In order for the harmonic / geometric theory of the energy "densities" in
the universe to stand on its own, we need some form of physical evidence
that we can see and measure. Cathie satisfies this point by demonstrating to
us that the spherical Grid has a cube and octahedron shape
inside of it. As
we saw in previous chapters, Richard Hoagland and his team mathematically
decoded the Barbury Castle 1991 pictogram. This pictogram, The Mother of All
Crop Circles, showed a tetrahedron inside of a sphere.
Much in the same way that Cathie would measure a cube and octahedron in the
earth, Hoagland’s work shows energy upwellings as a tetrahedron. It is
humorous at this point to notice that Cathie strictly adheres to his
cube/octahedron model, and Hoagland strictly adheres to his
model, but both of these shapes exist together with the rest of the Octave.
Since the tetrahedron is the next density above our own, its shape should
also be among the strongest in its energetic effects, leading to the most
obvious physical observations. Hoagland’s team has studied these tetrahedral
energies exclusively, measuring the tetrahedron inside the sphere with great
precision in order to locate where the greatest stresses should emerge. In
short, Hoagland showed us that the bottom points of the tetrahedron emerge
at 19.5 degrees above or below the equator of the planet or sphere,
depending on where you put the “top” of the figure.

Hoagland then takes
tetrahedral measurements, including this 19.5-degree
energy point, and demonstrates their presence on nearly every body in the
Solar System. On the Sun, for example, the sunspots never drift beyond about
19.5 degrees North or South. More recently, Hoagland showed us where the top
of the tetrahedron would be, publishing the results of a satellite survey of
the Sun that indicated a perfectly round ring of energy surrounding the
north magnetic pole. Going further out, great energy upwellings can be seen
in a pair of volcanoes on Venus, also at 19.5 degrees. On
Mars, we get
Olympus Mons, a shield volcano that is three times the size of Mount
Everest, also at 19.5.
On Earth, Hoagland indicates Hawaii, but we will show that there is another
placement for the tetrahedron here that is even better. As we move out to
gas planets, the energetic effects are seen more in spiraling form, and less
as crustal disturbances or volcanoes. Indeed, many people unfamiliar with
Hoagland’s work will be surprised to discover that the Great Red Spot of
Jupiter is also at 19.5 degrees below the equator. This massive spiraling
vortex is a storm that seems to perpetually occur, and it is large enough to
maintain two Earths within it. This shows us much more clearly what the grid
points of the tetrahedron look like when causing a physical effect on gas.
Moving out to the next big gas planet, Saturn, there are dark bands of
clouds located at 19.5 degrees North and South of its equator. Obviously,
these demonstrate the interlocking tetrahedron, or the fact that you have to
include two tetrahedra back to back to fully represent the energy. Also, Saturn has a mysterious circular formation over its North Pole that neatly
assembles into a pentagonal star shape within it, with a thin hexagonal
cloud also inside of it. This helps to show us in gas form where the
crystalline energies are first entering the planet.

(above image: Look especially at the bottom right picture frame to see the five-pointed
star. The hexagonal cloud is not made of dark lines like the star - it is
visible at a distance halfway between the edge of the circle and the center
of the circle, perfectly circumscribed. Hoagland reprinted this in Monuments
of Mars, and it was originally published in 1988 by D.A. Godfrey from a
series of computer-rectified, oblique Voyager images of the polar regions of
Saturn. The title of the work it came from is "A Hexagonal Feature around
Saturn’s North Pole.")

Neptune Great Dark Spot
Neptune shows us both a
Great Dark Spot at 19.5
degrees such as Jupiter, as well as a cloud band such as
Saturn. The most
recent pictures of Neptune, in a special edition of Scientific American in
March of 1998, show clearly how a thin band of white clouds continually
surrounds the entire circumference of Neptune at the same latitude as the
Great Dark Spot. |

Great Red Spot of Jupiter |

Cloud Bands Saturn
No explanation or guess
is ventured for why this would be. Uranus has not been adequately photographed to determine if a similar spot
exists there, but given the evidence in all other gas planets, it appears to
be nearly certain that a similar one will be found.
The implications of all of this are very significant. We have taken great
pains to demonstrate how these simple geometric shapes make up the smallest
“units” of pulsating energy within
the Creation, and we are now seeing them
emerge as stress points of circulating energy on much larger spheres, those
of our planets. So far, denouncers of Hoagland have been loath to provide
alternative hypotheses for why these energy upwellings would show up on
these other planets.
Should Hoagland be “proven” correct, it would invariably lend credibility to
his other work with Mars. As we had said, Hoagland showed repeated examples
of the 19.5-degree angle and e/pi ratio in the relationships between objects
in the Cydonia region of Mars, where all of the anomalies such as the
pyramids and Face are located. These have also been demonstrated in crop
circles, as we have already shown in previous chapters.

Returning to our study of the dynamics of the
tetrahedron in the sphere, the Cydonia complex is almost exactly 120 degrees, or one third, of the way
across Mars from where the giant Olympus Mons volcano is. As anyone can see,
120 is exactly one third of 360. Thus, we can see that the distance between
two tetrahedral points on a globe should be 120 degrees, as the
would divide the globe into three equal parts.
The question then becomes, why would anyone want to build Cydonia, a complex
of pyramids, in that spot? We must assume that they were somehow harnessing
energy that the tetrahedron was emitting. However, Cydonia
is well above the
19.5-degree point. [Although Hoagland’s team points out that the latitude at
the top of the D&M Pyramid is exactly 40.87 degrees, which is precisely the
arctangent of e/pi, or 0.865.]
