
spirit had murdered him. Although Goethe's Dr. Faust is generally
regarded as merely a fictional character, this old magician actually
lived during the sixteenth century. Dr. Faust wrote a book
describing his experiences with spirits, a section of which is
reprinted below. (Dr. Faust must not be confused with Johann Fust,
the printer.)
"While the black magician at the
time of signing his pact with the elemental demon may be fully
convinced that he is strong enough to control indefinitely the
powers placed at his disposal, he is speedily undeceived. Before
many years elapse he must turn all his energies to the problem
of self-preservation. A world of horrors to which he has attuned
himself by his own covetousness looms nearer every day, until he
exists upon the edge of a seething maelstrom, expecting
momentarily to to be sucked down into its turbid depths.
to die -- because he will become the servant of his own demon --
the magician commits crime after crime to prolong his wretched
earthly existence. Realizing that life is maintained by the aid
of a mysterious universal life force which is the common
property of all creatures, the black magician often becomes an
occult vampire, stealing this energy from others. According to
mediaeval superstition, black magicians turned themselves into
werewolves and roamed the earth at night, attacking defenseless
victims for the life force contained in their blood."
Extract From
the Book of Dr. Faust, Wittenberg, 1524
(An abridged
translation from the original German of a book ordered destroyed.)
"From my youth I followed art and
science and was tireless in my reading of books. Among those
which came to my hand was a volume containing all kinds of
invocations and magical formulae. In this book I discovered
information to the effect that a spirit, whether he be of the
fire, the water, the earth or the air, can be compelled to do
the will of a magician capable of controlling him. I also
discovered that according as one spirit has more power than
another, each is adapted for a different operation and each is
capable of producing certain supernatural effects.
"After reading this wonderful book, I made several experiments,
desiring to test the accuracy of the statements made therein. At
first I had little faith that what was promised would take
place. But at the very first invocation which I attempted a
mighty spirit manifested to me, desiring to know why I had
manifested him. His coming so amazed me that I scarcely knew
what to say, but finally asked him if he would serve me in my
magical investigations. He replied that if certain conditions
were agreed upon he would. The conditions were that I should
make a pact with him. This I did not desire to do, but as in my
ignorance I had not protected myself with a circle and was
actually at the mercy of the spirit, I did not dare to refuse
his request and resigned myself to the inevitable, considering
it wisest to to turn my mantle according to the wind.
"I then told him that if he would be serviceable to my desires
and requests and needs for a certain length of time, I would
sign myself over to him. After the pact had been arranged, this
mighty spirit, whose name was Ashteroth, ["Ashtar" -B:.B:.]
introduced me to another spirit by the name of Marbuel, who was
appointed to be my servant. I questioned Marbuel as to his
suitability for my needs. I asked him how quick he was, and he
answered, 'As swift as the winds.' This did not satisfy me, so I
replied, 'You cannot become my servant. Go again whence you have
come.' Soon another spirit manifested itself, whose name was
Upon asking him the same question,
he answered that he was swift as a bird in the air. I said, 'You
are still too slow for me. Go whence you came.' In the same
moment another spirit by the name of Aciel manifested himself.
For the third time I asked my question and he answered, 'I am as
swift as human thought.' 'You shall serve me,' I replied. This
spirit was faithful for a long time, but to tell you how he
served me is not possible in a document of this length and I
will here only indicate how spirits are to be invoked and how
the circles for protection are to be prepared. There are many
kinds of spirits which will permit themselves to be invoked by
man and become his servant.
Of these I will list a few:
"Aciel: The mightiest
among those who serve men. He manifests in pleasing human
form about three feet high. He must be invoked three times
before he will come forth into the circle prepared for him.
He will furnish riches and will instantly fetch things from
a great distance, according to the will of the magician. He
is as swift as human thought.
"Aniguel: Serviceable and most useful, and comes in
the form of a ten-year-old boy. He must be invoked three
times. His special power is to discover treasures and
minerals hidden in the ground, which he will furnish to the
"Marbuel: A true lord of the mountains and swift as a
bird on the wing. He is an opposing and troublesome spirit,
hard to control. You must invoke him four times. He appears
in the person of Mars [a warrior in heavy armor]. He will
furnish the magician those things which grow above and under
the earth. He is particularly the lord of the spring-root.
[The spring-root is a mysterious herb, possibly of a reddish
color, which mediaeval magicians asserted had the property
of drawing forth or opening anything it touched. If placed
against a locked door, it would open the door. The Hermetists believed that the
red-capped woodpecker was specially endowed with the faculty
of discovering spring-root, so they followed this bird to
its nest, and then stopped up the hole in the tree where its
young were. The red-crested woodpecker went at once in quest
of the spring- root, and, discovering it, brought it to the
tree. It immediately drew forth the stopper from the
entrance to the nest. The magician then secured the root
from the bird. It was also asserted that because of its
structure, the etheric body of the spring-root was utilized
as a vehicle of expression by certain elemental spirits
which manifested through the proclivity of drawing out or
opening things.]
