This new addition of 10/20/02 gives us an overview of the entire
three-volume series in the Convergence material.
In this introductory chapter, the beginning of the case for the
Shift of the Ages is laid out. We see how many different movies,
television shows and other creative works are all preparing us for
this on the subconscious level. Author David Wilcock's first major
"Ascension dream" is described, wherein he went through an
experience that gave a metaphorical description of this dimensional
shift process. We then have an outline of the structure of this
book, chapter by chapter.
Harmonic Dimensions - The Architecture of the One
In this chapter, the fundamental design of the Harmonic Universe
theory is laid out. We show the clear connections between the
"octaves" of light and sound, and begin to look at how geometry fits
into the puzzle as well. We also take a look at the idea of
"Consciousness Units," (CUs,) the unseen structures behind all
matter, both physical and nonphysical. We explore the "Grand Theory"
for how these pulsating CUs come about, and why they exist.
3. Harmonic Pyramids on Earth and Abroad
Here, we show how the geometries of the CU have been harnessed
by the building of crystal structures, or what we call pyramids. We
show the evidence that these pyramidal structures were constructed
on the planet Mars as well as Earth. We speculate as to the
incredible power of the
Great Pyramid at the time that it was
originally built, given the fact that its construction was of such
precision and accuracy. We clearly show how these were built with a
much higher level of technology than we give them credit for, and
were used for a purpose that we are only now beginning to
The Breath of the Divine and Superstring Theory
Here we investigate how modern physics is aligning itself with
the original ideas presented by the ancient peoples and mystics of
old. We show the fundamental connections between the inner workings
of the CU and modern "Superstring Theory" in physics, revealing how
elegantly the theory of the CU conforms with newly-discovered
models. Finally, we see how a quote from Seth appears to have
predated this new theory by at least ten or fifteen years.
Scientific Arguments for an
"Octave" of Dimentions
In this chapter, we investigate the extraordinary life of
mathematician Srinivasa Ramanujan. Though the full story is often
underplayed in the modern mathematical and scientific arena, we show
that his incredible mathematical discoveries were brought about
through a psychic process. Furthermore, we show how the number 8,
for the Octave, was the underlying factor in Ramanujan's
calculations. The octave-based "modular functions" within these
calculations now form the basis of understanding for the structure
of the multidimensional universe in modern physics. This is then
followed by a look at the work of Tony Smith for more detail.
6. The Seth Entity and "Consciousness Units"
This chapter is a direct excerpt from the end portions of "The
Seth Material," the original debut of Jane Roberts' channeling
efforts in 1971. What we find is an in-depth study of the
Consciousness Unit. The metaphysical properties of the
CU are
explained by Seth in careful detail. The result is a guided tour
through a set of metaphysical ideas that most people have never
considered before. We then explore how archetypes and CUs are
The Emergence of the "Mother of All Crop Circles"
In this chapter, we zero in specifically on the efforts of
Higher Intelligence to show us, in modern times, a precise image and
description of exactly what a Consciousness Unit is, as well as the
phase of the CU that we are now heading into. All of this comes
about through the Barbury Castle 1991 formation, an image of
incredible size and complexity that appeared literally overnight in
a field of wheat. The entire story and background of the
circles is explored in some detail, along with Gerald Hawkins' "Crop
Circle Theorems" that show a clear connection between geometry and
"diatonic" musical ratios, and other formations that reveal more
Richard Hoagland and the "Message of Cydonia"
In this chapter we go in very specifically to look at the life
and research of controversial frontier scientist Richard Hoagland.
We take a brief look at the case for there having been a lost
civilization on the planet Mars, building pyramidal structures as
well as a gigantic edifice carved into the shape of a human face.
Most significantly, we explore how Hoagland's team showed that this
entire "City" complex of formations reveal all of the basic
mathematical principles of the fourth-dimensional phase of the
CU -
namely, a tetrahedron within a sphere. We can then see how this
knowledge of the physics of the CU is not confined to

9. The Cathie Grid
This chapter explores the work of Bruce Cathie, which illustrates
how the observed flight paths of UFOs reveal that they are following a
"Grid" over the earth, shaped in the form of a cube and octahedron- two
of the seven fundamental geometric phases of the CU, representing the
third and fifth dimension. We go into great depth to explore the
significant harmonic mathematical discoveries that Cathie has made from
the study of this grid, including his most stellar achievement of all:
Cathie solves the Unified Field paradox of modern physics, revealing
that all of the Creation is simply a function of Light. We also take
excerpts from the Ra Material to help develop these ideas concerning the
expanding and contracting CU in their "cosmic context."
10. The Philadelphia Experiment and Ascension
In this chapter, we begin to examine the basics behind how this
system of hyperdimensional physics could actually produce a spontaneous
disappearance of a physical body. We deeply examine the case history of
the Philadelphia Experiment, wherein a Naval ship was allegedly
"teleported" back and forth from Norfolk, VA to Penn's Landing, PA. We
suggest that this experiment was an early, crude proof of the fact that
if a magnetic field of sufficient strength is configured to produce the
higher-level geometries of the CU, you may very well be able to
transform the matter phase of everything within that area to a higher
dimension. We also suggest that the Sun is naturally producing this same
effect, only on a much larger and more long-term scale.