Here is one possible answer. Even though the Cydonia complex is not built
upon the upwelling itself, there may be a sort of energy longitude line that
extends directly upwards and downwards, crossing the point of the
tetrahedron. If this were true, we should expect that the tetrahedron would
create vertical bands of usable energy that would all be separated from each
other by 120 degrees, and would run north to south. The arctangent of e/pi
might well be another focus point or energy node that was very useful at the
time of Cydonia’s "construction."
This same phenomenon appears on the Earth. This can be seen in the work of
Carl Munck, our global grid researcher who discovered a system of
coordinates that includes nearly every sacred site on earth. In his book,
The Code 1997, he shows how all of the Egyptian pyramids can be lined up
into a very narrow strip that runs straight north and south.

The first thing that we should see in the
above image is how closely the Nile
River follows along with the grid line. This follows along quite well with
our idea that the grid lines carry flowing currents of energy. These same
currents cause spiraling vortices to be formed in the gas planets, such as
the Great Red Spot of Jupiter. Furthermore, if we draw a “node point”
similar to the circles on the edges of the tetrahedron in the Barbury Castle
crop circle, it precisely describes the boundary of the Nile River
delta to
the ocean.
Since Gizeh is at exactly 30 degrees North latitude, we will soon see that
this becomes the node point of the intersection of two other Platonic
solids. From the effect of this point on the Egyptian coast, it appears that
the strength of these forces not only cause volcanoes, but they actually
shape and mold the land around themselves.
Munck then shows us that if you go exactly one third of the way around the
Earth, you come to Mesoamerica, home of the Aztecs and Maya. A literally
identical grid band shows up exactly where we would expect it to be – 120
degrees from Gizeh, as we see in the image on this page. Clearly the entire
pyramid complex of
Tikal conforms to the north-south grid line
configuration. If you extend the line further north, it also encompasses an
obscure pyramid and related artifacts that were found submerged under
Lake in Wisconsin. Munck goes into much greater detail about the
significance of these artifacts than we will here. Later we will see how
these shapes precisely define where they are on the Grid through their
measurements. The reader is encouraged to purchase Munck’s material for
further information.

So, if a grid band represents a stress point in the energy that is creating
every molecule on the Earth moment by moment, then we should expect that an
area of higher stress would mold the shape of the land around it. If you
look closely at the Yucatan area of Mesoamerica where the line rises, you
see that the entire peninsula behaves as though a force of some kind had
called it into alignment with the grid band itself. It neatly follows it
between the lines and cleaves off in an almost horizontal straight line.
This is more evidence of the force that the harmonic energy of the grid band
really has. The main grid line passing through Gizeh also obviously has
similar power, as it might be responsible for centering the entire landmass
of Africa. After all, the longitude line passing through Gizeh has the
largest amount of land touching it at any point on Earth.
The main point that we want to show here is that the Rock Lake area appears
to be harnessing energy. As Munck writes,
…it is common knowledge around
Rock Lake that people see things that aren’t
really there, like great rocks floating on top of the lake, only to vanish a
few hours later. Ice fishermen trying to start their chainsaws out on the
ice can’t get them to run. Once back on the shore they run fine, but
returning to the ice, they again refuse to start. Scuba divers, trying to
film the submerged pyramids, can’t get their cameras to work near the
pyramids. Back ashore, they work fine. Other scuba divers, as they prepare
to enter the lake, are suddenly filled with a sense of dread.
So, just from Munck’s brief description, we can see that there is apparently
an energetic disturbance going on in this area that is strong enough to
cause both mechanical failure as well as effects related to consciousness.
As our idea here is that these areas represent stress points of
higher-dimensional, intelligent energy, both theories would fit. The higher
frequencies of energy would render such things as spark plugs for chainsaws
and batteries for electronic cameras inoperable, as it would actually change
the vibratory rate of electromagnetic frequencies in that area, thus making
them incompatible with ordinary devices. This is a literally identical
result to the observations that have been made when a UFO closely approaches
an area; all mechanical / electrical items stop functioning. So, the same
higher energy forces that the UFO is capable of harnessing will also arise
from the Earth more powerfully in certain locations.
These frequencies would also be occurring on the consciousness level, thus
possibly causing hallucinations and emotional reactions. A similar reaction
seems to occur in the presence of UFOs, leading people to have "screen
visions" and anxiety, as well as euphoria and the sense that "all time had
stopped" or become silent. It appears that the builders of the Rock Lake
artifacts were harnessing usable energy, and modern people have yet to be
able to put it to good use for feats of consciousness.
So just to better orient ourselves, let us look at what we have so far in
terms of our grid bands. The following map from Munck’s book will help us to
see clearly where everything is. We will also introduce the tetrahedron into
the diagram in order to help visualize its proper placement.

Now we know that Rock Lake has demonstrated anomalies. But what about
Tikal? Carl Munck discusses the
main pyramid at Tikal, which is at the lower
portion of the American grid line at the Yucatan, indicating that it is
unique in several ways. First, its depth shows an exact harmonic of the
equatorial circumference of the Earth in feet - 24.9015, which is a harmonic
of 24,901.5 statute miles. He goes on to show how the Tikal pyramid encodes
the exact measurement for the surface area of a sphere, which will always be
41252.96127 square degrees. When we multiply this sphere number by three,
representing the three staircases on the pyramid, one discovers the
pyramid’s exact longitudinal coordinates on the Grid! This looks very
curious, as we are taking a number representing a sphere and using it in a
set of three. This is just like our tetrahedron dividing the spherical Earth
into thirds.