"Aciebel: A mighty ruler of the sea, controlling
things both upon and under the water. He furnishes things
lost or sunk in rivers, lakes, and oceans, such as sunken
ships and treasures. The more sharply you invoke him, the
swifter he is upon his errands.
"Machiel: Comes in the form of a beautiful maiden and
by her aid the magician is raised to honor and dignity. She
makes those she serves worthy and noble, gracious and
kindly, and assists in all matters of litigation and
justice. She will not come unless invoked twice.
"Baruel: The master of all arts. He manifests as a
master workman and comes wearing an apron. He can teach a
magician more in a moment than all the master workmen of the
world combined could accomplish in twenty years. He must be
invoked three times.
"These are the spirits most
serviceable to man, but there are numerous others which, for
lack of space, I am unable to describe. Now, if you desire the
aid of the spirit to get this or that, then you must first draw
the sign of the spirit whom you desire to invoke. The drawing
must be made just in front of a circle made before sunrise, in
which you and your assistants will stand. If you desire
financial assistance, then you must invoke the spirit Aciel.
Draw his sign in front of the circle. If you need other things,
then draw the sign of the spirit capable of furnishing them. On
the place where you intend to make the circle, you must first
draw a great cross with a large sword with which no one has ever
been hurt. Then you must make three concentric circles. The
innermost circle is made of a long narrow strip of virgin
parchment and must be hung upon twelve crosses made of the wood
of cross-thorn. Upon the parchment you must write the names and
symbols according to the figure which follows. Outside this first circle make the second as
"First secure a thread of red silk that has been spun or twisted
to the left instead of the right. Then place in the ground
twelve crosses made of laurel leaves, and also prepare a long
strip of new white paper. Write with an unused pen the
characters and symbols as seen on the second circle. Wind this
latter strip of paper around with the red silken thread and pin
them upon the twelve crosses of laurel leaves. Outside this
second circle make a third one which is also of virgin parchment
and pinned upon twelve crosses of consecrated palm. When you
have made these three circles, retire into them until at last
you stand in the center upon a pentagram drawn in the midst of
the great cross first drawn. Now, to insure success, do
everything according to the description, and when you have read
off the sacred invocation pronounce the name of the spirit which
you desire to appear. It is essential that you pronounce the
name very distinctly. You must also note the day and the hour,
for each spirit can only be invoked at certain times."
While the black magician at the time of
signing his pact with the elemental demon may be fully convinced
that he is strong enough to control indefinitely the powers placed
at his disposal, he is speedily undeceived. Before many years elapse
he must turn all his energies to the problem of self-preservation. A
world of horrors to which he has attuned himself by his own
covetousness looms nearer every day, until he exists upon the edge
of a seething maelstrom, expecting momentarily to to be sucked down
into its turbid depths.
Afraid to die -- because he will become the
servant of his own demon -- the magician commits crime after crime
to prolong his wretched earthly existence. Realizing that life is
maintained by the aid of a mysterious universal life force which is
the common property of all creatures, the black magician often
becomes an occult vampire, stealing this energy from others.
According to mediaeval superstition, black magicians turned
themselves into werewolves and roamed the earth at night, attacking
defenseless victims for the life force contained in their blood.
Form of
pact with the spirit of Jupiter:
From The Complete Book of Magic
Science (unpublished)
"The aforesaid Bond of Spirits,
together with the seal and character of the planetary angel,
must be written on virgin parchment and laid before the spirit
(for signature) when he appears; at that time the invocant must
not lose confidence but be patient, firm, bold, and persevering,
and take care that he asks nor requires nothing of the spirit
but with a view to the glory of God and the well-being of His
fellow creatures. Having obtained the desires of the spirit, the invocant may license him to depart."
"Form of Bond of Spirits Given in
"I, Pabiel, ministering Spirit and messenger of the presiding
and ruling Spirit of Jupiter, appointed thereunto by the Creator
of all things visible and invisible, do swear, promise, and
plight my faith and troth unto thee in the presence and before
the great [Heb.] Yod Heh Vau Heh and the whole company and host
of Heaven, and by all the Holy Names of God do swear and bind
myself unto thee by all the contents of God's Sacred Writ, by
the Incarnation, Death, and Passion, by the Resurrection and
glorious Ascension of JC, by all the holy Sacraments, by the
Mercy of God, by the Glory of Joys of Heaven, by the forgiveness
of sin and hope of eternal salvation, by the Great Day of Doom,
by all Angels, Archangels, Seraphim, Cherubim, Dominations,
Thrones, Principalities, Powers and Virtues, above rehearsed,
and by whatsoever else is holy or binding, do I swear, promise,
and vow unto thee that I will appear, come, and haste unto thee
and at all times and places and in all hours, days, and minutes,
from this time forward unto thy life's end wheresoever thou
shalt call me by my name or by my office, and I will come unto
thee in what form thou shalt desire, either visibly or
invisibly, and will answer all thy desires and give testimony
thereof and let all the powers of Heaven witness it.