11. Global Grid Two: Hyperdimensional Crystals on Planets
Now, we return to the implications of Hoagland's work with the
Cydonia "City" complex on
Mars. A tetrahedral, geometric energy force
expressing itself through a sphere is shown on many of the planets in
the Solar System, including Earth. Then, we head directly into an
in-depth study of the work of Carl Munck, who revealed that almost every
single pyramid, earthwork and "sacred site" worldwide uses a simple code
to describe its exact position on the Grid. We definitively show how
Munck rediscovered this Atlantean planet-wide system of geometric
coordinates, similar to our own but with the central longitude line
passing through the
Great Pyramid of Giza. David brings in the work of
his own readings in order to help answer the paradox of how to integrate
together the works of Munck, Cathie, Hoagland and other "Grid" pioneers.
12. Becker / Hagens: The Global Grid Solution
In this chapter, we put the capstone on our investigation of the
CU's expression as the Global Grid, through the initial work of
Ivan P.
Sanderson, followed by three Russian scientists and culminating with the
professors William Becker and Bethe Hagens. We show how the final
puzzle is solved when all of the basic Platonic Solids in the
CU are
plotted over the Earth's sphere. We see how the structure of continents
and landmasses are shaped by this. Furthermore, we investigate reports
concerning the mysterious disappearances and hyperdimensional effects
shown in certain "node points" of this Grid.
13. Physics of the Spiral in the Consciousness Units
In this chapter, we find the quintessential link between the
three-dimensional geometries of the CU and the harmonic, mathematical
"frequency numbers" of the Octave. This link comes to us through the
work of Mr. Carl Munck. We will see how Munck discovers that all of the
"Gematrian" frequency numbers that indicate sound vibrations have only
two commonly shared tangents. He then shows how the Speed of Light, in
seconds, is a precise function of these same two tangents. This gives us
a solid background upon which to establish a fundamental mathematical
connection between light, sound and geometry, adding great weight to the
reality of this theory, and therefore the reality of Ascension as well.
14. Cycles, Grids and MDP: The Historical Perspective
In this chapter we discuss the idea of secret societies having
preserved knowledge from the time of
Atlantis regarding these planetary
cycles and grid formations, as well as the entire field of harmonic
physics in general. By examining little-known facts such as the United
Nations Meditation Room mural and the symbols and writings on the
obverse side of the Great Seal of the United States, we begin to see how
these secret societies still persist, and apparently have a working
knowledge of many of the principles we have explored in this book. We
then explore the work of one Dr. Scott, who may well have discovered a
treasure trove of artifacts from Atlantis and is still waiting for the
proper time to unveil these outrageous findings to the outside world.

15. Cayce and Ra Speak on Great Solar Cycle
Here we check in on the remarkable works of
Edgar Cayce and
The Ra
Material. Cayce's readings specifically mention a Solar Cycle, and we
investigate that question against the backdrop of other information in
the Cayce Readings. Then, we go through an in-depth analysis of a series
of excerpts from the Ra Material, giving us a precise outline of what we
might expect as a result of Ascension, or what they refer to as the
16. Maurice Cotterell on Great Solar Cycle
In this chapter, we check in on the groundbreaking work of Maurice Cotterell. We discover that
Cotterell detailed a series of new cycles in
the Sun, related to the activity of the sunspots. These newly discovered
cycles fit perfectly with the information in the Cayce Readings and the
Ra Material, as well as information from the
Mayan Calendar.
Furthermore, this solar cycle was only recently discovered, while the
psychic works existed well before Cotterell made his first graph.
(Latest news about the Sun
The Sun Goes Haywire)
17. Maurice Chatelain's Mayan Calendar
Now, we check in on Maurice Chatelain. This chapter focuses on
Chatelain's work in attempting to fit the fundamental counting unit of
the Mayan Calendar, the ~20 year katun, into the conjunctions of
and Saturn. Even though we can demonstrate that Chatelain was wrong, the
mathematical connection between the cycles graphed by the Maya and the
Jupiter-Saturn conjunctions is undeniable. This lends considerable
support to the idea that the millennial period will be a major "gateway"
time as we head closer and closer into becoming a fourth-dimensional
18. The Nineveh Constant: Planetary Harmonics
In this chapter we examine perhaps the most enigmatic finding in all
of Chatelain's significant and practically unknown work. He learns that
all of the orbits of the planets can be expressed by one single number,
which is a singularly shared common denominator. This important and
heretofore unknown number is nothing more than the product of 70
multiplied seven times by 60! We ask ourselves how it can be that this
hyper-complex number was originally found on an
ancient Sumerian clay
19. Geometric Time and The Wilcock Constant
In this chapter, we see the work of Bradley Cowan revealing hidden
structures in time that can be harnessed, understood and mapped out to
predict the behavior of the stock market. We then look into
discoveries of a larger-order cycle in the Galaxy that is built up from
the same principles as the Nineveh Constant. This lends dramatic
assistance in understanding Ra's teachings, then made complete as we
determine a scientific basis for the combination three Solar Cycles into
20. Great Pyramid: Prophecy in Stone
This chapter starts out with an examination of the harmonic
periodicity of historical events, lending greater validity to the
concept of time as a geometric, predictable structure. From this basis,
we then explore the Great Pyramid Timeline. We learn how the
contains a timeline of future events, encoded through geometry and a
symbolic code that assigns a different meaning to each number one
through thirteen, and a few others as well. From here, we suggest that
Cayce's interpretation of the King's Chamber is indeed correct, and that
therefore we are now at the end of the Timeline. We then conclude with
some spiritual reflections on the nature of this book.
21. Conclusion: Tying it All Together
In this final chapter, we push all the "buttons" simultaneously,
weaving all the arguments presented in the book together into one
package. We see that the entire argument assembles together perfectly.
We also provide a few more compelling bits of new information, including
the emergence of the "11:11" ratio in the Great Pyramid and the idea
that the August 99 - May 2000 period is a major vibrational gateway to
usher in higher vibrations.