A good introduction to Carl Munck’s work can be found at
www.lauralee.com/munck.htm , in his Code books or videotapes and in any of
the Laura Lee Show broadcasts where he has appeared as a guest host. Further
independent research can be found from Joe Mason et al.’s study group known
as "The Code Gang" at
www.greatdreams.com/gem1.htm , and they also appeared
on the Laura Lee Show. From all of these sources, what we basically learn is
that Munck has single-handedly derived a complex system of mathematics that
shows a worldwide grid system in use. But this is not like any other grid
system we have been dealing with!
It is interesting to point out that Munck was initially inspired by the work
of Edgar Cayce. In one of the Cayce Readings, a questioner asked if we would
ever be able to understand the pyramids. The remarkable reply was that we
would first have to understand the "mathematical precisions of the Earth."
And, as Munck puts it, "To me, that says two things very loudly: Math and
maps." From this interesting point of departure, Munck takes us on a
mathematical joyride, where synchronistic numbers of the Earth’s
measurements seem to emerge everywhere he looks.
Munck asserts that the ancients used a 360-degree system, the same as we now
use. Furthermore, his evidence indicates that the Prime Meridian was once
located in a different area, which actually appears to be a far more
appropriate area, as we shall see. Our current positioning of it in
Greenwich, England is basically due to the early years of European conquest
and scientific hegemony. Munck’s work shows conclusively that
the Ancients
used Gizeh, Egypt as zero longitude or the Prime Meridian. Were a society
able to perceive the crystalline energies running through a sphere, it would
be obvious to put the Prime Meridian at the point where all of them were
balanced together. Munck indicates this point to be in Egypt, straight
through the Great Pyramid. The reason for this being the "balance point" is
easily seen with the distribution of the continents, as Gizeh, Egypt is the
only place on Earth where "Great Circles" around the Earth’s circumference
can be drawn in every direction and the total amount of land that they
cover, as opposed to ocean, is higher than any other spot. In other words,
Gizeh is the true center of gravity on the Earth’s surface, a "node" that
all of the continents seem to resolve to.
So, there is no other intersection point on Earth where these great circle
lines will cover a larger amount of planetary landmass than Gizeh. Most
pyramid researchers think that the Egyptians built the pyramid at this spot
simply to map out the planet and impress us with precision. What we are
saying here is that the builders had no choice but to build the Great
Pyramid exactly where it is, if they wanted it to work properly. The reason
why it is the gravitational balance point of the world’s continents is that
the harmonic crystalline structure of the Earth’s vibrations arranged them
that way, in the same manner as how it curved the land surrounding the Nile
Delta. The Great Pyramid is built over the single most powerful vortex on
the entire planet, where the lines of the tetrahedron,
cube, octahedron,
dodecahedron and icosahedron all cross.
Drs. William Becker and Bethe Hagens
will show us this in the next chapter with their Grid map.
So, although Munck doesn’t delve into the Platonic solids, he has determined
where their center point is. Munck has not made a worldwide geometric "grid
map" per se, in the sense of a diagram that can be easily charted over the
Earth’s surface from which physical observations and / or predictions can be
made. But, in The Code, we do see smaller examples of four or five sites
that fit together with straight lines in what Munck calls "kite-shaped"
patterns. So, if there is no "grand map" in his model, why does Munck call
it a "grid?" How do we visualize a grid without a precise map of it?
To make the summary statement of Munck’s work more precise, we could say
that what Munck has actually discovered is a ubiquitous, planet-wide system
of coordinates. According to Munck’s startling evidence, this coordinate
system was mutually agreed upon by almost all builders of Sacred Sites on
Earth, regardless of where these sites may be. This coordinate system works
off of a 360-degree sphere, with the Great Pyramid, or the center of the
Platonic Solids on Earth, as the Prime Meridian. The next question that
immediately arises is how the Ancients could have put coordinates into their
monuments. Clearly they did not carve the latitude and longitude numbers
into the sides of their temples, or else we would have found them already!
While the Ancients certainly could have tried to do this, their true method
was far, far more elegant. What these ingenuous architects did was to work
the coordinates into the actual structures of the objects they built! All
over the world, Munck shows how the actual structure of the sacred object,
the number of faces, stairs, sides, terraces and other features that it
contains, reveals its code numbers. In other words, the basic "numbers" for
an object are acquired by simply counting up its visible features. Many of
the Mayan temples have large numbers of stairs, and Munck eloquently shows
how these numbers add up together. So again, the actual shape and structure
of the object itself gives its crucial coordinate numbers. Once this is
done, the numbers are combined with some basic and obvious form of addition,
multiplication, subtraction or division, and then combined with a special
"constant" that we will discuss in the next chapter. This forms a larger
number that Munck calls the "Grid Point Value." It is this number that
provides the key to the coordinate position, for Munck shows that a simple
mathematical operation on the latitude or longitude coordinates will come up
with the same exact number, down to many decimal places! This simple
operation is conducted by adding, multiplying or dividing the number of
degrees by the number of minutes by the number of seconds in the
So again, once you get the basic formula from the structure of the object
itself, your next step is to factor in certain basic mathematical constants.
All of these constants, such as pi, would be universal throughout all
planetary societies. No matter where you live, if you assign a circle a
diameter of 1 unit, the circumference will measure 3.14159 units. Since
numbers like this represent mathematical laws that cannot be altered, they
were used to interplay against the basic measurements of the structure
itself. And what we are left with is a truly ingenuous system that
transcends all language barriers.