"I have hereunto subscribed my hand and confirm my seal and
character unto thee. Amen."
Operandi for the Invocation of Spirits
The following condensed extract from an ancient manuscript is
reproduced herewith as representative of the ritualism of
ceremonial magic. The extract is from The Complete Book of Magic
Science, an unpublished manuscript (original in the British Museum),
with pentacles in colors, mentioned by Francis Barrett in his
"Opening Prayer
"Omnipotent and Eternal God who hath ordained the whole creation
for thy praise and glory and for the salvation of man, I
earnestly beseech thee that thou wouldst send one of thy spirits
of the order of Jupiter, one of the messengers of Zadkiel whom
thou hast appointed governor of thy firmament at the present
time, most faithfully, willingly, and readily to show me these
things which I shall ask, command or require of him, and truly
execute my desires. Nevertheless, O Most Holy God, thy will and
not mine be done through JC, thine only begotten Son our Lord.
"The Invocation.
[The magician, having properly consecrated his vestments and
utensils and being protected by his circle, now calls upon the
spirits to appear and accede to his demands. ]
"Spirits, whose assistance I require, behold the sign and the
very Hallowed Names of God full of power. Obey the power of this
our pentacle; go out your hidden caves and dark places; cease
your hurtful occupations to those unhappy mortals whom without
ceasing you torment; come into this place where the Divine
Goodness has assembled us; be attentive to our orders and known
to our just demands; believe not that your resistance will cause
us to abandon our operations. Nothing can dispense with your
obeying us. We command you by the Mysterious Names Elohe Agla
Elohim Adonay Gibort. Amen.
"I call upon thee, Zadkiel, in the Name of the Father, and of
the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, blessed Trinity, unspeakable
"I invoke and intreat thee, Zadkiel, in this hour to attend to
the words and conjurations which I shall use this day by the
Holy Names of God Elohe El Elohim Elion Zebaoth Escerehie lah
Adonay Tetragrammaton.
"I conjure thee, I exorcise thee, thou Spirit Zadkiel, by these
Holy Names Hagios O Theos Iscyros Athanatos Paracletus Agla on
Alpha et Omega loth Aglanbroth Abiel Anathiel Tetragrammaton:
And by all other great and glorious, holy and unspeakable,
mysterious, mighty, powerful, incomprehensible Names of God,
that you attend unto the words of my mouth, and send unto me
Pabiel or other of your ministering, serving Spirits, who may
show me such things as I shall demand of him in the Name of the
Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.
"I intreat thee, Pabiel, by the whole Spirit of Heaven,
Seraphim, Cherubim, Thrones, Dominations,Witnesses, Powers,
Principalities, Archangels, and Angels, by the holy, great, and
glorious Angel Orphaniel Tetra-Dagiel Salamla Acimoy pastor poti,
that thou come forthwith, readily show thyself that we may see
you and audibly hear you, speak unto us and fulfil our desires,
and by your star which is Jupiter, and by all the constellations
of Heaven, and by whatsoever you obey, and by your character
which you have given, proposed, and confirmed, that you attend
unto me according to the prayer and petitions which I have made
unto Almighty God, and that you forthwith send me one of your
ministering Spirits, who may willingly, truly, and faithfully
fulfil all my desires, and that you command him to appear unto
me in the form of a beautiful Angel, gently, courteously,
affably, and meekly, entering into communication with me, and
that he neither permitting any evil Spirit to approach in any
sort of hurt, terrify or affright me in any way nor deceiving me
in any wise. Through the virtue of Our Lord JC, in whose Name I
attend, wait for, and expect thy appearance. Fiat, fiat, fiat.
Amen, Amen, Amen.
[Having summoned the spirit unto his presence, the magician
shall question him as follows:]
"'Comest thou in peace in theName of the Father and of the Son
and of the Holy Ghost?' [And the spirit shall answer:] 'Yes.'
"'Thou art welcome, noble Spirit. What is thy Name?' [And the
spirit shall answer:] 'Pabiel.'
"'I have called thee in the Name of Jesus of Nazareth at whose
Name every knee doth bow in heaven, earth, and hell, and every
tongue shall confess there is no name like unto the Name of
Jesus, who hath given power unto man to bind and to loose all
things in his most Holy Name, yea even unto those that trust in
his salvation.
"'Art thou the messenger of Zadkiel?' [And the spirit shall
answer:] 'Yes. '
"'Wilt thou confirm thyself unto me at this time and henceforth
reveal all things unto me that I shall desire to know, and teach
me how I may increase in wisdom and knowledge and show unto me
all the secrets of the Magic Art, and of all liberal sciences,
that I may thereby set forth the glory of Almighty God?' [And
the spirit shall answer:] 'Yes.'
"'Then I pray thee give and confirm thy character unto me
whereby I may call thee at all times, and also swear unto me
this oath and I will religiously keep my vow and covenant unto
Almighty God and will courteously receive thee at all times
where thou dost appear unto me.'
"License to Depart.
"'Forasmuch as thou comest in peace and quietness and hath
answered unto my petitions, I give humble and hearty thanks unto
Almighty God in whose Name I called and thou camest, and now
thou mayest depart in peace unto thine orders and return unto me
again at what time soever I shall call thee by thine oath, or by
thy name or by thine order, or by thine office which is granted
thee from the creator, and the power of God be with me and thee
and upon the whole issue of God, Amen.
"'Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy
"It would be advisable for the invocant to remain in the
circle for a few minutes after reciting the license, and if the
place of operation be in the open air, let him destroy all
traces of the circle, et cetera, and return quietly to his home.
But should the operation be performed in a retired part of a
house, et cetera, the circle may remain, as it might serve in a
like future operation, but the room or building must be locked
up to avoid the intrusion of strangers."
The agreement set forth above is purely
ceremonial magic. In the case of black magic, it is the magician and
not the demon who must sign the pact. When the black magician binds
an elemental to his service, a battle of wits ensues, which the
demon eventually wins. With his own blood the magician signs the
pact between himself and the demon, for in the arcanum of magic it
is declared that "he controls the soul who controls the blood of
another." As long as the magician does not fail, the elemental will
fulfill to the letter his obligation under the pact, but the demon
will try in every possible way to prevent the magician from carrying
out his part of the contract.
When the conjurer, ensconced within his circle, has evoked the
spirit he desires to control and has made known his intention, the
spirit will answer somewhat as follows:
"I cannot accede to your request nor
fulfill it, unless after fifty years you give yourself to me,
body and soul, to do with as I may please."
If the magician refuses, other terms will
be discussed. The spirit may say:
"I will remain in your service as
long as on every Friday morning you will go forth upon the
public street giving alms in the name of Lucifer. The first time
you fail in this you belong to me."
If the magician still refuses, realizing
that the demon will make it impossible for him to fulfill his
contract, other terms will be discussed, until at last a pact is
agreed upon. It may read as follows: "I hereby promise the Great
Spirit Lucifuge, Prince of Demons, that each year I will bring unto
him a human soul to do with as it may please him, and in return
Lucifuge promises to bestow upon me the treasures of the earth and
fulfill my every desire for the length of my natural life. If I fail
to bring him each year the offering specified above, then my own
soul shall be forfeit to him. Signed..............[Invocant signs
pact with his own blood.]
The Pentagram
In symbolism, an inverted figure always signifies a perverted power.
The average person does nor even suspect the occult properties of
emblematic pentacles. On this subject the great Paracelsus has
"No doubt many will scoff at the
seals, their characters and their uses, which are described in
these books, because it seems incredible to them that metals and
char- acters which are dead should have any power and effect.
Yet no one has ever proved that the metals and also the
characters as we know them are dead, for the salts, sulphur, and
quintessences of metals are the highest preservatives of human
life and are far superior to all other simples." (Translated
from the original German.)
The black magician cannot use the
symbols of white magic without bringing down upon himself the forces
of white magic, which would be fatal to his schemes. He must
therefore distort the histograms so that they typify the occult fact
that he himself is distorting the principles for which the symbols
stand. Black magic is not a fundamental art; it is the misuse of an
art. Therefore it has no symbols of its own, It merely takes the
emblematic figures of white magic, and by inverting and reversing
them signifies that it is left-handed.
A good instance of this practice is found in the pentagram, or
five-pointed star, made of five connected lines. This figure is the
time-honored symbol of the magical arts, and signifies the five
properties of the Great Magical Agent, the five senses of man, the
five elements of nature, the five extremities of the human body. By
means of the pentagram within his own soul, man not only may master
and govern all creatures inferior to himself, but may demand
consideration at the hands of those superior to himself.
The pentagram is used extensively in black magic, but when so used
its form always differs in one of three ways: The star may be broken
at one point by not permitting the converging lines to touch; it may
be inverted by having one point down and two up; or it may be
distorted by having the points of varying lengths. When used in
black magic, the pentagram is called the "sign of the cloven hoof,"
or the footprint of the Devil. The star with two points upward is
also called the "Goat of Mendes," because the inverted star is the
same shape as a goat's head. When the upright star turns and the
upper point falls to the bottom, it signifies the fall of the
Morning Star.
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