When Munck’s formula is used to factor in simple, universal constants to the
outside features and measurements of the sacred site, the results are very
significant. All over the world, with extreme redundancy, all manner of
different sacred sites will literally describe exactly where they are on the
Grid, in terms of a 360-degree coordinate system with the Prime Meridian at Gizeh. The basic units of length measurement that are used in Munck’s system
are miles, feet and inches, and it is these "English" units that provide the
remarkable results. Obviously, this forces us to believe that these units
are a lot more archaic than we normally would think, as in most
Pyramidological literature, ancient measuring units are often seen as
"Primitive Inches," "Cubits," "Stades," "Furlongs" and the like. The article
that we referenced above on Laura Lee’s website shows some of Munck’s
simplest and most impressive work in decoding the Mayan Pyramid of Kukulcan.
The author of this book pondered for a long time about why Munck didn’t boil
everything down to a visual map of some sort, involving a series of
interconnecting lines, as this was what he had expected to see when he first
received his copy in 1997. Since the Platonic Solids clearly seem to be in
effect, the question became this: how would we get Munck’s sacred sites to
work with the Grid that we do know about? This question was actually one
that Wilcock’s own extraterrestrial telepathic sources posed to him when he
was in trance, back in Spring of 1997. At this time, he was simply told to
"combine the work of Carl Munck and Bruce Cathie together." As we have just
seen in the last chapter, Cathie’s work is quite complex, and
Munck’s work
certainly is as well. At the time of this writing, nearly two years after
the fact, David’s sources finally answered the original question in a
reading. By this point, David had finally done enough research to be able to
receive the answer, and he was now also aware that he was in contact with
Ra, the same extraterrestrial group that created the
Law of One series with
Don Elkins, Carla Rueckert and Jim Mc Carty.
Reading 53-29 started with a dream that David had awakened from, featuring a
canary that was perched on a piece of concrete inside an attic. A huge
explosive noise happened outside, and the shock wave seemed to travel
through the air, killing the canary instantly. At the same time, the number
1080 flashed in gigantic form, taking up his entire view. Then, it stopped,
and he woke up soon afterwards. After dictating this part of the dream, he
made this first initial statement:
D: I am getting the metaphor here that this dream has something to do with
the lunar number 1080, the climate canary dying, indicating upcoming danger,
caused by something at a distance that ruptured the ground right in front of
the canary. It sounds like a formula, again, telling me of an earthquake,
and with the number 1080, telling me that it has something to do with when
the moon is going to be full, possibly giving us a time. I don’t know. All
this dictation must have started around 3:28 a.m.
Right away, Ra proceeded to answer the question about what the dream might
have meant. In this part of the reading, there is a prediction of further
major earthquakes that would occur in 1999, which was certainly seen after
the reading was transmitted -- 1999 was the most intense seismological year
in recorded history, with several very severe earthquakes above seven points
on the Richter scale. Furthermore, we can see that the dream may well have
been speaking of the alignment of the Moon with the Sun on Aug. 11, and the
substantial land shifts that occurred soon afterwards. In that sense it was
very accurate!
True to form, the spherical mass of gravity will become more regularized as
a constant in the approaching months and years. In order to do this, it has
to renew and revivify the connection to the instreaming fourth density
positive solar energy. This comes about indirectly through the polarity of
the inhabitants, and more directly through the inevitable realignment of the
global grid itself. This aspect of change is not necessarily malleable,
although with the harmony of the inhabitants, it can be met at a much slower
speed, hence much less disastrous.
The connection we have is to the
Source Self of All Beingness; we are that
Light as well. Know then that this contact will continue to occur as the
greater effort is then made to seeking the Christ Light within you. All you
need to do is begin imagining the unutterable name of the One, and you will
then be on your way to arriving home.
These [consciousness] units are comparable to a host of other multilayered
presences, and in so doing, they encompassed a single unit in and of
themselves, which was a function of the interaction between large and small,
the planetary field and the individual (or apparent individual) entity
field. Separation does not exist, as there is a consciousness unit formed
from this unity, even as the global grid is formed.
Now this appears to be a most interesting comment that
Ra wanted to
interject as we have discussed consciousness units and the global grid. What
they seem to be telling us here is that we as human "entities" are also part
of the Global Grid, and together with the planet, we all fuse together into
one, gigantic consciousness unit in our own right. Obviously, this is a very
dynamic phenomenon, affected by population centers, human travel from one
location to another, et cetera. So, we construct and affect the grid by
where we choose to position ourselves.
The next sentence below is obviously working off of Hoagland’s work, where
the measurements of the Cydonia complex on Mars show us the mathematics of
the circumscribed tetrahedron. Then, Ra addressed David directly, regarding
the assembly of this book.
Those ancient monuments [on
Mars] have kept the ball rolling for hundreds of
thousands of years, and now you are accurately discerning their message of
physics with relation to rotating spherical mass and to the inscribed
geometric shapes therein. Do not fail to realize importance of what you are
now doing. To an onlooker from another plane, it is quite extraordinary to
see you becoming able to put all these things together. That fact alone has
made us very happy. Part of why we mentioned 1080 in this dream is in order
for you to be able to give some of the basic information indicated by John Michell regarding the
harmonic proportions of the earth and moon in miles,
as this will help round out the idea of the true harmonicity of the Earth’s
polar surface in times past.
As we touched on already, Michell’s work shows us that the
Moon’s diameter
in statute miles is exactly 2,160, or 2 x 1080. Through some special
mathematics, he shows the fundamental harmonic relationship between the
Earth and the Moon. As one example of Michell’s unique work, he reveals that
we are the only planet where the Moon is precisely big enough and at just
the right distance to produce total solar eclipses with a visible corona.
Other moons are usually too small to do this, based on the relative position
of the planet to the Sun.
Never before have I been able to speak so closely to you, and it is with my
consciousness that we are able to meld as One, and merge into the depths. So
now as we come closer to understanding this Oneness, we feel compelled to
shake off the boundaries that have surrounded us as we have studied the
circumscribed tetrahedron within the sphere and other things. Instead,
realize that it does all make sense, it does all fit together, and you will
indeed be coming home very soon. We underline and stress the word very.
The moment by moment transformation of your very existence is wondrous for
us to behold, as we see you are completing paths of karma that might indeed
have taken thousands of years otherwise. [David,] your romantic seclusion
with self has indeed been productive of a great number and variety of ways
for you to remain whole and complete in a short period of time in the
present. As a result of this, the next time we have to look into the looking
glass, we will have come even farther and made even more progress, conducted
even more readings, lived more fruitful, more fully energetic lives.
The "romantic seclusion with self" that they are speaking of represents
David’s own ability to face the issues within the self over a long, extended
period of almost complete solitude. That solitude and "alone time" has
provided substantial benefits, including this book and other works. All too
often, we surround ourselves with distraction, including TV, radio and the
presence of others, and we never enter into true silence.
Know right now that it’s different. You are able to walk and talk a
deliberate continuum of events that includes the discrete past as well as
the discrete future. The hoarders of this information have not given it to
you in the way in which you would like. Rather, they continue groping
blindly forward, lacking direction and substance in their meanderings. Let’s
focus more on the addendum to the author’s preface, and see the
transformation that must occur now waiting in the wings. Saturn and its
rings beckon you to rejuvenate your full contact with the Council therein.
Many times David’s readings will say things that are not immediately
understandable, rather phrased in metaphorical language that must be
personally decoded for meaning. And thus, we interpret the "hoarders of this
information" as representing those people who have allegedly channeled
material, but it is actually coming from their conscious minds. This is
obviously a very common phenomenon, and as a result a great deal of
contradictory information abounds on the Internet and elsewhere. Since the
main topic is Earth Changes, we can see that Ra is explaining that it is our
own consciousness and focus that determines how quickly these changes must
occur. In the next paragraph, Ra speaks on David’s own reluctance to receive
any psychic material related to Earth Changes.
To know these blessings is a great gift, and we achieve it second by second
as you feel this sense of belongingness. Do not worry about how all of this
will happen, or about why you feel that it is necessary to run and hide with
regard to Earth Change prophecies. Instead, see the whole issue as a
volleyball game with Spirit. Both sides of the net are trying to keep the
ball up into the air, but it is Spirit that has created both sides, as well
as the net, the ground that surrounds it, and the air that the players
breathe. The forces in the earth are like the two sides of volleyball team,
pushing and pulling, giving you a summary of different stresses. The
discarnate forms of the enlightened could be construed as part of this game,
with conscious humanity on the other side.
Know then that in our heart of hearts, we only want the best for you. We
only want what is right. We are also aware that the 75,000 years of your
karma is ending, and a gateway more massive and spectacular than anything
you could have ever imagined is now extraordinarily soon to open.
The seeds become simpler, then, when you understand how to sow them. In
order to create the necessary learning experiences to positively polarize
the entities upon your plane in a short time, we have been mandated by the
flow of energy from within each of you to continue to guide your planetary
sphere in this direction.
So we have a cavity of sorts developing. A cavity that needs to be filled, a
blemish on the tooth that must needs be drilled out and filled in with
porcelain. In order to keep you are aware of revolution, both human
revolution and the revolution of the music of the spheres, it is necessary
to begin asking some very simple questions: Who am I, where did I come from,
and where am I going.
The information superhighway is up and running, and we are but one example
of how it is that a planet of information resounds around you in this
Creation. As we prepare to venture deeper forward into higher realms, we
also know and understand that the most anyone can do is to aspire to God.
So, we have a unique balancing beam act that we must portray - we delicately
point out the ways in which your own equilibrium and balance as a planet is
kept with such great care and determination.
From this point, David directly tackles the topics already being discussed
in these chapters by asking Ra a series of precise questions about this
work. His biggest question was how to rectify the difference between Bruce
Cathie’s units of harmonic time and distance with the figures shown in
Munck’s work, relating to traditional English inches, feet and miles.
D: I would like to ask a question. I have been doing some pretty involved
work on trying to fit together Richard Hoagland, the work of Bruce Cathie,
which I have expanded upon considerably, the work of Carl Munck and also
Becker / Hagens. So here’s the catch-22. Bruce Cathie uses a system that
seems to be derived based on, predominantly based on, division, addition,
subtraction and multiplication, those four basic operators. There are some
square roots in there, and I guess that there are squares and cubes as well.
So, the operators are basically the same, but there are no trig functions as
I see it. I haven’t seen any tangents, secants, any of that stuff. Actually,
it is usually tangent, cosine, sine.
Anyway, this system of measurement seems to be based completely on units of
arc, a degree measurement system based on 360. That is how he measures
everything. And, that system of measurement is connected with the harmonic
values for Light, and that is how I am using it now, to express the harmonicity of our mathematics with regards to the dimensional frequencies.
And then on the other hand, we have Carl Munck, who has accurately set the
prime meridian at Giza, and we have such fantastic redundancy in his numbers
as to be truly stunning. Now in his case, he is using a system of feet and
inches and miles to derive his measurements.
There is definitely some stuff that makes the idea of using [the English
system of inches, feet and miles] look good, specifically the [measurements
of the] moon. I think I am starting to get the answer here already. Could
you please explain how we rectify these two differing systems of measurement
together, since you had asked me to combine this data?
[And now, we get the answer:]
When one utilizes an advanced function of research like this, we need to
keep in mind that the answers are more difficult than the questions.
Understand, then, that what we are looking at is indeed two overlapping
systems, wherein the grid measured by Cathie is in effect, and can indeed be
mapped with great precision upon the Earth’s surface. What you have in the
case of Carl Munck is the rediscovery of the cosmic or Atlantean influence
upon modern measurements; that influence centered more purely and concretely
in the regular foot, inch and mile measurement.
As you have seen, the
harmonic values of the Moon’s diameter, the 2160
miles, et cetera, are all very good. And thus, we do not wish to confuse
you, merely to state the following. When it comes to the spherical mass of
the Earth, relative to its grid and so forth, it is necessary to view this
grid by and large as occurring within the 360-degree system. So therefore,
although your terrestrial scientists have referred to one minute of arc as a
nautical mile, it is better to understand that this is in a sense its own
animal, its own form of measurement.
What we have with Munck’s discoveries is a reaffirmation of the validity of
one of the two major rediscoveries of modern human civilization; namely,
this lost system of notation.
At this point, the flow stopped. From what small amount
David could follow
as it came through, he could tell that the question was not answered with
very much specificity. So, he probed them for more information.
D: Well, okay. Do you have any further knowledge as to how to resolve these
two grids together?
Understand that to a large degree, many of the earth works that you see were
designed simply to worship and honor the Earth itself. And thus, certain
harmonic points on the globe were indeed a function of the global grid in
its various forms. It was at these points that the monuments were chosen to
have been built. There is some intricate-level work that could be done on
all of this, and we will leave that to future authors. What we can say is
that you have already given us far more to be proud of you for than we could
have ever imagined possible.
The important point is to remember Munck’s main discovery, which is this.
The ancients devised a system that was very simple, a system of mathematics.
This system enabled them to encode the positions in degrees upon whatever
earthwork or stone object was in question, with relation to the global grid.
This global grid’s prime meridian was, as we said, centered through the
Great Pyramid of Giza, and this is based upon the mathematical precisions of
the Earth with relevance to the interplay of the various geometric shapes
and their various frequencies and foci - two tetrahedra back to back, et
Upon continuation of this concept, we then see that the fifth harmonic
interval on the musical scale plays an important part. As it sounds well to
your ears, so too does it resonate well with the grid. This is indicative of
why the Cathie grid as charted out, obviously by Bruce Cathie, favors so
strongly the geometrical positions of the octahedron for your own level and
the cube for the fifth. This does illustrate a certain balance/imbalance now
present within the Earth’s temporary equilibrium. We would like to think of
the fifth density energy as lying dormant in potential for your people now,
although very strong and close to the surface for us.
Therefore, we see
Cathie’s discoveries regarding UFO tracklines and the like
strongly favoring this particular shape, as it is the easiest to use, and by
far the strongest to see. The other shapes do have an effect, and have had
their effects in the position of landmasses and the various gravity
anomalies that you have seen. So, it is important to look at everything here
on the drawing board. As we have said, Munck’s discoveries involved counting
the number of visible features on the earthwork, pyramid or temple in
question, and then multiplying or dividing these numbers by some of the
fundamental constants Munck has discovered, such as 1.177245771, cetera. The
cube root of double pi is another such constant.
This point in the reading can be clarified more precisely by reminding
ourselves that Munck’s measurements come about by multiplying or dividing
the numbers within the degree, minute and second coordinates of the
earthwork in latitude and longitude. One simply multiplies or divides the
number of degrees by the number of minutes by the number of seconds. This
operation (usually) produces a single irrational number, or a number with a
decimal point. Then, when you multiply the visible features of the earthwork
together with one of the basic constants that we mentioned, you end up with
this same number. It is the two systems working together that produces the
accurate Grid coordinates. Munck calls these "sum numbers" the
Grid Point
Values for any earthwork. Now, the reading continues:
By working together these disparate sources of information, and working in
the basic constants, we may indeed then see, as Munck has accurately noted,
that time after time, again and again, literally all major stone works or
earthworks upon the Earth’s surface have precisely encoded their coordinates
upon the grid in latitude and longitude. This is by no means a small feat,
but indicative of the amazing degree of precision and fastidiousness with
which those who built pyramids have been involved, among others.
D: Okay, well I guess that was the end of my question. Let’s see if I can
refine it a little bit. Would Carl Munck’s discoveries work better with the
Becker / Hagens system, or the Cathie system, and if there is a difference,
could you please explain what the difference is?
[Note: The
Becker / Hagens system employs all of the Platonic Solids
together as one, and we will examine it in the next chapter of this book.]
In order to understand this coordinate system, it will be necessary to study
more concretely the interplay of various forces integrated as a whole,
including diamagnetic energy vortices, and the summation between magnetic
lines of force and plate push. This was all well illustrated by Dr. Richard Lefors Clark. Lest you be frightened by the size or volume of this data, we
remind you that there are no worthless paths in the Creation. All paths are
part of the One Creator, and all will lead you back home. The sitting of
these ancient monuments reflects quite nicely the system of physics that was
understood, and the careful encoding of certain areas on the grid’s nexi of
electromagnetic instreaming force.
The work of Dr. Clark will be discussed in our next chapter, and the source
of the article that they are referring to is in David Hatcher Childress’
book, Anti-Gravity and the World Grid. Dr. Clark shows that in addition to
studying the Global Grid, we also need to consider the shape of continents
and the directions that the plates are moving in order to figure out where
the greatest energetic upwellings will be. He expresses these "stress lines"
as bowtie-shaped "diamagnetic energy vortices," and we will cover this in
the next chapter. So, what Ra is telling us in this reading is that these
earthworks were not simply built on "node points" of the
Global Grid, but on
complex intersections or stress points between the Grid and the other forces
at work on the planet. And thus, these earthworks were not so much built
according to one single Grid map, but rather constructed where they needed
to be built. As the reading goes on, we will see why they were so necessary.
These separate points had structures built around them in order to make them
useful for the purposes of healing and / or planetary balancing.
These were
the two primary functions, as we have already stated in the
Ra Material. So
therefore, in going about this in the most complete way possible, we can see
that without having done this to such amazing fastidiousness and precision,
then the system itself would have been incomplete. In many cases, it was the
structure itself that was of highest import, not as much the way that it was
built, which was to encode its grid latitude and longitude position.
The structure itself was necessary to be built along certain lines in order
to regularize the energy flows therein. And thus, you do see a great many
stone circles, or earth circles, as in certain cases, the circle is by far
the most adequate energy regularizer for grid fluctuations. Remember that
these grid fluctuations are caused largely by the consciousness of the
planet’s inhabitants. And thus, in the ancient civilizations of the past,
these fluctuations were being offset by higher level races coexisting with
those in a much more primitive state, who were not capable of discernment,
and did create disharmony to a large extent.
Munck writes a great deal about the "Mound Builders" in North America, and
shows his Grid mathematics coming into play in the construction of many
large circles of earth, most of which are in Florida. And now, we have seen
the Miami Circle as well, an "inverse Stonehenge" where there are sockets in
the ground in place of standing lintels. Hoagland has already cited
preliminary evidence that there are standing stones designed to fit within
these sockets located nearby, thus equipping it as an observatory much as
Seth had referred to Stonehenge, which he called "Stockridge," previously.
Now, Ra is telling us that the purpose of these circles was to balance and
redistribute chaotic Earth energies.
And so, when a man tries to reach 0 degrees longitude and 30 degrees
latitude, he will come upon the Great Pyramid. In this way, then, all other
objects do encode their position relative to the Great Pyramid, and this
measurement is stored by the construction method itself. You might then ask
why this is necessary. Our answer is thusly stated: By inducing an
appreciation for the Code’s measurements among the populace, the ancients
were able to indeed preserve their records. The most important reason for
why this coordinate system was done was to insure that the proper usage of
the Grid be maintained for future generations; namely, the accurate setting
of the Giza pyramid as the Prime Meridian.
It was for this reason that it was done, as it was important that those who
would come in later decades of Divine days, shall we say, would then be able
to reconfigure the global grid based upon the coordinate point of the
earthwork they had found.
Here they refer to the Bible quote, "a thousand years are but a day in the
eye of the Lord." So, a "decade" would be 10,000 years. They are obviously
dating these monuments by making that statement.
And so, this was indeed a very important way of keeping track of their own
system of measurements, to then have a living file index, if you will, that
allows for the necessary information to be reconstructed at will if even one
earthwork was found, and the code then understood to the initiate in dreams
and visions and the like.
Archeocryptographer Carl Munck has indeed exceeded our expectations quite
well, and has gone beyond the normal boundaries of ordinary reality to prove
those things that might seem far above simple to you. It is for this reason
that we commend him as having a major part in the rediscovery of Atlantean
physics, mathematics and science. This grid encoding system was indeed very
valuable, and thus wherever you look you will find it. This is the reason
why Munck has continued to discover such amazing feats of geometry and
mathematics wherever he looks.
This also has to do with why he has found similar connections with the
Cydonia complex [on Mars,] then linking it to
Earth. As the overseeing
spiritual forces in both areas are the same, so too have they built or
collaborated in the building of the earthwork structures for the various
inhabitants of these points. Remember then that this is, as you would term
it, an alien science, given by the Council of Saturn and
the Confederation
of Planets at large, to whomever might be of the presence of mind to use it.
This system is so applicable and so effective in its format that it is, in a
sense, the universal standard: to simply count the faces up of the object in
question, to take its measurements and then work in those measurements
against known fundamental mathematical universal constants, then encoding
its grid position based on the 360-degree coordinate system that is an
aspect of Divine Creation in its usage of fundamental frequency numbers of
sound, geometry and light. And thus, the
Law of One is satisfied in whatever
form necessary, and you see a passive planetary science being introduced
into the various societies and civilizations therein as they approach
And thus, there are many similarities, and Munck is indeed accurate in
setting the Martian prime meridian in Cydonia, at the point of the
D & M
pyramid, the giant five-sided mound that was home to so many entities at one
We now take our leave of you, and remind you that this work you are doing is
of paramount importance to the future of human civilization. Do not fail to
underestimate the power of your contributions and their significance, as it
will all become readily apparent in the very near future. You may indeed
reprint this reading into the transcript of your book, in order to help
discuss Munck’s work more clearly. We thank you. Peace be with you in the
Light of everlasting Love.
D: The time now is 4:33. It has been about an hour.
And so, with this reading and the data concerning
Munck that we have
discussed, the implications are quite significant, as it indicates that
literally the entire world’s collection of sacred sites were created and
mapped precisely by what had to have been a global culture. And, the
erection of these monuments had a discrete and perfectly understandable
science behind them -- the balancing and harnessing of planetary energies.
We also were given a hint as to the connecting link between Munck’s work on
these monuments and our Platonic, consciousness-unit based Global Grid.
Complex stresses are at work, and the monuments were built where they were
needed to be located to provide for the balancing of Earth energies. The
design of the monuments was crafted in such a way as to illustrate their
Our initial point of entry into this material was to show how these "grid
bands" showed up on both Mars and Earth. We had printed a map of the
Egyptian and American "grid bands" above, and demonstrated their value in
determining the sitting of ancient monuments. We also could see how the
gravitational energies of the Earth itself seemed to be affected, by the
structure of the Yucatan in Mexico and the placement of the Nile River and
its delta in Egypt. So let’s refresh our memory on the grid bands with a
quote from Munck, as we pursue the real meaning behind them.
...It appears most of the pyramids between 120 and 121 degrees west of
will show us constants in the same way. Just why they do I am not yet
certain, but 120 degrees is 1/3rd of the way around the world from Giza,
hence 1/3rd of a full 360 - degree Earth. It could be as simple as that.
If our model is correct, the entire
tetrahedron should show itself on the
planet through grid bands. Yet there is nothing in Munck’s books about the
third band, which as we can see in the earlier diagram would be right near
As we investigate this concept further, a few points should become obvious.
The Japanese islands are volcanic, as everyone knows. Hoagland shows us
Olympus Mons on Mars, a volcano three times the size of Mount Everest that
is right on the grid point of the tetrahedron. So, if we look at the entire
structure of Japan, we see that it is essentially a big strip of land that
runs nearly parallel to where our grid band would be, and actually crosses
over it at the top. Near to where it crosses is the island of Okinawa. And
it is right near this area that we find our next clue to the mystery.
Laura Lee was the first major media outlet to reveal pictures of submerged
megalithic structures off the coast of
Yonaguni, a small island near
Okinawa. The Japanese researchers working on this are unanimous in agreement
that they could not have been above water for at least the last 12,000
years. Though not true pyramids, the structures have amazing rectilinear
geometry to their design and easily dwarf the scuba divers swimming around
them. They also are built with successive layers of massive blocks that
taper inwards as one goes higher up the sides. This portion of the structure
looks very similar to a step-pyramid or ziggurat, as well as being a
parallel to the Central American designs such as Tikal.
Therefore, with Japan we can see that
our third grid band is satisfied. The
Ring of Fire, which is the violent intersection of various continental
plates, follows closely to the band and crosses it at Japan. Massive
geometric energy forced the land / ocean barrier around Gizeh into a circle
shape and causes one of the world’s largest rivers to flow "upwards," or
South to North, unlike the Mississippi, which is North to South. Similarly,
the mighty tetrahedron grid band shows its muscle by causing tremendous
upward force on the continental plates at the Far Eastern side of the Asian
So, we can see yet another example of a massive site that was built in an
area that would allow it to balance and harness chaotic Earth energies. We
can certainly see the chaos in an area like the Ring of Fire, with such
strong volcanic activity. Obviously, when the full structure of the Yonaguni
megalithic stonework can be determined, it will give us its Grid position
based on the multiplication of its faces, terraces and steps, together with
a fundamental Earth Grid constant. Once a researcher is familiar with
Munck’s system, they know what they are looking for. That is why the Miami
Circle yielded its Code secrets to Munck and his associates so quickly in

The 12,000-year minimum age of the
Yonaguni structure clearly shows us that
this Grid system was in operation during the Atlantean time period. This
archaeological finding certainly conjures up images of
Lemuria or
another area of land in the Pacific that sources such as Edgar Cayce’s
readings insisted was above water at one point. The works of
James Churchward go into great detail to legitimize the story of
Mu. Indeed such
ancient sites as Nan Matol and
Easter Island, among others, help to show
that a megalithic stoneworking culture lived there at one time. The islands
are simply too small now to maintain the number of people necessary to have
been able to build the structures.
Our point of going into all these details regarding grid bands and
forms is to fully explain how the Ancients were aware of its presence. This
gives us concrete scientific evidence that a consciousness unit naturally
harmonizes to the size of a planet, and that it produces energy with
measurable effects. Certain ancient cultures appear to have built pyramids
and other energy-focusing structures on these grid points and bands in order
to stabilize and harness the energy that is created there. While this energy
could have physical uses, sources such as Ra indicate that it has profound
implications for spiritual consciousness. Such pyramidal “machines”
apparently help attune people to the necessary vibrations to make a
dimensional shift or energy change. This could explain the oft-cited mystery
of the sudden disappearance of the entire Mayan civilization in early AD. We
might hypothesize that they were able to calculate the timing of a solar /
astrological event, which provided enough outside energy for them to use
such structures for the purposes of making such a shift.
In the next chapter, we will complete our entire discussion of the Global
Grid as we bring in the Becker/Hagens evidence, showing that the other
Platonic solids of the Octave also emerge in quite amazing ways. We will
show repeated examples of this grid that were discovered in various
scientific studies, and explain how we need to view all of the Platonic
shapes together in order to really “see” the grid.